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Back Matter (PDF) - Clinical Chemistry Back Matter (PDF) - Clinical Chemistry


llfifiill S Journalofthe American Association for Clinical Chemistry, Inc. Volume 40, 1994 AUTHOR INDEX NOTE: Authorsof 1994 NationalMeetingabstracts are indexedintheJune issue,pp.1190-1196. Aalto, Maija. See Matinlauri, Irma Aberle, Alfred M. See Bennett, Michael J. Isselbacher, Kurt J.; Rustgi, t’nzsoncogene), 705 Anil K. (PCR, Abramson, Richard D.; Reichert, Fred L.; Starron, Alicia; Akers, James(DNA polymerase), 2339 Abravaya, Kiara; Carrino, John J.; Muldoon, Sharon; Lee, Helen H.(GAP-LCR), 654 Abushufa, Ransadan; Reed, Paul; Weinkove, Cyril(fatty acids, RBCs), 1707 Aekermann, Theodor. See KnSrle, Rainer Adabag, Sel#{231}uk. See Siriken, Fatih Adams, Jesse; Schechtman, Kenneth; Landt, Yvonne; Ladenson, Jack, Jaffe, Allan S.(CK isoenzymes, myocardial infarction), 1291 Mel, Tovaghol. See Saketos, Maria Agetsuma, Shinichi; Sekino, Hiroshi; Nagoshi, Toshiyuki; Watanabe, Haruo(indoxyl-13-Dglucuronide), 1580 Agewall, Stefan. See Fagerberg, BjSrn Aarwal, Suresh K; Kinter, Michael; Herold, David A.(Pb, GC/MS), 1494 Agrawal, Sudhir. See Iyer, R. P.; See Zhang, Ruiwen; See Zhao, Qiuyan Ahmad, Niofer Nina Dison, Paul; Shields, Jerry A.; Donoso, Larry A.(DrmI RFLP, PCR), 654 Anyagi, Kazuko, See Luehrsen, Ken Apple, Fred S. See Wu, Alan H. B. Arai, Tomoko; Tsukada, Toshihiko; Nakayama, Toshimasa(cholesteryl ester transfer protein), 2227 Arghavani, Z. See Akhavan-Taft, H. Armas, Honorio. See Oliva, Alexis Armbruster, David A.; Tillman, Margaret D.; Hubbe, Linda M.(abused drugs, GC/MS), 1233 -; (IA precision, letter), 1782 Arnold, Lyle J. Jr.(oligonucleotides, therapeutics), 645 Arquint, Philippe; Koudelka-Hep, Milena; van de Schoot, Bartholomeus H.; van der Wal, Peter; de Rooij, Nicolaaa F.(micromachined analyzers), 1805 Artiss, Joseph D.; Sheehan, Timothy, Rolfe, Ronald; Eisenbrey, A. Bradley; Zak, Bennie(TSH, interference, letter), 1793 Artzt, Karen. See Chen, Qi Arzoglou, Pantelis. See Lykidis, Athanasios Ash, K Owen. See Nuttali, Kern L. -; (lab. management), 2332 Ashford, Nicholas A.(biomonitoring), 1426 Aitio, An ero(toxicolor, ref. limits), 1385 Akers, James. See Abramson, Richard D. Ashihara, Yoshihiro. See Isomura, Mitsuo Ashley, David L. See Sampson, Eric J. Akhavan.Taft, H.; Schaap, A. P.; Arghavani, DeSilva, R.; Handley, R. S.; Schoenfelner, Z.; B. -; Bonin, Michael A.; Cardinali, Frederick L.; McCraw, Joan M.; Wooten, Joe V.(volatile A.; Sugioka, K.(chemiluminescence, Lumingen PS), 654 Akizuki, Setsuko. See Sudo, Kayoko Al-Dehaimi, Abdulwahed. See Peel, Nicola Albers, John J. See Bachorik, Paul S.; See Marcovina, Santica M. Albrecht, Steffen; Brandl, Herbert; Steinke, Marina; Freidt, Thielo(PSA), 1970 Alden, M. See Jonas, V. Aleman-Gomea, J.; Colwell, I. N.; Bosner, M.; Boreoki, I.; Shonfeld, G.; Kunsar, V.; Lange, LG.(cholesterol esterase gene), 654 Alfano, Massimo; Casari, Erminia; Stenico, Alberta; Murone, Michelangelo; Grazioli, Vittorio(glycosides, HPLC, letter), 2113 Airinger, M. See deMarchi, J. M. Alter, Harvey J. See Chen, Ziping Altman, Douglas G.(confidence interval,letter), 161 Altshuler, Charles H.(lab. management), 1616 Alvarez, Francisco V. See Yenta, Rafael Alvarez, Virtudes. See RicOs, Carmen Amenta, Joseph S. See Bender, Thomas M. Ansey, Marlyse. See Rao, Marie Andersen, Oluf. See Lindstedt, (Idran Andersson, Britta. See Kyhse-Andersen, Jan Andla, Isabel. See Zumarraga, Mercedes Andr#{233}, Marie; Valsamis, Joseph(ref. values, androstanediol, letter), 162 Andrus, Alex. See Thou, Dean; See Mullah, K. Rasher -; McCollum, Christie(oligonucleotide synthesis), 2336 Angerer, JOrgen. See Rauscher, Dankwart Anton, Raymond; Bean, Pamela(transferrin mess., alcoholics), 364 Aoki, Yoichi; Lee, J. C.; Pillai, Shiv; organic exposure), 1401 Ashwood, Edward R See Jones, G. Wendell Asplund, Lillemor. See Skerfving, Staffan Astles, Rex; Williams, Charles P.; Sedor, Frank(lactate stability), 1327 Atkinson, Tom. See Cloney, Lynn Aubin, Philippe. See Fist, Jean Augustin, Roman. See Mayersbach, Peter Autrup, Herman. See Nielsen, Per Sabro Avina, T. See Gonzales, F. R. Avramis, Vassifios I.; Larson, Garry P.; Spears, C. Paul; Kwocl#{231} Richard; Nelson, Paul; Muthini, Sylvester; Rossi, John J.(ribozymes), 2336 Aw, T. Ching. See Faux, Stephen P. Anton, Richard. See Gilfihlan, Anisette Baadenhwjsen, H. See Petersen, P. Hyltoft Babin, Fabienne. See Garric, Isabelle Bacarese-Hamilton, Tito. See Jolley, Nicola L. Bachmann, Claude. See Guneral, Feza Bachorik, Paul S.; Lovejoy, Kathleen L.; Carroll, Margaret D.; Johnson, Clifford L.; Albers, John J.; Marcovina, Santica M.(apo A-i), 1915 Badrick, Tony. See Freemantle, Jan Baelum, Jesper M#{248}lhave, Lan; Hansen, Steen Honor#{233};Opdam, Hans(GI tract solvent exposure), 1458 Bagshaw, J. C. See Bansal, A. Baker, John R.; Zyzak, David V.; Thorpe, Suzanne R.; Baynes, John W.(fructosamine), 1950 Baker, MichaeL See Baptists, Jose A. Balasubramaniam, Rajiv P. See Bennett, Michael J, -; Oler, Jennifer K; Groskreutz, Debyzah J.; Goiffon, Virginia; Bennett, Michael J.; Nantz, Michael H.; Malone, Robert W.; Schenborn, Elaine (polynucleotide transfection), 2341 Baldwin, Bailesta, P. See Goldbard, S. B. Antonio M. See Mas, Ernesto A. Balogh, Doris. See Main, Johannes Banfi, Giuseppe; Zerbi, Alessandro; Rita; Pastori, Stefano; Parolini, Daverio, Danilo(pancreatic cancer, letter), 1983 -; Daverio, Rita(osteocalcin stability), 833 Bannon, Desmond I.; Murashchik, Catherine; Zapf, Caroline R.; Farfel, Mark R.; Chisolm, J. Julian, Jr.( Pb, AAS), 1730 Bansal, A.; Pocock, R. L.; Pocock, D.; Stimson, W.; Metz, L; Bagshaw, J. C.(oligonucleotide, portable system), 655 Bao, Constantino G. See Vents, Rafael Baptists, Jose A.; Goss, Paul; Nghiem, Mai; Krepinsky, Jiri J.; Baker, Michael; Dennis, James W.(swainsonine mess., cancer), 426 Barniv, Z. See Cronin, M. T. Barone, D. See Sheldon, E. L. Barry, Patricia L See Westgard, James 0. Bartlett, Kim. See Pourfarzam, Morteza Barto, Rob. See Sips, Adrienne J. A. M. Bartolini, Laura. See Calabresi, Emanuela Baa, Bert M. See Salden, liar J. M. Best, Aalt. See Schuss, Reel P. F. Bau, Haim H. See Wilding, Peter Baudner, Siegfried. See Whicher, John T. Bauer, Charles R. See Stevenson, David K; See Vreman, Hendrik J. Baumann, Jana. See Winkler, Michael Baumann, Pierre. See Rao, Marie Bausserman, Linda L.; Saritelli, Ann L.; Miloeavljevic, Dragana(HDLa), 1713 Baxter, Gregory T.; Bousse, Luc J.; Dawes, Timothy D.; Libby, Jeffiey M.; Modlin, Douglas N.; Owicki, John C.; Parce, J. Wallace(microphysiometry), 1800 Baxter, Susan M. See McGraw, Royal A. Bayer, Peter MichaeL See Hubl, Wolfgang Baylink, David J. See Farley, John R. Baynes, John Bean, Pamela. W. See Baker, John R. See Anton, Raymond -; Peter, James B(transferrin, drug abuse), 2078 Beaudeux, Jean-Louis; Flourie, Fran#{231}oiae; Peynet, Jacqueline; Magny, Eric; Rousselet, Fran#{231}ois(CK interference, letter), 2120 Beavers, Scott. See Thou, Dean Beth, Einar; Jakobsen, Johannes; #{248}rntoft, Torben F.(ELISA, 1gM autoAbe), 1331 Beck, J. Robert. See Buffone, Gregory J. Beck, Kenneth R. See Reddy, Poluru L. Beck, Olof, See Lafolie, Pierre Bedini, Jos#{233} L. See Mas, Ernesto A. Bedynek, Andrea, See Demont, Thomas Begley, C. Glen. See McManus, Julie F. Beheshti, Iraj. See Thai, Michael -; Weasels, Linda M.; Eckfeldt, Y. John H.(HDL, triglycerides), 2088 Bekkoui, Faouzi. See Cloney, Lynn -; Poisson, Isabelle; Crosby, William; Cloney, Lynn; 2340 Duck, Peter(RNase oligonucleotide), Belanger, Main. See Fist, Jean Bell-Farrow, Audrey. See Cefalu, William T. CLINICALCHEMISTRY, Vol. 40,No. 12,1994 2343

llfifiill S<br />

Journalofthe American Association for <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Chemistry</strong>, Inc.<br />

Volume 40, 1994<br />


NOTE: Authorsof 1994 NationalMeetingabstracts are indexedintheJune issue,pp.1190-1196.<br />

