Register 2004 - rolling version copy - United Kingdom Parliament

Register 2004 - rolling version copy - United Kingdom Parliament Register 2004 - rolling version copy - United Kingdom Parliament
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HL Paper 147<br />



AS ON 16 JULY <strong>2004</strong><br />

Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />




By the Clerk of the <strong>Parliament</strong>s<br />

The Code of Conduct adopted by the House on 2nd July 2001 establishes a register and<br />

Registrar of Lords’ Interests. The operation of the register is overseen by a Sub-Committee of the<br />

Committee for Privileges and the Registrar consults the Sub-Committee when necessary. The Code is<br />

printed below, as is guidance on the application of each category.<br />

The register is continually kept up to date in loose-leaf form and may be inspected at the Table<br />

of the House and in the Minute Room and the Library. Memb ers of the public can inspect the <strong>Register</strong><br />

in the Record Office and it is available online at . The Code requires that the<br />

register be reprinted once a year and this new printed edition meets this requirement and follows an<br />

exercise in which all Members of the House were invited to confirm or amend their entries.<br />

The Code requires all Members of the House of Lords in receipt of a Writ of Summons, who<br />

are not on Leave of Absence, to register all relevant interests. The test of relevance is whether the<br />

interest might reasonably be thought by the public to affect the way in which a Member discharges his<br />

or her parliamentary duties. Relevant interests include both financial and non-financial interests. Those<br />

interests which the Code identifies as “always relevant” must be registered and are set out in<br />

paragraphs 12 (financial) and 15 (non-financial) of the Code; other interests must be registered<br />

“depending on their significance” and are set out in paragraphs 13 and 16. Members must register<br />

relevant interests within one month of acquiring them.<br />

The Sub-Committee has recommended that registrations relating to paragraphs 13 and 16 of<br />

the Code (other relevant interests) be restricted to those interests which might reasonably be thought by<br />

the public to affect in general the way in which Members discharge their parliamentary duties. A<br />

Member may have additional interests, relevant in particular circumstances, which will then require<br />

declaration in the context of those circumstances (for example, a debate).<br />

The Code maintains the principle of “no paid advocacy”. Thus Members “must not vote on<br />

any bill or motion, or ask any question in the House or a committee, or promote any matter, in return<br />

for payment or any other material benefit” (paragraph 4(d) of the Code). This restriction does not<br />

extend to matters relating to Members’ outside employment or directorships, where the interest does<br />

not arise from membership of the House. Members should, however, be especially cautious in deciding<br />

whether to speak or vote in relation to interests that are direct, pecuniary and shared by few others.<br />

The advice of the Registrar should be sought whenever there is doubt as to whether an interest<br />

is relevant for the purposes of the register. A Member who acts on the advice of the Registrar in<br />

determining what is a relevant interest satisfies fully the requirements of the Code of Conduct. In cases<br />

of difficulty the Registrar will consult the Sub-Committee. Members of the House should accept its<br />

decision as if it were that of the House. For further guidance, Members may wish to consult paragraphs<br />

4.60–4.66 of the Companion to the Standing Orders and Guide to the Proceedings of the House of<br />

Lords; the debates and resolutions of the House of 1st and 7th November 1995 and 2nd and 24th July<br />

2001; and take the advice of the Registrar and other clerks.<br />

When the House agreed to establish the present Code of Conduct, it was agreed that the Code<br />

should be reviewed after eighteen months of operation. Accordingly, in October 2003 the Committee<br />

for Privileges considered the matter and invited its Sub-Committee on Lords’ Interests to undertake a<br />

review. The Sub-Committee’s report was published in early <strong>2004</strong>. The report noted that there had<br />

been almost no complaints about non-compliance and recommended that the Code should be allowed<br />

to settle down for a further period of years before any changes to it were considered. The Sub-<br />

Committee’s report was endorsed by the Committee for Privileges.<br />

16 July <strong>2004</strong> PAUL HAYTER<br />

Clerk of the <strong>Parliament</strong>s<br />


ii<br />



Adopted on Monday 2nd July 2001<br />

as amended on Tuesday 24th July 2001<br />

Purpose of the Code<br />

1. The purpose of this Code of Conduct is:<br />

(a) to provide guidance for Members of the House of Lords on the standards of conduct<br />

expected of them in the discharge of their parliamentary and public duties;<br />

(b) to provide the openness and accountability necessary to reinforce public confidence<br />

in the way in which Members of the House of Lords perform their parliamentary and<br />

public duties.<br />

2. This Code applies to all Members of the House of Lords who have not taken leave of<br />

absence.<br />

Public duty<br />

3. By virtue of their oath, or affirmation, of allegiance, Members of the House have a duty to<br />

be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty The Queen, Her heirs and successors,<br />

according to law.<br />

Personal conduct<br />

4. Members of the House:<br />

(a) must comply with the Code of Conduct;<br />

(b) should act always on their personal honour;<br />

(c) must never accept any financial inducement as an incentive or reward for exercising<br />

parliamentary influence;<br />

(d) must not vote on any bill or motion, or ask any question in the House or a committee,<br />

or promote any matter, in return for payment or any other material benefit (the “no<br />

paid advocacy” rule).<br />

5. Members of the House should observe the seven general principles of conduct identified<br />

by the Committee on Standards in Public Life. The seven principles are:<br />

(a) Selflessness: Holders of public office should take decisions solely in terms of the<br />

public interest. They should not do so in order to gain financial or other material<br />

benefits for themselves, their family, or their friends.<br />

(b) Integrity: Holders of public office should not place themselves under any financial or<br />

other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might influence them in<br />

the performance of their official duties.<br />

(c) Objectivity: In carrying out public business, including making public appointments,<br />

awarding contracts, or recommending individuals for rewards and benefits, holders of<br />

public office should make choices on merit.<br />

(d) Accountability: Holders of public office are accountable for their decisions and<br />

actions to the public and must submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate<br />

to their office.<br />

(e) Openness: Holders of public office should be as open as possible about all the<br />

decisions and actions that they take. They should give reasons for their decisions and<br />

restrict information only when the wider public interest clearly demands.

(f) Honesty: Holders of public office have a duty to declare any private interests relating<br />

to their public duties and to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that<br />

protects the public interest.<br />

(g) Leadership: Holders of public office should promote and support these principles by<br />

leadership and example.<br />

Primacy of the public interest<br />

6. In the conduct of their parliamentary duties, Members of the House shall resolve any<br />

conflict between their personal interest and the public interest in favour of the public<br />

interest.<br />

<strong>Register</strong> of Interests<br />

7. There shall be established a register of Lords’ interests referred to in this Code. The<br />

register shall be maintained under the authority of the Clerk of the <strong>Parliament</strong>s by a<br />

Registrar appointed by him.<br />

A Member of the House must register relevant interests before 31st March 2002 and<br />

thereafter within one month of acquiring them.<br />

The register shall be available for public inspection in accordance with arrangements<br />

made by the Registrar. The register shall be regularly updated and shall be reprinted<br />

annually. The annual publication shall include all interests registered since the previous<br />

edition and all continuing interests unless their termination has been notified to the<br />

Registrar.<br />

Registration and Declaration of Relevant Interests<br />

8. Members of the House must:<br />

(a) register in the <strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests all relevant interests, in order to make<br />

clear what are the interests that might reasonably be thought to influence their<br />

actions;<br />

(b) declare when speaking in the House, or communicating with ministers, government<br />

departments or executive agencies, any interest which is a relevant interest in the<br />

context of the debate or the matter under discussion. This is necessary in order that<br />

their audience may form a balanced judgment of their arguments. In cases where<br />

Members of the House vote in a division where they have a relevant interest that they<br />

have not been able to declare, they should register that interest within 24 hours of the<br />

division.<br />

What is a relevant interest?<br />

9. The test of relevant interest is whether the interest might reasonably be thought by the<br />

public to affect the way in which a Member of the House of Lords discharges his or her<br />

parliamentary duties.<br />

10. The test of relevant interest is therefore not whether a Member’s actions in <strong>Parliament</strong><br />

will be influenced by the interest, but whether the public might reasonably think that this<br />

might be the case.<br />

11. Relevant interests include both financial and non-financial interests.<br />


Relevant financial interests<br />

12. The following financial interests are always relevant and therefore must be registered:<br />

(a) any consultancy agreement under which Members of the House provide<br />

parliamentary advice or services. A <strong>copy</strong> of any such agreement, and the<br />

remuneration received by Members for advice in relation to parliamentary matters,<br />

must be deposited with the Registrar of Lords’ Interests, so that details are available<br />

for public inspection.<br />

(b) employment or any other financial interest in businesses involved in parliamentary<br />

lobbying on behalf of clients, including public relations and law firms but Members<br />

of the House involved with organisations that offer commercial lobbying services are<br />

not obliged to refrain from participating in parliamentary business in connection with<br />

all clients of that organisation but only their personal clients;<br />

(c) any remunerated service which Members of the House provide by virtue of their<br />

position as Members of <strong>Parliament</strong>, and the clients of any such service;<br />

(d) employment as a non-parliamentary consultant;<br />

(e) remunerated directorships;<br />

(f) regular remunerated employment (excluding occasional income from speeches,<br />

lecturing, broadcasting and journalism);<br />

(g) shareholdings amounting to a cont<strong>rolling</strong> interest;<br />

(h) provision by an outside body of secretarial and research assistance;<br />

(i) visits with costs paid in the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong> and overseas, made as a Member of<br />

<strong>Parliament</strong>, except any visits paid for from public funds.<br />

iv<br />

13. The list in paragraph 12 above is not exhaustive. For example, relevant financial<br />

interests may also include (depending on their significance):<br />

(a) shareholdings not amounting to a cont<strong>rolling</strong> interest;<br />

(b) landholdings (excluding Members’ homes);<br />

(c) the financial interests of a spouse or relative or friend;<br />

(d) hospitality or gifts given to a Member which could reasonably be regarded as an<br />

incentive to support a particular cause or interest.<br />

14. Except for remuneration received by Members for advice in relation to parliamentary<br />

matters, Members of the House are not required to disclose how much they earn from the<br />

financial interests set out in paragraphs 12 and 13, but they may do so if they wish.<br />

Relevant non-financial interests<br />

15. The following non-financial interests are always relevant and therefore must be<br />

registered:<br />

(a) membership of public bodies such as hospital trusts, the governing bodies of<br />

universities, colleges and schools, and local authorities;<br />

(b) trusteeships of museums, galleries or similar bodies;<br />

(c) acting as an office-holder or trustee in pressure groups or trade unions;<br />

(d) acting as an office-holder or trustee in voluntary or not-for-profit organisations.<br />

16. The list in paragraph 15 above is not exhaustive. For example, relevant non-financial<br />

interests may also include (depending on their significance):<br />

(a) other trusteeships;<br />

(b) unpaid membership of voluntary organisations.<br />

17. Members of the House are not obliged to register membership of Churches, religious<br />

bodies and quasi-religious organisations. But it may be necessary to declare such interests<br />

(see paragraph 8).

Advice<br />

18. The operation of the register shall be overseen by a Sub-Committee of the Committee for<br />

Privileges on Lords’ Interests and the Registrar shall consult the Sub-Committee when<br />

necessary. The Registrar is available to advise Members of the House. A Member who<br />

acts on the advice of the Registrar in determining what is a relevant interest satisfies fully<br />

the requirements of the Code of Conduct.<br />

Enforcement of the Code of Conduct<br />

19. Allegations of non-compliance with this Code are dealt with as follows:<br />

(a) Any allegation should normally be raised first with the Member complained against.<br />

However, there may be circumstances when it is more appropriate to raise the matter<br />

with a party Leader or Chief Whip, or the Convenor of the Cross Bench Peers.<br />

(b) If the complainant chooses to pursue the matter, he or she should refer the allegation<br />

in private directly to the Sub-Committee on Lords’ Interests, through its chairman.<br />

(c) The Sub-Committee will then examine the allegation and may decide to investigate it<br />

further or to dismiss it.<br />

(d) In the investigation and adjudication of complaints against them, Members of the<br />

House have the right to safeguards as rigorous as those applied in the courts and<br />

professional disciplinary bodies.<br />

(e) If after investigation the Sub-Committee finds the allegation proved, the Member<br />

complained against has a right of appeal to the Committee for Privileges.<br />

(f) The conclusions of the Sub-Committee and of the Committee for Privileges are<br />

reported to the House.<br />

20. Paragraph 7 shall have effect forthwith; the remainder of this Code shall have effect from<br />

31st March 2002; and the resolution of the House of 7th November 1995 on the practice<br />

of the House in relation to Lords’ interests shall cease to have effect on the same date.<br />


vi<br />

Application of the Code<br />

Guidance by the Sub-Committee on Lords’ Interests<br />

In all categories Members should indicate the nature of a body’s business where it is not<br />

clear from the name: “BP (oil and energy)” but “Multiple Sclerosis Society” requires no<br />

explanation.<br />

Financial interests which are always relevant and must be registered: paragraph 12<br />

Consultancy Agreements: paragraph 12(a)<br />

It is no longer necessary for Members with interests in this section to refrain from all<br />

parliamentary activity in relation to that interest. Members should, however, be especially<br />

careful not to act in a manner contrary to paragraph 4(c) and (d) of the Code. Members<br />

must register the amount earned in respect of any interest in this section (paragraph 14).<br />

<strong>Parliament</strong>ary lobbying: paragraph 12 (b)<br />

This section includes public relations firms and law firms. Members with an interest in<br />

this section should provide the Registrar with a list of those clients for whom he or she<br />

acts personally. A short description of the nature of the client’s business should be<br />

included in the list except in cases where it is clear. Members must register the amount<br />

earned in respect of any interest in this section (paragraph 14).<br />

Remunerated Services: paragraph 12(c)<br />

Only those services arising directly from membership of the House should be registered.<br />

An interest arising from a Member’s profession, training or particular expertise should not<br />

be registered. Occasional income from speeches, lecturing, broadcasting and journalism<br />

should not be included. Members must register the amount earned in respect of any<br />

interest in this section (paragraph 14).<br />

Non-parliamentary consultant: paragraph 12(d)<br />

This section covers all consultancy arrangements not registered under paragraph 12(a) of<br />

the Code. Copies of these agreements do not need to be deposited with the Registrar, nor<br />

is it necessary to register the amount earned.<br />

Remunerated directorships: paragraph 12(e)<br />

It is not necessary to disclose the amounts earned from such directorships. Where not<br />

clear, the nature of the company’s business should be indicated.<br />

Regular remunerated employment: paragraph 12(f)<br />

Where it is not clear from the entry, Members should indicate the nature of the<br />

remunerated employment. It is not necessary to register the amount earned.<br />

Shareholdings: paragraph 12(g)<br />

This section applies to shareholdings in any public or private company. Members entering<br />

shareholdings in this section should indicate the nature of the company’s business where<br />

it is not clear.<br />

Secretarial research and assistance: paragraph 12(h)<br />

An entry in this section should refer only to such provision of assistance which is of direct<br />

financial benefit to the Member. If assistance is provided for the purpose of, for example,<br />

charity work and there is no direct financial benefit to the Member, the assistance should<br />

not be registered.

Visits: paragraph 12(i)<br />

Members may wish to indicate whether a spouse or partner accompanied them on the visit<br />

if their costs were also so paid. Any visit should be registered within one month of being<br />

undertaken. An entry made in this section will remain on the <strong>Register</strong> for a period of three<br />

years from the date on which the visit was made. Visits undertaken as a public duty<br />

should not be registered.<br />

Financial interests which may be relevant for registration: paragraph 13<br />

NB Registrations relating to this paragraph should be restricted to those interests which might<br />

reasonably be thought by the public to affect in general the way in which Members of the House<br />

discharge their parliamentary duties. A Member may have additional interests, relevant in<br />

particular circumstances, which will then require declaration in the context of those circumstances<br />

(for example, a debate).<br />

Shareholdings not amounting to a cont<strong>rolling</strong> interest: paragraph 13(a)<br />

This section only applies to shareholdings not registered under paragraph 12(g) of the<br />

Code and which constitute 5% or more of the issued share capital of the company or body<br />

or which hold a nominal value of over £50,000. Members entering shareholdings in this<br />

section should indicate the nature of a company’s business where it is not clear.<br />

Landholdings: paragraph 13(b)<br />

Entries in this section should include foreign as well as domestic landholdings. The<br />

decision as to what to register in this section must be one for the Member of the House<br />

and will depend on the significance of the landholding. Second homes need not be<br />

registered unless regularly let at commercial rents. The nature of the holding and its<br />

general location should be entered, but it is not necessary to include the acreage. The<br />

expression “including residential property” is to be taken as indicating that there are<br />

cottages etc. on the land which may be let. For example “Farmland in Herefordshire,<br />

including residential properties”.<br />

Interests of spouse or relative or friend: paragraph 13(c)<br />

This section is not intended necessarily to include the interest of a spouse etc. which<br />

would have to be registered were that person a Member of the House. The financial<br />

interest of a person other than a Member of the House will only in very rare<br />

circumstances be suitable for inclusion in the <strong>Register</strong>, even in cases where a declaration<br />

on the floor of the House would be desirable. An entry in the <strong>Register</strong> might be made in a<br />

case where an interest was so significant, and held by a person whose relationship to the<br />

Member was so close, that its existence might reasonably be thought to have a bearing on<br />

his or her action. The advice of the Registrar should be sought in all such cases.<br />

Hospitality or gifts: paragraph 13(d)<br />

This section applies only to gifts or acts of hospitality which might reasonably be thought<br />

to have been given in order to influence a Member’s actions. Normally gifts or hospitality<br />

of a value less than £1,000 are unlikely to be considered significant for the purposes of<br />

the <strong>Register</strong>. Members may however wish to make a declaration in respect of a gift or act<br />

of hospitality of a lesser value in the context of a particular debate. Gifts and the<br />

acceptance of hospitality should be registered within one month of receipt and entries will<br />

remain on the <strong>Register</strong> for a period of 3 years thereafter.<br />


Non-financial interests which are always relevant and must be registered: paragraph 15<br />

NB Paragraph 17 of the Code states that Members of the House are not obliged to register<br />

membership of Churches, religious bodies or quasi-religious organisations.<br />

Office-holder in voluntary organisations: paragraph 15(d)<br />

The post of Patron is not to be considered an office-holding for the purposes of this<br />

section.<br />

Non-financial interests which may be relevant for registration: paragraph 16<br />

NB Registrations relating to this paragraph should be restricted to those interests which might<br />

reasonably be thought by the public to affect in general the way in which lords discharge their<br />

parliamentary duties. A lord may have additional interests, relevant in particular circumstances,<br />

which will then require declaration in the context of those circumstances (for example, a debate).<br />

Other trusteeships: paragraph 16(a)<br />

The post of Patron is not to be considered a relevant interest for the purposes of this<br />

section.<br />

Voluntary organisations: paragraph 16(b)<br />

It is not necessary to declare membership of those organisations where membership is<br />

open to all for the payment of a fee, e.g. the National Trust.<br />


<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />



_____________________<br />

The following Members of the House of Lords have made<br />

declarations in respect of relevant interests under the Code of Conduct:<br />

ACKNER, Lord<br />

No relevant interests<br />

ACTON, Lord<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Member, Library Advisory Committee of the State Historical Society<br />

of Iowa, USA<br />

Member, Sustaining Board of the Linn County Historical Society,<br />

Iowa, USA<br />

Trustee, Old Creamery Theatre Company, Iowa, USA<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

ADDINGTON, Lord<br />

Member, The Pilgrims<br />

Member, Royal Africa Society<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Chairman, Purcell & Company<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Vice President, British Dyslexia Association<br />

Vice President, Lakenham Hewitt Rugby Club<br />

Vice President, Lonsdale Club<br />

Vice President, UK Sports Association<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

ADEBOWALE, Lord<br />

Patron, Adult Dyslexia Association<br />

Patron, Carousel<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Chief Executive Officer, Turning Point (a charity)<br />

Occasional income from broadcasting goes to Turning Point<br />

* indicates financial interest 1

2<br />

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Patron, Rich Mix Cultural Centre<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Mental Health Providers Forum<br />

Learning Disabilities Task Force<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

AHMED, Lord<br />

Company secretary, Turning Point<br />

Patron, Nurse Training on Alcohol<br />

Patron, Safe in the City (youth homelessness)<br />

Patron, Adzido (youth monitoring)<br />

Trustee, CHASE Council (hospice)<br />

EATA (European Association of Treatment Agencies)<br />

Trustee, Royal National Institute for the Deaf<br />

Member, Institute for Fiscal Studies<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Consultant on International Affairs to Nestlé, UK<br />

Consultant, LDV Vans (Birmingham)<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Kilnhurst Business Park<br />

Naz and Brothers Properties<br />

Shalimar International Ltd<br />

Yemen (funded by the Yemeni Development Foundation, UK) (April<br />

2002)<br />

Conference in Makkah, Saudi Arabia (all expenses paid by the Muslim<br />

World League) (April 2002)<br />

Conference in Binghamton, New York (all expenses paid by<br />

Binghamton University) (April 2002)<br />

Visit to the University of California, Los Angeles (all expenses paid by<br />

UCLA) (April 2002)<br />

Visit to Turkmenistan (May 2002), all travel and other expenses paid<br />

by Ahmed Calik, Senior Advisor to the President of Turkmenistan<br />

Visit to Pakistan (August 2002) attending the inaugural ceremony of<br />

Ahmed & Co Barristers (travel and expenses were paid courtesy of<br />

Ahmed & Co Barristers)<br />

Visit to Algeria (11 – 17 September 2002) as part of a delegation with<br />

other members of the Houses of <strong>Parliament</strong> (paid for by the<br />

Government of Algeria)<br />

Visit to the <strong>United</strong> States (November 2002) to attend a conference at<br />

Georgetown University in Washington D.C. (travel, accommodation<br />

and expenses paid for by the International Institute of Islamic<br />

Thought (IIIT) who hosted the event)<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

Visit to Northern Iraq (7–13 December 2002) (All travel,<br />

accommodation and other expenses paid by the Kurdish Regional<br />

Government)<br />

Visit to Islamabad, Pakistan (24-26 January 2003) (Travel and hotel<br />

expenses were paid by the Jinnah Institute, London)<br />

Visit to Toronto, Canada (31 January to 2 February 2003) (Executive<br />

members of Islamic Centre of York Region, Richmond, Hill<br />

Toronto, were responsible for the travel and accommodation<br />

expenses)<br />

Visit to Pakistan (6-10 March 2003) (all expenses paid by the charity<br />

Human Appeal International based in Manchester)<br />

Visit to the <strong>United</strong> Arab Emirates (14-17 March 2003) (all expenses<br />

paid by the charity Human Appeal International based in<br />

Manchester)<br />

Visit to Pakistan (12 – 24 April 2003) For the first three days speaking<br />

at various seminars in Islamabad, Lahore and Karchi at the<br />

invitation of The British Council (all arrangements and expenses<br />

were paid by the council) (15 – 24 April 2003 was a private holiday<br />

trip)<br />

Visit to Yemen (9 - 12 May 2003) (all travel and accommodation<br />

expenses paid by Yemeni Development Foundation)<br />

Visit to Moscow (23-26 July 2003) organised by the EuroAsia forum<br />

of Russia for a conference (accommodation and all other expenses<br />

(excl. travel) were paid for by the forum)<br />

Visit to South Korea, Seoul (10-16 August 2003) to attend an<br />

interfaith, inter-religious conference on world peace (all travel and<br />

other sundry expenses were paid for by the Federation for World<br />

Peace)<br />

Visit to Milan, Italy (23-26 August 2003) to attend a meeting (all<br />

necessary expenses were paid for by the Al-Mustafa Trust – Italy)<br />

Attended a meeting (28 March <strong>2004</strong>) to celebrate the 750 th Anniversary<br />

of Amir Khusro. Travel expenses paid for by The Amir Khusro<br />

Society (UK)<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Shalimar International Ltd<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Inherited property, farmland and houses in Azad Kashmir and Pakistan<br />

Agricultural land in Mirpur, Azad Kashmir<br />

*13(d) Hospitality or gifts<br />

Gifts received from President of Turkmenistan while on visit<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Member of Board of Advisors for the Pakistan Institute of Legislative<br />

Development and Transparency (PILDAT)<br />

Member of the Board of Trustees of the Jinnah Institute (London)<br />

President of South Yorkshire Victim Support<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Fazaldad Human Rights Organisation<br />

* indicates financial interest 3

4<br />

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

ALDERDICE, Lord<br />

Al-Hamd Trust – International Disabled Network<br />

Al-Shifa, Pakistan<br />

Amnesty International<br />

Association of British Hujjaj<br />

British Heart Foundation<br />

Chinese Muslim Charity, Kuwait<br />

Co-Op Party<br />

FACE Advice Centre, Rotherham<br />

Jammu and Kashmir Human Rights Council<br />

Kashmiri Journalist Association A.K., Pakistan<br />

Khattak Medical College, Pakistan<br />

Layton Rehmatula Trust, Pakistan<br />

Magistrates Association<br />

Mirpur Friendship Association<br />

SAHARA, Pakistan<br />

The Alma Hospital Trust<br />

The SAARC Foundation UK<br />

Unity Centre, Rotherham<br />

USDAW<br />

Yemeni Development Foundation, UK<br />

Young Pakistani Doctors Association<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Consultant to Norbrook Laboratories Ltd<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Speaker, the (suspended) Northern Ireland Assembly<br />

Consultant Psychiatrist in Psychotherapy, South and East Belfast<br />

Health and Social Services Trust<br />

Member of the International Monitoring Commission appointed by the<br />

British and Irish Governments<br />

Self-employed partner in private medical partnership with spouse,<br />

Lady Alderdice FRCPath<br />

Visit (31 March – 4 April 2003) to Tunisia with the All party<br />

<strong>Parliament</strong>ary Archaeology Group (accompanied by spouse) (paid<br />

for by the Government of Tunisia)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, Westminster Pastoral Foundation<br />

Vice-President, National Benevolent Fund for the Elderly<br />

Patron, Northern Ireland Institute of Human Relations<br />

Patron, Youth Access<br />

Patron, Immigrant Counselling and Psychotherapy<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Queens Counsel (arbitration, mediation work and practice as a<br />

barrister)<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Shareholding in Trevitt Properties Ltd<br />

Shareholding in Tyrolese Ltd (forestry)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Forestry in Wales (owned by Tyrolese Ltd)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chairman, International Dispute Resolution Centre<br />

Chairman, MCC<br />

Chancellor, Exeter University<br />

Patron, Disability Law Service<br />

President, Brighton College<br />

President, Environmental Law Foundation<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Executive Chairman of JUSTICE, the all party Law Reform Group<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, Hambledon Cricket Club<br />


16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Hon. Life Member, MENCAP (Past President)<br />

ALLENBY OF MEGIDDO, Viscount<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

ALLI, Lord<br />

President, The Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society<br />

Vice President, The International League for the Protection of Horses<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Castaway Television Productions Ltd<br />

Chorion Plc<br />

Shine Entertainment Ltd<br />

Shine: M Ltd<br />

Abbey National Consumer Board (partly remunerated in shares)<br />

AsSeenonScreen Holdings plc<br />

* indicates financial interest 5

6<br />

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Chorion<br />

Abbey<br />

Castaway<br />

Shine<br />

ASOS<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Governor, London School of Economics<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Elton John Aids Foundation<br />

Vice President, UNICEF UK<br />

Skillset (the national training organisation for broadcast, film video and<br />

multimedia)<br />

Rich Mix Cultural Foundation<br />

Family Planning Association<br />

Naz Foundation<br />

The Albert Kennedy Trust<br />


*12(b) <strong>Parliament</strong>ary lobbying<br />

Small shareholding in Precise Communications Ltd (now amalgamated<br />

with Unique) which works in a range of areas including public<br />

relations and lobbying – no such work undertaken on their behalf<br />

(no remuneration received to date)<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director , Merseyside Special Investment Fund and<br />

Banner Financial Services (Chair of ethical investment fund)<br />

Non-executive Director, Ethical Financial Solutions Group<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Director, Liverpool John Moores University Foundation for<br />

Citizenship<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Cross-party visit (June 2002) to refugee camps in Azerbaijan<br />

sponsored by the Azeri Government<br />

Human Rights visit (October 2002) to Southern Sudan sponsored by<br />

Jubilee Action<br />

Visit to Georgia (18-23 November 2002) sponsored by the Georgian<br />

International Oil Corporation<br />

Visit to South East Asia (January 2003), as part of a human rights<br />

delegation (sponsored by the Jubilee Campaign)<br />

Visit to North Korea and Burma border (September 2003) connected<br />

with human rights work sponsored by the Jubilee Campaign<br />

Visit to the USA (October 2003) connected with human rights work<br />

sponsored by the Jubilee Campaign<br />

Visit to Brazil (February <strong>2004</strong>) sponsored by the charity Jubilee Action<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Advisory Committee, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine<br />

Foundation Governor, Liverpool Bluecoat School<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Director, Catholic Central Library<br />

Trustee, Chesterton Institute<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Treasurer of two all-party parliamentary groups (Friends of CAFOD<br />

and the all-party parliamentary pro-life group)<br />

Chairman, all-party British-North Korea Group<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Past Chairman, Forget-Me-Not Appeal, Liverpool<br />

Vice President, Local Solutions (Merseyside Council for Voluntary<br />

Service)<br />

President, Liverpool NSPCC<br />

Trustee, James Mawdsley (METTA) Educational Trust<br />

Trustee, Partners in Hope<br />

Trustee, Lord Lieutenant’s Charitable Fund, Merseyside<br />

Vice President, St. Joseph’s Hospic e<br />

President, Mersey Kidney Research<br />

President, Karen Aid<br />

Board Member, Institute for Religion and Public Policy (Washington<br />

DC)<br />

Patron, Zoe’s Place (baby hospice)<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Guild of Catholic Writers<br />

Life<br />

The Jubilee Campaign<br />

* indicates financial interest 7

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

AMOS, Baroness<br />

8<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of Ministerial salary<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Land in Guyana<br />

*13(c) Financial interests of spouse or relative or friend<br />

Sister – partner in Amos Laycock, Consultancy Company, South<br />

Africa<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Friend of the Women’s Library<br />

Trustee (ex officio), National Portrait Gallery<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

AMPTHILL, Lord<br />

Trustee, Chequers Trust<br />

Trustee, Chevening Trust<br />

Trustee, Dorneywood Trust<br />

Patron of the Windsor Leadership Trust<br />

Friend of the Daycare Trust<br />

No relevant interests<br />

ANDREWS, Baroness<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of Ministerial salary<br />

ANELAY OF ST JOHNS, Baroness<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

President, World Travel Market<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, Woking Citizens’ Advice Bureau<br />

Trustee, The 1949 Conservative and Unionist Trust<br />

Vice President, Woking Conservative Women’s Committee<br />

President, Woking Constituency Conservative Association<br />

Trustee, UNICEF UK<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Magistrates’ Association<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Chairman, Enemy Property Compensation Panel<br />

*13(d) Hospitality or gifts<br />

Quom rug from the Iranian Resistance on visiting the President<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Bencher, Gray’s Inn<br />

Hon. Fellow, University College, London<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

President, World Disarmament Campaign<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Hon. Secretary, Wyndham Place – Charlemagne Trust<br />

President, Fabian Society<br />

President, Guild of British Asians<br />

President, Methodist Homes (MHA Care Group)<br />

President, One World Trust<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee, One World Trust<br />


*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Andartis Limited (art dealers)<br />

Artdeal Limited (art dealers)<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Corporate Dynamics Limited (investment holding company/investment<br />

in golf centre operating company)<br />

London & Boston Investments plc (investment holding company)<br />

Winner Land SL (Majorcan residential property investment)<br />

Albert Goodwin plc (Enterprise Investment Scheme, Fine Art)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Rented urban property in London, Tyne & Wear, Northshields, Telford<br />

and Workington<br />


15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chairman, Board of Governors, Royal Northern College of Music<br />

Chancellor, University of Hull<br />

* indicates financial interest 9

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

10<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

ARRAN, Earl of<br />

Chairman, Leeds Castle Foundation<br />

Chairman, Hestercombe Gardens Trust<br />

Trustee, RVW Trust<br />

Trustee, Derek Hill Foundation<br />

Trustee, Wells Cathedral School Development Trust<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

1 acre of allotment holdings in High Roding (Essex)<br />

1 acre near Kings Langley, Herts<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, Children’s Country Holidays Fund<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

ASHCROFT, Lord<br />

Trustee of certain family trusts<br />

Trustee of Chelsea Physic Garden<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Executive Chairman of Carlisle Holdings Ltd (support services;<br />

banking and other interests in Belize)<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Beneficial interest in Carlisle Holdings Ltd (support services; banking<br />

and other interests in Belize) and Bearwood Holdings Ltd<br />

(management consultancy)<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

British Car Auctions Ltd<br />

Corporate Services Group plc (recruitment services)<br />

Strand Associates Ltd (corporate finance and investor in other<br />

companies)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chancellor of Anglia Polytechnic University<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee, Crimestoppers<br />

Trustee, Prospect Education (Technology) Trust<br />

Assistant Treasurer of International Democrat Union<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina<br />


15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Emeritus Chancellor, Staffordshire University<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, National Cochlear Implant Users’ group<br />

President, Defeating Deafness<br />

President, League of Friends, Epsom Hospital<br />

President, RNID<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of Ministerial salary<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee, Verulamium Museum, St. Albans, Herts<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

ASTOR, Viscount<br />

Patron, Grove House Hospice, St. Albans, Herts<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Ancroft Tractors Ltd<br />

Chorion plc<br />

Cliveden Securities plc<br />

Prestbury Residential<br />

Streetnames plc<br />

The European Growth & Income Trust plc<br />

Urbium plc<br />

OKA Direct Ltd<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Chairman, Investment Committee, East European Food Fund<br />

Partner, Tarbert Farms<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee, Stanley Spencer Gallery, Cookham, Berkshire<br />

* indicates financial interest 11

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

ASTOR OF HEVER, Lord<br />

12<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Farmland in Kent, including residential properties<br />

Residential property in France<br />

*13(d) Hospitality or gifts<br />

Visit to Hong Kong (14-22 February 2003), travel and accommodation<br />

paid for by Hong Kong Government<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Kent Ambassador, to promote the interests of the County of Kent<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Committee member, Kent branch, Country Land and Business<br />

Association<br />

President, Motorsport Industry Association<br />

President, Heavy Transport Association<br />

Patron,<br />

Patron, National Traction Engine Trust<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, Rochester Cathedral Trust<br />

President, Durand group<br />

President, Earl Haig Branch, Royal British Legion<br />

President, Royal British Legion, Kent<br />

President, Edenbridge and District Rifle Club<br />

President, Kent Federation of Amenity Societies<br />

President, National Association of Valuers and Auctioneers<br />

President, RoSPA Advanced Drivers Association<br />

President, Eden Valley Museum Trust<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee, Astor of Hever Trust<br />

Trustee, Astor Foundation<br />

Trustee, Canterbury Cathedral Trust<br />

Trustee, Atlantic Bridge<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Member, Commonwealth Council, Royal Commonwealth Ex-Services<br />

League<br />

Member, Council of the Order of St John (Kent)<br />

Member, The Life Guards Regimental Council<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Richard Attenborough Productions Ltd (Film Producing and Directing<br />

Company – the Company also provides the services of Lord<br />

Attenborough in the UK to other Organisations)<br />

Attenborough Overseas Ltd (Film Producing Company – the Company<br />

also provides the overseas services of Lord Attenborough to other<br />

Organisations)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Director of Capital Radio plc<br />

Director of Attenborough Holdings Limited and its subsidiary<br />

companies<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Attenborough Securities Ltd (the Company carries on business as an<br />

investment company)<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Attenborough Holdings Ltd – holding is 36 shares out of a total issued<br />

capital of 147 issued shares (the Company is a holding company of<br />

a group whose activities are those of film producers and directors.<br />

The group provides the services of Lord Attenborough in the UK<br />

and overseas to other organisations)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodie s<br />

Chancellor, Sussex University<br />

President, RADA<br />

Chairman of Trustees, Waterford, Swaziland<br />

President, NFTS (National Film & Television School)<br />

President, BAFTA<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

ATTLEE, Earl<br />

Muscular Dystrophy of Great Britain<br />

The Actors Charitable Trust<br />

Denville Hall<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Serving officer in the Territorial Army (paid for each day of training<br />

and entitled to a tax free bounty if certain requirements are met)<br />

*12(h) Secretarial research and assistance<br />

From time to time intern (usually from the US) provided by EPA and<br />

others<br />

* indicates financial interest 13

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

14<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

President, Heavy Transport Association<br />

Patron, Road Rescue Recovery Association<br />

Patron, National Traction Engine Trust<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

AVEBURY, Lord<br />

Trustee, Attlee Foundation<br />

Vice-President, Barrett’s Oesophagus Foundation<br />

Patron, Deafway<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Cont<strong>rolling</strong> interest in C. L. Projects Ltd (company sells computer<br />

hardware and software, and provides management advice to Cook<br />

Labbock & Co, a partnership in which it has a 50% interest)<br />

Visit to Bahrain (31 December 2002-6 January 2003) (one return<br />

airfare to Bahrain and six nights in the Gulf Hotel paid for by the<br />

four opposition political parties which boycotted the elections.<br />

During the visit a number of gifts were received, full details of<br />

which have been lodged with the Registrar)<br />

Visit to Kuala Lumpur (November 2003 – 2 days). Fare and hotel paid<br />

for by consortium of Achek NGOs.<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

390 acres arable land in Northamptonshire<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, Kurdish Human Rights Project<br />

President, TAPOL (Indonesian Human Rights)<br />

Patron, Angulimala Buddhist Prison Chaplaincy<br />

Vice President, London Bach Society<br />

President, Advisory Council for the Education of Romanies and<br />

Travellers (ACERT)<br />

Chairman, Cameroon Campaign Group<br />

Chairman, Peru Support Group<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee, Silbury Fund<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

BACH, Lord<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of Ministerial salary<br />

*13(d) Hospitality or gifts<br />

The M.O.D. maintains a <strong>Register</strong> of all gifts and hospitality received<br />

ministerial capacity and this is submitted through official channels<br />

at regular intervals. No such gifts or hospitality received in a nonministerial<br />

capacity<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member, University of Leicester Court<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

BAGRI, Lord<br />

TGWU<br />

The Labour Party<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Metdist Group<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Metdist Group<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member of the Court, City University, London<br />

Member, Advis ory Committee, Prince’s Youth Business Trust<br />

Member, Governing Body, School of Oriental and African Studies<br />

(SOAS)<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee Chairman, Rajiv Gandhi Foundation (UK)<br />

Trustee, Bagri Foundation<br />

Trustee, Sangam Association of Asian Women<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Honorary President, The London Metal Exchange Ltd<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, Teather & Greenwood plc<br />

Chairman, Northern Edge Ltd<br />

Chairman, Business Serve plc<br />

Chairman, Monstermob Ltd<br />

Non-executive Director, Hanson plc<br />

Non-executive Director, Millennium Chemicals Inc<br />

Non-executive Director, Stanley Leisure plc<br />

* indicates financial interest 15

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

16<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Chairman, Lehman Brothers Merchant Banking Advis ory Council<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Chairman and Sole Director, Belmont Press (London) Ltd<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Chairman, Museum of British History<br />

Trustee, Cartoon Art Trust<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, Royal London Society for the Blind<br />


No relevant interests<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Norbrook Laboratories Limited (pharmaceutical manufacture and<br />

distribution)<br />

Norbrook Manufacturing Limited (pharmaceutical manufacture and<br />

distribution)<br />

Shorts Bombardier Aerospace (aircraft component manufacturers)<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Norbrook Laboratories Limited and Subsidiary Companies<br />

Norbrook Holdings Limited and Subsidiary Companies<br />

Haughey Airports Limited (Airport Operator – owned indirectly<br />

through Norbrook Laboratories Limited)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Land including residential properties in Cumbria, the Republic of<br />

Ireland and Co.Down<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Hon. Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and Chairman<br />

of The Development Board School of Pharmacy<br />

Hon. Counsel for Chile in Northern Ireland<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, London<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

BARBER, Lord<br />

No relevant interests<br />


No relevant interests<br />

BARKER, Baroness<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Employee of Age Concern England<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Member, ACTTS (Transport and General Workers Union)<br />

Andy Lawson Memorial Fund<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

BARNETT, Lord<br />

Amnesty International<br />

Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Advisory Board, EHS & Partners<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, Mercury Recycling Group plc and Director of all its<br />

subsidiary companies<br />

Chairman, ATOS Origin (UK) Ltd<br />

Chairman, Xploit International Ltd<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Mercury Recycling Group plc<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chairman, Education Broadcasting Services Trust (EBS) Ltd (nonremunerated)<br />

Trustee, Open University (non-remunerated)<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of Ministerial salary<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Member of The Royal Pavilion and Brighton Museum Trust<br />

* indicates financial interest 17

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

18<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Founder Member, Brighton Festival<br />

Patron, Carousel<br />

Patron, Dolphin Children’s Clinic<br />

Patron, Laura Martin Trust<br />

Patron, Neiman Pick Disease Group<br />

(all charities)<br />

Patron, Brighton Red Card Campaign Against Domestic Violence<br />

Patron, Dame Vera Lynn Trust<br />


*12(i) Visits<br />

BELL, Lord<br />

Overnight visit to Paris (June <strong>2004</strong>) paid for by Crossrail<br />

*12(b) <strong>Parliament</strong>ary lobbying<br />

I am Chairman of a public company, Chime Communications plc that<br />

owns 100% of Bell Pottinger Public Affairs and Good Relations<br />

Political, both Government relations advisory firms<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Director, Chime Communications plc<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Occasional appearances on television and radio. All fees go to charity<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

BELSTEAD, Lord<br />

Trustee, CancerBACUP<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Farmland in Suffolk<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

BERKELEY, Lord<br />

Member, Court of Essex University<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Chairman, Rail Freight Group<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member, European Commission’s Energy and Transport forum<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Hon. President, Road Danger Reduction Forum<br />

President, Aviation Environment Federation<br />

President, <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong> Marine Pilots Association<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Director , Partnership Sourcing Ltd<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Partner and Director, Waddington Galleries Limited<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Waddington Galleries Limited<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Member, Advis ory Board, Peggy Guggenheim Collection<br />

Trustee, Granada Foundation<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

BEST, Lord<br />

Trustee, Jerusalem Foundation (UK)<br />

Trustee, Trusthouse Charitable Foundation<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member of informal sounding board of the Minister for Local<br />

Government and the Regions<br />

Member, Home Office Active Communities Unit Advis ory Panel<br />

Member, Audit Commission’s Housing, Communities and<br />

Environment Advisory Board<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Director (Chief executive) of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and the<br />

Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust (both bodies are charities)<br />

Chairman, Hull Partnership Liaison Board<br />

Member of the Council, Royal Society of Arts<br />

Patron, National Family and Parenting Institute<br />

Vice Patron, Servite Houses<br />

President, Continuing Care Conference<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Advisory Council of the National Council of Voluntary Organisations<br />

Member of the Council for Charitable Support<br />

* indicates financial interest 19

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

BHATIA, Lord<br />

20<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Consultant to Casley Finance Limited<br />

Consultant to Forbes Campbell Limited<br />

Consultant to Forbes Campbell (International) Limited<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Prime Associates Services Ltd<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

See 12 (e)<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Casley Finance Limited<br />

Forbes Campbell Limited<br />

Forbes Campbell (International) Limited<br />

Prime Associates Services Ltd<br />

Visit to Pakistan with the all-party <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Group for Pakistan<br />

(21-29 March, 2002) (air travel courtesy Pakistan Airlines and two<br />

nights stay courtesy Governor of Sindh)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member, Prime Minister’s Advisory Committee for the Queen’s<br />

Award<br />

Member, Queen’s Golden Jubilee Awards Committee<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, The Forbes Trust<br />

Chairman, Hospice Arts<br />

Chairman, Local Investment Fund<br />

Chairman, Simpler Trade Procedures Board (SITPRO)<br />

Chairman, Council of Ethnic Minority Voluntary Sector Organisations<br />

(CEMVO)<br />

Chairman, Ethnic Minority Foundation (EMF)<br />

Chairman, Diversity East London Limited<br />

Chairman, British Muslim Research Centre<br />

Chairman, College of Health (2003) Ltd<br />

Chairman, PRISM<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee, Aston Mansfield Charitable Trust<br />

Trustee, International Students House<br />

Trustee, Oxfam India Ltd<br />

Trustee, The British School of Osteopathy<br />

Trustee, African Medical and Research Foundation (UK) AMREF<br />

Trustee, PRAIE<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

BIFFEN, Lord<br />

Member, Advisory Committee, The Giving Campaign<br />

Member, Oxfam Association (UK)<br />

Trustee, Oxfam Association UK<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Disused barn adjacent to house in Shropshire, planning permission<br />

obtained for con<strong>version</strong> to dwelling<br />

Grassland in Somerset<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, Economic Research Council<br />

BILLINGHAM, Baroness<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Non-Executive Director, Sovereign Strategy<br />

Invitation to the US Open in Flushing Meadow as guest of USTA<br />

(<strong>United</strong> States Tennis Association)<br />

*13(d) Hospitality or gifts<br />

Annual invitation by the All-England Lawn Tennis Club to the<br />

Wimbledon championships<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chair of Catalyst Corby (an urban regeneration company)<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Patron, Supporters Direct (government funded sports organisation)<br />

Patron, Everychild (registered charity)<br />

Patron, Northamptonshire Osteoporosis Society<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Lord of Appeal in Ordinary<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

High Steward, University of Oxford<br />

Visitor, Balliol, Templeton, Wolfson, St. Cross and Linacre Colleges,<br />

Oxford<br />

Chairman, British Institute of International and Comparative Law<br />

* indicates financial interest 21

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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22<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

BIRT, Lord<br />

President, Hay Festival<br />

President, The Seckford Foundation<br />

Chairman, CFS Research Foundation<br />

Chairman, The Butler Trust<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Advisor , McKinsey & Company Inc, New York (providing part-time<br />

external counsel and support to the global media and entertainment<br />

practice)<br />

Strategy Advisor Prime Minister’s (unpaid )<br />

Member, Cabinet Office Strategy Board (unpaid)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Non-executive Director, PayPal (Europe) Ltd<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Argus Corporation (Canada)<br />

Brascan Corporation (Canada)<br />

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (Canada)<br />

Canwest Global Communications Corporation (Canada)<br />

Hollinger Inc (Canada)<br />

Hollinger International Inc (USA)<br />

Ravelston Corporation (Canada)<br />

Sotheby’s Holdings Inc (USA)<br />

Spectator (1828) Ltd (UK)<br />

Telegraph Group Ltd (UK)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Hollinger Inc<br />

Hollinger International Ltd<br />

Telegraph Group Ltd<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Argus Corporation<br />