Aalto, Maija. See Matinlauri, Irma<br />

Aberle, Alfred M. See Bennett, Michael J.<br />

Isselbacher, Kurt J.; Rustgi,<br />

t’nzsoncogene), 705<br />

Anil K. (PCR,<br />

Abramson, Richard D.; Reichert, Fred L.;<br />

Starron, Alicia; Akers, James(DNA<br />

polymerase), 2339<br />

Abravaya, Kiara; Carrino, John J.; Muldoon,<br />

Sharon; Lee, Helen H.(GAP-LCR), 654<br />

Abushufa, Ransadan; Reed, Paul; Weinkove,<br />

Cyril(fatty acids, RBCs), 1707<br />

Aekermann, Theodor. See KnSrle, Rainer<br />

Adabag, Sel#{231}uk. See Siriken, Fatih<br />

Adams, Jesse; Schechtman, Kenneth; Landt,<br />

Yvonne; Ladenson, Jack, Jaffe, Allan S.(CK<br />

isoenzymes, myocardial infarction), 1291<br />

Mel, Tovaghol. See Saketos, Maria<br />

Agetsuma, Shinichi; Sekino, Hiroshi; Nagoshi,<br />

Toshiyuki; Watanabe, Haruo(indoxyl-13-Dglucuronide),<br />

1580<br />

Agewall, Stefan. See Fagerberg, BjSrn<br />

Aarwal, Suresh K; Kinter, Michael; Herold,<br />

David A.(Pb, GC/MS), 1494<br />

Agrawal, Sudhir. See Iyer, R. P.; See Zhang,<br />

Ruiwen; See Zhao, Qiuyan<br />

Ahmad, Niofer Nina Dison, Paul; Shields,<br />

Jerry A.; Donoso, Larry A.(DrmI RFLP, PCR),<br />

654<br />

Anyagi, Kazuko, See Luehrsen, Ken<br />

Apple, Fred S. See Wu, Alan H. B.<br />

Arai, Tomoko; Tsukada, Toshihiko; Nakayama,<br />

Toshimasa(cholesteryl ester transfer protein),<br />

2227<br />

Arghavani, Z. See Akhavan-Taft, H.<br />

Armas, Honorio. See Oliva, Alexis<br />

Armbruster, David A.; Tillman, Margaret D.;<br />

Hubbe, Linda M.(abused drugs, GC/MS), 1233<br />

-; (IA precision, letter), 1782<br />

Arnold, Lyle J. Jr.(oligonucleotides,<br />

therapeutics), 645<br />

Arquint, Philippe; Koudelka-Hep, Milena; van<br />

de Schoot, Bartholomeus H.; van der Wal,<br />

Peter; de Rooij, Nicolaaa F.(micromachined<br />

analyzers), 1805<br />

Artiss, Joseph D.; Sheehan, Timothy, Rolfe,<br />

Ronald; Eisenbrey, A. Bradley; Zak,<br />

Bennie(TSH, interference, letter), 1793<br />

Artzt, Karen. See Chen, Qi<br />

Arzoglou, Pantelis. See Lykidis, Athanasios<br />

Ash, K Owen. See Nuttali, Kern L.<br />

-; (lab. management), 2332<br />

Ashford, Nicholas A.(biomonitoring), 1426<br />

Aitio, An ero(toxicolor, ref. limits), 1385<br />

Akers, James. See Abramson, Richard D.<br />

Ashihara, Yoshihiro. See Isomura, Mitsuo<br />

Ashley, David L. See Sampson, Eric J.<br />

Akhavan.Taft, H.; Schaap, A. P.; Arghavani,<br />

DeSilva, R.; Handley, R. S.; Schoenfelner,<br />

Z.;<br />

B.<br />

-; Bonin, Michael A.; Cardinali, Frederick L.;<br />

McCraw, Joan M.; Wooten, Joe V.(volatile<br />

A.; Sugioka, K.(chemiluminescence,<br />

Lumingen PS), 654<br />

Akizuki, Setsuko. See Sudo, Kayoko<br />

Al-Dehaimi, Abdulwahed. See Peel, Nicola<br />

Albers, John J. See Bachorik, Paul S.; See<br />

Marcovina, Santica M.<br />

Albrecht, Steffen; Brandl, Herbert; Steinke,<br />

Marina; Freidt, Thielo(PSA), 1970<br />

Alden, M. See Jonas, V.<br />

Aleman-Gomea, J.; Colwell, I. N.; Bosner, M.;<br />

Boreoki, I.; Shonfeld, G.; Kunsar, V.; Lange,<br />

LG.(cholesterol esterase gene), 654<br />

Alfano, Massimo; Casari, Erminia; Stenico,<br />

Alberta; Murone, Michelangelo; Grazioli,<br />

Vittorio(glycosides, HPLC, letter), 2113<br />

Airinger, M. See deMarchi, J. M.<br />

Alter, Harvey J. See Chen, Ziping<br />

Altman, Douglas G.(confidence interval,letter),<br />

161<br />

Altshuler, Charles H.(lab. management), 1616<br />

Alvarez, Francisco V. See Yenta, Rafael<br />

Alvarez, Virtudes. See RicOs, Carmen<br />

Amenta, Joseph S. See Bender, Thomas M.<br />

Ansey, Marlyse. See Rao, Marie<br />

Andersen, Oluf. See Lindstedt, (Idran<br />

Andersson, Britta. See Kyhse-Andersen, Jan<br />

Andla, Isabel. See Zumarraga, Mercedes<br />

Andr#{233}, Marie; Valsamis, Joseph(ref. values,<br />

androstanediol, letter), 162<br />

Andrus, Alex. See Thou, Dean; See Mullah, K.<br />

Rasher<br />

-; McCollum, Christie(oligonucleotide<br />

synthesis), 2336<br />

Angerer, JOrgen. See Rauscher, Dankwart<br />

Anton, Raymond; Bean, Pamela(transferrin<br />

mess., alcoholics), 364<br />

Aoki, Yoichi; Lee, J. C.; Pillai, Shiv;<br />

organic exposure), 1401<br />

Ashwood, Edward R See Jones, G. Wendell<br />

Asplund, Lillemor. See Skerfving, Staffan<br />

Astles, Rex; Williams, Charles P.; Sedor,<br />

Frank(lactate stability), 1327<br />

Atkinson, Tom. See Cloney, Lynn<br />

Aubin, Philippe. See Fist, Jean<br />

Augustin, Roman. See Mayersbach, Peter<br />

Autrup, Herman. See Nielsen, Per Sabro<br />

Avina, T. See Gonzales, F. R.<br />

Avramis, Vassifios I.; Larson, Garry P.; Spears,<br />

C. Paul; Kwocl#{231} Richard; Nelson, Paul;<br />

Muthini, Sylvester; Rossi, John J.(ribozymes),<br />

2336<br />

Aw, T. Ching. See Faux, Stephen P.<br />

Anton, Richard. See Gilfihlan, Anisette<br />

Baadenhwjsen, H. See Petersen, P. Hyltoft<br />

Babin, Fabienne. See Garric, Isabelle<br />

Bacarese-Hamilton, Tito. See Jolley, Nicola L.<br />

Bachmann, Claude. See Guneral, Feza<br />

Bachorik, Paul S.; Lovejoy, Kathleen L.;<br />

Carroll, Margaret D.; Johnson, Clifford L.;<br />

Albers, John J.; Marcovina, Santica M.(apo<br />

A-i), 1915<br />

Badrick, Tony. See Freemantle, Jan<br />

Baelum, Jesper M#{248}lhave, Lan; Hansen, Steen<br />

Honor#{233};Opdam, Hans(GI tract solvent<br />

exposure), 1458<br />

Bagshaw, J. C. See Bansal, A.<br />

Baker, John R.; Zyzak, David V.; Thorpe,<br />

Suzanne R.; Baynes, John W.(fructosamine),<br />

1950<br />

Baker, MichaeL See Baptists, Jose A.<br />

Balasubramaniam, Rajiv P. See Bennett,<br />

Michael J,<br />

-; Oler, Jennifer K; Groskreutz, Debyzah J.;<br />

Goiffon, Virginia; Bennett, Michael J.; Nantz,<br />

Michael H.; Malone, Robert W.; Schenborn,<br />

Elaine (polynucleotide transfection), 2341<br />

Baldwin,<br />

Bailesta,<br />

P. See Goldbard, S. B.<br />

Antonio M. See Mas, Ernesto A.<br />

Balogh, Doris. See Main, Johannes<br />

Banfi, Giuseppe; Zerbi, Alessandro;<br />

Rita; Pastori, Stefano; Parolini,<br />

Daverio,<br />

Danilo(pancreatic cancer, letter), 1983<br />

-; Daverio, Rita(osteocalcin stability), 833<br />

Bannon, Desmond I.; Murashchik, Catherine;<br />

Zapf, Caroline R.; Farfel, Mark R.; Chisolm,<br />

J. Julian, Jr.( Pb, AAS), 1730<br />

Bansal, A.; Pocock, R. L.; Pocock, D.; Stimson,<br />

W.; Metz, L; Bagshaw, J. C.(oligonucleotide,<br />

portable system), 655<br />

Bao, Constantino G. See Vents, Rafael<br />

Baptists, Jose A.; Goss, Paul; Nghiem, Mai;<br />

Krepinsky, Jiri J.; Baker, Michael; Dennis,<br />

James W.(swainsonine mess., cancer), 426<br />

Barniv, Z. See Cronin, M. T.<br />

Barone, D. See Sheldon, E. L.<br />

Barry, Patricia L See Westgard, James 0.<br />

Bartlett, Kim. See Pourfarzam, Morteza<br />

Barto, Rob. See Sips, Adrienne J. A. M.<br />

Bartolini, Laura. See Calabresi, Emanuela<br />

Baa, Bert M. See Salden, liar J. M.<br />

Best, Aalt. See Schuss, Reel P. F.<br />

Bau, Haim H. See Wilding, Peter<br />

Baudner, Siegfried. See Whicher, John T.<br />

Bauer, Charles R. See Stevenson, David K; See<br />

Vreman, Hendrik J.<br />

Baumann, Jana. See Winkler, Michael<br />

Baumann, Pierre. See Rao, Marie<br />

Bausserman, Linda L.; Saritelli, Ann L.;<br />

Miloeavljevic, Dragana(HDLa), 1713<br />

Baxter, Gregory T.; Bousse, Luc J.; Dawes,<br />

Timothy D.; Libby, Jeffiey M.; Modlin,<br />

Douglas N.; Owicki, John C.; Parce, J.<br />

Wallace(microphysiometry), 1800<br />

Baxter, Susan M. See McGraw, Royal A.<br />

Bayer, Peter MichaeL See Hubl, Wolfgang<br />

Baylink, David J. See Farley, John R.<br />

Baynes, John<br />

Bean, Pamela.<br />

W. See Baker, John R.<br />

See Anton, Raymond<br />

-; Peter, James B(transferrin, drug abuse),<br />

2078<br />

Beaudeux, Jean-Louis; Flourie, Fran#{231}oiae;<br />

Peynet, Jacqueline; Magny, Eric; Rousselet,<br />

Fran#{231}ois(CK interference, letter), 2120<br />

Beavers, Scott. See Thou, Dean<br />

Beth, Einar; Jakobsen, Johannes; #{248}rntoft,<br />

Torben F.(ELISA, 1gM autoAbe), 1331<br />

Beck, J. Robert. See Buffone, Gregory J.<br />

Beck, Kenneth R. See Reddy, Poluru L.<br />

Beck, Olof, See Lafolie, Pierre<br />

Bedini, Jos#{233} L. See Mas, Ernesto A.<br />

Bedynek, Andrea, See Demont, Thomas<br />

Begley, C. Glen. See McManus, Julie F.<br />

Beheshti, Iraj. See Thai, Michael<br />

-; Weasels, Linda M.; Eckfeldt,<br />

Y.<br />

John H.(HDL,<br />

triglycerides), 2088<br />

Bekkoui, Faouzi. See Cloney, Lynn<br />

-; Poisson, Isabelle; Crosby, William; Cloney,<br />

Lynn;<br />

2340<br />

Duck, Peter(RNase oligonucleotide),<br />

Belanger, Main. See Fist, Jean<br />

Bell-Farrow, Audrey. See Cefalu, William T.<br />

CLINICALCHEMISTRY, Vol. 40,No. 12,1994 2343

Bellon, Laurent. See Sanghvi, Yogesh S.<br />

Bender, Robert. See Cloney, Lynn<br />

Bender, Thomas M.; Stone, Laura K; Amenta,<br />

Joseph 8.(reepiratory distress syndrome,<br />

lecithin/sphingomyehin ratio), 541<br />

Bene, Marie Christine. See Harchali, Asmae<br />

2344 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 40, No. 12,1994<br />

Bowsher, Ronald R. See Voelker, James R.<br />

Boyd, Nigel D. See Winfleld, Stewart<br />

Boyer, Jean. See Lerique, Brice<br />

Bradley, Colin; Leung, Fred Ying(A1<br />

A.<br />

detn,<br />

AAS), 431<br />

Braihly, Herv#{233}; Montero-Julian, Felix A.; Zuber,<br />

Caroline E.; Flavetta, Sophie; Grassi,<br />

Jacques; Houssiau, Frederic; vanSnick,<br />

Jacques(lL-6, immunoassay), 116<br />

Braithwaite, Robin A. See Faux, Stephen P.<br />

Brancolini, Valeria. See Gelfl, Cecilia<br />

Brandi, Maria Luisa. See Calabresi, Emanuela<br />

Brandl, Herbert. See Albrecht, Steffen<br />

Branum, Earl L. See Hortin, Glen L<br />

Braun, Siegmund L. See Vogt, Wolfgang<br />

Braunstein, Glenn D. See Mishalani, Suhu H.<br />

Breault, Jean-Louis. See Fiet, Jean<br />

Breimer, Lan H.; Spyropolous, Koetas; Winder,<br />

Anthony F.; Milthailidis, Dimitri P.;<br />

Hamilton, George(bilinubin, heart dis., letter),<br />

1987<br />

Breslauer, J. See Zhu, Tianmin<br />

Bris, Ray J. See Taylor, Andrew<br />

Brinson, Eleanor, Chang, Conway; Eggerding,<br />

Faye; Fung, Steven; Grossman, Paul;<br />

Iovannisci, David M.;Winn-Deen, Emily; Woo,<br />

Sam(mutation analysis), 657<br />

Brock, David J. H. See Gilfillan, Annette<br />

Bronstein, Inena; Fortin, John; Martin, Chris S.;<br />

Voyta, John C.(receptor gene,<br />

chemiluminescence), 655<br />

Brown, C. See Wang, R.<br />

Brown, Patrick A. See Hosaein-Nia, Mojgan<br />

Brown, Robert H. Jr. See Rosen, Daniel R.<br />

Brown, Stanley S. See Grandjean, Philippe<br />

Brown, Tom. See Rao, M. Vaman<br />

Brown, Wayne. See, Detlef<br />

Brown, William, Ill. See Shah, Dinesh<br />

Bruce, Elsa. See Venegas, Alejandro<br />

Bruise, David E.(Journal’s 40th year), 7<br />

-; .175; 344; 677; 854; 956; 1354; 1614; 1796;<br />

1990; 2122; 2332<br />

Brunt, John N. H. See Watts, Gerald F.<br />

Buchet, Jean-Pierre. See Lauwezys, Robert R.<br />

Buchholz, Niels.-Peter. See Knorle, Rainer<br />

Bucht, Elisabet. See Rang, Haiqin<br />

Buckel, Peter. See Kopetzki, Erhard<br />

Buckley, Timothy J. See Roberts, William L.<br />

Budillon, Gabriele. See Castaldo, Giuseppe<br />

Bueno, ManueL See Moreno, Luis A.<br />

Buffone, Gregory J.; Beck, J.<br />

Robert(hemochromatoeis), 1631<br />

Burchell, Ann. See Lyall, Helen<br />

Bumn, Jacky M. See Lamb, Edmund J.<br />

Burthier, Jean-Michel. See Fist, Jean<br />

Bush, Christopher N. See Smith, RusselL.<br />

-; King, Thomas H.; Loy, Reinhard S.; Harvey,<br />

Michael A.(DNA probe, nonenzymatic prep.),<br />

655<br />

Buttery, Joseph E.; Chamberlain, Bernard<br />

R.(transketolase, letter), 1786<br />

Bengtsaon, Bengt-Ake. See Lindstedt, (loran<br />

Benight, Albert. See Cloney, Lynn<br />

Beiainin, Richard J.; Sacks, David B.(diabetes<br />

control), 683<br />

Bennet, C. Frank(CAM expression,<br />

oligunucleotide inhibition), 644<br />

Bennett, Michael J. See BalasubrnmRniam,<br />

-;<br />

Rajiv P.<br />

Abenle, Alfred M.; Balasubramaniam, Rajiv<br />

P.; Malone, Jill G.; Malone, Robert W.; Nanta,<br />

Michael H.(polynucleotide delivery), 2341<br />

-; Powell, Susan; Swartling, Daniel J; Gibson,<br />

K. Michael(isoleucine metab.), 1879<br />

Bennett, William. See Wu, Anthony<br />

Berchtold, G#{252}nter. See Vogt, Wolfgang<br />

B#{233}r#{233}ziat, Gilbert See Richard, Pascale<br />

Bergen, Peter. See Hoermann, Rudolf<br />

Bergiund, Antje. See Fagerberg, Bjorn<br />

Bergmann, Pierre J.(FF3, letter), 496<br />

Bermee, Edward W.,Jr. See Holmes, Earl W.<br />

Bernard, Alfred M. See Lauwerys, Robert R.<br />

Bernent, John T. See Sampson, Eric J.<br />

Bernhardt, Patricia.<br />

Berni, I.(Alzheimer,<br />

See Lee, Kyung N.<br />

monoclonal gammopathies,<br />

letter), 186<br />

Berthier, Anne-Marie. See Carriere, Dominique<br />

Bayer, Cornelis; Boekhout, Martin; van Iperen,<br />

Henk(albumin, renal, letter), 844<br />

-; Lentjes, Ref G. W. M.; Stoeken, Dirk J.(CA<br />

125, letter), 2320<br />

Bianchi, Sisnonetta. See Sestini, Roberta<br />

Bichi, R. See Mantinazzo, G.<br />

Bienvenu, Jacques. See Whicher, John T.<br />

Biesma, Bonne. See Kema, Ido P.<br />

Billyard, E. K; Ryder, T. B.; Clark, T.; Doran,<br />

A.; Gardu#{241}o, F.; Nunomura, K; Shannon, K;<br />

Schneider, G.; Ueding, K.(HW<br />

Bishop, Janine C.; Nix, A. Barry<br />

detect.), 2338<br />

J.(CUSUM<br />

schemes, letter), 1610<br />

-; (qual. control, letter), 500<br />

Bittner, Michael L. See Wong, Edith Y.<br />

Blackwell,<br />

Blanckaert,<br />

Walter. See Thompson, William<br />

Nonbert. See Zaman, Zahur<br />

C.<br />

Blandford, Dorothea E.; Desjardins,<br />

Paul(amphetamine detect.,GC/MS), 145<br />

Blaachke, Helga. See Vogt, Wolfgang<br />

Blijenberg, Bert G.; van Eijk, Henk G.(Fe<br />

standardization, letter), 1988<br />

Blirup-Jensen, Soren. See Whicher, John T.<br />

Block, Myron J. See Sodickson, Lester A.<br />

Bloom, Nicolas S. See Liang, Lian<br />

Blumfield, Marts, Meguenni, Said; Poddevin,<br />

Bruno; Enjolras, Nathalie; Gonthier,<br />

Catherine; Elias, Isabelle; Vasseur,<br />

Marc(HSV, oligonucleotides), 655<br />

Bong, David E. See Davidson, D. Fraser<br />

Bock, Jay L.(NMR), 1215<br />

Bylund, David J. See Nakamura,<br />

Cabr#{233}, Maria. See Mates, Carme<br />

Cahill, B. K See Weisberg, T. F.<br />

Robert M.<br />

-; (amniotic fluid, NMR), 56<br />

Calabresi, Emanuela; Lasagni, Laura;<br />

Boekhout, Martin. See Bayer, Cornelis<br />

Boland, Benoit J. See Silverstein, Mark<br />

Bond, Laura See Yue, Vincent<br />

Bonde, Martin. See Pedersen, Brian J.; See<br />

Roeenquist, Christian<br />

-; Qvist, Per-, Fledelius, Christian; Rile, Bente<br />

Juel; Christiansen, Chaue(IA, collagen), 2022<br />

Bonin, Michael A. See Ashley, David L.<br />

Bonini, Pierangelo. See Magni, Fulvio<br />

Bonora, Roberto. See Panteghini, Mauro<br />

Boogaard, Pieter J. See Van Der Meulen,<br />

Egbert<br />

Boreoki, I. See Aleman-Gomez, J.<br />

Borg, Stefan. See Lafolie, Pierre<br />

Borland, William W. See Stewart, Michael J.<br />

Berm, Paul J. A. See Schuss, Roel P. F.<br />

Francaschelli, Francesco; Bartolini, Laura;<br />

Serio, Mario; Brandi, Maria<br />

Luisa(pyridinoline mess., letter), 336<br />

Calder, A. Graham. See Demont, Thomas<br />

Callahan, Patricia L. See Kolatkar, Nikheel<br />

Cals, Marie-Joe#{232}phe. See Marie, Bernadette<br />

Calzolari, Charles. See Main, Johannes<br />

Campione-Piccardo, Jos#{233}; H#{233}bert, Benoit;<br />

Tijesen, Peter(PCR kinetics), 656<br />

Camps, Jordi. See Mates, Canme<br />

Canalias, Francesca; Vievilds, Athanase;<br />

Thioudellet, Christm , Sleet, Gerard(lipase,<br />

purification), 1251<br />

C#{225}ndenas, Mercedes. See Vents, Rafael<br />

Cano, Raill J. See Rasmussen, S#{248}ren R.<br />

Cantelli-Forti, Giorgio. See Hrelia, Patnizia<br />

S.<br />

Borner, Wilhelm. See Rendl, Johann<br />

Boener, M. See Aleman-Gomez, J.<br />

Bott, M. See Carlson, J.; See Clark, K<br />

Boudou, Philippe. See Fist, Jean<br />

Boulay, Daniel See Garric, Isabeile<br />

Bourke, Cathy. See Ma, Oliver C. K<br />

Bousse, Luc J. See Baxter, Gregory T.<br />

Bowie, Lemuel J. See Reddy, Poluru L.<br />

Caplan, Yale H. See Goldberger, Bruce<br />

Cararach, Vicenc. See Mas, Ernesto A.<br />

Carayon, Pierre. See Canriere, Dominique<br />

Cardinali, Frederick L. See Ashley, David L.<br />

Carlson, Ann. See Patterson, Wayne<br />

Carlson, J.; Lawlor, R.; Beta, M.(Chlaymdia<br /> screening), 2338<br />

Carlstrom, Anders. See Whicher, John T.<br />

-; Reddy,<br />

Sevigny,<br />

Poluru L; Nagabhushan,<br />

Pierre(PCR, thalassemia),<br />

Moollcy;<br />

2260<br />

Carmona,<br />

Carricarte,<br />

Francesc. See Mas, Ernesto<br />

Valentina C. See Pastini,<br />

A.<br />

Ana C.<br />

Carriers, Dominique; Fontaine, Claude;<br />

Berthier, Anne-Marie; Rouquette, Anne-<br />

Marie; Carayon, Pierre; Laprode, Michael;<br />

Juilland, Robert; Jensen, Mine; Paoli, Pascal;<br />

Paolucci, Francis; Gros, Pierre; Pau,<br />

Bernard(EIA, T lymphocytes, HIV), 30<br />

Carrino, John J. See Abravaya, Klara<br />

Carroll, Bernard J.(manic depression, brain<br />

mechanisms), 303<br />

Carroll, Margaret D. See Bachorik, Paul S.<br />

Carter, Paul G. See Neven, Patrick<br />

Carter, Robert M.; Guilbault, George G.;<br />

Lubrano, Glenn J.; Jacobs, Mary B.(IA<br />

reliability, letter), 1986<br />

Casani, Erminia. See Alfano, Massiino<br />

Case-Green, Stephen C.; Mir, Kalem U.; Peters,<br />

Natalie; Southern, Edwin M.(antisense<br />

therapeutics), 2335<br />

Caskey, C. Thomas. See Lee, Cheng Chi<br />

Cassaigne, Andre. See Richard, Pascale<br />

Castaldo, Giuseppe; Oriani, Giovannangelo;<br />

Cimino, Lucia; Tops, Marco; Mostarda, flania;<br />

Castellano, Luigi; DelVecchio-Blanco,<br />

Camille; Budillon, Gabriele; Salvatore,<br />

Francesco; Saochetti, Lucia(liver die., LDH<br />

and cholesterol), 478<br />

Castellano, Luigi. See Castaldo, Giuseppe<br />

Castillo, M. See Gonzales, F. R.<br />

Caudill, Samuel P. See Sowell, Anne L<br />

Cecchini, Beatriz G. See Vents, Rafael<br />

Cefalu, William T.; Wang, Zhong Q.;<br />

Bell-Farrow, Audrey; Kiger, Fran D.;Izlar,<br />

Camille(GHb, HPLC), 1317<br />

Cembroweki, George S. See Kolatkar, Nikheel<br />

S.<br />

Cerelli, Eugenio. See Petrarulo, Michele<br />

Cerney, M. See Marshall, Ron L.<br />

Cevik, CemaL See Taylor, Andrew<br />

Chalmers, A. H.(transketolase, letter), 1787<br />

Chamberlain, Bernard R. See Buttery, Joseph<br />

E.<br />

Chan, L. C. See Ma, Oliver C. K<br />

Chan, Yan-Wo. See Lai, Chi-Kong<br />

Chandra, Tarun. See Shah, Dinesh<br />

Chang, Alice. See Shah, Dinesh<br />

Chang, Conway. See Brinson, Eleanor<br />

Chang, Wang Z.; MacMullen, S-Y.; Huang, G.;<br />

Kwok, D-P.; Spadoro, J.(PCR std.), 2336<br />

Chapman, John F. See Tsongalia, Gregory J.<br />

Chard, Tim. See Neven, Patrick<br />

Charlson, Joel R. See Nichols, James H.<br />

Chastain, M. See Tinoco, I. Jr.<br />

Chauvel, Bruno. See Dowel, Ian<br />

Chee, M. S. See Sheldon, E. L.; See Cronin, M.<br />

T.<br />

Chen, Fu-Tai A.; Evangelists, Ramon A.(dnugs,<br />

immunochemical), 1819<br />

Chen, Qi; Ebersole, Thomas; Artzt,<br />

Karen(Quaking mutation), 2345<br />

Chen, X. See Tinoco, I. Jr.<br />

Chen, Ziping-, Wang, R. Yuan-Hu; Alter,<br />

Harvey J.; Shih, J. Wai-Kuo(HCV), 2340<br />

Cheong, C. See Tinoco, I. Jr.<br />

Chesler, Ruth. See Kroll, Martin H.<br />

Chester, Michael R. See Hossein-Nia, Mojgan<br />

Cheung, Kee. See Dimeski, Goce<br />

Cheyenne, Dither; Ruiz, Juan; Lohmann,<br />

Laurence; Laudat, Antoine; Leblanc, Herv#{233};<br />

Gray, I. Peter, Passa, Philippe; Porquet,<br />

Dominique(proinsulin, immunoradiometry),<br />

754<br />

Chiesa, Maria Rosa. See Zucchelli, Gian Carlo<br />

Chilmonczylc, Barbara A. See Haddow, James<br />

E.<br />

Chinchilli, Vernon M.; Miller, W. Greg(test<br />

method evaln.), 464<br />

Chisolm, J. Julian, Jr. See Bannon, Desmond I.<br />

Choi, Julie Y. See Ruano, Gualberto<br />

Choi, Young Ho; Hong, Mi Seek; Kong, Roger<br />

J.; Kang, Jemo(PSA), 1831<br />

Choudhuzy, Naswrin; Wall, Philippa M. Lyons;<br />

Truswell, A. Stewart(cholesterol and HOL),<br />

710<br />

Christenson, Robert H. See Panigrahi, Kalpana;<br />

See Gregory, Linda C.<br />

Chriatiansen, Claus. See Bonde, Martin<br />

Cimino, Lucia. See Castaldo, Giuseppe<br />

Clague, Alan. See Kanowaki, David<br />

Clarieee, Diana. See Lewis, Charles A. Jr.<br />

Clark, K.; Beta, M.(Chlay,ndia tTUChOmatIs<br />

detect.), 2338

Clark, T. See Billyard, E. R.<br />

Clarke, Lorne A. See Cole, David E. C.<br />

Clerici, Mario. See Shearer, Gene M.<br />

Clivilld, Xavier. See Sim#{243}, Josep Maria<br />

Cloarec, Lise. See Gallou, Gildas<br />

Cloney, Lynn. See Bekkaoui, Faouzi<br />

-; Lane, Michael; Benight, Albert; Faldasz,<br />

Brian; McNevin, John; Atkinson, Tom;<br />

Daher, Rose; Van Lente,<br />

Frederick(cencanavalin A, AAS), 62<br />

Dalldorf, Frederic G. See Tsongalia, Gregory J.<br />

Dalton, Madeline. See Sargent, James D.<br />

D’Ambroeio, Robin; Jusko, William J.; Stabler,<br />

Thomas; Kobayashi, Masakazu(tacrelimus,<br />

ELA, letter), 159<br />

Dana, R See Lippman, D.<br />

Bekkoui, Faouzi; Crosby, William; Poisson,<br />

Isabelle; Marlowe, Cherith; Smith, John A.;<br />

Bender, Robert; Duck, Peter(nucleic acid<br />

amplification), 656<br />

Coassin, Peter J. See Rampal, Jang B.<br />

Cobb, Susan L. See Voelker, James R.<br />

Dana, Richard(RNA isolation), 2340<br />

Daniels, Phelim B.(std. curve in IA, Serene<br />

analyzer processing), 513<br />

Danielseon, Bengt. See Xie, Bin<br />

Dante, Claude. See Panigrahi, Kalpana<br />

Darwin, William D. See Cone, Edward J.<br />

SRi<br />

Coccaro, Emil F.; Kavoussi, Richard<br />

J.(neuropsychopharmacology), 319<br />

Coenegracht, Pierre M. J. See Volmer, Marcel<br />

Dasgupta, Amitava. See Thompson, William C.<br />

Dati, Franceaco. See Whither, John T.<br />

Datta, Pradip; Larsen, Fred(digoxin LA, letter),<br />

Colbert, David L(trimethobenzamide<br />

1349<br />

cross-reaction, letter), 948<br />

-; Holmes, Martin R.(mtinine, saliva, letter),<br />

843<br />

Cole, David E. C.; Clarke, Lorne A.; Riddell, D.<br />

Christie; Samson, Karen A.; Seltzer, William<br />

Davenio, Rita. See Banfi, Giuseppe<br />

Davidson, B. Fraser, Williamson, John; Boag,<br />

David E.; Millar, Thomaa(Na, diabetes), 758<br />

Ddvila, Ricardo. See Zum#{233}rraga, Mercedes<br />

Davis, Devra Lee. See Silbergeld, Ellen K.<br />

K.; Salisbury, Sonia(genetic disorders, gene Davison, Amanda. See Rao, M. Vaman<br />

delineation),<br />

Cole, Laurence<br />

2099<br />

A. See Tanaka, Akira<br />

Dawee, Timothy D. See Baxter, Gregory<br />

Day, Ian N. M. See Quinn, Gregory B.<br />

T.<br />

Collazoe, Julio; Esteban, Cristdbal; Fern#{225}ndez,<br />

Arantza(enolase, pneumonia), 266<br />

Colley, C. MichaeL See Tillyer, Celia R.<br />

Coltart, D. John. See Watts, Gerald F.<br />

CoIwell, Anthony. See Peel, Nicola<br />

Colweil, I. N. See Aleman-Gomez, J.<br />

Comeau, F. See Merel, P.<br />

Condamines, Olivier. See Mile, Blandine<br />

Condo, lleana Baluja. See Penebad, Cheyla<br />

Barney<br />

Cone, Edward J. See Huestis, Marilyn A.<br />

-; Hillsgrove, Mazy; Darwin, William<br />

D.(abused drugs, GC/MS), 1299<br />

Cook, P. Dan. See Sanghvi, Yogesh S.<br />

Cook, Priscilla. See Kabadi, Udaya M.<br />

Cooney, John M. See Masters, Paul W.<br />

Cooper, Allan J. See Mitsuhahi, Masato<br />

Cooper, Edward H. See Masters, Paul W.<br />

Cooper, Gerald B. See Mei, Joanne V.<br />

-; Smith, S. Jay; Myers, Gary L.; Sampson,<br />

Eric J.; Magid, Enik (lipoproteins meas.,<br />

source of variation), 227<br />

-; Sampson, Eric J.(book review), 2328<br />

Cooreman, Walter. See Libeer, Jean-Claude<br />

Copeland, Kenneth R. See Tsai, Michael Y.<br />

Cort#{233}e-Rius, Maniano. See Mora-Brugu#{233}s,<br />

Joeeflna<br />

Coeseddu, Dornenico. See Petrarulo, Michele<br />

Costa, Gina L. See Weiner, Michael P.<br />

Coeyns, Paul. See Mass, Michael<br />

Cowan, David A. See Kicman, Andrew T.; See<br />

Laidler, Paul<br />

Coward, Geoff N. See Kasdan, Harvey L.<br />

Be Buyzere, Marc L. See Delanghe, Jane R.<br />

do Gennes, Jean-Luc. See Richard, Pascale<br />

de Haan, Thijs H. Y. See Volmer, Marcel<br />

Be Jaeger, Christophe. See Marie, Bernadette<br />

de Jong, Jan G. N. See Peelen, Gzjsbert 0. H.;<br />

See Schina, Roel P. F.<br />

de Is Piedra, Cenoepcf on. See Diego, Eva Maria<br />

Dlaz<br />

Dc Leenheer, Andr#{233} P. See Meyer, Evelyne; See<br />

Thienpont, Linda M.<br />

Be Meester, Ingrid. See Maes, Michael<br />

Be Meyer, Frans. See Mace, Michael<br />

de Rooij, Nicolaas F. See Arquint, Philippe<br />

de Verdier, Carl-Hem-ic;Groth, Torgny(anal.<br />

qual. specs., letter), 168<br />

de Vos, G. J. See Vi.jg, J.<br />

do Vries, Elisabeth G. E. See Kema, Ide P.<br />

de Wet, Wouter. See Stzydom, Corni<br />

de Zululeta, Maria Pascual. See Richard,<br />

Pascale<br />

Dean, Nicholas. See Sanghvi, Yogesh S.<br />

Defeeche, Jeep C. See Van den Broek, Andr#{233} J.<br />

C. M.<br />

Dehennin, Leuis(testoeterene,<br />

self-administration detect.), 106<br />

Deindoerfer, Fred H. See Kasdan, Harvey L.<br />

Deister. Arno. See Rae, Marie<br />

Dejmek, Annika; M8rtennseen, Gunnar;<br />

Thylen, Anders; Hierpe, Anders(hyaluronate,<br />

liq. chromatog.), 777<br />

Delanghe, Joris R. See Verhasselt, Bruno<br />

-; Be Buyzere, Marc L.(neutrophil enzymes<br />

effect en cardiac enzymes, letter), 163<br />

Delattre, Jacques. See Gaillard, Olivier<br />

Coa, D. F. See Weisberg, T. F.<br />

Craig, Wendy Y. See Ledue, Thomas B.<br />

-; Poulin, Sue E.; Nelson, Caleb P.; Ritchie,<br />

Belmas, Pierre D. See Panigralii, Kalpana<br />

Delpere, Claude. See Lerique, Brice<br />

DeWecchio-Blanco, Camille. See Castaldo,<br />

Robert F.(ELISA, LDL), 882<br />

Craver, Randall D. See Hempe, James M.<br />

Giuseppe<br />

deMarchi, J. M.; Quint, J.; Alringer, M.;<br />

Cremese, MichaeL See Wu, Alan H. B.<br />

Richards, C. S.(genetic die.; sequence<br />

Cremonesi, Laura. See Gelfi, Cecilia<br />

Crisan, Domnita. See Schulz, Rex<br />

diagnosis), 661<br />

Demedts, Paul; Theunis, Lieve; Wauters,<br />

Cronin, M. T.; Barniv, Z.; Morris, M. S.;<br />

Annick; Franck, Francis; Daelemana, Ranny<br />

Hubbell, E.; Lobban, P.; Gentalen, E.;<br />

Neela, Hugo(methanol ingestion), 1587<br />

Miyada, C. G.; Chee, M.; Shah, N.; Masino, Demers, Laurence M. See Faulkner, Willard R.<br />

R.; Fodor, S.PA(CF gene, probe), 656<br />

-; Kleerekoper, Michael(bene turnover,<br />

Cronin, Peter. See Singh, Pratap<br />

Crook, Tom. See Lee, Martin J.<br />

Crosby, William. See Bekkaoui, Faouzi;<br />

Cloney, Lynn<br />

See<br />

biochem. marker), 1994<br />

Demetris, Anthony. See Mercer, Donald<br />

Demont, Thomas; Packard, Christopher J.;<br />

j)jJ , Bedynek, Andrea; Calder, A.<br />

Crothers, Donald M.(DNA bends, transcription<br />

activn.), 647<br />

Csako, Gyorpy. See Lee, Kyung N.; See Zweig,<br />

Mark H.<br />

Cuendet, Christelle. See Rae, Marie<br />

Cuilliere, Marie Louise. See Harchali, Aamae<br />

Mami<br />

Cullen, William R. See L.a. Xiae-Chun<br />

Culver, Kenneth W.(gene therapy, cancer), 510<br />

Cunimina, LandaU L. See Monia, Brett P.; See<br />

Sanghvi, Yogesh S.<br />

Cummina, Peter. See Hafner, Gerd<br />

Graham; Shepherd, James; Seidel,<br />

Dietrich(MS, apolipoprotein), 1825<br />

Denare, F. J.(HIV, PCR), 655<br />

Denser, Harry G.; Knight, Ineke(PCR,<br />

mucolytic agents, letter), 171<br />

Dennis, James W. See Baptists, Jose A.<br />

Derhaag, Thim J. J. M. See Schins, Reel P. F.<br />

d’Eril, GianVico Melzi; Valenti, Graziana;<br />

Pastors, Rosaana; Pankopf, Steve (albumin,<br />

creatinine stability, letter), 339<br />

-; See Foesati, Piero<br />

Dermody, James J.(PCR, Tay-Sachs), 656<br />

Cunnmghnm, M. W. See Harris,<br />

Cuzick, Jack. See Terry, George<br />

Daelemans, Benny. See Demedts,<br />

M. R.<br />

Paul<br />

DeSilva, it See Akhavan-Taft, H.<br />

Deejardins, Paul. See Blandford, Dorothea E.<br />

Dessi, John L. See Self, CoHn H.<br />

Destrebecq, H. See Merel, P.<br />

Dewald, Leo. See Niwa, Toshimitsu<br />

D’Hondt, Peter. See Mass, Michael<br />

Diasio, Robert B. See Zhang, Ruiwen<br />

Dickerof, Walter A. See Zhu, Tianmin<br />

Diego, Eva MarIa DIaz; Guerrero, Rosa;<br />

Piedra, Concepclon(osteocalcin), 2071<br />

Dieguez-Lucena, Jos#{233} Luia; Ruiz-Golddn,<br />

de Ia<br />

Maximiliane; Morell-Ocafia, Miguel;<br />

Garcia-Villaneva, Javier; Fleres-Pelanco,<br />

Francisco J.; Reyes-Engel, Armando(PCR<br />

quanta., capillary electrophoresis, letter), 493<br />

Dfez-Noguera,<br />

Antonio<br />

Antoni. See Riviera-Cell,<br />

Dimeski, Goce; Cheung, Kee; Ormiston,<br />

Barry(Mg, HCO3 interference, letter), 851<br />

Dimitri, Gabriella(tniglycerides,<br />

letter), 501<br />

variation,<br />

Dimeski, Goce; Price, Lee; Hickman,<br />

Peter(creatinine, Na, P04, letter), 2322<br />

Dintruff, Rob. See Shaw, Norman<br />

Dison, Paul. See Ahmad, Niofer Nina<br />

DobiMovI, Milada; Frohlich, Jini J.(HDL<br />

heterogeneity), 1554<br />

DOcke, Wolf.Dietrich. See Franks, Lutz<br />

Donndelinger, Themes M.(cellular dimorphism),<br />

2338<br />

Donose, Larry A. See Ahmad, Niofer Nina<br />

Donovan, Edward F. See Vreman, Hendnik J.<br />

Doolittle, Marc H.; Lincoln, Kim; Graves,<br />

Steven W.(serum digoxin), 487<br />

Doran, A. See Billyard, E. R.<br />

Dowel, Ian; Fergelot, Patricia; Dubourg,<br />

Christele; J#{233}z#{233}quel, Pascal; Chauvel, Bruno;<br />

La Gall, Jean Yvee; La Treut, Andre(cystic<br />

fibrosis), 2318<br />

Douglas, Allan S.; Monteith, Claudia(LAs,<br />

covalent binding), 1833<br />

Douglas, Karen E. See Green, Anthony<br />

Down, James A. See Woodward, Daniel L.<br />

Dubeurg, Chriat#{233}l#{233}. See Dorval, Ian<br />

Duck, Peter. See Bekkaoui, Faouzi; See Cloney,<br />

Lynn<br />

Duckworth, Gordon. See Rao, M. Vaman<br />

Dudman, Nicholas P.B. See Li, Kong M.<br />

Duh, Show-Hong. See Gregory, Linda C.<br />

Duheffle, Jean. See Harchali, Asmae Alami<br />

Duncan, Alexander. See Robins,<br />

Dupin, B. See Merel, P.<br />

Simon P.<br />

Durand, Herv#{233}. See Marie, Bernadette<br />

Dueaoesoy, Danielle. See Mille, Blandine<br />

Dybkaer, Rene(quality control), 1416<br />

Dyster, Lye M.; Papeiderol, Lawrence B.;<br />

Poiesz, Bernard J.(HIV, hybridization), 657<br />

Dziurdzy, Stan A. See Gupta, Ram N.<br />

Eastell, Richard. See Peel, Nicola<br />

Ebersole, Thomas. See Chen, Qi<br />

Eckert, Martin. See Vogt, Wolfgang<br />

Eckfeldt, John H.; See Beheshti, Iraj<br />

-; (Fe standardization, letter), 1988<br />

-; Witte, David L.(serum Fe: patient outcome<br />

enhancement, editorial), 505<br />

Witte, David L.(Fe accuracy, letter), 1348<br />

Edmiston, K See Sheldon, E. L.<br />

Eggerding, Faye. See Brinaen, Eleanor<br />

Ehrenkranz, Richard A. See Stevenson, David<br />

K; See Vreman, Hendrik J.<br />

Ehrenthal, Wolfram. See Hafner, (lend<br />

Ehrhardt, Volker(Na, K, enzyme assays, letter),<br />

672<br />

Eisenbrey, A. Bradley. See Artiss, Joseph D.<br />

Ekindjian, Ohvanesse G. See Marie, Bernadette<br />

Ekins, Reger(FT3 in nonthyroidal illness,<br />

letter), 162<br />

Elias, Isabelle. See Blumfield, Marta<br />

Elm, Ronald J. See Kroll, Martin H.; See Lee,<br />

Kyung N.; See Sampson, Maureen<br />

Emancipator, Kenneth(assay linearity, letter),<br />

1783<br />

Engelke, Udo. See Wevers, Ron A.<br />

England, Jack D. See Goldstein, David E.<br />

Engler, Hanna. See Riesen, Walter<br />

Enjoiras, Nathalie. See Blumfield, Marta<br />

Eriksson, Andell Y.; Inganas, S.; Norbert, T.;<br />

Sevigny, P.(p53 gene anal.), 2337<br />

Erickson, Katherine(healthcare), 1615<br />

Erla#{231}in, Sermet. See Tanyal#{231}in, Tijen<br />

Eskola, Jarkko U. See Matinlauri, Irma<br />

Esteban, Cristdbal. See Collazoe, Julio<br />

Etzwiler, Donnell B. See Kolatkar, Nikheel S.<br />

Euler, David B. See Mendis, Shanthi<br />

CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 40, No. 12, 1994 2345

Evsngalista, Ramon A. See Chen, Fu-Tai A.<br />

Faber, George. See Tsengalis, Gregory J.<br />

Fagerberg, Bjorn; Agewall, Stefan; Berglund,<br />

Anlje; Wysocki, Marian; Lundberg, Per-Arne;<br />

Lindstedt, G#{233}ran(transferrin,hypertension),<br />

2057<br />

Faiman, Charles. See Keely, Erin J.<br />

Fakhri, M. El. See Sheriff, D. S.<br />

Faldasz, Brian. See Cloney, Lynn<br />

Fanareff, Avroy A. See Stevenson, David K.;<br />

See Vreman, Hendrik J.<br />

Fanburg, B. L. See Lanzillo, J. J.<br />

Farfel, Mark R. See Bannon, Desmond, I.<br />

Farina, Jos#{233} B. See Oliva, Alexis<br />

Farkas, Daniel H. See Klosinski, Deanna D.;<br />

See Schulz, Rex<br />

Fartey, John R.; Hall, Susan L.; llacaa, Daniel;<br />

Orcutt, Christopher; Miller, Barbara E.; Hill,<br />

Craig S.; Baylink, David J.(ALP,<br />

osteoporosis), 1749<br />

Farmer, Peter B.(carcinegen adducts), 1438<br />

Farooqui, Firdous. See Reddy, M.P.<br />

Farrant, Robert K. See Phillipou, George<br />

Faulkner, Willard B.; Bemers, Laurence M.(ref.<br />

values), 855<br />

Faure, Gilbert. See Harchali, Asmae Alami<br />

Faun, Stephen P.; Gao, Mm; Aw, T. Ching,<br />

Braithwaite, Robin A.; Levy, Leonard S.(Cr<br />

exposure), 1454<br />

Fawcett, Jan(mood disorders, overview), 273<br />

Feigen, JuIi(DNA triplexes, quaduplexes,<br />

aptamers), 647<br />

Fergelet, Patricia. See Dorval, Ian<br />

Fern#{225}ndez, Arantza. See Collazos, Julio<br />

Ferrari, Maurizie. See Geffi, Cecilia<br />

Ferzli, Charles. See Singh, Pratap<br />

Fevery, Johan. See Zaman, Zahur<br />

Fist, Jean; Gosling, James P.; Soliman, Hany;<br />

Galons, Herve; Beudeu, Philippe; Aubin,<br />

Philippe; Belanger, Main; Villette,<br />

Jean-Marie; Julien, Rene; Breault,<br />

Jean-Louis; Burthier, Jean-Michel; Morineau,<br />

Gilles; Halnak,<br />

Patrick(hirsutism<br />

Akram Al; Vexiau,<br />

and acne), 2296<br />

Filosa, S.; Martini, G.(hemolytic anemia,<br />

genetics), 2342<br />

Findling, James W. See Raff, Hershel<br />

Finneman, Hanna. See Kouri, Time<br />

Fisher, Richard. See Panigrahi, Kalpana<br />

Fitzgerald, Robert<br />

letter), 953<br />

L.(pyndinium excretion,<br />

-; Rexin, Douglas<br />

A.(benzodiazepine,<br />

A.; Hereld, David<br />

lAs), 373<br />

Flavetta, Sophie. See Brailly, Herv#{233}<br />

Fledelius, Christian. See Bonde, Martin; See<br />

Rosenquist,<br />

Flores-Polanco,<br />

Christian<br />

Francisco J. See<br />

Dieguez-Lucena, Jos#{233} Luis<br />

Flourie, Franqoise. See Beaudeux, Jean-Louis<br />

Fodor, S.PA See Cronin, M. T.; See Sheldon, E.<br />

L.<br />

-; Huang, Xiaohua C.; Lipshutz, Robert<br />

J.(oligonucleotides, sequence anal.), 653<br />

Fong, Fenton. See Schreiber, William E.<br />

Fontaine, Claude. See Carriere,<br />

ForsstrOm, Jari J. See GrSnroos,<br />

Dominique<br />

Juha M.; See<br />

Taimela, Eeva<br />

Forte, Elaine. See Wu, Alan H. B.<br />

Fortin,<br />

Fertina,<br />

John. See Bronstein, Irena<br />

P. See Kadushin, J.<br />

Foseati, Piero; Ponti, Maunizie-, Passoni,<br />

Gianfranco; Tarenghi, Giordane; dEn,<br />

VicoMelzi; Prencipe, Lorenzo(creatinine,<br />

Gian<br />

enzyme mess.), 130<br />

Fottrell, Patrick F. See McGuinness,<br />

J.; See O’Rorke, Anne<br />

Bernard<br />

Fox, Irwin S. See Kabadi, Udaya M.<br />

France, Necia C.; Holland, Patrick T.; Wallace,<br />

Martin R.(exalate, renal die.), 1544<br />

Franoeschelli,<br />

Emanuela<br />

Francesco. See Calabresi,<br />

Franck, Francis. See Bemedta, Paul<br />

Franks, Lutz; Nugel, Elsa; Decks,<br />

Welf-Dietnch; Porstmann, Tomas(CD4/CD8,<br />

ELISA), 38<br />

Franks, Felix(lipoprotein(a) recovery, letter),<br />

502<br />

Fraser, Callum G.(biel. variation),<br />

-; See Petersen, Per Hyltoft<br />

1671<br />

Fraser, William D. See Squire, Christine it<br />

2346 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 40, No. 12, 1994<br />