Hollinger Inc<br />

Spectator (1828) Ltd<br />

Telegraph Group Ltd<br />

Hollinger International Inc<br />

Sun Times Publishing Co (Chicago, USA)<br />

Jerusalem Post Publications Ltd (Israel)<br />

Ravelston Corporation<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Catholic Herald Ltd (newspaper publishers)<br />

Cambridge Display Technologies<br />

Horizon Publications Ltd (publishing company)<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Director, Centre for Policy Studies (London)<br />

Director, The National Interest (USA)<br />

Member of Advisory Committee of Jubilee Appeal for Commonwealth<br />

Veterans<br />

Member of Steering Committee of Bilderberg Meetings<br />

Member of the Chairman’s Council of the Americas Society<br />

Member of the Institute for International Economics<br />

Member of the International Institute for Strategic Studies<br />

Member of the International Advisory Board of the Council on Foreign<br />

Relations<br />

Member of the Trilateral Commission<br />

Trustee of The Hudson Institute (Washington DC)<br />

Trustee of the Nixon Centre (Washington DC)<br />

BLACKBURN, Lord Bishop of<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of Episcopal stipend<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chairman of North West Rural Forum<br />

Member of Council (Chairman and Life Trustee) St. Stephen’s House<br />

Theological College, Oxford<br />

Member, Blackburn Diocese Board of Finance<br />

BLACKSTONE, Baroness<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director, VT Group plc<br />

Non-executive Director,Granada Learning<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Vice Chancellor, University of Greenwich (from September <strong>2004</strong>)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

BLACKWELL, Lord<br />

Chair, Royal Institute of British Architects Trust<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Advisor to Lloyds of London (Kinnect)<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director and Chairman, Smartstream Technologies Ltd<br />

Non-executive Director, Slough Estates plc<br />

Non-executive Director, The Corporate Services Group plc<br />

Non-executive Director, Standard Life Assurance<br />

* indicates financial interest 23

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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24<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Non-executive Board Member, Office of Fair Trading<br />

Special Advisor , KPMG Corporate Finance<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Shareholder, 4C Associates Ltd (business consultants)<br />

Shareholder, Obvious Solutions Ltd (communications technology)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Joint Owner (with wife) of an apartment in SW1, let on an assured<br />

short hold tenancy<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Member of Council, Business for Sterling<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

BLAKER, Lord<br />

Chairman and Director of the Centre for Policy Studies (Independent<br />

‘Think Tank’)<br />

Trustee of the Friends of the University of Pennsylvania<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, Danapak Flexibles A/S (a company registered in Denmark -<br />

flexible packaging)<br />

Turnbull Properties Ltd (property improvement)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Partner in a farm enterprise<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Turnbull Properties Ltd (property improvement)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

BLATCH, Baroness<br />

Farmland in England, including residential properties<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Vice President, Local Government Association<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee of Royal Air Force Museum<br />

Trustee of Dorman Museum Appeal<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Air League Council Representative, Air Cadet Council<br />

Member, Council of the Air League<br />

President, Cathedral Camps<br />

President, Conservative Women’s Committee (Huntingdon)<br />

President, National Benevolent Institute<br />

Trustee, Campaign for Real Education<br />

Vice President, Alzheimers Society<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

BLEDISLOE, Viscount<br />

Member, National Conservative Women’s Committee<br />

Patron, Cambridgeshire Small Business Group<br />

Patron, English Schools Orchestra<br />

Patron, Huntingdon Male Voice Choir<br />

Patron, Shakespeare at the George Theatre Group<br />

Patron, Huntingdonshire College Music School Association<br />

President, Conservative National Education Society (Eastern Area<br />

Branch)<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Trustee, Equitas Holdings Ltd<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Practice as Barrister<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Shareholding in Peter Cheyney Ltd (a private company) (with family)<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Shareholding in Peter Cheyney Ltd (a private company)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

BLOOD, Baroness<br />

Together with family trusts, ownership and management of a landed<br />

estate in West Gloucestershire, engaged in farming, forestry,<br />

property etc<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

North and West Health and Social Services Trust, Northern Ireland<br />

Member of Senate, Queen’s University Belfast<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chair, Impact Training<br />

Director, Groundwork (Northern Ireland)<br />

Director Federation Board, Groundwork (<strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong>)<br />

Trustee, Northern Ireland Community Foundation<br />

Chair of Integrated Education Fund Raising Campaign<br />

* indicates financial interest 25

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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26<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Director, Argyle Business Centre<br />

Barnardos (UK)<br />

Barnardos (NI)<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

West Belfast Task Group<br />

Greater Shankill Early Years Project<br />


*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Vice Chairman, Greenhill & Co Inc.<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Director, Anixter Inc<br />

Director, Diageo plc<br />

BOOTHROYD, Baroness<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Guest lecturer with Silversea Cruises Ltd for 2 weeks in March 2002<br />

(hospitality, no remuneration)<br />

Guest lecturer with Silversea Cruises Ltd for 10 days in August <strong>2004</strong><br />

(hospitality, no remuneration)<br />

Guest lecturer with Saga Cruises for 2 weeks in September <strong>2004</strong><br />

(hospitality, no remuneration)<br />

Guest speaker at Annual Conference of British Dental Association in<br />

May <strong>2004</strong> (remunerated)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chancellor, Open University<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

BORRIE, Lord<br />

President, Fight for Sight<br />

President, National Benevolent Fund for the Aged<br />

Patron, Memorial to the Women of World War II<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, Advertising Standards Authority Ltd<br />

Chairman, Advertising Standards Authority (Broadcast) Ltd<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

President, Money Advice Trust<br />

Vice President, Trading Standards Institute<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Two properties let as holiday cottages<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee, Leeds Castle Foundation, Leeds Castle, Maidstone, Kent (a<br />

charity)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, The Faversham Society (a local amenity society; a charity)<br />

Chairman, The Sheppey Group (formed to safeguard areas of Kent and<br />

Essex from proposals for a third London airport; has not been active<br />

for some twenty-or-so years)<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

BOWNESS, Lord<br />

Fellow, Royal Society of Arts<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Minerva Property Services Ltd<br />

Streeter Marshall - Solicitors<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

BOYCE, Lord<br />

Notary Public (fees)<br />

Partner, P & J Consultants (legal consultants)<br />

Study visit to Poland (1-4 November 2003) arranged through EU<br />

Accession Group (accommodation and hospitality costs in Poland<br />

met by Polish Government/Polish Embassy)<br />

All-party Group visit to Lithuania (15-17 June <strong>2004</strong>).<br />

Accommodation costs met by Siemas of Lithuania<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director, W.S. Atkins plc<br />

Non-executive Director, V.T. Group plc<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Adviser, Computer Science Corporation<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Governor, Alleyn’s School, Dulwich, London SE22<br />

* indicates financial interest 27

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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28<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, St. John Ambulance (London District)<br />

President, Officers’ Association<br />

Council Member/Trustee, RNLI<br />

Council Member/Trustee/Director , White Ensign Association Ltd<br />

Patron, Submariners’ Association<br />

Colonel Commandant, Special Boat Service<br />

Member of Advisory Council, centre for studies in Security and<br />

Diplomacy, Birmingham University<br />

Director, Naval and Military Club (pro bono)<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Patron, Submariners’ Association<br />

Patron, Sail 4 Cancer<br />

Vice Patron, Atlantic Council Appeal<br />

Patron, Trafalgar Woods (Woodland Trust)<br />

Younger brother Trinity House<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

President of the Institute of Motor Industry (provided with a car)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Deputy Chairman, Foundation for Sport and the Arts<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Council Member, Shipwrecked Mariners Society<br />

Director, <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Advisory Council for Transport Safety<br />

(PACTS) (registered charity)<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

BRADSHAW, Lord<br />

President, <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong> Warehousing Association<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Adviser to an economics consultancy firm and very occasionally<br />

undertake other work<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Member of the Stakeholder Advisory Board of Great-Western Train<br />

Company (part of First Group)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member, Oxfordshire County Council<br />

Vice Chairman, Thames Valley Police Authority<br />

Chairman, Guided Transport Express for Oxfordshire<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

BRAGG, Lord<br />

Member of a brass band<br />

Member of the Hardy Plant Society<br />

Member of a number of local organisations<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Controller of Arts and Features at LWT Television (part of the<br />

Granada Group)<br />

Regular freelance with BBC Radio 4<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Capital Radio<br />

Compass<br />

Granada Media<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chancellor of the University of Leeds<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

President, National Academy of Writing<br />

President, National Campaign for the Arts<br />

Wordsworth Trust<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, MIND<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

BRAMALL, Lord<br />

National Academy of Writing<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Consultant to the Dorchester Hotel and Chairman of its Pension Fund<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Army President, Notforgotten Association<br />

President, Greater London Playing Fields Society<br />

Vice President, SSAFA<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

BRENNAN, Lord<br />

The Royal British Legion<br />

Normandy Veterans<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Practising barrister<br />

Independent Assessor to Home Office on Miscarriages of Justice<br />

* indicates financial interest 29

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

30<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

12-14 March 2003 – Spanish all-party <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Group visit to<br />

Spanish <strong>Parliament</strong>, Madrid (travel expenses paid for by TUI UK<br />

Ltd; expenses in Madrid paid for by Congreso de los Diputados)<br />

7-12 June 2003 – Sri Lanka Donors Conference in Tokyo (travel and<br />

expenses paid for by Board of Investment of Sri Lanka)<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Facilities (BVI) Limited (environmental work)<br />

Facilitas Environmental Limited<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Flat let in Kensington<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, Catholic Union of Great Britain<br />

Vice President, Hispano-Luso Council Canning House, London<br />

Trustee, Mawdsley Children’s Trust<br />

Trustee, University of Manchester Union<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Patron, Cavendish Health Centre<br />

Patron, Consortium for Street Children<br />

Patron, Peru Support Group<br />

President of Appeal Fund, Margaret Beaufort Institute, Cambridge<br />

Vice President, Plater College, Oxford<br />


No re levant interests<br />

BRIDGEMAN, Viscount<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

The Bridgeman Art Library Limited (Photographic Archive)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

BRIDGES, Lord<br />

Treasurer, The New England Company (a registered charity)<br />

Treasurer, Florence Nightingale Aid in Sickness Trust<br />

Trustee, Winchester Music Festival<br />

Chairman, The Hospital of St John and St Elizabeth<br />

Chairman, Friends of Lambeth Palace Library<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, Dolmetsch Foundation<br />

Vice President, Council for the National Parks<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee, the Rayne Foundation<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

BRIGGS, Lord<br />

President, Dolmetsch Foundation<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Chairman of Governors, Richmond American International University,<br />

London<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Chairman, Encarta (Britain) Consultative Group<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

BRIGHTMAN, Lord<br />

Chairman of Trustees, Friends of Brighton Pavilion<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Hon. Fellowship, Royal Geographical Society<br />

Hon. Fellowship, St. John’s College, Cambridge<br />


*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Consultant, Herbert Smith (solicitors)<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director, Unilever<br />

Chairman, UBS Ltd<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Vice Chairman, UBS Investment Bank<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

BROERS, Lord<br />

Chancellor of the University of Teeside<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Senior Adviser, Warburg Pincus<br />

Member, International Academic Advisory Panel, Singapore<br />

Member Advisory Committee, Robert Bosch Internationale<br />

Beteiligungen<br />

* indicates financial interest 31

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

32<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director, Vodafone Group plc<br />

Non-executive Director, R.J. Mears LLC<br />

Non-executive Chairman, Plastic Logic Ltd<br />

*12(h) Secretarial research and assistance<br />

Secretarial assistance is provided to me as President of the Royal<br />

Academy of Engineering<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member Board of Trustees, American University of Sharjah<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee, British Museum<br />

Trustee, Gates Cambridge Trust<br />

Trustee, Diawa Anglo-Japanese Foundation<br />

Board Member, Cambridge in America<br />


*12(a) <strong>Parliament</strong>ary consultancy agreements<br />

Advisor to Accenture, £36,000 per annum plus expenses<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Liverpool Victoria Insurance Co<br />

Halton Gill Associates (business consultants)<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Partnership Director, National Air Traffic Services Ltd<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Board Member, Pensions Compensation Board<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee, Community Services Volunteers (CSV)<br />

Trustee, Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR)<br />

Trustee, Action on Addiction<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Patron, European Association for the Treatment of Addiction (UK)<br />

EATA<br />

Patron, Neighbourhood Initiatives Foundation<br />

Patron, The Adapt Trust<br />

Patron, Federation of Drug and Alcohol Practitioners<br />

Patron, Sparrow School’s Foundation<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

President, British Antique Dealers Association (small retainer)<br />

President, British Art Market Federation (small retainer)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of Council, University of London<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

President, St. Andrew’s Club, London SW1 (the oldest youth club in<br />

the world)<br />

Trustee of the Marlburian Club (old members of Marlborough College,<br />

Wiltshire) and its attendant charities<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Fellow (Trustee Emeritus), The Wordsworth Trust<br />

Fellow, Society of Antiquaries<br />

Liveryman, Worshipful Company of Drapers<br />

BROOKEBOROUGH, Viscount<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director, Basel International (Jersey) (financial<br />

services)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Farming and tourism (self-employed)<br />

Member, Policing Board for Northern Ireland<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member, Policing Board for Northern Ireland (remunerated)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

BROOKMAN, Lord<br />

Hon. Colonel, The Irish Rangers (TA)<br />

President, Army Benevolent Fund Northern Ireland<br />

President, Outward Bound Northern Ireland<br />

Chairman, Housing for the Homeless Fund, Simon Community<br />

Northern Ireland<br />

Vice President, Somme Association Northern Ireland<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Board Member, UK Steel Enterprise (previously British Steel Industry)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, The Welsh Trust for the Prevention of Abuse<br />

* indicates financial interest 33

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />


34<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, British Boxing Board of Control<br />

Chairman, British Boxing Board of Control Charity<br />

Chairman, Welsh Sports Hall of Fame<br />


No relevant interests<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Lord of Appeal in Ordinary<br />

Intelligence Services Commission under RIPA 2000 (unpaid whilst<br />

holding remunerated judicial office)<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

I and my immediate family together own shares amounting to a one<br />

third interest in an old-established family business (est. 1861),<br />

H.L.Brown & Son Ltd, jewellers, based in Sheffield<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Group Chief Executive, BP plc<br />

Non-executive Director, Intel Corporation<br />

Non-executive Director, Goldman Sachs Group<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

International Advisory Board, Freshfields, Bruckhaus Deringer<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Shares in BP plc (2,024,176)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chairman, Advisory Board, School of Economics and Management,<br />

Tsinghua University, China<br />

Emeritus Chairman, Stanford Graduate School of Business<br />

Governor, King’s School, Ely<br />

Senior Fellow, St. Anthony’s College, Oxford<br />

Chairman, Judge Institute of Management Advisory Board<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Hon. Trustee, Chicago Symphony Orchestra<br />

Trustee, British Museum<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Founder and Trustee, Browne Family Trust<br />

Trustee, Cicely Saunders Foundation<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

International Advisory Board, Council on Foreign Relations<br />

Member of the Board, Catalyst<br />

Global Counsellor , Conference Board Inc<br />

Vice President, Prince of Wales International Business Leaders Forum<br />

Trustee, Cambridge University Foundation<br />

Trustee, Needham Research Institute<br />


15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee of a number of not-for-profit organisations<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee of a number of private trusts<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Partner, Baker Tilley (chartered accountant and business advisers)<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

BURLISON, Lord<br />

Institute of Chartered Accountants<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

BURNHAM, Lord<br />

Governor of Northumbria University<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee, Queen Victoria Seamen’s Rest<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

BURNS, Lord<br />

Freemasonry<br />

The Grand Charity<br />

Patron, Buckinghamshire Foundation<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Independent adviser to Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport<br />

on the BBC Charter Review<br />

* indicates financial interest 35

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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36<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, Dwr Cymru Cyfyngedig<br />

Chairman, Glas Cymru Cyfyngedig<br />

Chairman, Abbey National Group plc<br />

Non-executive Director, Pearson plc<br />

Non-executive Director, British Land Company plc<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chairman of Governing Body, Royal Academy of Music<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

BUSCOMBE, Baroness<br />

Chairman, Monteverdi Choir and Orchestra Trustees<br />

President, National Institute of Economic and Social Research<br />

President, Society of Business Economists<br />

Vice President, Royal Economic Society<br />

Governor, The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Director, E-ven Ltd (family property company)<br />

Director, Interven Ltd (family dormant consulting company)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Member of the Fundraising Committee of PALS (Partnership for<br />

Active Leisure Scheme) (charity for physically disabled children)<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director, HSBC Holdings plc<br />

Non-executive Director, ICI plc<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Master, University College, Oxford<br />

Chairman, Butler Review of Intelligence on Weapons of Mass<br />

Destruction (until July <strong>2004</strong>)<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Member, Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre Trust<br />

Visitor, The Ashmolean Museum<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, HSBC Education Trust<br />

President, Oxford University Rugby Football Club<br />

Trustee, Rhodes Trust<br />

Member, The Ditchley Foundation Council of Management<br />

Chairman, The Churchill Museum Appeal Committee<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

BUXTON OF ALSA, Lord<br />

No relevant interests<br />

BYFORD, Baroness<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Two cottages in Leicestershire let at commercial rents<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member, Leicester University Court<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Hon. Canon of Leicester Cathedral<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, Guild of Agricultural Journalists<br />

President, Concordia<br />

President, St. Leonards School, St. Andrews, Fife, Scotland<br />

Vice President, The Royal Smithfield Club<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee on behalf of daughter and grandchildren with regard to family<br />

farm in Suffolk<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Countryside Alliance<br />

CLA<br />

NFU<br />

National Trust<br />

* indicates financial interest 37

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

CAITHNESS, Earl of<br />

38<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Consultant, Victoria Soames Residential Property Consultants<br />

Adviser to TranSystems Advisors<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Chairman, Caithness Archaeology Trust (Unpaid)<br />

Convenor, Standing Council of Scottish Chiefs<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

President, British International Freight Association (BIFA)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee and Chief Executive, Clan Sinc lair Trust<br />

Trustee, Queen Elizabeth Castle of Mey Trust<br />


*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Upper Clayhill Farm, East Sussex<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee, Cambridge University Commonwealth Scholarship Scheme<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Founding Chairman, Advisory Committee on the Protection of the Sea<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Senator of the College of Justice in Scotland (occasional part-time<br />

employment)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

University of Edinburgh Court<br />

Royal Fine Art Commission for Scotland<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Cockburn Association, The Edinburgh Civic Trust<br />

Scottish Civic Trust<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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No relevant interests<br />


*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Farmland in Nairnshire, with residential properties, formerly owned<br />

jointly with spouse, handed over to son several years ago<br />


No relevant interests<br />

CANTERBURY, Lord Archbishop of<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Remunerated as holder of the office of Archbishop of Canterbury<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Visitor, All Souls College, Oxford<br />

Visitor, Benenden School<br />

Visitor, Cranbrook School<br />

Visitor, The Dulwich Charities<br />

Visitor, Haileybury School<br />

Visitor, Harrow School<br />

Visitor, Keble College, Oxford<br />

Visitor, King’s College School, Wimbledon<br />

Visitor, King’s College, Canterbury<br />

Visitor, St John’s School, Leatherhead<br />

Visitor, Marlborough College<br />

Visitor, Merton College, Oxford<br />

Visitor, Ridley Hall, Cambridge<br />

Visitor, Selwyn College, Cambridge<br />

Visitor, University of Kent at Canterbury<br />

Visitor, Whitgift Foundation<br />

Visitor, Wycliffe Hall, Oxford<br />

Trustee, Culham College Institute<br />

Visitor, Wye College<br />

Visitor (ex-officio), King’s School, Canterbury<br />

Visitor (ex-officio), King’s College, Halifax (Canada)<br />

Visitor and Presentation Fellow, King’s College, London<br />

Governor, Charterhouse School<br />

Governor, Wellington College<br />

Joint President, General Synod<br />

Joint President, Archbishops’ Council<br />

Chairman, Church Commissioners<br />

* indicates financial interest 39

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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40<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Archiepiscopal Governor, Sutton’s Hospital Charterhouse<br />

Visitor, Hospital of the Blessed Trinity, Guildf ord (Abbot’s Fund)<br />

Chairman, Lambeth Palace Library Trustees<br />

Trustee, Bromley and Sheppard’s College<br />

Trustee, Allchurches Trust<br />

Trustee, L’Eglise Protestante Francaise de Canterbury<br />

President, Corporation of Church House<br />

Chairman, Anglican Communion Trust Fund<br />

Trustee, Archbishop of Canterbury’s Charitable Trust<br />

Trustee, Crewdson Trust<br />

President, St. Gregory Foundation Canterbury<br />

President, Historic Churches Preservation Trust<br />

President, Canterbury Diocesan Synod<br />

Director, Canterbury Diocesan Board of Finance (unpaid)<br />

Chairman, Canterbury Archbishop’s Council<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of church pension<br />

Religious Consultant of World Economic Forum<br />

Chairman of Church Schools Company<br />

Chaplain, Christian Responsibility in Public Affairs<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chancellor, Gloucester University<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee, Academy Sponsors Trust<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Patron, Bristol Cathedral Appeal<br />

Patron, Marria ge Resource<br />

Patron, Burrswood Christian Centre for Healthcare<br />

Patron, CARE<br />

Hon. Governor, Sons of the Clergy<br />

Patron, Fern Street Settlement<br />

Patron, St. John’s Church, Frome<br />

Patron, Mildmay<br />

Patron, Salmon Youth Centre, Bermondsey<br />

Patron, Friends of Dagenham Parish Churchyard<br />

Co-founder and Chairman, Trustees of the World Faiths Development<br />

Dialogue<br />

Joint President of The World Conference on Religion and Peace<br />

Patron, ‘Education for Life’ (a Jewish Charity)<br />

Joint President, Tear Fund<br />

Patron, Alexandria Declaration<br />

Patron, Legacy XS (a youth project)<br />

Consultant, The Princess Diana Memorial Fund<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

St. John’s College, Nottingham<br />

Trinity College, Bristol<br />


*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Advisor to Mr. R. Hobson (in connection with his business and family<br />

interests)<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Director, 5 Bell Yard Limited (holding company of lease to part of the<br />

barristers chambers of which a member)<br />

Non-Executive Director, Wynnstay Group plc (agricultural feed<br />

manufacturers, merchants of agricultural and country goods, fuel oil<br />

distributors)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Deputy High Court Judge<br />

Independent Reviewer of terrorism legislation<br />

Practising barrister (Queen’s Counsel) (Head of Chambers, 9-12 Bell<br />

Yard)<br />

Recorder<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member of Council, Royal Medical Foundation of Epsom College<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Chair of Trustees of Oriel Davies (art gallery in Newtown, Powys)<br />

Non-executive Director of Mid Wales Opera<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Member of Council, JUSTICE<br />

Trustee, Nuffield Trust<br />

Trustee, White Ensign Association (charity for Royal Navy serving and<br />

former personnel)<br />

Vice Chair and Trustee, REKINDLE (a mental health charity)<br />


15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, Drugwatch Trust<br />

Chairman, Friends of St. Wilfrid’s Church, Mobberley, Cheshire<br />

Trustee, Campaign for Children with Leukaemia<br />

CARNEGY OF LOUR, Baroness<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Hon. Member, Scottish Library Association<br />

Vice President, Guide Association, Angus<br />

* indicates financial interest 41

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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42<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Member, Scottish Landowners Federation<br />

Member, Angus Agricultural Association<br />

Member, Royal Highland Agricultural Association<br />

Member, Countryside Alliance<br />

CARR OF HADLEY, Lord<br />

No relevant interests<br />

CARRINGTON, Lord<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Agricultural Land, Lincolnshire<br />

Home Farm, Buckinghamshire<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chancellor of University of Reading<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee Emeritus, Royal Academy<br />

Trustee, Museum of Garden History<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

CARSWELL, Lord<br />

Cambridge Commonwealth Trust<br />

Daiwa Anglo Japanese Foundation<br />

Dulverton Trust<br />

Royal Fine Art Commission Trust<br />

Sir Robert Menzies Memorial Trust<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Lord of Appeal in Ordinary<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

CARTER, Lord<br />

President, Northern Ireland Scout Council<br />

Trustee, Garfield Weston Trust (for benefit of University of Ulster)<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Consultant to J.T. Leavesley Ltd<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Vice-Chairman, English Farming and Food Partnerships<br />

Vice-Chairman, British Association of Biofuels and Oils (BABFO)<br />

(unpaid)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Member of the OFCOM Advisory Committee on older and disabled<br />

persons (paid)<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

32% of the shares in a private farming company which is in the process<br />

of being wound up<br />

*13(c) Financial interests of spouse or relative or friend<br />

Wife is non-executive director of a private farming company which is<br />

in the process of being wound up<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Vice President of the Farmers’ Club<br />

President, Forestry and Timber Association<br />

President, Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee of the Andrew Carter Trust (a small family charity set up in<br />

memory of son which makes grants to disabled people)<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Fellow, Royal Agricultural Societies<br />

Hon. Member, Guild of Agricultural Journalists<br />

Patron, The Shaw Trust (employment of disabled people)<br />

Patron, Plunkett Foundation (cooperatives)<br />

Patron, Village Retail Services Association<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Primary Insurance Group Ltd<br />

McKesson Information Solutions UK Ltd<br />

Emeritus Corporation Inc<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Globalsurf Ltd, Business Services<br />

The Rathbone Hamilton Fund, Investment Trust<br />

*12(h) Secretarial research and assistance<br />

Globalsurf Ltd<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Life Works Community Ltd, Rehabilitation Centre<br />

* indicates financial interest 43

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

44<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Villa at La Vigie, Villefranche-Sur-Mer, France<br />

Apartment at 7-9 Rue De Peuplier, Brussels<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

General Executive Board, The Home Office<br />

Sport England<br />

UK Sport<br />

Public Services Productivity Panel<br />

London 2012 Ltd<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

London Marathon Trust<br />

The Carter Discretionary Settlement Trust<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Holker Holdings Ltd/Holker Estates Company Ltd<br />

Indirectly remunerated through Holker Estates Company Ltd:<br />

- Vitagrass Farms (Holker) Ltd<br />

- Holbeck Homes Ltd<br />

- The Roose & Walney Sand & Gravel Company Ltd<br />

- Cartmel Steeplechases (Holker) Ltd<br />

Burlington Slate Ltd<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Beneficiary of a family trust which owns land in South Cumbria, South<br />

West Scotland and Italy, including residential and business property<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Flookburgh Church Building Trust<br />

The Hospice of St Mary of Furness<br />

Guides over the Sands Trust<br />

Leven Angling Association<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />


Park Healthcare Ltd<br />

CTD Ltd ( plc)<br />

Parren Properties Ltd<br />

Lancashire & Cumbria Foundation for Medical Research<br />

*12(b) <strong>Parliament</strong>ary lobbying<br />

I have a shareholding in a public company, Huntsworth plc, which has<br />

amongst its subsidiaries, companies involved in lobbying<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

100% interest (held with wife) in the Chadlington Consultancy through<br />

which consulting advice including public relations and<br />

communication advice has been provided (this is largely inactive at<br />

present because of interests in Huntsworth plc)<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chief Executive, Huntsworth plc (marketing services group)<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Chadlington Consultancy (50% owned by self and 50% by wife)<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Elms Trust International Ltd<br />

Fauchier Partners<br />

Huntsworth plc (publicly listed marketing services group)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Estate in Oxfordshire including residential properties<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Hon. Fellow, Bournemouth University<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, Action on Addiction<br />

Trustee, Atlantic Partnership<br />

Advisory Board Member, Citizen’s Advice Bureau<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

MCC<br />

CHALFONT, Lord<br />

No relevant interests<br />


*12(d) Non-parliamentary cons ultant<br />

Chairman, Africa Matters Ltd (unpaid)<br />

Non-executive Director, Freeplay Energy Holdings (unpaid)<br />

International Advisory Board Member of Lafarge et Cie<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director, Group 5 Ltd (SA) Pty<br />

Non-executive Director, Unilever plc and NV<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Consultant to The World Bank<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Africa Matters Ltd<br />

* indicates financial interest 45

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

46<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

President and Chairman of the Board, London School of Hygiene and<br />

Tropical Medicine<br />

Vice President of the Governing Council, Roedean School<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Council Member, African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF)<br />

Honorary Vice President, British Red Cross<br />

Vice President, RedR<br />

Council Me mber, Royal Geographical Society<br />

Vice President, Wateraid<br />

Vice President, ITDG<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

CHAN, Lord<br />

Governor, Ditchley Foundation<br />

Trustee, Freeplay Foundation<br />

Trustee, Ikageng Trust, South Africa<br />

Member, Board Member, Executive Committee, Global Leadership<br />

Foundation<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Consultant on Cultural Awareness, Merseyside Police, since 1999<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Non-executive Director of Birkenhead and Wallasey NHS Primary<br />

Care Trust<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member, The Sentencing Advisory Panel<br />

Chair, North West Regional Ethnic Minority Public Health Task Force<br />

Member, Press Complaints Commission, since September 2002<br />

Chairman, Acupuncture Regulatory Working Group, Department of<br />

Health<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Governor, The Chinese Heritage Centre, Singapore<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, Malaria Consortium<br />

Chairman, The Chinese in Britain Forum<br />

Chair Person, The Afiya Trust (National body on Ethnic Health)<br />

Vice President, Wirral Multicultural Organisation<br />

Committee Member, Wirral Chinese Association<br />

Patients’ Choice Trustee, British Heart Foundation and Department of<br />

Health<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

CHANDOS, Viscount<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Consultant to Sand Aire Limited (wealth management)<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Altergraphics Ltd (digital printing)<br />

Capital & Regional plc (property investment and management)<br />

Cine-UK Ltd (cinema operator)<br />

Easter Holdings Ltd (property development and management)<br />

GFH Strategy Ltd (provision of services as company director and<br />

strategic consultant)<br />

Global Natural Energy plc (energy distribution)<br />

Northbridge UK Ltd (investment management holding company)<br />

Northbridge Management Ltd (investment management)<br />

Northbridge Ventures Ltd (venture capital Advisory company)<br />

RSMB Television Research Ltd (television audience research)<br />

Steamroller Restaurants plc (restaurant operator)<br />

Tuskerdirect Ltd (car leasing and vehicle fleet management)<br />

Udex Limited (operator of standardised product description systems)<br />

Zone Ltd (magazine publishing and website development)<br />

Cleobury Limited (cinema operator and theatrical producer)<br />

Grayling International Limited (public relations)<br />

The Television Corporation plc (independent television production<br />

compa ny)<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

GFH Strategy Ltd (provision of services as company director and<br />

strategic consultant)<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Capital & Regional plc (property investment and management)<br />

Cine-UK Ltd (cinema operator)<br />

International Network Television Holdings Ltd (Russian TV network)<br />

Northbridge (UK) Ltd (investment management holding company)<br />

Udex Ltd (operator of standardised product description systems)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Director, Charibond<br />

Director, Charities Investment Managers Ltd<br />

Director, Social Market Foundation<br />

Director, The 21 st Century Learning Initiative (UK)<br />

President, National Kidney Research Fund<br />

Trustee, Countess of Munster Musical Trust<br />

Trustee, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation<br />

* indicates financial interest 47

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

CHAPPLE, Lord<br />

48<br />

No relevant interests<br />

CHESTER, Lord Bishop of<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of episcopal stipend<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

CHILVER, Lord<br />

Chair of Governors, University College, Chester<br />

Governor, The Queen’s School, Chester<br />

Governor, The King’s School, Chester<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman and Director (non-executive), Aurora Computer Services<br />

Limited<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Cont<strong>rolling</strong> interest in Lawren Limited (management consultants)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member, Court of Cranfield University<br />

CHITNIS, Lord<br />

No relevant interests<br />

CHOLMONDELEY, Marquess of<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Farmland in Cheshire and Norfolk, including residential properties<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

CHORLEY, Lord<br />

Hermitage Deve lopment Trust<br />

Thames Light Project<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Let cottage in Cumbria<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Pro Patrimonio (Romania National Trust)<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />


Hon. President, Association for Geographic Information<br />

Hon. Vice President & Member of Finance Committee, Royal<br />

Geographical Society<br />

Trustee, Mountain Heritage Trust<br />

Vice President, Council for National Parks<br />

Vice President, Friends of the Lake District<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Self-employed Consultant (BNFL plc is a client)<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Director (Chairman), TU Fund Managers Ltd<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Members’ Auditor (elected), International Confederation of Free<br />

Trades Unions (ICFTU)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee, Trade Union Unit Trust Charitable Trust<br />

Trustee, Douglas Houghton Memorial Fund<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

R C Glaze Properties Ltd<br />

W G Clark (Properties) Ltd<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

W G Clark (Properties) Ltd<br />

R C Glaze Properties Ltd<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director, Homeowners Friendly Society Ltd<br />

Non-executive Director, UK Friendly Insurance Services Ltd<br />

Non-executive Director, Thales UK plc<br />

Carlisle <strong>United</strong> AFC Ltd<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Chair, Forestry Commission<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee, Vindolanda Trust<br />

Chair, Gravetye Trust<br />

* indicates financial interest 49

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

50<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Patron of The Defence Forum<br />


*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Non-parliamentary consultant to Union Income Benefit Ltd, London<br />

W1<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee, RAF Museum, Hendon<br />

Trustee, Alma Hospital Trust (hospital in Pakistan)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee, ALMA Hospital Trust charity (hospital building in Pakistan)<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Member, Labour Friends of Israel<br />

Member, One World Action<br />


*12(b) <strong>Parliament</strong>ary lobbying<br />

Consultant to DLA (law firm) and Chairman of its Government<br />

Relations and Communications Practise, DLA Upstream (paid<br />

£100,000 per annum). Personal clients are as follows (as at 30<br />

October 2003):<br />

AB Foods<br />

BBA<br />

Burchell & Ruston (Sheriffs of London)<br />

Cayman Islands<br />

Centrica Plc<br />

Elexon<br />

Factors & Discounters Association (FDA)<br />

Financial Leasing Authority (FLA)<br />

MBNA<br />

R Griggs Group (Doc Martens)<br />

Scipher Plc<br />

Tesco<br />

Valpak<br />

Yes Express Car Credit<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Governor, Haileybury (Haileybury and Imperial Service College)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, Trustees of Treehouse Trust (school for autistic children)<br />

Chairman, Women Returners Network<br />

Director and Trustee, Lambeth Crime Prevention Trust<br />

Trustee and Director, CancerBACUP<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee, Centre for Reform<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Survival<br />


15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

CLYDE, Lord<br />

President, British Airline Pilots Association<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Justice Oversight Commissioner, Northern Ireland<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Vice President, Royal Blind Asylum and School<br />

Convenor, Children in Scotland<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

COBBOLD, Lord<br />

Director, Garscube Enterprises Ltd<br />

Director, Scottish Episcopal Church Nominees<br />

Hon. Vice President, Scottish Lawyers European Group<br />

Member, Advisory Committee of Sir William Dale Centre for<br />

Legislative Studies<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, Lytton Enterprises Ltd (commercial exploitation of family<br />

home, Knebworth House, as a tourist attraction) (currently unpaid)<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Lytton Enterprises Ltd (commercial exploitation of family home,<br />

Knebworth House, as a tourist attraction)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Beneficial owner of part of the Knebworth Estate in Hertfordshire<br />

including residential properties, tenant farmland, woodlands, park<br />

and formal gardens<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Governor and President of the Development Committee, University of<br />

Hertfordshire<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, Knebworth Twinning Association<br />

* indicates financial interest 51

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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52<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee, Knebworth House Education and Preservation Trust<br />

Chairman and Trustee, St Mary’s and St Martin’s Preservation Trust<br />

Chairman and Trustee, Stevenage Community Trust<br />

Trustee, The Pilgrim Trust<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

COCKFIELD, Lord<br />

Member and former office holder, Historic Houses Association<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Member of the Council of “Britain in Europe”<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

COE, Lord<br />

Trustee of a private educational charity<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Seb Coe Health Clubs – Jarvis Hotels<br />

Special Advisor , Nike International<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Director, Fastrack (non-executive Chairman)<br />

0800 Reverse<br />

Chairman, London 2012 Ltd<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Sports Columnist, Daily Telegraph<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Farmland in Surrey<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Youth Sports Trus t<br />

COHEN OF PIMLICO, Baroness<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director, LSE plc (London Stock Exchange)<br />

Non-executive Director, Defence Logistics Organisation (Ministry of<br />

Defence)<br />

Non-executive Chairman, BPP Holdings plc<br />

Non-executive director, MCG Plc<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Hon. Fellow, St. Edmunds College, Cambridge<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Assistant Surveillance Commissioner, under Regulation of<br />

Investigatory Powers Act and Regulation of Investigatory Powers<br />

(Scotland) Act<br />

COLWYN, Lord<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, Banbury Local Radio<br />

Chairman, Campbell Montague International<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Dental Practitioner<br />

Portman Trusts<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, Arterial Health Foundation<br />

President, Natural Medicines Society<br />

Vice President, British Fluoridation Society<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

CONDON, Lord<br />

Portman Trusts<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Member, Advisory Board of Tolman Cunard (a firm of strategic<br />

management consultants) (currently unpaid but may lead to paid<br />

consultancy work)<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director, Group 4 Securicor plc<br />

Director, Spur Information Systems Ltd<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Chairman, Independent Complaints Panel of the Portman Group<br />

(which promotes sensible drinking and is promoted and funded by<br />

the drinks industry)<br />

Director, Anti Corruption Unit of the International Cricket Council<br />

Member of the Advisory Board, Verint Systems Inc. USA<br />

Member of the UK Advisory Board of the Australian privately owned<br />

company TENIX<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Hon. Fellow, St Peter’s College, Oxford<br />

Member, Oxford University Society Council<br />

* indicates financial interest 53

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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54<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Life Member, Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO)<br />

President of the British Security Industry Association (BSIA) (until<br />

2006) (unpaid )<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Vice Chairman, Foyle, Carlingford and Irish Lights Commission<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, Northern Irish Branch of the Burma Star Association<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Non-permanent Judge of Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal (involves<br />

sitting usually once a year for a period of about one month)<br />

Judge of Samoa Court of Appeal (involves sitting usually once a year<br />

for a period of about one week)<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Commissioner of International Commission of Jurists and Centre for<br />

Independence of Judges and lawyers<br />

Life Member, American Law Institute<br />

Life Member, LawAsia<br />

Member, International Bar Association<br />

Member, Editorial Boards of various law journals<br />

Member, London Court of International Arbitration<br />

Hon. Fellow, benches of various legal institutions and educational<br />

institutions<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Opposition Chief Whip, House of Lords<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee, Friends of War Memorials<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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*12(i) Visits<br />

Visit to Germany (19-21 March 2002) (fare, accommodation and meals<br />

paid for by the Associate <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Renewable and Sustainable<br />

Energy Group) (APRSEG)<br />

Visit to Cyprus (2-6 April 2002) (fare, accommodation and meals<br />

provided for self, accommodation and meals for wife – guest of<br />

House of Representatives)<br />

Study Tour of Germany (3-6 September 2002) (travel, accommodation<br />

and hospitality provided by all-party <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Rail Freight<br />

Group)<br />

Visit to Cyprus (21-25 November 2003) (fare and accommodation<br />

provided by the House of Representatives)<br />

Visit to Hungary (21-23 March) with all-party EU Accession Group.<br />

Fare paid through <strong>Parliament</strong>ary travel scheme. Accommodation<br />

and hospitality provided by Hungarian <strong>Parliament</strong><br />

Visit to Romania (29 May-2 June). Fare paid through <strong>Parliament</strong>ary<br />

travel scheme. Accommodation and hospitality provided by<br />

Romanian <strong>Parliament</strong><br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

COURTOWN, Earl of<br />

Chairman, Castle Vale Neighbourhood Management Board,<br />

Birmingham<br />

Member, Wilton Park Academic Council<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Cotswold Estate Services Limited (forestry and landscape consultants<br />

and contractors)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Residual estate in Co. Wexford, Ireland<br />

COVENTRY, Lord Bishop of<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of episcopal stipend<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Visitor, St. Peter’s College, Oxford<br />

Member of the Warwick University Court<br />

Vice President, University of Gloucester<br />

* indicates financial interest 55

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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56<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

COX, Baroness<br />

Chair, St. Peter’s Saltley Educational Trust<br />

Chair, Coventry Diocesan Trust<br />

Vice President, Shakespeare Birthplace Trust<br />

Vice President, Warwickshire County Cricket Club<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

International representative, Elam Ministries<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Director, Emmanuel College, Gateshead<br />

Hon. Vice President, Royal College of Nursing<br />

President, Dean Close School<br />

President, London Bible College<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Hon. President and Board Member, Christian Solidarity Worldwide<br />

(<strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong>)<br />

Trustee and Board Member, MERLIN (Medical Emergency Relief<br />

International)<br />

Trustee, The Andrei Sakharov Foundation<br />

Trustee, Nuffield Provincial Hospital Trust<br />

Trustee, The Trusthouse Charitable Foundation<br />

Chairman, IICORR (International Islamic Christian Organisation for<br />

Reconciliation and Reconstruction)<br />

Co-Director, Educational Research Trust<br />


*12(i) Visits<br />

Visit to Swaziland in August 2003 (5 days) as member CPTM<br />

(Commonwealth Partnership for Technology Management) Ltd<br />

Visit to Malaysia in July/August <strong>2004</strong> (5 days) as member CPTM<br />

(Commonwealth Partnership for Technology Management) Ltd<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Fellow, Commonwealth Partnership for Technology Management Ltd<br />

President (RAF), The “Not Forgotten” Association<br />

Vice Chairman of Council, RAF Benevolent Fund<br />

Vice President, Forces Pension Society<br />

President, Royal Air Force Club<br />

Vice President, Royal Star and Garter Home<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Life Member, RAFA<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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CRAIGAVON, Viscount<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman of Trustees and the Executive Committee, Anglo-Austrian<br />

Society (a charity)<br />

Member of the Advisory Committee, Progress Educational Trust (a<br />

charity)<br />

CRATHORNE, Lord<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Consultant to Hand Picked Hotels<br />

Consultant to Cliveden Ltd (Hotel)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Court of Hull University<br />

Court of York University<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Chairman of Trustees, Captain Cook Birthplace Museum<br />

President, Georgian Group (Statutory Amenity Society)<br />

Trustee, Georgian Theatre Royal, Richmond, North Yorkshire<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, Lord Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Justices of the<br />

Peace, North Yorkshire<br />

Chairman, Lord Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Tax, North<br />

Yorkshire<br />

Editorial Board, House Magazine<br />

Hon. Secretary, All party <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Arts and Heritage Group<br />

President, Cleveland and North Yorkshire Magistrates Association<br />

President, North Yorkshire County Scouts Council<br />

President, St Johns, North Yorkshire Branch<br />

Vice President, North of England RFCA<br />

Vice President, Yorkshire and Humberside RFCA (Reserve Forces and<br />

Cadets Association)<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Fellow, Royal Society of Arts<br />


15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

CRAWLEY, Baroness<br />

Chairman, Balcarres Heritage Trust Ltd (a registered charity)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of ministerial salary as a Government whip<br />

* indicates financial interest 57

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58<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Member of the Labour Party<br />


*12(a) <strong>Parliament</strong>ary consultancy agreements<br />

CROHAM, Lord<br />

Consultant, Associated British Ports Holdings plc (£15,000 per annum)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Governor, London School of Economics and Political Service<br />

Trustee, Anglo-German Foundation<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

CUCKNEY, Lord<br />

Council Member, Institute for Fiscal Studies<br />

Governor, National Institute for Economic and Social Research<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

CULLEN, Lord<br />

Elder Brother of the Corporation of Trinity House and thereby a<br />

member of its Court<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Lord President of the Court of Session and Lord Justice-General of<br />

Scotland<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member of the University Court of Napier University, Edinburgh<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee of the National Library of Scotland<br />

Trustee of the Bute House Trust<br />

CUMBERLEGE, Baroness<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Director, Cumberlege Connections Ltd<br />

Consultant, Quo Health Ltd<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Assuring Better Practice Ltd<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Cumberlege Connections Ltd<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chair of Council, St. George’s Hospital Medical School<br />

Council Member, Sussex University<br />

Brighton and Sussex Medical School<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chair of Trustees, Chailey Heritage School<br />

Trustee, Cancer Research UK<br />

Senior Associate, King’s Fund<br />

Vice President, Royal College of Nursing<br />

Vice President, Royal College of Midwives<br />


*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Adviser to Terra Firma<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Dean and Professor of Business Economics, CASS Business School,<br />

City University, London (also Director of City University<br />

Management Development Ltd (a wholly owned subsidiary of City<br />

University London))<br />

Chairman of Ofcom<br />

Chairman of Independent Audit Ltd<br />

* indicates financial interest 59

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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D’SOUZA, Baroness<br />

60<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Governor of the Westminster Foundation for Democracy<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee of International House (educational charity)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

DAHRENDORF, Lord<br />

Member of Bampton Classical Opera Development Board<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Governor, London School of Economics<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, Council for Charitable Support<br />

DARCY DE KNAYTH, Baroness<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Vice-President, Grange Centre for people with disabilities (training and<br />

work)<br />

President, Disabled Ramblers<br />

President, SKILL (National Bureau for Students with Disabilities)<br />

Vice-President, WAMDSAD (Windsor/Ascot/Maidenhead District<br />

Sports Association for Disabled People)<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

DAVID, Baroness<br />

Member, JCMD (Joint Committee on Mobility for Disabled People)<br />

Member, RADAR (Royal Association for Disability and<br />

Rehabilitation)<br />

Member, SIA (Spinal Injuries Association)<br />

Patron, IPSEA (Independent Panel for Special Educational Advice)<br />

Patron, Greenbank Project Ltd<br />

Patron, Artsline<br />

Patron, GLAD (Greater London Action on Disability)<br />

Patron, DEMAND<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Vice President, Local Government Association<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Member of the Employment Appeal Tribunal<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee, People’s History Museum (formerly the National Museum of<br />

Labour History)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Vice President, Commercial Travellers Benevolent Fund<br />

President, The National Kidney Research Fund in Wales<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of Ministerial salary<br />


No relevant interests<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive member of the board of George Wimpey Plc<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Board Member, General Insurance Standards Council<br />

Member, House of Lords Appointments Commission<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member, Senior Salaries Review Body<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Member of Council, Literary Trust<br />

President, College of Occupational Therapy<br />

Trustee, Industry and <strong>Parliament</strong> Trust<br />

Trustee, The Prince’s Foundation<br />

Member, University College London Hospital NHS Trust Appeal<br />

Foundation<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Member of the Graphical, Paper and Media Union (trade union in the<br />

paper, printing and allied industries)<br />

Member of the Institute of Advanced Motorists<br />

Member of the Labour Party<br />

Member of the Reform Club<br />

Member of the Royal Cornwall Yacht Club<br />

* indicates financial interest 61

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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62<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Governor, National Institute for Social and Economic Research<br />

Vice-President, Local Government Association<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee of the Home of Compassion, Thames Ditton Survey<br />

Chairman of the Trustees and of the Advisory Committee of the Higher<br />

Education Policy Institute (Oxford)<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

DEEDES, Lord<br />

Patron, University for Industry<br />

Patron, Sascha Lasserson Memorial Trust<br />

Governor, Christ’s College Guildford, then patron<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

DENHAM, Lord<br />

Member of editorial staff of the Daily Telegraph<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Leadership UK Ltd (unpaid)<br />

Thames Estuary Airport Company (TEACO) (unpaid at present)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Fold of pedigree highland cattle (run on wife’s farm in Argyll)<br />

Grazing let round house in Weston Underwood<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

DERBY, Lord Bishop of<br />

Senior Patron, The Countryside Alliance<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of episcopal stipend<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Director, Derby University<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

DESAI, Lord<br />

Custodian Trusteeships as President of the Derby Diocesan Board of<br />

Finance<br />

Director, Derby City Partnership<br />

Director, Derby Diocesan Board of Finance<br />

Director, Scargill House<br />

Director, Tyrell Trust<br />

Trustee, Cathedral Plus<br />

Trustee, F P Evans Trust<br />

Trustee, The Multi-Faith Centre at the University of Derby<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

DHOLAKIA, Lord<br />

Hon. President, City Roads (drug rehabilitation charity)<br />

Hon. President, Islington South and Finsbury Labour Party<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Member, House of Lords Appointments Commission (annual fee for<br />

attendance £3,000)<br />

Trip to Nato, Brussels (14 September 2002) organised by The Atlantic<br />

Council and funded by Nato (Travel and subsistence paid)<br />

Trip to Chile (6 March 2003 – 13 April 2003) paid by I.P.A<br />

Trip to Qatar (13 April - 16 April 2003) funded by the Government of<br />

Qatar (Travel and subsistence paid)<br />

Trip to Tanzania (26 May - 1 June 2003) funded by Westminster<br />

Foundation for Democracy (Travel and subsistence paid)<br />

Trip to Estonia (1 September – 4 September 2003) EU Enlargement<br />

visit, funded by <strong>Parliament</strong> of Estonia (Travel and subsistence paid)<br />

Trip to Qatar (4 April – 7 April <strong>2004</strong>) funded by the Government of<br />

Qatar<br />

Trip to Romania (29 March -2 June <strong>2004</strong>) EU Enlargement visit<br />

funded by Government of Romania<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Member of Governing Body of Commonwealth Institute<br />

President, Friends Circle International<br />

Trustee, Commonwealth Museum, Bristol<br />

Trustee, Pallant House Museum, Chichester<br />

* indicates financial interest 63

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64<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

President and Trustee, National Association of Care and Resettlement<br />

of Offenders (in receipt of travelling expenses when attending<br />

meetings)<br />

Member of Editorial Board of Howard Journal (no financial interest)<br />

Vice Chairman, Mental Health Foundation<br />

President, Liberal Democrats (in receipt of travelling expenses when<br />

visiting constituencies)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Member of Advisory Board, Centre for Reform<br />

Trustee, British Indian Golden Jubilee Fund<br />

Trustee, Dr L M Singhvi Foundation<br />

Mental Health Foundation<br />

Trustee, Police Foundation<br />

Trustee, Policy Research Institute on Ageing and Ethnicity<br />

Trustee, Shrimati Pushpawati Loomba Memorial Trust<br />

Trustee, The Gandhi Trust<br />

Vice President, Family Welfare Association<br />

Vice President, Tower Hamlets Race Equality Council<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

DIXON, Lord<br />

Indian Jewish Association UK<br />

Member, The Caine Prize for African Writing<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee Member, Derbyshire Families Association<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

DIXON-SMITH, Lord<br />

South Tyneside Bliss-Ability<br />

South Tyneside Voluntary Services<br />

Northumberland Sight Service<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Director, RW Dixon Smith (Houchins) Ltd (farming company)<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Majority shareholding in RW Dixon Smith (Houchins) Ltd (farming<br />

company)<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

5.83% Solar Highways Ltd (manufacturer of equipment powered by<br />

solar power)<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Land at Lyons Hall, Braintree, Essex (in family partnership)<br />

Houchins Farm, Coggeshall, Essex (sole owner)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, Essex Association of local councils<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Appeals Commissioner, Direct Marketing Association<br />

Chairman, Appeals Panel, London Metal Exchange<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

DONOUGHUE, Lord<br />

President, <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Maritime Group<br />

President, League of Friends of Lyminton Hospital<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, Starting Price Regulatory Board<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Visiting Professor, London School of Economics (unpaid)<br />

Periodic visits and hospitality at various racecourses in Britain and<br />

Ireland, including entertainment by various bookmakers, racecourse<br />

management, and miscellaneous hosts.<br />

*13(d) Hospitality or gifts<br />

March 2002 entertained by Cheltenham Race Course<br />

March 2002 entertained by Ladbrokes<br />

March 2003 entertained by Cheltenham Race Course<br />

March 2003 entertained by Ladbrokes<br />

June 2003 entertained by Ascot Racecourse and by the TOTE<br />

July 2003 entertained by Corals Bookmakers<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee of Dorneywood<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Temporary Chairman of various committees in racing and betting<br />

industry<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee, Animals in War<br />

Trustee, International League for the Protection of Horses<br />

Trustee, Victorian Country Histories<br />

Vice President, CSCS (Comprehensive Schools)<br />

* indicates financial interest 65

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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66<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

DRAYSON, Lord<br />

Blood Pressure Association<br />

British Diabetes Association<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

DUBS, Lord<br />

Chairman, Oxford Children’s Hospital Campaign (registered Charity)<br />

Trustee, Drayson Foundation (registered charity)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Chairman, Broadcasting Standards Commission<br />

Chairman, Code Panel, Assoc iation of Energy Suppliers<br />

Visit to Prague (12-14 September 2002) to attend a conference by the<br />

British Council (fares and accommodation paid for by the British<br />

Council)<br />

Visit to Poland (25-28 September 2002) as guest of the Polish<br />

Government on a study visit regarding European enlargement (fares<br />

and accommodation paid for by the Polish Embassy/Government)<br />

Visit to Belfast (24-25 February 2003) to look at integrated schools<br />

(accommodation, meals and travel in Belfast provided by the<br />

Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education)<br />

Visit to Greece (19-21 June 2003) to attend a conference as guest of<br />

Greek Foreign Minister who provided all travel and accommodation<br />

Visit to Prague (4-6 September 2003) to attend a conference by the<br />

British Council (fares and accommodation paid for by the British<br />

Council)<br />

Visit to Cyprus (23-25 November 2003) as guest of the House of<br />

Representatives (fares and accommodation were provided)<br />

Visit to Hong Kong (29 November to 6 December 2003) as guest of<br />

Hong Kong SAR Government (fares and accommodation were<br />

provided)<br />

Visit to Hungary (21 - 23 March <strong>2004</strong>) as guest of the Hungarian<br />

<strong>Parliament</strong> (hospitality and accommodation provided)<br />

Visit to Romania (29 May – 2 June <strong>2004</strong>) as guest of Romanian<br />

<strong>Parliament</strong> (accommodation and internationa l travel paid by hosts)<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Fabian Society, elected Executive Committee Member<br />

Trustee of Open University Foundation<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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DUNDEE, Earl of<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Director, The Dundee Farming Company<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

25% shareholder with Bigview (which owns property within the city of<br />

Dundee)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Farmland in Fifeshire and Angus (Tayside)<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Governor, Unicorn Preservation Society (the Frigate Unicorn is a<br />

museum boat within Dundee Dockland)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Founder and main Trustee, Dundee Trust (charity which works in<br />

Former Yugoslavia providing education and cultural facilities and<br />

associated fundraising activities)<br />

Trustee, Accord International (a charitable trust which seeks to<br />

promote education and cultural opportunities overseas, particularly<br />

in Europe)<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

DUNN, Baroness<br />

Chairman of all-party parliamentary groups for social development in<br />

Europe (subject group) and Croatia (country group)<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director, HSBC Holdings plc<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Executive Director, John Swire & Sons Ltd<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Flat in Hong Kong regularly let at commercial rents<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Chairman, Hong Kong Association<br />

Trustee, Swire Educational Trust<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Institute of Directors<br />

Royal Society for the Encouragement of Art Manufacturers and<br />

Commerce<br />

* indicates financial interest 67

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

DURHAM, Lord Bishop of<br />

68<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of episcopal stipend<br />

*12(h) Secretarial research and assistance<br />

Chaplain and Secretary paid by Church Commissioners<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Trustee, Hild Bede College, Durham<br />

Trustee, North East Ordination Course<br />

Visitor, Durham University<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee, Auckland Castle Trust<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee, Sunderland AFC Foundation<br />

Auckland Castle Enterprises Ltd<br />

The Churches’ Regional Commission in North East<br />

Durham Diocesan Board of Finance<br />


15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, Mid-Atlantic Club UK in association with ESU<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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EAMES, Lord<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Ownership of 2 small shops, Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast<br />

properties let.<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member, Board of Governors, Royal School, Armagh<br />

Member, Court of the University of Ulster, Jordanstown, Belfast<br />

Chair, Management Committee and Governors, Planetarium and<br />

Observatory, Armagh<br />

Membership (Honorary) of various local charit ies<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chair of Church Committees, Church of Ireland<br />

Chair of Inter-Anglican Finance Committee<br />

Member of Anglican Communion Committees<br />

Various Church bodies<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

EATWELL, Lord<br />

Christian Aid<br />

Institute of Advanced Motorists<br />

McCann Trust for the Blind<br />

Various Church Committees<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, British Library<br />

Non-executive Director, Cambridge Econometrics<br />

Non-executive Director, Rontech Ltd<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

President, Queens’ College, Cambridge<br />

Professor of Financial Policy, University of Cambridge<br />

Member, Regulatory Decisions Committee, FSA<br />

Advisor , Warburg Pincus International Ltd<br />

Advisor , Palamon Capital Partners, LLP<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member of Court, University of Luton<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Board Member, Royal Opera House<br />

Governor, Royal Ballet School<br />

* indicates financial interest 69

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70<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Trustee, IPPR<br />

ECCLES OF MOULTON, Baroness<br />

*12(e ) Remunerated directorships<br />

Times Newspapers Holdings Ltd<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

University of Durham Council<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Director, Opera North, company limited by guarantee<br />

London Clinic Company limited by guarantee<br />

EDEN OF WINTON, Lord<br />

No relevant interests<br />

ELDER, Lord<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Consultant, First Group plc<br />

Consultant, Forth Ports Plc<br />

Consultant, The Smith Institute<br />

Adviser to Daval International Ltd<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

ELIS-THOMAS, Lord<br />

Chancellor, Al-Maktoum Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies<br />

Member of the Action Committee for the Scottish National<br />

Photography Centre<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Assembly Member and Presiding Officer, National Assembly for<br />

Wales<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

ELLES, Baroness<br />

President, Bangor University of Wales<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, European Union of Women (Greater London area)<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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No relevant interests<br />

ELTON, Lord<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Consultant to the City and Guilds of London, appointed to establish a<br />

quasi-judicial appeals system and to assist in the maintenance and<br />

improvement of the standard of their services<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

I sit from time to time as a Deputy Circuit Judge remunerated on a per<br />

diem basis<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

EMERTON, Baroness<br />

President and Chairman of the Council, University of Wales,<br />

Aberystwyth<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Trustee, Defence Medical Welfare Service<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, National Association of Hospital and Community Friends<br />

President, Florence Nightingale Foundation<br />

Trustee, Buidett Nursing Trust<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

St John Ambulance Fellowship<br />

ERROLL, Earl of<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Consultancy on I.C.T. issues<br />

Securing business for a Procurement & Management consultancy<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Fonem Ltd<br />

VoiceXchange<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Direct Sales using the Internet<br />

* indicates financial interest 71

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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72<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

House and cliffs in Aberdeenshire; they constitute an SSSI, SAC and<br />

Ancient Monument<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chief, Clan Hay<br />

Vice-President, Royal Caledonian Ball<br />

Warden, The Worshipful Company of Fishmongers<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee of Mar Estate Trust<br />

Fishmongers’ Company’s Charitable Trust<br />

Fishmongers’ Company’s Fisheries Charitable Trust<br />

The Billingsgate Christian Mission<br />

Harrietsham Almshouse Trust<br />

Jesus Hospital Trust<br />

Fishmongers’ Company’s Trust (mainly small charitable trusts<br />

dispensing small sums of money: full details of these have been<br />

given to the Registrar and may be consulted on application to his<br />

office)<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

T.A. Regimental Association<br />


15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Secretary, All party Non-Profit Members Club Group (unpaid)<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employme nt<br />

In receipt of ministerial salary as a Government whip<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Centurion Publishing Ltd<br />

Indigo Publishing Ltd<br />

PP & Partners Telemedia bv (Holland)<br />

Yoomedia plc<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Chairman, Personnel Publications Ltd<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Centurion Publishing Ltd<br />

Personnel Publications Ltd<br />

Indigo Publishing Ltd<br />

Senate Consulting Ltd<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Union Income Benefit Holdings plc<br />

Yoomedia plc<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member of the Industrial Advisory Group to the printing department of<br />

West Herts College<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee, Royal Air Force Museum<br />

Director, Royal Air Force Museum Enterprises Ltd<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, Watford CT Scanner Appeal<br />

Member, Royal British Legion Benevolent and Strategy Committee<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Director, Partnerships Sourcing Ltd<br />

Director, The Paper Trail<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

British Red Cross<br />

Honorary Fe llow, Cancer Research UK<br />

Fellow of City and Guilds of London Institute<br />

Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing<br />

Member of the Worshipful Company of Marketors<br />

Vice-Patron, Disability Trust<br />


No relevant interests<br />

EZRA, Lord<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, Micropower Ltd (limited expenses only)<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

President, National Home Improvement Council<br />

* indicates financial interest 73

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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74<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Vice President, British Standards Institution<br />

Vice President, Institute of Management<br />

Vice President, Institute of Trading Standards<br />

Patron, Combustion Engineering Association<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of Ministerial salary<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Visit to Venice (5-7 March) with wife to attend the British-Italian<br />

Media Seminar as guests of the Italian Government<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Homes in London and Nottinghamshire; joint ownership (with wife) of<br />

two flats in London occupied by an employee and a member of<br />

wife’s family (from whom rent is received); also, co-ownership of a<br />

house formerly inhabited by father now rented out<br />

*13(c) Financial interests of spouse or relative or friend<br />

FALKENDER, Baroness<br />

Wife is a Queen’s Counsel practising from 4 Brick Court, Temple,<br />

London. She also owns a small cottage (rented) in Flintham,<br />

Nottinghamshire<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

General Mediterranean Holding UK Ltd<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

The Silver Trust<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

FALKLAND, Viscount<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

British Film Industry (now the British Screen Advisory Council)<br />

Visit (June 2003) to Newmarket Races under the auspices of the all-<br />

party Racing and Bloodstock Industries<br />

One day’s racing at Ascot as guest of the chairman of the Tote<br />

Visit to Plumpton Racecourse as a guest of the owner/chief executive<br />

of the British Horseracing Board<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Patron of CHARIS (Tower Hamlets Mission) alcohol and drug<br />

treatment centre (residential)<br />

* indicates financial interest 75

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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76<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee of the Hampden (Educational) Trust (a small not-for-profit<br />

organisation promoting education in the poorest developing<br />

countries) (unpaid)<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of Ministerial salary<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Vice President, West Lancashire Scout Association<br />

Vice President, Lancashire Youth Association<br />


*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Adviser, Sportech plc<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Employee, Incepta Group plc<br />

Visit to Norway (2-7 June 2002) as member of British-Norwegian allparty<br />

<strong>Parliament</strong>ary Group (sponsored by Norwegian Government<br />

and Storting); including visit to Oseberg C platform (courtesy of<br />

Norsk Hydro)<br />

Visit to Venice and Trieste as vice-chairman of British Taiwanese allparty<br />

<strong>Parliament</strong>ary Group (5-7 September 2003) sponsored by<br />

government of Taiwan for seminar attended by representatives of<br />

other Taiwanese parliamentary friendship groups in Europe<br />

Visit to Taiwan (27 December 2003 – 3 January <strong>2004</strong>) as guest of<br />

Taiwanese government, with group of parliamentarians from allparty<br />

British-Taiwanese group<br />

Visit to Taiwan (18-21 May <strong>2004</strong>) as guest of Taiwanese Government,<br />

for the President’s inauguration<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Residential property in Oxford let to students<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Honorary Fellow, Worcester College, Oxford<br />

Director, Cardiff Millennium Stadium plc<br />

Member, University Court, University of Luton<br />

Member of Railway Heritage Committee<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Vice President, Transport 2000<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

FEARN, Lord<br />

President, Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents<br />

Trustee, Foundation for Sport and the Arts<br />

Trustee, Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Governor of King George V 6 th Form College, Southport<br />

Governor of Norwood Primary School, Southport<br />

Councillor for Sefton, M.B.C<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

FELDMAN, Lord<br />

President, Southport Branch of National Schizophrenia Society<br />

President, Southport Liberal Democrat Party<br />

Trustee, Gladstone Club, Southport<br />

Trustee, Offshore Lifeboat, Southport<br />

Vice President, British Resorts Association<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

FELLOWES, Lord<br />

A Treasurer of the Conservative Party<br />

Trustee of children’s trusts<br />

Fresh Hope Trust (from August 2003)<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Part-time non-executive Chairman, Barclays Private Banking<br />

Non-executive Director, South African Breweries plc<br />

Non-executive Director, Sabmiller plc<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Vice-Chairman, Commonwealth Institute<br />

* indicates financial interest 77

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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78<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

FERRERS, Earl<br />

Trustee, Rhodes Trust, Mandela-Rhodes Foundation<br />

Trustee, Winston Churchill Memorial Trust<br />

Trustee, Orchid Trust (Male Cancer Charity)<br />

Chairman, Highclere Trust<br />

Chairman, Lockinge Trust<br />

Chairman, Waddesdon Trust<br />

Chairman, Prison Reform Trust<br />

Other insignificant trusteeships of family or friends’ trusts<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Interest in land in Norfolk<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

FILKIN, Lord<br />

High Steward, Norwich Cathedral<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of Ministerial salary<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Director, Sprucespace Property Company Ltd. This company owns the<br />

freehold of 3 houses in Warwick Square, Pimlico. Leasehold<br />

interest held in one flat in one of these houses<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee, The <strong>Parliament</strong> Choir which is an all-party parliamentary<br />

group, a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity<br />

FINLAY OF LLANDAFF, Baroness<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Employed as a clinician by Marie Curie Cancer Care (no parliamentary<br />

or political consultancy given)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Professor of Palliative Medicine and Vice Dean, University of Wales<br />

College of Medicine<br />

Clinical Consultant, Marie Curie Cancer Care<br />

Clinical Consultant, Velindre NHS Trust<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Governing Body, Howell’s School Llandaff GDST<br />

Patron, Fundraising Appeal, Church in Wales Primary School,<br />

Llandaff<br />

President, Association of Chartered Physiotherapy<br />

Member, Stakeholder Advisory Commission for First Great Western<br />

Trains<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Founder Member, Scientific Committee, Cancer Research UK<br />

Member, International Scientific Expert Panel, Cicely Saunders<br />

Foundation<br />

President, Multiple Sclerosis Cymru<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

FITT, Lord<br />

Vice Patron, Purley Park Trust’s New Building Project Appeal<br />

Patron, New Bristol Symphonia Orchestra<br />

Vice Patron, Appeal for the Memorial to Women of World War II<br />

Director, Institute of Medical Ethics<br />

Patron, Westminster Diet and Health Forum<br />

No relevant interests<br />

FLATHER, Baroness<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, Club Asia Independant Radio<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Council Member, University College London<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, Memoria l Gates Trust<br />

Friends of Seva Mandir (providing water in Rajasthan)<br />

Bookpower (low priced professional texts for developing countries)<br />

Pan African Health Foundation<br />

Council of Winston Churchill Memorial Trust<br />

Vice President –<br />

Towns Women’s Guild<br />

Servite Houses<br />

Carers National Association<br />

British Association of Counselling<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Bookpower (low priced professional texts for developing countries)<br />

Memorial Gates Trust<br />

Marie Stopes International<br />

* indicates financial interest 79

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

80<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

FLOWERS, Lord<br />

Council of Winston Churchill Memorial Trust<br />

Marie Stopes International<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Ordinary Trustee, The Nuffield Foundation<br />

Trustee, <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Science and Technology Information<br />

Foundation<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

FOOKES, Baroness<br />

Fellow, The Royal Society<br />

Hon. Fellow, The Institution of Electrical Engineers<br />

Hon. Fellow, The Royal College of Physicians<br />

Hon. Fellow, The Institute of Physics<br />

Emeritus Member, Academia Europaea<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Deputy Lord Lieutenant, East Sussex<br />

Member of Board of Governors of Kelly College, Tavistock<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, Council of Management, UK/Canada Colloquia<br />

Chairman, Millennium Committee of the Fellowship of St. Nicholas<br />

Chairman, Vincent Lines Memorial Trust<br />

Chairman, Welfare Fund for Companion Animals<br />

President, SSAFA Forces Help (Sussex branch)<br />

President, NSPCC (local branch)<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Hon. Associate Member, British Veterinary Association<br />

Hon. Associate Member, Institute of Horticulture<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Deputy Chairman, JP Morgan, UK<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Patron, Craighalbert Centre, The Scottish Centre for Children with<br />

Motor Impairments<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Foster & Partners Ltd (Architects and Designers)<br />

Foster Group (International) Ltd (Architects and Designers)<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Foster Group (International) Ltd (Architects and Designers holding<br />

company)<br />

Precis (2011) Ltd (no activity at present)<br />

Norman Foster Foundation (a charity)<br />

Foster and Partners Ltd<br />

Foster Holdings Ltd<br />

Foster and Partners (Japan) Ltd<br />

Foster and Partners (Hong Kong) Ltd<br />

Foster and Partners (Singapore) Pte Ltd<br />

F & P Architekten Gmbh<br />

Office Design Services Ltd<br />

Foster (Nederland) BV<br />

Foster Germany Ltd<br />

Foster Aviation Ltd<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Ivory Press Ltd (Publishers)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

FOWLER, Lord<br />

Royal Academician<br />

President of Tommies Campaign<br />

Chairman of Digestive Disorders Charity<br />

Trustee of UK Chapter of the International Committee of Friends of<br />

Viipuri Library<br />

Member of International Committee for Friends of Viipuri Library<br />

Member of British Council of Offices<br />

Trustee of Norman Foster Foundation<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, Aggregate Industries plc<br />

Chairman, Numark plc<br />

Chairman, Numark Trading Ltd (joint company of Numark plc and<br />

Phoenix Medical Services Ltd)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary org anisations<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Vice Chairman, all-party Group on AIDS<br />

Trustee, Thomson Foundation<br />

* indicates financial interest 81

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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82<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Partner, Fraser Forrest LLP<br />

International Energy Consultants<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Chairman, JKX Oil and Gas plc<br />

Non-executive Chairman, Nova Technology Management Ltd<br />

Non-executive Director, Alkane Energy plc<br />

Non-executive Director, Carnoustie Golf Course Hotel & Resort Ltd<br />

Non-executive Director, International Petroleum Exchange<br />

Non-executive Director, London Metal Exchange<br />

Non-executive Director, Total Holdings UK Ltd<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Chairman, Statutory Committee, Royal Pharmaceutical Society<br />

(chairing disciplinary hearings 2/3 days most months)<br />

Visit (4–7 June 2002) with wife to Baku with the Executive Committee<br />

of the Anglo-Azeri Society, paid for by the Society<br />

Visit to Doha, Qatar (5-6 April <strong>2004</strong>) for International Conference on<br />

democracy, paid for by Qatar Government<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, National Association of Hospital and Community Friends<br />

Hon. President, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

FREEMAN, Lord<br />

Patron, Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Consultant, Pricewaterhouse Coopers Corporate Finance Division<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, Thales UK plc (and chairman or director of a number of<br />

wholly owned subsidiaries of Thales UK plc including pension<br />

trustee companies)<br />

Director, Thales SA<br />

Director, Metalysis Ltd<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Member of the Advisory Panel of Independent Direction, Directors’<br />

Advisory Service Ltd (“IDDAS”)<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

FREYBERG, Lord<br />

Chairman, Busoga Trust (a Christian charity raising money to build<br />

water wells in Uganda)<br />

President, Council of Reserve Forces’ and Cadets’ Associations in the<br />

UK<br />

Vice President, British Horse Society<br />

Member of the Advisory Council, British Contractors and Consultants<br />

Bureau (BCCB) (unpaid)<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Member, Design Council<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Member, Advisory Council of Link Foundation for UK-NZ relations<br />

Member, Council of Advisors of ACE (Arts & Christianity Enquiry)<br />

Vice Chairman, The Committee to Reinstate the Royal Naval Division<br />

Memorial<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Member, Cubitt Studios (Artists co-operative of 33 members with a<br />

Board of Trustees and registered charity)<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, Unity Trust Bank<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Member of the Co-operative Party<br />

* indicates financial interest 83

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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GALE, Baroness<br />

84<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Visit to Taiwan (27 December 2003 for seven days) as part of a<br />

<strong>Parliament</strong>ary delegation on behalf of the British-Taiwanese Group.<br />

Guest of the Taiwan government – flight, hotel and meals paid for<br />

by Taiwan government.<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Commissioner for Wales, Women’s National Commission<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Joint Secretary, Associate <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Group on Animal Welfare<br />

Vice Chairman, Labour Animal Welfare Society<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, Treherbert and District Branch of the British Legion<br />

GARDEN, Lord<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Research work on a consultancy basis through King’s College London<br />

and Bradford University<br />

Military expert to BBC for ‘Crisis Command’ Programme<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

<strong>2004</strong> Wells Professor Indiana University teaching summer school at<br />

Instint D’Etudes Politiques De Lille<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Member of Executive Committee of Liberal Democrat European<br />

Group<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, London & Southeast region Air Training Corps<br />

President, Liberal International British Group<br />

Chairman, RAF Oxford & Cambridge Society<br />

President, Adastral Burns Club<br />

Chairman, Rippon Group<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Director, Königswinter Conference<br />

Director and Deputy Chairman National Liberal Club<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Fellow, Royal Aeronautical Society<br />

Fellow, Royal <strong>United</strong> Services Institute<br />

Fellow, City & Guilds of London Institute<br />

Ass. Fellow, Royal Institute of International Affairs<br />

Member, International Institute for Strategic Studies<br />

Commissioner, Commission on Globalisation<br />

Liveryman, Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators<br />

GARDNER OF PARKES, Baroness<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Visit (23 March <strong>2004</strong>) to Jaguar factory arranged by all-party<br />

Aluminium Group<br />

Visit (20 March 2002) arranged by all-party <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Group on<br />

Arts and Heritage to Tate Britain<br />

Reception at the Royal Society (June 2002) under the auspices of the<br />

all-party <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Group for Osteoporosis<br />

PLAN International Board Meetings, June 2002 in the UK and<br />

November 2002 in India with travel, accommodation and expenses<br />

paid<br />

Various visits and hospitality received from London Tourist Board,<br />

Intellect (June 2002), Pharmacy Group, Legal Action Group (July<br />

2002), Nuclear Industry (December 2002), all-party <strong>Parliament</strong>ary<br />

Group on Osteoporosis (June 2003)<br />

Lunch (July 2002) at the Korean Embassy under the auspices of the<br />

all-party <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Group on Korea<br />

Visits under the auspices of the all-party <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Group on Arts<br />

& Herita ge:<br />

Queens Gallery (July 2002), Tate Britain and Royal Academy<br />

(December 2002), British Library (February 2003), Natural History<br />

Museum, Science Museum, National Gallery (April 2003)<br />

Dinner and opera as guests (with husband) of National Grid (June<br />

2002)<br />

Visit (with husband) to Newmarket races (June 2003) under the<br />

auspices of the all-party <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Group on Racing &<br />

Bloodstock Industries<br />

CPA delegation to Australia (September–October 2002) (accompanied<br />

by husband at his own expense)<br />

Visit to Bournemouth (November 2002) for British Legion Festival of<br />

Remembrance and to Bournemouth (April 2003) in role as Hon<br />

Vice-President of the Royal British Legion Women’s Section<br />

Lunch (June 2003) sponsored by Scholl for the all-party <strong>Parliament</strong>ary<br />

Group for DVT Awareness<br />

Dinner (June 2003) given by all-party <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Group on<br />

Financial Services<br />

Visit (July 2003) to Royal College of Arts sponsored by National Grid<br />

Transco<br />

Visit (July 2003) to Science Museum sponsored by Aluminium<br />

Federation<br />

* indicates financial interest 85

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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86<br />

*12(i) Visits (contd)<br />

Visit (July 2003) to Kew Gardens under the auspices of the Arts &<br />

Heritage Group<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

GAREL-JONES, Lord<br />

London property let at commercial rents (jointly with husband)<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Acciona (Spain)<br />

Iberia (Spain)<br />

Vodafone (Spain)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Managing Director, UBS<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

GAVRON, Lord<br />

Farmland in Avila, Spain<br />

President, Canning House<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Chairman and Proprietor of The Folio Society<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Proprietor and Chairman of The Folio Society<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Governor, London School of Economics<br />

Member of Advisory Council, The Foundation for Entrepreneurial<br />

Management, London Business School<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman of the Trustees of The Robert Gavron Charitable Trust<br />

Trustee of The Paul Hamlyn Foundation<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee, Institute for Public Policy Research<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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GEDDES, Lord<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Director, Chromecastle Ltd<br />

Director, Photo Corporation (UK) Ltd<br />

Director, Portman Settled Estates Ltd<br />

Director, Trinity College London<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Portman Trusts<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trinity College of Music<br />

Portman Trusts<br />


*12(i) Visits<br />

Visit to Bosnia - Herzegovina (30 May – 30 June) representing the<br />

I.P.U and paid for by the B.H I.P.U<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Member, AMICUS (former National Official of AMICUS)<br />

Vice Chair , RoSPA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

GIDDENS, Lord<br />

Vice President, Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents<br />

President, British Diversity Awards<br />

Hon. President, Yeadon Sqn. Air Cadets 2168<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Director, Polity Press Ltd<br />

Director, Centre for Social Research<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Polity Press Ltd (publishing firm)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Emeritus Professor, London School of Economics and Political<br />

Science<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee, Institute of Public Policy Research<br />

* indicates financial interest 87

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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GILBERT, Lord<br />

88<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Adviser to Mindography USA<br />

Adviser to ABS Limited (Manufacturer of Hovercraft) (unpaid)<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Financial Information Technology Ltd (FIT)<br />

Voicenet Inc, USA<br />

Pragmatic Corporate Governance<br />

Chairman of the Board of SinglePoint Data Services Ltd<br />

Daleco Resources Corporation<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

One house in London SW5<br />

Trustee, Armed Forces <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Scheme<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Patron, The Urdang Academy<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Proprietor, Bloomsbury Consultants<br />

Director of Middle East International<br />

President of HACAN<br />

President of the Foundation of the Al-Quds Medical School<br />

President of the Isleworth Society<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

GLENAMARA, Lord<br />

Member of Anglo-Saudi Cultural Affairs Committee<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chancellor, University of Northumbria<br />

Patron, Stop Gap (a trust which provides beds for rough sleepers in<br />

Northumberland)<br />

President, Finchale College for the Disabled (Durham)<br />

Vice President, Newcastle Abbeyfield Soc iety<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Member of the Ben Gurion Trust (which fosters relations between the<br />

labour and trade union movements of Israel and the UK)<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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GLENARTHUR, Lord<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Governor, Nuffield Hospitals<br />

MDU Investments Ltd<br />

Millennium Chemicals Inc<br />

The Medical Defence Union Ltd<br />

Audax Trading (Overseas) Ltd<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Commissioner, Royal Hospital Chelsea<br />

Chairman, National Employer Advisory Board for Britain’s Reserve<br />

Forces<br />

Hon. Colonel, 306 Field Hospital (V)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, British Helicopter Advisory Board<br />

Council Member, The Air League<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee, The Royal Kings Royal Hussars<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

GLENTORAN, Lord<br />

Hon. Vice President, Raleigh International<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director, NHBC<br />

Non-executive Director, Bet on Sport plc<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Home farm and cottage, Northern Ireland<br />

Flat in London<br />

House in Spain<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member, Millennium Commission<br />

Chairman, Audit Committee, Millennium Commission<br />

Chairman, Human Resources Committee, Millennium Commission<br />

Co-Chairman, Finance Committee, Millennium Commission<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, British Bobsleigh Association<br />

District President of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem<br />

* indicates financial interest 89

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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90<br />

No relevant interests<br />

GOLDING, Baroness<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Visit to Spanish <strong>Parliament</strong>, Madrid (12-14 March 2003) under the<br />

auspices of the Spanish all-party <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Group; travel<br />

expenses paid for by TUI UK Ltd; expenses in Madrid paid for by<br />

Congreso de los Diputados<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Administrative Steward, British Boxing Board of Control Ltd<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Chairman, Countryside Aliance Angling Committee<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

GOLDSMITH, Lord<br />

Chairman, “Citizencard” (a proof of age card)<br />

Chairman, Second Chance Children’s Charity<br />

Trustee, ‘Get Hooked on Fishing’ Charity<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of Ministerial salary<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member, Advisory Board, Cambridge Centre for Commercial and<br />

Corporate Law<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

GOODHART, Lord<br />

President, Bar Pro Bono Unit<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Vice President, International Commission of Jurists<br />

Trustee, Fair Trials Abroad<br />

Vice Chair of Council, JUSTICE<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, Scottish Radio Holdings<br />

Chairman, Rajar (radio audience measurement)<br />

Director, Active Capital Trust<br />

Director, Johnston Press<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Hon. President, Glasgow and West of Scotland Family History<br />

Association<br />

GOSCHEN, Viscount<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

New Philanthropy Capital<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

GOUDIE, Baroness<br />

Chairman, The Kasanka Trust (a UK registered charity supporting<br />

conservation and development in Zambia)<br />

*12(e ) Remunerated directorships<br />

MTG One Ltd (strategic and management consultancy)<br />

Chairman, Stakeholders<br />

Chairman, Aolus<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

MTG One Ltd<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member, Board of Directors of the Prince and Princess of Wales<br />

Hospice, Glasgow<br />

Member of the Court of Napier University<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee of Piggybank Kids<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Member of the APEX/GMB Trade Union<br />

Member of the Labour Party<br />

Member of the Society of Labour Lawyers<br />

Patron of the Community Foundation for Northern Ireland<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Chair, Independent Advisory Group on Sexual Health and HIV<br />

* indicates financial interest 91

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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92<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chair, East Sussex Women’s Refuge Project – fund raising committee<br />

Chair/Trustee, Mary Macarthur Holiday Trust<br />

Council Member, Constitutional Unit<br />

Council Member, Hansard Society<br />

President, British Epilepsy Association<br />

President, fpa<br />

Vice President, Speakability<br />

Chair, H.S. Chapman Society<br />

President, Brighton and Hove Fabian Society<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

GOULD, Lord<br />

Patron, Forward<br />

Patron, Brighton Women’s Centre<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Chairman and sole owner of Philip Gould Associates (company<br />

advises clients on market research, communications and strategy)<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, Philip Gould Associates<br />

Partner, PAA (a company that provides marketing services)<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

100 per cent shareholding in Philip Gould Associates<br />

*12(h) Secretarial research and assistance<br />

Secretarial assistance is provided 2 days a week by Philip Gould<br />

Associates<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

GRABINER, Lord<br />

Governor, Camden School for Girls<br />

Trustee, Policy Network (a think tank)<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive chairman of Arcadia Group Ltd (a retail company)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Practising Barrister<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chairman, Court of Governors of The London School of Economics<br />

and Political Science<br />

Council member of JUSTICE<br />

Director, The London Court of International Arbitration<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee, The <strong>United</strong> Synagogue Pension Fund (Court appointed)<br />

Trustee, The Jewish Chronicle newspaper<br />


*12(a) <strong>Parliament</strong>ary consultancy agreements<br />

Consultant to the Co-operative Group (Payment received £4,000 per<br />

quarter)<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Patron, Ancient Order of Foresters Charity Stewards<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

All-party <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Group for the Markets Industry<br />

Association for the Welfare of Park-Home Owners<br />

Co-Operative Group Consumers Organisation<br />

President, Edmonton Labour Party<br />

Vice Chair, Association for the Retail Industry<br />

GRAY OF CONTIN, Lord<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

GREAVES, Lord<br />

Trustee, Eden Court Theatre Trust, Inverness<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Second-hand bookdealer, dealing in books, ephemera and related items<br />

(trading as Liber Books)<br />

Visit to Penrith, Cumbria (6-7 April 2002) under the auspices of the<br />

British Mountaineering Council, for annual meeting and dinner<br />

(accommodation provided one night for self and wife)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member, Pendle Borough Council<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Chair, Pendle Liberal Democrats<br />

Policy Vice-Chair, NW Region Liberal Democrats<br />

* indicates financial interest 93

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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94<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Treasurer, Pendle Printing Society<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Member, Association of Liberal Democrat Councillors<br />

Member, Access and Conservation Working Group of British<br />

Mountaineering Council<br />


No relevant interests<br />

GREENFIELD, Baroness<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

BrainBoost Ltd<br />

The Bank of Leumi (UK)<br />

Neurodiagnostics Ltd<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Royal Institution of Great Britain<br />

Department of Pharmacology, Oxford University<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

BrainBoost Ltd<br />

Neurodiagnostics Ltd<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee, Science Museum<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Patron, Oxford Dementia Centre<br />

Patron, West Berkshire Neurological Alliance<br />

Patron, London Jewish Cultural Centre<br />

Patron, Motor Neurone Disease Association<br />

Patron, Oxford International Bio-Medical Centre<br />

Patron, Mentor Foundation UK<br />

Patron, Federation of Women Graduates<br />

Patron, National Schizophrenic Foundation<br />

Patron, Writers in Schools Federation<br />

Patron, Head Injury Re-Education<br />

Patron, Oxford Homeless Medical Fund<br />

Patron, Headway – Brain Injury Association<br />

Patron, Science Initiative Fairfield School for Girls<br />

The Clive Project<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

GREENGROSS, Baroness<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Advisor , Merck Institute of Ageing and Health<br />

Consultant to New Beginnings<br />

Chairman of the Advisory Board of English Longitudinal Study on<br />

Ageing (UCL)<br />

Consultant to Good Corporation<br />

Consultant to Federal Trust<br />

International Association of Homes and Services for the Ageing<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Chief Executive, International Longevity Centre, UK<br />

Member, OFCOM’s Advisory Committee on older and disabled people<br />

*12(h) Secretarial research and assistance<br />

As the former Director General of Age Concern England, provision of<br />

part-time research and secretarial assistance<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Vice President, Local Government Association<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Vice President, Britain in Europe<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Board Member, HelpAge International<br />

Governor, Pensions Policy Institute<br />

Vice President, Age Concern England<br />

Chair, The Experience Corps<br />

Co-Chair of Alliance on Health and the Future<br />

President, Retirement Trust<br />

President, Research Institute for the Care of the Elderly (Bath)<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

GREENWAY, Lord<br />

Fellow, Academy of Learned Societies for the Social Sciences<br />

Hon.Fellow, Institute of Actuaries<br />

Fellow, Royal Society for the Promotion of Health<br />

Fellow, Royal Society of Arts<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Consultant to Eurolist International Ltd (company involved in port<br />

representation)<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Hon. Chairman, Marine & Industrial Enterprises S.A., Piraeus, Greece<br />

* indicates financial interest 95

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

96<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Professional Freelance Marine Photographer and writer<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman of Trustees of the Memorial Fund of the Institute of Marine<br />

Engineering, Science and Technology<br />

Trustee, Hales trophy (Atlantic Speed Record)<br />

Trustee of the Tall Ships Youth Trust<br />

Vice President, World Ship Society<br />

Vice President and Chairman of Trustees, World Ship Trust<br />

Vice President, The Marine Society<br />

Member of Council, RNLI<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

GREGSON, Lord<br />

Hon. Younger Brother of Trinity House<br />

Hon. Member of The Baltic Exchange (sub. £950 per annum)<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

GRENFELL, Lord<br />

British Nuclear Fuels Ltd (Chair of a panel of experts whose role is to<br />

adjudicate compensation scheme cases - one meeting per year for<br />

which paid an annual fee and reimbursed for travelling expenses)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

GRIFFITHS, Lord<br />

Trustee of The Dundee Trust, a charitable organisation established by<br />

the Earl of Dundee to provide micro-financing for rehabilitation<br />

projects in war-damaged areas of Croatia (unpaid)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Acts as Arbitrator and Mediator in commercial disputes from time to<br />

time<br />


15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Governor, Central Foundation School for Boys<br />

Trustee, Central Foundation Schools<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee, Art and Christianity Enquiry<br />

Trustee, Sir Halley Stewart Charitable Trust<br />

Trustee, Christian Socialist Movement<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Vice Chairman, Goldman-Sachs International<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

GROCOTT, Lord<br />

Director, English, Welsh, Scottish Railway<br />

Director, Herman Miller<br />

Director, Land Securities Trillium<br />

Director, Servicemaster<br />

Director, Times Newspapers<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of Ministerial salary<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Rental income from a flat in London<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Adviser, Aon Special Risks<br />

Adviser, Favermead<br />

Adviser, Vosper Thorneycroft<br />

Non-executive Director, Advanced Interactive Systems Inc<br />

Non-executive Director, N M Rothschild & Sons Ltd<br />

Non-executive Director, Ashley Gardens Block 2 Ltd<br />

Visit (9-11 January <strong>2004</strong>) to Oman as an Advisor. Paid for by the<br />

Government of Oman<br />

Two 1-day visits to Libyan Administration (4.4.04 and 27.6.04) paid<br />

for by Government of Libya.<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Hon. Fellow and visiting Professor, King’s College, London<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee Trialogue Educationa l Trust<br />

* indicates financial interest 97

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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98<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Colonel Commandant, Special Air Service<br />

Colonel, The Life Guards<br />

Council Member, Institute of International and Strategic Studies<br />

Member, Center for Strategic and International Studies (Washington<br />

DC, USA)<br />

Member of Advisory Board, Arrábida Conflict Prevention Initiative<br />

President, Action Medical Research<br />

President, The Army Benevolent Fund<br />

President, The Federation of London Youth Clubs<br />

President, The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Association<br />

President, Weston Spirit<br />

President, Jubilee Action: Turkana Appeal<br />

Vice-President, Trinity Institute for Christianity and Culture<br />

Governor, The Charterhouse, Clerkenwell<br />

Chairman of Trustees, Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives,<br />

King’s College<br />

Patron, The Order of Malta’s Care Trust<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Knight of Sovereign Military Order of Malta<br />

Patron, Cardinal Hume Centre<br />

Patron, UK Defence Forum<br />

Vice Patron, The Atlantic Council “Partnership for Peace”<br />

Patron, The Oratory School<br />

Patron, The Second World War Experience Centre<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

HABGOOD, Lord<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Action for Disability<br />

Encephalitis Support Group<br />

National Family Mediation<br />

Supporters of Falun Gong<br />

Yorkshire Enterprise for Spines<br />

HALE OF RICHMOND, Baroness<br />

*12(a) <strong>Parliament</strong>ary consultancy agreements<br />

<strong>Parliament</strong>ary Consultant for the Confederation of Passenger Transport<br />

UK (£3000 per annum)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Lord of Appeal in Ordinary<br />

Chairman, Bus Appeals Body<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chancellor, University of Bristol<br />

Visitor, Girton College, Cambridge<br />

Visiting Fellow, Nuffield College, Oxford<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee, Bute House, Edinburgh<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

HAMWEE, Baroness<br />

President, National Family Mediation<br />

President, Association of Women Barristers<br />

President, <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong> Association of Women Judges<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Clintons (solicitors)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member of London Assembly, Greater London Authority<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Board of Management, REFUGE<br />

Trustee, The Nancy Seear Trust<br />

Member, Advisory Board, Centre for Public Scruting<br />

Member, Compact Advocacy Advisory Group, NCVO<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Amnesty International<br />

* indicates financial interest 99

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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HANHAM, Baroness<br />

100<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Chairman, St. Mary’s NHS Trust, Paddington<br />

Member, Royal Borough Kensington and Chelsea<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Friend, University of Grenada<br />

Magistrate, City of London Bench and Inner London Family<br />

Proceedings Court<br />

Member, Committee of Regions<br />

Trustee, Special Trustees, St. Mary’s NHS Trust<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Vice President of Commonwealth Institute<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Patron, Campaign for Learning<br />


*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Member of Tangguh Independent Advisory Panel (set up by BP to<br />

advise on a liquefied natural gas project in Papua, Indonesia)<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director, CHIME Communications<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Pro-Chancellor, University of Birmingham (and member of the<br />

Council and Court)<br />

Member, U.N. Secretary-General’s High Level Panel for Threats,<br />

Challenger and Change<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Member, Council of Britain in Europe<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Member, Advisory Board, Centre for European Reform<br />

Member, Advisory Board, European Foreign Affairs Review<br />

Member, Advisory Board, Prospect magazine<br />

Member, Advisory Board, Salzburg Seminar<br />

Member, Advisory Board, Judge School of Management, Cambridge<br />

Chairman, International Advisory Board of EDHEC Business School<br />


*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Land at Doylands Farm, West Hanningfield, Essex<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Governor, Brentwood School<br />

Member, Essex County Council<br />

Vice Chairman, Local Government Association<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Director, Localis Ltd<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

HANSON, Lord<br />

Vice Patron, Helen Rollason Cancer Care Centre Appeal<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Hanson Capital Ltd (investment banking Advisory company)<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Member of the Council, Business for Sterling<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee of the Lord Hanson Foundation (a registered charity)<br />

Trustee, Hanson Fellowship of Surgery, Oxford University<br />

Trustee, Hanson Research Trust<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

HARDIE, Lord<br />

Companion of Chartered Management Institute<br />

Fellow, Cancer Research Campaign<br />

Fellow, Royal Society of Arts<br />

Hon. DBA University of Huddersfield<br />

Hon. Fellow, Royal College of Radiologists<br />

Hon. Fellow, St. Peter’s College, Oxford University<br />

Hon. LLD, Leeds University<br />

Member, Court of Patrons, Royal College of Surgeons<br />

Hon. Trustee, University of Southern California<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Senator, The College of Justice, Scotland<br />


*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Consultant, Harrogate Management Centre<br />