Frattali, Anne L.; Wolf, Bryan<br />

A.(amhydroglucitol, diabetes screening), 1991<br />

Freemantle, Jan; Freemantle, Michael J.;<br />

Badrick, Teny(ascorbate interference, letter),<br />

950<br />

Freemantle, Michael J. See Freemantle, Jan<br />

Freidt, Thielo. See Albrecht, Steffen<br />

Freier, Susan M. See Monia, Brett P.; See<br />

Sanghvi, Yogesh S.<br />

Frengen, Jomar Kierulf, Bente; Schmid, Ruth;<br />

Lindmo, Tore; Nustad, Kjell(seruns<br />

interference,<br />

Fnicker, Robert<br />

flow cytometry),<br />

F.(Ektachem,<br />

420<br />

myeloma, letter),<br />

167<br />

Friedman, Kenneth J. See Tsongalis, Gregory J.<br />

Frith, R. Gordon. See Phillipou, George<br />

Fritsch, Christine. See Gramlich, Terry<br />

Frohlich, Jiri J. See Dobiatovd, Milada<br />

L.<br />

Frontani,<br />

Fruchart,<br />

M. See Martinazzo, G.<br />

Jean-Charles. See Mezdour, Hafld<br />

Fuchs, Dietmar. See Schennach, Harold<br />

Fudge, Andrew; Rumbelow, Brad; Peake,<br />

Michael(Cl electrodes, letter), 1985<br />

Fuentes-Arderiu, Xavier. See Riviera-Coil,<br />

Antonio<br />

Fujii, Youichi; Ikeda, Yukari;<br />

Mitsuru(digoxin, antiserum,<br />

Yamazaki,<br />

letter), 172<br />

Fujita, Tuyosi; Hamasaki, Hozumi; Furukata,<br />

Chizuru; Nonobe, Masatsuga(Fe, enzyme<br />

assay), 763<br />

Fukahori, Kentarou. See Tanabe,<br />

Fukuda, Jun; Yagishita, Saburou;<br />

Toshlo<br />

Yamaoka,<br />

Keiko; Hanihara, Tokiji; Kushida, Kazuyoahi;<br />

Murayama, Hitoshi(CK, bone tumor), 2064<br />

Fukumura, Yukihito; Tajima, Shigeru;<br />

Oshitani, Setsuko; Ushijima, Yoshie;<br />

Kobayashi, lsao; Hare, Fukima; Yamamote,<br />

Shigekazu; Yabuuchi,<br />

Masahike(anhydroglucitol, enzymatic<br />

method), 2013<br />

Fuller, David. See Rifai, Nader<br />

Fung, John. See Mercer, Donald<br />

Fung, Steven. See Brinen, Eleanor<br />

Furukata, Chizuru. See Fujita, Thyosi<br />

Gaikwad, Abaji. See P#{233}rez-Bendito, Dolores<br />

Gaillard, Olivier; Meillet, Domini , Gervais,<br />

Anne; Belattre, Jacques; Galli, Jeanne;<br />

Schuller, Edmond(Lp(a)), letter), 1975<br />

Gallagher, Dan; Muthini, Sylvester, Loreen,<br />

Erick, Nelson, Paul(FISH anal.), 2336<br />

Gallart, Adele. See Mas, Ernesto A.<br />

Galli, Jeanne. See Gaillard, Olivier<br />

Gallimore, J. Ruth; See Wilkins, Julie<br />

Gaflou, Gidas; Guilhem, Isabelle; Poirier,<br />

Jean-Yves; Ruelland,<br />

Cloarec, Lise(ferritin,<br />

Annie; Legras, Brigitte;<br />

diabetes, letter), 947<br />

Galons, Herve. See Fiet, Jean<br />

Gdlovd, Eva. See Mrflz, Jaroslav<br />

Galvin,<br />

Gansler,<br />

Margaret. See Zareh, All<br />

Ted. See Gramlich, Terry L.<br />

Gao, Mm. See Faux, Stephen P.<br />

Garcia-Villaneva, Javier. See Dieguez-Lucena,<br />

Jos#{233} Luis<br />

Gardu#{241}o, F. See Billyard, E. B.<br />

Garg, Uttam. See Teal, Michael Y.<br />

Garric, Isahelle; Boulay, Daniel; Laure,<br />

Francoise; Babin, Fabienne(HIV, PCR), 654<br />

Garside, William T. See Knicks, Larry J.<br />

Gasnin-Roche, Neus. See Mora-Brugu#{233}s,<br />

Josefina<br />

Gast, Birgit. See Reinsberg, Joachen<br />

Gatautis, Vytenis J. See Jacobsen, Donald W.<br />

Gault, M. H.(drug metabolites), 1863<br />

Gaur, Vinod P. See Marcovina, Santica<br />

Geijo, Sofia A. See Vents, Rafael<br />

M.<br />

Gelfi, Cecilia; Righetti,<br />

Valenia; Cremonesi,<br />

Pier Giergio; Brancolini,<br />

Laura; Ferrari,<br />

Maurizio(cystic<br />

1603<br />

fibrosis mutation, letter),<br />

Gelmini, Stefania. See Sestini, Roberta<br />

Gentalen, E. See Cronin, M. T.; See Sheldon, E.<br />

L.<br />

George, Jay(fluorescence in situ), 653<br />

Genie, Erik A. M.; Sevens,<br />

Claude(catechelamines, pheochromocytoma),<br />

250<br />

Genvais, Anne. See Gaillard, Olivier<br />

Getts, Robert; Tian, Nian; Grayzel, Joseph;<br />

Nilsen, Thor(dendritic DNA), 2340<br />

Ghwarsha, K. See Sheriff, D. S.<br />

Giacca, Mauro. See Sestini, Roberta<br />

Gibson, DanieL See Tang, Mary<br />

Gibson, K. Michael. See Bennett, Michael<br />

Giesbrecht, Esther. See Verpee, Zn)<br />

J.<br />

Gilfillan, Anisette; Axton, Richard; Brock,<br />

David J. H.(cystic fibrosis, screening), 197<br />

Gillesberger, Flonian. See Hoermann, Rudolf<br />

Giner, Armando. See Moreno, Luis A.<br />

Glickman, Janice. See Zweig, Mark H.<br />

Godsell, Paul. See Katz, Ian<br />

Goiffon, Virginia. See Balasubramaniam,<br />

P.<br />

Rajiv<br />

Gold, Eric; Vladutin, Mrian(T4-binding<br />

globulin deficiency, letter), 2323<br />

Goldbard, S. B.; Zarowitz, M. A.; Baldwin, P.;<br />

Ravkin, I.; Saunders, A.(RBC enrichment),<br />

2339<br />

Goldbergen, Bruce; Caplan, Yale H.(abused<br />

drug detect., letter), 1605<br />

Goldstein, David E.; Little, Randie R.;<br />

Wiedmeyer, Hsiao-Mei; England, Jack D.;<br />

Rohlflng,<br />

testing),<br />

Curt<br />

1637<br />

L.; Wilke, Althea L.(GHb<br />

Gdmez, Isabell. See Venegas, Alejandro<br />

Gdmez-Hens,<br />

Dolores<br />

Agustina. See P#{233}rez-Bendito,<br />

Gonthier,<br />

Gonzales,<br />

Catherine. See Blumfield, Marta<br />

F. B.; Watson, M.; Shen, N.; Castle,<br />

M.; Avina,<br />

Longiaru,<br />

T.; Miyano, M.; Talbo,<br />

M.(HBV detect.), 2338<br />

L; Hall, C.;<br />

Gonz#{225}lez-Sastre, Franoesc. See Mora-Brugues,<br />

Josefina<br />

Gooesens, Philip. See Mass, Michael<br />

Gordon, William H. See Nuttall, Kern L.<br />

Garnet, Terrie G. See Wu, Alan H. B.<br />

Gosling, James P. See Fiet, Jean; See O’Rorke,<br />

Anne<br />

Goes, Paul. See Baptists, Jose A.<br />

Gramlich, Terry L.; Ganslen, Ted; Fritsch,<br />

Christine; Shear, Stephanya; Thten, Thomas;<br />

Sgoutas, Demetrios(PCR, epidenmal growth<br />

factor), 661<br />

Grandjean, Philippe; Wethe, Pal; Nielsen,<br />

Jespen Bo(Hg, neonate), 1395<br />

-; Brown, Stanley S.; Reavey, Phil; Young,<br />

Donald S.(biomarkers), 1360<br />

Grasai, Jacques. See Brailly. Herv#{233}<br />

Graves, Steven W. See Doolittle, Marc H.; See<br />

Tao, Qing-Feng<br />

-; Naomi, Shojiro; Williams, Gordon H.;<br />

Hollenbeng, Norman K(digitoxin, letter),<br />

1977<br />

Gray, I. Peter. See Cheyenne, Dither<br />

Grayzel, Joseph. See Getts, Robert; See Nilaen,<br />

T.; See Vogelbacker, Helen<br />

Graziani, Maria Stella; Zanolla, Luisa; Righetti,<br />

Gabriella; Marchetti, Cnistina; Zanetto,<br />

Gabriele; Lupo, Antonio(lipoproteins, CU and<br />

CHi peptides), 240<br />

Graziano, Joseph H.(Pb exposure diag.), 1387<br />

Gnazioli, Vitterio. See Alfano, Maasimo<br />

Greely, Carolyn. See Oprandy, John J.<br />

Green, Anthony; Helveston, Nijele M.; Prior,<br />

Garance M.; Douglas, Karen E.; Lewis,<br />

Richard C.; Wunner, William H.; Thompson,<br />

John A.(drug purification), 23C5<br />

Green, Ralph. See Jacobsen, Donald W.<br />

Green, SoL See Wu, Alan H. B.<br />

Greenberg, Charles S.; Hursting, Marcie J.;<br />

Macik, B. Gail; Octal, Thomas L.; Kane,<br />

William H.; Moore, Bryant M.(prethrombin),<br />

1962<br />

Gregor, Jaroslav. See Melichar, Bohuslav<br />

Gregory, Linda C.; Duh, Show-Hong<br />

Christenson, Robert H.(chelesterol), 579<br />

Grenoble, Brian K. See Keshgegian, Albert A.<br />

Griffey, Richard. See Sanghvi, Yogesh S.<br />

Grody, Wayne W. (qual. assurance, molecular<br />

technol. cm. labs.), 647<br />

Grogan, James. See Joshi, Pratibha<br />

Grfinroos, Juha M.; Forsstrfim, Jan J.; Irjala,<br />

Kerttu; Nevalainen, Time J.(phospholipase,<br />

CRP, appendicitis), 1757<br />

Gros, Pierre. See Carriers, Dominique<br />

Gross, Mary. See Shaw, Norman<br />

Groil, Werner. See Siekmeier, Rudiger<br />

Groskreutz, Debyrah J. See Balasubramnisim,<br />

Rajiv P.<br />

Grosse, W. Michael. See McGraw, Royal A.<br />

Grossman, Paul. See Brinson, Eleanor<br />

Grossman, Robert. See Luehrsen, Ken<br />

Groth, Torgny. Seede Verdier, Carl-Henric

Grubb, Anders. See Kyhse-Andersen, Jan<br />

Grzybowski,<br />

Gudibande,<br />

John.<br />

Satya.<br />

See Rae, M. Vaman<br />

See Kenten, John H.<br />

Guerin, Macoslo E. See Pastini, Ana C.<br />

Guerrero, Rosa. See Diego, Eva Maria<br />

Gui, Tong. See Nishimura, Chihiro<br />

Diaz<br />

Guilbault, George G. See Canter, Robert M.<br />

Guilhein, Isabelle. See Gallou, Gildas<br />

Guneral, Feza; Bachmann, Claude(ref. values,<br />

age related),<br />

Gunter, Elaine<br />

862<br />

W. See Sampson, Eric J.; See<br />

Sowell, Anne L.<br />

Guo,Qiu. See Kallenbach, Neville R.<br />

Gupta, Rem N.; Dziurdzy, Stan A.(sertraline<br />

monitoring; letter), 498<br />

Haaa, Brigitte. See Schwarz, Signid<br />

Haddow, James B. See Ledue, Thomas B.<br />

-; Knight, George J.; Palomaki, Glenn E.;<br />

Neveux, Louis M.; Chilmonczyk, Barbara<br />

A.(creatinine mess., cotinine), 562<br />

Haff, Lawrence(PCR,<br />

electrochemiluminescence), 657<br />

Hafner, Gerd; Thome-Kromer, Birgit; Schaube,<br />

Johannes; Kupferwasaer, hi; Ehrenthal,<br />

Wolfram; Cummin, Peter; Prellwjtz,<br />

Winfried; Michel, Gerd(troponin, letter), 1790<br />

Hagberg; Kersten; Helmberg,<br />

Lars(oligonucleotide synthesis), 655<br />

Hagmar, Lars. See Skerfving, Staffan<br />

Haiby, Suzanne I. See Kasdan, Harvey<br />

Hauler, Andrea. See Hflbl, Wolfgang<br />

Hajdusich, Peter. See Hubl, Wolfgang<br />

L.<br />

Haira, Amiya K. See Jones, Karen M.<br />

Hall, C. See Gonzales, F. R.<br />

Hall, Susan L. See Farley, John R.<br />

Halnak, Aknain Al. See Fiet, Jean<br />

HRnwls. YoJL See Nishimura, Chihiro<br />

Hamasaki, Hozunu. See Fujita, Thyosi<br />

Hamilton,<br />

Hamilton,<br />

George. See Bneimer, Lana H.<br />

Robert G.(clin. immunolo, in<br />

future), 2186<br />

Han, Qing. See Liu, Xizhen<br />

Handley, R. S. See Akhavan-Taft, H.<br />

Hanig, Eric. See Tsou, Dean<br />

Hanihara, Tokiji. See Fukuda, Jun<br />

Hanna, Naeem. See Reddy, M.P.<br />

Hannon, W. Harry.<br />

See Mei, Joanne<br />

See Marcovina,<br />

V.; See Sampson,<br />

Santica M.;<br />

Eric J.<br />

H#{233}nseler, Edgar; Keller, Bernhard; Keller,<br />

Herbert(PSA, variance), 2048<br />

Hansen,<br />

Hanson,<br />

}lnnasmenn,<br />

Steen Honor#{233}. See Baelum, Jesper<br />

Naomi Q. See Tsai, Michael Y.<br />

Fniednich. See Vogt, Wolfgang<br />

Hare, Fukima. See Fukumura, Yukihito<br />

Haraikawa, Makato. See Tsuji, Tetsuo<br />

Harchali, Asmae Alami; Montages, Paul; Ruf,<br />

Jean; Cuilli#{232}re, Marie Louise; Bena, Marie<br />

Christine; Faure, Gilbert; Duheilie,<br />

Jean(thynoid penexidase autoAbs), 442<br />

Harbern, Ulrika. See Xie, Bin<br />

Harris, M. R.; Harvey, B. M.; Simmends,<br />

Cunningbsm, M. W.(chemilum.), 2342<br />

A. C.;<br />

HArtter, Sebastian. See Rao, Marie<br />

Harvey,<br />

Harvey,<br />

B. M. See Harris, M. R.<br />

James A. See Weng, Ronald J.<br />

Harvey, Michael A. See Bush, Christopher N.<br />

Harvey, Richard C.; Hirose, Minoru; Miller,<br />

Julia(CML diag.), 2338<br />

Hastka, Jan; Lasserre, Jean-Jacques;<br />

Schwarzbeck, Andreas; Hehlmann,<br />

Rudiger(Zn protoporphynin), 768<br />

Hautala, T.; Pousi, B.; Heikkinen, J.; Pajunen,<br />

L; Kivirikko, K. I.; Myllyli, R.(Ehlers-Danlos<br />

syndrome, PCR), 657<br />

Hawkins, Philip N. See Wilkins, Julie<br />

Hayashi, Kyeze. See Takei, Yoshifumi<br />

H#{233}bert, Benoit. See Campiene-Piccardo, Jos#{233}<br />

Hedstr#{246}m, Johan; Leinonen, Jan; Sainio, yeas;<br />

Stenman, Ulf.H#{233}kan(tnypsin.2), 1761<br />

Heerachap, Arend. See Wevers, Ron A.<br />

Meeter, Carol. See Swanson, J. Robert<br />

Hehlm*nn, Rudiger. See Hastka, Jan<br />

Heikkinen, J. See Hautala, T.<br />

Heinzow, Birger G. J.; McLean, Allan<br />

(assessing exposure to pollution), 1368<br />

fielder, J. See Huseon, W. R.<br />

Heller, Michael J. SeeTh, Eugene<br />

Helveston, Nijole M. See Green, Anthony<br />

Hempe, James M.; Craven, Randali D.(Hb<br />

variants), 2288<br />

Henderson, A. Ralph; Stank, Judith A.;<br />

McQueen, Matthew J.; Patten, Robert L.;<br />

Krishnan, Subs; Wood, Donald<br />

Sharon(CK-2 detn.), 177<br />

B.; Webb,<br />

Henderson, Eric(atomic fence microscopy), 653<br />

Henderson, L. Oman. See Marcovina,<br />

M.; See Mei, Joanne V.<br />

Santica<br />

Hensley, Max(cDNA<br />

Herbert, Jean Marc.<br />

patenting),<br />

See Mile,<br />

644<br />

Blandine<br />

Hering, Franz. See Knorle, Rainer<br />

Hern#{225}ndez, Ampano. See Rieds, Carmen<br />

Hernandes, Luis. See Kallenbach, Neville B.<br />

Harold, David A. See Aarwal, Suresh K.; See<br />

Fitzgerald, Robert L.<br />

Heyen, D. L See Lloyd, M. A.<br />

Heyner, Susan. See Knicks, Larry J.<br />

Hickman, Peter. See Dimeski, Goce<br />

Hider, Robert C. See Laidler, Paul<br />

Hiemke, Christoph. See Rae, Marie; See Seiler,<br />

Walthen<br />

Hill, Craig S. See Farley, John R.<br />

Hill, Dennis. See Wu, Alan H. B.<br />

Hill, Robert H. See Sampson, Eric J.<br />

Hillsgrove, Mary. See Cene, Edward J.<br />

Hines, J. See Tinoco, I.Jr.<br />

Hirose, Minoru. See Harvey, Richard C.<br />

Hjemdahl, Paul. See Lafolie, Pierre<br />

Hjerpe, Anders. See Dejmek, Annika<br />

Ho, Linda. See Terry, George<br />

Hoerinsnn, Rudolf; Berger, Peter, Spoettl,<br />

Gerald; Gillesbergen, Florian; Kardana,<br />

Anclrew(hCG in testicular cancer), 2306<br />

Heff.J#{248}ngensen, Rikke. See Rasmussen, Snen<br />

R.<br />

Hoffmann, GeorgE. See Vogt, Wolfgang<br />

Holinsky, Jan. See Roberts, William L.<br />

Hollaar, Leny. See Van den Broek, Andr#{233} J. C.<br />

M.<br />

Holland, Patrick T. See France, Necia C.<br />

Hollenberg, Norman K See Graves, Steven W.;<br />

See Tao, Qing-Feng<br />

Helmberg, Lans. See Hagberg, Kersten Holmes,<br />

Earl W.; Kahn, Stephen B.; Molnar, Peter A.;<br />

Bermes, Edward W., Jn.(ref. range, sampling<br />

technique), 2216<br />

Holmes, Martin R. See Colbert, David L.<br />

Holt, David W. See Hossein.Nia, Mojgan<br />

Holtzman, Neil A.(genetic technologies,<br />

regulation), 1652<br />

Hong, Mi Soak. See Choi, Young Ho<br />

Hopkins, Paul N. See Wu, Lily L.<br />

Hontin, Glen L See Landt, Michael<br />

-; Landt, Michael; Powderly, William G.(HW,<br />

amino acids), 785<br />

-; Summerfield, Anita L; Wilhite, Timothy R.;<br />

Smith, Carl H.; Branum, Earl L.; O’Brien,<br />

John F.; Lands, Micbael(amylase, ELISA),<br />

2254<br />

Honvat, Milena. See Liang, Lian<br />

Honvitz, H. Robert. See Rosen, Daniel B.<br />

Hoshiko, Tomonori. See Sanghvi, Yogesh S.<br />

Hosokawa, Toehiaki See Mitsuhahi, Masato<br />

Hossein-Nia, Mojgan; Kallis, Penny; Brown,<br />

Patrick A.; Chester, Michael R.; Kaski, Juan<br />

C.; Murday, Andrew J.; Treasure, Tom; Molt,<br />

David W.(CK, heart disease), 1265<br />

Hotta, Nigishi. See Nishimura, Chihiro<br />

Houdijk, Alexander. See Teerlink, Tom<br />

Houssiau, Frederic. See Brailly, Herv#{233}<br />

Howard, Mniann J. See Woodward, Daniel L.<br />

Howard, Barbara V. See Kataoka, Shinkuro<br />

Howie, Peter. See Lyall, Helen<br />

Hrelia, Patrizia; Vigagni, Fernands; Maffei,<br />

Franceeca; Paolini, Moreno; Mesirca, Renata;<br />

Pozzetti, Laura; Cantelli-Forti,<br />

Giongio(biemarkers, fungicides), 1460<br />

Mu, Zhihong. See Liu, Xizhen<br />

Huang, CaroL See McNamara, Judith B.<br />

Huang, G. See Chang, Wang Z.<br />

Huang, Xiaohua C. See Fodor, Stephen P. A.;<br />

See Sheldon, E. L.<br />

Hubbel, E. See Cnonin, M. P.; See Sheldon, E.<br />

L<br />

Hubbe, Linda M. See Armbruster, David A.<br />

Hubl, Wolfgang; Wejbora, Roja,<br />

Shafti-Keramat, Ingnict,Haider, Andrea;<br />

Hajdusich, Peter, Bayer, Peter<br />

Michael(electnolytes, enzyme vs ion-selective<br />

electrode), 1528<br />

Huestis, Marilyn A.; Mitchell, John M.; Cone,<br />

Edward J.(cannabinoid IA cutoff), 729<br />

Huff, Daniel L. See Sowell, Anne L.<br />

Huijgen, Henk J. See van ingen, Huub B.<br />

Hums, Robert. See Lyall, Helen<br />

Hunt, Steven C. See Wu, Lily L.<br />

Hunter, Susan V. See Klosinski, Deanna D.<br />

Hursting, Marcie J. See Greenberg, Charles S.<br />

Husson, W. R.; Whitcomb, J.; Penuel. F.;<br />

Petropoulos, C.; Helder, J.(PCR, direct<br />

sequencing, DMSO), 663<br />

Hyndman, David. See Momiyama, Nobuyoshi<br />

Ide, Ken-ichi. See Sate, Haruo<br />

Iglesias, Sengio R. See Pastini, Ana C.<br />

llceda, Masayuki(chem. exposure), 1444<br />

Ikeda, Yukani. See Fuji, Youichi<br />

laces, DanieL See Farley, Jehn R.<br />

lies, Ray K. See Neven, Patrick<br />

Imagawa, Keiichi. See Tsuji, Tetsuo<br />

Impraim, C. C. See Long, C. M.<br />

Inganas, S. See Eniksson, Andell Y.<br />

Ingersoll-Streubos, Ann Marie. See Wu, Alan<br />

H. B.<br />

Inouye, Ken. See Tsuji, Tetsuo<br />

lovannisci, David M. See Brinsen, Eleanor<br />

lijala, Kerttu. See Grdnrooe, Julia M.; See<br />

Matinlauri, Irma; See Punnonen, Ken; See<br />

Taimela, Revs<br />

Iron, Albert. See Richard, Pascale<br />

Irving, John. See Rowland, Barbara J.<br />

Ishiguro, T. See Saitoh, J.<br />

Ishikawa,<br />

Isemura,<br />

Taiichi. See Nishimura,<br />

Mitsuo; Ueno, Masayoshi;<br />

Chihiro<br />

Shimada,<br />

Kazuya; Kogaki, Hiroyuki; Ashihars,<br />

Yoehihiro(EIA), 1830<br />

Israelsen, Ned A.(gene patentability),<br />

Isselbacher, Kurt J. See Aoki, Yoichi<br />

640<br />

Ito, Shosuke. See Wakamatsu, Kazumssa<br />

Itokawa, Yoshinori. See Matsuda, Akihiko<br />

Iwasaki, S. See Saitoh, J.<br />

Iyen, B. P.; Yu, D.; Agrawal, S.(l’S<br />

oligonucleotides), 2335<br />

klan, Camille. See Cefalu, William T.<br />

Izumi, Masakazu; Maekawa, Masato; Kanne,<br />

Takashi(cholinestersse variant, letter), 1606<br />

Jackson, William G. See Schwertner, Harvey A.<br />

Jacebe, Mary B. See Carter, Robert M.<br />

Jacobsen, Donald W.; Gatautis, Vytenis J.;<br />

Green,<br />

Susan<br />

Ralph; Robinson, Killian; Seven,<br />

R.; Secic, Michelle; Ji, Ji; Otto, Joanne<br />

M.; Taylor, Lloyd M. Jr.(HPLC<br />

homocysteine), 873<br />

Jaffe, Allan S. See Mama, Jesse<br />

Jakob, Gabi;<br />

Karl-Paul;<br />

Zwierzina,<br />

Main, Johannes; Vorderwinkler,<br />

Judmaier, Gerd; Konig, Paul;<br />

Heinz; Pickier, Max; Puschendorf,<br />

Bernd(cGMP, heart failure), 96<br />

Jakobsen, Johannes. See Bech, Einar<br />

Jakobeson, Karl.Erik. See Lindstedt, Gdran<br />

Jamani, Azim. See Schreiber, William E.<br />

James, Brent C. See Wu, Lily L.<br />

James, J. See Tineco, I. Jr.<br />

James, Stephen K See Phillipou, George<br />

Jensen, Aline. See Carriers, Dominique<br />

Janus, Edward D. See Ma, Oliver C. K<br />

Jarrels, Milford C. See Porter, William H.<br />

Jatiow, Peter I. See Roberts, William L<br />

Jenkins, Paul L. See Reed, Roberta G.<br />

Jenner, Jennifer L See Semen, Leo J.<br />

Jenny, Richard W.(proficiency testing), 723<br />

Jezequel, Pascal. See Dorval, Ian<br />

Ji, Ji. See Jacobsen, Donald W.<br />

Ji, Xiaoying. See Kricka, Larry J.<br />

Jiang, Zhiwer. See Zhang, Ruiwen<br />

Jim#{233}nez, Caries Victor. See Rices, Carmen<br />

Johnson, A. Myron. See Whicher, John T.<br />

Johnson, Clifford L. See Bachonik, Paul S.<br />

Johnston, Joseph F. See Moths, Brett<br />

Jolley, Nicola L.; Bacarese-Hamilton,<br />

CEA, PSA, SRi assays), 895<br />

P.<br />

Tito(AFP,<br />

Jonas, V.; Alden, M.; Kamisango, K.; Knott,<br />

A.; Lankford, R.; Longiaru, M.(M.<br />

tuberculosis, gene probe), 650<br />

Jones, G. Wendell; Ashwood, Edward<br />

R.(phosphatidylglycerol mess., fetal), 518<br />

Jones, Karen M.; Hujra, Amiya<br />

K(dihydroxyaoetone P04 acyltransferase,<br />

letter),946<br />

C.<br />

Jones, Richard G. See Masters,<br />

Jongsma, Henk W. See Nijland,<br />

Paul W.<br />

Roel<br />

Joseph, Russell T. See Kahn, Stephen E.<br />

Joshi, Pratibha; Grogan, James; Themae,<br />

Keith(oligonucleotide inhibitors), 2336<br />

CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 40, No. 12, 1994 2347

Joven, Jorge. See Matas, Carme; See Sim#{243},<br />

Josep Maria<br />

Judmaier, Gerd. See Jakob, Gabi<br />

Juilland, Robert. See Carriers, Dominique<br />

Julien, Rene. See Fist, Jean<br />

Juntunen-<strong>Back</strong>man, Kaisu. See Sonva, Antti<br />

Jusko, William J. See D’Ambnosie, Robin<br />

Juva, Kale. See Kouni, Time<br />

Kaantinen, Vase. See Mononen, llkka<br />

Kabadi, Udaya M.; Fex Irwin S.; Cook,<br />

Priaciila(T4, Abbott TDx, letter), 337<br />

Kaduahin, J.; Schisselbauer, J.; Wu, L.;<br />

Pickanski, M.; Rappaport, B.; Fortins,<br />

P.(mutation detect.), 2340<br />

Kaehlen, Ted(nanotechnology), 1797<br />

Kahn, Stephen E. See Holmes, Earl W.<br />

-; Labbe, Robert F.; Pfadenhauer, Ernest H.;<br />

Kanonchoff A. Dee; Joseph, Russell T.(apo,<br />

immunoturbidimetry), 1722<br />

Kairisto, Veli. See Kouri, Timo<br />

Kaiita, Mitsuharu. See Niwa, Toshimitsu<br />

Kallenbacb, Neville R.; Zhong, Miii; Rashes,<br />

Michael S.; Hernandez, Luis; Lu, Miii; Guo,<br />

Qiu(DNA drug binding), 646<br />

Kallis, Panny. See Hossein-Nia, Mijgan<br />

Kaisheker, Noor. See Wynne-Jones, Karen<br />

Kamisango, K See Jonas, V.<br />

Kane, Macian M. See O’Ronke, Anne<br />

Kane, William H. See Greenberg, Charles S.<br />

Kang, Jemo. See Choi, Young He<br />

Kang, Roger J. See Choi, Young Ho<br />

Kanno, Takashi. See Izumi, Masakazu; See<br />

Sudo, Kayoko; See Maekawa, Masato<br />

Kanonchoff, A. Dee; See Kahn, Stephen E.<br />

Kanowaki, David; Clague, Alan(LDH,<br />

glucagonoina, letter), 158<br />

Kaplan, Lawrence A.(nutrition, lab. utilization),<br />

268<br />

Kardana, Andrew. See Hoenmann, Rudolf<br />

Karhi, Kimmo K See Tisinen, Pekka<br />

Karenen, Sirkka-Liisa. See Taimela, Eeva<br />

Kasdan, Harvey L; Pelmulder, John P.;<br />

Spolter, Leonard; Levitt, Gary B.; Lincir,<br />

Mark B.; Coward, Geoff N.; Haiby, Suzanne<br />

I.; Lives, Janice; Sun, Nora C. J.; Deindoerfer,<br />

Fred H.(White IRIS analyzer), 1850<br />

Kaski, Juan C. See Hossein-Nia, Mojgan<br />

Kestelein, John J. P. See Van den Broek, Andr#{233}<br />

J. C. M.<br />

Katseka, Mikike. See Matsuda, Akihiko<br />

Kataoka, Shinkuro; Paidi, Michael; Howard,<br />

Barbara V.(apo B, isoelectric focusing), 11<br />

Katayama, Yoshiaki. See Kayamori, Yuzo<br />

Kate, Yoehio. See Tanabe, Tosbio<br />

Katz, Ian; Godeell, Paul; Wyndham,<br />

Lindsay(protein, letter), 2111<br />

Kaufmann, William K. See Tsongalis, Gregory<br />

J-<br />

Kavoussi, Richard J. See Coocaro, Emil F.<br />

Kayamori, Yuzo; Katayama, Yoshiaki(Ca,<br />

a-amylase), 781<br />

Keatung, A. See Sooknnmin, B.<br />

Keely, Enun J.; Faiman, Charles(unine<br />

prolactin), 2017<br />

Keith, Elizabeth S. See Rowland, Barbara J.<br />

Keller, Bernhard. See HAnseler, Edgar<br />

Keller, Charles. See Shah, Dinesh<br />

Keller, Herbert. See HAnseler, Edgar<br />

Kema, Ide P.; de Vries, Elisabeth G. B.; Slooff,<br />

Maarten J. H.; Biesms, Bonne; Muskiet, Fnits<br />

A. J.(serotonin, catechelamunes, histamine<br />

and metabolites, tumors), 86<br />

Kennedy, Hal. See Marcovina, Santica M.<br />

Kenten, John H. See Oprandy, John J.<br />

-; Link, John R.; Gudibande, Satys, Smith,<br />

Rodger (electrochemiluminescence, DNA), 658<br />

Karen, David F. See Levinson, Stanley S.<br />

Keshgegian, Albert A.; Straub, Carol W.; Loce,<br />

Emily F.; Grenoble, Brian K(rheumatoid<br />

factor, nephelometry), 943<br />

Kicman, Andrew T. See Laidler, Paul<br />

-; Cowan, David A.; Myhre, Lynn; Nilsson,<br />

Svein; Tomten, Sissel; Oftebro, Helge(steroid,<br />

meat ingestion), 2084<br />

Kienle, Mania Galli. See Magni, Fulvio<br />

Kierulf, Bente. See Frengen, Jomar<br />

Kiger, Fran D. See Cefalu, William T.<br />

Kimbrough, Renate D.(nisk factors, diem.<br />

exposure), 1448<br />

Kimura, Ken. See Sato, Hanue<br />

Kimura, Mieko. See Matsuda, Akihiko<br />

2348 CUNICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol.40, No. 12,1994<br />

King, J. Stanton(histony, cm. chem.), 2106<br />

King, Thomas H. See Bush, Christopher N.<br />

Kinter, Michael. See Aggarwal, Suresh K<br />

Kitayama, R. See Saitoh, J.<br />

Kivinikko, K. I. See Hautala, T.<br />

Klee, George G.(anal. quality specifications,<br />

letter), 671<br />

Kleerekoper, Michael. See Demers, Laurence M.<br />

Klein, Robert. See Sargent, James D.<br />

Klose, Sigmar. See Vogt, Wolfgang<br />

Klosinski, Deanna D.; Hunter, Susan V.;<br />

Farkas, Daniel H.(lab. needs), 658<br />

Klosterman, Kurt. See Shah, Dinesh<br />

Kiuft, Cornelia. See Meijer, Piet<br />

Knight, George J. See Haddow, James E.<br />

Knight, Ineke.<br />

Kn#{246}nle, Rainer,<br />

See Deneer,<br />

Schnierle,<br />

Harry G.<br />

Peter, Koch,<br />

Alexander, Buchholz, Niels-Peter, Henung,<br />

Franz; Seilen, Hans; Ackermann, Theodor,<br />

Rutishauser, Georg(Tamm-Hensfall<br />

glycoproteun), 1739<br />

Knott, C. A. See Jonas, V.<br />

Kobayashi, Akira. See Maekawa, Masato<br />

Kobayashi, Isao. See Fukumura, Yukihito<br />

Kobayashi, Masakazu. See D’Ambrosio, Robin<br />

Koch, Alexander. See Knonle, Rainer<br />

Kochen, Walter. See KohlmOller, Dirk<br />

Kogaki, Hireyuki. See Isomura, Mitsuo<br />

KohhnUller, DirIc, Kochen, Walter(acetonitnile<br />

exposure), 1462<br />

Keistinen, Hannu; Seppal#{233}, Marku; Koistinen,<br />

Riitta(growth<br />

531<br />

factor, immunofluorometry),<br />

Koistinen, Riitta. See Koistinen, Hannu<br />

Koivula, Timo. See Knurl, Tiino<br />

Kok, Wim Th. See van Ingen, Huub E.<br />

Kolatkar, Nikheel S.; Cembrowski,<br />

Callahan, Patricia L.; Etzwiler,<br />

D.(GHb testing, letter), 1608<br />

Kong, X. J. See Lanzfflo, J. J.<br />

George<br />

Donnell<br />

S.;<br />

Korng, Paul. See Jakob, Gabi<br />