Consultant, Wyeth Pharmaceuticals<br />

Senior Associate, King’s Fund<br />

Public Affairs Consultant, National Grid Transco<br />

CPP Group plc<br />

* indicates financial interest 101

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

102<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Consultant Adviser, KPMG<br />

Training Adviser, Infolog<br />

Executive Member, Association of Police Authorities<br />

Executive Member, Local Government Association<br />

Member, London Assembly<br />

Non-executive Member, London Ambulance Service NHS Trust<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Chair, Metropolitan Police Authority<br />

Chair, Wembley National Stadium Trust<br />

Police Convalescence and Rehabilitation Trust<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Carpetright plc (and subsidiaries)<br />

Harris Ventures Ltd (Investment Company)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Chairman and Chief Executive, Carpetright plc (and subsidiaries)<br />

Chairman, Harris Ventures Ltd (Investment Company)<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Harris Ventures Ltd (Investment Company)<br />

TYEF Ltd (directly related to member’s primary residence)<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Carpetright plc<br />

GUS plc<br />

SCI CASALA (directly related to member’s holiday residence)<br />

Formdean Ltd (joint ownerships of horses)<br />

Three Ladies Ltd (ownership of show-jumping horse)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

347 acres of woodland investment, Dumfries and Galloway<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chairman, Generation Trust, Guys Hospital<br />

Trustee, Bacons City Technology College<br />

Trustee, Harris City Technology College<br />

Trustee and Chairman of Governors, The Academy at Peckham<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Royal Academy of Arts<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, Prostate Cancer “Investing In Life” Campaign<br />

Deputy Chairman, NSPCC National Appeal Board and Executive<br />

Committee<br />

President of Friends of Guys Hospital<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Member, Council of Patrons Royal College of Obstetricians and<br />

Gynaecologists<br />

HARRIS OF RICHMOND, Baroness<br />

*12(a) <strong>Parliament</strong>ary consultancy agreements<br />

<strong>Parliament</strong>ary Advisor to AIM UK (a non-commercial not-for-profit<br />

industry association for the automatic data capture industry) (fee<br />

£5000 per annum commencing 1 April 2002)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Income as a regular speaker for the House Magazine – Westminster<br />

Explained<br />

Visit (16 – 19 June 2002) to Republic of Cyprus as guest of Greek<br />

Cypriot House of Representations (hospitality was provided for the<br />

whole of the stay in Nicosia)<br />

Visit (November 2003) to Brussels and Luxembourg as Chair for the<br />

Industry and <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Trusts European Study Programme for<br />

Industria lists<br />

Visit (7-8 December 2003) to Oslo as a member of a sub-committee of<br />

the British-Irish Inter-<strong>Parliament</strong>ary Body<br />

Visit (18 January <strong>2004</strong>) to Latvia as a member of the Irish Inter-<br />

<strong>Parliament</strong>ary Body<br />

Visit (29 February – 8 March <strong>2004</strong>) to India as part of a Liberal<br />

Democrat delegation on trade, industry and economics as guest of<br />

the Indian Government<br />

Visit (21-23 March <strong>2004</strong>) to Budapest (at own expense) to join the all-<br />

party Accession Group<br />

*13(d) Hospitality or gifts<br />

Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust Ltd (in receipt of personal award over<br />

two year period – commenced July 2001)<br />

Visit to Stralsund, East Germany to name a ship for The Maersk<br />

Company (flight and hospitality provided during stay). The Maersk<br />

Company presented me with a necklace and the shipyard at<br />

Stralsund presented me with a bracelet<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Honorary Alderman of North Yorkshire County Council<br />

Vice President of the Local Government Association<br />

Honorary Freedom of Richmond (North Yorkshire)<br />

* indicates financial interest 103

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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104<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

HARRISON, Lord<br />

Vice President, Yorkshire and The Humber Liberal Democrats<br />

President of the National Association of Chaplains to the Police<br />

Trustee, Flint House Police Rehabilitation Trust<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Trustee of the Genesis Initiative (the Business Senate for Enterprise)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

<strong>Parliament</strong>ary Ambassador, N.S.P.C.C.<br />

President, Chester and District Parkinson’s Disease Society<br />

Vice President, Cheshire Landscape Trust<br />

Vice President, W.I.N. (Wirral Investment Network)<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Expert Adviser to the Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs and<br />

Lord Chancellor<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Farmland in Suffolk<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

HASKEL, Lord<br />

Trustee and Board Member of –<br />

The Almeida Theatre, Islington<br />

The Architecture Foundation<br />

The British Architectural Library Trust<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

The Perrotts Group Ltd (a small company remaining after business<br />

interests were sold)<br />

Chairman of Trustees, The Lord and Lady Haskel Charitable<br />

Foundation<br />

Chairman of Trustees, The Smith Institute<br />

Trustee, The Israel Diaspora Trust<br />

Trustee, The Perrots Group Retirement Benefits Scheme<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

HASKINS, Lord<br />

Hon. President, The Textile Institute<br />

Hon. President, Institute for Jewish Policy Research<br />

Hon. President, The Environmental Industries Commission<br />

Patron, Society of Operations Engineers<br />

Patron, Chronic Diseases Research Foundation<br />

Council, Foundation for Science and Technology<br />

Hon. Chairman, Technitex (an association of firms in the technical<br />

textiles industry)<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director, JSR Farms Ltd<br />

Non-executive Director, Yorkshire Television<br />

Advisory Director, Mentmore Ltd<br />

Hon. Chairman, Technitex<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Shareholder, ANA Foods plc (Dairy)<br />

Shareholder, Express Diaries plc<br />

Shareholder, North Foods plc<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Director, Quarryside Farms Ltd<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member of Council of Hull University<br />

Non-executive Director, Yorkshire & Humber RDA<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

President, Labour for Industry Group<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

HATTERSLEY, Lord<br />

Trustee, Legal Assistance Trust<br />

Trustee, Lawes Agricultural Trust<br />

Trustee, Business Dynamics<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Contracted Journalism<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, Buxton Festival<br />

Chairman, Priestly Society<br />

* indicates financial interest 105

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

HAWORTH, Lord<br />

106<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Remunerated as the Secretary of the <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Labour Party, by<br />

the Labour Party<br />

HAYHOE, Lord<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Abbot Laboratories Inc (International healt h care and pharmaceuticals)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

HAYMAN, Baroness<br />

Trustee, Foundation for Liver Research<br />

Trustee, The Tablet Trust<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Member of the Board of Trustees, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew,<br />

Surrey<br />

Director of Kew Enterprises (unpaid)<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Chairman, Specialised Health Care Alliance<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

HEALEY, Lord<br />

Chairman, Cancer Research UK<br />

Chairman, RoadSafe<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member, Council of Global Energy Studies<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Abbeyfield (Eastbourne) Society Ltd<br />

Charleston Trust<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

British Legion<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

HENIG, Baroness<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member, Lancashire County Council<br />

Member and Chair, Lancashire Police Authority<br />

Chair, Association of Police Authorities<br />

Governor, Central Lancaster High School<br />

Chair, Lancaster Crime & Disorder Reduction Partnership<br />

Member, Lancashire Partnership against Crime<br />

Member, EU Committee of the Regions (Alternate member sitting on<br />

RELEX Commission)<br />

Member, National Criminal Justice Board<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

HENLEY, Lord<br />

President, Lancaster and District Art Society<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Consultant to Carlisle Airport<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

HESELTINE, Lord<br />

Agricultural land in Cumberland, including residential properties<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Haymarket Publishing Group<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Haymarket Publishing Group<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Haymarket Publishing Group<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Anglo China Forum<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Member, Millennium Commission<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

President, Quoted Companies Alliance<br />

President, Conservative Group for Europe<br />

Chairman, Conservative Mainstream<br />

* indicates financial interest 107

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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HIGGINS, Lord<br />

108<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Governor, National Institute for Economic and Social Research<br />

Hon. Member, Keynes College, University of Kent<br />

HILTON OF EGGARDON, Baroness<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Hon. Officer, BTCV (British Trust for Conservation Volunteers)<br />

Hon. Officer, NEA (Neighbourhood Energy Action)<br />

President, SOVA (Society of Voluntary Associates)<br />

Trustee, Pond Conservation Trust<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Executive Chairman, Johnson Bros and Co Ltd (investment company)<br />

Rostrum Group Ltd (specialist fund manager)<br />

Non-executive Chairman, Carbo plc (manufacturer of abrasive<br />

products)<br />

Non-executive Chairman, Nova Capital Management (a private equity<br />

fund management company)<br />

Wolverhampton and Dudley Breweries plc<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Johnson Brothers and Co Ltd (investment company)<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Carbo plc (manufacturer of abrasive products)<br />

Nova Capital Management (a private equity fund management<br />

company)<br />

Rostrum Group Ltd (specialist fund manager)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Farmland in Shropshire including residential properties<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Hon. Fellow and Trustee, St. Peter’s College, Oxford<br />

Member of the Governing Body, Shrewsbury School<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

HOFFMANN, Lord<br />

Chairman of Trustees of Conservative and Unionist Party Agent’s<br />

Superannuation Fund<br />

Trustee of Staffordshire Building Society Pension Fund<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Lord of Appeal in Ordinary<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

HOGG, Baroness<br />

Chairman of Trustees of Children’s Music Workshop<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, 3i Group plc<br />

Chairman, Frontier Economics<br />

Non-executive Director, Carnival Corporation and Carnival plc<br />

Deputy Chairman, GKN<br />

*13(c) Financial interests of spouse or relative or friend<br />

See House of Commons <strong>Register</strong> for The Rt. Hon. Douglas Hogg, MP<br />

(husband)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member, Board of Governors, Lincoln University<br />

Council Member, London Business School<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Council Member, Institute for Fiscal Studies<br />

Council Me mber, Royal Economic Society<br />

Fellow, Eton College<br />

Advisory Council, Shine<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trusthouse Foundation<br />

Trustee, St. Mary’s School<br />


*12(a) <strong>Parliament</strong>ary consultancy agreement<br />

<strong>Parliament</strong>ary Consultant for the Confederation of Passenger Transport<br />

UK, £3,000 per annum<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Chairman, Bus Appeals Body<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

HOLLICK, Lord<br />

Trustee, Bute House, Edinburgh<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Director, Diageo plc<br />

Director, Honeywell International Inc<br />

Director, <strong>United</strong> Business Media plc<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

50% shareholding in Harmay Ltd<br />

* indicates financial interest 109

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

110<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chairman, South Bank Centre<br />

HOLLIS OF HEIGHAM, Baroness<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of ministerial salary<br />

Royalties and occasional income in respect of academic monographs<br />

and biographies<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Hon. Fellow of various universities including U.E.A<br />

Former leader, Norwich City Council<br />


*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Special Adviser to Chairman, Rio Tinto plc<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Adviser, NTL<br />

Chairman of the Advisory Board, ISG (Industrial Services Group – an<br />

environmental clean-up company in California)<br />

Chairman of the Board, Globescan International, Toronto, Canada<br />

Director, Africa International Financial Holdings Llc, Boston, USA<br />

Member of the Advisory Board, Liberty Global Partners, Boston<br />

Member of the Advisory Board, Montrose Associates<br />

Member of the Advisory Board, Venture Exchange, Toronto, Canada<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chairman of Governors, English College in Prague<br />

Chancellor, University of Greenwich<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, Advisory Board, British-American Project<br />

Chairman, Centre for the Advancement of Sustainable Development<br />

Partnerships<br />

Chairman, Hansard Society for <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Government<br />

Chairman, Royal African Society<br />

Chairman LEAD International<br />

Council Member, Overseas Development Institute<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

HOME, Earl of<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Coutts & Co<br />

Deva Group (cattle breeding, hotel, insurance, farming) (unpaid)<br />

Deva Holding Ltd (unpaid)<br />

Douglas and Angus Estates<br />

MAN Limited<br />

Tollemache Farms Ltd (unpaid )<br />

Coutts Bank (Switzerland) Ltd (unpaid)<br />

Chairman, Bank von Ernst (Switzerland) (unpaid)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Coutts & Co<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Land in Berwickshire and Lanarkshire indirectly through Douglas and<br />

Angus Estates<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Governor, Glenalmond College, Perthshire<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Honorary Trustee, The Royal Agricultural Society of England<br />

Coutts Charitable Trust<br />

Coutts Foundation<br />

Grosvenor Estates<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

HOOPER, Baroness<br />

Lymphoma Assoc iation<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, Advisory Committee, Barclays European Infrastructure<br />

Fund<br />

Non-executive Director, Deutsche Latin American Companies Trust<br />

plc<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Council Member, Institute of Latin American Studies, University of<br />

London<br />

* indicates financial interest 111

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

112<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, European Foundation for Heritage Skills<br />

Governor, Royal Academy of Dance<br />

Vice-President, Hispanic and Luso Brazilian Councils (Canning<br />

House)<br />

President, Waste Watch<br />

Trustee, Industry and <strong>Parliament</strong> Trust<br />

Chairman, European Atlantic Group<br />

Trustee, The Tablet<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

HOOSON, Lord<br />

Fellow, Royal Geographical Society<br />

Fellow, Royal Society for Arts and Manufacturing<br />

No relevant interests<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Lord of Appeal in Ordinary<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chairman of the Advisory Council, Institute of Advanced Legal<br />

Studies, University of London<br />

Chancellor of Strathclyde University<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Director, Commonwealth Magistrates’ and Judges’ Association<br />


*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

I offer general consultancy services to Wicksteed Leisure Ltd and its<br />

parent company Jardentome Ltd<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, Fortress Holdings plc<br />

Castle Rising Holdings Ltd<br />

Chateau Limited (unpaid)<br />

Columbia-Staver Ltd (subsidiary of Fortress Holdings plc) (unpaid)<br />

GSE Trustees Ltd (unpaid)<br />

Highland Electronics Group plc (subsidiary of Fortress Holdings plc)<br />

(unpaid)<br />

Lynchford Products Ltd (subsidiary of Fortress Holdings plc) (unpaid)<br />

North Wootton Ltd (unpaid)<br />

Trafford Engineering Ltd (formerly Wicksteed Engineering Ltd)<br />

(unpaid)<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Castle Rising Holdings and its subsidiaries including Trafford<br />

Engineering Ltd<br />

GSE Trustees Ltd<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Fortress Holdings plc<br />

Jardentome Ltd<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

The Castle Rising Estate, including residential property in Norfolk<br />

15(a) Members hip of public bodies<br />

Councillor, Kings Lynn and West Norfolk District Council<br />

Chairman, Castle Rising Parish Council<br />

Member, Kings Internal Drainage Board<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Owner, Castle Rising Castle<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee, The Hon. Mary Howard Trust<br />

Council Member, National Playing Fields Association<br />

Treasurer, All Saints Church Roydon, P.C.C<br />

Secretary, Sunningdale School Anniversary Appeal<br />

Chairman of the Trustees, Trinity Hospital Castle Rising<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee, Goldsmid Settled Estates<br />

Trustee, St. Lawrence Church Trust<br />

Trustee, All Saints Roydon Church Trust<br />

Trustee, Howard Discretionary Trust<br />

H. Benink Will Trust<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Countryside Alliance<br />

* indicates financial interest 113

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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114<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Board Member of the Food Standards Agency (including Meat<br />

Hygiene Advisory Committee)<br />

Board Member (deputy chair) of CAFCASS (Children and Families<br />

Court Advisory and Support Service)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

John Grooms Association for Disabled People (Trustee and Vice<br />

President)<br />

The Lucy Faithful Foundation (Vice Chair and Trustee)<br />

Chair of the Board of the Children’s Helplines International<br />

Little Hearts Matter (Trustee and Patron)<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

HOWE, Earl<br />

Member, British Association of Social Workers<br />

Associate, Association of Directors of Social Services<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Director, Seagraves Farm Co Ltd (family farm)<br />

Non-executive Chairman, LAPADA (London & Provincial Antique<br />

Dealers Association Ltd)<br />

Non-executive Director, Andry Montgomery Ltd (exhibition<br />

organisers)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Partner in family farming business (arable and diary)<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Seagraves Farm Co Ltd (family farm)<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Visit to Chicago (30 May – 3 June 2003) as a member of a British<br />

delegation examining US cancer care and health systems (funded by<br />

Aventis plc)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Farmland in Buckinghamshire, including residential properties, offices<br />

and woodland<br />

Residential and commercial property in London<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee, Milton’s Cottage Trust<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, Friends of Little Missenden Festival of the Arts<br />

Chairman, Friends of the Curzon Centre, Beaconsfield<br />

Hereditary Governor, King William IV Naval Foundation<br />

President, Abbeyfield (Beaconsfield) Society<br />

President, National Society for Epilepsy<br />

President, RNLI Chilterns Branch<br />

President, South Buckinghamshire, Association for the Disabled<br />

President, The Curzon Centre, Beaconsfield<br />

Trustee and Hon. Treasurer, The Trident Trust<br />

Trustee, RAFT (Restoration of Appearance and Function Trust)<br />

Trustee, Sir William Borlase’s Grammar School, Marlow<br />

Trustee, The Penn Trust<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Holy Trinity, Penn, PCC<br />

Hon. Associate, British Veterinary Association<br />

Hon. Member, The Woodland Trust<br />

Member, Patrons’ Committee, Buckinghamshire, County Museum<br />

Member, RNLI Council<br />

Member, RNLI Fundraising Committee<br />


*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Occasional consultancy work for Jones Day (a US law firm)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Bencher of the Middle Temple<br />

Chairman, Steering Committee of Inland Revenue’s Tax Law Rewrite<br />

Project<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Chairman and Trustee, Thomson Foundation<br />

Trustee, Cambridge Commonwealth Trust<br />

Trustee, Cambridge Overseas Trust<br />

Trustee, Rajiv Gandhi (UK) Foundation<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Board Member, Britain in Europe<br />

President, Consumers’ Association<br />

Patron, UK Metric Association<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Council Member, French Aspen Institute<br />

Member, International Advisory Council, Stanford University<br />

(California, USA) Institute for International Studies<br />

President, Great Britain China Centre<br />

President, Russian Enterprise Trust<br />

President, Academy of Experts<br />

President, National Centre for Young People with Epilepsy<br />

* indicates financial interest 115

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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HOWE OF IDLICOTE, Baroness<br />

116<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member of Governing Body, London School of Economics<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee, Architectural Association – School of Architecture<br />

Trustee, The Ann Driver Trust<br />


*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Consultant, Central Japan Railway Company<br />

Consultant to Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V.<br />

Member, Financial Advisory Committee, Kuwait Investment Authority<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Non-executive Director, Monks Investment Trust plc<br />

Visit to Bahrain (28 September – 1 October 2002) as a guest of the<br />

Bahrain Government<br />

Visit to Bulgaria (16-18 October 2003) as a guest of the Bulgarian<br />

Government<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee, Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre Trust<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

President, The British Institute of Energy Economics (a Company<br />

registered at Companies House) (unpaid)<br />

HOWELLS OF ST. DAVIDS, Baroness<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Board Member and Director, Purple International<br />

Visit to Pakistan paid for by Nestle<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Governor of Rachael McMillan Nursery School<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Bernie Grant Memorial Trust<br />

Trustee, Talawa Theatre Company<br />

Grenada Arts Association<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Carib Welfare Trust<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Bernie Grant Trust<br />

Bexley & Greenwich Cottage Hospice<br />

Crime Concern Trust<br />

Granada Arts Group<br />

Jalawa Theatre Committee<br />

British Caribbean Association<br />

Patron, Diversity and Leadership in the 21 st Century<br />

HOWIE OF TROON, Lord<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Consultancy to George S Hall Ltd<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Publishing Consultant to <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Monitoring Services Ltd<br />

Visit to Calais (March 2002) with Rail Freight Group<br />

Visit to Finland (March 2003) with Nuclear Energy Group<br />

Visit to Scotland (June <strong>2004</strong>) with Energy Studies Group<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

HOYLE, Lord<br />

Fellow of Institution of Civil Engineers<br />

Hon. Fellow of Association of Building Engineers<br />

Hon. Fellow of Institution of Structural Engineers<br />

Vice President of Periodical Publishers Association<br />

Member of Society of Engineers and Scientists (France)<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director, Debt Free Direct<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Chairman of Warrington Wolves Rugby League Football Club<br />

Director, AMTAC Laboratories, Broadheath, Altrincham (fee paid)<br />

Visit (1–4 November 2002) to Gibraltar as guest of the Gibraltar<br />

Government<br />

Visit (28-29 April 2003) to European Commission, Brussels, under<br />

European Union Travel Scheme<br />

Visit to Hungary (19-24 September 2003), to visit as their guest the<br />

Hungarian <strong>Parliament</strong> and local government in Szekesfelhervar<br />

* indicates financial interest 117

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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118<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Part ownership of 107-113 Chorley Road, Adlington, Lancs (office,<br />

retail and industrial premises)<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Vice President (and past President) of ASTMS and MSF<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman of Ryfields Village Appeal, Warrington (raising money for<br />

provision of Ryfields Retirement Village in Warrington)<br />

President of Adlington Cricket Club<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Member of Adlington Town Council<br />

Member of Amicus (MSF Section)<br />

Member of Labour Friends of Israel<br />

Honorary member of the Showmans Guild<br />


*12(i) Visits<br />

Visit to South Africa (14-17 June <strong>2004</strong>) to receive South African<br />

Government National Award “Grand Companion of Oliver Tambo”<br />

conferred by President Mbeki on 16 June <strong>2004</strong>. All travel and<br />

accommodation expenses paid for by South African Government<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Hon. President, Action for Southern Africa (ACTSA)<br />

Hon. President, Mozambique Angola Committee (MAC)<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee, Canon Collins Education Trust for Southern Africa<br />

(CCETSA)<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Member of Amicus (Engineering Trade Union)<br />


*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Consultant to Risk Group Ltd on scientific matters<br />

*12(e ) Remunerated directorships<br />

Cambridge Environmental Research Consultants Ltd<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Professor, Technological University of Delft, Netherlands<br />

Professor, University College London<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

25% share of Cambridge Environmental Research Consultants Ltd<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

1/6 th of a field in the Isle of Wight<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Fellow, Royal Society<br />

Governor , Westminster School<br />

Member, Advisory Committee for Protection at Sea<br />

Member (Royal Society observer) on Advisory Committee for Natural<br />

Disaster Reduction<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, ACOPS Ltd<br />

Vice President, National Society for Clean Air<br />

Committee Member, Risk Group<br />

Member on Advisory Committee for Natural Disaster Reduction<br />


*12(b) <strong>Parliament</strong>ary lobbying<br />

Adviser to Beachcroft Wansbroughs Solicitors and Brightwater<br />

Regulatory Consulting Ltd (trading as Beachcroft Wansbroughs<br />

Consulting), both of which advise their clients on government,<br />

parliamentary and regulatory matters<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Senior Policy Advisor , Kings Fund<br />

Adviser, University Hospital Birmingham NHS Trust<br />

Adviser, Beaechcroft Wansbroughs Solicitors<br />

Adviser, Harrogate Management Centre<br />

Adviser, KPMG (Accountants)<br />

Adviser, Long Term Conditions Alliance<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Columnist, Health Services Journal<br />

Regular speaking engagements on variety of subjects in relation to the<br />

NHS and healthcare issues<br />

Associate, Cumberlege Connections<br />

Chair, Birmingham and Black Country Health Authority<br />

Modernisation Board<br />

Chair, National Patient Safety Agency from January <strong>2004</strong><br />

Chair, Birmingham and Solihull NHS Strategic Partnering Board<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Senior Associate Fellow – Warwick University Business School<br />

* indicates financial interest 119

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

120<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Patron, Rethink<br />

Patron, Family Planning Association<br />

Supporter, Patients Association<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Co-operative Party<br />

Cyclist Touring Club<br />

Socialist Education Association<br />

Socialist Health Association<br />

St. Mary’s Hospice, Birmingham<br />

UK Public Health Association<br />

Unison (trade union)<br />

Warwickshire County Cricket Club<br />

Patron, Birmingham Centre for Arts Therapies<br />

Patron, Comprehensive Future<br />


No relevant interests<br />

HUNT OF WIRRAL, Lord<br />

*12(b) <strong>Parliament</strong>ary lobbying<br />

Senior Partner of Beachcroft Wansbroughs Solicitors and Chairman of<br />

Brightwater Regulatory Consulting Limited (trading as Beachcroft<br />

Wansbroughs Consulting), both of which advise their clients on<br />

government, parliamentary and regulatory matters<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Honorary Consultant to the Newhall Group at Newhall Lane, Hoylake,<br />

Wirral (periodical publishers)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Senior Partner, Beachcroft Wansbroughs Solicitors<br />

*12(h) Secretarial research and assistance<br />

Secretarial and research assistance paid for by Beachcroft<br />

Wansbroughs<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, Appeal Committee, Downside & Worth Clubs<br />

Chairman, Association of Independent Financial Advisers<br />

Chairman, Inter-<strong>Parliament</strong>ary Council against Anti-Semitism<br />

Deputy Chairman English-Speaking Union<br />

Director, Case Management Society UK<br />

Life Vice President, Association of Conservative Clubs Limited<br />

Life Vice President, Liverpool College<br />

President, Abbeyfield Hoylake & West Kirby Society<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, All party <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Group on Occupational Safety and<br />

Health<br />

President, British Heart Foundation (South Wirral Branch)<br />

President, Guide Dogs for the Blind (West Wirral Branch)<br />

President, Hoylake and District Remembrance Sunday Committee<br />

President, Hoylake Cottage Hospital Trust<br />

President, Hoylake Council for Voluntary Service<br />

President, Leukaemia Research Fund (Wirral Branch)<br />

President, Mainstream<br />

President, Motor Neurone Disease Association (Wirral Branch)<br />

President, West Kirby Citizens’ Advice Bureau<br />

President, Wirral Disabled Marine Association<br />

President, Wirral Sick Children’s Fund<br />

Trustee, Holocaust Educational Trust<br />

Trustee, Melrose Club<br />

Vice Chairman, All party <strong>Parliament</strong>ary War Crimes Group<br />

Vice President, Caldy Cricket Club<br />

Vice President, Caldy Rugby Football Club<br />

Vice President, Mersey Kidney Research<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Vice President, National Playbus Association<br />

Vice President, Quality Placements<br />

Vice President, St John’s Hospice in Wirral<br />

Vice President, Tory Reform Group<br />

Vice President, <strong>United</strong> Nations Association (North West Region)<br />

Vice President, Wales in London<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Advisory Council, Action Centre for Europe<br />

All party <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Cricket Group<br />

All party <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Group on Advertising<br />

All party <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Group on Breast Cancer<br />

All party <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Group on Cancer<br />

All party <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Group on Insurance and Financial Services<br />

All party <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Group on Soap and Detergent Industry<br />

All party <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Group on Town Centre Management Issues<br />

All party <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Retail Industry Group<br />

All party <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Sports Group<br />

Buckingham Club<br />

CBI Council (London)<br />

Conservative Group for Europe<br />

Dinosaurs Club<br />

Nick’s Diner<br />

<strong>Parliament</strong>ary and Scientific Committee<br />

Rotary Club of London<br />

Society of Conservative Lawyers<br />

Unionist Club<br />

* indicates financial interest 121

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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122<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Adviser, Montrose Strategic Consultancy based in London<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Deputy Chairman, Coutts Bank<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Author of fourteen published books<br />

Senior Adviser, Hawkpoint<br />

Retained as mediator by Centre for Effective Disputes Resolution<br />

(CEDR)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

High Steward of Westminster Abbey<br />

Fellow of Nuffield College, Oxford<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

President, Prison Reform Trust<br />

Chairman, German-British Forum<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, Council for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR)<br />

Joint President, Royal Institute for International Affairs (Chatham<br />

House)<br />

Chairman, St. Andrew’s Trust<br />


15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Hon. Fellow, Trinity College, Oxford<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Patron of British Association of Prosthetics and Ortotists<br />

Patron of British Limbless Ex-servicemen’s Association<br />


No relevant interests<br />

HUTTON, Lord<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Visitor of the University of Ulster<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

HYLTON, Lord<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

30 May – 5 June 2002 – Visit to Azerbaijan, as the guest of the Azeri<br />

Government (free air -travel, business class, to and from Baku,<br />

internal transport by car and helicopter, full board and lodging for<br />

five nights)<br />

5 - 13 August 2002 - Visit to Nagorno-Karabakh via Armenia. Guest<br />

of Nagorno-Karabakh Government as an observer of Presidential<br />

Election (board and lodging in Stepanakert and free local transport)<br />

18-22 November 2002 – Visit to Georgia. Guest of Georgian<br />

International Oil Corporation (free flights, hotel and local transport)<br />

24-29 November 2002 – Visit to West Bank. Hospitality in Beit Jalla<br />

by The Bethlehem Arab Society for Rehabilitation (2 nights and 3<br />

days)<br />

February <strong>2004</strong> –Visit to West Bank. Hospitality in Beit Jalla by<br />

Bethlehem Arab Society for Rehabilitation (1 night)<br />

May 30/June 3 – I.P.U Delegation to Republic of Bosnia Herzegorinn<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Family land-holdings in Somerset and Surrey<br />

Substantial landowner and farmer in Somerset including a few<br />

residential properties<br />

Woodland owner in Somerset<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member of Court of Bath University<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Director, Ammerdown Centre Ltd<br />

Trustee, Christian College for Adult Education<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Member, CAABU<br />

Vice President, New Dialogue (re. Northern Ireland)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, MICOM (linking Republic of Moldova & Northern Ireland)<br />

President, NIACRO (Northern Ireland, re. prisoners, criminal justice<br />

etc)<br />

Vice Chairman, Partners in Hope (formerly St. Francis & St. Serguis<br />

Trust) (working through Russian partner organisations for benefit of<br />

children and young people “at risk” in Moscow region)<br />

President, P.E.O.P.L.E working with prisoners etc in S.W. England<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Member of Charter 88 (Constitutional Reform)<br />

Member of Charter 99 (UN Reform)<br />

* indicates financial interest 123

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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IMBERT, Lord<br />

124<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director, Retainagroup Ltd, 134 Buckingham Palace<br />

Road, London, SW1 (a property marking and registration company,<br />

to reduce theft (particularly of vehicles and vehicle parts)<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

40% interest in Capital Eye Security Ltd, Dunley Hill Court, Ranmore<br />

Common, Dorking, Surrey (a security consultancy, vetting and preemployment<br />

screening agency and security Advisory company<br />

employing former police personnel; a family business with<br />

maximum value of £100,000)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

HM Lord Lieutenant of Greater London<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee, Metropolitan Police Museum Trust, (a trust to raise funds to<br />

establish and run a Metropolitan Police Museum)<br />

Trustee, Police Foundation, (an independent research organisation to<br />

examine issues to improve Police/public relationships and improve<br />

police services to the public)<br />

Trustee, University College Hospitals Charitable Foundation (the<br />

Foundation’s objective is to raise funds for medical research and<br />

facilities at University College, London)<br />

Vice President, Friends of St. Thomas Hospital<br />

Hon. Life Vice President of Surrey County Cricket Club<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee, Crimestoppers<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

INGE, Lord<br />

Member of Royal Society of St George<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Adviser, BAE SYSTEMS<br />

Adviser, Investcorp<br />

Consultant, OWR AG (based at Elztal-Rittersbach)<br />

Adviser to the King of Bahrain<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Visit (11 – 13 September 2002) to the Sultante of Oman as a guest of<br />

the Government of Oman<br />

Visit (31 December 2003 – 7 January 2003) to the Sultante of Oman as<br />

a guest of the Government of Oman<br />

Visit (26-29 September 2003) to Oman as a guest of the Sultan and the<br />

Government of Oman<br />

Visit (10-12 December 2003) to Oman as a guest of the Sultan and the<br />

Government of Oman<br />

Visit (30 December 2003-5 January <strong>2004</strong>) to Oman as guest of the<br />

Sultan, Government and Armed Forces of Oman<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member of Council, Marlborough College<br />

Member, Board and Council - St. George’s House, Windsor Castle<br />

Trustee/Deputy Chairman, Historic Royal Palaces<br />

Chairman of the Council, King Edward VII Sister Agnes Hospital<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

INGLEWOOD, Lord<br />

Member of Council, Interfaith Dialogue<br />

President, The Pilgrims<br />

President of the British-German Officers’ Association<br />

Vice President, Forces’ Pensions Society<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, CN Group (Media)<br />

Director, Pheasant Inn (Bassenthwaite Lake) Ltd (hotel)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Farmer<br />

USA (2-7 March 2002) for Cumbria Tourist Board<br />

Visit to Hong Kong (28 October – 1 November 2002) at the invitation<br />

of the Hong Kong Government (travel, accommodation and<br />

subsistence paid for by the Hong Kong Government)<br />

Visit to Cap de la Hague nuclear processing plant, France (27-28<br />

August 2003) paid for by AREVA Group<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Pheasant Inn (Bassenthwaite Lake) Ltd (hotel)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Hutton-in-the-Forest Estate<br />

Wythop Estate (farmland including residential property in Cumbria)<br />

Owner Hutton-in-the-Forest (historic house open to the public)<br />

* indicates financial interest 125

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

126<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Court of Lancaster University<br />

Chairman, Reviewing Committee on the Export of Works of Art<br />

Member of the BBC’s Commercial Review Committee<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Friends of the Lake District (nominated by the Committee for the<br />

National Consultative Council)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee, Calvert Trust<br />

Trustee, Settle -Carlisle Railway Trust<br />

Trustee, Whitehaven Community Trust Ltd<br />

Member, Historic Houses Association Finance & Policy Committee<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee, Elton Estate, Cambridgeshire<br />

Trustee, Raby Estates, Co. Durham and Shropshire<br />

Trustee, Thoresby Estate, Nottinghamshire<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Member, Bar<br />

Member, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors<br />

Fellow, Society of Antiquaries of London<br />


*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Consultant, Hutchison Whampoa Limited group of companies<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director, Hutchison Ports (UK) Ltd<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Visiting Professor at University College London<br />

Hon. President of the International Institute for Rights and Justice<br />

within University College London<br />

(both appointments to be formally confirmed)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee of John Smith Memorial Trust<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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JACOBS, Lord<br />

No relevant interests<br />


*13(b) Landholdings<br />

3 London properties one of which is let at a profit<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Fellow of Royal Society of Arts (unpaid)<br />

Fellow of Royal Society of Literature (unpaid)<br />

President of the Society of Authors<br />


*12(h) Secretarial research and assistance<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

World Jewish Congress and World Jewish Affairs Fund contributed<br />

towards office, secretarial, staffing and other expenses connected<br />

with Jewish communal work<br />

July 2002 – 5-6 days in Morocco. Guests in Morocco itself of<br />

Moroccan Government (Journey paid for by World Jewish Affairs<br />

Fund)<br />

August 2002 – Visits to Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, on project to<br />

mark Holocaust graves (Paid for by World Jewish Affairs Fund)<br />

Visits to Stockholm and Sweden – on return from Baltic visit (as<br />

above) – to attend Paedia Jewish Education Conference<br />

(Accommodation and contribution towards flights from that<br />

organisation. Balance, World Jewish Affairs Fund)<br />

September 2002 – Azerbaijan and Turkey (Flights and accommodation<br />

etc in Azerbaijan as guests of Azerbaijan Government. Expenses in<br />

Turkey, World Jewish Affairs Fund)<br />

Visit to Israel - October 2002 – World Jewish Congress Executive<br />

(Expenses paid by World Jewish Affairs Fund and World Jewish<br />

Congress)<br />

December 2002 – India – for Commonwealth Jewish Council (Travel<br />

and other expenses covered by Commonwealth Jewish Council. PA<br />

expenses paid for by the World Jewish Affairs Fund)<br />

Visit to Tunisia (18 – 23 February 2003) together with Personal<br />

Assistant, as guests of the Tunisian Authorities<br />

Visit to USA (March 2003) paid for by World Jewish Affairs Fund<br />

Visit to Israel (April 2003) paid for by World Jewish Affairs Fund<br />

June 2003 – OSCE Conference on antisemitism in Vienna. Led British<br />

delegation – sponsored by Foreign & Commonwealth Office.<br />

September 2003 – Visit to Azerbaijan as guests of Azeri Government.<br />

September 2003 – Visit to South Africa for World Jewish Congress<br />

conference. Paid for by World Jewish Affairs Fund.<br />

* indicates financial interest 127

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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128<br />

*12(i) Visits (contd)<br />

September 2003 – Visit to Israel. Paid for by World Jewish Affairs<br />

Fund.<br />

September 2003 – Speech to conference organised by Herbert-Quandt-<br />

Stiftung. Day journey – expenses paid by HQS foundation.<br />

October 2003 – Visit to Lithuania and Latvia on project to mark<br />

Holocaust graves. Paid by Holocaust Educational Trust.<br />

January <strong>2004</strong> – Visit to Dublin. Part of European Jewish Congress<br />

delegation to meet Taoiseach. Paid by World Jewish Affairs Fund.<br />

February <strong>2004</strong> – Visit to Jordan & Israel. Paid by World Jewish Affairs<br />

Fund.<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

50% interest in Apartment, Tuscany House, Dickenson Street,<br />

Manchester<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, Holocaust Educational Trust<br />

Chairman, Lord Forte Charitable Foundation<br />

President, Commonwealth Jewish Council<br />

President, Inter <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Council against Antisemitism<br />

Vice President, World Jewish Congress<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Elsie and Barnett Janner Charitable Trust<br />

Holocaust Educational Trust<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

International Brotherhood of Magicians<br />

Magic Circle<br />


15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Chancellor of the Diocese of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane in<br />

the Episcopal Church in Scotland<br />

Ex Officio trustee of two charitable trusts providing:<br />

(1) holiday accommodation for clergy and their families<br />

(2) grants to young women to further their higher education<br />

JAY OF PADDINGTON, Baroness<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Advisory contract with Cumic and Brown on public/private sector<br />

business, particularly on the relevant health service developments<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Non-executive Director, BT plc<br />

Non-executive Director, Independent News and Media plc<br />

Member, International News and Media International Advisory Board<br />

Attendance at Inter Action Council meeting in Moscow (July 2003).<br />

Fare and hotel costs met by the organisers<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Second holiday home in Co. Cork, Eire regularly let for periods of up<br />

to 2 months each year<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Member of the Board of the Institute of Contemporary British History<br />

(from October 2001)<br />

Member of the Carlton Television Trust<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chair of the Overseas Development Institute<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

JEGER, Baroness<br />

Patron of several voluntary organisations in the health and social care<br />

field<br />

No relevant interests<br />

JELLICOE, Earl<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Director, UK Branch of the Winston Churchill Society (unpaid )<br />

Consultant of the Royal Geographical Society (unpaid)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Former Chairman, Council of Kings College, London<br />

Former Chancellor, Southampton University<br />

Former President of the Royal Geographical Society (unpaid)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Patron, Wiltshire and Swindon Community Foundation<br />

* indicates financial interest 129

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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130<br />

*12(a) <strong>Parliament</strong>ary consultancy agreements<br />

Since 1990, served as an unpaid political consultant for the Thames<br />

Estuary Airport Co. Ltd (and its predecessors). In 1992, an informal<br />

understanding was reached between the Company and its<br />

consultants that, as and when the Company secured the finance to<br />

launch a Planning Application to construct the proposed airport, this<br />

service could be remunerated. Until this happens, it is impossible<br />

to quantify what, if anything, will be paid. No written agreement<br />

though the understanding has been acknowledged by the company<br />

from time to time. All relevant correspondence shown to Registrar<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Consultant, Sumitomo Trust and Banking Company Ltd<br />

7 – 11 April 2002 – meeting of the International Advisory Board of<br />

Marsh & McLennan Group of Companies in Zurich, Switzerland,<br />

unremunerated but with all expenses paid for myself and my wife<br />

15(a) Membe rship of public bodies<br />

Governor of Clifton College, Bristol<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman of the Foundation for Science and Technology<br />

Co-opted Member, Council of the Royal Institution of Great Britain<br />

Joint President of the Assoc iation of London Government<br />

Past President, Association for Science Education (2002-2003)<br />

President of the Hatfield Heath Branch of the Saffron Walden<br />

Constituency Conservative Association<br />

Trustee of the BURA Charitable Trust (British Urban Regeneration<br />

Association)<br />

Trustee of the St. Andrew’s Prize Trust (which annually awards an<br />

international prize for proposals for environmental improvement)<br />

Vice President of the Local Government Association<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

JOFFE, Lord<br />

Member, Cancer Research UK<br />

Member, Guide Dogs for the Blind Association<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chair, The Giving Campaign<br />

Chair, Management Accounting for Non-Government Organisations<br />

(MANGO)<br />

Trustee, The Smith Institute<br />

Trustee, The Legal Assistance Trust<br />

Trustee, The Canon Collins Educational Trust for Southern Africa<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee, J G & V L Joffe Charitable Trust<br />

Trustee, Sumner Wilson Charitable Trust<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

JONES, Lord<br />

Member, Voluntary Euthanasia Society<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

JOPLING, Lord<br />

Chairman, Diocesan Board of Education (Diocese of St. Asaph)<br />

President, League of Friends, Deeside Community Hospital<br />

President, Saltney Historical Society<br />

President, Sandycroft and Mancot Scouts<br />

President, The Hawarden Singers<br />

President, Wrexham-Birkenhead Rail Users Association<br />

Trustee, The Winnicott Clinic of Psychotherapy<br />

President, Flintshire Alzheimer’s Society<br />

Director, Genesis Initiative (enhances the prospects for small<br />

businesses)<br />

Trustee ‘Friends of Africa’ (a charity seeking to create small business<br />

in Africa)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Owner of rented houses in North Yorkshire<br />

Part owner of agricultural land in North Yorkshire<br />

Partner in farming business in North Yorkshire<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member of the Court, York University<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

JORDAN, Lord<br />

President Emeritus , Auto Cycle Union<br />

President, Despatch Association<br />

No relevant interests<br />

JUDD, Lord<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Adviser to De Montfort University on the works of the Faculty of<br />

Health and Life Sciences and on scholarships policy and<br />

administration<br />

* indicates financial interest 131

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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132<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Non-executive Director of Portsmouth Harbour Renaissance Ltd<br />

Seminar on Terror ism in Berlin (2-4 June 2002) organised by The<br />

University of Maryland in Berlin (fare, hotel and modest<br />

honorarium paid)<br />

Visit to the <strong>United</strong> States (20-22 October 2002) as a guest of the<br />

American Committee for Peace in Chechnya (travel and<br />

accommodation paid; travel by World Traveller Plus)<br />

Visit to the Hague (15 November 2002) to attend a conference<br />

organised by The International Helsinki Federation (Netherlands<br />

Committee) (accommodation in the Hague paid for by The<br />

International Helsinki Federation and expenses partly financed by<br />

the Council of Europe in view of my role as Rapporteur on<br />

Chechnya)<br />

Visit to Russia, Ingushetia and Chechnya (19-24 January 2003) in<br />

capacity as Rapporteur to the <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Assembly of the<br />

Council of Europe on the conflict in Chechnya<br />

Visit to Scotland (15-20 June 2003) to attend a seminar on Post<br />

Conflict Reconstruction organised by the Stanley Foundation (US)<br />

(fare and accommodation provided, also for spouse)<br />

Visit to the <strong>United</strong> States (12-17 September 2003) (i) to attend and<br />

speak at meetings on “interdependence” in Philadelphia organised<br />

by the Democracy Collaborative, as a guest of the University of<br />

Maryland (travel and accommodation paid); (ii) to participate in a<br />

series of meetings in Washington DC on Chechnya: these included<br />

giving evidence to the Congressional Commission on Cooperation<br />

and Security in Europe (fare and accommodation paid by the<br />

American Committee for Peace in Chechnya and The Foundation<br />

for Civil Liberties)<br />

Visit to <strong>United</strong> States (9-10 December 2003) as a guest of the<br />

American Committee for Peace in Chechnya to speak at a seminar<br />

(economy travel and accommodation paid)<br />

Visit to Sofia, Bulgaria (4-6 April <strong>2004</strong>) to attend conference on arms<br />

control and the arms trade as trustee of Saferworld (fares and<br />

accommodation paid by Saferworld<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

London Flat; Pimlico, London<br />

Principal House; Thackthwaite, near Cockermouth, Cumbria<br />

Residential Property (let) at Tamworth<br />

*13(d) Hospitality or gifts<br />

11 November 2002 and 22 April <strong>2004</strong>, dinner (wit h wife) as guests of<br />

the Russian Minister Counsellor<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member of British Council<br />

Member of the Court of Lancaster University<br />

Member of the Council of Senior Fellows of De Montfort University<br />

Member of the Court of the London School of Economics and Political<br />

Science<br />

Member, Court of the University, Newcastle -Upon-Tyne<br />

Freedom of the City of Portsmouth<br />

Hon. Fellow, Portsmouth University<br />

Hon. Fellow, Selly Oak Colleges<br />

Hon. Lecturer of the University of East Anglia<br />

15(b) Trus teeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee of the Ruskin Foundation<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Convenor/Chair, Social Responsibility Forum of Churches Together in<br />

Cumbria<br />

Hon. Advisor to International Alert<br />

Member, North West Regional Advisory Committee of the National<br />

Trust<br />

National President, YMCA (England) (an honorary post, neither trustee<br />

nor executive)<br />

Trustee, Saferworld<br />

Vice President, Council for National Parks<br />

Vice President, <strong>United</strong> Nations Association<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President of the Friends of the Royal Naval Museum, Portsmouth<br />

Vice President, European Atlantic Group<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Member of a range of voluntary organisations in the spheres of<br />

environment, international affairs, overseas development, social<br />

policy and the arts.<br />

* indicates financial interest 133

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

KALMS, Lord<br />

134<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, Volvere plc<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

President, Dixons Group plc<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member (Shareholder) Dixon’s C.T.C Bradford (Resigned Governor<br />

18.6.03)<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee, New Frontiers Foundation<br />

Trustee, Jewish Association for Business Ethics<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Keith Farms Weasenham Limited (Agriculture)<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Keith Farms Weasenham Limited (Agriculture)<br />

Keith Enterprises Limited (Property)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

KELVEDON, Lord<br />

Farmland in Norfolk (including residential properties)<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Shareholding in the Iveagh Trustees Ltd (a private trust company<br />

providing trustee, investment management, tax and other Advisory<br />

services)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Farmland in Essex, including residential properties<br />

Residence in London which may be let from time to time<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee of the Channon Charitable Trust<br />

KENNEDY OF THE SHAWS, Baroness<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

The Independent Newspaper<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Member of the Bar<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chair of The Human Genetics Commission<br />

Chair of The Inter-collegiate Working Group on Sudden Infant Death<br />

President of The National Children’s Bureau<br />

President of The School of Oriental and African Studies<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

External Advisory Council, World Bank Institute<br />

Bencher of Gray’s Inn<br />

Chair of Standing Committee for Youth Justice<br />

Foreign Policy Centre Advisory Council<br />

Member, Academie Universalle des Cultures<br />

Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts<br />

Fellow of the City and Guilds Institute<br />

Fellow of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies<br />

Vice President, Association of Women Barristers<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee, KPMG Foundation<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

President, Civil Liberties Trust<br />

Vice President, Haldane Society<br />

Howard League for Penal Reform<br />

Liberty<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director, Shell Transport and Trading Co.plc<br />

Non-executive Director, Rio Tinto plc (and Rio Tinto Ltd in Australia)<br />

Non-executive Director, Scottish American Investment Trust Co. Ltd<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

I own a freehold house and garden in St. John’s Wood, London<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member, Fulbright Commission, appointed by The Secretary of State<br />

for Culture, Media and Sport<br />

Hon. Governor, The Glasgow Academy<br />

Hon. Fellow, Pembroke College, Oxford<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee, National Gallery, appointed by the Prime Minister<br />

* indicates financial interest 135

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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136<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Hon. President of the Universities Association for Contemporary<br />

European Studies<br />

Member of the Council of the Centre for European Reform<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

KILCLOONEY, Lord<br />

Trustee of the Rhodes Trust in Oxford<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Tontine Rooms Holding Co. Ltd<br />

West Ulster Estates Ltd<br />

Alpha Newspapers Ireland Ltd<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Tontine Rooms Holding Co. Ltd (with spouse a cont<strong>rolling</strong> interest)<br />

West Ulster Estates Ltd<br />

Alpha Newspapers Ireland Ltd (with spouse a cont<strong>rolling</strong> interest)<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Tontine Rooms Holding Co. Ltd (newspaper publisher and printer)<br />

Alpha Newspapers Ireland Ltd (newspaper publisher in Republic of<br />

Ireland)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Freehold home, City of Westminster<br />

Freehold home, City of Armagh<br />

Freehold commercial premises, City of Belfast<br />

Freehold commercial premises, City of Armagh<br />

Freehold home, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus<br />

Freehold home, France<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Board Member, Charles Sheils Charity<br />

Governor, The Royal School, Armagh City<br />

Member, Northern Ireland Assembly<br />

Member, Northern Ireland Policing Board<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Director, Gosford Voluntary Housing Association<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Charles Sheils Charity<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Association of Clinical Diabetologists Charitable Trust<br />

T.B. Alert<br />

KIMBALL, Lord<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Farmland in Leicestershire, including residential properties<br />

15(c) Office-holde r in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Deputy President, Countryside Alliance<br />

Chairman and Trustee, Old Carnegie Museum in Melton Mowbray Fox<br />

and Fair<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, Cottesmore Hounds<br />

Hon. Associate, Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Director, Electra Investment Trust<br />

Non-executive Chairman, London International Exhibition Centre plc<br />

and London International Exhibition Centre (Holdings) Ltd<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Minority Partner in family farm in Wiltshire (including cottages)<br />

Partner in woodlands in Wiltshire<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Patron, UK Defence Forum<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Managing Director, Sandwell Polybags Ltd, West Bromwich<br />

(manufacturers of polythene garment covers and bags)<br />

Non-executive Director, FFE Ltd<br />

Chairman, Opportunities Recruitment International Ltd (unpaid)<br />

Director, King Aviation Ltd (unpaid)<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Wife has 25% shareholding in Sandwell Polybags Ltd<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Factory land and buildings situated at Thomas Street, West Bromwich<br />

* indicates financial interest 137

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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138<br />

*13(c) Financial interests of spouse or relative or friend<br />

Wife has 25% shareholding in Sandwell Polybags Ltd<br />

Factory land and buildings situated at Thomas Street, West Bromwich<br />

(wife)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Alternate Member, Committee of the Regions (COR)<br />

Member, Governing body of King George V Primary School, West<br />

Bromwich<br />

Member, South Staffordshire Water Disconnections Charitable Trust<br />

Chairman, Strategic Partnering Board<br />

Councillor, Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Hon. Vice President, YMCA, West Bromwich<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

KINGSDOWN, Lord<br />

Member, Nationa l Union of Teachers<br />

Member, Co-operative party<br />

Member, Labour party<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

38 acres of woodland in North Kent<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

KINGSLAND, Lord<br />

President, Canterbury Cathedral Trust<br />

Chairman, Canterbury Cathedral Council<br />

President, Kent County Agricultural Society<br />

Trustee, Leeds Castle, Maidstone, Kent<br />

Honorary Trustee, Royal Agricultural Society of England<br />

Trustee, East Malling Trust for Horticultural Research<br />

Emeritus Trustee, Royal Academy of Arts<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Barrister, 2 Harcourt Buildings, EC4Y 9DB<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

KIRKHAM, Lord<br />

Chairman, Board of Trustees, Plymouth Marine Laboratory clg<br />

(unpaid)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Chairman, DFS Furniture Company plc<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

8,399,278 ordinary 5p shares in DFS furniture company plc<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Farmland in South Yorkshire including residential properties<br />

1 dwelling, Doncaster, South Yorkshire<br />

15(a) Members hip of public bodies<br />

Hon. Doctorate, Bradford University<br />

Hon. Fellow, Animal Health Trust<br />

Hon. Member, Emmanuel College, Cambridge<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

KIRKHILL, Lord<br />

Chairman, Graham Kirkham Foundation<br />

Chairman, Joint Funding Board of Duke of Edinburgh Award and<br />

Outward Bound<br />

Member, UK and International Trustee Committees, Duke of<br />

Edinburgh’s Award<br />

Trustee, Animal Health Trust<br />

Trustee, Outward Bound Trust<br />

Trustee, The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award<br />

No relevant interests<br />


15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member of the Court of the University of Birmingham<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Member of the Board of Sulgrave Manor (ancestral home of George<br />

Washington)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary org anisations<br />

KNIGHTS, Lord<br />

Trustee of the Constitutional Monarchist Association<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee, The King’s School, Grantham, New Trust<br />

Vice President, Warwickshire County Cricket Club<br />

Vice President, Birmingham County Scout Association<br />

Vice President, Birmingham Federation of Youth Clubs<br />

* indicates financial interest 139

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />


140<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Executive, I.I.R BV<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

I.I.R Holdings Ltd (conferences, training, exhibitions, serviced offices)<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

President, London Scottish Tory Club<br />


No relevant interests<br />

LAIRD, Lord<br />

*12(b) <strong>Parliament</strong>ary lobbying<br />

Chairman of John Laird Public Relations (NI) Ltd (earns<br />

approximately £20,000 a year in support and cash)<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

John Laird Public Relations (NI) Ltd (owns 25% of the shares)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

LAMING, Lord<br />

Rent received from:-<br />

104 Holywood Road, Belfast<br />

6, Belmont Garage, Belfast<br />

11B, Carnet House, Dundonald<br />

27/11, West Byson Road, Edinburgh<br />

51/4, West Byson Road, Edinburgh<br />

27 Yeoman Place, Edinburgh<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

During 2003/04 I did some consultancy work in regard to the Green<br />

Paper “Every child matters” and the Children Bill currently before<br />

<strong>Parliament</strong> for which I was paid a daily fee<br />

Visit to Shanghai as President of “Care for Children” (costs of travel<br />

paid by Virgin Atlantic)<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Patron or President of several local and national charities in the social<br />

care field<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />


*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Consultant, Rotch Property Group<br />

Consultant, Fintrade<br />

Stanley Leisure plc<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, East European Food Fund (Investment Fund)<br />

Director, Anglo-Arabian Projects Limited<br />

Director, Balli Group plc (steel and commodity trading house)<br />

Director, Banca Commerciala Robank (Bank)<br />

Director, Compagnie Internationale de Participations Bancaires et<br />

Financieres (Investment Company)<br />

Director, European Growth and Income Trust (Investment Trust)<br />

Director, Jupiter Finance and Income Trust (Investment Trust)<br />

Director, Scottish Annuity and Life Holdings (Reinsurance Company)<br />

Director, RAB Capital plc<br />

Member of the Advisory Board, MerchantBridge & Co<br />

*12(h) Secretarial research and assistance<br />

Secretary and office at Balli plc (steel and commodity trading house)<br />

(Secretary primarily business and personal but some parliamentary<br />

work)<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

LANE, Lord<br />

Chairman, Le Cercle<br />

Chairman, British Iranian Chamber of Commerce<br />

President, British Romanian Chamber of Commerce<br />

Co-Chairman, Bruges Group<br />

No relevant interests<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Managing The Services Business Ltd<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee of Chatham Historic Dockyard Trust<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Bishop of Guildford Foundation<br />


*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Non-parliamentary Consultant to Charlemagne Capital Ltd<br />

* indicates financial interest 141

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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142<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Chairman, BFS US Special Opportunities Trust plc<br />

(investment trust)<br />

Non-executive Chairman, China Internet Ventures Ltd<br />

Non-executive Director, Lithgows Ltd (aquaculture, engineering etc)<br />

Non-executive Director, Marsh & McLennan Companies Inc<br />

(insurance broking, investment, pensions, employee benefits etc)<br />

Non-executive Director, Second Scottish National Trust plc<br />

(investment trust)<br />

Non-executive Chairman, Thistle Mining Inc<br />

Non-executive Chairman, Saversfirst Ltd (financial sector)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Consultant, National Strategies Inc. (an American company)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Governor, Rugby School<br />

Hon. President, St. Columba’s School, Renfrewshire<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Chairman of Governing Body of the Patrons of The National Galleries<br />

of Scotland<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, Central Europe Trust Co Ltd (Advisory and private equity)<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Shareholding in Central Europe Trust Company Limited<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

LAYARD, Lord<br />

Member of Governing Body of Westminster School<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director, Firebird New Russia Fund Ltd<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Director, Well-being Programme, Centre for Economic Performance,<br />

London School of Economics<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

House in Chalk Farm, London NW3 and house in Cornwall<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Member, Central Arbitration Committee (fees per day when handling a<br />

case)<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Member, Transport & General Workers’ Union<br />

LEICESTER, Lord Bishop of<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of episcopal stipend<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Honorary Director of the Leicestershire Sub-Regional Economic<br />

Partnership<br />

Honorary Director of the Leicestershire Promotions Company Limited<br />

Trustee, Launde Abbey Trust<br />

Governor of the Leicester Grammar School<br />

Governor of the Leicester High School<br />

Member of the Citizens Organising Foundation<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee of the Children’s Society<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Self-employed practising member of the English Bar, specialising in<br />

constitutional and administrative law, employment, media,<br />

commercial and European law<br />

Co-editor of Butterworths Human Rights Law and Practice as well as<br />

being a contributor<br />

*12(h) Secretarial research and assistance<br />

Secretarial research and assistance provided through The Odysseus<br />

Trust Limited funded by Lord Sainsbury of Turville<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Joint ownership with wife of mother-in-law’s home and shop in<br />

Somerset<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Unremunerated Director of The Odysseus Trust Ltd (a not-for-profit<br />

company limited by guarantee that conducts research into human<br />

rights and constitutional matters and gives advice and information<br />

on all-party basis)<br />

* indicates financial interest 143

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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144<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Governor, British Institute for Human Rights<br />

Hon. President, INTERIGHTS (International Centre for the Legal<br />

Protection of Human Rights)<br />

Hon. President, Liberal Democrat Lawyers Association<br />

Hon. Professor of Public Law, University College, London<br />

Member Advisory Board and Executive Council, Centre for European<br />

Law, King’s College, London<br />

Member of Advisory Board, Institute of European Public Law,<br />

University of Hull<br />

Member of Advisory Committee, Constitution Unit, University<br />

College, London<br />

Member of Advisory Panel, Centre for Public Law, Cambridge<br />

Member of Editorial Committee, “Public Law”<br />

Member of Expert Counsel Panel, LIBERTY<br />

Member of the Advisory Board, Institute of European Public Law<br />

Member of the Council, JUSTICE<br />

Member Executive Board, Open Society Justice Initiative<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee, The John Galway Foster Trust<br />

Founding Trustee, Chinese Older People Network<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Complimentary Member, Amnesty International<br />

Hon. Fellow, International Society of Lawyers for Public Service<br />

Hon. Fellow, Society of Advanced Legal Studies<br />

<strong>Parliament</strong>ary Supporter, Britain in Europe<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, General Dynamics <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong> Ltd (defence industry)<br />

Director, Haymarket Group Ltd (publishers)<br />

Director, J. Sainsbury plc<br />

Chairman, Lloyd’s<br />

Member Supervisory Board, Deutsche Börse AG<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Alderman, City of London, Ward of Portsoken<br />

Governor, City of London School<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Chairman, Bevis Marks Synagogue Trust<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, International Financial Services London<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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LEVY, Lord<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Universal Music Operations Ltd<br />

<strong>United</strong> Customer Management Solutions Pty Ltd<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

WIREART Ltd<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

President, Jews Free School (JFS)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman of Board of Trustees, New Policy Network Foundation<br />

Chairman, Foundation for Education<br />

Chairman, Jewish Care Community Foundation<br />

Hon. President, <strong>United</strong> Jewish Israel Appeal (UJIA)<br />

Member of Advisory Council, Foreign Policy Centre<br />

Member of International Board of Governors, The Peres Centre for<br />

Peace<br />

President, Community Service Volunteers (CSV)<br />

President, Jewish Care<br />

Vice Chairman, Central Council for Jewish Social Services<br />

Co-Chairman, The Academy Sponsors Trust<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Advisory Committee Member, National Council for Voluntary<br />

Organisations<br />

Chairman, Chief Rabbinate Awards for Excellence<br />

Member of Honorary Committee, The Israel Britain and The<br />

Commonwealth Association<br />

Member, Community Legal Service Champions Panel<br />

Member, World Commission on Israel-Diaspora Relations<br />

Trustee, Holocaust Educational Trust<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Brett Environment Trust Ltd<br />

Chairman, Environmental Services Association Research Trust<br />

(ESART) (unpaid)<br />

Onyx Environmental Advisory Board<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Cambridge Commonwealth Trust<br />

Cambridge Overseas Trust<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, Waste Management Industry Training and Advisory Board<br />

Onyx, Environmental Trust<br />

President, Arthritis Research Campaign (ARC)<br />

* indicates financial interest 145

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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LINDSAY, Earl of<br />

146<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong> Accreditation Service (UKAS)<br />

Chairman, Scottish Quality Salmon Ltd (SQS)<br />

Managing Director, Marine Stewardship Council International Ltd<br />

(MSCI)<br />

Non-Executive Director, Mining (Scotland) Ltd<br />

Non-Executive Director, UA Group plc<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Shell Transport & Trading<br />

UA Group plc (rural services)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Farmland in Fife including residential property<br />

Wilderness (approximately 100 acres) on the West Coast of Scotland<br />

including residential property<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chairman, Board of Management, Elmwood College<br />

Member, St. Leonards School Council<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, International Tree Foundation<br />

Trustee, West Highland Rail Heritage Trust<br />

Vice President, Royal Smithfie ld Club<br />

Vice President, Scottish Landowners Federation<br />

Landscape Foundation<br />


15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Founder and President, The New School, Butterstone<br />

President, The Society of Friends of Dunkeld Cathedral<br />

Vice Chairman, The Pushkin Prizes, Scotland<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

LIPSEY, Lord<br />

Trustee, The Esmée Fairbairn Foundation (a grant making foundation)<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Director, Advertising Standards Authority<br />

Chair, Shadow Racing Trust<br />

Non-executive Director, ITV London<br />

Chair, British Greyhound Racing Board<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Council, Constitution Unit<br />

Advisory Group, Centre for Research into Elections and Social Trends<br />

External Relations Advisory Committee, ESRC<br />

Sponsors’ Advisory Board, Centre for the Study of Gambling<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Chair, Make Votes Count<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

LISTOWEL, Earl of<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Chair, Social Market Foundation<br />

Trustee, Retired Greyhound Trust<br />

President, British Harness Racing Club<br />

Visit to Angola (September 2001) as guest of UNICEF<br />

Visit to Turkmenistan (16–20 May 2002) as guest of the Turkmenistan<br />

Government<br />

Visit to Angola (May 2003) as guest of Tearfund, Save the Children<br />

and Christian Aid<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Farmland in Nottinghamshire, including residential properties and<br />

woodland (subsoil includes deposits of sand and gravel)<br />

Commercial and residential properties in London<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Patron, Voice for the Child in Care (VCC)<br />

LIVERPOOL, Lord Bishop of<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of episcopal stipend<br />

*12(h) Secretarial research and assistance<br />

Vice-President, Tear Fund<br />

(an international Christian Relief Agency).<br />

In receipt of special briefings on international aid and issues of<br />

sustainable development<br />

* indicates financial interest 147

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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148<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chair, Governing Body Kensington City Academy<br />

Chair, North West Constitutional Convention<br />

Chair, Wycliffe Hall, Oxford<br />

Vice Chair of Board of Mission and Public Affairs for Church of<br />

England<br />

Fellow, University of Gloucestershire<br />

Foundation Governor, Blue Coat School, Liverpool<br />

Member Governing Council, Liverpool University<br />

Member, Urban Bishops Panel, Church of England<br />

President, Church Pastoral Aid Society<br />

Co-President, Liverpool Hope College<br />

Vice-President, Tear Fund<br />

Visitor, Liverpool College, Liverpool<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

LIVERPOOL, Earl of<br />

Trustee, Kensington City Academy<br />

Trustee, Liverpool Diocesan Board of Finance<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, Rutland Management Ltd (Property development)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, Stamford & District YMCA<br />


*12(i) Visits<br />

Visit to Cardiff to attend the launch of the Richard Commission’s<br />

report on the powers of the National Assembly<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Member, Brecknock Museum Art Trust<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Board Member, Prime Cymru (aims to get 50+ year olds into business<br />

start ups in Wales)<br />

Trustee, CPRW (Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales)<br />

President, European Movement in Wales<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, Brecknock Young Farmers Clubs<br />

President, Brecon & District Disabled Club<br />

President, Keith Morris Fund (a charity that assists newly disabled<br />

people)<br />

President, Seale Haynians (former students of Seale -Hayne College)<br />

President, Abbey Cwmhir Society (helps to preserve Cwmhir Abbey,<br />

Radnorshire)<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Woodland near Chichester and in Central Wales<br />

Rental income from a house at Strand-on-the-Green, London W4<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Retired Lord of Appeal in Ordinary<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President of Outlook Foundation (which provides residential<br />

accommodation for those between 18 and 25 with severe learning<br />

difficulties)<br />

President, East Sussex Rifle Association<br />

Trustee, Brighton West Pier Trust<br />

President, Sussex Heritage Trust<br />

LLOYD-WEBBER, Lord<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

The Really Useful Group Ltd (Theatre Production Company)<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Really Useful Holdings Ltd (holding company and wholly owned<br />

subsidiaries)<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

The following shares are held within Vidacos Nominees Ltd on behalf<br />

of Lord Lloyd-Webber:<br />

Global Continuity Group Ltd<br />

305,696 “B” Pref Shares; 200,000 “C” Pref Shares<br />

These holdings represent 2.62% ownership of the company (nature<br />

of business: computer back-up and recovery services)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Farmland in Berkshire, including residential properties<br />

*13(c) Financial interests of spouse or relative or friend<br />

Lady Lloyd-Webber (spouse) shareholding of 12.11% in and Director<br />

of Newbury Racecourse plc<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Vice President, The Arts Educational Schools, London<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Settlor and Trustee, The Open Churches Trust (charity)<br />

Settlor and Trustee, The Andrew Lloyd Webber Art Foundation<br />

(charity)<br />

Trustee and Director, The Buildings Books Trust for the Buildings of<br />

England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales (charity)<br />

Vice President, Bob Champion Cancer Appeal Trust (charity)<br />

* indicates financial interest 149

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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150<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee of Private Family Trusts:<br />

The Alastair Lloyd Webber Settlement<br />

The David Lloyd Webber Settlement<br />

The Isabella Lloyd Webber Settlement<br />

The Nicholas Lloyd Webber Settlement<br />

The William Lloyd Webber Settlement<br />

LOCKWOOD, Baroness<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chancellor, University of Bradford<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Chair, Board of Trustees, National Coal Mining Museum for England<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, Bradford Cancer Research Campaign<br />

President, (Yorkshire and Humber) Arthritis Research Campaign<br />

President, Ilkley C.V.S<br />

President, Addingham Civic Centre<br />

Chairman, Bradford International Festival Advisory Board<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee, Mary Macarthur Educational Trust<br />


15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chairman, Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust<br />

President, British Amateur Rugby League Association “BARLA”<br />

LONDON, Lord Bishop of<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of episcopal stipend<br />

*12(h) Secretarial research and assistance<br />

LUCAS, Lord<br />

Church Commissioner, St. Ethelburga’s Centre for Reconciliation and<br />

Peace<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Consultancy for Green Issues Communications of Reading<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Director-designate of International Power Technologies (a Russian<br />

company involved with fuel cell systems)<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Lucas Publications Ltd (publishing)<br />

The Good Schools Guide Ltd<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

BST Ltd (security alarms, etc)<br />

Eastern Counties Newspapers Group plc<br />

Safe ‘n’ Sound Security Systems Ltd (a private company in which I<br />

have 50% interest)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Woodland in Kent (30 acres)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Aplastic Anaemia Trust<br />

The Mercers Company<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

LUCE, Lord<br />

Dendrologists Association<br />

Safe Ground<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Trustee, Geographers Map Trustees Limited (A-Z)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Lord Chamberlain of the Queen’s Household<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Member, of the Board of Trustees of the Royal Collection Trust<br />

Member of the Royal Mint Advisory Committee<br />

Emeritus Trustee of the Royal Academy of Arts<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

LUDFORD, Baroness<br />

President of the Voluntary Arts Network<br />

Member of the Advisory Board of the Next Century Foundation<br />

(facilitates conf lict resolution through confidential dialogue)<br />

Hon. Fellow of the Atlantic Council of the UK<br />

Governor of Ditchley Foundation<br />

Hon. Vice President of the Overseas Pensioners’ Association<br />

Vice President of the Friends of the Commonwealth<br />

President of the Roya l Overseas League<br />

*12(f) Regular remuneration employment<br />

Member of the European <strong>Parliament</strong><br />

* indicates financial interest 151

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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152<br />

*12(h) Secretarial research and assistance<br />

European <strong>Parliament</strong>, by virtue of position as an MEP<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

LUKE, LORD<br />

Member of Council of Justice<br />

Member of Council of Liberty<br />

Patron, “Fair Trials Abroad”<br />

Patron, “Peace in Kurdistan”<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

President, North East Bedfordshire Conservative Association<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Member of the Court and Trustee, Drapers Company<br />

Member of the Court of the Corporation of the Sons of the Clergy<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

LYELL, Lord<br />

Order of St John of Jerusalem<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Miles & Miles Ltd (chauffeur-drive and self-drive motor cars)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Farmland in Angus, Scotland, including residential properties, arable<br />

and stock farms<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Patron of Forfar Athletic FC<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Patron of Scottish Ju Jitsu Association<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Director, Waddington Galleries, 11 Cork Street, London W15<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Sir Robert McAlpine Ltd, Yorkshire House, Grosvenor Crescent,<br />

London SW1<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

McCARTHY, Lord<br />

Trustee of the David & Frederick Barclay Foundation, 20 St. James<br />

Street, London SW1<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Associate Fellow, Templeton College, Oxford<br />

Emeritus Fellow, Nuffield College, Oxford<br />

Member, Ruskin College, Oxford Governing Body<br />

Member, Civil Service Arbitration Tribunal<br />

Fellow of Chartered Institute of Personnel Development<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Member of Association of University Teachers Branch Chairman,<br />

Oxford Branch<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

McCLUSKEY, Lord<br />

Member, Labour Party<br />

Friend of the Bodleian Library<br />

Member, Institute of Employment Rights<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the John Smith Memorial Trust<br />

(a registered charity)<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Member of the International Bar Association (an international<br />

association of lawyers including judges)<br />

Member of Age Concern, Scotland<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

The Wolfson Foundation<br />

Collingham Sixth Form College<br />

* indicates financial interest 153

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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154<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Professor working in the Department of Anatomy of King’s College at<br />

the Guy’s Hospital campus<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Fellow of King’s College, London<br />

Member of the Court of Patrons of the Royal College of Surgeons of<br />

England<br />

Governor of St Paul’s School<br />

Chairman of the Board of Governors of James Allen’s Girls’ School<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman of Mercy Ships UK (a charity)<br />

Chairman of Tommy’s Campaign Medical Advisory Group<br />

Member of the Advisory Board of the Shaftesbury Society<br />

Member of the Board of Advisors of the Centre for Bioethics and<br />

Public Policy<br />

President of Limbless Association<br />

President of the Royal Medical Foundation of Epsom College<br />

President of The Leprosy Mission<br />

Vice Chairman of Mercy Ships International<br />

Vice President of Disability Partnership<br />

Vice President of Disabled Living Foundation<br />

Vice President of John Grooms Association<br />

Vice President of the British Digestive Disorders Foundation<br />

Vice President of the Mildmay Hospital in Hackney (the first hospice<br />

for people dying of Aids in Europe) and a similar centre in Uganda<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman of Macquarie Europe Ltd (an investment and financial<br />

services company)<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Member, Fabian Society<br />

Member, Labour Friends of Israel<br />

Member, Friends of Islam (APPG)<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Diageo plc<br />

Macfarlane Group<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Hon. President, Scottish Ballet<br />

Hon. President, The Glasgow School of Art<br />

Hon. President, The High School of Glasgow<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Chairman of Trustees, Kelvingrove Refurbishment Appeal<br />

Hon. President, The Fine Art Society plc<br />

Trustee, The Glasgow Art Club<br />

Hon. President, The Charles Rennie Mackintosh Society<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Patron, Abbeyfield Society (Scotland)<br />

Patron, Scottish Lic ensed Trade Association<br />

Patron, Queens Park Football Club<br />


15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Vice President and Trustee, St. Anne’s Hospice, Cheadle<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Life Member, Hywellian Guild (Hawellis School, Llandaff, Cardiff)<br />

Life Member, Royal College of Nursing<br />

St. Bartholomew’s Hospital League of Nurses<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

European Supervisory Board, DAF Netherlands plc<br />

Non-executive Director, Associated British Foods plc<br />

Non-executive Director, Friends Provident plc<br />

Non-executive Director, Slough Estates plc<br />

Non-executive Director, Uniq plc<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee, Conservative and Unionist Agents’ Superannuation Fund<br />

Joint Deputy Chairman, Association of Governing Bodies of<br />

Independent Schools<br />

Trustee, West Buckland School Foundation<br />

Hon. Vice President, COBISEC<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Council, Institute of Directors<br />

Member of the Cathedral Council of Norwic h Cathedral<br />

Member, Independent Schools Council<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of Ministerial salary<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Share (with other family members) of house in France, occasionally let<br />

for rent<br />

* indicates financial interest 155

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

156<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, Dartmouth Street Trust<br />

President, Abbeyfield North London Housing Society<br />

Honorary Associate, National Secular Society<br />

Hon. Fellow, Market Research Society<br />

McINTOSH OF HUDNALL, Baroness<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Adviser, ARTIS (providing performance arts specialist services in<br />

education)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

1 bedroom flat in Thaxted, Essex for which I receive rent<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Board Member, The Roundhouse Trust<br />

Board Me mber, Almeida Theatre<br />

Board Member, Welsh National Opera<br />

Trustee, South Bank Sinfonia<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee, Art Inter-Romania<br />

Trustee, Peggy Ramsay Foundation<br />

Trustee Nicholas Hytner Charitable Trust<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee, National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts<br />

(NESTA)<br />

Trustee, Theatres Trust<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

General Editor of Halsbury’s Laws of England<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Own approximately 90 acres of growing trees at Canban, Invernesshire<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chancellor of Heriot-Watt University<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Vice President, The Princess Royal’s Trust for Carers<br />

Honorary President, St. Andrew’s Preservation Trust<br />

Honorary President, The Scottish Bible Society<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee of Faculty of Advocates’ Charitable Trust<br />

Trustee of George Heriot’s Bursary Appeal Trust<br />

Trustee of the Scottish Inheritance Fund<br />

Trustee of the Carbarry Trust<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Membership of Cancer UK<br />

Membership of Barnado’s<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Senator of the College of Justice in Scotland (High Court Judge)<br />

Visit to New York and Los Angeles, USA (6 – 14 October 2002) with<br />

Commons and Lords Rugby Team. (Members contributed to the<br />

cost of flights and hotels. Financial support was also received from<br />

Halewood International, Chase de Vere, GEM Construction, Volt<br />

Europe, GlaxoSmithKline. Rugby kit was provided by Nike)<br />

Visit to Australia (25 September – 12 October 2003) with the All-party<br />

<strong>Parliament</strong>ary Group for Commons and Lords Rugby Union<br />

Football Club to participate in Third <strong>Parliament</strong>ary World Cup<br />

Tournament. Members contributed to the cost of flights and hotels.<br />

Financial support was secured from Halewood International, the<br />

Australian Hotels Association, Canberra Tourism, Aus Trade,<br />

Acumen Alliance, AMP and Eurest Supply Services. Rugby kit<br />

was provided by Nike.<br />


16(a) Trus teeships<br />

Trustee, COHSE 1974 Pension and Assurance Scheme<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Governor Member, Royal National Lifeboat Institution<br />

Governor Member, Marine Society<br />

Retired Associate General Secretary, Unison (formerly General<br />

Secretary, Confederation of Health Service Employees)<br />


*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Consultant, Inter TV Ltd<br />

Consultant, Legal Solutions Group<br />

Consultant, London Clubs International<br />

Consultant, Markham Doors Limited<br />

Consultant, Trimdon Estates Limited<br />

* indicates financial interest 157

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

158<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director, AEPL Limited<br />

Non-executive Director, Kingslodge (Leisure) Ltd<br />

President, Security Voice (Magazine of JSIC)<br />

Non-executive Director, Estate Administration Ltd<br />

Non-executive Director, Independent Investigative Solutions Limited<br />

Non-executive Director, Safecall Ltd<br />

Non-executive Director, Oriel Resources plc<br />

Non-executive Director, Webtv Europe plc<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Managing Director, Framwellgate Resources Limited<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Vice-President, British Airline Pilots Association (BALPA)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Hon. President, Association of Police and Public Security Suppliers<br />

(APPSS)<br />

Hon. President, Joint Security Industry Council (JSIC)<br />

Hon. Vice President, EPIC (Ex Police in Industry and Commerce)<br />

Hon. Vice President, Defence Manufacturers Association (DMA)<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Patron, Finchale Training College for the Disabled<br />

Patron, Kidscape<br />

Patron, St Cuthbert’s Hospice, Merryoaks, Durham<br />

Patron, St Oswald’s Children’s Hospice, Gosforth<br />

Member, National Association of Retired Police Officers (NARPO)<br />

Patron, National Olfactory Council (sniffer dogs)<br />

Patron, Association of Security Consultants<br />


*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Freehold, 3 Sandwell Closel ,Luton LU2 7TN<br />

Leasehold, 55 South Block, County Hall, London<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member, Luton Borough Council<br />

Governor, Ashcroft High School, Luton<br />

Governor, Wigmore Primary School, Luton<br />

Governor, Chapel Street Nursery School, Luton<br />

Court Member, University of Luton<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Committee Member, Mary Seacole Housing Association<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Shares in Avocet Mining Company (gold mines)<br />

13(c) Financial interests of spouse or relative or friend<br />

Many farming relatives<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, 205 Group, Bomber Command Reunion Society<br />

Vice President (and former President) of the Royal Highland and<br />

Agricultural Society<br />


*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Consultant Adviser to Macaw Soft Drinks Ltd<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, Vodafone Group plc<br />

Non-executive Director, Fleet Support Group<br />

Non-executive Director, Evolution Group<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Tesco plc<br />

Vodafone Group plc<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chairman of the Council of Malvern College<br />

Chancellor, University of Hertfordshire<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee, Wiltshire Bobby Van Trust<br />

Trustee, Art to Give<br />


*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Crofthouse in Sutherland<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Director, Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh<br />

Director, National Youth Orchestra of Scotland<br />

Director, Northlands Creative Glass, Lybster, Caithness<br />

* indicates financial interest 159

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

McNALLY, Lord<br />

160<br />

*12(b) <strong>Parliament</strong>ary lobbying<br />

I am Non-executive Vice Chairman of Weber Shandwick UK and<br />

Chairman of Weber Shandwick North (offices in Liverpool and<br />

Manchester). Weber Shandwick UK has a public affairs division<br />

for which I work directly for two clients – The Corporation of<br />

London and the Crown Estate for which I receive £35,000 per<br />

annum. The work consists of briefing senior member of both<br />

organisations on parliamentary matters of interest to them<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Via JJI (St. Albans) - a private family company owned jointly with my<br />

wife – I carry out trade promotion and investment work. I have two<br />

such clients at the moment – the commodity traders ED & F Man<br />

and Pacol for which I am engaged in work in Bulgaria and China<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Vice-Chairman, Advis ory Board, Moody Certification (a company<br />

issuing quality and safety certificates at home and overseas)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

JJI (St Albans) Ltd (handles freelance aspects of work, fees for<br />

speeches etc)<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

JJI (St Albans) Ltd (a private family company owned jointly with wife)<br />

(handles freelance aspects, including fees for writing, lecturing and<br />

broadcasting as well as non-parliamentary trade work – two clients<br />

only at the moment: ED&F Man. & PACOL)<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Visit to Tunisia (15-22 February <strong>2004</strong>) as guest of the Chairman of the<br />

Tunisia/Britain <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Group and the Tunisian National<br />

Tourist Office (I am secretary of the British/Tunisia All-Party<br />

Group and patron of the British Tunisia Society. My wife<br />

accompanied me on this visit.<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee, Verulamium Museum, St. Albans<br />

Adviser to the St. Albans International Organ Festival<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Vice President of Shelter<br />

Trustee, St. Marks Hospital<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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MADDOCK, Baroness<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director, Idex Energy UK Ltd<br />

Director Millberry House Lymington Ltd<br />

*13(c) Financial interests of spouse or relative or friend<br />

Married to The Rt. Hon. Alan Beith, Lib. Dem. Member of <strong>Parliament</strong><br />

for Berwick-upon-Tweed<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member of the Board of Corporation of Brockenhurst College,<br />

Brockenhurst, Hants (a further education college)<br />

Member of the Committee on Standards in Public Life<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, Anglo-Swedish Society<br />

President, National Housing Forum<br />

Trustee, National Energy Foundation<br />

Vice President, National Home Improvement Council<br />

Vice President, National Housing Federation<br />

Vice President, Neighbourhood Energy Action<br />

Trustee, The Wessex Medical Trust<br />

Trustee, The Richard Newitt Trust<br />


*13(b) Landholdings<br />

2 bedroom flat in London (owned jointly with wife)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Councillor, Dungannon and South Tyrone Borough<br />

Governor of Royal School, Dungannon<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

MALLALIEU, Baroness<br />

Chairman, Moygashel Community Development<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Member, British Horse Racing Board<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Fees from Practice at the Criminal Bar<br />

Very occasional remuneration from small family farm<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member, Exmoor National Park Consultative Forum<br />

* indicates financial interest 161

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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162<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Chairman, Leave Country Sports Alone Campaign<br />

President, Countryside Alliance<br />

MANCHESTER, Lord Bishop of<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of episcopal stipend<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chair, Sandford St Martin (Religious Broadcasting Awards) Trust<br />

General Synod of the Church of England<br />

Manchester Diocesan Board of Finance<br />

Manchester Church House Co.<br />

Manchester Diocesan Council of Education<br />

Manchester Diocesan Association of Church Schools<br />

Life Governor, Liverpool College<br />

Governor, Hulme Hall<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Lord High Almoner to H.M. The Queen<br />

National Chaplain, Royal British Legion<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

MANCROFT, Lord<br />

Board of Royal School of Church Music<br />

Manchester Diocese, Mothers’ Union<br />

Arches Housing<br />

Disabled Living<br />

Hulme Hall Trust<br />

Wigan & Leigh Hospice<br />

St Ann’s Hospice<br />

Manchester University of Change Ringers<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Executive Chairman, Inter Lotto (UK) Ltd (main source of income and<br />

main employment)<br />

Non-executive Deputy Chairman, the Rok Corporation<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

16% of the Ordinary Issued Share Capital of Inter Lotto (UK) Ltd<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Board Member, Countryside Alliance<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, The Addiction Recovery Foundation<br />

Chairman, The Drug and Alcohol Foundation<br />

Chairman, The Mentor Foundation U.K<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee, The Hepatitis ‘C’ Trust<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

MAR, Countess of<br />

Chemical Dependency Centre<br />

Childline<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Member of the Immigration Appeal Tribuna l<br />

Work on family farm (includes sheep, cattle, goats and poultry;<br />

specialist goat cheeses making)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, Honest Food<br />

Vice President, Association of Members of the Immigration Appeal<br />

Tribunal (AMIAT)<br />

President, Elderly Accommodation Counsel (EAC)<br />

Trustee, The Countryside Trust Fund<br />

President, Three Counties Agricultural Society (2003 only)<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Member, Specialist Cheese Makers’ Association<br />

MAR AND KELLIE, Earl of<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Farmland in Clackmannanshire<br />

Feudal Superiorities in Clackmannanshire and elsewhere in Scotland<br />

Playing fields in Clackmannanshire<br />

Residential Property in Clackmannanshire<br />

Salmon netting rights in Clackmannanshire, District of Stirling and<br />

District of Falkirk<br />

Urban land in Clackmannanshire<br />

Woodland in Clackmannanshire<br />

Second home in London (jointly with wife)<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Director and Chairman of the Clackmannanshire Heritage Trust Ltd<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Non-executive Director of CETERIS Ltd<br />

Non-executive Director of Orchard Project Ltd<br />

* indicates financial interest 163

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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MARLESFORD, Lord<br />

164<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Adviser, Board of John Swire and Sons<br />

Adviser, Sit Investment Associates (Minneapolis)<br />

Adviser, World View Incorporated (New York)<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director, Baring New Russia Fund Ltd<br />

Independent National Director, Times Newspapers Holdings Ltd<br />

Non-executive Director, Gavekal Research (Hong Kong)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Owner of agricultural estate in Suffolk, including residential and<br />

commercial properties<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chairman, Marlesford Parish Council<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

MARSH, Lord<br />

Vice President, CPRE<br />

President, Suffolk ACRE (Action for Communities in Rural England)<br />

President, Suffolk Preservation Society<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Senior European Consultant, Taisei Corporation, Tokyo, Japan<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, The Income & Growth Trust (a quoted split capita l<br />

investment trust)<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, Pirelli UK plc<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chairman of the Board of Governors, Birkbeck College, University of<br />

London<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Britain in Europe<br />

CBI<br />

Institute of Directors<br />

London First<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Advertising Association<br />

British American Business Council<br />

Commonwealth Youth Exchange Council<br />

<strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong> Leadership Forum<br />

Indo-British Partnership Business Council<br />

Knightsbridge Association<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Corporate Action Trust<br />

Royal Armouries Development Trust<br />

The Conference Board Inc (New York, USA)<br />

MASHAM OF ILTON, Baroness<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Farm 200 acres belonging to estate in North Yorkshire<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, Dial UK<br />

President, E. Pennine Association of Churchill Fellows<br />

President, Harrogate Male Voice Choir<br />

President, Spinal Injuries Association<br />

President, Voluntary Action Wakefield District<br />

Vice President, Action for Dysphasic Adults (ADA)<br />

Vice President, Aspire<br />

Vice President, Association of Occupational Therapists<br />

Vice President, British Horse Society<br />

Vice President, British Sports Association for the Disabled<br />

Vice President, British Wheelchair Sports Foundation<br />

Vice President, CAB Trust<br />

Vice President, Cleveland Rotofac Trust<br />

Vice President, College of Occupational Therapists<br />

Vice President, Digestive Disorders Foundation<br />

Vice President, Disabled Drivers Association<br />

Vice President, Disabled Drivers Motor Club<br />

Vice President, Haemophilia Society<br />

Vice President, Mildmay Mission Hospital<br />

Vice President, National Council of Domiciliary Care Services<br />

Vice President, National Home Care Council<br />

Vice President, North East Kidney Association<br />

Vice President, Northallerton & District Table Tennis League<br />

Vice President, Northern Sinfonia Development Appeal<br />

Vice President, Ponies UK<br />

Vice President, Riding for the Disabled<br />

Vice President, RoSPA<br />

Vice President, Speakability<br />

Vice President, Stockpole Trust<br />

Vice President, Tookay (North Yorkshire Scouts & Guides)<br />

Vice President, West Yorkshire Youth Association<br />

Vice President, Youth Clubs UK<br />

* indicates financial interest 165

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

166<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Animal Health Trust<br />

British Red Cross (past President North Yorkshire)<br />

British Texil Sheet Society<br />

Highland Pony Society<br />

John Mordaunt Trust<br />

Lady Margaret Beaufort Appeal (Educational)<br />

Moredun Foundation (Animal Research)<br />

National Farmers Union<br />

National Pony Society<br />

Ponies UK<br />

Portland College<br />

Rare Breeds Association<br />

Ripon & District Disability Action Group<br />

Royal Association Disability and Rehabilitation<br />

Winston Churchill Fellowship Trust<br />


15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, The Barnsley Business and Innovation Centre<br />

President, The Yor kshire Water Colour Society<br />

Trustee, Ted Tasker Trust (Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council)<br />

Advisory Council, Prince’s Trust<br />

President of Friends of Barnsley Archives & Local Studies<br />

MASSEY OF DARWEN, Baroness<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Occasional work for European Community and DFID<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Chair of National Treatment Agency Special Health Authority<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

School Governor, Sir James Barie School, Wandsworth<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee of TACADE<br />

Trust for the Study of Adolescence<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Brook Advisory Centres<br />

Family Planning Association<br />

National Trust<br />

RSA (Fellow)<br />

Member of the Lady Taverners<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

MAXTON, Lord<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Holiday home in the Isle of Arran<br />

A London flat<br />

MAY OF OXFORD, Lord<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Emeritus Professor, the Zoology Department, Oxford University<br />

(maintain office and assistant – and research group of post doctoral<br />

people – in the Zoology Department)<br />

Member, Science Advisory Board, East Hill Management Company (a<br />

Boston based early venture capital company) (paid) (11 May <strong>2004</strong>)<br />

Member, Corporate Social Responsibility Committee of HSBC<br />

Holdings (paid)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Fellow (emeritus), Merton College, Oxford<br />

President, The Royal Society<br />

Senior Editorial Board, Science (a leading scientific journal)<br />

International Fellow, University of Sydney (a position which is<br />

essentially honorary membership of the University Senate)<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Board Member, UK Sports Institute (unpaid)<br />

Executive Trustee, The Nuffield Foundation<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Member, International Advisory Council, Lowry Institute (an<br />

Australian policy think-tank) (unpaid)<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director, Western Provident Association (Vice<br />

Chairman) (a not-for-profit corporate body providing private<br />

medical insurance)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Farmland in Kent including residential properties; leased residential<br />

property in Republic of Ireland<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Bencher, Honourable Society of The Middle Temple<br />

Chairman, Prime Minister’s Advisory Committee on Business<br />

Appointments<br />

Chairman, Rochester Cathedral Council<br />

Kent Ambassador, to promote the interests of the County of Kent<br />

President, West Kent College of Further Education<br />

* indicates financial interest 167

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

168<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Director, Support Kent Schools Ltd (a company founded in 1998 to<br />

support and promote education standards in Kent schools and in<br />

particular to work for the preservation of a selective education<br />

system in the county)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

MERLYN-REES, Lord<br />

Hon. Liveryman, Worshipful Company of Fruiterers<br />

Liveryman, Worshipful Company of Skinners<br />

President, Airey Neave Trust (study of terrorism and the support of<br />

refugees)<br />

President, Kent County Scouts Council<br />

President, Marden Fruit Society and National Fruit Show<br />

President, St. Paul’s Trust Centre, Liverpool (maritime youth training)<br />

President, Tunbridge Wells Sea Cadet Corps T.S. “Brilliant”<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

President and Director of Video Standards Council (VSC)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Apex Trust<br />

METHUEN, Lord<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Chairman of Trustees of the Lady Margaret Hungerford Charity (which<br />

has alms houses and schoolroom in Corsham, Wiltshire)<br />


15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member, An Comunn Gaidhealach<br />

Member, The Royal Colle ge of Speech and Language Therapists<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Scottish Crofting Foundation<br />

Scottish National Farmers Union (SNFU)<br />


*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Occasional work for Improvement & Development Agency<br />

*13(c) Financial interests of spouse or relative or friend<br />

Husband Chair of Regional Flood Defence Committee<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Somerset County Council<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Vice President, Council for National Parks<br />

Vice President, British Trust for Conservation Volunteers<br />

Chairman, Somerset Food Links<br />

Trustee, Global Action Project<br />

MILLER OF HENDON, Baroness<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Multrex Securities Ltd (private family-controlled property investment<br />

company)<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Blanway Investments Ltd<br />

Multrex Securities Ltd<br />

Parkwood Securities Ltd<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Commercial and factory premises in Newport, Gwent<br />

50% share in commercial premises in Bridlington, Yorks and in<br />

Wigan, Greater Manchester<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

MILLETT, Lord<br />

Director, Westminster CCTV Trust (a company limited by guarantee)<br />

Minerva Educational Trust<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Non-Permanent Judge of the Court of Final Appeal of Hong Kong<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Freemason<br />

MISHCON, Lord<br />

No relevant interests<br />

MITCHELL, Lord<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman and employee of Syscap plc (Syscap provides financial<br />

services to the information technology sector)<br />

* indicates financial interest 169

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

170<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Trusts associated with my family own a cont<strong>rolling</strong> proportion of<br />

Syscap plc (Syscap provides leasing and rental services on computer<br />

hardware and software)<br />

*13(d) Hospitality or gifts<br />

An IBM Thinkpad laptop computer given by IBM <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong><br />

Ltd (registered 2002)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Director of the eLearning Foundation<br />

Trustee of Jewish Association for Business Ethics<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee, Lowy Mitchell Foundation<br />


No relevant interests<br />


*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Farmland in Dumfreisshire<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee, Scottish Rugby Union, Murrayfield, Edinburgh<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Vice President, Game Conservancy Trust<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

MONSON, Lord<br />

Marylebone Cricket Club<br />

Royal and Ancient Golf Club<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Farmland in Lincolnshire including commercial and residential<br />

properties (Co-owner)<br />

Commercial properties in Surrey, plus a small parcel of grazing land in<br />

Surrey (Co-owner)<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

President, Society for Individual Freedom<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee of almshouses trust<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Patron, British Weights and Measures Association,<br />

Patron, Choice in Personal Safety<br />

Patron, Friends of the Union<br />

Supporter of FOREST<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Commodore Corporate Travel<br />