Kone, Masao. See Tsuji, Tetsuo<br />

Kopetzki, Erhard; Lehnert, Klaus; Buckel,<br />

Peter(diagnostic enzymes), 688<br />

Kopp, David W.; Sansieri, Carol A.; Muffin,<br />

Theodore E.(quality control, letter), 2117<br />

Kora, Ibrahim. See Mezdour, Hafld<br />

Kornreich, Ruth. See Leon, Jorge A.<br />

Korones, Sheldon B. See Stevenson,<br />

See Vreman, Hendrik J.<br />

David K;<br />

Koeki, R. Kent. See Singh, Pratap<br />

Koskinen, Pentti. See Matinlauri, Irma; See<br />

Taimela, Eeva<br />

Koudelka-Hep, Milena. See Arquint, Philippe<br />

Knurl, Richard E. See Ruano, Gualberto<br />

Knurl, Timo; Kairisto, Veli; Virtanen, Aija;<br />

Uusipaikka, Esa; Rajamfiki, Allan;<br />

Fmnneman, Manna; Juva, Kale; Koivula,<br />

Timo; NAntd, Veikko(ref. intervals,<br />

hospitalized patients), 2209<br />

Kowal, Robert. See Yue, Vincent<br />

Koyashiki, Yoshthisa. See Tanabe, Toshio<br />

Knaemen, Michaela. See Rae, Marie<br />

Knatochvil, J. See Marshall, Ron L.<br />

Knepinsky, Jiri J. See Baptista, Jose A.<br />

Knees, Barry C. See Panigrahi,<br />

Knicka, Larry J.; See Wildung,<br />

Kalpana<br />

Peter<br />

-<br />

-;<br />

-;<br />

(IA reliability), 347<br />

Ji, Xiaoying, Nozaki, Osamu; Heyner,<br />

Susan; Garside, William T.; Wilding,<br />

Peten(sperm testing), 1823<br />

Ji, Xiaoying( hydrazides,<br />

chemilumunescence), 1828<br />

Krishnan, Subs. See Henderson, A. Ralph<br />

Knoll, Martin H.; Elm, Ronald J.(lab.<br />

anal.interferences), 1996<br />

-; Cheslen, Ruth(HDL cholesterol detn.),<br />

Kronenbergen, Hartmut. See Siekmeier,<br />

R#{252}diger<br />

389<br />

Krouwer, Jan S. See Schlain, Brian<br />

Kumsr, V. See Aleman-Gomez, J.<br />

Kundu, Sourav’, Sio, Reynaldo; Mitu, Angela;<br />

Ostgnand, Roy(platelets), 1827<br />

Kupferwasser, Iri. See Hafner, Gend<br />

Kurobe, Masaynki. See Takei, Yoshifumi<br />

Kushida, Kazuyoshi. See Fukuda, Jun<br />

Kutay, Fatma. See Tanyal#{231}ln, Tijen<br />

Kutti, Jack. See Lundstedt, Conan<br />

Kwock, Richard. See Avramis,<br />

Kwok, D-P. See Chang, Wang<br />

Vassilios<br />

Z.<br />

I.<br />

Kyhse-Andersen, Jan; Schmidt, Camilla;<br />

Nordin, Gunnar; Andersson, Britta;<br />

Nilsson-Ehle, Peter; LindstrSm, Veronica;<br />

Grubb, Anders(cystatin<br />

Kyle, Robert A.(monodonal<br />

2154<br />

C), 1921<br />

gammopathies),<br />

La Ville, Agnes. See Maths, Carme<br />

Labbe, Robert F. See Kahn, Stephen E.<br />

Ladenson,<br />

Detlef<br />

Jack. See Mams, Jesse; See Ritten,<br />

Laffler, T. See Marshall, Ron L.<br />

Lafolie, Pierre; Beck, Olof; Rjemdahl, Paul;<br />

Borg, Stefan(cannabinoid and creatinine<br />

relationship, letter), 170<br />

Lai, Chi-Kong, Lam,<br />

Yan-Wo(porphyria,<br />

Ching-Wan;<br />

chrematog.),<br />

Chan,<br />

2026<br />

Laidler, Paul;<br />

C.; Kicman,<br />

Cowan,<br />

Andrew<br />

David A.; Hider,<br />

T.(hCG, sports<br />

Robert<br />

medicine), 1306<br />

Laios, loannia. See Wu, Alan H. B.<br />

Laitinen, Kalevi. See Sorva, Antti<br />

Lam, Ching-Wan. See Lai, CM-Kong<br />

Lam, Karen S. L. See Ma, Oliver C. K<br />

Lamb, Edmund J.; Noonan,<br />

Jacky M.(TSH, Immulite,<br />

Khatoon A.; Burnin,<br />

letter), 1598<br />

Lambert, Willy<br />

Landt, MichaeL<br />

E. See Meyer, Evelyne<br />

See Hortun, Glen L.; See<br />

-;<br />

WiThite,<br />

Hortin,<br />

Timothy R.; See Wong, Edward C. C.<br />

Glen L.; Smith, Carl H.; McClellan,<br />

Mrain; Scott, Mitchell G.(Ca interference,<br />

heparin), 565<br />

Landt, Yvonne. See Mama, Jesse<br />

Lane, MichaeL See Cloney, Lynn<br />

Lange, LG. See Aleman-Gomez, J.<br />

Lange,<br />

1735<br />

Malta; M#{225}lyusz, Miklde(hydnexyproline),<br />

Langeslag,<br />

Langman,<br />

Paul. See Steen, Gerard<br />

Loralie J.; Leichtman, Alan B.;<br />

Weitzel, William F.; Yatscoff, Randall<br />

W.(CsG, renal transplant), 613<br />

Lankford,<br />

Lanzillo,<br />

R. See Jonas, V.<br />

J. J.; Kong, X. J.; Fanburg, B. L.(PCR,<br />

angiotensin), 658<br />

Laprode, MichaeL See Carnere, Dominique<br />

Larsen,<br />

Larsen,<br />

Fred.<br />

Mette<br />

See Datta, Pradip<br />

B. See Rasmussen, S#{248}ren R.<br />

Larson, Gamy P. See Avnamis, Vassilioe<br />

Lame, Catherine. See Main, Johannes<br />

I.<br />

Lasagni, Laura. See Calabresi, Emanuela<br />

Lasserre, Jean-Jacques. See Hastka, Jan<br />

Latinne, Dominique. See Lho#{235}et, Georges J. J.<br />

Laudat, Antoine. See Cheyenne, Dither<br />

Laura, Fnancoise. See Garric, Isabelle<br />

Laurent, Alex. See Lho#{235}et, Georges J. J.<br />

Lauwerys, Robert R.; Bernard, Alfred M.; Reels,<br />

Harry A.; Buchet, Jean- Pierre(Cd, kidney<br />

markers), 1391<br />

Law, Terence. See Rifai, Nader<br />

Lawlor, R. See Carlson, J.<br />

Lawson, George M.(abused drugs, quantn.),<br />

1218; See Nichols, James H.<br />

Laxdal, Victor. See Ooi, Daylily S.<br />

Ldzaro, Aurora. See Moreno, Luis A.<br />

La Gall, Jean Yves. See Dorval, Ian<br />

La Treut, Andre. See Dorval, Ian<br />

La, Xiao-Chun; Cullen, William B.; Reimen,<br />

Kenneth J.(As,<br />

Leery, Elizabeth<br />

R.<br />

shrimp), 617<br />

Teng. See McNamara, Judith<br />

Leblanc, Henv#{233}. See Cheyenne, Dither<br />

Ledue, Thomas B.; Craig, Wendy Y.; Ritchie,<br />

Robert F.; Haddow, James E.(Fe status,<br />

letter), 1345<br />

Lee, Cheng CM;Wehnert, Manfred; Yazdani,<br />

All; Zhao, Zhaoyang, Xiong, Mengli; Caskey,<br />

C. Thomas(cloning chromosome-specific<br />

cDNAs), 637<br />

Lee, Helen H.(LCx system), 650<br />

-; See Ahravaya, Klara<br />

Lee, J. See Nilsen, T.<br />

Lee, J. C. See Aeki, Yoichi<br />

Lee, Kyung N.; Csako, Gyorr; Bennhandt,<br />

Patricia; Elm, Ronald J.(CK isoenzymes),<br />

1278<br />

Lee, Martin J.; Crook, Tom; Noel, Chris;<br />

L.evinson, Uta M.(lipid extn.), 2230<br />

Lee, Norman D.(Bio-Science, history), 149<br />

Leflar, Charles. See Patterson, Wayne<br />

Legras, Brigitte. See Gallou, Gildas<br />

Lehnert, Gerhard. See Rauscher, Dankwart<br />

Lehnert, Klaus. See Kopetzki, Erhard<br />

Leibowitz, Michael J. See Zhu, Tianmin

Leichtman, Alan B. See Langman, Loralie J.<br />

Leinonen, Jan. See HedstrOm, Johan<br />

Lemons, James A. See Stevenson, David K; See<br />

Vreman, Hendrik J.<br />

Lenon, Robert H.; Watson, David G.(Li, manic<br />

depression), 309<br />

Lentjes, Eef G. W. M. See Beyer, Cornelis<br />

Leon, Jorge A.; Konnreich, Ruth; Snyder,<br />

Scott(DNA-based assays), 648<br />

Lenique, Brice; Moulin, Bruno; Delpero, Claude;<br />

Fungus, Rajsingh; Olmer, Michel; Boyer,<br />

Jean(apo E, kidney dis., letter), 849<br />

Leroux-Roels, Geert. See Verhasselt, Bruno<br />

Lesnik, Elena A. See Monia, Brett P.<br />

Leung, Fred Ying. See Bradley, Cohn<br />

Leaven, Jan A. Gevens. See Zhao, Shui-Ping<br />

Levine, Daniel M.; Parker, Thomas S.; Sloan,<br />

Betty-Jane; Ribary, Evelyne(lipoprotein<br />

quanta., letter), 1602<br />

Levinson, Stanley S.; Karen, David F.(Igs, light<br />

chaimes), 1869<br />

Levinsom, Uta M. See Lee, Martin J.<br />

Levitt, Gary B. See Kasdan, Harvey L.<br />

Levy, Leonard S. See Faux, Stephen P.<br />

Lewis, Barry. See Watts, Gerald F.<br />

Lewis, Charles<br />

Abbott TDx,<br />

A. Jr.; Clanisse,<br />

letter), 338<br />

Diana(T4,<br />

Lewia, Richard C. See Green, Anthony<br />

Lho#{235}st, Georges J. J., Maton, Nicole; Latinne,<br />

Dominique; Laurent, Alex; Venbeeck, Roger<br />

K(Iiver, 15-desmethyl FK-506), 740<br />

Li, Kong M.; Wilcken, David B. L.; Dudman,<br />

Nicholas P.B.(LDL cholesterol), 571<br />

Li, Steven S.-L. See Maekawa, Masato; See<br />

Sudo, Kayoko<br />

Liang, Lien; Bloom, Nicolas S.; Honvat,<br />

Mi.lena(Hg,GC/CVAFS), 602<br />

Libby, Jeffrey M. See Baxter, Gregory T.<br />

Libeer, J. C. See Petersen, P. Hyltoft<br />

-; Cooneman, Wa1ter Theunis, Lieve(urea<br />

recovery, Ektachem, letter), 494<br />

Lieber, Charles S. See Bosnian, Alan S.<br />

Liebich, Hantmut M. See Wahl, Hans GUnther<br />

Liebl, Franz. See Vogt, Wolfgang<br />

Lightfoot, D. R. See Lloyd, M. A.<br />

Limbrocker, Mark See Swanson, J. Robert<br />

Limburg, Pieter C. See Gallimore, J. Ruth<br />

Lin, Spencer H. See Singh, Pratap<br />

Linari, Franco. See Petrarulo, Michele<br />

Lincir, Mark R. See Kasdan, Harvey L.<br />

Lincoln, Kim. See Doolittle, Marc H.<br />

Linden, Mark W. See Wagoner, Ronald B.<br />

-; Valdee, Roland Jr.(Emit interference,<br />

aspirin), 1512<br />

Lindmo, Tore. See Frengen, Jomar<br />

Lindstedt, Gdran; Lundberg, Per-Anne; Nonrby,<br />

Anders; Kutti, Jack, Andersen, Oluf<br />

Jakobeson, Karl-Enik, Nordborg, Claes;<br />

Bengtsson, Bengt- Ake(polycythemia), 2093<br />

LindstrOm, Veronica. See Kyhae-Andersen, Jan<br />

Link, John B. See Kenten, John H.<br />

Lippman, D.; SkIer, M.; Dana, R.; Saghbini,<br />

M.(plasmid DNA), 2341<br />

Lips, Paul. See Sips, Mnienne J. A. M.<br />

Lipehutz, R. See Sheldon, E. L.<br />

Lipehutz, Robert J. See Fodon, Stephen P. A.<br />

Little, Randie R. See Goldstein, David E.<br />

Liu, B. See Wang, R.<br />

Liu, Xizhen; Su, Benli; Yin, Feng, Han, Qing,<br />

Hu, Zhihong(Sr, hair,letter), 2324<br />

Lives, Janice. See Kasdan, Harvey L.<br />

Lloyd, M. A.; Heyen, D. L.; Lightfoot, D.<br />

R.(leukemia, gone rearrangement), 658<br />

La, Shyh-Chyi; Tsai, Ken-Sung(cneatinine,<br />

interference, letter), 2326<br />

Lcbban, P. See Cronin, M. T.<br />

Lobban, P. E. See Sheldon, E. L.<br />

Lodge-Rigal, R. Daniel. See Tsongalis, Gregory<br />

J.<br />

Lohmamn, Laurence. See Cheyenne, Dither<br />

Long, C. M., Spector, S. A.; Impraim, C.<br />

C.(CMV, PCR), 659<br />

Long, Zhifeng. See Lu, Patrick Lu<br />

Longiaru, M. See Gonzales, F. B.; See Jonas, V.<br />

Laos, Emily F. See Keshgegian, Albert A.<br />

Lopez-Ortln, Canlos. See Venta, Rafael<br />

Loreen, Erick. See Gallagher, Dam<br />

Lonscheider, Fritz L. See Winfleld, Stewart A.<br />

Loss, Martin. See Winkler, Michael<br />

Lott, John A. See Ramdolf-Habecker, Julie<br />

Louno, M. Olga; Thtor, J. Canloe(Zn<br />

pnotoponphynim, fluorometric), 369<br />

Lourtie,<br />

2342<br />

Pierre; Barnacle, Jos#{233}( virus detect.),<br />

Lovejoy, Kathleen L. See Bachonik,<br />

Levitt, Shelly A. See Smith, Jeffrey<br />

Paul S.<br />

W.<br />

Lowenstein, William. See Marie, Bernadette<br />

Lay, Reinhard S. See Bush, Christopher N.<br />

Lu, Mum.See Kallenbach, Neville R.<br />

Lu, Patrick Y.; Yei, Soonpin; Long, Zhifeng,<br />

Wilmott, Robert W.; Whitsett, Jeffiey A.;<br />

Trapnell, Bruce(CFFR gene, RS-PCR), 2340<br />

Lu, Zhihong. See Zhang, Ruiwen<br />

Lubrano, Glenn J. See Carter, Robert M.<br />

Luehrsen, Ken; Grossman, Robert; Aoyagi,<br />

Kazuko; Mayrand, Eric(PCR), 2341<br />

Lui, P. ‘F. See Papp, A. C.<br />

Luke#{233}, Jitf. See Melichar, Bohuslav<br />

Luley, Claus. See Schwarz, Sigrid<br />

Lundberg, Pen-Anne. See Fagerberg, Bjorn; See<br />

Lindstedt, Conan<br />

Luning, Bjdrn(polypeptide antigen, letter), 1607<br />

Lupo, Antonio. See Graziani, Maria Stelia<br />

Lyall, Helen; Burchell, Ann; Howie, Peter,<br />

Ogston, Simon; Hume, Robert( metabolic<br />

abnorrnalties, preterm infants), 526<br />

Lydisrd, R. Bruce(cholecystokinin, anxiety), 315<br />

Lykidis, Athanssioe; Mougios, Vassilis;<br />

Arzoglou, Pantelis(lipase, pancreas), 2053<br />

Ma, Oliver C. K; Bourke, Cathy; Janus,<br />

Edward D.; Chan, L C.; Lam, Karen S.<br />

L.(fibninogen & factor VII), 656<br />

Macera, Myrlene. See Patterson, Wayne<br />

Macfarlane, K See Rae, M. Vaman<br />

Macla, Magda. See RicOe, Carmen<br />

Macik, B. Gail. See Greenberg, Charles S.<br />

Maclean, John. See Rae, M. Vaman<br />

MacMullen, S-Y. See Chang, Wang Z.<br />

Maekawa, Masato. See Izumi, Masakazu; See<br />

Sudo, Kayoko<br />

-; Kanno, Takashi; Li, Steven S,-L; Akizuki,<br />

Setsuko; Magara, Taedo(LDH deficiency),<br />

1567<br />

-; Sudo, Kayoko; Kobayashi, Akira; Sugiyama,<br />

Eiichi; Li, Steven S.-L.; Kanno, Takaahi(LDH<br />

variants), 665<br />

Mass, Michael; Scharpd, Simon; De Meester,<br />

Imgrid; Gooesens, Philip; Wauters, Annick;<br />

Neels, Hugo; Venkerk, Robert; Do Meyer,<br />

Franz; D’Hondt, Peter; Pesters, Dirk; Schotte,<br />

Chris; Cosyns, Paul(biol. variation,<br />

peptidase), 1686<br />

Maffei, Francesca. See Hrelia, Patnizia<br />

Maftouh, Mohammed. See Mile, Blandine<br />

Magara, Taedo. See Sudo, Kayeko<br />

Magic, Sue. See Shaw, Norman<br />

Magid, Erik. See Cooper, Gerald K<br />

Magni, Fulvio; Paroni, Rita; Bonini, Pierangelo;<br />

Kienle, Marzia Galli(gluceee, letter), 1978<br />

Magny, Eric. See Beaudeum, Jean-Louis<br />

Maher, J. A. See White, H. W.<br />

Mahoney, John J. See Wong, Ronald J.<br />

Main, Johanmes. See Jakob, Gabi<br />

-; Lamue, Catherine; Maim, Peter; Balogh,<br />

Doris; Calzolsni, Charles; Puschendorf,<br />

Bernd(cardiac troponin I), 2066<br />

Main, Peter. See Maim, Johannes<br />

Mak, Tak W.(T cell ontogeny and activn.), 2128<br />

Malek, L. See Soeknanan, R.<br />

Malhotna, Deepak. See Thompson, William C.<br />

Malinow, M. R.; Stampfer, M. J.(homocysteine,<br />

heart dis.), 857<br />

Malkus, Herbert. See Roberts, William L<br />

Malone, Jill G. See Bennett, Michael J.<br />

Malone, Robert W. See Balasubramaniam,<br />

Rajiv P.; See Bennett, Michael J.<br />

Malyusz, Mikl#{243}e. See Lange, Maltes<br />

Mamet, Rivka. See Schoenfeld, Nil<br />

Mandalia, Sundhiya. See Watts, Gerald F.<br />

Manji, Husseini K See Potter, William Z.<br />

Maramgella, Martino. See Petranulo, Michele<br />

Marcel, Yves L. See Mezdour, Hafid<br />

Manchetti, Cnistina. See Graziani, Maria Stella<br />

Marcolimi, S. See Msrtinazzo, G.<br />

Marcovina, Santica M. See Bachonik, Paul S.;<br />

See Mel, Jeanne V.<br />

-; Albers, John J.; Kennedy, Hal; Mei, Joanne<br />

V.; Henderson, L. Oman; Hanmon, W.<br />

Harry(IFCC, apolipoproteins), 586<br />

-; Gaur, Vinod P.; Albers, John J.(variability,<br />

cholesterol, Lp(a), 574<br />

Marie, Bernadette; Cals, Manie-Joeephe; Do<br />

Jaeger, Chnistophe; Lowenstein, William;<br />

Durand, Herv#{233}; Ekindjian, Ohvanesse G.(Fe,<br />

elderly), 1779<br />

Mani#{233}n, Godelieve. See Zaman, Zahur<br />

Manino, Igmazio R. See Mercer, Donald<br />

Marlowe, Cherith. See Cloney, Lynn<br />

Marqui,<br />

Romay<br />

Cario Pascual. See Penebad, Cheyla<br />

Marshall, Ron L.; Laffler, ‘F.; Cerney, M.;<br />

Sustachek, J.; Knatochvil, J.; Morgan,<br />

Ron(HW, I-ICV, ligase chain reaction), 659<br />

M#{233}rtennsson, Gunner. See Dejmek, Annika<br />

Martin, Chris S. See Bronstein, Irena<br />

Martin, R. Bruce. See #{244}hman, Lars-Olaf<br />

Mantinazzo, G.; Bichi, K; Frontani, M.;<br />

Mancolimi, S.; Pelliccia, A.; Russo, G.;<br />

Turchetti, F.(C-TRAK, BCR-ABL detect.), 658<br />

-; Bichi, R.; Marcolini, S.; Pelliccia, A.; Russo,<br />

G.; Turchetti, E.(C-TRAK, chromosomal<br />

translocation), 657<br />

Martinez, M. T. See Venegas, Alejandro<br />

Martini, G. See Filosa, S.<br />

M#{228}rz, Wimfried. See Siekmeier, Rudigen<br />

Mae, Ernesto A.; Bedimi, Jos#{233} L.; Carmona,<br />

Framcesc; Caranach, Vicen#{231}; Gallant, Adela;<br />

Ballesta, Antonio M.(pregnsmcy test,<br />

transplantation), 943<br />

Masama, Lluis. See Maths, Carme<br />

Masini,<br />

Masino,<br />

Silvano. See Zucchelli, Guan Carlo<br />

C. G. See Sheldon, E. L.<br />

Masino, B. See Cronin, M. T.<br />

Mason, Howard J.; Wheeler, James P.; Purba,<br />

Jaspal S.; Wright, Michael D.; Wright,<br />

Anne(liven exposure to solvents), 1464<br />

Massey, Tatyana. See McNamara, Judith R.<br />

Masters, Paul W.; Jones, Richard G.; Purvea,<br />

Donald A.; Cooper, Edward H.; Cooney, John<br />

M.(osteocalcin assay), 358<br />

Masuda, Hideauke. See Tsuji, Tetsuo<br />

Matas, Came; Cabr#{233}, Maria; La Vile, Agnes;<br />

Prats, Eduard; Joven, Jorge; Turner, Peter B.;<br />

Masana, Lluis; Camps, Jordi(LDL, estm.), 404<br />

Matinlauri, Irma; Eskola, Jarkko U.; Aelto,<br />

Maija; Koskinen, Pertti; hale, Kerttu(renin,<br />

immunofluorornetry), 74<br />

Maton, Nicole. See Lho#{233}st, Georges J. J.<br />

Matson, Robert S. See Rampal, Jang B.<br />

Matason, Per. See Patterson, Wayne<br />

Matsuda, Akihiko; Kimura, Mieko; Takeda,<br />

Takahisa; Kataoka, Miluk , Sato, Makoto;<br />

Itokawa, Yoehinori(Mn, blood cells), 829<br />

Matsumoto, Kojiro. See Takahashi, Mamoru<br />

Matsunaga, Hironami. See Oka, Takanoni<br />

Matsuo, Nobutake. See Takahashi, Mamoru<br />

Matteucci, M. D.(oligonucleotide, gene<br />

regulation), 645<br />

Mayersbach, Peter. See Schenmach, Harold<br />

-; Augustin, Roman; Schennach, Harald;<br />

SchOnitzer, Diether, Werner, Ernst B.;<br />

Wachter, Hehmut; Reibnegger,<br />

Gilbent(neopterin, ELISA), 265<br />

Mayfield-Stokes, Stephanie. See Wu, Alan H. B.<br />

Mayrand, Eric. See Luehrsen, Ken<br />

McBride, John A. See Wentworth, Sylvia<br />

McCarthy, Deborah M. See Wong, Edith Y.<br />

McClellan, Adrain. See Landt, Michael<br />

McClelland, Michael; Ralph, David; Welsh,<br />

John(RNA fingerprinting), 2337<br />

MeCollum, Christie. See Andrus, Alex<br />

McCraw, Joan M. See Ashley, David L.<br />

McGall, G. See Sheldon, E. L.<br />

McGraw, Royal A.; Groese, W. Michael; Baxter,<br />

Susan M.(DNA synthesizer), 659<br />

McGuinness, Bernard J.; Power, Michael J.;<br />

Fottrell, Patrick F.(2- hydroxyestrone, RIA),<br />

80<br />

McKenna-Yasek, Diane. See Rosen, Daniel R.<br />

McI.eam, Allan; See Heinzow, Birger G. J.<br />

McManus, Julie F.; Begley, C. Glen; Ratnaike,<br />

Sujiva(porphyria), 1884<br />

McNamara, Judith B. See Semen, Leo J.<br />

-; Huang, Carol; Massey, Tatyana; Leery,<br />

Elizabeth Teng, Wamnick, G. Russell; Rubins,<br />

Henna B.; Robins, Sander J.; Schaefer, Ernst<br />

J.(cholesterol, sample handling), 233<br />

McNevin, John. See Cloney, Lynn<br />

McPhail, Aithea H. See Tsongalis, Gregory J.<br />

McQueen, Matthew J. See Henderson, A. Ralph<br />

McRae, Ryan. See Rampal, Jang B.<br />

Mecklenburg, Michael. See Xie, Bin<br />

CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 40, No. 12, 1994 2349

Meguenmi, Said. See Blumfield, Marta<br />

Mehta, Pankaj D. See Pirttila, Tuula<br />

Mei, Joanne V. See Maroovina, Santica M.<br />

-; Powell, Mary K.; Henderson, L Oman;<br />

Smith, S. Jay; Cooper, Gerald B.; Marcovina,<br />

Santica M.; Hannon, W. Harry(apo B<br />

stability), 716<br />

Meijer, Piet; Pellet, Dirk E.; Wauters, Jan;<br />

Kiuft, Comnelis(plasminogem activator<br />

inhibitor, Innoteet PAl-i), 110<br />

Meillet, Dominique. See Gaiflard, Olivier<br />

Meltes, Samuel(about F. William Sundermann<br />

Sr.), 841<br />

Mononen, Taija. See Mononen, Ilkka<br />

Montague, Paul. See Harchali, Asmae Alami<br />

Monteith, Claudia. See Douglas, Allan S.<br />

Montero-Juliam, Felix A. See Brailly, Henv#{233}<br />

Moore, Bryant M. See Greenberg, Charles S.<br />

Moore, Edwin G. See Wilkins, Julie<br />

Mona-Bnugu#{233}s, Josefina; Gascfln-Roche, Neus;<br />

Rodriguez-Espinosa, Jos#{233}; Cort#{233}a- Rius,<br />

Maniane; Gonz#{225}lez-Sastre, Francesc(Ciba<br />

ACS: 180 evaln.), 407<br />

Morel, Fran#{231}oise. See Stasis, Marie-Jos#{233}<br />

Morel-Females, Arlette. See Stasia, Manie,Jos#{233}<br />

Morell-Ocafia, Miguel. See Dieguez-Lucena,<br />

Nghiem, Mai. See Baptiste, Jose A.<br />

Nichols, James H.; Charlson, Joel B.; Lawson,<br />

George M.(fluoxetine, HPLC), 1312<br />

Nichols, Ronald Lee. See Smith, Jefiley W.<br />

Nielsen, Jesper Bo. See Gnamdjeam, Philippe<br />

Nielsen, Per Sabro; Autrup, Herman(diesel<br />

exhaust, DNA adducts), 1456<br />

Nijland, Reel; Ringnalda, Biny; Jongsma, Henk<br />

W.; Oesburg, Berend; Zijlstra, Willem G.(02<br />

saturation), 1971<br />

Nilaen, ‘F.; Lee, J.; Morgenstern, B.; Grayzel,<br />

J.(dendrimers), 660<br />

Nilsen, Thor. See Getts, Robert; See<br />

Melander,<br />

Melichar,<br />

Todd. See Patterson, Wayne<br />

Bohuslav, Gregor, Jaroslav;<br />

Jos#{233} Luis<br />

Moreno, Luis A.; Saris, Antonio; Mum,<br />

Vogelbacker,<br />

Nilsson, Svein.<br />

Helen<br />

See Kicman, Andrew ‘F.<br />

Solichov#{225}, Dagmar, Luke4, Jiti; Tich, Milo#{233};<br />

Pidrman, Vladimlr(neopterin, heart dis.,<br />

letter), 338<br />

Mendia, Shanthi; Sobotka, Paul A.; Euler,<br />

Mercedes; L#{225}zaro, Aurora; Rode, Leonor,<br />

Giner, Armando; Bueno, Manuel(bilirubin,<br />

letter), 1791<br />

Morgan, Kevin. See Wynne-Jones, Karen<br />

Nilsson-Ehle, Peter. See Kyhse-Andersen, Jan<br />

Nishiinura, Chihiro; Hamada, Yoji; Tachikawa,<br />

Tomokazu; Ishikawa, Taiichi; Gui, Tong;<br />

Tsubouchi, Jim; Hotta, Nigiahi; Tanimoto,<br />

David E.(breath anal.), 1485<br />

Morgan, Ron. See Marshall, Ron L<br />

Tsuyoshi; Urakami, Teizi(EIA, aldose<br />

Mercer, Donald,<br />

R.; Demetnis,<br />

Tang, Mary; Marine,<br />

Anthony, Fung, John;<br />

Ignazie<br />

Stanzl,<br />

Morgenatemn, B. See Nilsen, T.<br />

Morimeau, GiBes. See Fiet, Jean<br />

reductase), 889<br />

Niwa, Toshimitsu; Dewald, Leo; Sane, Jun;<br />

Thomas; Warty, Vijay(ALP, liven<br />

Morris, M. S. See Cronin, M. ‘F.; See Sheldon, E. Miyazaki, Takashi; Kajita,<br />

transplantation), 1335<br />

Merel, P.; Comeau, F.; Olerup, 0.; Dupin,<br />

Pigeommier, V.; Deetrebecq, R.; Vezon,<br />

G.(biorobotics, liLA), 659<br />

Mesirca, Renata. See Hnelia, Patrizia<br />

Mettimg, Harm J. See Volmer, Marcel<br />

Mets, L See Bansal, A.<br />

B.;<br />

L.<br />

Morrison, Sandra B. See ‘Flats, Norbert W.<br />

Morrow, Frank D. See Sokoll, Lori J.<br />

Monvan, Fran#{231}ois. See Sanghvi, Yogesh S.<br />

Moehkin, Alexy V.(bilirubin interference,<br />

letter), 1600<br />

Moetarda, llania. See Castaldo, Giuseppe<br />

Mitsuharu(anhydroglucitol quantn., liq.<br />

chromatog./mass spectrometry), 260<br />

Nix Barry J. See Bishop, Jamine C.<br />

Noel, Chris. See Lee, Martin J.<br />

Nohoy#{225}, Hana. See Mini, Jaroslav A.<br />

Nonobe, Masatsuga. See Fujits, Thyosi<br />

Noonan, Khatoon A. See Lamb, Edmund J.<br />

Meyer, Evelyne; Lambert, Willy E.; Be<br />

Mougios, Vassilis. See Lykidis, Athamasios<br />

Nonbert, ‘F. See Eniksson, Andell Y.<br />

Leenheer, Andr#{233} P.(netimol, HPLC),<br />

Mezdoum, Hafld Kora, Ibrahim; Parra,<br />

48<br />

Henri J.;<br />

Moulin, Brumo.<br />

Mr#{225}z, Jaroslav,<br />

See Lemique, Bnice<br />

Gdlov#{225}, Eva; Nohov#{233}, Hana;<br />

Nordborg, Class.<br />

Nordin, Gunman.<br />

See Lindstedt, Gdran<br />

See Kyhse-Andersen, Jan<br />

Tatan, Andr#{233}; Marcel, Yvee L; Fruchart,<br />

Jeen-Cbanlee(EIA, cholasteryl ester transfer<br />

Vftkov#{225}, Dana(hexame exposure), 1466<br />

Muetterties, Andrew. See Yue, Vincent<br />

Nornby,<br />

Nozaki,<br />

Anders.<br />

Osamu.<br />

See Lindstedt, Gonan<br />

See Knicks, Larry J.<br />

protein), 593<br />

Michel, Gerd. See Hafner, Gerd<br />

Muldoom,<br />

Muflaart,<br />

Sharon. See Abnavaya,<br />

B. See Vijg, J.<br />

Kiara<br />

Nugel, Elsa. See Franke, Lutz<br />

Numomuna, K See Billyand, E. B.<br />

Muffin, Theodore E. See Kopp, David W.<br />

Mikami, H. See Saitoh, J.<br />

Mikati, Mobamad. See Rifai, Nader<br />

MikhAilidis, Dimitni P. See Breimen, Lens H.<br />

Mullah, K. Bashsr Vinayak, Ravi; Andrus,<br />

Alex(oligonucleotide, automation), 659<br />

MOllen, Bernd(lab. management), 1658<br />

MUller, Hildegard. See Sailer, Walther<br />

Nustad, Kjell. See Frengen, Jomar<br />

Nuttall, Kern L; Gordon, William H.; Ash,<br />

Owen(breast implants, letter), 1787<br />

Nuutila, Pixjo. See Taimela, Eeva<br />

K.<br />

Miller, Thomas.<br />

Mills, Blandine;<br />

See Davidson,<br />

Condaminee,<br />

D. Fraser<br />

Olivier Herbert,<br />

Mun, Mercedes.<br />

Murao, Sawao.<br />

See Moreno, Luis A.<br />

See Takahashi, Mamoru<br />

Nycz, Colleen M. See Walker, 0. Tenrance<br />

O’Brien, John F. See Hortin, Glen L.<br />

Jean Marc; Maftouh, Mohamed, Picard,<br />

Murashchik, Catherine. See Bannon, Desmond, O’Rorke, Anne; Kane, Manian M.; Gosling,<br />

Claudine; Dussoesoy, Danielle; Pau,<br />

James P.; Talon, Donald F.; Fottrell, Patrick<br />

Bemnard(IA, recombinant hirudin), 734<br />

Miller, Barbara B. See Fanley, John R.<br />

Miller, Dayton T. See Sampson, Eric J.<br />

Miller, James J.; Straub, Rudolph W., Jr.;<br />

Valdee, Roland, Jn.(digoxim), 1898<br />

Miller, Julia. See Harvey, Richard C.<br />

Miller, Paul D. See Panignahi, Kalpana<br />

Murashige, Kate H.(patentability etds.), 641<br />

Murayama, Hitoshi. See Fukuda, Jun<br />

Murday, Andrew J. See Hossein-Nia, Mojgan<br />

Murone, Michelangelo. See Alfano, Massimo<br />

Muskiet, Fnits A. J. See Kema, Ido P.; See<br />

Weykamp, Cas W.<br />

Muthini, Sylvester. See Avramis, Vassilios I.;<br />

F.(saliva progesterone, EIA), 454<br />

#{248}dum, Lens. See Raabo, Egil<br />

Oesburg, Berend. See Nijland, Reel<br />

Oftebro, Helge. See Kicman, Andrew ‘F.<br />

Ogston, Simon. See Lyall, Helen<br />

Oh, William. See Stevenson, David K; See<br />

Vreman, Hendnik J.<br />

Miller,<br />

Miller,<br />

Mine,<br />

Ralph. See Wong, Edward C. C.<br />

W. Greg. See Chinchilhi, Vernon<br />

David B.(Cu mitrition), 1479<br />

M.<br />

See Gallagher, Dan; See Smith, Thomas<br />

Muzik, Anita C. See Smith, Jefiley W.<br />

Myers. Gary L. See Cooper, Gerald B.<br />

H. Ohman, Lans-0laf Martin,<br />

citrate), 598<br />

Oka, Takanori; Matsunaga,<br />

R. Bruce(Al<br />

Hironani;<br />

binding,<br />

Miloeavljevic, Dnagana. See Bausaerman, Linda Myhre, Lynn. See Kicman, Andrew ‘F.<br />