Montagu Ventures Ltd<br />

Beaulieu River Management Ltd<br />

Vintage Tyre Supplies Ltd<br />

Our School<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Shareholding in Montagu Ventures Ltd<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Landholdings in the Beaulieu Estate, Hampshire, including residential<br />

properties<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

National Motor Museum Trust and subsidiary National Motor Museum<br />

Ltd<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

MONTROSE, Duke of<br />

Buildings at Risk Trust<br />

Countryside Education Trust<br />

Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs Ltd<br />

Mayflower Theatre Trust Ltd<br />

President, Southern Tourist Board<br />

Chancellor, Wine Guild of the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong><br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Managing Director, Montrose Estates 1992 Ltd<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Category B ruin in Stirlingshire<br />

Farmland in Stirlingshire including residential properties and golf<br />

course<br />

* indicates financial interest 171

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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172<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Board Member of Anglo Nordic Productions<br />

Chairman, Loch Lomond Riparian Owner’s Association<br />

Chairman, The Loch Lomond Association<br />

Officer in the Royal Company of Archers (Queen’s Body Guard for<br />

Scotland)<br />

President Clan Graham Association<br />

President, Buchanan Sheepdog Society<br />

President, Strathendrick agricultural show<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Officer of the Order of St John<br />

Royal Highland & Agricultural Society<br />

Royal Scottish Pipers Society<br />

Strathendrick Fishery Trust<br />

The Highland Society of London<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, Rolls Royce Pension Trustees<br />

Director, Monitor Inc. (Massachusetts, USA)<br />

Marvin and Palmer Inc. (Wilmington, Delaware, USA)<br />

Interim Chairman, Rolls Royce<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

See under Rolls Royce above<br />


No relevant interests<br />

MORAN, Lord<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Joint ownership (with wife) of a beat on the upper Wye on which two<br />

or three rods are let for salmon fishing<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, Moran Committee (of fisheries and angling organisations)<br />

Executive Vice President, Salmon and Trout Association<br />

President, Welsh Salmon and Trout Anglers’ Association<br />

President, Radnorshire Wildlife Trust<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Member of RSPB<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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MORGAN, Lord<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Visit to Tunisia (31 March–5 April 2003) under the auspices of the allparty<br />

<strong>Parliament</strong>ary Archaeology Group<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Fellow, British Academy<br />

Hon. Fellow, The Queen’s College, Oxford<br />

Hon. Fellow, Oriel College, Oxford<br />

Hon. Fellow, University of Wales Swansea, Cardiff and Trinity<br />

College, Carmarthen<br />

Fellow, Royal Society of Arts<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, Oxford University International Summer School<br />

Vice President, Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion and LLAFUR<br />

(Welsh Labour History Society)<br />

Vice President, Llangollen International Eisteddfod<br />

President of History Graduate School, University of Rouen, France<br />

Trustee, Elizabeth Russell Memorial (for history graduates)<br />

Trustee, History of <strong>Parliament</strong> Group<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Friend of National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth<br />

Friend of Royal Academy of Arts<br />

Life Member, British American <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Group<br />

Member, Ceredigion Antiquarian Society<br />

Member, Middlesex County Cricket Club<br />

Member, <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Archaeology Group & Arts and Heritage<br />

Group<br />

Member, The Reform Club<br />

Member, Yr Academi Gymreig<br />

Financial supporter, Imperial Cancer Research; Royal Institute for the<br />

Deaf; various institutions in Oxford University (Bodleian, Botanic<br />

Gardens, etc)<br />

MORGAN OF DREFELIN, Baroness<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Chief Executive of Breakthrough Breast Cancer which is a registered<br />

charity No.1062636 (until October <strong>2004</strong>)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member, NHS Cancer Task Force (until Autumn <strong>2004</strong>)<br />

Member, NHS Modernisation Board (until Autumn <strong>2004</strong>)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee of the Association of Medical Research Charities<br />

Trustee of the Charity Foundations<br />

* indicates financial interest 173

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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MORGAN OF HUYTON, Baroness<br />

174<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Director of Government and Political Relations at 10, Downing Street<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Membership of Labour Party and GMB Trade Union<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Practising Queen’s Counsel<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chancellor of University of Glamorgan<br />

President of London Welsh Association<br />

Hon. Fellow of Gonville of Caius College, Cambridge<br />

Hon. Fellow of University College of Wales, Aberystwyth<br />

Hon. Fellow of University College of Wales, Swansea<br />

Hon. Fellow of Trinity College Carmarthen<br />

Bencher of Gray’s Inn<br />

Member of Council of Prince of Wales’ Trust (Cymru)<br />

H.M. Lord Lieutenant for Dyfed<br />

Prime Minister’s Advisory Committee on Business Appointments<br />


*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Co-operative Group, independent Chairman of Rules and Practices<br />

Review Board (unpaid) and occasional advice on disability issues as<br />

Chairman of the “Access for All” Committee<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee, Hallé Orchestra<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Multiple honorary offices (as President or Vice President) in<br />

organisations of and for disabled people in the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong> and<br />

abroad<br />

President, Haemophilia Society<br />

President, Society of Chiropodists and Pediatrists<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Chairman of Trustees, <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Science and Technology<br />

Information Foundation<br />

Trustee, Earl of Snowdon Fund for Disabled Students<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

MOSER, Lord<br />

Life Member and Hon. <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Advisor , The Royal British<br />

Legion<br />

GMB: Unpaid membership of Trade Union having been made life<br />

member<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Consultant for the Paul Hamlyn Foundation<br />

Consultant for Askonas Holt Ltd (unpaid)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Board Member, Open University of Israel<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Board member, Menuhin School<br />

Advisory Council Member, London Symphony Orchestra<br />

Chairman of Educational Committee, London Symphony Orchestra<br />

Trustee, Hermitage Rooms, Somerset House<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman of Executive Committee, Jerusalem Music Centre<br />

Chairman, Music at Oxford<br />

Trustee, Rayne Foundation<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman and Chief Executive (for 10 years) Thames Estuary Airport<br />

Company Ltd (unremunerated to date but may be in the future)<br />

Ghadeco (UK) Ltd (running London office for international trading)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Farmland in Angus held in trust including residential properties<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

MOYNIHAN, Lord<br />

The College of Arms Trust<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

CMA (Founder Partner of CMA which has provided advice and<br />

consultancy to an international client list of predominantly energy<br />

and engineering related companies since 1993)<br />

World Bank<br />

* indicates financial interest 175

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

176<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Clipper Windpower UK (wind energy)<br />

Clipper Windpower EU<br />

Rowan Companies Inc (drilling, aviation and manufacturing)<br />

Non-executive Director, Spectron Group Ltd (trading house)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Executive Chairman of Clipper Windpower UK<br />

Executive Chairman of Clipper Windpower EU<br />

Fact finding visit to Athens (11-13 May <strong>2004</strong>) as guest of Athens<br />

Olympic Organising Committee in my capacity as Shadow Minister<br />

for Sport. Accompanied by Lady Moynihan<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Chairman, Hunterian Museum Appeal<br />

Trustee, Hunterian Museum<br />

Chairman, Topolski Memoir Appeal (Topolski Memoir Ltd)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, Cuba Initiative<br />

Advisory Board, British Consultants and Construction Bureau<br />

Fellow, Royal Geographical Society<br />

President of the Welsh Amateur Rowing Association<br />

Trustee, British-American Biomedical Scholarship Fund<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

MURPHY, Baroness<br />

Member of the Court of Assistants of the Worshipful Company of<br />

Haberdashers<br />

Patron of the Bath University Amateur Boxing Club<br />

Patron of the British Wind Energy Association<br />

Patron of the London Narrowboat Project<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Chairman, North East London Strategic Health Authority (NHS)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

House and 12 acres of land in Tuscany, Italy, let commercially for<br />

holiday rents<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member of Council, Queen Mary College, Univ. of London,<br />

Member of Council, City University, London<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee, Centre of the Cell, Charitable Trust, London<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Vice President, Alzheimer’s Society (England & Wales)<br />


No relevant interests<br />

MUSTILL, Lord<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, The International Law Association (UK Branch)<br />

President, The London Shipping Law Centre<br />

Vice President of The Court of Arbitrators of the International<br />

Chamber of Commerce<br />

* indicates financial interest 177

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

NASEBY, Lord<br />

178<br />

*12(a) <strong>Parliament</strong>ary consultancy agreements<br />

Forum Bioscience (Holdings) Ltd (£12,000 per annum)<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Invesco Recovery Trust (2005) Ltd (Investment Trust)<br />

Tunbridge Wells Equitable Friendly Society trading as The Children’s<br />

Mutual<br />

Visit to Sri Lanka (11-19 November 2002) for briefing on the peace<br />

process by the Sri Lanka Government (hotel and travel met by the<br />

Sri Lanka Government)<br />

Visit to the Maldives (19-25 November 2002) for briefing on national<br />

development needs (hotel and travel from Sri Lanka and back met<br />

by the host)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Woodland in Suffolk and Herefordshire<br />

*13(d) Hospitality or gifts<br />

1 day’s shooting (December 2002) in Bedfordshire as guest of Tobacco<br />

Manufacturers Association<br />

1 day’s shooting (December 2003) in Bedfordshire as guest of Tobacco<br />

Manufacturers Association<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Director, Association of Friendly Societies<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee, Victoria County History for Northamptonshire<br />

Trustee, Bedford School Foundation<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Committee Member, Northamptonshire County Cricket Club<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Self employed as a barrister<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Farming and forestry land in Dorset held jointly with spouse<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Hon. Fellow, All Souls College<br />

Hon. Fellow, Magdalen College, Oxford<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

NEUBERGER, Baroness<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Consultant, Clore Duffield Foundation (working on the setting up of a<br />

Jewish community centre for London)<br />

Founder member of the Advisory Board to the Trustees of the<br />

Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health<br />

Member, Central Ethical Compliance Group, Unilever<br />

Member, Advisory Group, Clementi review (<strong>2004</strong> only)<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee, Imperial War Museum<br />

Chair, Audit Committee, Imperial War Museum<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee, Booker Price Foundation<br />

Trustee, The British Council<br />

Trustee, Urban Village<br />

Trustee, Walter and Liesel Schwab Charitable Trust<br />

Trustee, Cecil and Irene Roth Charitable Trust<br />

Advisory Board Member, International Centre for Health and Society,<br />

University College, London<br />

Member, Advisory Group, Me Too<br />

Member, Advisory Group, Apeldoom Conference<br />

Member, Advisory Board, Clore Duffield Leadership Programme for<br />

the Arts<br />

Patron, North London Hospice<br />

Member, Advisory Council, Centre for Reform<br />

Trustee, Liberal Democrats<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

NEWBY, Lord<br />

Member, Health Commission, Social Market Foundation<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Chairman, Live Consulting Ltd (the company acts as a consultant and<br />

project manager in the fields of corporate soc ial responsibility and<br />

cause-related marketing)<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Live Consulting Ltd<br />

Reform Publications Ltd (political publications)<br />

* indicates financial interest 179

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

180<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Member, NCVO Advisory Council<br />

Member, Advisory Board, Centre for Reform<br />

Trustee, Allachy Trust<br />

Trustee, Coltstaple Trust<br />

Chair, Sport at The Prince’s Trust<br />

Chair, Executive Committee, Lloyd George Statue Appeal Trust<br />

NEWCASTLE, Lord Bishop of<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of episcopal stipend<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chairman of Governing Body, St. Chad’s College, University of<br />

Durham<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, Norcare<br />

President, Shaw<br />

Vice President, Abbeyfield, Newcastle Upon Tyne Society Ltd<br />

Member of Council, SPCK<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Northumbria Historic Churches Trust<br />

St Hild and St Bede Trust<br />

St Hilda’s Trust<br />

Shepherd’s Law Hermitage<br />

North East Oecumenical Course<br />

Newcastle Diocesan Society<br />

Newcastle Diocesan Board of Finance<br />

Newcastle Diocesan Board of Education<br />

Churches Regional Commission in North East<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Trust<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Chairman, Council on Tribunals<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Governor, Felsted School, Essex<br />

Governor, Writtle College, Essex<br />

Member of Council, Essex University<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, Help the Hospices<br />

President, Braintree and Bocking Abbeyfield Society<br />

President, Braintree Multiple Sclerosis Society<br />

President, Corporate Friends of Carers National Association<br />

President, Corporate Friends of Farleigh Hospice<br />

President, Drugscope<br />

President, East Anglia’s Childrens Hospices<br />

President, Essex Lupus Group<br />

President, Neighbourhood Energy Action<br />

President, Phoenix Housing Association, Colchester<br />

President, Tabor Centre for Disabled People<br />

President, Essex Disabled Peoples’ Association<br />

Trustee, National Benevolent Fund for the Aged<br />

President, Braintree Parkinsons Disease Society<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Lord of Appeal in Ordinary<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Hon. Fellow, Trinity Hall, Cambridge<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

President, Birkenhead School<br />

Trustee, Middle Temple<br />

Trustee, Athanaeum Club<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Member of The European <strong>Parliament</strong><br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member of University Courts of: Reading, Southampton, Exeter and<br />

Sussex<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee, Africa ‘95<br />

Trustee, The Booker Prize Foundation<br />

* indicates financial interest 181

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

182<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

NICKSON, Lord<br />

Chairman, AMAR Appeal<br />

Chairman, AMAR International Charitable Foundation<br />

Co-Chairman, The High Level Group for Romanian Children<br />

Special Envoy, The World Health Organisation<br />

Member, Supervisory Board of Booker Prize for Russian fiction<br />

President, The Caine Prize for African writing<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Special Advisor , Aberdeen Murray Johnstone (Private Equity<br />

Partnership – Funds PAP I and II)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Upper Fairburn Salmon Fishings on River Conon in Ross-shire<br />

(including a second home)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, Association of Salmon Fishery Boards<br />

Vice President, Atlantic Salmon Trust<br />

Chairman, Conon District Fishery Board<br />

Trustee, Buccleuch Heritage Trust<br />

Officer, Queens Bodyguard for Scotland (Royal Company of Archers)<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

NICOL, Baroness<br />

Trustee of a number of small family trusts (all private) and none of any<br />

material size<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

NOAKES, Baroness<br />

Vice President, RSPB<br />

Vice President, Council for National Parks<br />

Vice President, Marine Conservation Society<br />

Vice President, Youth Hostels Association<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Director, Carpetright plc<br />

Director, Hanson plc<br />

Director, Reuters Founder Share Company Ltd<br />

Director, SThree Ltd<br />

Director, Imperial Chemical Industries plc<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Flat in Goudhurst, Kent (owned jointly with husband and occupied by<br />

parents)<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Director, English National Opera<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

NOLAN, Lord<br />

Director, Social Market Foundation<br />

Member, Shadow Racing Trust<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

NORFOLK, Duke of<br />

A three bedroom house in France (Provence) usually let when not in<br />

use by the family<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Sotheby’s London Ltd<br />

Arundel Services Ltd (trust and estate management provider)<br />

Arundel Estate Farms Ltd<br />

Cardionetics Ltd (healthcare provider)<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Arundel Estate Farms Ltd<br />

Arundel Services Ltd (trust and estate management provider)<br />

*13(a) Significant Shareholdings<br />

Cardionetics Ltd (healthcare provider)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Farmland in Sussex including residential and commercial properties<br />

Moorland and farmland in North Yorkshire including residential<br />

properties<br />

Farmland in South Yorkshire including residential properties<br />

Commercial and Industrial property in Sheffie ld<br />

Commercial property in London<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Arundel Castle Trustees Ltd<br />

Arundel Castle Enterprises Ltd<br />

The Fitzalan Chapel Charitable Trust<br />

* indicates financial interest 183

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

184<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Arundel and Littlehampton District Sc outs<br />

Arundel Town Scouts<br />

Arundel Branch of the Royal British Legion<br />

The Friends of Arundel Cathedral<br />

The Oratory School<br />

The Arun Valley Association of the National Trust<br />

The Society of St. Augustine of Canterbury<br />

The White Lion Society<br />

The Shrewsbury Hospital<br />

The Oxford and Cambridge Catholic Education Board<br />

The Upland Steering Committee of the Game Conservancy Trust<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Norfolk Family Trusts<br />

Beaumont Family Trust<br />

Compton Family Trust<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

The Moorland Association<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Betteshanger Farms Ltd<br />

Betteshanger Investments Ltd<br />

Betteshanger Properties Ltd<br />

(all family companies)<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Betteshanger Farms Ltd (50%)<br />

*12(h) Secretarial research and assistance<br />

Betteshangar Charitable Trust of which I am a Trustee, contributes<br />

small sums towards secretarial support<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Betteshanger Investments Ltd<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Agricultural land and dwellings and associated buildings in Kent<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee, Betteshanger Charitable Trust<br />

Member of the Advisory Council of Toynbee Hall<br />

Member of the Advisory Council of The Caldecott Foundation<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Member, The Royal Yacht Squadron (Cowes)<br />

Member, Royal Yacht Association<br />

Member, Brooks’s Club<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

NORTHBROOK, Lord<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Director, Mars Asset Management (investment management company<br />

– FSA <strong>Register</strong>ed)<br />

Betteshanger Farms Ltd<br />

Betteshangar Investments Ltd<br />

Betteshangar Properties Ltd<br />

(all family companies)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Arable farmer<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Betteshanger Farms Ltd<br />

Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholder in Northbrook Farms Ltd (farming company)<br />

*12(h) Secretarial research and assistance<br />

Betteshanger Charitable Trust of which I am a trustee, contributes<br />

small sums towards secretarial support<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Betteshanger Investments Ltd<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Farmland in Hampshire, including residential property<br />

Agriculturan land and dwellings and associated buildings in Kent<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee, Betteshanger Charitable Trust<br />

Advisory Council of Toynbee Hall<br />

Advisory Council of Caldecott Foundtion<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

NORTHESK, Earl of<br />

Member, Country Landowners Association<br />

Member, National Farmers Union<br />

Member, Countryside Alliance<br />

Member, Brooks’s Club<br />

Member, Royal Yacht Squadron<br />

Member, R.Y.A<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

A number of tenanted properties in West Sussex and the Isle of Man<br />

* indicates financial interest 185

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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NORTHFIELD, Lord<br />

186<br />

No relevant interests<br />

NORTHOVER, Baroness<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Visit to India (1-7 March <strong>2004</strong>) as part of a Liberal Democrat<br />

delegation on trade and industry as guests of the Indian<br />

Government, visiting companies and Government officials in Delhi,<br />

Hyderabad and Mumbai<br />

Trustee, Bryn Mawr College Association (Great Britain)<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Patron, Breast Cancer Campaign<br />

Vice-Patron, Purley Park Trust<br />

Vice-Patron, Carousel<br />

Patron, Diet and Health Forum, Westminster Forum<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Professor of Government, University of Hull (Head of Department of<br />

Politics; Director, Centre for Legislative Studies)<br />

Director of Studies, Hansard Society<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Governor, King Edward VI Grammar School, Louth<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee, History of <strong>Parliament</strong> Trust<br />

Trustee, Elizabeth Russell Fund (a charity)<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Chairman, Conservative Academic Group<br />

Member, Advisory Board, Centre for Policy Studies<br />

Member, Committee, Conservative History Group<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, Politics Association<br />

Vice President, Political Studies Association of the UK<br />

Member of Council, Hansard Society for <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Government<br />

Editor, Journal of Legislative Studies (unremunerated but published by<br />

commercial publisher)<br />

Council Member, The Constitution Unit<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Member, Study of <strong>Parliament</strong> Group<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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NORWICH, Lord Bishop of<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of episcopal stipend<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Board Member, Countryside Agency<br />

Board Member, Norfolk County Strategic Partnership<br />

Chair, Central Religious Advis ory Committee of BBC & OFCOM<br />

Chair, Norfolk Community Foundation Project Board<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Vice President and Trustee, Norfolk Rural Community Council<br />

Trustee, George Bell Institute (promoting international educational<br />

links)<br />

Trustee, Norwich Heritage Trust<br />

* indicates financial interest 187

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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188<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Director, Audax Properties plc<br />

Director, Aubrey Investments Ltd<br />

Director, OLIM Ltd<br />

Director, Value and Income Trust plc<br />

Director, Gakero Ltd<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Investment Manager and Joint Managing Director of OLIM Ltd (a<br />

subsidiary of Close Brothers Group)<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Aubrey Investments Ltd (jointly with wife)<br />

Gakero Ltd (jointly with my wife)<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Close Brothers Group plc<br />

OLIM Ltd<br />

Value and Income Trust plc (jointly with wife)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Holiday cottage in Isle of Wight (no rent received)<br />

House in Sussex for mother and sister (no rent received)<br />

Own home in London<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member, Finance Committee, Mansfield College, Oxford<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

O’CATHAIN, Baroness<br />

Chairman and Trustee, Coltstaple Trust (registered charity)<br />

Hon. Treasurer, Make Votes Count<br />

Council Member, Centre for Reform<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Director, BNP Paribas (<strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong>) plc<br />

Director, British Airways plc<br />

Director, South East Water plc<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member of Board of Regents of Harris Manchester College, Oxford<br />

University<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Vice President, Arundel Festival<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Sight Savers International<br />

O’NEILL OF BENGARVE, Baroness<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Principal, Newnham College, Cambridge<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chairman, Tissue Bank Management Committee, Addenbrooke’s<br />

Hospital, Cambridge<br />

Chairman, Governing Body, Newnham College, Cambridge<br />

Deputy Vice Chancellor, University of Cambridge<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee and Chairman, Nuffield Foundation<br />

Trustee, Sir Ernest Cassell Trust<br />

Trustee, Isaac Newton Trust<br />

Trustee, Gates Cambridge Trust<br />

Member, Council of Management of the Ditchley Foundation<br />


No relevant interests<br />

ONSLOW, Earl of<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Lloyds Underwriter<br />

Occasional Press articles<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Estate in Surrey including some residential holdings<br />

A Thai Restaurant in Uxbridge<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Governor of the Royal Grammar School Guilford<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, Surrey and Hampshire Canal Society<br />

Trustee, Hillier Alms Houses<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Patron, Cherrie Trees (charity)<br />

OPPENHEIM-BARNES, Baroness<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee of Oppenheim Trust, (I benefit from the income from this trust)<br />

* indicates financial interest 189

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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ORME, Lord<br />

190<br />

No relevant interests<br />

OUSELEY, Lord<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Managing Director and a Management Consultant, Different Realities<br />

Partnership Limited<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director, Focus Consultancy<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Managing Director, Different Realities Partnership Limited<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Different Realities Partnership Limited (management consultancy)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

OWEN, Lord<br />

Chairman, KICK IT OUT<br />

Chairman, Policy Institute for Ageing and Ethnicity<br />

Chairman, PRESET, Education and Training Charitable Organisation<br />

Council Member, Institute of Race Relations<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Terra Firma Capital Partners Ltd<br />

R.H. Advisers<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Abbott Laboratories Inc<br />

Deborah Owen Ltd<br />

Global National Energy plc<br />

Europe Steel plc<br />

New Crane Publishing Ltd<br />

Intelligent Energy Ltd<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Chairman, Global Natural Energy<br />

Member of the Supervisory Council of Mazeikiu Nafta Oil Refinery in<br />

Lithuania (unpaid )<br />

Chairman,<br />

Chairman, Global Natural Energy<br />

Chairman, Yukos International<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Deborah Owen Ltd<br />

New Crane Publishing<br />

Intelligent Energy Ltd<br />

Yukos Oil Company<br />

Global Natural Energy<br />

Video Networks<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chancellor of the University of Liverpool<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Chairman, New Europe (part of the “no” campaign on the euro)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

OXBURGH, Lord<br />

Director, Center for International Health and Co-operation<br />

President, The Enabling Partnership<br />

President, Enham Trust<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

One-off pieces of work on an ad hoc basis -<br />

Singapore Ministry of Education<br />

Fujitsu Europe<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Chairman, Shell Trading & Transport plc<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

House in Cambridge owned and let jointly with wife<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chairman, SETNET<br />

Member, Council of Asian University of Science and Technology<br />

Member, Council of Cambridge MIT Institute<br />

Member, Council of Foundation for Science and Technology<br />

Member, Council of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (Kuala Lumpur)<br />

Member, Council of Winston Churchill Memorial Trust<br />

Member, Singapore Agency for Science, Technology & Research<br />

Member, Singapore Science and Engineering Research Council<br />

Member, Council of Asian Institute of Technology<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, Friends of Natural History Museum<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Fellow of Royal Society<br />

Fellow of Royal Academy of Engineering<br />

* indicates financial interest 191

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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OXFORD, Lord Bishop of<br />

192<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of episcopal stipend<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member of the Court of Oxford Brooks University<br />

Visitor of St Anne’s College, Oxford<br />

Visitor of a number of independent schools, including Radley,<br />

Bradfield, St Edwards, Downe House<br />

Member, H.F.E.A (Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Governor of British Institute of Human Rights<br />

President, National Housing Federation<br />

Trustee of the faith based Multi-faith Schools Charitable Trust<br />

Board Member, Nuffield Council on Bioethics<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Downs Syndrome Association<br />

Dyslexia Research Trust<br />

Family Nursing Network<br />

Lobby to End Age Discrimination (LEAD)<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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PALMER, Lord<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Managing partner of farming operation<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Flat in Marsham Court, Marsham Street, London SW1<br />

Flat in Princes Gate, London SW7<br />

Farmland etc in Brunstane, Edinburgh<br />

Residual beneficiary of Patience Estate (St. Lucia)<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

President, BABFO<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Manderston Preservation Trust<br />

Ladywell Trust<br />

Fergus Maclay Leukaemia Trust<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

The Scottish National Farmers Union<br />

Historic Houses Association for Scotland<br />

Scottish Land Owners Federation<br />

Borders FWAG<br />

Scottish Protection Rural Society<br />


15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chancellor, University of Portsmouth<br />

Governor, Whitgift School<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

PAREKH, Lord<br />

The Natural History Museum<br />

Serpentine Gallery<br />

The Royal Fine Art Commission Trust<br />

Design Museum<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Professor, University of Westminster<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member, University Court, University of Luton<br />

President, Academy of the Learned Societies in Social Sciences<br />

Fellow, Royal Society of Arts<br />

Fellow, British Academy<br />

* indicates financial interest 193

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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194<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Patron, The Runnymede Trust<br />

Patron, The Gandhi Foundation<br />

Trustee, Anne Frank Educational Trust<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Director, Nirman Foundation (US based family foundation)<br />

PARK OF MONMOUTH, Baroness<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, Society for the Promotion of the Training of Women (very<br />

small charity)<br />

Trustee, Lucy Faithfull Fund<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

PARKINSON, Lord<br />

Patron, Action Group (very small charity)<br />

Patron, Disabled Police Officers Association, Northern Ireland<br />

Member Advisory Group, Zimbabwe Defence and Aid Fund<br />

Vice Patron, Atlantic Council<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Dartford River Crossing Ltd<br />

Great Queen Street Consultants (Management Company)<br />

Huntswood plc (Executive Search and Selection Business)<br />

Huntswood CTC Ltd (Financial Services Outsourcing Business)<br />

InTechnology plc (Online Data Storage and Retrieval)<br />

Jarvis Group Ltd (Building and Construction)<br />

Jarvis Commercial Properties Ltd (Property Investment)<br />

Le Carbone (GB) Ltd (Manufacturers of high-technology carbon<br />

products)<br />

MCC Energy Advisors Inc (US) (Advising Energy Companies on new<br />

technologies)<br />

Manson Insurance Group Ltd (Insurance Brokers)<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Great Queen Street Consultants<br />

Cybertime Ltd (on-line marketing)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

PATEL, Lord<br />

President, The Chemical Dependency Centre<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Chairman, NHS Quality Improvement, Scotland<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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*12(h) Secretarial research and assistance<br />

Secretarial assistance on part-time basis from NHS Quality<br />

Improvement<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chairman, NHS Quality Improvement, Scotland<br />

Member, Armed Forces Pay Review Board<br />

Member, Foundation of Dundee High School<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee, White Top Foundation (charity)<br />

Council Member, The STROKE Association (charity)<br />

Patron, South Asia Health Foundation (charity)<br />

Patron, Twins Society<br />


*12(i) Visits<br />

Visit to Kuwait (10-15 May 2002) as guest of Ministry of Information,<br />

Kuwait<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

The Empire Building, Randal Street, Blackburn<br />

Family Land Holdings (Agricultural) in India<br />

*13(d) Hospitality or gifts<br />

Watch presented by Ministry of Information, Kuwait (while on visit –<br />

May 2002)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Director of Blackburn Partnership<br />

Governor, Bolton Institute<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Westbrookhouse Community Centre<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

PATTEN, Lord<br />

President of the Indian Workers Association<br />

Vice President of the Blackburn Racial Equality Counc il<br />

Chairman Hajj Committee<br />

President of the Asian Business Federation<br />

President, East Lancs Scouts<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director, Lockheed Martin Holdings UK Ltd<br />

Non-executive Director, Energy Power Resources Ltd<br />

* indicates financial interest 195

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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196<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Senior Adviser, Charterhouse Development Capital Ltd<br />

Adviser, Thomas Goode & Co Ltd<br />

Adviser, Lockheed Martin Overseas Corporation<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Hon. Fellow, Harris Manchester College, Oxford<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

PAUL, Lord<br />

Liveryman, Worshipful Company of Drapers<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman and Director, Caparo Group Ltd<br />

Board Member, London Development Agency<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Caparo Group Ltd is the benefic ial owner of 8.11% of Eleco Holdings<br />

plc<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chancellor of the University of Wolverhampton<br />

Member of the DTI Industrial Development Advisory Board<br />

Member of the Corporation of the Hall of Arts and Sciences<br />

Co-Chairman, UK-India Round Table<br />

Advisory Board Member, Foreign Policy Centre<br />

Member of the Board of London 2012<br />

Non-executive Director, London 2012 Ethics Advisory Group<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Vice President, Engineering Employers’ Federation<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Chairman of the Board of PiggyBankKids (a children’s charity) and its<br />

trading subsidiary PiggyBankKids Projects Limited<br />

Trustee, Ambika Paul Foundation<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Member, Advisory Council, John Smith Memorial Trust<br />

President, Family Service Units<br />

Patron, Plan International<br />

Patron, UK Youth<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Chairman, PWS Holdings plc (International<br />

Reinsurance Brokers at Lloyds)<br />

Non-executive Director, JKL Property Ltd (property company)<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Visit to Botswana (1–6 September 2002) at the invitation of the<br />

Botswana Chamber of Commerce as part of an all-party visit to<br />

investigate the Botswana Government’s treatment of the Bushmen<br />

of the Central Kalahari Game Reserve and issues of interest to the<br />

UK in Botswana. (All travel, accommodation and subsistence was<br />

paid for by ‘Debswana’, the De Beers/Botswana Government<br />

mining company)<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

PWS Holdings plc (International Reinsurance Brokers at Lloyds)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Deer forest and forestry in West Highlands of Scotland, including<br />

residential property<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Hon. President, RESCARE (the Nationa l Society for mentally<br />

handicapped people in residential care)<br />

Hon. President, The British <strong>Register</strong> of Chinese Herbal Medicine<br />

Co-Founder and Director, Global Britain (research into and publication<br />

of the UK’s relationship with the European Union and the wider<br />

world)<br />

Council member and Chairman, Stalking Committee of the<br />

Countryside Alliance<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

PEEL, Earl<br />

Founder and executive trustee of the Rannoch (Charitable) Trust<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Land in North Yorkshire consisting of:-<br />

Moorland<br />

Farms let on Agricultural Tenancies<br />

Residential property<br />

Flat in the Lake District<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, Standing Conference on Countryside Sports<br />

Lord Warden of the Stanneries of the Duchy of Cornwall<br />

President of the Game Conservancy Trust<br />

Vice President, Yorkshire Branch, C.L.A.<br />

* indicates financial interest 197

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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198<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

PENDRY, Lord<br />

Executive Member, Moorland Association<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-Executive Director of the Community Broking Group plc<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

President of the Football Foundation Ltd<br />

Chairman of Oyston Steel Estates Ltd (unpaid)<br />

Sports Advisor to Tameside District Council Sports Trust<br />

Visit to Gibraltar as guest of Government of Gibraltar Travel (22–24<br />

August 2002) (Travel and accommodation paid for by Government<br />

of Gibraltar)<br />

Visit to Cairo (18–22 October 2002) for the ABTA Conference (travel<br />

and accommodation paid for by the ABTA)<br />

Visit to Hungary (30 May-3 June 2003) at the expense of the<br />

Hungarian Tourist Office<br />

Visit to Malta (8 – 11 June 2003) to attend the Institute of Travel and<br />

Tourism Annual Conference (costs of three nights stay in Malta<br />

were met by the ITT)<br />

Visit to Spain (19-23 June 2003) as a guest of Oyston Steel Travel<br />

Company<br />

Visit to Doha, Qatar (May <strong>2004</strong>) as a guest of the World Travel and<br />

Tourism Council<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman of Angel Trust (unpaid)<br />

PERRY OF SOUTHWARK, Baroness<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

President, Council for Independent Further Education (£2,000 fee +<br />

subsistence at Annual Conference (£400 approx))<br />

President, Foundation for Higher Education (unpaid)<br />

Visitor to Collingham’s Sixth Form College (£1,200)<br />

President, Westminster & City Branch of Chartered Management<br />

Institute (unpaid)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Board of Governors of Gresham’s School, Holt (Cambridge University<br />

Nominated Representative)<br />

Chair of Cambridge University/Addenbrookes Clinical Research<br />

Governance Committee<br />

Chair of Governors and Trustee of Roehampton Institute, University of<br />

Surrey<br />

Pro-Chancellor and Member of Council, University of Surrey<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee, Bacon’s City Technology College (unpaid, nominated as<br />

Secretary of State’s representative)<br />

Trustee, Cambridge University Foundation<br />

Trustee, Daphne Jackson Memorial Trust<br />

Chair, Nuffield Council on Bio-Ethics Inquiry into the Use of Animals<br />

in Scientific Experiments<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

PESTON, Lord<br />

Companion of the Institute of Management<br />

Member of the Institute of Directors<br />

Member of the International Women’s Forum<br />

Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Bakers<br />

Advisory Board Member of the U.S. National Parenting Foundation<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Philip Allan Updates<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, Institute of Administrative Management<br />

Vice President, Speakability<br />

PETERBOROUGH, Lord Bishop of<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of episcopal stipend<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Director, Peterborough Diocesan Board of Finance<br />

Governor, St. Andrew’s Hospital, Northampton<br />

Governor, University College, Northampton<br />

President and Chairman of Council, St. John’s College, Durham and<br />

Director, St. John’s College, Durham Ltd (company limited by<br />

guarantee)<br />

President & Chairman, Peterborough Diocesan Board of Education<br />

Trustee, Archdeacon Johnson Foundation<br />

Trustee, Hospital of St. John and St. Anne in Oakham<br />

Trustee, Oakham School<br />

Trustee, Uppingham School<br />

Member, Greater Peterborough Partnership Board<br />


15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, David and Frederick Barclay Charitable Foundation<br />

* indicates financial interest 199

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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200<br />

*12(a) <strong>Parliament</strong>ary consultancy agreements<br />

As from 1 November 2002 an agreement to provide parliamentary<br />

advice to The Caravan Club (The Caravan Club Limited. <strong>Register</strong>ed<br />

No. 646027, HQ Address: East Grinstead House, East Grinstead,<br />

West Sussex, RH19 1UA). Remuneration £5,000 p.a. (net of VAT)<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director, Faraday Underwriting Ltd<br />

Non-executive Director, Faraday Reinsurance Co. Limited<br />

Non-executive Director, Gough Hotels Ltd<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Self-employed partner in Bates, Wells and Braithwaite (London)<br />

Solicitors<br />

*12(h) Secretarial research and assistance<br />

Secretary partly provided by Bates, Wells & Braithwaite for non-legal<br />

work, including parliamentary activities<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

1 bedroomed terraced premises in Sudbury<br />

8 acre wood at Arger Fenn, Suffolk<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Gainsborough’s House, Sudbury, Suffolk<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, Citizenship Foundation (a charity)<br />

President, Solicitors Pro Bono Group (a charity)<br />

Trustee, Phillips Fund (a charity)<br />

Trustee, ICNL Trust (a charity)<br />

President, Sudbury Society (a charity)<br />

Committee, Council for Charitable Support<br />

Trustee, Me-Too (a charity)<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

A few client trusts and client executorships/trusteeships in relation to<br />

wills<br />

Age Concern Funeral Trust<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Master of the Rolls<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Approximately 140 acres of forestry in Wales<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Advisory Council, Institute of European and Corporation Law, Oxford<br />

Advisory Council, Institute of Global Law, UCL<br />

Board of Management, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies<br />

Chairman of the Governors of Bryanston School<br />

Council of Management, British Institute of International and<br />

Corporation Law<br />

Visitor, Nuffield College, Oxford,<br />

Visitor, UCL<br />

Chairman of Lord Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Public<br />

Records<br />


15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Governor, Downside School<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Director, Politea (think tank)<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Hon. member, National Association of Head Teachers<br />

PITKEATHLEY, Baroness<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

IDX Systems<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director, Third Sector PR<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Chair, Children and Families Court Advisory and Support Service<br />

(CAFCASS) (2 days per week)<br />

Chair, New Opportunities Fund (2 days per week)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, Volunteering England (formerly National Centre for<br />

Volunteering)<br />

President, Community Council for Berkshire<br />

Vice President, Carers UK<br />

Vice President, Princess Royal Trust for Carers<br />

Vice President, Parkinson’s Disease Society<br />

Patron, Prostate Cancer Charity<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Professor of Jurisprudence, King’s College, University of London<br />

* indicates financial interest 201

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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202<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Hon. Fellow, St. Catherine’s College, Oxford<br />

Hon. Fellow, Harris Manchester College, Oxford<br />

Hon. Fellow, Cardiff University<br />

Visiting Professor of European Political Thought, University of<br />

Southampton (until 30 September <strong>2004</strong>)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chair, Hope (The Wessex Medical Trust)<br />

Chair, Southampton University Development Trust<br />

PLATT OF WRITTLE, Baroness<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member of the Court of Middlesex University<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, Friends of Hylands House<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

PLUMB, Lord<br />

Patron, WISE<br />

Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Engineers<br />

Patron, Essex Community Foundation<br />

Patron, InterAct (local to Essex)<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Chairman, PRM Consultants<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Farming<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Properties in Warwickshire<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chancellor, Coventry University<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Hon. President, International Policy Council<br />

President, Campden Food Research Association<br />

President, Cotswold AONB<br />

President, Friends of Fergusson<br />

President, National Ploughing Association<br />

President, National Sheep Association<br />

Trustee, International Agricultural Training Programme<br />

Hon.Trustee, Royal Agricultural Society of England<br />

President, Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institute<br />

President, Former Members Association, European <strong>Parliament</strong><br />

Deputy President, National Federation, Young Farmers Club<br />

Patron, Farm Africa<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, Purton Property Company Ltd<br />

Chairman, Regional Funding Company Ltd<br />

Chairman, Speen Property Trust Ltd<br />

President, Portman Building Society (unpaid)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

See entry under 12(e)<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Regional Funding Company Ltd<br />

Speen Property Trust Ltd<br />

Purton Property Company Ltd<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Director, Acorn (Oil and Gas) Ltd<br />

Director, Emerald Energy plc (from 15 August 2003)<br />

Director, SoyuzNefteGaz Ltd<br />

Trip to Turkmenistan (May 2002) paid for by Turkmen Authorities<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Member, Oxford Brookes University Court<br />

Trustee, Wandsworth Prison Visitor’s Centre<br />

* indicates financial interest 203

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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PORTSMOUTH, Lord Bishop of<br />

204<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of episcopal stipend<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, National Society<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Patron, Portsmouth High School<br />

Patron, Southern Focus<br />


*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Adviser to the Chairman, Thales<br />

Adviser to Eastern Star Publications<br />

Adviser to the Chairman of BAe Systems<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, LVMH (Moet-Hennessy Louis Vuitton) UK<br />

Chairman, Sagitta Asset Management Limited<br />

Director, British Mediterranean Airways<br />

Director, Caterpillar Inc<br />

Director, Financière Agache<br />

Director, LVMH (Moet-Hennessy Louis Vuitton)<br />

Director, Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group<br />

Director, Matheson & Co<br />

Director, Textron Corporation<br />

Director, Yell Group Limited<br />

Director, Schindler Holdings, Switzerland<br />

Director, Northern Trust Global Services<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Member, Barrick Gold International Advisory Board<br />

Member, Diligence Advisory Board<br />

Chairman, GEMS Private Equity Fund Advisory Board<br />

Member, HCL Technologies International Advisory Board<br />

Member, Hicks Muse European Advisory Board<br />

Member, Rolls-Royce European Strategy Board<br />

Member, Textron International Advisory Council<br />

Member, Wingate Capital International Advisory Board<br />

Member, International Advisory Board of Magna Corporation<br />

Member, the Advisory Board of the European Advisory Group GMBH<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chairman, Trustees of the Said Business School Foundation, Oxford<br />

University<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Member, British Museum Development Council<br />

Trustee, Aspen Institute (USA)<br />

Trustee, British Museum<br />

Chairman, British Museum Audit Committee<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Chairman, Atlantic Partnership<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Director, Singapore Millennium Foundation<br />

Director, UK-China Forum<br />

President, China-Britain Business Council<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

PRASHAR, Baroness<br />

Trustee, Karim Rida Said Foundation<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director, Unite plc (until autumn 2003)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

First Civil Service Commissioner<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chancellor, De Montfort University, Leicester<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Hon. position, Local Government Association<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Board Member, Salzburg Seminar<br />

Board Member, Ditchley Foundation<br />

Chairman, National Literacy Trust<br />

Council Member, Royal Commonwealth Society<br />

Trustee, BBC World Service Trust<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee, BBC World Service Trust<br />

Trustee, Royal Commonwealth Society<br />

Trustee, Nationa l Literacy Trust<br />

* indicates financial interest 205

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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PRIOR, Lord<br />

206<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Director, AIG Advisory Board (American International Group)<br />

Director, Arab-British Chamber of Commerce<br />

Director, Ascot Underwriting Ltd<br />

Director, Ascot Underwriting Holdings Ltd<br />

Director, Celtel BU<br />

Director, Palgrave Farming Company Ltd<br />

Director, South Pickenham Estate Company<br />

Director, Uzbekinvest International Insurance Company Ltd<br />

Director, Mobitel Ltd, Sudan<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

PROSSER, Baroness<br />

Farmland in Suffolk including residential properties<br />

Joint tena nt, Queenwood Farm Partnership, Salisbury, Wiltshire<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Director of Trade Union Fund Managers (a company which overseas<br />

the investments of participating trade unions)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Commissioner of Low Pay Commission<br />

Member of Governing Council of the Open University<br />

Chair of Women’s National Commission<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

PRYS-DAVIES, Lord<br />

Director of Lionel Cook Memorial Fund ( a limited company)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

PUTTNAM, Lord<br />

President, Aelwyd Housing Association<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Director, Spectrum Strategy Consultants<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Consultant, DFES<br />

Consultant, ARTIS<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Enigma Productions Ltd – 75 shares<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

House in London<br />

13 acre holding with house (personal use only) in West Cork, Eire<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chancellor, University of Sunderland<br />

Member, Academic Advisory Board, University of Bristol<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Vice President, CPRE<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chair, Teaching Awards Trust<br />

President, UNICEF UK<br />

Trustee, IPPR<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee, Schwab Foundation<br />

Fellow, World Economic Forum<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

PYM, Lord<br />

Hon. Member, BECTU<br />

Noise Abatement Society<br />

Pedestrians Association<br />

President, UNICEF UK<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Farmland in Bedfordshire including residential property<br />

* indicates financial interest 207

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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QUINTON, Lord<br />

208<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Trustee, Wolfson Foundation (£4,000 per annum)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Own an apartment with wife in a co-operative building which we are<br />

not permitted to let out (New York)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

QUIRK, Lord<br />

President, Royal Institute of Philosophy<br />

Chairman, Voices of British Ballet<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Academic Governor, Richmond American University<br />

Consultant for Pearson Education<br />

Consultant for Linguaphone Institute<br />

Consultant and Trustee for The Wolfson Foundation<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Council Member, RADA<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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RADICE, Lord<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

British-Netherlands All-party <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Group – visit by the<br />

Group to the Netherlands Second Chamber at the Hague, 20-22<br />

March, 2002. Fares paid out of Group Fund coming from declared<br />

sponsors: Royal Dutch Shell and Unilever. Hotel and other<br />

expenses paid by the Dutch Second Chamber<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Board Member, Britain in Europe<br />

Board Member, European Movement<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary org anisations<br />

Chairman, British Association for Central and Eastern Europe<br />

Chairman, Franco-British Council<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee, Franco-British Council<br />

RAMSAY OF CARTVALE, Baroness<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chair of Advisory Board, Centre for Scottish Public Policy<br />

Member of Advisory Council of Foreign Policy Centre<br />

Member of Advisory Council of Smith Memorial Trust<br />

Trustee of Smith Institute<br />

Chair of Atlantic Council of the UK<br />

Chair of Development Council of the Royal Scottish National<br />

Orchestra (RSNO)<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

RANA, Lord<br />

Labour Friends of Israel<br />

Labour Movement for Europe<br />

Institute for Jewish Policy Research<br />

Atlantic Council of the UK<br />

Fabian Society<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Managing Director, Andras House Ltd (property development and<br />

hospitality management)<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Andras House Ltd (property development and hospitality management)<br />

* indicates financial interest 209

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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210<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Residential Apartments at Eglantine Place, Belfast, N. Ireland<br />

Residential Property at 233 Upper Malone Road, Belfast, N. Ireland<br />

1 commercial plus 2 residential apartments at 391 Lisburn Road,<br />

Belfast, N. Ireland<br />

Residential Apartment at Apartment 8, Ballyreagh Road, Portrush, N.<br />

Ireland<br />

*13(c) Financial interests of spouse or relative or friend<br />

My sons, Rajesh K Rana and Ramesh Rana are both shareholders in<br />

Andras House Limited<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Foundation Board Member, University of Ulster<br />

Business Advisory Group, University of Ulster<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

President, Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce & Industry<br />

Member, Confederation of British Industry<br />

Member, Institute of Directors<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

RAWLINGS, Baroness<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Vice President, UNICEF<br />

Thanksgiving Square Limited (registered in N.I)<br />

Caring Breaks Limited (registered in N.I)<br />

Rana Charitable Trust (registered in N.I)<br />

Shradhanjali Charitable Trust (registered in India)<br />

Smt. Jawala Devi Charitable Trust (registered in India)<br />

Visit to Hong Kong (November 2003): travel, accommodation and<br />

expenses paid by the Government of Hong Kong<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Lodge in Norfolk let at commercial rent<br />

Farmland in Norfolk<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chairman of Kings College, London Council<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Chevening Estate<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, National Council of Voluntary Organisations<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Red Cross<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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RAZZALL, Lord<br />