Tokumaga, Katsushi; Mitsunaga, Takeo Juji;<br />

L<br />

Myllyl#{228}, R. See Hautala, T.<br />

Yamane, Akio(HLA typing), 660<br />

Minchinela, Joana. See Ric#{244}s, Carmen<br />

Nadeau, James G. See Walker, G. Terrance<br />

-; Nakamo, Hiromi; Yamane, Akio(CFFR gene<br />

Mm, Kalem U. See Case-Green, Stephen C.<br />

-; Schram, James L.; Walker, G.<br />

detect.), 2337<br />

Misaki, Hidee. See Takahashi, Mamoru<br />

Mishalani, Suhu H.; Seliktar, Judith;<br />

Bnaumstein, Glenn D.(hCG), 1944<br />

Mitchell, John M. See Huestis, Marilyn A.<br />

Mitoma, Y. See Saitoh, J.<br />

Mitauhashi, Masato. See Memiyama, Nobuyoehi<br />

-; Cooper, Allan J.; Hosokawa, Toehiaki(iun<br />

oncogene probe), 659<br />

Mitsunago, Takeo Juji. See Oka, Takanori<br />

Terramce(multiple DNA, amplification), 660<br />

Nagabhushan, Moolky. See Bowie, Lemuel J.<br />

Nagey, David A. See Veillon, Claude<br />

Nagoshi, Toehiyuki. See Agatsuma, Shinichi<br />

Nahm, Moon H. See Bitten, Detlef<br />

Nakamura, Robert M.; Bylund, David J.(clin.<br />

immunology, changes in), 2193<br />

Nakano, Hli-omi. See Oka, Takanoni<br />

Nakayama, Toshimasa. See Anal, Tomoko<br />

Okah, Felix. See Stevenson, David K Oler,<br />

Jennifer K See Balasubramaniam, Rajiv P.<br />

Olerup, 0. See Merel, P.<br />

Olee, Karen S. Shihabi, Zakariya K.<br />

Oliva, Alexis; Armas, Hononie; Farina, Jos#{233}<br />

B.(polyethylene glycol), 1571<br />

Olmer, Michel. See Lerique, Brice<br />

Ooi, Daylily S.; Laxdal, Victor, Pronovoet,<br />

Claire(eatradiol, EIA), 147<br />

Mitu, Angela. See Kundu,<br />

Miyada, C. G. See Cnonin,<br />

E. L.<br />

Sourav<br />

M. T.; See Sheldon,<br />

NAntS, Veikko. See Kouri, Timo<br />

Nantz, Michael H. See Balasubrsmsnmm,<br />

P.; See Bennett, Michael J.<br />

Rajiv<br />

Opdam, Hans. See Baelum, Jesper<br />

Oprandy, John J.; Schutzbank, Ted; Kenten,<br />

John H.; Smith, Jonathan; Greely,<br />

Miyano, M. See Gonzales, F. R.<br />

Miyazaki, Takashi. See Niwa, Toshimitsu<br />

Mizrahi, Isaac. See Panigrahi, Kalpana<br />

Modlim, Douglas N. See Baxter, Gregory<br />

Mglhave, Lane. See Baelum, Jespen<br />

‘F.<br />

Naomi, Shojiro. See Graves, Steven W.<br />

Narurkar, Leela. See Sun, Tsieh<br />

Neargander, Lawrence. See Yue, Vincent<br />

Needham, Larry L. See Sampson, Eric J.<br />

Neels, Hugo. See Demedts, Paul; See Mess,<br />

Carolyn(H1V, electrochemiluminescence), 660<br />

Orcutt, Christopher. See Farley, John B.<br />

Oniani, Giovanmamgelo. See Castaldo, Giuseppe<br />

Orlando, Claudio. See Sestini, Roberta<br />

Orlando, Rocco. See Wu, Alan H. B.<br />

Molimane, M. See Timoco, I. Jr.<br />

Moll, Fred ifi. See Singh, Pratap<br />

Molnan, Peter A. See Holmes, Earl W.<br />

Momiyama, Nobuyoehi; Hyndman, David;<br />

Mitsuhashi, Masato(oligonucleotide drug),<br />

2339<br />

Monia, Brett. See Sanghvi, Yogesh S.<br />

-; Johnston, Joseph F.; Cummins, Lendell L.;<br />

Owens, Stephen R.; Risen, Lisa M.; Lesnik,<br />

Elena A.; Freier, Susan M.(oligonucleotides),<br />

2337<br />

Monmien, Vincent M. See Tameda, Shinji<br />

Mononen, llkka; Mononen, Taija; Ylikamgas,<br />

Michael<br />

Nelsen, Caleb P. See Craig, Wendy Y.<br />

Nelsen, Debra K. See Raff, Hershel<br />

Nelson, Paul. See Avramis, Vassilios I.; See<br />

Gallagher, Dan<br />

Nelson, Paul S. See Smith, Thomas H.<br />

Nemeroff, Charles B. See Owens, Michael J.<br />

Netelenbos, J. Coen. See Sips, Adrifinne J. A.<br />

M.<br />

Nevalainen, Timo J. See GrOnroos, Juha M.<br />

Neven, Patrick, flea, Ray K.; Canter, Paul G.;<br />

Shepherd, John H.; Chard, Tim (hCG,<br />

neoplasins), 484<br />

Ormiston, Barry. See Dimeski, Goce<br />

#{248}rntoft, Torben F. See Bech, Einan<br />

Orsulak, Paul J.(NACB Symposium,<br />

introduction), 271<br />

Ortel, Thomas L. See Greenberg, Charles S.<br />

Oshitami, Setsuko. See Fukumura, Yukihito<br />

Ostenland, C. Kirk(autoimmune dis.,<br />

monitoring), 2146<br />

Ostgaard, Roy. See Kumdu, Sourav<br />

Ostheimer, Donna. See Wu, Alan H. B.<br />

Otto, Joanne M. See Jacobsen, Donald W.<br />

Owens, Michael J.; Nemeroff, Charles<br />

B.(senotonin, depression), 288<br />

P#{246}ivi; Kaartinen, Vees,<br />

Kari(glycoeylasparaginase,<br />

Savolainen,<br />

fluoremetnic), 385<br />

Neveux,<br />

Newton,<br />

Louis M. See Haddow,<br />

H. L. See Papp, A. C.<br />

James B.<br />

Owens,<br />

Owicki,<br />

Stephen B. See Monia, Brett<br />

John C. See Baxter, Gregory<br />

P.<br />

‘F.<br />

2350 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 40, No. 12, 1994

Packard, Christopher J. See Demont, Thomas<br />

Pagani, Franca. See Panteghini, Mauro<br />

-; Panteghini,<br />

letter), 952<br />

Mauro(pyridimium excretion,<br />

Paidi, MichaeL See Kataoka, Shinkuro<br />

Pajumen,<br />

Palomaki,<br />

L. See Hautala, ‘F.<br />

Glenn E. See Haddow, James E.<br />

Panigrahi, Kalpane, Delmas, Pierre D.; Singer,<br />

Frederick, Ryan, Will; Beiss, Oscar, Fisher,<br />

Richard; Miller, Paul D.; Mizrahi, Isaac;<br />

Darte, Claude; Kress, Barry C.; Christenson,<br />

Robert H.(ALP, immunoradiometry), 822<br />

Pankopf, Steve. See d’Enil, GianVico Melzi<br />

Panteghini, Mauro(5’-nucleetidase,<br />

electrophonesis), 190; See Pagani, Franca<br />

-; Bonora,<br />

1601<br />

Robento(lipopretein quantn., letter),<br />

-; Pagani, Fnanca(troponin<br />

letter), 673<br />

‘F, heart dis.,<br />

Pao, Chia C.(fetal cells), 661<br />

Paoli, Pascal. See Carniere, Dominique<br />

Paolini, Moreno. See Hrelia, Patrizia<br />

Paolucci, Francis. See Carnere, Dominique<br />

Papile, Lu-Ann. See Stevenson,<br />

Vreman, Hendrik J.<br />

Papp, A. C.; Lui, P. ‘F.; Newton,<br />

David K.; See<br />

H. L.; Prior, ‘F.<br />

W.(p53 mutation detect.), 660<br />

Papeiderol, Lawrence D. See Dyster, Lyn M.<br />

Panes, J. Wallace. See Baxter, Gregory ‘F.<br />

Parker, Thomas S. See Levine, Daniel M.<br />

Parmley, Lee. See Wu, Alan H. B.<br />

Parolini, Danilo. See Banfl, Giuseppe<br />

Paroni, Rita. See Magmi, Fulvio<br />

Parra, Henri J. See Mezdour, Hafid<br />

Parsons, Robert. See Yue, Vincent<br />

Pascali, Enzo(Bence Jones proteins, letter),<br />

Paschal, Daniel C. See Sampson, Eric J.<br />

945<br />

Passe, Philippe. See Cheyenne, Didier<br />

Passoni,Gianfranco. See Fossati, Piero<br />

Pastini, Ama C.; Iglesias, Sergio B.; Carricarte,<br />

Valentina C.; Guerin, Marcelo E.; Sanchez;<br />

Preach, Alberto C.(Tiypanosoma cruzi), 1893<br />

Pastore, Bossana. See d’Eril, GianVico Melzi<br />

Pastoni, Stefano. See Banfi, Giuseppe<br />

Patten, Robert L. See Henderson, A. Ralph<br />

Patterson, Donald 0. See Sampson, Eric J.<br />

Patterson, Knistine Y. See Vefflon, Claude<br />

Patterson, Wayne; Wemness, Peter; Payne, Jay,<br />

Matsson, Per, Leflar, Charles; Melander,<br />

Todd; Quast, Steve; Stejskal, John; Canison,<br />

Ann; Macera, Myrlene; Schubert, F.<br />

William(lAs,<br />

Pau, Bernard.<br />

continuous-access), 2042<br />

See Carriere, Dominique; See<br />

Milie, Blandine<br />

Payne, Jay. See Patterson, Wayne<br />

Pazzagli, Mario. See Sestini, Roberta<br />

Peake, MichaeL See Fudge, Andrew<br />

Pearson, Thomas A. See Reed, Roberta G.<br />

Pedersen, Brian J.; Bonde, Martin(pnocollagen<br />

purification), 811<br />

Peel, Nicole, Al-Dehaimi, Abdulwaheci,<br />

Anthony, Russell, Graham; Eastell,<br />

Colwell,<br />

Richard(sulfasalazine interference,<br />

pynidinium linkages, letter), 167<br />

Peelen, Gijsbert 0. H.; de Jong, Jan G. N.;<br />

Wevers, Ron A.(oligosaccharides, HPLC),<br />

Pesters, Dirk. See Maes, Michael<br />

Peliccia, A. See Mantinazzo, G.<br />

Pelmulder, John P. See Kasdan, Harvey L.<br />

Penders, Theo J. See Weykamp, Cas W.<br />

914<br />

Pene, Fran#{231}oise. See Stasis, Marie-Jos#{233}<br />

Penebsd, Cheyla Romay; Conde, lleana Baluja;<br />

Marqui, Canlos Pascual(nadicalletter),<br />

2116<br />

Peng, Sham. See Sun, ‘Fsieh<br />

Penuel, F. See Husson, W. B.<br />

trapping,<br />

Pepys, Mark B. See Wilkins, Julie<br />

P#{233}rez-Bendito, Dolores; Gdmez-Hens, Agustina;<br />

Gaikwad, Abaji(FPIA, drugs), 1489<br />

Penich, Carmen. See Ric#{243}s, Carmen<br />

Peter, James B. See Bean, Pamela<br />

Peters, Natalie. See Case-Green, Stephen C.<br />

Petersen, Per Hyltoft; Fraser, Callum<br />

G.(quality control), 1865<br />

-; Fraser, C. G.; Baadenhuijsen, H.; Libeer, J.<br />

C.; Rices, Carmen(anaL quality specifications,<br />

letter), 670<br />

Petranulo, Michele; Cerelli, Eugenio;<br />

Marangella, Martino; Cosseddu, Domenico;<br />

Vitale, Corrado; Linani, Fnanco(oxalate), 2030<br />

Petropoulos, C. See Huason, W. B.<br />

Petty, Frederick(GABA, mood disorders), 296<br />

Peynet, Jacqueline. See Beaudeux, Jean-Louis<br />

Pfadenhauer, Ernest H. See Kahn, Stephen E.<br />

Pfahler, Joseph. See Wilding, Peter<br />

Pfeuffer, Mania(lipoprotein fractionation), 145<br />

Phillipou, George(GHb testing, letter), 1610<br />

-; James, Stephen K.; Fnith, B. Gordon;<br />

Famrant, Robert K; Phillips, Patrick<br />

J.(1,5-anhydro-D-glucitol), 1322<br />

-; James, Stephen K; Seaborn, Christopher J.;<br />

Phillips, Patrick J.(diabetes, smoking), 1296<br />

Phillips, Patrick J. See Phillipou, George<br />

Picard, Claudine. See Mile, Blandine<br />

Pichlen, Max. See Jakob, Gabi<br />

Pichlmayr, Rudolf. See Winkler, Michael<br />

Pickarski, M. See Kadushin, J.<br />

Pidrman, Vladimir. See Melichar, Bohuslav<br />

Pigeonnier, V. See Merel, P.<br />

Pillai, Shiv. See Aoki, Yoichi<br />

Pile, Alessandmo. See Zucchelli, Gian Carlo<br />

Pinzani, Pamela. See Sestini, Roberta<br />

Pimkle, James L. See Sampson, Eric J.<br />

Pirttila, Thula; Mehta, Pankaj D.; Wisniewski,<br />

Henry M.(Alzheimer, monoclonal<br />

gammopathies, letter), 165<br />

Plaisier, Brian. See Wu, Alan H. B.<br />

Pocock, D. See Bansal, A.<br />

Pocock, B. L. See Bansal, A.<br />

Poddevin, Bruno. See Blumfield, Marta<br />

Poiesz, Bernard J. See Dyster, Lyn M.<br />

Poinier, Jean-Yves. See Gallon, Gildas<br />

Poisson, Isabelle. See Bekkaoui, Faouzi; See<br />

Cloney, Lynn<br />

Pollet, Dirk E. See Meijer, Net<br />

Ponti, Maurizio. See Fossati, Nero<br />

Ponquet, Dominique. See Cheyenne, Didier<br />

Ponstmann, ‘Fomas. See Franks, Lutz<br />

Porter, William H.; Jarrels, Milford C.; Sun,<br />

Deborah H.(ethylene glycol, GC, letter), 850<br />

Potter, William Z.; Manji, Husseini<br />

K(catecholamines, depression), 279<br />

Poulin, Sue E. See Craig, Wendy Y.<br />

Pourfarzam, Morteza; Schaefer, Jochen;<br />

Thrnbull, Douglass M.; Bartlett,<br />

Kim(mitochondnial oxidation disorders), 2267<br />

Pousi, B. See Hautala, ‘F.<br />

Powderly, William G. See Hortin, Glen L.<br />

Powell, Mary K See Mei, Jeanne V.<br />

Powell, Susan. See Bennett, Michael J.<br />

Power, Michael J. See McGuinness, Bernard J.<br />

Pozzetti, Laura. See Hrelia, Patrizia<br />

Prats, Eduard. See Mates, Canine<br />

Prellwitz, Winfnied. See Hafner, Gerd<br />

Prencipe, Lorenzo. See Fossati, Nero<br />

Price, Lee. See Dimeski, Goce<br />

Prior, Garance M. See Green, Anthony<br />

Prior, ‘F.W. See Papp, A. C.<br />

Prockop, Darwin J. See Strydom, Corni<br />

Pronovost, Claire. See Ooi, Daylily S.<br />

Punnonen, Kani; Iriala, Kerttu; Rajamaki,<br />

Allan(transfennim receptor), 774<br />

Purba, Jaspal S. See Mason, Howard J.<br />

Purgus, Rajsingh. See Lerique, Brice<br />

Purves, Donald A. See Masters, Paul W.<br />

Puschendorf, Bernd. See Jakob, Gabi; See Maim,<br />

Johannes<br />

Puukka, Matti. See Puukka, Raija<br />

Puukka, Raija; Puukka, Matti(Hb, physician<br />

analyzer, letter), 342<br />

Quast, Steve. See Patterson, Wayne<br />

Quinn, Gregory B.; Reeves, Ian G.; Day, Ian N.<br />

M.(enolase mapping), 790<br />

Quint, J. See deMarchi, J. M.<br />

Qvist, Pen. See Bonde, Martin; See Rosenquiat,<br />

Chi-iatian<br />

Raabo, Egil; #{248}dum, Lars(whole blood, health<br />

care), 2223<br />

Raff, Hershel; Shaker, Joseph L; Nelson, Debra<br />

K; Findling, James W.(ACTH assay), 1344<br />

Raghuwanshi, Maya. See Saketos, Maria<br />

Rainey, Petnie M. See Roberts, William L.<br />

Rajamaki, Allan. See Kouni, Time; See<br />

Punnonen, Kari<br />

Rakhorst, Sylvia. See ‘Fillyer, CoIn B.<br />

Ralph, David. See McClelland, Michael<br />

Rampal, Jang B.; Coassin, Peter J.; McRae,<br />

Ryan; Rampal, Sushma;<br />

S.(oligonucleotide anal.),<br />

Matson,<br />

2337<br />

Robert<br />

Rampal, Sushma. See Rampal, Jang B.<br />

Rando1fHabecker, Julie; Lott, John A.; ‘Fesi,<br />

Raymond J.(ALP, liver alognaft), 1272<br />

Rae, M. Vaman; Macfarlane, K.(RNA<br />

synthesis), 2335<br />

-; Duckworth, Gordon; Davison, Amanda;<br />

Maclean, John; Grzybowski, John; Brown,<br />

‘Fom(oligonucleotide detect), 2335<br />

Rae, Marie, Luise; Staberock, Uta; Baumann,<br />

Pierre; Hiemke, Chnistoph; Deisten, #{194}me;<br />

Cuendet, Christelle; Ainey, Marlyse; H#{228}rtter,<br />

Sebastian; Kraemer,<br />

Michaela(antidepressant, FPIA), 929<br />

Rappaport, E. See Kadushin, J.<br />

Rashes, Michael S. See Kallenbach, Neville R.<br />

Rasmussen, Henrik B. See Rasmussen, Semen B.<br />

Rasmussen, Senen B.; Rasmussen, Hennik B.;<br />

Larsen, Mette B.; Hoff.Jnrgensen, Rikke;<br />

Cane, Emil J.(bovine<br />

200<br />

leukemia virus, PCR),<br />

Ratnaike, Sujiva. See McManus, Julie F.<br />

Rauscher, Dankwart; Lehnert, Gerhand;<br />

Angerer, Jurgen(benzene monitor), 1468<br />

Ravkin, I. See Goldbsrd, S. B. Reavey, Phil. See<br />

Grandjean, Philippe<br />

Reddy, M.P.; Hanna, Naeem; Farooqui,<br />

Findous(oligonucleotides, deprotection),<br />

Reddy, Poluru L. See Bowie, Lemuel J.<br />

-; Bowie, Lemuel J.; Beck, Kenneth<br />

R.(hypertension, a thalassemia), 2336<br />

Reed, Paul. See Abushufa, Ramadan<br />

661<br />

Reed, Roberta G.; Jenkins, Paul L.; Pearson,<br />

Thomas A.(cholesterol reporting, letter), 847<br />

Reeves, Ian G. See Quinn, Gregory B.<br />

Regale, Warren. See Zareh, All<br />

Reibnegger, Gilbert. See Mayersbach, Peter;<br />

See Schennach, Harold<br />

Reichert, Fred L. See Abramsen, Richard D.<br />

Reidenbeng, Marcus M. See Zhi-Ping, Gu<br />

Reimer, Kenneth J. See La, Xiao-Chun<br />

Reinsbemg, Joachen; Gast, Bingit(tumor marker<br />

interference, letter), 951<br />

Reiss, Oscar. See Panigrahi, Kalpana<br />

Rej, Robert(proficiency<br />

disorders, preface),<br />

testing),<br />

2127<br />

345; (immune<br />

Remade, Jos#{233}. See Lourtie, Pierre<br />

Rends, Nurten.<br />

Rend], Johann;<br />

See Siriken, Fatih<br />

Seybold, Stefan; B#{246}rner,<br />

Wilhelm(1, reversed-phase HPLC), 908<br />

Renversez, Jean-Charles. See Stasis, Marie-Jos#{233}<br />

Rexin, Douglas A. See Fitzgerald, Robert L.<br />

Reyes-Engel, Ammando. See Dieguez-Lucena,<br />

Jos#{233} Luis<br />

Reynolds, ‘F. M.; Smith,<br />

letter), 1789<br />

S. C.(Sr absorption,<br />

Ribany, Evelyne. See Levine, Daniel M.<br />

Ribi, H. See Wang, R.<br />

Rich, Michael J. See Sampson, Eric J.<br />

Richard, Pascale; Thomas, Ginette; de Zululeta,<br />

Maria Pascual; de Gennes, Jean-Luc; Thomas,<br />

Michel; Cassaigne, Andre; Ber#{233}ziat, Gilbert;<br />

Iron, Albent(apo E genotypes, PCR), 24<br />

Richards, C. S. See deMarchi, J. M.<br />

Richerson, Russell. See Shah, Dinesh<br />

Riches, Pamela. See Yentis, Steve<br />

Rices, Carmen. See Petersen, P. Hyltoft<br />

-; Jim#{233}nez,Carlos Victor; Herndndez,<br />

Simdn, Marganida; Perich, Carmen;<br />

Ampano;<br />

Alvarez,<br />

Virtudes; Minchinela,<br />

Magda(bioL variation,<br />

Joana;<br />

urine<br />

Macis,<br />

analytes), 472<br />

Riddell, D. Christie. See Cole, David B. C.<br />

Biedlinger, Isolde. See Wahl, Hans Gunther<br />

Biesen, Walter, Engler, Hanna(lipoprotein(a),<br />

thyroid function, letter), 1606<br />

Bifai, Nader Fuller, David; Law, ‘Ference;<br />

Mikati, Mohamad(felbamate), 745<br />

Righetti, Gabriella. See Graziani, Maria Stella<br />

Righetti, Pier Giorgie. See Geffi, Cecilia<br />

Bus, Bente Juel.<br />

Rings, Burghardt.<br />

See Bonde, Martin<br />

See Winkler, Michael<br />

Ringnalda, Biny. See Nijiand, Reel<br />

Rinken, Alan D. See ‘Fietz, Norbert W.<br />

Risen, Lisa M. See Monia, Brett P.<br />

Risteli, Juha. See Sorva, Antti<br />

Risteli, Leila. See Serve, Antti<br />

Ritchie, Robert F. See Craig, Wendy Y.; See<br />

Ledue, Thomas B.; See Whicher, John ‘F.<br />

Bitter, Detlef; Brown, Wayne; Nahm, Moon H.;<br />

Ladenson, Jack H.; Scott, Mitchell G.(thyroid<br />

hormone), 1940<br />

Riviera-Coll, Antonio; Fuentes-Andeniu, Xavier;<br />

DIez-Noguera, Antoni( circadian rhythm,<br />

lipids),<br />

Roberts,<br />

1549<br />

William L.; Buckley, Timothy J.;<br />

CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 40, No. 12, 1994 2351

Rainey, Petrie M.; Jatlow,<br />

(zaleitabine, RIA), 211<br />

Peter I.<br />

Sanchez;<br />

Sanders,<br />

Preach,<br />

Gerard<br />

Alberta C. See Pastini, Ana C.<br />

‘F. B. See van Ingen, Huub E.<br />

Seehafer, Julie J. See Westgard, James<br />

Segal, Sheldon. See Zhi.Ping, Gu<br />

0.<br />

-; Santos, Florie S.; Rainey, Peinie M.; Malkus, Sanghvi, Yogesh S.; Vasseur, J. J.; Cook, P. Seibert, ‘F. See Sooknanan, B.<br />

Herbert; Holinsky, Jan(Emit, anal, error,<br />

Dan(antisense oligonucleotide), 661<br />

Seidel, Dietnich. See Demont, Thomas<br />

letter), 1597<br />

Robins, Sander J. See McNamara, Judith B.<br />

Robins, Simon P.; Stead, David A.; Duncan,<br />

Alexander(pyridinoline, letter), 2322<br />

-; Bellon, Laurent; Monvan, Fran#{231}ois; Hoshiko,<br />

‘Fomonori;Swayze, Eriq Cummins, Lendell;<br />

Fader, Susan; Dean, Nicholas; Moms, Brett;<br />

Griffey, Richard; Cook, P.<br />

Seiffert, Ulirich B. See Siekmeier, Rudigen<br />

Sailer, Hans. See Kndrle, Rainen<br />

Sailer, Walther; Mullen, Huldegand; Hiemke,<br />

Christoph(lL-6), 1778<br />

Robinson, Killian. See Jacobsen, Donald<br />

Rode, Sandy. See Sargent, James D.<br />

Bode, Leonor. See Morene, Luis A.<br />

W.<br />

Dan(oligonucleotides), 2337<br />

Sans, ‘Feresa. See Sim#{243}, Josep Maria<br />

Sansieni, Carol A. See Kopp, David W.<br />

Sekino, Hiroshi. See Agatsuma, Shinchi<br />

Self CoIn H.Dessi, John L.; Winger, Larry<br />

A.(digoxin, immunometnic), 2035<br />

Rodriguez-Espinosa, Jos#{233}. See Mora-Bnugu#{233}s, Santoro, Nanette. See Saketos, Maria<br />

Seliktar, Judith. See Mishalani, Suhu H.<br />

Joeefina<br />

Santoe, Florie S. See Roberts, William L.<br />

Seth, Cesare. See Sestini, Roberta<br />

Reels, Harry A. See Lauwerys, Robert B.<br />

Rohifing, Curt L. See Goldstein, David E.<br />

Rolfe, Ronald. See Artias, Joseph D.<br />

Sapp, Peter. See Rosen, Daniel B.<br />

Sargent, James D.; Dalton, Madeline; Stukel,<br />

Therese A.; Rods, Sandy; Klein, Robert(Pb<br />

Seltzer, William K See Cole, David E. C.<br />

Seman, Leo J.; Jenner, Jennifer L.; McNamara,<br />

Judith B.; Schaefer, Ernst J.(Lp(a), quantn.),<br />

Bong, Haiqin; Tomning, Ove; SaM, Maria;<br />

contamination blood specimens, letter), 341<br />

400<br />

Sjoetedt, Ulnika; Sjaberg, Hans-Enik ; Bucht,<br />

Elisabet(calcitonin, IA), 1774<br />

Rose, Andrea M.; Valdes, Roland Jr.(Na pump),<br />

Sanitelli, Ann L. See Bausserman, Linda<br />

Sannia, Antonio. See Moreno, Luis A.<br />

Sato, Harue; Ida, Ken-ichi; Kimura,<br />

L.<br />

Sepp#{233}la, Marku. See Koistinen, Hannu<br />

Senio, Mario. See Calabresi, Emanuela<br />

Sestini, Roberta; Orlando, Claudio; Zentilin,<br />

1674<br />

Rosen, Daniel B.; Sapp, Peter; McKenna-Yasek,<br />

Ken(protoporphynins, HPLC), 1239<br />

Sate, Makoto. See Matsuda, Akihiko<br />

Lorena;<br />

Bianchi,<br />

Gelmini, Stefania; Pinzani, Pamela;<br />

Simonetta; Seth, Cesare; Giacca,<br />

Diane; Horvitz, H. Robert; Brown, Robert H. Saul, Richard G. See Singh, Pratap<br />

Mauro; Pazzagli, Mario(c-ethB-2 oncogene,<br />

Jr.(fnmiliisl<br />

Roeenquist,<br />

Ftedelius,<br />

ALS), 638<br />

Christian; Bonde,<br />

Christian; Qvist,<br />

Martin;<br />

Per(oeteocalcin,<br />

Saunders, A. See Goldbard, S. B.<br />

Savolainen, Kari. See Mononen, llkka<br />

Savon, Susan B. See Jacobsen, Donald W.<br />

PCR), 630<br />

Sevens, Claude.<br />

Sevigny, Pierre.<br />

See Genie, Enik A. M.<br />

See Bowie, Lemuel J.;<br />

ELISA), 1258<br />

Rosenthal, Philip(bilirubin, heart dis., letter),<br />

1600<br />

Rosiere, Thom. See Shaw, Norman<br />

Roeman, Alan S.; Lieber, Charles S.(alcoholic<br />

liver die.), 1641<br />

Rood, John J. See Avramis, Vassilios I.<br />

Rouquette, Anne-Marie. See Carriere,<br />

Dominique<br />

Savory, John(Al poisoning), 1477<br />

Scanu, Angelo M.(Lp(a), letter), 2115<br />

Schaap, A. P. See Akhavan-Taft, H.<br />

Schaefer, Ernst J. See McNamara, Judith B.;<br />

See Seman, Leo J.<br />

Schaefer, Herman I. M. B. See Van den Break,<br />

Andr#{233} J. C. M.<br />

Schaefer, Jochen. See Pourfarzam, Morteza<br />

Schafer, Jurgen. See Schwarz, Sigrid<br />

Eniksson, Andell Y.<br />

Seybold, Stefan. See Rendl, Johann<br />

Sgoutas, Demetrioe. See Gramlich, Terry L.<br />

Shafti-Keramat, Ingrid. See Hilbl, Wolfgang<br />

Shah, Dinesh; Chancira, Tarun; Chang, Alice;<br />

Klosterman, Kurt; Richerson, Russell; Keller,<br />

Charles(acridinium labeling), 1824<br />

-; Salbilla, Vince; Richerson, Russell; Brown,<br />

William, ffl(biotin, letter), 2112<br />

Rousselet, Fran#{231}ois. See Beaudeux, Jean-Louis Schammel, David P. See Thompson, William C. Shah, N. See Cronin, M. ‘F.<br />