No relevant interests<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Argonaut Corporate Services Ltd and its associated companies<br />

(management company)<br />

Bachmann Group Ltd (Guernsey) and its associated companies (trust<br />

company)<br />

Cognita Developments Ltd (computer services)<br />

Lawalert Ltd (litigation alert service)<br />

Envirox Ltd and its associated companies (water treatment)<br />

Edge IPK Ltd (computer services)<br />

Erinaceous Group plc (housing and insurance services)<br />

Pay2 Ltd (debit card processor)<br />

PayGuard plc (debit card processor)<br />

Primrose Consortium Ltd (advertising agency)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Partner in Argonaut Associates (a corporate finance business)<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Apollo Consulting Ltd (management company)<br />

Argonaut Corporate Services Ltd (management company)<br />

*12(h) Secretarial research and assistance<br />

Secretarial and research assistance provided by Argonaut Associates<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Law Alert Ltd (supplier of e-mail litigation alert service)<br />

Pay2 Limited (debit card processor)<br />

PayGuard Inc (debit card processor)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

House in Treasure Cay, Abaco, Bahamas<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member of Worcester College, Oxford Appeal Committee<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, Liberal Democrats Campaign and Communications<br />

Committee<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Member, Liberal Democrats<br />

* indicates financial interest 211

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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REA, Lord<br />

212<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Attendance at seminar convened by IMPO (international medical<br />

parliamentarians organisation) in Bangkok. Funded by IPPF and<br />

UNFPA<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

12 acres of rough forest (surrounding a holiday home not let<br />

commercially) in Cumbria<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Council Member (Trustee), Mary Ward Centre, London<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Hon. Secretary of National Heart Forum<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee or Council Member or member of Advisory council or<br />

executive committee of:-<br />

Caroline Walker Trust (nutrition and public health)<br />

CCHARM (Children of Chechniya Action and Relief Mission)<br />

Health Link Worldwide (Health information for developing countries)<br />

National Heart Forum (for the prevention of coronary heart disease)<br />

Mother & Child Foundation (organisation linking foetal and maternal<br />

nutrition with subsequent health)<br />

Mary Ward Centre (F E Colle ge run as a charity but mostly funded via<br />

FEFC)<br />

Mary Ward Centre (F E College)<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

REAY, Lord<br />

A27 Action Group (East Sussex)<br />

Outward Bound Trust<br />

ASH (Action on Smoking and Health)<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Brasserie St. Quentin 2002 Ltd (Restaurant)<br />

Member of Lloyds<br />

UK Council (webcasting council meetings and conferences)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Farmland and residential property in Holland<br />

Farmland in North-West, with sporting, forestry and residential<br />

interests<br />

Residential property with farmland in South West<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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REDESDALE, Lord<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Director, Brigantium Ltd (archaeological reconstruction centre)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Patron, City of London College<br />

Visit to Qatar (3 - 6 May 2002) with Council for the Advancement of<br />

Arab-British Understanding (CAABU)<br />

Visit to Saudi Arabia (16 - 19 May 2003) with Council for the<br />

Advancement of Arab British understanding (CAABU)<br />

Visit to Tunisia (30 March – 4 April 2003) under the auspices of the<br />

All-party Archaeology Group and the Tunisian Government<br />

Visit to Qatar as speaker at conference on democracy (3-7 April <strong>2004</strong>).<br />

Costs etc met by conference organisers<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Farmland, commercial and residential property in Northumberland<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Council Member, Institute of Advanced Motorists<br />

Member, Court of Newcastle University<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee, The Roman Research Trust<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Director , Council for the advancement of Arab British Understanding<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

REES, Lord<br />

Council Member, Institute of Advanced Motorists<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Commercial woodlands in Powys and Monmouthshire<br />

Let cottages in Monmouthshire<br />

Let house in London<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

President, British Association of Cemeteries in South Asia<br />

Patron, Museum of Empire and Commonwealth<br />

* indicates financial interest 213

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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REES-MOGG, Lord<br />

214<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

American Trading Company<br />

American Trading Company (Holdings) Ltd<br />

Pickering & Chatto (Publishers) Ltd<br />

Newsmax Media Inc (US)<br />

EFG Private Bank Ltd<br />

Fleet Street Publications Ltd<br />

Private Financial Holdings Ltd<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

News International<br />

Fleet Street Publications<br />

Agora Inc<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

American Trading Company (Holdings) Ltd (mainly publishing and<br />

media)<br />

American Trading Company (mainly publishing and media)<br />

Pickering & Chatto (Publishers) Ltd<br />

Visit to Kuwait (31 January 2002 – 4 February 2002) as a guest of the<br />

Kuwait Government<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Property (including residential property) in Somerset<br />

*13(c) Financial interests of spouse or relative or friend<br />

My wife and five children also have interests in Somerset property,<br />

directly or through family trusts<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman of Trustees, Sir Leon Bagrit Memorial Trust<br />

Trustee, Wells Cathedral School Development Trust<br />

Trustee, Shandean Trust<br />

RENDELL OF BABERGH, Baroness<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Managing Director, Kingsmarkham Enterprises Limited (a company<br />

formed in 1977 to take care of <strong>copy</strong>right as an author and of written<br />

work)<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Kingsmarkham Enterprises Limited<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Member, Board of Management of Refuge<br />

Trustee, Smith Institute<br />

Vice President, Shelter<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Professor, University of Cambridge (until October <strong>2004</strong>)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Home, plus sma ll plot of land in Greece (Naxos)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member, Cambridge Foundation, University of Cambridge<br />

Trustee, National Art Collections Fund<br />

Emeritus Fellow, Jesus College, Cambridge<br />

Fellow, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Cambridge<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

RENNARD, Lord<br />

Trustee, Antiquity Trust<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

RENTON, Lord<br />

Director of Campaigns and Elections, Liberal Democrats<br />

Inter-<strong>Parliament</strong>ary Union (IPU) conference, Marrakesh (March 2002)<br />

(accompanied by spouse)<br />

Visit to Slovakia (24-28 March 2003) with the Inter <strong>Parliament</strong>ary<br />

Union<br />

Visit to Qatar (12-16 April 2003) for conference on Democracy and<br />

Free Trade in the Middle East as a guest of the Emir of Qatar<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Hon. Fellow, University College, Oxford<br />

Patron, Huntingdonshire Royal British Legion<br />

Patron, Huntingdon Conservative Association<br />

Patron, Greater London Association for the Disabled<br />

Patron, Ravenswood Foundation<br />

Bencher and former Treasurer of Lincoln’s Inn<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Joint President of the <strong>Parliament</strong>ary all-party Arts and Heritage Group<br />

which encourages art galleries, museums, etc<br />

* indicates financial interest 215

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />


216<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Chairman, Sussex Downs Conservation Board<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Farmland in Sussex, including residential properties<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member, Council of Sussex University<br />

President, Council of Roedean School<br />

President, Federation of Sussex Amenity Societies<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee, Brighton West Pier Trust<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, Fluor Ltd<br />

Deputy Chairman, Fleming Family and Partners<br />

Non-executive Director, British Airways<br />

Non-executive Director , Fluor Corporation<br />

Non-executive Director, BHP/Billiton<br />

Non-executive Director, SAB Miller<br />

Non-executive Director, Harmony Gold<br />

Non-executive Director, Compagnie Financiere Richemont<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Vice Chairman, J P Morgan plc<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Fluor Corporation<br />

J P Morgan Chase<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

RICHARD, Lord<br />

Trustee, The Economist (unpaid)<br />

Member, The Hakluyt Foundation International Advisory Board<br />

(unpaid)<br />

Chairman, Zimbabwe Democracy Trust (unpaid)<br />

Chairman, Rand Europe Advisory Board (unpaid)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Occasional income as a QC<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

World Trade Centre Holdings (150 shares)<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

RICHARDSON, Lord<br />

Chairman, Lease (leasehold Advisory service)<br />

No relevant interests<br />


15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Trustee, Citizen Organising Foundation<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chair, Commission on Urban Life & Faith<br />

Moderator, Churches Commission for Inter Faith Relations<br />

Chair, London Ecumenical Aids Trust<br />

President, The Girls’ Brigade<br />

President, British and Foreign Schools Society<br />

President, Christian Education<br />

Vice President, NCH<br />

Vice President, Council for Christians and Jews<br />


15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Deputy High Steward of Cambridge University<br />

Honorary Bencher, Gray’s Inn<br />

Honorary Fellow, Wolfson College, Cambridge<br />

Honorary Fellow, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Member and Honorary Chairman of the Group of Thirty (Consultative<br />

Group on International Economic and Monetary Affairs Inc.,<br />

Washington DC)<br />

* indicates financial interest 217

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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RIX, Lord<br />

218<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chancellor of the University of East London<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, Friends of Normansfield (financial grants for projects<br />

concerned with learning disabled people)<br />

Chairman, Libertas (audio tours for disabled people)<br />

Chairman, Mencap City Foundation (financia l grants for projects<br />

concerned with learning for disabled people)<br />

President, Royal Mencap Society<br />

President, MCIS Ltd, who make an annual contribution to the Mencap<br />

City Foundation (it was originally Mencap City Insurance Services<br />

Ltd)<br />


15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

President, University of Wales, College of Medicine<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Deputy Chairman, Cable and Wireless plc<br />

Governor, (Company Director) Scottish National Memorial to David<br />

Livingstone (unpaid)<br />

Non-executive Director, Smiths Group plc (engineering)<br />

Non-executive Director, Weir Group plc (engineering)<br />

Director, Monaco Telecom<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Member, Advisory Board, Englefield Capital (private equity)<br />

Strategic Advisor , Royal Bank of Canada Europe<br />

Senior Counsel, The Cohen Group (US consultancy) – Chairman,<br />

former US Defence Secretary William Cohen<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member of Court, Trinity House<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary org anisations<br />

Trustee and Chairman Elect, John Smith Memorial Trust<br />

Trustee, 21 st Century Trust<br />

Chairman Appeal Committee for Maggie’s Cancer Caring Centre,<br />

Lanarkshire<br />

Member, Development Board, Royal Scottish National Orchestra<br />

Member, Advisory Board, International Crisis Group (Brussels)<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

ROCHESTER, Lord Bishop of<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of episcopal stipend<br />

Member of Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA)<br />

(until November 2003)<br />

*12(h) Secretarial research and assistance<br />

Church commissioners pay my private secretary who assists with some<br />

House of Lords work<br />

Church Commissioners paying chaplain who is also a research<br />

assistant<br />

The Diocese pays the Director of Communication who provides<br />

assistance with the media<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chair of Council, Trinity College, Bristol<br />

Hon. Fellow of St. Edmund Hall, Oxford<br />

Member HFEA and Chair of Ethics Committee (until November 2003)<br />

Visiting Professor, University of Greenwich<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chair of Trustees, Bishop’s Fund for Mission (Education Enterprise)<br />

Director, Central Board of Finance, Church of England<br />

Director, Christian Weekly Newspapers Ltd<br />

Director, Diocesan Board of Finance, Rochester<br />

Director, Oxford Centre for Mission Studies<br />

Trustee, Trinity College, Bristol<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Lord of Appeal in Ordinary<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

President, Scottish Universities Law Institute<br />

Visitor, St. Hugh’s College, Oxford<br />

President, Institute of European and Comparative Law, Oxford<br />

Chair, External Advisory Panel, Law Faculty, Oxford<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, Expert Witness Institute<br />

* indicates financial interest 219

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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220<br />

No relevant interests<br />

ROGAN, Lord<br />

*12(b) <strong>Parliament</strong>ary lobbying<br />

Non-executive Chairman, DCL Group Ltd (£12,000 per annum) (no<br />

personal clients; the DCL client list has been deposited with the<br />

Registrar).<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Associated Processors Ltd<br />

Drury Communications Ltd<br />

DCL Group Ltd<br />

Independent News & Media (Northern Ireland) Ltd<br />

International Advisory Board Independent New & Media Ltd<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Dennis Rogan Associates<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Associated Processors Ltd<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Northern Ireland Police Fund<br />


*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Greater London Authority (GLA)<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Richard Rogers Architects Limited<br />

Richard Rogers GMBH<br />

Richard Rogers SL<br />

Richard Rogers & Partners Ltd<br />

Richard Rogers Partnership, Japan<br />

Richard Rogers + Founders Limited<br />

River Cads Ltd<br />

Thames Wharf Studios Ltd<br />

Thames Wharf Management Services Ltd<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Richard Rogers Architects Limited<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Hon. Trustee of the Museum of Modern Art in New York, USA<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Trustee, Council for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE)<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman of Trustees, National Tenants Resource Centre<br />

Trustee of Medecins du Monde<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

All-party Cycling Group<br />

Architecture and Planning Associate <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Group<br />

British Council Association <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Group<br />

Charter 88<br />

Fabian Society<br />

SERA – Socialist Environment & Resources Association<br />

Transport 2000<br />

All-party <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Group on Conservation<br />

All-party <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Group on Adoption<br />

ROLL OF IPSDEN, Lord<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Director, Pan-Holding SA<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Senior Advisor , UBS Warburg Ltd<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Hon. Fellow, London School of Economics<br />

Hon. Member, Advisory Committee, The Bologna Centre of the Johns<br />

Hopkins University<br />

Member, Bilderberg Steering Committee<br />

Vice President, Society of Business Economists<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

ROOKER, Lord<br />

Trustee, Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation<br />

Member, International Advisory Council, Asia House<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of Ministerial salary<br />

13(d) Hospitality or gifts<br />

ROPER, Lord<br />

Sunday 27 July 2003 - Guest of directors at Rockingham Motor<br />

Speedway Days of Thunder<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Regular remunerated income as Liberal Democrat Chief Whip<br />

* indicates financial interest 221

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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222<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Visit to Kotor, Montenegro (22-24 November 2003) as a guest of the<br />

Transfuse Association, Berlin<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Hon. Professor, University of Birmingham<br />

Member of Council, Executive Committee and Finance Committee,<br />

Royal Institute of International Affairs<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Vice President, Manchester Statistical Society<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

ROSSLYN, Earl of<br />

Council of Christian Approaches to Defence and Disarmament<br />

International Institute for Strategic Studies<br />

Royal <strong>United</strong> Services Institute<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Commander, Metropolitan Police<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chairman of Governors, Ludgrove School<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

ROTHERWICK, Lord<br />

Chairman, Rosslyn Chapel Trust<br />

Trustee, Dunimarle Museum<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Cayzer Continuation Ltd (Investment Company)<br />

13(b) Landholdings<br />

Farmland in Oxfordshire, including residential and commercial<br />

properties<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

ROWLANDS, Lord<br />

President, General Aviation Awareness Council (GAAC)<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Consultant to the National Training Federation, Wales<br />

Consultant to Tydfil Training, Merthyr Tydfil<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Member of the Lord Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on the release<br />

of public records<br />

Trustee and Member of the History of <strong>Parliament</strong> Trust<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee of the Winston Churchill Memorial Fund for travelling<br />

scholarships<br />

ROYALL OF BLAISDON, Baroness<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

RUSSELL, Earl<br />

Trustee of IPPR (The Institute for Public Policy Research)<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Member, Lord Chancellor’s Advisory Council on Public Records<br />

Trustee, History of <strong>Parliament</strong> Trust<br />

Trustee, National Portrait Gallery<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Patron, Association of Visitors of Immigrants in Detention<br />

Patron, Trust for the Study of Adolescence<br />

President, Electoral Reform Society<br />


*12(i) Visits<br />

Two visits to Taiwan (March <strong>2004</strong>) as guest of Taiwan government<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman of Grieve Trusts<br />

Member of Hampden Trusts<br />

(both registered Liberal Trust charities to do with promoting Liberal<br />

ideas)<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

British Broadcasting Corporation<br />

Great Bradley Farms Company<br />

Great Bradley Estate Limited<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Great Bradley Farms Company<br />

Great Bradley Estates Limited<br />

* indicates financial interest 223

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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224<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Land in East Anglia including residential and commercial properties<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee, Estorick Foundation<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee, Bouverie Foundation<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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SAATCHI, Lord<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Chairman, Finsbury Foods plc (AIM listed investment company)<br />

Partner, M&C Saatchi (marketing services)<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

100% of Graduate Appointments Ltd (private recruitment company)<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

M&C Saatchi Worldwide (marketing services company)<br />

Finsbury Foods plc (AIM listed investment company)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Residential property in London, Sussex and South of France<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Governor, London School of Economics<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee, Apsley House Trust<br />

Trustee, Museum of Garden History<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Director, Centre for Policy Studies<br />

ST ALBANS, Lord Bishop of<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of episcopal stipend<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Assistant, Corporation of the Sons of the Clergy<br />

Chairman, Church of England Hospital Chaplaincies Council<br />

Director, Herts and Beds Shared Churches Ltd<br />

Director, Hockerill Education Trust<br />

Director, St Albans Cathedral and Abbey campaign<br />

Director, St Albans Diocesan Board of Finance<br />

President, Haileybury School<br />

President, St Albans Bach Choir<br />

Trustee, Tantur Association (UK)<br />

Vice President, Clergy Orphan Corporation<br />

Vice President, Lampeter Alumini<br />

Vice President, National Benevolent Fund for the Age d<br />

Chairman, Council of Christians and Jews<br />

* indicates financial interest 225

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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226<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Member, Action Aid<br />

Member, Churches Committee for Hospital Chaplaincy<br />

Member, Old Monmothian Club<br />

Member, Royal Society of Arts<br />

Patron, Abbeyfield Society<br />

Patron, Isabel Hospice, Welwyn Garden City and numerous other<br />

Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire voluntary organisations<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of episcopal stipend<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Residential property in Suffolk<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Ex officio Governor of Ipswich School<br />

Ex officio Governor of Framlingham College<br />

Member of the Court of Essex University<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Patron of Bury Art Gallery, Bury St. Edmunds<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Patron of Changing Attitude<br />

Member of Amnesty International<br />


*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Consultant to Merrill Lynch<br />

Consultant to Globix Europe<br />

Chairman of the Governing Board of Certification International<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Director of Estates and General plc (provides corporate services and<br />

tax planning)<br />

*12(h) Secretarial research and assistance<br />

I have a research assistant, but I only use him on an ad hoc basis,<br />

predominantly for foreign affairs debates and on occasion,<br />

environmental issues, sport and charity related work.<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee, Oxford Philomusica<br />

Trustee, Life Neurological Trust<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Chairman of the Trustees, Citizens on Line<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee, Oxford Philomusica<br />

Trustee, Life Neurological Trust<br />

Trustee, Tusk (a charity for endangered animals)<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-Executive Director, British Sky Broadcasting<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Insurance Policies, Friends Provident<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Life Fellow, Emmanuel College, Cambridge<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

The Philharmonic Orchestra<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Grand Bailiff and Head of the Order of England and Wales<br />

The Military and Hospitaller Order of the Knights of St Lazarus of<br />

Jerusalem<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee and Chairman, The Royal Fine Arts Commission Trust<br />


*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Owner of 1.65% of the equity of J. Sainsbury plc<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Farmland in Hampshire including residential properties (the farm is<br />

primarily arable)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Trustee, Said Business School Foundation, Oxford University<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Chairman of the Trustees of The Royal Opera House Endowment Fund<br />

Visitor of Ashmolean Museum, Oxford<br />

Trustee of Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee of the Linbury Trust (a grant giving charitable trust founded in<br />

1970’s)<br />

* indicates financial interest 227

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />


228<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Does not receive Ministerial salary<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

In compliance with the ministerial code, my financial interests and<br />

those of my wife were placed in blind trusts when I became Minister<br />

for Science and Innovation<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Two Houses in Westminster which are currently used as offices and a<br />

residential property adjacent which is currently unoccupied<br />

*13(c) Financial interests of spouse or relative or friend<br />

A residential property in Stratford-upon-Avon owned by Lady<br />

Sainsbury<br />

Partnership in a Nursery School owned by Lady Sainsbury<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

President, Turville Park cricket club<br />

SALISBURY, Lord Bishop of<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of episcopal stipend<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

President, Marlborough College<br />

Trustee, Sarum College<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Black Eagle Properties Ltd<br />

Pictland Properties Ltd<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Pictland Properties Ltd<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Family property in Aberdeenshire passed over to daughter and son-inlaw<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee of a small museum “Maggie’s Hoosie” in a North East<br />

Scotland fishing village<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Member of the Council of the RNMDSF<br />

Trustee of the Lifeboat Service Memorial Book Trust<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee of 3 small charitable trusts<br />

Trustee of Mar Estate Trust which owns and manages Mar Estate<br />

(which is a Highland Sporting Estate in Aberdeenshire), for the<br />

ultimate benefit of my grandchildren<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

SANDBERG, Lord<br />

RNLI<br />

RNMDSF<br />

Episcopal Church in Scotland<br />

British Deer Society<br />

Scottish Landowners Federation<br />

Heraldry Society of Scotland<br />

Hereditary Peers’ Association<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director, Green Island Cement (Holdings) Ltd (Hong<br />

Kong) (industrial)<br />

Non-executive Director, New World Development Company Ltd<br />

(Hong Kong) (real estate)<br />

Non-executive Director, Winsor Industrial Corporation Ltd (Hong<br />

Kong) (industrial)<br />

Non-executive Director, Winsor Properties Holdings Ltd (Hong Kong)<br />

(real estate)<br />

Non-executive Director, AS Watson & Co Ltd (Hong Kong)<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Telemedic Developments Ltd (British Virgin Islands) (medical)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, River Wey Trust (UK)<br />

Patron, The Dame Vera Lynn Trust<br />

Patron, The Police Foundation<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee, The High Hurlands Children (UK)<br />

Trustee, The Graham Layton Memorial Trust (UK)<br />

Trustee, The Memorial Gates Trust (UK)<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Director, Develica (private property company)<br />

Director, Hawick Cashmere Co.<br />

*13(c) Financial interests of spouse or relative or friend<br />

Spouse owns 500 acres of woodland in Scotland<br />

* indicates financial interest 229

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

230<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Vice Lord Lieutenant Roxborough and Selkirk<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

SANDWICH, Earl of<br />

Upper Warden, Court of Framework Knitters Living Company<br />

Vice Lord Lieutenant Ettrick and Lauderdale<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Life tenant of agricultural estate in West Dorset including residential<br />

property, visitor attractions and woodland<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Foundation Governor, Beaminster School, Dorset<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Board, Christian Aid<br />

Council, Anti-Slavery International<br />

Associate, CARE International<br />

President, Samuel Pepys Club<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Member, World Development Movement<br />

Supporter, Save the Children<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Lord of Appeal in Ordinary<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

SAWYER, Lord<br />

Committee member, Barristers Benevolent Association<br />

President, Society for Computers and the Law<br />

Trustee, British and Irish Legal Information Institute<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Britannia Building Society<br />

Reed Health Group<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Chairmanship/Consultancy<br />

Chairman, Royal Mail Partnership Board<br />

Chair, Thompsons Solicitors Supervisory Board<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chairman, Notting Hill Housing Association<br />

Board Member, IIP (Investors in People) UK<br />

Visiting Professor, Cranfield School Management<br />

SCOTLAND OF ASTHAL, Baroness<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of Ministerial salary<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Bencher of Middle Temple<br />

Member of the Antigua Bar and Commonwealth of Dominica<br />

Hon.Fellow of Wolfson College, Cambridge<br />

Hon.Fellow of Cardiff University<br />

Hon.Fellow of the Society for Advanced Legal Studies<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Patron of The Frank Longford Charitable Trust<br />

Patron of the Margaret Beaufort Institute<br />

Patron of GAP<br />

Sponsor of the George Viner Memorial Fund Trust<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Member of The Thomas More Society<br />

Member of the Lawyers’ Christian Fellowship<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Lord of Appeal in Ordinary<br />

Non-Permanent Judge of the Court of Final Appeal of Hong Kong<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Official correspondent for the Parish of Foscote for the purposes of<br />

communications from the Aylesbury Vale District Council and the<br />

Buckingham County Council<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman of the Trustee of the Michaelhouse UK Trust (whose<br />

principal object is to provide scholarships to enable African pupils<br />

to be educated at Michaelhouse College, Natal, South Africa)<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director, Entrust (landfill tax credit scheme regulator)<br />

Non-executive Director, Anglia Television<br />

Non-executive Director, Lloyd’s <strong>Register</strong><br />

* indicates financial interest 231

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

232<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

SECCOMBE, Baroness<br />

Elected member, Suffolk County Council<br />

Member, Commission for Integrated Transport<br />

Chair, Local Government Association (until 1 August <strong>2004</strong>)<br />

Audit Commissioner<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

President of Governors of Saint Martins School, Solihull (Independent<br />

School)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

SELBORNE, Earl of<br />

President, St Enedoc Golf Club (Cornwall)<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Blackmoor Estate Ltd (farming)<br />

Kew Enterprises Ltd (unpaid)<br />

John Innes Bioprospects Ltd (unpaid)<br />

John Innes Agriculture Ltd (unpaid)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

The Mercers Company (a London City Livery Company)<br />

Trustee, John Innes Foundation (charity supporting biological research)<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Blackmoor Estate Ltd (farming)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Farmland in Hampshire including residential property<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chancellor, The University of Southampton<br />

Chair, South East Rural Affairs Forum (an organisation sponsored by<br />

DEFRA)<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Chairman of Trustees, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew<br />

Trustee, Foundation and Friends of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew<br />

Trustee, The Royal Agricultural Society of England<br />

Trustee, <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Science and Technology Information<br />

Foundation<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Chairman, Rank Prize Funds<br />

President, Hampshire Association of Parish and Town Councils<br />

President, The Selborne Society<br />

Director , Lawes Agricultural Trust Committee<br />

Vice President, Foundation for Science and Technology<br />

Vice President, Hampshire and Wight Trust for Maritime Archaeology<br />

Vice President, Royal Bath and West of England Society<br />

Vice President, The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds<br />

Vice President, The Roya l Association of British Dairy Farmers<br />

Director of the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong> Centre for Economic and<br />

Environmental Development<br />

Vice Patron, Royal Agricultural Society of England<br />

Trustee, Blackmoor Village Hall<br />

Trustee, St. Matthew’s School, Blackmoor<br />

Trustee, Comparitive Clinical Science Foundation<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Merchant Venturers of York<br />

The Travellers Club, London<br />

Commercial Farmers Group<br />

National Farmers Union<br />

County Landowners and Business Association<br />

The Royal Society<br />

The Institute of Biology<br />

The Linnean Society of London<br />

The Institute of Agricultural Management<br />

The Royal Agricultural Society of England<br />

The Royal Geographical Society<br />


*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Consultant to Securicor Group Limited, providing advice on business<br />

matters within Scotland. Fixed one-year contract with a fee of<br />

£10,000 per annum. I would estimate that this activity would not<br />

exceed 12 days per annum. Royalties by virtue of being the author<br />

of various books<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Director of Douglas-Hamilton (D Share) Ltd (agriculture and property)<br />

(unpaid)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Member of the Scottish <strong>Parliament</strong><br />

*12(h) Secretarial research and assistance<br />

Provision is made by the Scottis h <strong>Parliament</strong> for secretarial and<br />

research assistance<br />

* indicates financial interest 233

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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234<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Visit to the European <strong>Parliament</strong> (January 2002): full costs met by the<br />

European <strong>Parliament</strong><br />

Attended launch (Jan 2003) of the memoirs Rainer Hildebrande and<br />

delivered a speech at the event held at the Mauermuseum, Haus am<br />

Checkpoint Charlie (Berlin Wall Museum); travel and<br />

accommodation paid by Mauermuseum<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

House in London from which regular rental income is received<br />

Flat in Edinburgh. The member has provided an interest-free loan to<br />

assist in the purchase of a property. The property is not owned by<br />

the member nor is it the subject of a standard security in his favour.<br />

In terms of the loan agreement, the member has a right to occupy<br />

the property unless it has been let for value by the owner and will<br />

have a right to seek a transfer of ownership of a proportion of the<br />

property if the loan is not repaid within its term.<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, The International Rescue Corps (a charity)<br />

President of the Scottish Veterans’ Garden City Association Inc. (a<br />

charity to provide and maintain cottages for disabled ex-service and<br />

Merchant Navy personnel)<br />

Chairman, Support Group to Hope and Homes Charity<br />

Hon. Air Commodore to No.603 (City of Edinburgh) Squadron, RAAF<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee, Selkirk Charitable Trust<br />

Executor and Trustee of late father’s Will Trust<br />

Trustee to various relatives<br />

Trustee, Hamilton 1947 Trust which is the owner of several companies<br />

involved in land owning, mineral leasing and farming (unpaid)<br />

SELSDON, Lord<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Senior Non-executive Director, MJ Gleeson Group plc (construction,<br />

engineering, housing and property)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Exploitant Viti-Vinicole (French Peasant Farmer) – vineyard and small<br />

agricultural holding in Provence<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President Anglo Swiss Society<br />

Hon.Treasurer and Hon. Secretary, House of Lords Yacht Club<br />

Joint Secretary, <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Space Committee<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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SEWEL, Lord<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Professor/Senior Vice Principal, University of Aberdeen<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

SHARMAN, Lord<br />

Member of the Court of The University of Aberdeen<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Bain Capital<br />

Advisor , Prologis European Properties Fund<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

AEGIS Group plc (media)<br />

BG International plc (gas)<br />

Reed Elsevier Group (media)<br />

Securicor plc (security services)<br />

ABN Amro Supervisory Board and member of the Audit Committee<br />

(banking)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Governor, Bishop Wordsworths School, Salisbury<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Advisory Board Member, Britain in Europe<br />

SHARP OF GUILDFORD, Baroness<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Occasional consultant to Science Policy Research Unit and other<br />

academic groups on issues relating to science and technology policy<br />

in the European Union. A former employee of Science Policy<br />

Research Unit, University of Sussex and now a visiting fellow at<br />

that institution<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Associate, Newnham College, Cambridge<br />

Member local council, Guildford High School<br />

Visiting Fellow, Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex<br />

Governor, Weyfield Community Primary School Guildford<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Advisory Committee Member, Save British Science<br />

Director, Age Concern, Surrey<br />

Trustee, Nancy Seear Trust<br />

Chairman, Age Concern, Surrey<br />

* indicates financial interest 235

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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SHARPLES, Baroness<br />

236<br />

No relevant interests<br />


No relevant interests<br />

SHEFFIELD, Lord Bishop of<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of episcopal stipend<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member, Council of the University of Sheffield<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, Sheffield Diocesan Synod and Chairman of the Bishops<br />

Council<br />

Sheffield Diocesan Board of Finance<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

SHELDON, Lord<br />

Trustee, Stephenson Fellowship (University of Sheffield)<br />

Trustee, Spirituality Council Trust<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Tonrose Ltd (textile distribution)<br />

Trustee, Sheldon Group Pension Fund<br />


*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Didgemere Consultants Ltd<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Chairman, McBride plc (household and personal care<br />

products)<br />

Non-executive Chairman, Unipart Group (automotive, rail,<br />

telecommunication, logistics and retail auto supply etc)<br />

Non-executive Chairman, One-Click HR plc (HR software etc)<br />

Non-executive Director, Nyne Ltd (investor group) (currently not<br />

directly remunerated)<br />

Non-executive Director, Global Tote Ltd (mainly dormant) (currently<br />

not directly remunerated)<br />

Non-executive Chairman, Namibian Resources Ltd (Diamond Mining)<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Didgemere Consultants Ltd (business Advisory service)<br />

Didgemere Farms Ltd (farming)<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

McBride plc (household and personal care products) (shareholding<br />

with a nominal value of over £50,000)<br />

One-ClickHR plc (human resources management systems)<br />

(shareholding of more than 5% of issued share capita l of the<br />

company)<br />

DeltaDot Limited (an unquoted biotechnology and bioinformatics)<br />

(shareholding of more than 5% of issued share capital of the<br />

company)<br />

Namibian Resources Ltd<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Farmland in Essex<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chancellor, Middlesex University<br />

Hon. Fellow, Governor , London School of Economic s<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

President, London First<br />

Director, East London Business Alliance<br />

Director, Central London Partnership<br />

Director, London Business Board (London First/London<br />

Chamber/London CBI)<br />

Vice President, Beer and Pub Association (formerly Brewers Society)<br />

Member of the Various Professional Bodies (accountants etc)<br />

Hon. Doctorate/Hon Fellow of various universities<br />

Member, Protection of Roydon and Area (PORA) Committee<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Vice President (formerly Appeal Chairman for ‘Sheppard House’) of<br />

Blue Cross (animal/peoples charity for pets of those unable – for<br />

reasons of health, etc – to pay vet fees)<br />

Vice President <strong>United</strong> Response (charity for people with learning<br />

difficulties)<br />

Trustee/Executive Committee Member, Animal Health Trust<br />

Member, UK Cancer Research Charity<br />

Vice President, (past Chairman) Business in the Community<br />

Past Chairman, The Prince’s Trust (and Prince’s Youth Business Trust)<br />

(now only infrequently involved)<br />

Chairman of Trustees, Civilians Remembered Trust (Trust developing<br />

memorial park, etc for 60,000-plus civilians killed by bombing in<br />

1939-45 war)<br />

Patron of Trees for Cities<br />

* indicates financial interest 237

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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238<br />

No relevant interests<br />

SHREWSBURY, Earl of<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Consultant to JJ Gallagher Ltd<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Agricultural land and mineral rights in Staffordshire<br />

Surface and Minerals, Cauldon Low Limestone Quarries, Staffordshire<br />


*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Self employed consultant (non practising chartered accountant)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Governor, The Brooksbank School, Elland<br />

Member, Rochdale Canal Corridor Rural Challe nge Partnership<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Director, Cober Hill Ltd<br />

Director, Irish Peace Institute Ltd (Republic of Ireland)<br />

Director, Pennine Development Ltd<br />

Director, Pennine Heritage Ltd<br />

Director, The Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust Ltd and subsidiary<br />

companies<br />

Trustee, The JRSST Charitable Trust<br />

The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust<br />

Trustee, Historic Chapels Trust<br />

Chairman and Director, Northern Broadsides Theatre Company<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

SIMON, Viscount<br />

Life Vice President, Community Foundation for Calderdale<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Non-executive Director, Mimosa Healthcare Group Limited<br />

President, Driving Instructors Association<br />

Non-executive Director, Mimosa Healthcare Training Limited<br />

President, GEM Motoring Assist<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee, Guild of Experienced Motorists, Road Safety Charity<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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No relevant interests<br />


*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

KPMG<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director, Unilever Group (4 meetings per annum)<br />

Advisory Director, Morgan Stanley (Europe) (2 meetings per annum)<br />

Advisory Director, Fortis NL Belgium Bancassvrance (2 meetings per<br />

annum)<br />

Advisory Director, Fitch Rating Agency (1 meeting per annum)<br />

Advisory Director, LEK Consulting Group (4 meetings per annum)<br />

Non-executive Director, Suez Group, (energy, water, waste) (4<br />

meetings per annum)<br />

Non-executive Director, Supervisory Board Volkswagen Group (cars)<br />

(4 meetings per annum)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chairman, Cambridge University Foundation Trustees<br />

Board Member, Insead (Fontainbleau) Business School<br />

Trustee, Cicely Saunders Trust, Palliative Care<br />

Member, Advisory Council, Prince’s Trust<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Board and Council Member, Centre for European Policy Studies,<br />

Brussels<br />

Board and Council Member, Centre for European Reform, London<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Vice Chairman, Britain in Europe<br />

Trustee, Herti Foundation (Germany) (a charitable trust registered in<br />

Germany) (education and medical)<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Alstom SA, France (power generation equipment and transport)<br />

TGI Inc (a US company which operates in the aerospace industry)<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

BAE (106547 shares) (Defence and aircraft manufacturer)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Hon. Fellow of London Business School<br />

Hon. Fellow of Abertay University<br />

Visiting Professor at Warwick University<br />

* indicates financial interest 239

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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240<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Broadleigh Nurseries Ltd (mail order flower bulb company)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Broadleigh Nurseries Ltd<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

SKIDELSKY, Lord<br />

Chairman, Somerset Opera<br />

President, Somerset Wildlife Trust<br />

Trustee, Hestercombe Gardens Trust<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director, Janus Capital Group<br />

Director, Transnational Insights<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Professor of Political Economy, Warwick University, Department of<br />

Economics<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Transnational Insights Ltd (100% of stock)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Governing Body, Brighton College<br />

Member, Advisory Council, Wilton Park<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

SLIM, Viscount<br />

Chairman, The Centre for Global Studies<br />

Director, Moscow School of Political Studies<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

From time to time an independent consultant to the security industry<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Trailfinders Ltd<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, Burma Star Association<br />

President, Special Air Service Association<br />

Trustee, Royal Commonwealth Ex-Services League<br />

Trustee of various regimental associations<br />

Vice President, Britain-Australia Society<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Member, Associated <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Group for Transport Telematics<br />

Member, <strong>Parliament</strong>ary and Scientific Committees<br />


15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Hon. Fellow and Member of Council of Northampton University<br />

College<br />

Prior, Priory of England and The Islands Order of St. John<br />

Trustee, St. John Ambulance<br />

Bencher Gray’s Inn<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, Executive Council, International Law Association<br />

Life President, Lord Slynn of Hadley Eur opean Law Association<br />

Member, Court Broderers Company<br />

President, Employment Law Bar Association;<br />

President, Fédération Internationale pour le Droit Européen (FIDE)<br />

President, Solicitor Advocates in Higher Courts<br />

Trustee, St. John Ambulance<br />

President, UK Association for Environmental Law<br />

President, UK Association of European Law<br />


*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Occasional advice and consultancy to Higher and Further Educational<br />

Institutions<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Member, Democratic Audit Advisory Committee<br />

Trustee, Citizens’ Inquiry Trust<br />

Vice Patron, Artificial Heart Fund<br />

Vice Patron, Appeal Fund, London School of Osteopathy<br />

Director, Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust Ltd<br />

Director, Education for Citizenship & Democracy Ltd<br />

Trustee/Director of the Stroke Association<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee, Citizens’ Inquiry Trust<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Member, Democratic Audit Advisory Committee<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

City Inn Ltd (hotel company)<br />

* indicates financial interest 241

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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242<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Chairman, Edinburgh Festival Fringe<br />

President, Scottish Opera<br />

Trustee, Friends of the KIROV<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Board Member, Russo-British Chamber of Commerce<br />

Trustee, John Smith Memorial Trust<br />

Governor, English Speaking Union<br />

Trustee, 21st Century Trust<br />

SMITH OF LEIGH, Lord<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Wigan Metropolitan Development Company Ltd<br />

Chairman; Member Led Partnership Advisory Board<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Wigan Council – Leader’s special responsibility allowance<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member, Wigan Council<br />

Chair, Association of Greater Manchester Authorities<br />

Vice Chair, Special Interest Group for Municipal Authorities<br />

(SIGOMA)<br />

Executive and Policy Committees, North West Regional Assembly<br />

Local Government Association<br />

North West Objective 2 Monitoring Committee<br />

Governor, Leigh Citizens Advice Bureau<br />

Governor, Leigh Central County Primary School<br />

Leigh Bedford High School<br />

Ex officio Director, Manchester Airport Group plc (unpaid)<br />

North West Regional Assembly, Policy Committee<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

SNAPE, Lord<br />

Vice President, British Epilepsy Association<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

National Express Group (operators of Bus, Train and Coach Groups in<br />

the UK, USA and Australia)<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

National Express Group<br />


16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee, Snowdon Award Scheme<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Chairman, Companion Animal Welfare Council<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Council Member, Society for the Protection of Animal Overseas<br />

President, Pet Advisory Committee<br />

Trustee, Beaufort Cottage Educational Trust<br />

President, Royal Institute of Public Health<br />

Chairman, Governing body of Windward Islands Research and<br />

Education Foundation (WINDREF)<br />

SOUTHWARK, Lord Bishop of<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of episcopal stipend<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Governing body of King’s College London<br />

Governing body of King’s College School, London<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman of Churches Advisory Committee for Local Broadcasting<br />

Co-chair, Interfaith Network<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee of “Hearsay” (hard of hearing charity)<br />

SOUTHWELL, Lord Bishop of<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of Episcopal stipend<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member, Court of the University of Nottingham<br />

Member, Court of the University of Leicester<br />

Member, Court of the University of Sheffield<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Member, Council of Planning Aid<br />

President, Family Care, Nottingham<br />

Trustee, The Burden Trust<br />

* indicates financial interest 243

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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STALLARD, Lord<br />

244<br />

No relevant interests<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director, Blue Planet European Financial Sector<br />

Restructuring Fund (Edinburgh)<br />

Non-executive Director, General Mediterranean Holding SA<br />

(Luxembourg)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Honorarium as Chairman of the Carnegie Commission for Rural<br />

Community Development<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member, President’s Council, University of Edinburgh<br />

Chairman, Carnegie Commission for Rural Community Development<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, Scottish Castles Association<br />

Chairman, Advisory Council, John Smith Memorial Trust<br />

Hon. President, Scottish Theatre Organ Preservation Society<br />

President, Medical Aid for Palestinians<br />

Vice President, Association for International Cancer Research<br />

Patron, Scottish Prostate Cancer Support Groups<br />

Vice President, Inter-<strong>Parliament</strong>ary Union<br />

Vice President, National Benevolent Fund for the Aged<br />

Vice President of the Council for Education in World Citizenship<br />

Vice President, Classic Rally Association<br />

Vice President, Wildfowl Trust<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Dr Singhvi Foundation<br />

Kings Own Scottish Borderers<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

STEINBERG, Lord<br />

Member of Advisory Board, Prince’s Youth Business Trust<br />

Member of the Committee of Honour for the National Galleries of<br />

Scotland<br />

Member of the Board of Trustees, Anglo Arab Association<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Chairman, Stanley Leisure plc (gaming company)<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Stanley Leisure 20%<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member of Advisory Board of University of Salford<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee of British W.I.Z.O (charity)<br />

President, Manchester Jewish Federation<br />

Joint Hon. Life President, U.J.I.A<br />

Trustee of Belfast Hebrew Congregation<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Chairman, The Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company<br />

Ltd<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

STERN, Baroness<br />

Chairman of Motability<br />

Chariman, Motability 10th Anniversary Trust<br />

Corporate Action Trust<br />

Lady Margaret Tebbit Trust<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Senior Research Fellow, International Centre for Prison Studies (ICPS)<br />

Social Development Advisor , Esmée Fairbairn Foundation<br />

Adviser, Barrow Cadbury Trust<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

A part share in one residential property in London, and residences in<br />

London, Edinburgh and Argyll<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member of the Advisor y Council of ILANUD, the <strong>United</strong> Nations<br />

Latin American Institute for the Prevention of Crime and Treatment<br />

of Offenders<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Director of Foundation/non-profit organisation Penal Reform<br />

International, Romania<br />

Director of Penal Reform International UK<br />

Hon. Secretary-General, Penal Reform International<br />

Member of the Comité de Soutien, Français Incarcérés au Loin, France<br />

President, New Bridge charity providing help to offenders<br />

Trustee, Milton S. Eisenhower Foundation, Washington<br />

Vice President, RPS Rainer<br />

Convenor, Scottish Consortium on Crime and Criminal Justice<br />

* indicates financial interest 245

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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246<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons<br />


*12(b) <strong>Parliament</strong>ary lobbying<br />

Shareholder (4%), Lexington Communications (no work done on<br />

behalf of the company)<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Amersham plc<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, HBOS plc<br />

Chairman, Pearson plc<br />

Director, Manpower Inc<br />

Director, Economist Newspapers Ltd (remuneration is paid to Pearson<br />

plc)<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Cloaca Maxima Ltd (consultancy firm)<br />

*12(h) Secretarial research and assistance<br />

Contribution towards secretarial support from HBOS plc and Pearson<br />

plc<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Hairnet – IT Training Company<br />

MMD Ltd (econometrics consultancy)<br />

Saxton Bampfyle Hever plc (recruitment consultant)<br />

Spaced UK Ltd – IT/Music Company<br />

Pearson plc<br />

HBOS plc<br />

Scottish and Newcastle plc<br />

Lexington Communications Ltd<br />

Manpower Inc<br />

Perot Systems Inc<br />

Linguaphone Group plc<br />

St James’s Place Capital plc<br />

Korda Seed Capital Fund Ltd<br />

British Land plc<br />

First Close Investment Fund VCT<br />

Bamboo Investments Ltd<br />

Matrix e-Ventures VCT plc<br />

Rebesca Ltd<br />

Edinburgh Investment Trust plc<br />

Fleming Continental Investment Trust plc<br />

Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust plc<br />

Edinburgh Smaller Companies Investment Trust plc<br />

Anglo Overseas Investment Trust plc<br />

Monks Investment Trust plc<br />

Schroders plc<br />

New Star Asset Management Ltd<br />

<strong>United</strong> Utilities plc<br />

Prudential plc<br />

Amersham plc<br />

Unilever plc<br />

British Petroleum plc<br />

British Energy plc<br />

Boots plc<br />

Diageo plc<br />

Invensys plc<br />

ITV plc<br />

GKN plc<br />

Cable and Wireless plc<br />

Morgan Sindall plc<br />

Cadbury Schweppes plc<br />

Carphone Warehouse plc<br />

Big Food Group plc<br />

Huntsworth plc<br />

3i Group plc<br />

McAlpine plc<br />

Abbey National plc<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chairman, House of Lords Appointments Commission<br />

Chancellor, London Institute<br />

* indicates financial interest 247

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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248<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee, The Tate Gallery Foundation<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

STEWARTBY, Lord<br />

Chairman, Aldeburgh Productions<br />

Director, Glyndebourne Productions Ltd<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Adviser to the Board of Standard Chartered plc<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Amlin plc (Insurance)<br />

The Throgmorton Trust plc<br />

Framlington Income and Capital Trust plc<br />

Framlington Group Ltd<br />

Diploma plc (Distributors)<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

STEYN, Lord<br />

<strong>Parliament</strong>ary Contributory Pension Fund<br />

President, Sir Halley Stewart Trust<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Lord of Appeal in Ordinary<br />


No relevant interests<br />

STOKES, Lord<br />

No relevant interests<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

N Brown Group plc<br />

Ted Baker Plc<br />

Chairman, Are Everywhere Ltd<br />

Director, Brainboost Limited<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Flat, London SE5<br />

Home in Greenwich<br />

Rented urban property, Greenw ich, London<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Counsellor to The Royal Institution of Great Britain<br />

Governor, Tel Aviv University<br />

Hon. Vice President of the Reform Synagogues of Great Britain<br />

Member of the Israel British Business Council<br />

Governor, The Weizmann Institute<br />

Governor, The EPN Council of Ben Gurion University<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Director of the Science Media Centre Board (housed at the Royal<br />

Institution of Great Britain, London)<br />

Patron, Orphaids<br />

Overseas Development Institute<br />

Patron of Gauchers Association Charity<br />

Chair, DIPEX (Direct Personal Experience of Illness)<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee of The Israel Diaspora Trust<br />