Bovigatti, U.(oncogene alterations), 2341<br />

Rowland, Barbara J.; Irving, John; Keith,<br />

Elizabeth S.(dnug detect., letter), 2114<br />

Scharp#{233}, Simon. See Maes, Michael<br />

Schaube, Johannes. See Hafner, Gerd<br />

Schechtman, Kenneth. See Adams, Jesse<br />

Shah, N. A. See Sheldon, E. L.<br />

Shaker, Joseph L See Raff, Hershel Shank,<br />

David D. See Walker, G. ‘Ferrance<br />

Rozon, Camille. See Schreiber, William E.<br />

Ruano, Gualberto; Choi, Julie Y.; Kouni,<br />

Richard E.(CAS sequencing), 2339 Rubins,<br />

Hanna B. See McNamara, Judith B.<br />

Schenbonn, Elaine. See Balasubramanism,<br />

Rajiv P.<br />

Schennach, Herald. See Mayersbach, Peter<br />

-; Mayensbach, Peter; Schonitzer, Diether;<br />

Shankeran, Seethe. See Stevenson, David<br />

See Vreman, Hendnik J.<br />

Shanley, Susan. See Stewart, Michael J.<br />

Shannon, K See Billyard, E. B.<br />

K;<br />

Buddel, Mark. See Sampson,<br />

Rudert, William A.; Trucco,<br />

Maureen<br />

Massimo(HLA<br />

Fuchs, Dietmar; Wachter, Helmut;<br />

Reibneer, Gilbert(Epstein-Barn virus,<br />

Sharma, Neelam. See Saketos, Maria<br />

Shasaerne, Christina Y. See Wong, Edith Y.<br />

allele detect.), 661<br />

Buelland, Annie. See Gallou, Gildas<br />

Ruf, Jean. See Harchali, Asmae Alami<br />

Ruiz, Juan. See Cheyenne, Didier<br />

Rumbelow, Brad. See Fudge, Andrew<br />

Ruseell, Graham. See Peel, Nicole<br />

Russell, Robert M. See Sokoll, Lori J.<br />

parvovirus and neoptenin), 2104<br />

Schins, Reel P. F.; Derhaag, Thim J. J. M.; de<br />

Jong, Jan; Bast, Aalt; Borm, Paul J.<br />

A.(antioxidants, coal workers), 1470<br />

Schisselbauer, J. See Kadushin, J.<br />

Schlain, Brian; Krouwen, Jan S.(assay linearity,<br />

letter), 1785<br />

Shaw, Leslie M.; Braymen, Kenneth<br />

L.(therapeutic drug monitoring), 2207<br />

Shaw, Norman; Dintruff, Rob; Gross, Mary;<br />

Magic, Sue; Olson, Bob; Rosiere, Thom(CA<br />

125, letter), 2321<br />

Shear, Stephanya. See Gramlich, Terry L.<br />

Shearer, Gene M.; Clerici, Mario(cell-mediated<br />

Russo, G. See Martinazzo, G.<br />

Bustgi, Anil K See Aoki, Yoichi<br />

Ruth, Jerry L.(forensica, wildlife), 652<br />

Butishauser, Georg. See Knorle, Rainen<br />

Schiatten, Christian(dioxin biomarkers),<br />

Schmalz, Janet. See Wu, Anthony<br />

Schmid, Ruth. See Frengen, Jomar<br />

Schmidt, Camille. See Kyhse-Andersen,<br />

1405<br />

Jan<br />

immunity anal.), 2162<br />

Sheehan, Timothy. See Antiss, Joseph D.<br />

Sheldon, E. L.; Shah, N. A.; Barone, D.; Chee,<br />

M. S.; Edmiston, K; Gentalen, E.; Hueng, X<br />

Ryan, WilL See Panigrahi, Kalpana<br />

Ryder, ‘F.B. See Billyard, E. R.<br />

SaM,Maria. See Bong, Haiqin<br />

Schneider,<br />

Schnienle,<br />

Schoenfeld,<br />

G. See Billyard, E. R.<br />

Peter. See KnSnle, Rainen<br />

Nih; Mamet, Rivka(porphyrin data.,<br />

C.; Hubbel, E.; Lipshutz, B.; Lobban, P. B.;<br />

McGell, G.;Masino, R.; Miyada, C. G.; Morris,<br />

M. S.; Stern, D.; ‘Fripp, J.; Trulson, M.; Wespi,<br />

Sacchetti, Lucia. See Castaldo,<br />

Sacks, David B. See Benjamin,<br />

Giuseppe<br />

Richard J.<br />

ofloxacin interference), 417<br />

Schoenfelner, B. A. See Akhavan-Taft, H.<br />

R.; Winkler, J.; Yamamoto,<br />

A.(probe chips), 662<br />

M.; Fodor, S. P.<br />

Sadowski,<br />

Saghbini,<br />

James A. See Sokoll,<br />

M. See Lippman, D.<br />

Lori J.<br />

SchSnitzer, Diethen. See Mayersbach,<br />

Schennach, Harold<br />

Peter; See Shea, L. See ‘Finoco, I. Jr.<br />

Sham,N. See Gonzales, F. B.<br />

Sainio, Vase. See Hedstrom, Johan<br />

Saitoh, J.; Yawata, H.; Mitoma, Y.; Yamagishi,<br />

H.; Mikami, H.; Kitayama, B.; Iwasaki, S.;<br />

Ishiguno, ‘F.(HCV, PCR), 660<br />

Schotte, Chris. See Maes, Michael<br />

Schram, James L. See Nadeau, James G.; See<br />

Walker, G. ‘Fennance<br />

Schreiber, William E.; Fong, Fenton; Jamani,<br />

Shepherd, James. See Demont, Thomas<br />

Shepherd, John H. See Neven, Patrick<br />

Sheriff, D. S.; Fakhri, M. El; Ghwarsha,<br />

K(lipoproteins, genetics), 2313<br />

Saketos, Maria; Sharma, Neelam; Mel,<br />

‘Fovaghol; Raghuwanshi, Maya; Santoro,<br />

Nsnette(gonadotropin, immunefluenometry),<br />

749<br />

Salbills, Vince. See Shah, Dinesh<br />

Salden, liar J. M.; Bas, Bert M.(endotoxin),<br />

1575; See Steverink, Paul J. G. M.<br />

Salisbury, Sonia. See Cole, David E. C.<br />

Salvatore, Franceaco. See Castaldo, Giuseppe<br />

Sampson, Eric J. See Cooper, Gerald B.<br />

Needham, Larry L.; Pirkle, James L.;<br />

Azim(porphyria), 1744<br />

-; Rozon, Camille; Fong, Fenton; Jamani,<br />

Azim(porphobilinogen deaminase, letter),<br />

1982<br />

Schubert, F. William. See Patterson, Wayne<br />

Schuller, Edmond. See Gaillard, Olivier<br />

Schulz, Rex; Crisan, Domnita; Farkas, Daniel<br />

H.(macroglobulinemia), 2335<br />

Schuster, Herbert. See Van den Broek, Andr#{233} J.<br />

C. M.<br />

Schutzbank, ‘Fed. See Oprandy, John J.<br />

Shibata, Kezunori. See Tsuji, ‘Fetsuo<br />

Shields, Jerry A. See Abmad, Niofer Nina<br />

Shih, J. Wai-Kuo. See Chen, Ziping<br />

Shihabi, Zakariya K; Oles, Karen<br />

S.(felbamate), 1904<br />

Shimada, Kazuya. See Isomura, Mitsuo<br />

Shimauchi, Akihiko(healthcare, Japan), 1663<br />

Shoffnen, Mann A. See Wilding, Peter<br />

Shoken, Ahmed Said(hypo-, hypemnatnemic<br />

disorders), 1220<br />

Shonfeld, G. See Alemen-Gomez, J.<br />

Hannon, W. Harry; Miller, Dayton ‘F.;<br />

Patterson, Donald G.; Bernert, John ‘F.;<br />

Ashley, David L.; Hill, Robert H.; Gunten,<br />

Elaine W.; Paschal, Daniel C.; Spierto,<br />

Schwarz, Sigrid; Hess, Brigitte; Luley, Claus;<br />

Schafer, Jurgen; Steinmetz, Armin(apo A-W,<br />

immunonephelometry), 1717<br />

Schwarzbeck, Andreas. See Hastka, Jan<br />

Siekmeier, Rudiger, M#{228}rz, Winfried;<br />

Knonenbenger, Hamtmut; Seiffert, Ullmich B.;<br />

Groil, Wennen(smoking, lipids, letter), 1350<br />

Siest, Gerard. See Canalias, Francesca<br />

Francis W.; Rich, Michael J.(biomanker<br />

Schwertnen, Harvey k(bilirubin, heart die.,<br />

Silbergeld, Ellen K.; Davis, Devra<br />

development), 1376<br />

Sampson, Maureen; Ruddel, Mark, Zweig,<br />

Mark, Elm, Ronald J.(lutropin, letter), 1976<br />

-; Ruddel, Mark, Elm, Ronald J.(Li detns.),<br />

letter), 1600<br />

-; Jackson, William G.; ‘Folan, Gil(bilirubin<br />

cone., heart dis.), 18<br />

Scott, Mitchell G.(P, interference, letter), 1349;<br />

Lee(biomarkers), 1363<br />

Silverman, Lawrence M. See ‘Fsongalis, Gregory<br />

J.<br />

Silverstein, Mark, Boland, Benoit J.(lab.<br />

869<br />

Ruddel, Mark; Elm, Ronald J.(tmiglyceride<br />

detn.), 221<br />

Samson, Karen A. See Cole, David E. C.<br />

See Landt, Michael; See Bitter, Detlef<br />

Seaborn, Christopher J. See Phillipou, George<br />

Secic, Michelle. See Jacobsen, Donald W. Sedon,<br />

Frank. See Atles, Rex<br />

management), 1621<br />

Simmonds, A. C. See Harris, M. B.<br />

Sim#{233}, Josep Maria; Jeven, Jorge; Cliville,<br />

Xavier; Sans, Teresa(IA, ferritin), 625<br />

2352 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 40, No. 12, 1994

Simon, Marganida. See Rue, Carmen<br />

Simpson, Tina Y. See Smith, RusselL.<br />

Singer, Frederick. See Panigrahi, Kalpana<br />

Singh, Pratap; Moll, Fred ifi; Lie, Spencer H.;<br />

Ferzli, Charles; Yu, Kwok S.; Koski, B. Kent;<br />

Saul, Richard G.; Cronin, Peten(stanburst<br />

dendnimens), 1845<br />

Sio, Beynalde. See Kundu, Sourav<br />

Sip., Mni#{235}nne J. A. M.; van den Vijgh, Wim J.<br />

F.; Barth, Rob; Netelenbo., J. Coen(Sr<br />

absorption, letter), 1790<br />

-; Netelenbos, J. Coen; Barto, Rob; Lips, Paul;<br />

van den Vijgh, Wim J. F.(Ca absorption test),<br />

257<br />

Siniken, Fatih; ‘Fokgozoglu, S. Lale; Renda,<br />

Nurten; Maba, Selcuk(superoxide<br />

dismutase, letter), 1597<br />

SjOberg, Hans-Enik. See Rong, Haiqin<br />

Sjo.tedt, Ulrika. See Rong, Heiqin<br />

Skerfvin& Staffan; Bengt-GOran, Svensson;<br />

Asplund, Lillemor, Hagmar, Lars(PCB<br />

exposure), 1409<br />

Skier, M. See Lippman, D.<br />

Slavin, Brenda M. See Watts, Gerald F.<br />

Sloan, Betty.Jane. See Levine, Daniel M.<br />

Slooff, Maarten J. H. See Keme, Ido P.<br />

Smelt, Augustinus H. M. See Thao, Shui-Ping<br />

Smith, Carl H. See Hortin, Glen L.; See Landt,<br />

Michael; See Wilhite, Timothy B.; See Wong,<br />

Edward C. C.<br />

Smith, Frederick P.(IA precision, letter), 1782<br />

Smith, Jeffrey W.; Muzik, Anita C.; Levitt,<br />

Shelly A.; Nichols, Ronald Lee(lab. safety),<br />

459 Smith, John A. See Cloney, Lynn<br />

Smith, Jonathan. See Oprandy, John J.<br />

Smith, Katie(San Diego Conference), 637<br />

Smith, Badger. See Kenten, John H.<br />

Smith, Bessel L; Simpson, ‘Fine Y.; Bush,<br />

Christopher N.(gene detect., cyanobacteria),<br />

662<br />

Smith, S. C. See Reynolds, ‘F.M.<br />

Smith, S. Jay. See Cooper, Gerald B.; See Mei,<br />

Joanne V.<br />

Smith, Thomas H.; Nelson, Paul S.; Muthini,<br />

Sylveeter(RNA oligonuelcotide), 662<br />

Sninsky, John J.(PCR), 651<br />

Snyder, Scott. See Leon, Jorge A.<br />

Sobotka, Paul A. See Mendis, Shanthi<br />

Sodickson, Lester, A.; Block, Myron<br />

J.(Kronioecopy), 1838<br />

Sokoll, Lori J.; Russell, Robert M.; Sadowski,<br />

James A.; Morrow, Frank D.(creatinine ref.<br />

values), 2276<br />

Solberg, Erik(ref. intervals, hospitalized<br />

patients), 2205<br />

Solichov#{233}, Dagmar. See Melichar, Bohuslav<br />

Soliman, Many. See Fiet, Jean<br />

Sone, Jun. See Niwa, Toshimitsu<br />

Sooknnnan.<br />

Keeling,<br />

B.; Seibert,<br />

A.(BCE-ABI<br />

‘F.; Malek, L.; Wang,<br />

mENA, myeloid<br />

X.;<br />

leukemia), 662<br />

Sorva, Antti; TAhtelA, Riitta; Risteli, Juha;<br />

Bisteli, Leile Laitinen, Kalevi;<br />

Juntunen-<strong>Back</strong>man,<br />

Ritva(procollagen),<br />

Kaisu;<br />

1591<br />

Serve,<br />

Serve, Ritva. See Serve, Antti<br />

Soazynaki, Piotr A. See Tao, Qing-Feng<br />

Southern, Edwin M. See Case-Green, Stephen<br />

C.<br />

Sowell, Anne L.; Huff, Daniel L.; Yeager,<br />

Patricia B.; Caudill, Samuel P.; Gunter,<br />

Elaine W.(canotenoids, simult. detn.), 411<br />

Soydam, Inan. See ‘Fanyal#{231}in, Tijen<br />

Spadoro, J. See Chang, Wang Z.<br />

Spears, C. Paul. See Avramis, Vassilios I.<br />

Spears, Patricia A. See Walker, G. ‘Ferrance<br />

Spector,<br />

Spierto,<br />

S. A. See Long, C. M.<br />

Francis W. See Sampson, Eric J.<br />

Spoettl, Gerald. See Hoermann, Rudolf<br />

Spolter, Leonard. See Kasdan, Harvey L.<br />

Spynopolous, Kostas. See Brainier, Lens H.<br />

Squire, Christine B.; Fraser, William D.(TSH,<br />

Amerlite ‘FSH assay, letter), 164<br />

Staberock, Uta. See Rao, Marie<br />

Stabler, Thomas. See D’Ambnosio, Robin<br />

Stallinga,<br />

Stampfer,<br />

Joy F. See Wonthmen, Carol<br />

M. J. See Malinow, M. R.<br />

M.<br />

Stark, Judith A. See Henderson, A. Ralph<br />

Stannon, Alicia.<br />

Starzl, Thomas.<br />

See Abramson, Richard<br />

See Mencen,Donald<br />

D.<br />

Stasia, Marie-Jos#{233}; Sum, Anny; Renversez,<br />

Jean-Charles; Pane, Fran#{231}oise;<br />

Morel-Femelez, Anlette; Morel,<br />

Fran#{231}oba, 1340<br />

Stead, David A. See Robins, Simon P.<br />

Steen, Gerard; van Leeuwen, Ben; Langeslag,<br />

Paul; vender Reijden, Johan(Na, K, enzyme<br />

assays, letter), 671<br />

Stein, Stanley. See Thu, Tienmin<br />

Steinke, Marina. See Albrecht, Steffen<br />

Steinmetz, Armin. See Schwarz, Sigrid<br />

Stejskal, John. See Patterson, Wayne<br />

Stenico, Alberta. See Alfano, Massimo<br />

Stenman, Ulf-Hakan. See HedstrOm, Johan<br />

Stern, D. See Sheldon, E. L.<br />

Stevenson, David K See Vreman, Hendnik J.<br />

-; lineman, Hendnik J.; Oh, William; Fananoff,<br />

Avnoy A.; Wright, Linda L;<br />

A.; Venter, Joel; Shankaran,<br />

Lemons,<br />

Seethe,<br />

James<br />

Tyson,<br />

Jon E.; Konones, Sheldon B.; Bauer, Charles<br />

B.; Stoll, Barbara J.; Papile, Lu-Ann; Okah,<br />

Felix; Ehrenkranz, Richard A.(infent<br />

bilinubin), 1934<br />

Stevenink, Paul J. G. M.; Stunk, Augueste;<br />

Salden, Her J. M.(endotoxin, horse), 1346<br />

Stewart, Michael J.(HPLC, drug anal,. letter),<br />

953<br />

-; Borland, William W.; Shanley, Susan(opiate<br />

screening, letter), 953<br />

Stewart, Philip. See Demont, Thomas<br />

Stimson, W. See Bansal, A.<br />

StOckl, Dietman(anal. quel. specs., letter), 169;<br />

See Thienpent, Linda M.<br />

-; Thienpoint, Linda M.(glucoee, letter), 1979<br />

Stoeken, Dirk J. See Beyer, Connelis<br />

Stall, Barbara J. See Stevenson, David K; See<br />

Vnemam, Handnik J.<br />

Stone, Laura B. See Bender, Thomas M.<br />

Stone, Mary Ann. See Wu, Alan H. B.<br />

Straub, Carol W. See Keehgegian, Albert A.<br />

Straub, Rudolph W., Jr. See Miller, James J.<br />

Strydom,<br />

Darwin<br />

Conni; de Wet, Wouter, Prockop,<br />

JAgene targeting), 2339<br />

Stukel, Theresa A. See Sargent, James D.<br />

Stunk, Augueste. See Stevenink,<br />

Sn, Benli. See Liu, Xizhen<br />

Paul J. G. M.<br />

Sudo, Kayeko. See Maekawa, Mesato<br />

-; Maekawa, Mesato; Kanno, ‘Fakashi; Li,<br />

Steven S.-L; Akizuki, Setsuko; Magara,<br />

Tadao(LDH deficiency), 1567<br />

Sun, Harry. See Woodward, Daniel L.<br />

Sugioks, K See Akhavan-Taft, H.<br />

Sugiyama, Eiichi. See Maekawa, Masato<br />

Sugiyama, Naruji. See ‘Fakahashi, Mamoru<br />

Sullivan,<br />

Sullivan,<br />

Maureen. See Swanson, J. Robert<br />

Monica. See ‘Fang,Many<br />

Summenfield, Anita L. Sea Hontin, Glen L.<br />

Sun, Deborah H. See Porter, William H.<br />

Sun, Nona C. J. See Kasdan, Harvey L<br />

Sun, Tsieh; Peng Sham; Narurker, Leela(heavy<br />

chain dis., diag.), 664<br />

Sunderman,<br />

835<br />

F. William Sr.(clin. them, history),<br />

Surla, Anny. See Stasie, Marie-Jos#{233}<br />

Sustachek, J. See Marshall, Ron L.<br />

Svendsen, Pen Just. See Whichen, John ‘F.<br />

Svenseon, Bengt-Gonan. Sea Skerfving, Staffam<br />

Swanson, J. Robert; Meeter, Carol; Limbrocken,<br />

Mark, Sullivan, Maureen(Ca, blood gas,<br />

letter), 669<br />

Swantling, Daniel J. See Bennett, Michael J.<br />

Swayze, Eric. See Sanghvi, Yogesh S.<br />

Szarewski, Anne. See Terry, George<br />

‘Fachikawa, Tomokazu. See Nishimura, Chihino<br />

‘F#{228}htel#{228}, Butte. See Sorva,<br />

Eeva<br />

Antti; See ‘Faimela,<br />

Taimela,<br />

Pertti;<br />

Revs, ‘F#{225}htel#{227}, Riitts, Koekinen,<br />

Nuutil#{225},Pixje; ‘Fuimela, Simo;<br />

FOnsstrem, Jan; Kanonen, Sirkka-Liisa;<br />

Valimaki, Matti;<br />

TSR cenc. sapn.),<br />

hjala,<br />

101<br />

Kerttu(TSH assays,<br />

Tajima, Shigeru. See Fukumura, Yukihito; See<br />

‘Fanabe, Toshio<br />

‘Fakahashi, Mamoru; Usda, Shigeru; Misaki,<br />

Hidee; Sugiyama,<br />

Metsuo, Nobutake;<br />

Naruji; Matsumoto, Kojiro;<br />

Murao, Sawao(cannitine,<br />

enzyme cycling),<br />

‘Fakeda, ‘Fakehisa.<br />

‘Fakei, Yoshifumi;<br />

817<br />

See Matsuda, Akihiko<br />

Kurobe, Masayuki; Uchida,<br />

Atsushi; Hayashi, Kyozo(friboblest growth<br />

factor, letter), 1980<br />

Talbo, L See Gonzales, F. B.<br />

‘Fallen, Donald F. See O’Ronke, Anne<br />

‘Fanahe, ‘Foehio; Umegae, Yoshihiko; Koyashiki,<br />

Yoehihiss, Kate, Yoshio; Fukahoni, Kentarou;<br />

Tajima, Shigenu; Yabuuchi,<br />

Mesahiko(anhydroglucitol quant.), 2006<br />

Tanaka, Akirs, Cole, Laurence A.(B-core,<br />

cancer), 2317<br />

Tanasijevic, Milenko J. See Winkelman, James<br />

W.<br />

‘Faneda, Shinji; Monnien, Vincent M.(ELISA,<br />

pentoeidine), 1766<br />

‘Fang, Mary; See Mercer, Donald<br />

-; Sullivan, Monica; Gibson, Daniel;<br />

‘Fruskolawski, Celeste(Ektachem, myeloma,<br />

letter), 166<br />

Tanimoto, ‘Fsuyoehi. See Nishimura, Chihiro<br />

‘Fanyal#{231}in, Tijen; Kutay, Feline, Soydsn, Inan;<br />

Erla#{231}in, Sermet(A’FPase, Ca antagonism),<br />

1532<br />

Tao, Qing-Feng, Soezynski,<br />

Hollenberg, Norman K;<br />

W.(Na pump), 1595<br />

Piotn A.;<br />

Graves, Steven<br />

‘Farenghi, Giordano. See Foesati, Piero<br />

‘Fatar, Andr#{233}. See Mezdour, Hefid<br />

Taylor, Andrew; Bniggs, Ray J.; Cevik,<br />

Cemal(A1 in dialysis fluid), 1517<br />

Taylor, Lloyd M. Jr. See Jacobean, Donald<br />

‘Feerlink, Tom; van Leeuwen, Paul A. M.;<br />

W.<br />

Houdijk, Alexander(amino acid detn. liq.<br />

chromatog.), 245<br />

‘Fahan, Ann M. See Veillon, Claude<br />

Tannent, Glenys A. See Wilkins, Julie<br />

Terry, George; Ho, Linda; Szarewski, Anne;<br />

Cuzick, Jack(papillomavinus), 1890<br />

‘Feel, Raymond J. See RandolfHabecker, Julie<br />

Theunis, Lieve. See Demedts, Paul; See Libeen,<br />

Jean-Claude<br />

‘Fhibodeau, Stephen N.(PCR applns.), 681;<br />

(mutaton gene, colorectal cancer), 638<br />

Thienpoint, Linda M. See StOckl,<br />

-; Van Nieuwenhove, Benedikt;<br />

Dietmen<br />

StOckl,<br />

Dietman; Do Leenheer, Andr#{233} P.<br />

(theophylline, ref. method), 1503<br />

Thioudellet, Christine. See Canelias, Francesca<br />

Thomae, Keith. See Joshi, Pnatibha<br />

Thomas, Ginette. See Richard, Pascale<br />

Thomas, Michel. See Richard, Pascale<br />

Thome-Kromer, Birgit. See Hafner, Gerd<br />

Thompson, John A. See Green, Anthony<br />

Thompson, William C.; Dasgupta,<br />

Ainitava(amphetamine pnapn.), 1703<br />

-; Malhotna, Deepek, Schammel, David P.;<br />

Blackwell, Walter Ward, Michael B.;<br />

Dasgupta, Aniitava(ethanol, false poe.), 1594<br />

Thorpe, Suzanne B. See Baker, John B.<br />

Thylen, Anders. See Dajmek, Annika<br />

‘Fiainen, Pekka; Karhi, Kimmo K(glutathione<br />

transferase, immunefluorometnic), 184<br />

Tian, Nien. See Getts, Robert<br />

‘Fich, MiloA. See Melichar, Bohuslav ‘Fietz,<br />

Norbert W.(accuracy in cm. them.), 859<br />

-; Risker, Alan D.(Fe accuracy, letter), 1347<br />

-; Rinker, Alan D.; Morrison, Sandra B.(serum<br />

Fe status), 546<br />

‘Fijssen, Peter. See Campione-Piccando, Jos#{233}<br />

‘Fillmsn, Margaret D. Sea Anmbruster, David A.<br />

‘Fillyer, CoIn B.; Rakhorst, Sylvia; Colley, C.<br />

Michael(ALP isoenzyme), 803<br />

Tinoco, I. Jr.; Chastain, M.; Chen, X.; Cheong,<br />

C.; Hines, J.; James, J.; Molinaro, M.; Shea,<br />

L.; Varani, G.; Wimberly, B.(RNA,<br />

non-Watson-Crick), 646<br />

‘Foffaletti, John(interferance Ca, hepanin), 508<br />

‘Fokgozoglu, S. Lale. See Siniken, Fatih<br />

‘Fokunega, Katsushi. See Oka, Takanori<br />

‘Folan, Gil. See Schwartnen, Harvey A.<br />

‘Fomten, Siseel. See Kicman, Andrew T.<br />

‘Fonnensen, Alan S. See Wu, Alan H. B.<br />

Tops, Marco. See Castaldo, Giuseppe<br />

‘Fornejdn, Mercella. See Venegas, Alejandno<br />

‘F#{216}rning, Ova. See Rong, Haiqin<br />

‘Fnapnall, Bruce. See Lu, Patrick<br />

Treasure, Tom. See Hoesein-Nia,<br />

‘Fnipp, J. See Sheldon, E. L.<br />

Y.<br />

Mojgan<br />

‘Fnu, Massimo. See Rudert, William<br />

‘Frulson, M. See Sheldon, E. L.<br />

A.<br />

Tnuskolawski, Celeste. See ‘Fang, Mary<br />

‘Fruswell, A. Stewart. See Choudhury, Naswrin<br />

Teal, Ken-Sung. See La, Shyh-Chyi<br />

Teal, Michael Y.; Hanson, Naomi Q.;Copelend,<br />

CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 40, No. 12, 1994 2353

Kenneth B.; Beheehti, Iraj; Gang, Uttam(apo van ‘Foorenenbergan, Albert W.(glucose in<br />

C ifi gene polymorphism), 2235<br />

Tsongalis, Gregory J.; Faber, George; Dalldorf,<br />

Frederic G.; Friedman, Kenneth J.;<br />

Silverman, Lawrence M.; Yankaskas, James<br />

B.(cystic fibrosis), 1972<br />

-; Kaufmann, William K.; Wilson, Sandra J.;<br />

Friedman, Kenneth J.; Silverman, Lawrence<br />

urine, letter), 1788<br />

van Vliet, Erik W. N. See van Sittert, Nice J.<br />

vanSnick, Jaxiuas. See Brailly, Herv#{233}<br />

Vant Hooft, Ferdinand M. See Van den Broek,<br />

Andr#{233} J. C. M.; See Zheo, Shui- Ping<br />

Varani, G. Sea Tinoco, I. Jr.<br />

Vary, C. P. H. See Weisberg, ‘F. F.<br />

M.(p53 screening), 485<br />

Vasseur, J. J. See Sanghvi, Yogesh S.<br />

-; McPhail, Althea H.; Lodge-Rigal, R. Daniel;<br />

Chapman, John F.; Silverman, Lawrence<br />

M.(PCB, localized amplification), 381<br />

Vassaur, Marc. Sea Bluinfleld, Matte<br />

Vefflon, Claude; Patterson, Kristine Y.; Nagey,<br />

David A.; ‘Fahan, Ann M.(blood volume, Cr<br />

‘Fsou, Dean; Beavers, Scott; Hanig, Eric;<br />

isotope and GC/MS, 71<br />

Andrus,<br />

‘Fsubouchi,<br />

Alex(oligonudeotides),<br />

Jim. See Nishimura,<br />

654<br />

Chihiro<br />

Venegas, Alajandro;<br />

Marcelle, Gdmez,<br />

Urre, Soledad; ‘Fonrej#{243}n,<br />

Isaball; Martinez, M. ‘F.;<br />

Tsuji, ‘Fetsue; Imagawa, Keiichi; Masuda,<br />

Bruce, Elsa(Salmonella typhimurium OmpF<br />

Hidesuke;<br />

Kazunoni;<br />

Haraikawa, Makato; Shibata,<br />

Kane, Masao; Inouye, Ken; Uchida,<br />

gene), 2342<br />

Venitt, Stanley(cancer, mechanisms), 1421<br />

Kiyohisa(brain natriuretic peptida, letter),<br />

672<br />

‘Feukada, Toehihiko. See Anal, Tomoko<br />

Vents, Rafael; Cecchini, Baatniz G.; Geijo, Sofia<br />

A.; Lopez-Ortln, Carlos; Bao, Constantino G.;<br />

C#{233}ndanas, Mercedes; Alvarez, Francisco<br />

‘Fu, Eugene; Heller, Michael J.(DNA,<br />

V.(CK, myocendial infarction, letter), 160<br />

fluorescent detect.), 658<br />

Tuimela, Simo. See ‘Faimela, Eeva<br />

Varbeeck,<br />

Varhassalt,<br />

Roger K. See Lho#{233}st, Georges J. J.<br />

Bruno; Delanghe, Joris; Verstraata,<br />

Tung, Ching-Hsuan. See Zhu, Tianmin<br />

Alain; Leroux-Roels, Geert (urinary iron<br />

Turchetti, E. See Mertinezzo, G.<br />

quanta., letter), 497<br />

Turnbufl, Douglass M. See Pourfarzam, Monteza Ver3ee, Zul; Giesbrecht, Esthen(lidocaina,<br />

Turner, Peter B. See Maths, Canma<br />

Tuten, Thomas. See Gramlich, ‘Ferry L.<br />

Tutor, J. Canoe. See Louro, M. Olga<br />

Tyson, Jon E. See Stevenson, David K.; See<br />

Vreman, Hendrik J.<br />

Uchida, Atsushi. See ‘Fakai, Yoshifumi<br />

Uchida, Kiyohisa. See ‘Fsuji, ‘Fetauo<br />

Ueda, Shigeru. See ‘Fakahashi, Mamoru<br />

Ueding, K. See Billyard, E. B.<br />

Ueno, Mesayoehi. See Isomura, Mitsue<br />

Uitterlinden, A. G. See Vijg, J.<br />

Umegae, Yoshihiko. See ‘Fanabe, Toshio<br />

Urakami, ‘Feizi. See Nishimura, Chihiro<br />

Urns, Soledad. See Venegas, Alejandro<br />

Ushijima, Yoehio. See Fukumura, Yukihito<br />

Uusipeikka, Baa. See Kouni, Time<br />

Vahter, Marie(As in urine), 679<br />

Vaillancourt, Peter. See Weiner, Michael P.<br />

Valdes, Roland Jr. See Linder, Mark W.; See<br />

Miller, James J.; See Rose, Andrea M.; See<br />

Wagoner, Ronald B.; See Wu, Alan H. B.<br />

Valenti, Graziana. See dEril, GianVico Melzi<br />

V#{225}limflki, Math. See ‘Faimele, Reva<br />

Valsamis, Joseph. See Andr#{233}, Marie<br />

van de Schoot, Bartholomaus H. See Arquint,<br />

Philippe<br />

Van den Break, Andr#{233} J. C. M.; Hollaar, L.any;<br />

HPLC), 833<br />

Verkerk, Robert. See Maes, Michael<br />

Verstraete, Alan. See Venhasselt, Bruno<br />

Venter, JoeL See Stevenson, David K.<br />

Vexiau, Patrick. See Fist, Jean<br />

Vazon, G. See Merel, P.<br />

Vieth, Reinhold(vitamin D protein binding<br />

capacity), 435<br />

Vigagni, Farnanda. See Hralia, Patrizia<br />

Vijg, J.; da Vos, G. J.; Mullaart, E.;<br />

Uittenlinden, A. G.(ganoma anal, 2-D), 663<br />

Villette, Jean-Marie. See Fiat, Jean<br />

Vimy, Murrary J. See Winflald, Stewart A.<br />

Vinayak, Ray. See Mullah, K. Bashar<br />

Vincent, G. MichaeL See Wu, Lily L.<br />

Virtanan, Aija. See Kouni, ‘Fimo Visvikis,<br />

Athanese. See Canalias, Francesca<br />

Vitale, Conrado. See Petrarulo, Michele<br />

Vitkovh, Dana. See Mrhz, Jaroslav<br />

Vladutiu, Adrian. See Gold, Eric<br />

Voelker, James B.; Cobb, Susan L.; Bowsher,<br />

Ronald R.(angiotensin, RIA), 1537<br />

Vogelbacken, Helen; Grayzel, Joseph; Nilsen,<br />

Thor(HW detect.), 2340<br />

Vogt, Wolfgang, Braun, Siegmund L.;<br />

Hanssmann, Friednich; Liabl, Franz;<br />

Barchtold, G#{252}nter; Blaschke, Halga; Eckart,<br />

Martin; HoO’mann, Georg E.; Kloee,<br />

Schaefer, Herman I. M. B.; Van dar Laarse,<br />

Sigmar(Iab. modeling, computer), 922<br />

Arnoud; Schuster, Herbert; Defescha, Joep C.;<br />

Kastelein, John J. P.; Van’t Hooft, Ferdinand<br />

M.(apo, genetic screening), 395<br />

Van den Maagdenberg, Am M. J. M. See Zhao,<br />

Volmer, Marcel; Wolthens, Bert G.; Matting,<br />

Harm, J.; da Haan, Thus H. Y.; Coenegracht,<br />

Pierre M. J.; van dar Silk, Wim(urinary<br />

calculus), 1692<br />

Shui-Ping<br />

Van den Laarse, Arnoud. See Van den Broek,<br />

Andr#{233} J. C. M.; See Zhao, Shui- Ping<br />

Van Der Meulen, Egbert; Boogaard, Plater J.;<br />

van Sittert, Nice J.(ref. limits), 1698<br />

van den Rei.jden,Johan. See Steen, Gerard<br />

van den Silk, Wim. See Volmen, Marcel; Sea<br />

Volp#{233}, Robert(autoirnmune endocninopathies),<br />

2132<br />

Vorderwinkler, Karl-Paul. See Jakob, Gabi<br />

Voysey, Joanna E.; Wilton, David<br />

C.(triglycanide, fluorometry), 14<br />

Voyta, John C. See Bronstein, Irana<br />

Vreman, Hendrik J. See Stevenson, David K.<br />

Weykemp, Cas W.<br />

van den Vijgh, Wim J. F. See Sips, Adrienne J.<br />

-; Stevenson, David K.; Oh, William; Fanaroff,<br />

Avroy A.; Wright, Linda L; Lemons, James<br />

A. M.<br />

van den Wal, Peter. See Arquint, Philippe<br />

A.; Wright, Elizabeth; Shankaran, Seethe,<br />

Tyson, Jon E.; Korones, Sheldon B.; Bauer,<br />

van Eijk, Henk G. See Blijenberg, Bert G.<br />

van Ingen Huub B.; Huijgen, Hank J.; Koh,<br />

Wim Th.; Sanders, Gerard ‘F. B.(Mg, Kane<br />

microlyte), 52<br />

van Ipenen, Hank. See Bayer, Cornelis<br />

Van Kessel, Antonius L. See Wong, Ronald J.<br />

van Leeuwen, Ben. See Steen, Gerard<br />

van L.eeuwen, Paul A. M. See Teerlink, Tom<br />

Van Lente, Liliane. See Bengmann, Pierre J.<br />

Charles B.; Stoll, Barbara J.; Papile, Lu-Ann;<br />

Donovan, Edward F.; Ehrenkranz, Richard<br />

A.(braath CO2), 1927<br />

-; Stevenson, David K.(carboxyHb, neonate),<br />

1522<br />

Vroom, Ton F. F. P. See Zhao, Shui-Ping<br />

Wachter, Helmut. See Mayersbach, Peter; Sea<br />

Schennach, Harold<br />

Wagoner, Ronald B.; Linder, Mark W.; Valdes,<br />

Van Nieuwenhove, Benedikt. Sea ‘Fhienpont,<br />

Linda M.<br />

Van Orshoven, Angeline. See Zemen, Zahur<br />

van Pelt, Johannes(electrolytes, flame<br />

Roland, Jr.(Emit, abused drugs and aspirin),<br />

608<br />

Wahl, Hans Gunther; Riedlinger, Isolde;<br />

Liebich, Hartmut M.(P, interference, letter),<br />

photometry, letter), 848<br />

van Rijswijk, Martin H. See Gallimora, J. Ruth<br />

Van Sittert, Nice J. See Van Den Meulen,<br />

1349<br />

Wakainatsu, Kazumass,<br />

Shosuke(cysteinyldopa,<br />

Ito,<br />

HPLC, letter), 495<br />

Egbert<br />

-; Nice J.; van Vliet, Erik W. N.(biominitoning,<br />

Hb edducts), 1472<br />

Van ‘Fol,Aria. See Zhao, Shui-Ping<br />

Walker, G. ‘Ferrance. Sea Nadeau, James G.<br />

-; Nadeeu, James G.; Spears, Patricia A.;<br />

Schram, James L.; Nycz, Colleen M.; Shank,<br />

David D.(Mycobacteria detect.), 662<br />

2354 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 40, No. 12, 1994<br />

Walker, William H.C. See Wentworth, Sylvia<br />

Wall, Philippe M. Lyons. See Choudhury,<br />

Naswrin<br />

Wallace, Martin B. See France, Necia C.<br />

Wang, R. Yuan-Hu. See Chen, Ziping<br />

-; Brown, C.; Liu, B.; Ribi, H.(nuclaic acid<br />

hybridization), 662<br />

Wang, X. See Sooknanan, R.<br />

Wang, Zhong Q. See Cefalu, William T.<br />

Ward, Anthony Milford. See Whicher, John ‘F.<br />

Ward, Michael E. See Thompson, William C.<br />

Warnick, G. Russell(Lp(a), letter), 2115; See<br />

McNainara, Judith B.<br />

Warty, Vijay. See Mercer, Donald<br />

Wasmuth, John J.(Huntington dis.), 640<br />

Wetenabe, Haruo. See Agataume, Shinichi<br />

Watson, David G. See Lenox, Robert H.<br />

Watson, M. See Gonzales, F. R.<br />

Watts, Gerald F.; Mandalia, Sundhiye; Slavin,<br />

Brenda M.; Brunt, John N. H.; Coltart, D.<br />

John; Lewis, Barry(coronary artery die.,<br />

metabolites), 2240<br />

Wauters, Annick. See Demedts, Paul; See Maes,<br />

Michael<br />

Weuters, Jan. See Meijer, Piet<br />

Webb, Sharon. See Henderson, A. Ralph<br />

Weber, Barbara L.(familial breast cancer), 639<br />

Wehnert, Manfred. See Lea, Chang Chi<br />

Wei, Ziping. Sea Thu. ‘Fianmin<br />

Weihe, Pal. See Grandjean, Philippe<br />

Weiner, Michael P.; Costa, Gina L.;<br />

Vaillancourt, Peter(PCR cloning), 663<br />

Weinkove, Cyril. See Abushufa, Ramedan<br />

Weisberg, ‘F.F.; Cahill, B. K.; Ce; D. F.; Vary,<br />

C. P. H.(tumon cell tracking), 663<br />

Weitzel, William F. See Langman, Loralie J.<br />

Wejbora, Roja. See H#{252}bl, Wolfgang<br />

Walsh, John. See McClelland, Michael<br />

Wantworth, Sylvia; McBride, John A.; Walker,<br />

William H.C.(vitamin B12,<br />

chemiluininescence), 537<br />

Werner, Ernst B. See Mayerabach, Peter<br />

Werness, Peter. See Patterson, Wayne<br />

Wespi, B. Sea Sheldon, E. L. Weasels, Linda M.<br />

See Baheshti, Iraj<br />

Westgard, James O.(qual. control, letter), 499<br />

-; Seehafer, Julie J.; Barry, Patricia L.(quelity<br />

control), 1909<br />

-; Seehafer, Julie J.; Barry, Patricia<br />

L.(proflciancy testing), 1228<br />

Wevers, Ron A. See Peelen, Gijsbert 0. H.<br />

-; Engelke, Udo; Heerschep, Arend(NMB;<br />

plasma), 1245<br />

Weykamp, Cas W.; Panders, Thee J.; Muskiat,<br />

Fnits A. J.; van den Silk, Willem(GHb values,<br />

calibration effect on), 138<br />

Wheeler, James P. See Mason, Howard J.<br />

Whicher, John ‘F.; Ritchie, Robert F.; Johnson,<br />

A. Myron; Baudner, Siegfried; Bienvenu,<br />

Jacques; Blimp-Jensen, Soren; Carlstrom,<br />

Adders; Dati, Francesco; Ward, Anthony<br />

Milford; Svendsen, Per Just(internatl. ref.,<br />

proteins), 934<br />

Whiteomb, J. See Husson, W. R.<br />

White, H. W.; Meher, J. A.(hybridzn. on<br />

agarose), 2338<br />

Whiteeti, Jeffrey A. See Lu, Patrick Y.<br />

Wiedmayer, Hsieo-Mei. See Goldstein, David E.<br />

Wiesner, Russel H.(hepatic allograft rejection),<br />

2174<br />

Wilber, Kimberly A. See Wong, Edith Y.<br />

Wilcken, David E. L. See Li, Kong M.<br />

Wilding, Peter. See Kricka, Larry J.<br />

-; Pfahler, Joseph; Bau, Haim H.; Zemel, Jay<br />

N.; Knicks, Larry J.(biol. fluids, manipulation<br />

and flow), 43<br />

-; Shoffner, Mann A.; Knicks, Larry J.(PCR),<br />

1815<br />

Wiler, Barbara. See Wu, Alan H. B.<br />

Wilhite, Timothy R. See Wong, Edward C. C.;<br />

See Hortin, Glen L.<br />

-; Smith, Carl H.; Landt, Michael(Mg, heperin<br />

interference, latter), 848<br />

Wilke, Althea L. See Goldstein, David E.<br />

Wilkins, Julie; Gallimore, J. Ruth; ‘Ferment,<br />

Glenys A.; Hawkins, Philip N.; Limburg,<br />

Plater C.; van Rijswijk, Martin H.; Moore,<br />

Edwin G.; Pepys, Mark B.(IA, amyloid A),<br />

1284<br />

Williams, Charles P. See Astles, Rex<br />

Williams, Gordon H. See Graves, Steven W.

Williams, Roger, B. See Wu, Lily L.<br />

Williamson, John. See Davidson, D. Fraser<br />

Wilmott, Robert W. See Lu, Patrick Y.<br />

Wilson, Sandra J. See Tsongalis, Gregory J.<br />

Wilton, David C. See Vc’sey, Joanne B.<br />

Wimberly, B. See Tinoco, I. Jr.<br />

Winder, Anthony F. See Breimen, Lars H.<br />

Winfleld, Stewart A.; Boyd, Nigel D.; Vimy,<br />

Murray J.; Lorscheider, Fritz, L.(Hg, atomic<br />

fluorescence spectrometry), 206<br />

Winger, Larry A. See Self, Cohn H.<br />

Wik1mjin. James W.; Wybenga, Donald B.;<br />

Tanasijevii, Milenko J.(glucoee testing), 1628<br />

Winkler, J. See Sheldon, E. L<br />

Winkler, Michael; Binge, Burghardt; Baumann,<br />

Jane, Loss, Martin; Wonigeit, Kurt;<br />

Pichlmayr, Rudolfltherapeutic drug<br />

monitoningj, 2247<br />

Winn-Deen, Emily. See Brinson, Eleanor<br />

Winsten, Seymour(NMR, letter), 2320<br />

Wisniewski, Henry M. See Pirttila, Thula<br />

Witte, David L. See Eckfeldt, John H.<br />

Wog Bryan A. See Frattali, Anne L.<br />

Wolf, Paul L.(dis. etiolo, in famous), 328<br />

Wolthers, Bert G. See Volmer, Marcel<br />

Won& Edith Y.; McCarthy, Deborah M.;<br />

Shasserne, Christina Y.; Wilber, Kimberly A.;<br />

Bittner, Michael L(chromoeome paint<br />

probes), 663<br />

Wong Edward C. C.; Wilhite, Timothy B.;<br />

Mifler, Ralph; Smith, Carl H.; Landt,<br />

Michael(inulin, letter), 1788<br />

Wong, Ronald J.; Mahoney, John J.; Harvey,<br />

James A.; Van Kessel, Antonius L(pH and<br />

blood gas evald., Statpal H), 124<br />

Wong, Shan S. See Wu, Alan H. B.<br />

Wonigeit, Kurt. See Winkler, Michael<br />

Woo, Sam. See Bninson, Eleanor<br />

Wood, Donald E. See Henderson, A. Ralph<br />

Wood, W. Graham(lipoprotein(a), thyroid<br />

function, letter), 1606<br />

Woodward, Daniel L.; Howard, Adriann J.;<br />

Down, James A.; Su, Hanry(DNA<br />

purification), 663<br />

Wooten. Joe V. See Ashley, David L.<br />

Wonthman, Carol M.; Stallings, Joy<br />

F.(gonadotropin mess.), 448<br />

Wright, Anne. See Mason, Howard J.<br />

Wright, Elizabeth. See Vreman, Hendnik J.<br />

Wright, Linda L. See Stevenson, David K.; See<br />

Vreman, Hendrik J.<br />

Wright, Michael D. See Mason, Howard J.<br />

Wu, Alan H. B.; Ostheimen, Donna; Cremese,<br />

Michael; Forte, Elaine; Hill, Dennis(drug<br />

testing, GC/MS), 216<br />

-; Labs, loannis; Green, Sol; Gornet, ‘Fernie G.;<br />

Wong, Shan S.; Parmley, Lee; Tonnensen,<br />

Alan S.; Pleader, Brian; Orlando,<br />

Bocco(myoglobin lAs), 798<br />

-; Valdee, Roland, Jr.; Apple, Fred S.; Gonnet,<br />

‘Ferris; Stone, Mary Ann; Mayfleld-Stokes,<br />

Stephanie; Ingersoll-Stroubos, Ann Marie;<br />

Wiler, Barbara (troponin-T IA), 900<br />

Wu, Anthony; Schmalz, Janet; Bennett,<br />

William(adulterated urine, letter), 845<br />

Wu, James. See Wu, Lily L<br />

Wu, L See Kadushin, J.<br />

Wu, Lily L.; Wu, James; Hunt, Steven C.;<br />

James, Brent C.; Vincent, G. Michael;<br />

Williams, Roger R.; Hopkins, Paul<br />

N.(homocysteine, heart dis.),552<br />

Wu, Tab -W.(bilirubin and heart die.), 9<br />

Wunner, William H. See Green, Anthony<br />

Wybenga, Donald B. See Winkelman, James W.<br />

Wyndham, Lindsay. See Katz, Ian<br />

Wynne-Jones, Karen; Morgan, Kevin;<br />

Kaisheker, Noor(antitzypein, letter), 1793<br />

Wysocki, Macian. See Fagerberg, BjOrn<br />

Xie, Bin; Harborn, IJIrike, Mecklenburg,<br />

Michael; Danielsson, Bengt(urea and lactate,<br />

bioeenson), 2282<br />

Long, Mengli. See Lee, Cheng Chi<br />

Yabuucbi, Masahiko. See Fukumura, Yukihito;<br />

See ‘Fanabe, ‘Foehio<br />

Yagishita, Saburou. See Fukuda, Jun<br />

Yamagishi, H. See Saitoh, J.<br />

Yamamoto, M. See Sheldon, B. L.<br />

Yamamoto, Shigekazu. See Fukumura,<br />

Yukihito<br />

Yamane, Akio. See Oka, ‘Fakanori<br />

Yamaoka, Keiko. See Fukuda, Jun Yamazaki,<br />

Mitsuru. See Fujii, Youichi<br />

Yankaskas, James B. See ‘Fsongalis, Gnegory J.<br />

Yatscoff, Randall W.(tnansplantation, lab.<br />

support), 2166; See l.RngmRn, Loralie J.<br />

Yawata, H. See Saitoh, J.<br />

Yazdani, All. See Lee, Cheng Chi<br />

Yeager, Patricia R. See Sowell, Anne L<br />

Yei, Soonpin. See Lu, Patrick Y.<br />

Yentis, Steve; Riches, Pamela(endotoxin cross<br />

reactivity, letter), 852<br />

Yin, Feng. See Liu, Xizhen<br />

Y1iIrrngsa, PAivi. See Mononen, llkka<br />

Young, Donald S. See Grandjean, Philippe<br />

-; 1359<br />

Yu, D. See Iyer, B. P.<br />

Yu, Kwok S. See Singh, Pratap<br />

Yue, Vincent; Kowal, Robert; Neargarder,<br />

Lawrence Bond, Laura; Muetterties, Andrew;<br />

Parsons, #{225}obert(blood cells, flow<br />

fractionation), 1810<br />

Zak, Bennie. See Artiss, Joseph D.<br />

Zamalloa, Maria I. See Zumarraga, Mercedes<br />

Zaman, Zahur, Van Orshoven, Angeline;<br />

Manien, Godelieve; Fevery, Johan;<br />

Blanckaert, Norbert(macroamylasemia and<br />

macnolipasemia), 939<br />

Zanolla, Luisa. See Grazianl, Maria Stella<br />

Zanotto, Gabniele. See Graziani, Maria Stella<br />

Zapf, Carolline B. See Bannon, Deamond I.<br />

Zarek, Ali; Galvin, Margaret; Regale,<br />

Wanren(polymorphism anal.), 2341<br />

Zarowitz, M. A. See Goldbard, S. B.<br />

Zemel, Jay N. See Wilding, Peter<br />

Zentilin, Lorena. See Seated, Roberta<br />

Zerbi, Aleesandro. See Banfi, Giuseppe<br />

Zhang, Buiwen Lu, Zhihong, Zhang, Xueehu,<br />

Diasio, Robert B.; Jisng, Zhiwer, Agrawal,<br />

Sudhir(antisense eligenucleotide), 2337<br />

Zhang, Xueshu. See Zhang, Ruiwen Thee,<br />

Qiuyan; Agrawal, Sudhir(oligonucleotides),<br />

2339<br />

Thee, Shui.Ping, Smelt, Augustinus H. M.; Van<br />

den Maagdenberg, Am M. J. M.; Van Tel,<br />

Arie; Vnoom, Ton F. F. P.; Leuven, Jan A.<br />

Gevers; Van den Laarse, Arnoud; Van’t Hooft,<br />

Ferdinand M.(lipoprotein profiles), 1559<br />

Thao, Zhaoyang. See Lee, Cheng Chi<br />

Zhi-Ping, Gu; Segal, Sheldon; Reidenberg,<br />

Marcus M.(serum K, letter), 340<br />

Thong, Mn. See Kallenbach, Neville B.<br />

Thu, Tianmin; Web, Zipin, Thng, Ching-Hsuan;<br />

Dickerof, Walter A.; Bneelauer, J.; Lelbowitz,<br />

Michael J.; Stein, Stanley(antisanse<br />

oligonucleotide), 662<br />

Zijlstra, Willem G. See Nijlsnd, Reel<br />

Zuber, Caroline E. See Brailly, Herve<br />

Zuochelli, Gian Carlo; Pile, Alessandro; Chiesa,<br />

Maria Bose, Masini, Silvano(T4, ‘Fe, lAs),<br />

1956<br />

Zumarraga, Mercedes; Andi a, Isabel; Dflvila,<br />

Ricardo; Zamelloa, Maria I.(homovanillic<br />

acid, letter), 2119<br />

Zweig, Mark. See Sampson, Maureen<br />

-; Glickman, Janice; Csako,<br />

Gyorgy(interference, letter), 2325<br />

Zwierzina, Heinz. See Jakob, Gabi<br />

Zyzak, David V. See Baker, John R.<br />

CLINICALCHEMISTRY,Vol.40, No. 12, 1994 2355

a,abstractof meeting paper*<br />

CR, casereport<br />

CC, case conference<br />

E, edltonal<br />

AACC<br />

46th National Meeting, 959<br />

award winners, 1994,677, 1354<br />

officers for 1995, 1990<br />

on entering Journal’s 40th year(E), 7<br />

Abused drags. See also Screening, abused<br />

drugs<br />

abused drug detect, by IA: glutaraldehyde<br />

effect(L), 1605<br />

allelic D variants of tranaferrin in evain. of<br />

alcohol abuse: differential diagnosis by<br />

isoelectric focusing-immunoblotting-laser<br />

densitometry, 2078<br />

aspirin-induced interference in EMIT II d.a.u.<br />

assay, 1512<br />

cocaine, coceethylene and metaholites, and<br />

“crack” by GC-MS, 1299<br />

defining limit of quantn. and detect.(E), 1219<br />

detect. benzodiazepines: lAs compared with<br />

nag. sham. ionization GC/MS, 373<br />

detect. of marijuana use with a50 pg’L urine<br />

screening cutoffiL), 2114<br />

detect, self-administration of testosterone and<br />

epitestoeterene, 106<br />

drug interferences caused by coelution of<br />

substances in GC/MS confirmation of<br />

targeted drugs in full-scan and selected-ion<br />

monitoring modes, 218<br />

effect of sports drug teats of ingesting meat<br />

from steroid (methenolone)- treated<br />

livestock, 2084<br />

improving sensitivity and reliability of<br />

IAs(R), 347<br />

is carbohydrate-deficient transfernin useful<br />

for detect, excessive alcohol consumption in<br />

hypertensive patients?, 2057<br />

limit of detect./limit of quentn.: GC/MS<br />

assays of abused drugs, 1233<br />

lowering cannabinoid IA cutoff increases<br />

true-poe. results, 729<br />

microwave-induced prepn. of amphetamines<br />

for GC-MS assays, 1703<br />

simult. immunochem. multianalyte drug<br />

assay by capillary electrophoresis with<br />

laser-induced fluorescence(S), 1819<br />

stopped-flow FPIA of abused drugs and<br />

metabolites in urine, 1489<br />

accuracy in cm. sham.- does anybody<br />

care?(O), 859<br />

European specifications for imprecision and<br />

inaccuracy compared with operating<br />

specifications that assure quality required<br />

by US CLIA proficiency-testing criteria,<br />

1228<br />

is data, of CK-2 after electrophoretic sepn.<br />

accurate?, 177<br />

monitoring of temp. inside thermal cyclen<br />

blocks for qualIty control(L), 2117<br />

Acetaldehyde<br />

diagnostic utility of lab, tests in alcoholic<br />

liver dis.(S), 1641 Acetonitrile<br />

exhalation air anal, in long-term<br />

poetexposure to acetonitrile and<br />

trichloroethylene(A), 1462<br />

Acetylcholinesterase<br />

total IL-6 in plasma measd. by IA, 116<br />

Acetylgiucosaminidase<br />

stability of albumin, acetylglucosaminidase,<br />

and creatinlne in urine(L), 339<br />

2356 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 40, No. 12, 1994<br />

Volume 40, 1994<br />



H, history<br />

L, letter<br />

0, opinion<br />

OV, overview<br />

5Abstractsof the 1994 NationalMeetingare indexed in the June issue, pp. 1197-i 214.<br />

Acetylsalicylate<br />

aspirin-induced interference in EMIT II cLa.u.<br />

assay, 1512<br />

decreased signal in EMIT essays of drugs of<br />

abuse in urine after ingestion of aspirin:<br />

potential for false-nag. results, 608<br />

Acne<br />

hirsutism and acne in women: BIAs for 8<br />

plasma steroids, 2296<br />

Aconitase<br />

new enzymatic assay of Fe in serum, 763<br />

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome<br />

ELA of CD4 and CD8 molecules on surface of<br />

‘F lymphocytes from healthy subjects and<br />

HW-1-infected patients, 30<br />

solid-phase extn, combined with RIA for<br />

mess, of zelcitabine (2’,3’deoxycytidine),<br />

211<br />

Acylcarnatine<br />

anal, of fatty acid oxidn. intermediates in<br />

cultured fibroblests, 2267<br />

Adenosine tniphosphatase. See A’FPase<br />

Adipose tissue<br />

exposure to mixtures and congenens of<br />

PCBs(S), 1409<br />

Adrenal function, disease<br />

congenital adrenal hypoplasia, Duchenne<br />

muscular dystrophy, and glycerol kinase<br />

deficiency: delineating gene deletion<br />

syndrome(CR), 2099<br />

Affective disorders, See Depression; Mood<br />

disorders<br />

Age-related effects, See also Geriatric<br />

chemistry<br />

ELISA of pentoeidine in biol. specimens, 1766<br />

Fe status indicators in nonanemic<br />

elderly(TB), 1779<br />

Na pump and relevance to dis.(B), 1674<br />

relation between age and hair Sr in<br />

population from China(L), 2324<br />

Agglutinin<br />

quantn. of Lp(a) by detg. cholesterol in<br />

lectin-bound plasma fraction, 400<br />

skeletal ALP in osteoporotic serum by<br />

agglutinin pptn, heat inactivation and<br />

immunorediometric assay, 1749<br />

Albumin<br />

bromcreaol purple dye-binding and<br />

immunoturbidimetny for albumin meas. in<br />

plasma or serum of patients with renal<br />

failure(L), 844<br />

stability of albumin, Nacetylglucosaininidase,<br />

and creatinine in<br />

urine(L), 339<br />

Alcoholism<br />

allelic D variants of transfernin in evaln, of<br />

alcohol abuse: differential diagnosis by<br />

isoelectric focusing-immunoblotting-laser<br />

densitometry, 2078<br />

diagnostic utility of lab. tests in alcoholic<br />

liver dis.(S), 1641<br />

is carbohydrate-deficient transferrin useful<br />

for detect, excessive alcohol consumption in<br />

hypertensive patients?, 2057<br />

methods for measg. carbohydrate-deficient<br />

transferrin in inpatient alcoholics end<br />

healthy controls compared, 364<br />

Mdose reductase<br />

EIA for eiythrocyte aldose reductase, 889<br />

Aldosterone<br />

HPLC-RIA for quantifying angiotensin II in<br />

plasma, 1537<br />

R, review<br />

5, symposium paper<br />

SR. special report<br />

TB, technical brief<br />

Alkaline phosphatase<br />

ALP iaoenzyme detn. by multiple linear<br />

regression, 803<br />

ALP isoforms after liver allograft surgery,<br />

1272<br />

biliary and liver ALP isoform changes after<br />

liver transplantation(CR), 1335<br />

characteristics of 2-site IRMA for skeletal<br />

ALP in serum, 822<br />

skeletal ALP in osteoporotic serum by<br />

agglutinin pptn., heat inactivation, and<br />

immunoradiemetric assay, 1749<br />

Allergy<br />

cm. immunology lab, of future(S), 2186<br />

Aluminum<br />

A13+ detd. by AAS with transversely heated<br />

graphite atomizer furnace, 431<br />

citrate as main molecule binding Al3+ in<br />

serum, 598<br />

external quality assessment for detg. Al in<br />

dialysis fluids, 1517<br />

iatrogenic Al poisoning(E), 1477<br />

Alzheimer disease<br />

monoclonal gammopathies in Alzheimer<br />

dis.(L), 165<br />

Na pump and relevance to dis.(R), 1674<br />

Amino acids<br />

changes in plasma amino acid conca. in<br />

response to HW-1 infect., 785<br />

high-resolution H-NMR spectroscopy of blood<br />

plasma, 1245<br />

improved data, of free hydroxyproline in biol.<br />

fluids, 1735<br />

plasma amino acids date, by liq. chromatog.<br />

within 17 mm., 245<br />

Aininobutyric acid<br />

GABA and mood disorders: a blood test for<br />

manic depressive dis.?(S), 296<br />

Ammonia<br />

step forward in enzymatic mess, of creatinine,<br />

130<br />

Amphetamine<br />

GC-MS identn. of amphetamine and<br />

methamphetemmne in urine(’FB), 145<br />

microwave-induced prepn. of amphetamines<br />

for GC-MS assays, 1703<br />

stopped-flow FPIA of abused drugs and<br />

metabolites in urine, 1489<br />

tnimethobenzamide cross-reactivity in lAs of<br />

ainphetamine/methamphetamine(L), 948<br />

Amylese<br />

detect, of eutoAbs to amylase by ELISA<br />

comparison of macroamylese and free An,<br />

2254<br />

enzymatic method for assaying Ca with<br />

porcine pancreatic a-amylase, 781<br />

time-resolved immunefluorometric assay of<br />

tzypsin-2 complexed with a1- antitrypein in<br />

serum, 1761<br />

Amyloid<br />

automated EtA of serum amyloid A, 1284<br />

Amyloidosis<br />

free light chains of Igs(R), 1869<br />

monoclonal gainmopethies(S), 2154<br />

Aniyotrophic lateral sclerosis<br />

melee, basis of familial ALS(S), 638<br />

Analytical error<br />

anal. quality specifications in din. chem.(L),<br />

570<br />

aspirin-induced interference in EMI’F II d,a.u.<br />

assay, 1512

enzymatic detn. of Na, K, and Cl in abnormal<br />

serum compared with detn. with<br />

ion-selective electrodes, 1528<br />

erroneous results with diluted Emit<br />

reagents(L), 1597<br />

interference of ofloxadn with detn. of urinary<br />

porphyrins, 417<br />

parameter values for Cusuin schemes(L),<br />

1610<br />

Androgens<br />

androgens for diagnosing pancreatic<br />

cancen(L), 1983<br />

Androatsnediol<br />

ref. values for androstanediol glucuronide(L),<br />

162<br />

Anemia<br />

detect, of a-thalessemias by multiplex PCR,<br />

2260<br />

Fe-deficiency anemia assocd, with high conca.<br />

of transfernin receptor, 774<br />

mosaicism of blood cell populations in females<br />

heterozygous for G6PD alleles assocd, with<br />

chronic nonsphenocytic haemolytic<br />

enaemia(A), 2342<br />

role of Zn protoporphyrin in staging Fe<br />

deficiency, 768<br />

Angiotensin<br />

HPLC-RIA for quantifying angiotensin II in<br />

plasma, 1537<br />

Angiotensin-converting enzyme<br />

competitive deletion mutant quant. PCR for<br />

angiotensin converting enzyme mRNA in<br />

smooth muscle cells(A), 658<br />

Anbydroglucitol<br />

1,5-anhydroglutiol: serum marker for<br />

diabetes(E), 1991<br />

enzymatic method for detg.<br />

1,5-anhydre-D-glucitol, 2013<br />

flow-injection system for quant.<br />

1,5-anhydro-D-glucitol, 2006<br />

quanta. 1,5-anhydro-D-glucitol by liq.<br />

chromatog./MS: eva]n. and cm. apple., 260<br />

Animal studies<br />

forensic DNA anal, in wildlife law<br />

enforcement(S), 652<br />

Hg in bioL specimens by cold vapor atomic<br />

fluorescence spectrometry, 206<br />

Li and brain: psychophermacel. strategy to<br />

melee, basis for manic depressive illness(S),<br />

309<br />

mess, of 02 by multiwavelength analyzer:<br />

interspecies difl’erences(TB), 1971<br />

synthetic enzyme-linked ALU and p53<br />

specific reagents: tumor cell tracking and<br />

assessment of metastatic potential in a<br />

SCID mouse model(A), 663<br />

time-resolved flueroinimunoassay of salmon<br />

calcitonin, 1774<br />

Antibiotics. See also specific drugs<br />

microfabricetion in silicon<br />

micrephysiometry(S), 1800<br />

Antibodies, antlidiotypic<br />

human antiidiotypic Abs against 0C125<br />

strongly interfere with one-step assays of<br />

CA 125 employing 0C125 and Mu Abs(L),<br />

951<br />

improving sensitivity and reliabffity of<br />

IAs(R), 347<br />

noncompetitive immunometric anti-immune<br />

complex assay for digoxin, 2035<br />

Antibodies, auto-. See Autoantibodies<br />

Antibodies, monoclonal<br />

EIA of cholesteryl ester transfer protein with<br />

mAn and oligoclonal Abe, 593<br />

IA of recombinant hirudin baaed on 2 mAbs,<br />

734<br />

IL-6inplasmameasd. by IA, 116<br />

improving sensitivity and reliability of<br />

lAs(R), 347<br />

minimization of serum interference in flow<br />

cytometric 2-site lAs, 420<br />

monoclonal gammopethies(S), 2154<br />

noncompetitive immunemetric anti-immune<br />

complex assay for digoxin, 2035<br />

validation of mAb EIA for meas. progesterone<br />

in saliva, 454<br />

Anticoagulants<br />

eveln. of variables with meas. of prothrombin<br />

fragment 1.2, 1962<br />

Antidepressants<br />

automated HPLC assay for fluoxetine and<br />

norifuoxetine, 1312<br />

monitoring tricycic antidepressant. in serum<br />

conca, by FPIA vs GC and HPLC, 929<br />

mood disorders: diagnosis, classification, and<br />

management(S), 273<br />

serotonin in pathophysiol. of depression:<br />

serotonin transporter(S), 288<br />

Antioxidants<br />

assocn. of low serum conc, of bilirubin with<br />

coronary artery dis., 18<br />

serum radical-traping antioxidant parameter<br />

in coal workers(A), 1470<br />

Antitrypsin<br />

preincubation superior to strict competition<br />

with mismatched oligonucleotides for<br />

detect. a1-antitrypsin deficiency(L), 1793<br />

time-resolved immunofluorometric assay of<br />

tnypsin-2 complexed with a1- antitrypein in<br />

serum, 1761<br />

Apoaequorin<br />

improving sensitivity and reliability of<br />

lAs(R), 347<br />

Apolipoproteins<br />

ape A-I and B measd. during Nat. Health and<br />

Nutrition Survey, 1915<br />

ape E detn, by isoelectric focusing, 11<br />

apo E phenotype and hyperlipoproteinemia in<br />

nephrotic syndrome(L), 849<br />

automated EIA of serum amyloid A, 1284<br />

automated immunoturbidimetric assays for<br />

mees, of ape A-I and B, 1722<br />

circadian rhythmic variations in serum of<br />

clinically important lipids, 1549<br />

distribution of CII and CII peptides in<br />

lipoprotein classes, 240<br />

effect of smoking on lipids, apos, and<br />

lipoprotein(a) (L), 1350<br />

genotypes of human ape E detd. by specific<br />

restriction profiles of PCR amplified DNA,<br />

24<br />

IFCC standardization project for mess, of ape<br />

A-I and B. N. Comparability of ape B<br />

values using InternatL Ref. Material, 586<br />

lipeprotein profiles of nonmo- and<br />

hypercholesterolemic homozygotes for ape<br />

E2 compared, 1559<br />

MS techniques for mess. metab. of ape B in<br />

vivo(A), 1825<br />

quantn. of ape A-N in plasma by<br />

immunonephelometry, 1717<br />

quanta. of Lp(a) by detg. cholesterol in<br />

lectin-bound plasma fraction, 400<br />

screening for apo B-100 with U937 monocyte<br />

proliferation assay, 395<br />

T/G polymorphism at nucleetide 3206 of ape<br />

C ifi gene by amplification refractory<br />

mutation system, 2235<br />

variations in stability of ape B in liq. ref.<br />

material, 716<br />

Apoproteins<br />

structural and functional assessment of HDL<br />

heterogeneity, 1554<br />

Arsenic<br />

As excretion after one-time ingestion of<br />

seaweed, crab and shrimp, 617<br />

chem. forms of As in urine(E), 679<br />

Arteriosclerosis<br />

detect, of cholesteryl ester transfer protein<br />

deficiency by nonradioisotopic single-strand<br />

conformation pelymorphism anal., 2227<br />

Ascites<br />

discnim. of penitoneal malignant ascites from<br />

cirrhosis and hepatocarcinome-assocd.<br />

ascites by detg. ascitic cholesterol and<br />

LDH, 478<br />

Ascorhate<br />

ascorbate interference in common cm,<br />

assays(L), 950<br />

Aspartyiglycosaininuria<br />

enzymatic diag. of aspartylglycosaminuria by<br />

fluorometric assay of glycosylasparaginese<br />

in serum, plasma, or lymphocytes, 385<br />

Asthma<br />

meas, of salivary cotinine with AbbOtt<br />

‘fDx(L), 843<br />

replacing creetinine mess, with specific<br />

gravity values to adjust urine cotinine<br />

concs., 562<br />

Atherogenesis<br />

serum Lp(a) effect on estn. of LDL cholesterol<br />

by Fniedewald formula, 571<br />

Atherosclerosis<br />

CuZn superoxide diamutase end coronary<br />

atherosclerosis(L), 1597<br />

EIA of cholesteryl ester transfer protein with<br />

mAb and oligoclonal Abs., 593<br />

ELISA of IgG An. to oxidized LDL, 882<br />

quanta. of ape A-tV in plasma by<br />

immunonephelometry, 1717<br />

serum bilirubin concs. in children at risk for<br />

etherosclerosis(L), 1791<br />

Atomic absorption spectrophotometry<br />

enzymatic method for assaying Ca with<br />

porcine pancreatic a-amylese, 781<br />

estg. intestinal absorption of Ce by using<br />

stable Sn as a marker, 257<br />

Atomic absorption spectroscopy<br />

AAS mess, of blood Pb in matrix-matched<br />

stds.(S), 1730<br />

Al detd. by AAS with transversely heated<br />

graphite atomizer furnace, 431<br />

Con.-A-bound selenoprotein analyzed by<br />

graphite furnace AAS, 62<br />

Li deths. evald. in 8 analyzers, 869<br />

validity of Pb exposure markers in diagnosis<br />

and surveillance(S), 1387<br />

Atomic emission spectroscopy<br />

Li detns. evald. in 8 analyzers, 869<br />

Atomic fluorescence spectrometry<br />

mess. Hg in specimens by cold vapor atomic<br />

fluorescence spectrometny, 206<br />

ATPase<br />

erythrocyte Na,K ATPase acty. does net<br />

predict therapeutic response to Ca<br />

antagonists in hypotension, 1532<br />

Na pump and relevance to dis.(R), 1674<br />

Atrial natniuretic peptide<br />

din, significance of urinary cGMP in diag. of<br />

heart failure, 96<br />

Autoantibodies<br />

An interference with thyroid hormone uptake<br />

assay, 1940<br />

detect, of autoAbs to amylase by ELISA<br />

comparison of macroamylese and free An,<br />

2254<br />

ELISA of IgG An to oxidized LDL, 882<br />

ELISA titertray assay of 1gM anti-GM1<br />

eutoantibodies, 1327<br />

microparticle-enhanced nephelometnic IA of<br />

anti-thyroid peroxidase eutoAbs in thyroid<br />

disorders, 442<br />

Autoimmune disease<br />

autoimmune endocninepathies: pathogenesis<br />

and role of immune assays(S), 2132<br />

CK isoenzymes: relevance to lab. and cm.<br />

data, 1278<br />

detect. of autoAhe to amylase by ELISA.<br />

comparison of macroamylase end free An,<br />

2254<br />

factors influencing changes in cim.<br />

immunology lab,(S), 2193<br />

lab, diagnosis and monitoring in chronic<br />

systemic autoimmune dis.(S), 2146<br />

microparticle-enhenced nephelometric IA of<br />

anti-thyroid peroxidese autoAbs in thyroid<br />

disorders, 442<br />

Avidin-biotin interaction<br />

improving sensitivity and reliability of<br />

IAs(R), 347<br />

Bacteria and bacterial products<br />

microfabnicatien in silicon<br />

microphysiometry(S), 1800<br />

Beckman, Arnold 0.<br />

Arnold 0. Beckman, 1359<br />

Beckman Conference<br />

European, 1359<br />

Seventeenth, preface, 2127<br />

Bence Jones proteins<br />

Bence Jones proteins identified by<br />

immunofixation electrophoresis(L), 945<br />

free light chains of Igs(R), 1869<br />

monoclonal gammopethies(S), 2154<br />

Benzene<br />

biomonitoring benzene exposures by measg.<br />

trans-trans muconic acid(A), 1468<br />

Benzodiazepine<br />

detect, benzodiazepines: lAs compared with<br />

neg. chem. ionization GC-MS, 373<br />

Benzoylecgonine<br />

aspirin-induced interference in EMIT II d.n.u.<br />

assay, 1512<br />

CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 40, No. 12, 1994 2357

stopped-flow FPIA of abused drugs and<br />

metabolites in urine, 1489<br />

Biirubin<br />

assocn. of low serum conc. of bilirubin with<br />

coronary artery dis., 18<br />

bilirubin and coronary artery dis. risk(L),<br />

1600<br />

bilirubin interference in Cobas MIRA assay of<br />

creatinine(L), 1600<br />

bilirubin protection against coronary artery<br />

dis.(L), 1987<br />

bilirubin a risk factor for coronary artery<br />

dis.?(E), 9<br />

carboxyhemoglobin detd. in neonates with<br />

CO-oximeter, 1522<br />

Hitachi 717/747 and Ektachem essay of Pi<br />

without bilirubin interference(L), 1349<br />

interference with cliii. lab. anal.(R), 1996<br />

serum bilirubin cones, in children at risk for<br />

etherosclerosis(L), 1791<br />

Biological markers. See Markers, biological<br />

Biological variation, See also Variation, source<br />

of<br />

bioL variation in peptidase acty. in healthy<br />

subjects, 1686<br />

Bioluminescence<br />

improving sensitivity and reliability of<br />

IAs(R), 347<br />

Biomonitoring. See also Toxicology<br />

biomonitoring benzene exposures by measg.<br />

trans-trans muconic acid(A), 1468<br />

carcinogen adducts: diagnosis and risk<br />

assessment(S), 1438<br />

Cdi exposure markers as predictors of<br />

nephrotoxic effects(S), 1391<br />

evain. of current concepts in exposure<br />

asseesment(S), 1368<br />

methyl H intrauterine and postnatal<br />

exposure(S), 1395<br />

molec, epidemioL studies in workers exposed<br />

to Cr(A), 1454<br />

monitoring for chem. exposure and dis,:<br />

ethics(S), 1426<br />

monitoring exposure to industrial chem. by<br />

detg. Hb edducts(A), 1472<br />

reference limits in occupational toxicology(S),<br />

1385<br />

Blosensors<br />

microfabrication in silicon<br />

microphysiometny(S), 1800<br />

micromachined analyzers one Si chip(S),<br />

1805<br />

urea and lactate detd. in 1-pL whole blood<br />

samples with a miniaturized thermal<br />

biosensor, 2282<br />

Biotechnology, legal issues<br />

historical perspective on eDNA patenting(S),<br />

644<br />

patentability of genes: utility(S), 640<br />

patentability standards: nonobviousness(S),<br />

640<br />

Biotin<br />

detn. of biotin in biotun-conjugated protein by<br />

measg. fluorescence polenization(L), 2112<br />

Biotin-streptavidun interaction<br />

immunofluorometric assay of total renin in<br />

plasma and follicular fluid, 74<br />

improvements to lAs by use of covalent<br />

binding assay plates(S), 1833<br />

Bladder cancer<br />

meas. c.erbB-2 oncogene amplifn. by<br />

competitive PCR, 630<br />

Blood gases<br />

bias of ionized Ca results from blood gas<br />

syringes(L), 669<br />

carboxyhemoglobin detd. in neonates with<br />

CO-oximeten, 1522<br />

interference in ionized Ca mess, by heparun<br />

salts, 565<br />

micromachined analyzers on a Si chip(S),<br />

1805<br />

StatPal II pH and blood gas anal, system<br />

evaliL, 124<br />

Blood viscosity<br />

flow of bioL fluids in straight channels<br />

micromachined in Si, 43<br />

Bloodbonne pathogens<br />

variability of lab, coat resistance to blood<br />

strikethrough, 459<br />

2358 CUNICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 40, No. 12, 1994<br />

Bone<br />

advances in biochem. markers of bone<br />

turnover(E), 1994<br />

characteristics of 2-site IRMA for skeletal<br />

ALP in serum, 822<br />

CK isoenzyme BB increased in serum and<br />

tumor tissue of patients with giant cell<br />

tumor of bone, 2064<br />

comm. essays for serum osteocalcin give cm,<br />

discordant results, 358<br />

estg. intestinal absorption of Ca by using<br />

stable Sr as a marker, 257<br />

familial high cones, of carboxy-terminal<br />

propeptide of type I procollagen(CR), 1591<br />

Fe-deficiency anemia assocd. with transfernin<br />

receptor, 774<br />

HPLC detns. of urinary hydroxylysune<br />

glycosides to study turnover rate of bone in<br />

humans and rats(L), 2113<br />

IA for quant. type I collagen degradation<br />

products in urine, 2022<br />

in vitro stability of osteocalcin(TB), 833<br />

osteocalcin ELISA, 1258<br />

purifn. of procollagen type I<br />

carboxyl-tenmunal propeptide cleaved as in<br />

vivo from procollagen and used to calibrate<br />

RIA of propeptide, 811<br />

quantn. of skeletal ALP in osteoporotic serum<br />

by agglutinin pptn., heat inactivation, and<br />

immunoradiometnic assay, 1749<br />

six osteocalcin assays compared, 2071<br />

Books received, 504, 1613, 2123<br />

Book reviews<br />

Body Fluids, 1352<br />

Chemintoeh Software Program, 955<br />

<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Chemistry</strong>: Concepts and<br />

Applications, 2122<br />

DNA Probes: <strong>Back</strong>ground, Applications, and<br />

Procedures, 2nd ad., 2122<br />

Enzyme Assays, A Practical Guide, 675<br />

Geriatric <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Chemistry</strong>: Reference<br />

Values, 1352<br />

A Guide to Diagnostic <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Chemistry</strong>,<br />

2328<br />

Guidelines for Laboratory Quality Auditing,<br />

1613<br />

Handbook of Capillary Electrophoresis, 1989<br />

Immunoassay Automation, A Practical<br />

Guide(2nd ad.), 503<br />

Modern Methods for Trace Element<br />

Determination, 1781<br />

Molecular Biology and Pathology: A<br />

Guidebook for Quality Control, 1352<br />

Neonatology and <strong>Clinical</strong> Biochemistry, 1353<br />

Pharmecokinetics and Therapeutic<br />

Monitoring of Psychiatric Drugs, 503<br />

Principles of Instrumental Analysis, 1612<br />

Salt and Water in Culture and Medicine, 174<br />

Spectrochemical Analysis by Atomic<br />

Absorption and Emission, 1612<br />

Statistical Methods in Analytical <strong>Chemistry</strong>,<br />

955<br />

Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and <strong>Clinical</strong><br />

Biochemistry, 1989<br />

Tietz Textbook of <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Chemistry</strong>(2nd ed.),<br />