Trustee of Prism<br />

Trustee of the Maimomedes Foundation<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

STRABOLGI, Lord<br />

Patron of The Jewish Chernobyl Children’s Charity<br />

Patron, New Israel Fund<br />

Member, The Anglo Ecuadorian Society<br />

Member, The Labour Friends of Israel<br />

Patron of the Jewish Association of Business Ethics<br />

Patron, The Forgiveness Project<br />

Patron, The Olive Tree Project<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

STRANGE, Baroness<br />

President, Franco British Society (unpaid)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Landholding in Perthshire, general farming, including cottages<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Executive Committee of Inter-<strong>Parliament</strong>ary Union<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, War Widows Association of Great Britain<br />

Vice President, <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Arts and Heritage Group<br />

* indicates financial interest 249

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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250<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Auchendrane Estates Ltd (trading as Barskimming Estates) (property<br />

ownership and management of farmland, forestry, commercial and<br />

residential property in Scotland)<br />

Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust plc<br />

Trafalgar Capital Management Ltd<br />

Trafigura Asset Management Ltd<br />

Marketform Acquisition Co. Ltd<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Leader of The Opposition, House of Lords<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Visit to Bahrain (March <strong>2004</strong>) as a guest of the King who paid for<br />

travel and accommodation<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee of various family trusts<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Chairman, YTL Education (UK) Limited<br />

Non-executive Director, NHP (Property Company with core business<br />

in Long-Term Care Homes)<br />

Non-executive Chairman, Quarry Products Association (QPA)<br />

Adviser, English Care<br />

Chairman, Scottish Care<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Member, Hong Kong (SAR) University Grants Committee<br />

Provost, Gresham College London<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Flat in Leigh, Edinburgh, available for let (jointly owned with my<br />

wife)<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Hon. President, Saltire Society of Scotland<br />

President, Royal Society of Edinburgh<br />

Non-executive Board Member, The Courtauld Institute<br />

Member of Council, British Academy<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Hon. President, Alzheimers Scotland/Action on Dementia<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Fellow of The British Academy<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

SWINFEN, Lord<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Member of the Advisory Board of The Leonard Cheshire Centre of<br />

Conflict Recovery (unpaid)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Administrator, The Swinfen Charitable Trust (provides telemedical<br />

links between hospitals in the developing world and medical<br />

consultants world-wide)<br />

Liveryman, Worshipful Company of Drapers<br />

President, South East Region British Sports Association for the<br />

Disabled<br />

Vice Chairman, <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong>/Japan Research and Development<br />

Group for Ageing Disability and Technology (RADGADAT)<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of Ministerial salary<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee of the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Member of The Red Cross<br />

Member of The National Trust<br />

Member of The CPRE<br />

Patron of the Red Cross<br />

Member of National Trust and CPRE<br />

Supporter of Help the Aged and Save the Children<br />

Patron of Westminster Befriend and Family<br />

* indicates financial interest 251

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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TANLAW, Lord<br />

252<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Fandstan Electric Group Ltd (private electrical/railway engineering<br />

group)<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Fandstan Electric Group Ltd (private electrical/railway engineering<br />

group)<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Fandstan Electric Group Ltd (private electrical/railway engineering<br />

group)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Farmland in Dumfriesshire (Eskdalemuir)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

University of Buckingham<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Fitzroy Support (provision of services for people with learning<br />

disabilities)<br />

Sarawak Association (for ex Rajah’s and UK Government<br />

civil servants and others from Sarawak)<br />

Sarawak Foundation (educational charity for ‘Natives of<br />

Sarawak’)<br />

Director, Houghton Club (private fishing club)<br />

Trustee of the University of Buckingham<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

TAVERNE, Lord<br />

Fellow, Royal Astronomical Society<br />

Fellow, British Horological Institute<br />

Mental Health Foundation<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, IFG Development Initiatives Ltd (a company providing<br />

consultancy services in South East Asia)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Chairman, Monitoring Board, Axa Sun Life plc<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman of Trustees, Alcohol and Drug Addiction Prevention and<br />

Treatment (ADAPT) Ltd<br />

Chairman of Trustees, Iran Aid Foundation<br />

Chairman, Sense Above Science<br />

Trustee, The Health and Science Communication Trust<br />


*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Adviser, BAE Systems plc<br />

Adviser, Initial Electronic Security Systems Limited<br />

Adviser, Electronic Data Systems Limited<br />

Adviser, Drax Power Limited<br />

Adviser, AES Electric Limited<br />

Adviser, <strong>United</strong> Utilities plc<br />

Adviser, Experian Limited<br />

Adviser, Capgemini UK plc<br />

Adviser, NPL Estates<br />

Adviser, National Car Parks Limited<br />

Adviser, Lucent Technologies<br />

Adviser, Fujitsu Services<br />

Adviser, Canatxx Energy Ventures Limited<br />

President, Wrens Hotel Group<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director , A Division Holdings Limited<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Lancashire<br />

Life Member, Court of Lancaster University<br />

Freeman of the City of London<br />

Freeman of the Borough of Blackburn<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Vice-President, Association of Lancastrians in London<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Patron, Friends of Real Lancashire<br />

Patron, Holidays for Carers<br />

Patron, Lancashire Wildlife Trust<br />

Patron, Outreach Schools<br />


*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Consultant to Kleinwort Benson Private Bank<br />

* indicates financial interest 253

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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254<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman of Westminster Executive Ltd (an executive recruitment<br />

company)<br />

Chairman of Warwick Communications Ltd (a public relations<br />

company)<br />

Director of the Warwick Leadership Foundation (expenses only)<br />

Vice President of the British Board of Film Classification<br />

Non-executive Director, Ethical Investment Consulting Ltd<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Part-time Judge, South Eastern Circuit<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Majority shareholding in Warwick Communications Ltd (a public<br />

relations company)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chancellor of Bournemouth University<br />

Member of the Bar Council Equal Opportunities Committee<br />

Vice President, National Small Business Bureau<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

TEBBIT, Lord<br />

Committee Member, Variety Club Children’s Charity<br />

Committee Member, SCAR (Sickle Cell Anaemia Relief)<br />

President, ACWI (African Caribbean Westminster Initiative)<br />

President, WISCA (West Indian Senior Citizen’s Association)<br />

President, ADD (Association of Diversity Directors)<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Advisor to the Chairman of JCB Excavators Ltd<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

The Spectator (1828) Ltd<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, The Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre Appeal and The Nuffield<br />

Orthotics Appeal<br />

Council Member, The Air League<br />

Chairman, The Battle of Britain Monument Fund-Raising Committee<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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*12(a) <strong>Parliament</strong>ary consultancy agreements<br />

Consultant solicitor with Moon Beever Solicitors of Bloomsbury<br />

Square (Agreement - standard legal consultancy agreement, no<br />

mention of parliamentary advice or services as such although if<br />

asked for such advice it would be available - £20,000 per annum)<br />

Advisor to AMAS Investment and Project Services Ltd on<br />

parliamentary, governmental, international and other matters<br />

(£20,000 per annum)<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

British-Netherlands All-party <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Group – visit by the<br />

Group to the Netherlands Second Chamber at the Hague, 20-22<br />

March, 2002. (Fares paid out of Group Fund coming from declared<br />

sponsors: Royal Dutch Shell and Unilever. Hotel and other<br />

expenses paid by the Dutch Second Chamber)<br />

British-Netherlands All-party <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Group – visit to the<br />

Hague, 1-3 October 2003 to meet Dutch colleagues being guests of<br />

the British Ambassador. (Travel and expenses paid out of Group<br />

funds as provided by our Sponsors Unilever plc)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

TEMPLEMAN, Lord<br />

President, Iran Society<br />

Preside nt, The British-Iranian Business Association<br />

President, St Catherine’s College Cambridge Society<br />

No relevant interests<br />

TENBY, Viscount<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Arbitrator for the British Acupuncture Association Board (this only<br />

meets to “try” allegations of professional misconduct and has yet to<br />

do so. Expenses would be paid but no fees)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Executive Chairman of the Trustees of Byways (a residential home for<br />

mentally or physically handic apped ladies in Odiham, Hampshire)<br />

President of Hants and Rushmoor branch of Riding for the Disabled<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

President, Alton branch of MIND<br />

* indicates financial interest 255

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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THATCHER, Baroness<br />

256<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman of the Trustees of the Margaret Thatcher Foundation<br />

Chairman of the Trustees of the Margaret Thatcher Archive Trust<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Practising Queen’s Counsel at Goldsmith Chambers, Goldsmith<br />

Buildings, Temple<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Visit to New York and Los Angeles, USA (6 – 14 October 2002) with<br />

Commons and Lords Rugby Team. (Members contributed to the<br />

cost of flights and hotels. Financial support was also received from<br />

Halewood International, Chase de Vere, GEM Construction, Volt<br />

Europe, GlaxoSmithKline. Rugby kit was provided by Nike)<br />

Visit to Australia and USA (September 2003) with Commons and<br />

Lords Rugby Team. (Members contributed to the cost of flights<br />

and hotels. Financial support was received from Halewood<br />

Internationa l, Volt Europe, GEM Construction)<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

North Face Media Ltd (internet advising co)<br />

Alpha Recycling Ltd (waste recycling)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Bencher, Gray’s Inn<br />

President, Rex Rowing Club<br />

President, Friends of Gresford Church<br />

President, London Welsh Chorale<br />

President, Friends of Maelor Hospital, Wrexham<br />

President, Gresford Memorial Trust<br />

Vice President, Llangollen International Eisteddfod<br />

Chairman, Development Committee of South Bank Sinfonia<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Amnesty International<br />

British Legion<br />


No relevant interests<br />


*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Consultant, SRI Advisory Committee, Morley Fund Management<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, Thomas Owen Limited (unpaid)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chair and Patron, Red Rose Forest<br />

Trustee, Mines Advisory Group<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Patron, The Greater Manchester Play Resources Unit (Grumpy)<br />

Patron, Youth Charter for Sport, Culture and Arts<br />

Patron, West Lancs Disability Helpline<br />

Patron, Gwili Railway Preservation Society<br />

Patron, Macclesfield Museums Trust<br />

Patron, Mersey Forest<br />

Patron, Grumpy<br />


No relevant interests<br />


*12(i) Visits<br />

Visit to Calais (March 2002) to study railfreight/immigration and<br />

asylum problems (1 day)<br />

Visit to Madrid (October 2002) under the auspices of the Euro-Med<br />

Women’s Conference<br />

Visit to Madrid (10-11 June 2003) with all-party group on Population,<br />

Development and Reproductive Health<br />

Visit to Turkey (31 March – 4 April <strong>2004</strong>) to Inter-<strong>Parliament</strong>ary<br />

Forum on Population and Development with all-party group on<br />

PDRH<br />

Visit to Paris (6 April <strong>2004</strong>) to deliberate on Entente Cordiale with<br />

French Senate<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

President, Dorking and District Preservation Society<br />


*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Member, International Advisory Committee, Kuwait Investment Office<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Director, <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Broadcasting Unit Ltd<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Member, Advisory Council, John Smith Memorial Trust<br />

Trustee, Thomson Foundation (for training journalists)<br />

* indicates financial interest 257

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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THORNTON, Baroness<br />

258<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Chairman of Pall Mall Consult (PR, media and events management and<br />

charity promotional work)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Director of IDEA (appointed by DLTR) (£1,000 per annum)<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

50% shareholder of Pall Mall Consult<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Governor of LSE<br />

Member of Court of Oxford Brookes University<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Fellow of RSA<br />

Friend of Tate<br />

Friend of Royal Academy<br />

Friend of British Library<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chair, Coalition of Social Enterprise<br />

Board Member, Social Enterprise, London<br />

Chair of Make Space Trust<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

TOMBS, Lord<br />

Ramblers Association<br />

Emily’s List UK Director<br />

British Humanists Society<br />

English Heritage<br />

Labour Women’s Network<br />

Member, GMB<br />

National Trust<br />

The Cooperative Party<br />

The Labour Party<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

TOMLINSON, Lord<br />

Privy Council nomination to the Court of the University of Cranfield<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Chairman, Advisory Panel, London School of Commerce (a private<br />

sector college issuing degrees from three UK and one Australian<br />

University<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Visit to Taiwan (January <strong>2004</strong>). Fare and accommodation paid for by<br />

Conference on Pacific and South Asian Security<br />

Visit to India (February <strong>2004</strong>). Fare and accommodation for him and<br />

his wife paid for by London School of Commerce<br />

Visit to Taiwan (May <strong>2004</strong>) for the inauguration of President Chen.<br />

Fare and accommodation paid for by Taiwanese authorities<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

TOPE, Lord<br />

Chairman of the Trustees of the Industry and <strong>Parliament</strong> Trust<br />

President of the British Fluoridation Society<br />

Vice Chairman of the Hansard Society for <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Government<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Member of London Assembly, Greater London Authority<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

TORDOFF, Lord<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

TREFGARNE, Lord<br />

Councillor, Sutton London Borough Council (allowances)<br />

Governor, Robin Hood Junior School (Sutton)<br />

Member, (EU) Committee of The Regions (allowances)<br />

Member, Mayor of London’s Advisory Cabinet (unpaid)<br />

Member, Metropolitan Police Authority (included with GLA salary)<br />

Visit to St Petersburg (June 2003) for international seminar on<br />

“Representative functions of Upper Chambers of <strong>Parliament</strong>:<br />

Regional Aspects” organised by the Institute of Law & Public<br />

Policy and financed by the Carnegie Corporation and the Matra<br />

Programme of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs)<br />

Visit to Moscow (November 2003) for international seminar on<br />

“Representative functions of Upper Chambers of <strong>Parliament</strong>:<br />

Regional Aspects” organised by the Institute of Law & Public<br />

Policy and financed by the Carnegie Corporation and the Matra<br />

Programme of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs)<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Advice to Professor Robert Black, Edinburgh University, and others in<br />

connection with Lockerbie and related matters<br />

Director of Trans Med International Energy Corporation which offers<br />

advice and support to companies trading in the Middle East and<br />

North Africa<br />

* indicates financial interest 259

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

260<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, Science Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies<br />

Alliance<br />

Chairman, Libyan British Business Council (unpaid)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

President, METCOM (Mechanical and Metal Traders Confederation)<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Shareholder and Director, Pacelink Ltd (company owns and operates a<br />

small aircraft for private purposes of the shareholders)<br />

*12(h) Secretarial research and assistance<br />

Secretarial support provided by SEMTA<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Chairman, Brooklands Museum Trust Ltd<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups and trade unions<br />

Vice President, Engineering Employers’ Federation (trade association)<br />

Director, UK Skills (pressure group)<br />

President, Institution of Incorporated Engineers (unpaid)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

TRIESMAN, Lord<br />

Hon. President, British Association of Aviation Consultants<br />

Director, Arab British Chamber of Commerce (unpaid)<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

50% shareholding interest in the following limited companies:<br />

New Property Press Ltd<br />

Maypar & Co (Promotions) Ltd<br />

Mortgage Credits Ltd<br />

Dessin Inc. Ltd<br />

The remaining 50% is owned by Ms S.C.Triesman (sister). I am not a<br />

director of these firms and have passed all control to my sister. I<br />

take no part in any aspect of the businesses<br />

*12(h) Secretarial research and assistance<br />

Senior Associate Fellow, Warwick Manufacturing Group, School of<br />

Engineering, University of Warwick – it is anticipated that in the<br />

course of the year <strong>2004</strong> and two following years, I will have the<br />

assistance of a researcher in economics and econometrics from the<br />

Warwick Manufacturing Group<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

*13(c) Financial interests of spouse or relative or friend<br />

Ms S.C.Triesman (sister) has a 50% shareholding interest in the<br />

following limited companies:<br />

New Property Press Ltd<br />

Maypar & Co (Promotions) Ltd<br />

Mortgage Credits Ltd<br />

Dessin Inc. Ltd<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Hon. Fellow and Member, Governing Council of University College,<br />

Northampton<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Member of the Association of University Teachers, Cambridge<br />

University<br />

Member of AMICUS (MSF)<br />

Vice President, Labour Friends of India<br />

TRUMPINGTON, Baroness<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee of Crimestoppers<br />

TRURO, Lord Bishop of<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of episcopal stipend<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Governor, College of St. Mark and St. John, Plymouth<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

TRUSCOTT, Lord<br />

Grubb Institute<br />

Chairman of Trustees, Bishops Forum, Truro<br />

Director and Trustee of Truro Diocesan Board of Finance<br />

Director, Cornwall Community Foundation<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

TUGENDHAT, Lord<br />

Residential property in central London<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Lehman Brothers Limited<br />

Chancellor, University of Bath<br />

Freeman of the City of London<br />

* indicates financial interest 261

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

262<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Member, Development Board of the National Portrait Gallery<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />


Chairman, Advisory Council of the European Policy Forum<br />

Chairman, Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge-Development<br />

Campaign<br />

Governor and Member, Council of Management of the Ditchley<br />

Foundation<br />

Vice President, British Lung Foundation<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director of Cebr (a small consultancy providing<br />

economic research and advice)<br />

Non-executive Chairman of the Rail Safety and Standards Board<br />

(RSSB) (a railway industry owned company that creates and<br />

maintains Railway Group Safety Standards, collects and publishes<br />

railway safety information, supports across industry safety<br />

initiatives and conducts research into railway safety)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

TURNBERG, Lord<br />

Trustee, Homerton College Cambridge<br />

Member, Council of Royal Holloway College , University of London<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Member, Clinical Advisory Board of Nations Healthcare<br />

Chair, Clinical Advisory Board of Inventures<br />

Member, Bio-ethics Advisory Committee of Astra Zeneca<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

President, Medical Protection Society<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Scientific Advisor , Association of Medical Research Charities<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chair, Board of National Centre for Replacement, Reduction and<br />

Refinement of Animals in Research<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chair, Board of Health Quality Service<br />

Trustee, Wolfson Foundation<br />

Vice President, Academy of Medical Sciences<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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TURNER OF CAMDEN, Baroness<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Council Member, OPAS (Occupational Pensions Advisory Service)<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Member, Amicus (trade union – formerly MSF)<br />

* indicates financial interest 263

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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UDDIN, Baroness<br />

264<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director, Carlton TV<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Excelcare Holdings (nursing homes)<br />

Chair, Home Office Community Cohesion Group Working Group<br />

Visit to Qatar, 20–23 April 2002; all expenses paid by Qatar<br />

Government<br />

Visit to Indonesia , 28 July 2002, FCO expenses<br />

Visit to Egypt, September 2002, invitation and expenses from<br />

Government of Egypt<br />

Visit to Bangladesh, October 2002, CPA visit<br />

Visit to Iran, November 2002 (personal expenses paid by host)<br />

Visit to Washington, February 2003, Inter Religious World Peace<br />

Organisation (expenses covered by Organisation)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member of Chartermark<br />

Member of Council, City University<br />

Member of Council, Oxford Brookes University<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Patron, Bethnal Green & Victoria Park Housing Association<br />

Patron, TH Women’s Aid<br />

Patron, Social Action for Health<br />

Patron, Black Women’s Health Project<br />

ULLSWATER, Viscount<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Regular part-time consultancy to Newmarket Countryside Race Day<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Director, Lowther Park Farms Ltd, Cumbria<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Cottage in Norfolk rented out as holiday home<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Elected Councillor of Docking Ward of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk<br />

Borough Council<br />

Trustee of small landowning trusts in Cumbria and Devon<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Life Member, Supporters of Nuclear Energy (SONE)<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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VARLEY, Lord<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Vice President, Ashgate Hospice, Chesterfield<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee of the Chesterfield Municipal Charities<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Non-Executive Director, INSYS Limited<br />

Member, Corporate Advisory Board, Atomic Weapons Establishment<br />

Visiting Speaker (unaccompanied) by invitation at the NATO<br />

<strong>Parliament</strong>ary Assembly, Bratislava (28-31 May <strong>2004</strong>). Travel and<br />

accommodation expenses only.<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chancellor, Cranfield University<br />

Governor, Aldenham School<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Fellow, The Royal Aeronautical Society<br />

Fellow, Institution of Mechanical Engineers<br />

Fellow, City and Guilds of London Institute<br />

Fellow, Imperial College, London<br />

Freeman, Worshipful Company of Wheelwrights<br />

Freeman, The Guild of Freeman of The City of London<br />

Hon.DSc., Cranfield University<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

VINSON, Lord<br />

Governor, The Ditchley Foundation<br />

Trustee, The Inspire Foundation<br />

President, The Cranfield Trust<br />

President, The Defence Manufacturers Assoc iation<br />

Vice President, The Forces Pension Society<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Self-employed part-time farmer and owner of a farm<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

President, Berwick-upon-Tweed Conservative Assoc iation<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Vice President of the Institute of Economic Affairs<br />

* indicates financial interest 265

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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WADDINGTON, Lord<br />

266<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, Overseas Service Pensioners Association<br />

Trustee, Natural Justice<br />

Vice Cha irman, Bermuda Society<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee of the Estate of J.C. Waddington which owns farmland in<br />

Read, Lancashire and a property company owning about 30 houses<br />

in Burnley<br />


*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Davies Wallis Foyster<br />

King Sturge<br />

President, Combined Heat and Power Association<br />

Access Partnership<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

William Wild & Son Ltd<br />

Choulton Services Ltd<br />

Sterling Energy Systems<br />


Murray Vernon (Holdings) Ltd<br />

Murray Vernon Ltd<br />

RisingStars Growth Fund Ltd<br />

Country Pubs Ltd<br />

Midas Asset Management Ltd<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Choulton Services Ltd (consultancy and investment)<br />

William Wild & Son Ltd (farming and property)<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Midas Asset Management Ltd<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Farmland in Cheshire<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member of the Court of Manchester University<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Chairman of Trustees of Cheshire Historic Churches Preservation Trust<br />

Member of Foundation for Science and Technology<br />

Vice President, North of England Zoological Society<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

WAKEHAM, Lord<br />

Chairman of Trustees of SAGAR Pension Fund<br />

Chairman of Trustees of Vymura Pension Fund<br />

Chairman of Trustees of Children’s Safety Education Foundation<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Advisory Board, LEK Consultancy<br />

Chairman, Genner Holdings plc<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Genner Holdings Ltd (Investment Company)<br />

Genner Farms Ltd (small family company)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chairman of Governors, Cothill House<br />

Chairman, Alexandra Rose Day<br />

Chancellor, Brunel University<br />

Deputy Lieutenant for Hampshire<br />

Governor, Sutton’s Hospital, Charterhouse<br />

Justice of the Peace, Inner London Commission (Non-active)<br />

Member of Council, St. Swithun’s School<br />

President, Brendoncare Foundation<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Member of Council, RNLI<br />

Trustee, H.M.S. Warrior 1860<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Bank of Ireland Financial Services (UK) plc<br />

Finsbury Life Sciences Investment Trust plc<br />

Henry Sotheran & Co Ltd (antiquarian bookshop)<br />

Waldegrave Farms Ltd (tenant farming company)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

UBS Investment Bank<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Waldegrave Farms Ltd (Tenant Farming Co)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Trustee, Wellington Resettled Estate<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Fellow, All Souls College, Oxford<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Chairman, National Museum of Science and Industry<br />

* indicates financial interest 267

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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268<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman, Rhodes Trust<br />

Trustee, Mandela -Rhodes Foundation (South Africa)<br />

Beit Memorial Fellowship for Medical Research<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Merchant Venturers Society (Bristol)<br />

Merchant Taylors Livery Co (London)<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employme nt<br />

Lord of Appeal in Ordinary<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Gestingthorpe Farming Co Ltd<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Bencher of Lincoln’s Inn<br />


*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

CSC Computer Sciences Ltd<br />

Differentis<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Allianz (UK) Limited<br />

Allianz Cornhill Insurance plc<br />

Caparo Group Limited<br />

CBC UK Limited<br />

LIFFE (Holdings) plc<br />

Vice Chairman, Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Bloomsbury Publishing<br />

Tate & Lyle<br />

ITM Power plc<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Farmland and woodland at Abbots Morton Manor, Worcestershire<br />

*13(c) Financial interests of spouse or relative or friend<br />

Shareholding in Bloomsbury Publishing<br />

ITM Power plc<br />

Farmland and woodland at Abbots Morton Manor, Worcestershire<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

St. Richards Hospice, Worcester<br />

Balliol Campaign Board, Balliol College, Oxford<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

National Literacy Trust<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Co-Chairman, International Tax and Investment Centre<br />

Vice President, German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce<br />

President, The Association of Manufacturers of Domestic Electrical<br />

Appliances (AMDEA)<br />

Vice President, The British Argentine Chamber of Commerce<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Chairman, Carlton Club<br />

Trustee to substantial children’s trust connected with a friend<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Member of The Guild of International Bankers<br />

Member of the UK-China Forum<br />

WALL OF NEW BARNET, Baroness<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Trade Union Consultant, Department for Education and Skills<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Member, Amicus Trade Union<br />

Member, Fabian Society<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Professor of International Relations, London School of Economics<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Council Member, Royal Institute of International Affairs<br />

Board Member, Genius of the Violin<br />

Chairman, Academic Advisory Committee, and Trustee, Goodenough<br />

College, London<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

WALMSLEY, Baroness<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Member and Shareholder, Wensleydale Railway Association<br />

Vice President, Upper Wharfedale Agricultural Society<br />

April 2002 – Visit to Japan, scientific exchange with the Japanese<br />

<strong>Parliament</strong><br />

* indicates financial interest 269

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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270<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Informal “<strong>Parliament</strong>ary Ambassador” to the NSPCC<br />

Patron of the Family Planning Association<br />

Patron of the Helenna Kennedy Bursary Scheme<br />

Trustee, Unicef UK<br />

Trustee, ADAPT (drug rehabilitation and treatment)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

WALPOLE, Lord<br />

Patron of SKCV Childrens Trust<br />

Honorary Director of Botanic Gardens Conservation International<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Peter Beales Roses T/A Colabay Ltd (rose and horticultural production<br />

and sales)<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Farmland in Norfolk including 2 Mansion Houses and residential<br />

properties<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Director, Fakenham Gasworks Road, Museum Trust<br />

Director, Norfolk Historic Buildings Trust<br />

President, Norfolk Historic Gardens Trust<br />

President, North Norfolk Orbital Railway<br />

President, Sheringham Little Theatre Trust<br />

President, Textile Conservation Centre, Winchester Campus,<br />

University of Southampton<br />

President, The Nelson Society<br />


*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Consultant to GlaxoSmithKline on ethical and social policy<br />

considerations associated with genetic research<br />

Advisory Board Member, Medical HR (Human Resources)<br />

Press Editorial Advisor and Consultant, Royal Society of Medicine<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Hon. Life President, Muscular Dystrophy Campaign<br />

President, Bamburgh Castle Golf Club<br />

President, Neuroscience Research Foundation<br />

President, Belford Development Trust<br />

Vice President, Epilepsy Research Foundation<br />

Vice President, Guideposts Trust<br />

Vice President, Research Defence Society<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

WARNER, Lord<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of Ministerial salary as <strong>Parliament</strong>ary Undersecretary of<br />

State, Department of Health<br />

WARNOCK, Baroness<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Ethical Consultant, Marks and Spencer “Healthcare Plus” (scheme for<br />

employees)<br />

Chairman of Ethical Advisory Committee of Pharmagene Laboratories<br />

Ltd<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, British Dyslexia Association<br />

Chairman, Planning Aid Trust<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive/Trustee, USS Ltd<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Chief Executive, Universities UK<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Member of Board, St. Catherine’s Foundation, Windsor<br />

Trustee, International Student House<br />

Trustee, NCVO<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Member, Royal Institution for International Affairs<br />

Fellow, RSA<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Member of the Scottish <strong>Parliament</strong><br />


*12(b) <strong>Parliament</strong>ary lobbying<br />

I am European Chairman of Burson-Marsteller. One of its subsidiaries,<br />

BKSH, offers lobbying services in London, Brussels and<br />

Washington. However I have no involvement with this subsidiary<br />

and do not offer lobbying services to any of my Burson-Marsteller<br />

clients or to anyone else. My remuneration as European Chairman<br />

of Burson-Marsteller is £230,000 per annum<br />

* indicates financial interest 271

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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272<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Non-parliamentary consultancy provided to clients as European<br />

Chairman of Burson-Marsteller. Personal clients are as follows:<br />

Accenture<br />

BP<br />

BT<br />

Tesco<br />

NATS (National Air Traffic Services Ltd)<br />

Coca Cola<br />

Heineken NV<br />

London Stock Exchange<br />

Norsk Hydro ASA<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, Corporate Television Networks (ITN)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

European Chairman, Burson-Marsteller<br />

Chairman, CTN<br />

Member, Charities Board Committee of BT<br />

Chairman, The Coca-Cola European Advisory Board<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chairman, The Cambridge University<br />

Chemistry Advisory Board<br />

Chairman, The English Speaking Union<br />

President, The British-German Association<br />

Chairman, The European Atlantic Movement<br />

Chairman, The Council of Commonwealth Societies<br />

Chairman, The UK Steering Committee of Koenigswinter<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee, Great Britain Study Centre, Humboldt University of Berlin<br />

Trustee, The Richmond Museum<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

WAVERLEY, Viscount<br />

Chairman, The Father Thames Trust<br />

Council Member, Prince of Wales, Business Leaders Forum<br />

Patron, The Richmond Society<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

12(i) Visits<br />

CCC (UK) Ltd<br />

Visit to Kazakhstan (8-13 November 2002) as guest of the Kazakhstan<br />

<strong>Parliament</strong> (costs of external flights and trips to and from Heathrow<br />

met by Consolidated Contractors International (UK) Ltd and<br />

internal flights and accommodation paid by the Kazakhstan<br />

<strong>Parliament</strong>)<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

WEATHERILL, Lord<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

President, Bernard Weatherill (Tailors) Savile Row (unpaid)<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Visit to Pakistan in March/April 2002 on a school’s visit (60 pupils)<br />

paid for by Akhtar Computer<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Joint Chairman, Three Faiths Forum<br />

Chairman, Industry and Churches, Forum<br />

Chairman, International Association of Industry and <strong>Parliament</strong> Trusts<br />

Involvement with Princes’s Trust – in particular Prince’s Trust<br />

(Business)<br />

Involvement with other charities<br />

Hon. Recorder Royal Commonwealth Ex-Services League (RCEL)<br />

President, Croydon Business Ventures (an enterprise agency)<br />

President, Institute for Citizenship<br />


15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

WEIDENFELD, Lord<br />

Hon. President, Industrial Law Society<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Altana AG, Bad Homburg<br />

Axel Springer Verlag, Berlin<br />

Bertelsmann Stiftung, Gütersloh<br />

Burda Medien, Munich<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Herbert Quandt Stiftung (Bad Homburg) (charitable arm of Altana AG<br />

and Quandt Family – Pharmaceuticals)<br />

Orion Publishing Group<br />

GAM Worldwide Inc (Global Asset Management)<br />

Cheyne Capital Management Ltd<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Orion Publishing Group<br />

Axel Springer Verlag (columnist ‘Die Welt’ and ‘Welt am Sonntag’)<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Cheyne Capital Management Ltd<br />

* indicates financial interest 273

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

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274<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Hon.Chairman of Board of Governors, Ben-Gurion University of the<br />

Negev (Israel)<br />

Hon.Governor, Tel-Aviv University (Israel)<br />

Hon.Governor, Weizmann Institute (Israel)<br />

Vice President, Oxford University Development Programme<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

WHADDON, Lord<br />

Chairman of Trustees, Trialogue Educational Trust (charity)<br />

Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft (Berlin)<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

WHITAKER, Baroness<br />

Chairman, Daltrade plc<br />

Chairman, Skorimpex-Rind Ltd<br />

Director, Fundstar Ltd<br />

Company Secretary of Rightangle News Ltd<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Employed on a consultant basis, as a member of Friends Provident (Isis<br />

Asset Management) Committee of Reference for ethical and socially<br />

responsible investment<br />

*13(c) Financial interests of spouse or relative or friend<br />

Husband (BCG Whitaker) Chair of the South East Region of the Big<br />

Lottery Fund (remunerated)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts<br />

Council Member of the Overseas Development Institute<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Member of the Advisory Council of Transparency International (UK)<br />

Vice President British Humanist Association<br />

Vice President One World Trust<br />

Patron, British Stammering Association<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Associate of Opportunity International<br />

UNICEF<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

WHITTY, Lord<br />

Amnesty International<br />

British Humanist Association<br />

Justice<br />

Liberty<br />

Interact<br />

Patron, Runnymede Trust<br />

SoS Sahel Ethiopia, One World Trust<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of Ministerial salary<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee, Southwark Children’s Trust (charity)<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

WIGODER, Lord<br />

GMB<br />

Fabinn Society<br />

Friends of the Earth<br />

No relevant interests<br />

WILCOX, Baroness<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director, Cadbury Schweppes plc<br />

Non-executive Director, Carpetright plc<br />

Non-executive Director, Johnson Service Group plc<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Governor, St. Mary’s School, Wantage, Oxfordshire<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, Trading Standards Institution<br />

President, National Federation of Consumer Groups<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee, Christian Responsibility in Public Affairs<br />

Trustee, St Andrews Holborn Trust<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Member, Mission to Fisherman<br />

* indicates financial interest 275

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

WILKINS, Baroness<br />

276<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Life interest in income from a house in North London<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Vice Chair, HAFAD (Hammersmith and Fulham Action on Disability)<br />

President, College of Occupational Therapy<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Patron, Asian People with Disabilities Alliance<br />

Patron, Artsline<br />

Patron, HoDis<br />

Member, Spinal Injuries Association<br />

Member, Disabled Drivers’ Association<br />

Member, Holiday Care<br />

Member, Shelter<br />

Member, Amnesty<br />

Member, Medical Foundation for care of victims of torture<br />

Member, Wateraid<br />

Member, The Soil Association<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

WILLIAMS OF CROSBY, Baroness<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Trustee of Century Foundation, New York, travel costs and attendance<br />

fee of $1,000 (April 2002) (two or three meetings per annum)<br />

Visit to Kashmir as a guest of the Government of India (29 September<br />

2002 to 6 October 2002) (airfares and accommodation paid for by<br />

the Government of India)<br />

Visit to Moscow to attend a conference (12 – 13 October 2002)<br />

(airfares and accommodation for two nights were met by the<br />

International Committee: Russia in the <strong>United</strong> Europe)<br />

Visit to Paris (11-14 April 2003) to attend board meeting of<br />

International Crisis Group (3 nights’ hotel and accommodation)<br />

Visit to New York (8-11 May 2003) to attend board meeting of<br />

Century Foundation (return travel to New York and accommodation<br />

plus $1,000 attendance fee)<br />

Visit to Harvard University, John F Kennedy School of Government<br />

(10-17 June 2003), lecturing throughout course, fee of $2900 plus<br />

travel<br />

Visits to Chichester and Darlington Literary Festivals (18–20 July<br />

2003) (travel expenses and accommodation)<br />

Visit to Moscow School of Political Studies, lecture and board meeting<br />

(24-27 July 2003) (travel expenses and accommodation)<br />

Visit to Aspen Institute Conference in Moscow (11-16 August 2003).<br />

(accommodation and travel provided)<br />

Visit to Council on Foreign Relations, New York (29-30 September<br />

2003) (accommodation and travel provided)<br />

Visit to International Crisis Group Meeting (3- 4 October 2003)<br />

(accommodation and travel provided)<br />

Visit to Israel and Palestine, Chr istian Aid (15-21 March <strong>2004</strong>)<br />

(accommodation and travel provided)<br />

Visit to Kennedy School and BCSIA (14-17 April <strong>2004</strong>)<br />

(accommodation and travel provided)<br />

Visit to The Century Foundation, New York (13-14 May <strong>2004</strong>))<br />

(accommodation and travel provided – fee of $1000)<br />

Visit to Monterey (14-16 May <strong>2004</strong>) (accommodation and travel<br />

provided)<br />

Visit to Nuclear Threat Initiative (18-19 May <strong>2004</strong>) (accommodation<br />

and travel provided)<br />

Visit to Robert McLaughlan Book Club Glasgow (1-2 June <strong>2004</strong>)<br />

(accommodation and travel provided – fee of £100)<br />

Visit to IFEX Forum on Business and Security, Istanbul (30 June – 1<br />

July <strong>2004</strong>) (accommodation and travel provided)<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Trustee, Tablet Trust<br />

* indicates financial interest 277

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

278<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Vice-President, CAFOD (UK)<br />

Board member, Moscow School of Political Studies<br />

Member, Advisory Council, Council of Foreign Relations, New York<br />

Board Member, Nuclear Threat Initiative, Washington DC<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Trustee, Century Foundation, New York (attenda nce fee)<br />


*13(b) Landholdings<br />

33 acres around home in mid-Wales<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee and Vice President, Campaign for the Protection of Rural<br />

Wales<br />


*12(e) Remunerated dire ctorships<br />

Non-executive Director, Whitbread plc<br />

Trustee, Thomson Foundation<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chairman, Somerset Strategic Partnership<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Member, Council of Honour, European Opera Centre<br />

Patron, Rethink (National Schizophrenia Fellowship)<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, St Martins Theatre Company Ltd<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

St Martins Magazines plc<br />

St Martins Theatre Company Ltd<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Arable and grass farm in Warwickshire including residential lettings<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, Campaign for the Protection of Rural England<br />

(Warwickshire Branch)<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Fellow, Royal Geographical Society<br />

Fellow, Royal Society of Arts<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Non-executive Director, BSkyB (British Sky Broadcasting)<br />

Non-executive Director, Xansa plc<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Master of Emmanuel College, Cambridge<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chairman of Council of Radley College<br />

Trustee of The Royal Anniversary Trust<br />

Trustee of the Cicely Saunders Foundation<br />

Chairman, Blue Lion Limited (owned by Emmanuel College)<br />

President of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development<br />

(CIPD) (from 27 October <strong>2004</strong>)<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Director, Leeds Castle Foundation<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee of the Ewing Foundation<br />


*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Master, Peterhouse, Cambridge University<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chancellor, University of Aberdeen<br />

Chairman, Council of Glenalmond College<br />

Hon.Fellow, Keble College, Oxford<br />

Prime Minister’s Advisory Committee on Business Appointments<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Chairman of Trustees, National Museum of Scotland<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Hon. President, Hong Kong Society<br />

Hon. President, Hong Kong Association<br />

President, Bhutan Society of the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong><br />

Registrar, Order of St Michael and St John<br />

Vice President, Royal Scottish Geographical Society<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

John Muir Trust<br />

* indicates financial interest 279

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

WINCHESTER, Lord Bishop of<br />

280<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of episcopal stipend<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

WINDLESHAM, Lord<br />

Member (ex officio) and Governing Body of King Alfred’s College,<br />

Winchester<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

Member, Ditchley Foundation<br />

Chairman,Butler Trust (prison service recognition awards)<br />

Prisoner’s Education Trust<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

WINSTON, Lord<br />

Burford Society<br />

Friends of the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford<br />

Friends of the British Museum<br />

Oxford Preservation Trust<br />

Victim Support (former President)<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Company Director, Kayplot Ltd (company involved in media and<br />

publishing)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist and Professor of Fertility<br />

Studies, Imperial College, London<br />

Chief of Service, Reproductive Medicine, Hammersmith Hospita l,<br />

London<br />

Director of NHS Research and Development, Hammersmith Hospital,<br />

London<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Kayplot Ltd (company dealing with broadcasting and journalism)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Member of Council, Cancer Research UK<br />

Chancellor of Sheffield Hallam University<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Board of Management, Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith<br />

Patron, Darwin Centre, Natural History Museum<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, Little Foundation (for research into cerebral palsy)<br />

Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, Association of Medical<br />

Research Charities<br />

Member, Medical Plan, Seriously Ill for Medical Research<br />

President, Association Medical Secretaries, Practice Administrators<br />

and Receptionists<br />

Trustee, CHILD (national infertility support group)<br />

Trustee, Cord Blood Charity<br />

Trustee, Human Care Repair<br />

Trustee, Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Fund<br />

Vice President, Haemophilia Society<br />

Vice President, Progress, Group for Reproductive research<br />

Board Member, Sinfonia 2000 (Orchestra)<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

WOLFSON, Lord<br />

Patron, Contact a Family<br />

Patron, Cot Death Society<br />

Patron, Homestart (charity)<br />

Patron, Hope (charity)<br />

Patron, ISSUE (national fertility support group)<br />

Patron, Joshua Gilbert Rhabdomyosarcoma Trust (cancer research)<br />

Patron, Norwood Ravenswood (handicapped children)<br />

Patron, Sage (old age home)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman and Founder Trustee, Wolfson Foundation (registered<br />

charity)<br />

Chairman, Isaac and Edith Wolfson (Scotland) Charitable Trust<br />

(registered charity)<br />

Chairman, Wolfson Family Charitable Trust (registered charity)<br />

Governor, Weizmann Institute of Science<br />

Governor, Tel Aviv University<br />

Governor, Hebrew University<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Fibernet Group plc (Optical Digital Networks)<br />

Galahad Gold plc<br />

*13(b) Landholdings<br />

Cottages in Westwell, Oxfordshire<br />

* indicates financial interest 281

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

282<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

WOOLF, Lord<br />

Director, Beneslo Charity Ltd<br />

Trustee, Charles Wolfson Charitable Trust<br />

Trustee of the Bedford Estates<br />

Trustee, D.C.W Trust (charity)<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales<br />

Non-permanent judge of the Court of Final Appeal of Hong Kong<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Vice Chairman of the Council of University College, London (October<br />

<strong>2004</strong>/5)<br />

Chairman of the Council of University College, London (2005/06)<br />

Chancellor, Open University of Israel<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman of the Trustees of the Jewish Chronicle newspaper<br />


*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Partner, Anderson McGraw<br />

Partner, Halton Gill Associates<br />

*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Chairman, East Leeds Initiative Ltd<br />

Non-executive Director, Thornfield Ventures Limited<br />

Visit to Romanian <strong>Parliament</strong> (29 May-2 June <strong>2004</strong>) as part of<br />

delegation from the all-party Accession Group of UK <strong>Parliament</strong> –<br />

part of costs met by Romanian <strong>Parliament</strong><br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Chair, Regional Energy Forum of The Yorkshire & Humber Regional<br />

Assembly (unpaid)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Director and Member of the Council of Foundation for Management<br />

Education<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

WORCESTER, Lord Bishop of<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chairman, Standards & Ethics Committee, Worcestershire County<br />

Council<br />

President and/or Patron, of certain schools in the Diocese of Worcester<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

16(a) Trusteeships<br />

President, Society for the Study of Theology<br />

Chairman, Hartlebury Castle State Rooms Trust<br />

ex-officio Chairman, various Worcester Diocesan Trusts<br />


*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

*12(i) Visits<br />

Consultant, De La Rue plc<br />

Member, BP History Committee<br />

Visit to Syria (9 to 12 September 2002) with the British/Syria All-party<br />

<strong>Parliament</strong>ary Group for meetings with the President, Government<br />

Ministers, <strong>Parliament</strong>arians, British Embassy and British Council<br />

(travel and accommodation met by Mr Wafic al-Said and Syrian<br />

National Assembly)<br />

Visit to Lebanon (15-20 February 2003) with the British/Lebanese Allparty<br />

<strong>Parliament</strong>ary Group, for meetings with the President, the<br />

Prime Minister, Speaker of <strong>Parliament</strong>, government ministers,<br />

parliamentarians, the British Embassy and the British Council.<br />

(Travel and accommodation met by Mr Hassan Khalil and internal<br />

transportation and security provided by the Lebanese National<br />

Assembly)<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman of the Trustees, Home-Start International<br />

* indicates financial interest 283

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

YORK, Lord Archbishop of<br />

284<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

In receipt of archiepiscopal stipend<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Ex-officio Member of York University Court<br />

Governor, Archbishop Holgate’s School<br />

Governor, York St John College<br />

Member of Hull University Court<br />

Visitor, St John’s College, Durham<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

President, York Civic Trust<br />

Trustee, Children in Distress<br />


*12(e) Remunerated directorships<br />

Chairman, International Telecommunication Clearing Corporation<br />

(Bermuda)<br />

Chairman, Newhaven Management Services Ltd<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Chairman of the European Advisory Board of Covergys Corporation<br />

Member of the Advisory Board of Booz Allen and Hamilton<br />

*12(g) Cont<strong>rolling</strong> shareholdings<br />

Newhaven Management Services Ltd<br />

Young Associates Ltd<br />

*13(a) Significant shareholdings<br />

Elfin Ltd and associated companies (undersea technology)<br />

International Telecommunications Clearing Corporation of Bermuda<br />

Pixology Ltd and subsidiary companies (digital imaging technology)<br />

15(a) Membership of public bodies<br />

Chairman of Council, University College, London<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Chairman of Chichester Festival Theatre Ltd<br />

15(c) Office-holder in pressure groups or trade unions<br />

Director, Business for Sterling<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Chairman of the British Israel Chamber of Trade<br />

Chairman of the Development Board of The Prince’s Trust<br />

* indicates financial interest

<strong>Register</strong> of Lords’ Interests—Ordered to be printed 16 July <strong>2004</strong><br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

16(b) Voluntary organisations<br />

Jewish Care<br />

The Prince’s Trust<br />

YOUNG OF HORNSEY, Baroness<br />

*12(d) Non-parliamentary consultant<br />

Consultant on cultural projects with Metal-arts organization<br />

Funding/development consultant with Institute of International Visual<br />

Arts & Autograph – visual arts projects<br />

15(b) Trusteeships of cultural bodies<br />

Member of Board of Trustees, South Bank Centre<br />

Chair, Nitro (musical theatre company)<br />

Chair, British Council Advisory Committee on Arts<br />

YOUNG OF OLD SCONE, Baroness<br />

*12(f) Regular remunerated employment<br />

Chief Executive, Environmental Agency<br />

15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations<br />

Trustee, Institute of Public Policy Research<br />

Vice President, Flora and Fauna International<br />

Vice President, BirdLife International<br />

Vice President, RSPB<br />

President, Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire, and<br />

Peterborough Wildlife Trust<br />

* indicates financial interest 285

The following Members of the House of Lords are on Leave of Absence<br />

and are not therefore included in the <strong>Register</strong>:<br />

(The date shown is the date Leave of Absence was granted)<br />

Aberdare, Lord (26 November 2003)<br />

Blease, Lord (3 March 2003)<br />

Brett, Lord (26 January <strong>2004</strong>)<br />

Delacourt-Smith of Alteryn, Baroness (29 April 2002)<br />

Fisher of Rednal, Baroness (25 November 2002)<br />

Forte, Lord (15 October 2001)<br />

King of Wartnaby, Lord (10 June 2002)<br />

Macaulay of Bragar, Lord (27 March 2002)<br />

Parry, Lord (29 June <strong>2004</strong>)<br />

Salisbury, Marquess of (1 November 2001)

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