675<br />

Bovine leukemia virus<br />

combined PCR-hybnidizn. micnoplate assay<br />

used to detect bovine leukemia virus and<br />

Salmonella, 200<br />

Brain<br />

brain mechanisms in manic depression(S),<br />

303<br />

develop, in neurochem. of depression, mania,<br />

and other disorders(S), 271<br />

GABA and mood disorders: a blood test for<br />

manic depressive dis.?(S), 296<br />

Li and brain: psychopharmacoL strategy to<br />

melee, basis for manic depressive illness(S),<br />

309<br />

Breast cancer<br />

c-erbli-2 oncogene amplifn. by competitive<br />

PCR, 630<br />

DNA sequencing to anal. p53 gene in breast<br />

cancer patients(A), 2337<br />

familial breast cancer(S), 639<br />

fibroblast growth factor in breast cancer(L),<br />

1980<br />

EtA of 2-hydroxyestrone in urine, 80<br />

Breast implants<br />

breast implants and urinary Pt(L), 1787<br />

Breath analysis<br />

bilirubin prodn. in newborn meesd, by CO in<br />

breath, 1934<br />

electrochem. instrument for detg. CO in<br />

breath, 1927<br />

pentane and isoprene in expired air from<br />

humans: GC anal., 1485<br />

Bulimia nervosa<br />

neuropeptides and anxiety: focus on<br />

cholecystokunin(S), 315<br />

Cadmium<br />

Cd: exposure markers as predictors of<br />

nephrotoxic effects(S), 1391<br />

Calcitonin<br />

time-resolved fluoroimmunoassey of salmon<br />

calcitonin, 1774<br />

Calcium<br />

bias of ionized Ca results from blood gas<br />

syrunges(L), 669<br />

enzymatic method for assaying Ca with<br />

porcine pancreatic a-amylase, 781<br />

eiythrocyte Na,K ATPase arty. does not<br />

predict therapeutic response to Ca<br />

antagonists in hypotension, 1532<br />

heparun preps. to eliminate interference in<br />

ionized Ce meas.(E), 508<br />

interference in ionized Ce mess, by heparin<br />

salts, 565<br />

intestinal absorption of Ca by using stable Sn<br />

as a marker, 257<br />

poor reproducibility of Sr absorption test(L),<br />

1789<br />

Calibration<br />

AAS mess, of blood Pb in matrix-matched<br />

stds.(1730)<br />

effect of calibration on dispersion of GHb<br />

values detd, by 3 labs, using 21 methods,<br />

13$<br />

internatl. ref. prepn. for proteins in sera(SR),<br />

934<br />

Cancer. See also specific organs<br />

androgens for diagnosing pancreatic<br />

cancer(L), 1983<br />

assocn, of pancreatic cancer, lung dis., and<br />

AF508 mutation in CF(CR), 1972<br />

biomarkers for detect, carcinogenic risk from<br />

fungicides(A), 1460<br />

c-erbB-2 oncogene amphfn. by competitive<br />

PCR, 630<br />

carcinogen edducts: diagnosis and risk<br />

assessment(S), 1438<br />

carcinogenesis and susceptibility to cancer(S),<br />

1421<br />

CK isoenzyme BB increased in serum and<br />

tumor tissue of patients with giant cell<br />

tumor of bone, 2064<br />

CK isoenzymes: relevance to lab, and cim.<br />

data, 1278<br />

cliii. apphns. of gene therapy for cancer(OV),<br />

510<br />

chin, significance of urinary cOMP in diag. of<br />

heart failure, 96<br />

detect. 8-core in normal and cancer patient<br />

urines(TB), 2317<br />

detect, of p53 mutations using multiplex<br />

heteroduplex anal.(A), 660<br />

diesel exhaust-related DNA adducts in garage<br />

wonkers(A), 1456<br />

discrim, of peritoneal malignant ascites from<br />

cirrhosis and hepatocarcinoma-assecd.<br />

ascites by detg. ascitic cholesterol and<br />

LDH, 478<br />

diurnal variation of urinary “hCG B subunit<br />

core fragment” production evald. in<br />

patients with gynecological neoplasms(TB),<br />

484<br />

factors influencing changes in cha.<br />

immunology lab.(S), 2193<br />

fibroblast growth factor in breast cancer(L),<br />

1980<br />

genetic vs epigenetic causes of proto-oncogene<br />

alterations in neuroblastoma(A), 2341<br />

hammerhead ribozymes as<br />

anti-oncogene(N-myc) biotherapeutic<br />

agents(A), 2336<br />

immunological recognition and cha.<br />

significance of nicked hCG in testicular<br />

cancer, 2306<br />

molec. epidemioL studies in workers exposed<br />

to Cr(A), 1454

mutetor gene effect in colonectal cancer(S),<br />

638<br />

polycythemia and high serum erythropoietin<br />

cone, in 62-year-old man(CC), 2093<br />

radiolabeled PCR assay for detect, of ras<br />

oncogene point mutations, 705<br />

nestandardized IMx CA 125 assay(L),<br />

RNA isolation procedures for normal and<br />

tumor tissue using FastRNA(A), 2340<br />

role of biomarkers in environmentally<br />

induced disease(S), 1363<br />

semiautomated detect, of HPV DNA in<br />

cervical smears, 1890<br />

serotonin, catecholamines, histamine, and<br />

their metabolites in urine, platelets, and<br />

tumor tissue of patients with carcinoid<br />

tumors, 86<br />

swainsonine in serum of cancer patients:<br />

phase I cim. trial, 426<br />

synthetic enzyme-linked ALU and p53<br />

specific reagents: tumor cell tracking and<br />

assessment of metastatic potential in a<br />

SCID mouse model(A), 663<br />

Cannabinoids<br />

using relation between urinary cannabinoid<br />

and creatinine excretions to improve<br />

monitoring of abuser adherence to<br />

abstinenoe(L), 170<br />

Carbon monoxide<br />

bilirubun prodn. in newborn measd. by CO in<br />

breath, 1934<br />

electrochem, instrument for detg. CO in<br />

breath, 1927<br />

Carcunoembryonic antigen<br />

SRi a-fetopnotein, CEA, and PSA compared<br />

with<br />

Carnitune<br />

comm. assays, 895<br />

carnitine detn. by enzymatic cycling with<br />

carnitine dehydrogenese, 817<br />

Carrier detection<br />

enzymatic diag. of aspartylglycosaminuria by<br />

fluorometric assay of glycosyhasparaginase<br />

in serum, plasma, on lymphocytes, 385<br />

Case reports<br />

Cole, David E.; congenital adrenal<br />

hypoplasia, Duchenne muscular dystrophy,<br />

and glycerol kinase deficiency, 2099<br />

Demedts, Paul; methanol ingestion-serum<br />

osmolality, 1587<br />

Doolittle, Marc H.; serum digoxin, 487<br />

Lindstedt, Gdren; polycythemia and<br />

erythropoietin cone, in old man, 2093<br />

Meekawa, Masato; LDH M(A) variant<br />

compared with other LDH mutations, 665<br />

Mercer, Donald; ALK isoforms after liver<br />

transplantation, 1335<br />

Sheriff, D. S.; hypercholesterolemia and HDL<br />

cholesterol, 2313<br />

Sonva, Antti; familial carboxy-termunal<br />

peptide of procollagen, 1591<br />

Stasia, Marie-Jos#{233}; AST macnoenzyme<br />

identified, 1340<br />

Tsongelis, Gregory J.; pancreatic cancer end<br />

cystic fibrosis, 1972<br />

Zaman, Zahur; simult. macroamylasemia and<br />

mecrolipasemia,<br />

Catecholamines<br />

939<br />

cetecholemines end catecholamine<br />

metabolites in pheochromocytoma, 250<br />

catecholamines<br />

279<br />

in depression: an update(S),<br />

serotonin, catecholamines, histamine, and<br />

their metabolites in urine, platelets, and<br />

tumor tissue of patients with carcinoid<br />

tumors, 86<br />

Celiac disease<br />

HPLC detn. of polyethylene<br />

celiac dig, and in health,<br />

glycol<br />

1571<br />

400 in<br />

simult. mecroamylasemia and<br />

macrolipasemia(CR), 939<br />

Cell adhesion molecules<br />

inhibition of CAM expression with antisense<br />

oligonucleotides(S), 644<br />

Cell receptors<br />

catecholemines<br />

279<br />

in depression: an update(S),<br />

Cell-surface antigens<br />

EIA of CD4 and CD8 molecules on surface of<br />

T lymphocytes from healthy subjects and<br />

HW-1-infected patients, 30<br />

factors influencing chenges in cha.<br />

immunology lab.(S), 2193<br />

ontogeny and active, of T cells(S), 2128<br />

Centrifugal analyzer<br />

latex agglutination IA of serum fernitin with<br />

centrifugal analyzer, 625<br />

Cerebrospinal fluid<br />

catecholamines in depression: an update(S),<br />

270<br />

GABA and mood disorders: a blood test for<br />

manic depressive dis.?(S), 296<br />

Lp(a) in CSF measd. by<br />

immunofluorometry(L), 1975<br />

neuropeptides and anxiety: focus on<br />

cholecystokinin(S), 315<br />

Ceruloplasmin<br />

Cu nutritional status(R), 1479<br />

Chagas disease<br />

IA with recombinant T. cruzi antigens:<br />

Chages dis. diagnosis, 1893<br />

Chelation therapy<br />

Pb detn. in urine and blood by stable isotope<br />

dilution GC-MS, 1494<br />

Chemiluminescence<br />

acridinium-labeling to latex microparticles<br />

and appin. in chemiluin,-based<br />

unstrumentation(A), 1824<br />

amplifn. assay of nucleic acid by single<br />

unpaired electrochemilum. pnimen(A), 658<br />

assay for diagnosis and monitoring of<br />

CML(A), 2338<br />

chemilum, receptor assay for mess, vit. B12 in<br />

serum, 537<br />

detect, of Chiwnydia trachomatis in male<br />

urine and urethral swabs using<br />

transcription-mediated amplifn.(A), 2338<br />

detect. of V-1 proviral DNA using temp.<br />

amplifn. system(A), 2338<br />

enhancement of peroxidase-cetelyzed<br />

chemilum. oxidation of cyclic diacyl<br />

hydrazides by arylboronic acids(A), 1828<br />

improving sensitivity and reliability of<br />

IAs(R), 347<br />

indoxyl-B-D-glucuronide in plasma of<br />

hemodialysis patients, 1580<br />

Lumigen PS: chemilum, substrate for detect.<br />

peroxidase conjugates(A), 654<br />

quant. PCR with electrochemilum. detect.(A),<br />

657<br />

random and continuous-access hAs with<br />

chemilum, detect. by Access automated<br />

analyzer, 2042<br />

reporter gene asseys-chemilum. detect.<br />

system(A), 655<br />

Chemilumunescence immunoassay<br />

chemilum, EtA of PSA(TB), 1970<br />

chemilum. enzyme IA with gelatin-coated<br />

fernite(A), 1830<br />

evaln, of Ciba Corning ACS: 180 automated<br />

IA system, 407<br />

Chemotherapy<br />

bio-reversible analogs of oligonucleoside<br />

phosphorothioetes(A), 2335<br />

formulation of oligonucleotides with<br />

cyclodextrin(A), 2339<br />

hammerhead nibozymes as<br />

anti-oncogene(N-myc) biotherapeutic<br />

agents(A), 2336<br />

monoclonal gammopathies(S), 2154<br />

optimal sequence detn. for antisense<br />

phosphorothioate oligonucleotide drugs(A),<br />

2339<br />

Chiamydia<br />

detect, of Chlamydia trachomatis in male<br />

urine and urethral swabs using<br />

transcription-mediated ainplifn.(A), 2338<br />

random and continuouseccess lAs with<br />

chemilum. detect, by Access automated<br />

analyzer, 2042<br />

screening for C. trachomatis and N.<br />

gonorrhoeae using PACE 2C assay(A), 2338<br />

Cholecystokinin<br />

neuropeptides and anxiety: focus on<br />

cholecystokinin(S), 315<br />

Cholesterol<br />

ape A-I and B measd. during Nat. Health and<br />

Nutrition Survey, 1915<br />

assocn. of low serum cone, of bilirubin with<br />

coronary artery dis., 18<br />

biol. variability of cholesterol, triglyceride,<br />

LDL and HDL lipoproteun cholesterol,<br />

Lp(a), and ape A-I and B, 574<br />

circadian rhythmic variations in serum of<br />

clinically important lipids, 1549<br />

detect. of cholesteryl ester transfer protein<br />

deficiency by nonradioisotopic single-strand<br />

conformation polymorphism anal,, 2227<br />

detergent extn. and enzymatic anal, for fecal<br />

long-chain fatty acids, triglycerides, and<br />

cholesterol, 2230<br />

dextran-Mg2+ HDL cholesterol pptn. method<br />

for use with frozen plasma, 233<br />

discnim. of peritoneal malignant ascites from<br />

cirrhosis and hepatocarcinoma-assocd.<br />

ascites by detg. ascitic cholesterol and<br />

LDH, 478<br />

EDTA.plasma vs serum differences in<br />

cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and<br />

triglycerides as measd. by several methods,<br />

2088<br />

effect of time between mess, on within-subject<br />

variability for total cholesterol and HDL<br />

cholesterol in women, 710<br />

eight compact anal, systems evald. for mess.<br />

total cholesterol, 579<br />

ELISA of IgG An to oxidized LDL, 882<br />

estg. and minimizing effects of biol. source of<br />

variation by relative range when mess.<br />

mean of serum lipids and lipoproteins, 227<br />

external quality assessment in primary<br />

health care using fresh whole blood, 2223<br />

fractionation of lipoproteins in<br />

ultracentrifugation tubes(TB), 145<br />

HDL subfrections measd. in stored serum,<br />

1713<br />

labs, manner of repenting serum cholesterol<br />

affects cliii. care(L), 847<br />

Libyan family with hypercholesterolemia and<br />

HDL cholesterol(CR), 2313<br />

lipoprotein profiles of normo- and<br />

hypercholesterolemic homozygotes for ape<br />

E2 compared, 1559<br />

Lp(e) further invalidates Fniedewald<br />

formula(L), 2115<br />

Lp(a) is included in LDL by NCEP<br />

deflnition(L), 2115<br />

metabolic determinants of the course of<br />

coronary artery disease, 2240<br />

nonlinearity of HDL cholesterol detns. is<br />

matrix dependent, 389<br />

plasma homocysteine as risk factor for<br />

familial coronary heart dis,, 552<br />

quantn. of Lp(a) by detg. cholesterol in<br />

lectin-bound plasma fraction, 400<br />

relation between pancreatic cholesterol<br />

esterase gene structure and lipid<br />

phenotypes(A), 654<br />

serum Lp(a) effect on estn. of LDL cholesterol<br />

by Fniedewald formula, 571<br />

structural and functional assessment of HDL<br />

heterogeneity, 1554<br />

Cholesteryl ester transfer protein<br />

EtA of choleateryl ester transfer protein with<br />

mAb and oligoclonal Abs. 593<br />

Cholinesterase<br />

butylcholinesterase K-variant: frequency and<br />

enzyme acty.(L), 1606<br />

Choriogonadotropin. See Chorionic gonadotrepin<br />

Chorionic gonadotropin<br />

diurnal variation of urinary “hCG II subunit<br />

core fragment” production evald. in<br />

patients with gynecological neoplasms(TB),<br />

484<br />

immunoL recognition and cha. signif. of<br />

nicked hCG in testicular cancer, 2306<br />

quality control material for detect. hCG<br />

misuse in sports, 1306<br />

serum-urine assays for hCG: comparison and<br />

assessment, 1944<br />

Chromatofocusing<br />

ultrasensitive time-resolved<br />

immunofluorometric assay of glutathione<br />

transferase a in serum, 184<br />

Chromatography, adsorption<br />

purifn. of procollagen type I<br />

carboxyl-terminal propeptide cleaved as in<br />

vivo from procollagen and used to calibrate<br />

lilA of propeptide, 811<br />

CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 40, No. 12, 1994 2359

Chromatography, affinity<br />

Con,-A-bound selenoprotein analyzed by<br />

graphite furnace AAS, 62<br />

Chromatography, anion-exchange<br />

indoxyl-8-D-glucuronide in plasma of<br />

hemodialysis patients, 1580<br />

Chromatography, capillary<br />

dialysis contribution to oxidase pnodn. in<br />

chronic renal failure, 1544<br />

improved specificity for ethylene glycol detd.<br />

as phenylboronate by capillary column<br />

GC(L), 850<br />

meas. of felbamate by wide-bore capillary GC<br />

and flame ionization, 745<br />

pancreatic lipase assays with triglycerides as<br />

substrate, 2053<br />

Chromatography, gas<br />

carboxyhemoglobin detd. in neonates with<br />

CO-oximeter, 1522<br />

electrochem. instrument for detg. CO in<br />

breath, 1927<br />

mess. of felbamate by wide-bore capillary GC<br />

and flame ionization, 745<br />

methanol ingestion: excess serum<br />

osmolalitylCR), 1587<br />

monitoring tricyclic antidepressant cones, in<br />

serum by FPIA vs GC and HPLC, 929<br />

ref. values for urinary organic acids in<br />

Turkish pediatric population, 862<br />

gimult, detn. of Hg speciation in bioL<br />

materials by GC/CVAFS after ethylation<br />

and room-temp. precollection, 602<br />

Chromatography, gel ifitration<br />

AST macroenzyme complex identifled(CR),<br />

1340<br />

purifn. of procollagen type I<br />

carboxyl-terminal propeptide cleaved as in<br />

vivo from procollegen and used to calibrate<br />

lilA of propeptide, 811<br />

Chromatography, immunoafilnity<br />

ultrasensitive time-resolved<br />

immunofluorometric assay of glutathione<br />

trensferase a in serum, 184<br />

Chromatography, ion-exchange<br />

biliazy and liver ALP isoform changes after<br />

liven transplantation(CR), 1335<br />

HPLC anal, of oligoseccharides from<br />

oligoseccharidosis patients, 914<br />

methods for measg. carbohydrate-deficient<br />

transferrin in inpatient alcoholics and<br />

healthy controls compared, 364<br />

quantn, 1,5-anhydro-D-glucitol: evaln. and<br />

din. appln., 1322<br />

Chromatography, liquid<br />

automated HPLC assay for fluoxetine and<br />

norfluoxetine, 1312<br />

comm. ELISA for neoptenin detect. compared<br />

with RIA and HPLC(TB), 265<br />

fatty acids in erythrocytes measd. by isocratic<br />

HPLC, 1707<br />

felbamate measd. by HPLC and capillary<br />

electrophoresis, 1904<br />

GHb measd. by automated affinity HPLC:<br />

glycemia correlation, 1317<br />

homovanillic acid in plasma detd, by HPLC<br />

with direct injection of plasma filtretes(L),<br />

2119<br />

HPLC anal, of oligosecchanides from<br />

oligosaccharidosis patients, 914<br />

HPLC detn, of homocysteine and other thiols<br />

in serum and plasma sex differences and<br />

correlation with cobalamun and folate<br />

cones., 873<br />

HPLC detn. of polyethylene glycol 400 in<br />

celiac dis, and in health, 1571<br />

HPLC detns. of urinary hydroxylysune<br />

glycosides to study turnover rate of bone in<br />

humans and rats(L), 2113<br />

HPLC and drug anel.(L), 953<br />

HPLC-RIA for quantifying angiotensin II in<br />

plasma, 1537<br />

improved HPLC detn, of 5-S-cysteinyldopa in<br />

serum(L), 495<br />

lidoceine and HPLC assay for<br />

anticonvulsants(TB), 833<br />

liq.-chromatog. anal, of effusions for<br />

hyaluronate content, 777<br />

monitoring tricycle antidepressant cones, in<br />

serum by FPIA vs GC and HPLC, 929<br />

plasma amino acids detd. by liq. chromatog.<br />

within 17 mm., 245<br />

2360 CLINICALCHEMISTRY, Vol. 40, No. 12, 1994<br />

quanta. 1,5-anhydroglucitol by liq.<br />

chrematog.IMS, 260<br />

siinult, detn, of endogenous retinoic acid<br />

isomers and netinol in human plasma by<br />

isocratic normal-phase HPLC with UV<br />

detect., 48<br />

simult. separation and quanta. of<br />

protoporphynuns by 3-D HPLC, 1239<br />

urinary I’ deed, by paired-ion reversed-phase<br />

HPLC with electrochem. detect., 908<br />

Chromatography, reversed-phase<br />

automated HPLC assay for fluoxetine and<br />

norfluexetine, 1312<br />

catecholamines and catecholamine<br />

metabolites in pheochromocytome, 250<br />

15-desmethyl FK-506 and 15,31-desmethyl<br />

FK-506 from liver microsomes: isolation,<br />

identn., and evaln. of in vitro<br />

immunosuppressive acty., 740<br />

fatty acids in enythrocytes measd. by isocratic<br />

HPLC, 1707<br />

HPLC detn, of homocysteune and other thiols<br />

in serum and plasma: sex differences and<br />

correlation with cobalamin and folate<br />

cones., 873<br />

HPLC of free porphyrins for diagnosis of<br />

porphyria, 2026<br />

HPLC-RIA for quantifying angiotensun II in<br />

plasma, 1537<br />

immunoL recognition and din. signif. of<br />

nicked hCG in testicular cancer, 2306<br />

improved detn. of free hydroxyproline in bioL<br />

fluids, 1735<br />

indoxyl-B-D-glucuronide in plasma of<br />

hemodialysis patients, 1580<br />

interference of ofloxacun with detn, of urinary<br />

porphyrins, 417<br />

plasma amino acids deed, by liq. chromatog.<br />

within 17 miii., 245<br />

urinary I’ detd. by paired-ion reversed-phase<br />

HPLC with electrochem, detect., 908<br />

Chromatography, thin-layer<br />

HPLC anal, of oligosacchanides from<br />

oligosaccharidosis patients, 914<br />

HPLC of free porphyruns for diagnosis of<br />

porphyria, 2026<br />

pancreatic lipase assays with triglycerides as<br />

substrate, 2053<br />

Chronuum<br />

mess, of blood voL with enriched stable<br />

isotope of Cr(reCr) and isotope dilution by<br />

combined GC-MS, 71<br />

melee. epidemieL studies in workers exposed<br />

to Cn(A), 1454<br />

Chronobiology<br />

bioL variation in peptidase acty. in healthy<br />

subjects, 1686<br />

Circadian rhythms<br />

circadien rhythmic variations in serum of<br />

clinically important lipids, 1549<br />

Cirrhosis. See Liver disease<br />

Citrate<br />

citrate as main molecule binding Al3+ in<br />

serum, 598<br />

CLIA<br />

allowable imprecision based on cm, and<br />

analy. criteria, 1909<br />

European specifications for imprecision and<br />

inaccuracy compared with operating<br />

specifications that assure quality required<br />

by US CLIA proficiency-testing criteria,<br />

1228<br />

influence of blood donation and Fe<br />

supplementation on Fe status(L), 1345<br />

<strong>Clinical</strong> Chemist, The<br />

175, 344, 677, 854, 956, 1354, 1614, 1795,<br />

1990, 2124, 2335<br />

<strong>Clinical</strong> chemistry<br />

accuracy in cli diem.- does anybody<br />

care?(O), 859<br />

anal, quality specifications in cm. chem.(L),<br />

570<br />

cm. chem: fragmentary history(1969-<br />

1977)(H), 2106<br />

confidence intervals in <strong>Clinical</strong> Chemistiy(L),<br />

161<br />

desirable anal. qual. specifications for din.<br />

chem, labs.(L), 168<br />

DNA-based assays in ref. lab(S), 648<br />

foundation of chin. chem in U.S.(H), 835<br />

if din. chem. had existed then(SR), 328<br />

lAb utilization for nutrition support: current<br />

practice, requirements, and expectations.<br />

The Ross Conference, 268<br />

NMR and cm, chem.(L), 2320<br />

optimal use of lab. in changing healthcare<br />

environment: do lab tests cost money or<br />

save money? introduction(S), 1615<br />

platelet-poor plasma not suitable for cm.<br />

endotoxin testing(L), 1346<br />

setting quality stds. in cliii. chem.: competing<br />

models(E), 1865<br />

specificity problems with Hitachi chloride<br />

electrodes(L), 1985<br />

<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Chemistry</strong> Forum, 1993<br />

proceedings of, 1615<br />

Coagulation<br />

evaln, of platelet function by PFA-100{A),<br />

1827<br />

evaln. of preanal. variables for mess, of<br />

prothrombin fragment 1.2, 1962<br />

Cobalamin<br />

HPLC detn. of homocysteine and other thiols<br />

in serum and plasma: sex differences and<br />

correlation with cobalamin and folate<br />

cones., 873<br />

hydroxycobalamin and Na thiosulfate<br />

interfere negatively with meas. of CK(L),<br />

2120<br />

Cocaine<br />

cocaine, cocaethylene and metabolites and<br />

‘crack” by GC-MS, 1299<br />

drug interferences caused by coelution of<br />

substances in (IC-MS confirmation of<br />

targeted drugs in full-scan and selected-ion<br />

monitoring modes, 216<br />

Coenzyme A<br />

anal, of fatty acid oxidn. intermediates in<br />

cultured fibroblests, 2267<br />

Collagen<br />

diagnostic utility of lab, tests in alcoholic<br />

liven dis.(S), 1641<br />

IA for quant. type I collagen degradation<br />

products in urine, 2022<br />

sulfasalazine may interfere with HPLC assay<br />

of urinary pynidunium crosslinks(L), 167<br />

Colonimetry<br />

colorimetric quanta. of urinary Fe during<br />

deferoxamine therapy(L), 497<br />

flow-injection system for quant.<br />

1,5-anhydro-D-glucitol, 2006<br />

urinary I’ deed, by paired-ion reversed-phase<br />

HPLC with electrochem. detect., 908<br />

Computers<br />

realistic modeling of cm. lab, operation by<br />

computer simulation, 922<br />

Conference proceedings<br />

Arnold 0. Beckman Conference, 2127<br />

<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Chemistry</strong> Forum, 1615<br />

European Beckman Conference, 1359<br />

NACB 17th symposium, 271<br />

Oak Ridge, 1797<br />

Ross Conference, 268<br />

San Diego(1993), 637<br />

San Diego(1994), abstracts, 2335<br />

Copper<br />

Cu nutritional status(R), 1479<br />

Coronary artery disease<br />

apo A-I and B messd, during Net. Health and<br />

Nutrition Survey, 1915<br />

assocn. of low serum cone, of bilirubin with<br />

coronary artery dis,, 18<br />

bilirubin and coronary artery clis. nisk(L),<br />

1600<br />

bilirubin protection against coronary artery<br />

dis.(L), 1987<br />

bilirubin a risk factor for coronary artery<br />

dis.?(E), 9<br />

cardiac troponmn I to diagnose perioperative<br />

myocardial infarction in coronary artery<br />

bypass grafting, 2066<br />

CK MB isoforms: markers of myocardial<br />

damage, 1265<br />

distribution of CII and CII peptides in<br />

lipoprotein classes, 240<br />

fibninogen and factor VII variation in Hong<br />

Kong Chinese population(A), 656<br />

metabolic determinants of the course of<br />

coronary artery disease, 2240<br />

Corrections<br />

267 (M. Speich et al., 38:2002,1992)<br />

267 (A. T. Hatjimihail, 39: 1972,1993)

1781 (J. S. Krouwer and B. SchIsm, 39: 1989,<br />

1993)<br />

1780 (B. Marie et al., 40:1779,1994)<br />

Corticotropin<br />

meas. of ACTH with immunochemilum,<br />

assay(TB), 1344<br />

Cotinine<br />

colerimetric procedure to determine smoking<br />

status in diabetics, 1296<br />

mess, of salivary cotinine with Abbott<br />

TDx(L), 843<br />

tech, and sci. develop, in exposure marker<br />

methodoL(S), 1376<br />

C-reactive protein<br />

automated EIA of serum amyloid A, 1284<br />

phospholipase A2, CRP, and WBC count in<br />

diag. of appendicitis, 1757<br />

Creatine<br />

bioL variation in urine samples used for<br />

analyte mess., 472<br />

lAs for serum and urine myoglobin:<br />

myoglobin clearance assessed as a risk<br />

factor for acute renal failure, 796<br />

Creatine kinase<br />

cardiac troponin I to diagnose perioperative<br />

myocardial infarction in coronary artery<br />

bypass grafting, 2066<br />

cardiac troponin-T IA for diag. of acute<br />

myocardial infarction, 900<br />

CK isoenzyme BB increased in serum and<br />

tumor tissue of patients with giant cell<br />

tumor of bone, 2064<br />

CK isoenzymes: relevance to lab, and chin.<br />

data, 1278<br />

CK MB isoforms: markers of myocardial<br />

damage, 1265<br />

detect, of myocandial infarction by CK MB<br />

and cardiac troponin I, 1291<br />

hydroxycobalamin and Na thiosulfate<br />

interfere negatively with mess, of CK(L),<br />

2120<br />

is detn. of CK-2 after electrophoretic sepn.<br />

accurate?, 177<br />

serum CK MB after acute myocardial<br />

infarction in a patient with IgA-CK-BB<br />

complex(L), 160<br />

starburst dendrimers: enhanced performance<br />

and flexibility for LAs(S), 1845<br />

Creatinine<br />

artifacts in mess. of creatinine, Na, and P04<br />

from contamination with hydrocortisone Na<br />

succinate(L), 2321<br />

bilirubin interference in Cobas MIRA assay of<br />

creatinune(L), 1600<br />

establishment of creatinine clearance ref.<br />

values for older women, 2276<br />

external qual. assessment in primary<br />

healthcare using fresh whole blood, 2223<br />

glucose interference in Jaffe creetinune<br />

method: effect of Ca(L), 2326<br />

plasma homocysteine as risk factor for<br />

familial coronary heart dis., 552<br />

replacing creetinine meas, with specific<br />

gravity values to adjust urine cotinine<br />

cones,, 562<br />

stability of albumin, Necetylglucosamirndase,<br />

and creetinine in<br />

urine samples(L), 339<br />

step forward in enzymatic mess, of creatinine,<br />

130<br />

using relation between urinary cannabinoid<br />

and creetinune excretions to improve<br />

monitoring of abuser adherence to<br />

abstinence(L), 170<br />

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease<br />

brain mechanisms in manic depression(S),<br />

303<br />

Cyanohemoglobin<br />

hematofluorometnic detn. of enythrocyte Zn<br />

protoporphynin: oxygenation and<br />

denivatization of Hb compared, 369<br />

Cyclosporin A<br />

CsG and its metabolites in renal transplant<br />

recipients, 613<br />

Cystatin C<br />

cystatin C deed, by turbidimetry for<br />

glomerular filtration rate, 1921<br />

Cysteinylglycine<br />

HPLC detn, of homocysteine and other thiols<br />

in serum and plasma: sex differences and<br />

correlation with cobalamin and folate<br />

cones., 873<br />

Cystic fibrosis<br />

assocn. of pancreatic cancer, lung die., and<br />

AF508 mutation in CF(CR), 1972<br />

detect, of 1078 delT cystic fibrosis mutation<br />

by PCR-mediated site- directed<br />

mutagenesis(TB), 2318<br />

detect, of CF gene mutations by hybridizn. to<br />

GeneChip probe(A), 656<br />

efficacy of Av1CI2-mediated CFFR gene<br />

transfer to nonhuman primate lung with<br />

RS-PCR(A), 2340<br />

mass screening for CF hetenozygotes, 197<br />

mutation iF508 in CF: capillary<br />

electrophoresis(L),<br />

Cystine<br />

1603<br />

changes in plasma amino acid cones, in<br />

response to HIV-1 infect., 785<br />

Cytochrome c oxidase<br />

Cu nutritional<br />

Cytokines<br />

status(R), 1479<br />

chemilum, enzyme IA with gelatin-coated<br />

fernite(A), 1830<br />

chin, immunology lab. of future(S), 2186<br />

IL-6 collected with indwelling cannula and<br />

conc, reflection(TB), 1778<br />

IL-6 in plasma measd. by LA, 116<br />

in vitro anal,<br />

2162<br />

of cell-mediated immunity(S),<br />

ontogeny and activn, of T cells(S), 2128<br />

Cytomegalovirus<br />

detect, of CMV in plasma by colonimetric<br />

micnowell PCRassay(A), 659<br />

quant. detn. of CD4/CD8 molecules by cell<br />

marker ELISA, 38<br />

Data handling<br />

data utilization, not data acquisition, is the<br />

main problem(S), 1616<br />

limit of detect./limit of quanta.: GC-MS<br />

assays of abused drugs, 1233<br />

ref. intervals developed from data for<br />

hospitalized<br />

2209<br />

patients: computerized method,<br />

standard curve data in automated IA<br />

systems, as in Serono SRi analyzer, 513<br />

urinary calculus compositions analyzed with<br />

infrared<br />

Deferoxamine<br />

spectnoscopy, 1692<br />

colorimetric quanta. of urinary Fe during<br />

deferoxamine<br />

Dentistry<br />

therapy(L), 497<br />

meas, Hg in specimens by cold vapor atomic<br />

fluorescence spectrometry, 206<br />

Depression. See also Mood disorders<br />

brain<br />

303<br />

mechanisms in manic depression(S),<br />

catecholamines<br />

279<br />

in depression: an update(S),<br />

GABA and mood disorders: a blood test for<br />

manic depressive dis.?(S), 296<br />

Li and brain: psychophenmacol. strategy to<br />

molec. basis<br />

309<br />

for manic depressive illness(S),<br />

mood disorders: diagnosis, classification, and<br />

management(S), 273<br />

serotonin in pathophysioL of depression:<br />

serotonin<br />

Diabetes<br />

transporter(S), 288<br />

1,5-anhydroglutiel:<br />

di#{228}betes(E), 1991<br />

serum marker for<br />

autoimmune endocrinopethies: pethogenesis<br />

and role of immune assays(S), 2132<br />

bilirubin pnodn. in newborn measd. by CO in<br />

breath, 1934<br />

chem, of fructosamine assay: Amedoni compd.<br />

oxidation, 1950<br />

colorimetric procedure to determine smoking<br />

status in diabetics, 1296<br />

develop, of indices for detg. extracellular fluid<br />

Na and water status<br />

ketoacidosis, 758<br />

in acute diabetic<br />

diabetes<br />

1608<br />

management and GHb testing(L),<br />

ELA for enythrocyte aldose reductase, 889<br />

ELISA of pentosidine in bioL specimens, 1766<br />

enzymatic method for detg.<br />

1,5-anhydro-D-glucitol, 2013<br />

flew-injection system for quant.<br />

1,5-anhydro-D-glucitol, 2006<br />

Glib measd, by automated affinity HPLC:<br />

glycemia correlation, 1317<br />

glyceted protein update: Diabetes Control and<br />

Complications Triel(O), 683<br />

increased serum fernitin in insulin-dependent<br />

diabetes mellitus(L), 947<br />

IRMA of intact proinsulin appld. to patients<br />

with type 2 diabetes, impaired glucose<br />

tolerance, and hyperandrogenism, 754<br />

is Glib testing useful in diebetes?(S), 1637<br />

Na pump and relevance to dis.(R), 1674<br />

quanta. 1,5-anhydro-D-glucitol: evaun, and<br />

chin. appin., 1322<br />

quanta. 1,5-anhydro D-glucitol by liq.<br />

chromatog./MS, 260<br />

total free radical-trapping capacity of serum<br />

from diahetics(L), 2116<br />

Dialysis<br />

dialysis contribution to oxidase prodn. in<br />

chronic renal failure, 1544<br />

distribution of CII and CII peptides in<br />

lipoprotein classes, 240<br />

Digitalis<br />

assey for Na pump inhibition(TB), 1595<br />

Digitoxin<br />

digitoxin Ab cross-neactivity(L), 1977<br />

Digoxin<br />

digoxin IA with cross-reactivity of digoxin<br />

metabelites proportional to biol. acty., 1898<br />

drug metabolites and IAs(E), 1863<br />

highly specific anti-digoxin antiserum from<br />

immunization with digoxin 3’hemusuccinate-bovine<br />

serum albumin<br />

conjugate(L), 172<br />

immunoassey speciflcity(L), 1348<br />

Na pump and relevance to dis.(R), 1674<br />

noncompetitive immunometric anti-immune<br />

complex assay for digoxin, 2035<br />

unexplained increase in serum digoxi . a case<br />

report(TB), 487<br />

Dihydroxyacetone phosphate acyltransferase<br />

assay of dihydroxyecetone phosphate<br />

acyltransferase with 32P-labeled<br />

substrate(L), 946<br />

Dioxin<br />

chlorinated dioxuns and -furans: biomerker<br />

anal.(S), 1405<br />

tech, and sd. develop, in exposure marker<br />

methodol.(S), 1376<br />

DNA<br />

anal, of mobility shifts obtained from<br />

multi-color fluorescent SSCP using<br />

automated DNA fragment anal.<br />

software(A), 2341<br />

automated high-throughput chem. DNA<br />

synthesis: 32-place prototype(A), 659<br />

C-Trek nucleic acid detect. system: eppln. of<br />

detect. t(i4;18) chromosomal<br />

translocation(A), 657<br />

carcinogen adducts: diagnosis and risk<br />

assessment(S), 1438<br />

comparison of luminescence methods for<br />

nucleic acid blotting(A), 2342<br />

cytological anal, of location of HW gene<br />

sequences by PCR and electron microscopy<br />

in situ hybridizn.(A), 655<br />

dendritic DNA. covalent hyperbranched<br />

superstructures(A), 2340<br />

detect, of 2 DNA target sequences from<br />

Mycobacteria using strand displacement<br />

amplifn.(A), 662<br />

develop, of 2/and 3/strand-forming<br />

oligonucleotides as therapeutics(S), 645<br />

diesel exhaust-related DNA adducts in garage<br />

workers(A), 1456<br />

DNA-based assays in ref. lab.(S), 648<br />

DNA bends and transcription activn,(S), 647<br />

DNA triplexes, quedruplexes, and<br />

eptamens(S), 647<br />

electronically enhanced fluorescent detect, of<br />

DNA(A), 658<br />

enzymes in diagnostics: possibilities of<br />

recombinant DNA technol.(R), 688<br />

forensic DNA anal, in wildlife law<br />

enforcement(S), 652<br />

genotypes of human ape E deed, by specific<br />

restriction profiles of PCR- amplified DNA,<br />

24<br />

CLINICAL CHEMISTRY. Vol. 40, No. 12, 1994 2361

high yield plasmid DNA production, 20 mg in<br />

2 h(A), 2341<br />

historical perspective on cDNA patenting(S),<br />

644<br />

hydration of silica compd. for purifli. of DNA<br />

by solid-phase extn.(A), 663<br />

inhibition of CAM expression with antisense<br />

oligonucleotides(S), 644<br />

in situ PCR to amplify DNA and RNA targets<br />

in cells and tissues attached to slides(A),<br />

2341<br />

isothermal co-amplifn. of multiple DNA<br />

targets by adapter-mediated strand<br />

displacement amplifn.(A), 660<br />

patentability of genes: utility(S), 640<br />

patentability standards: nonobviousnesa(S),<br />

640<br />

structure and drug-binding properties of<br />

unusual DNAs(S), 646<br />

termination mutations in patients with<br />

deficiency of LDH H(B) subunit, 1567<br />

DNA, complementary<br />

mapping of antigenic sites in neuron-specific<br />

enolese by subcloning, 790<br />

DNA hybridization<br />

detect. of CF gene mutations by hybnidizn. to<br />

GeneChip probe(A), 656<br />

fluorescence in situ hybridizn. technoL(S), 653<br />

localized in situ amplifn.(LISA): in situ PCR,<br />

381<br />

microtiter-based DNA hybnidizn. for detect.<br />

11W-i sequence.(A), 657<br />

nonisotopic magnetic bead-based sandwich<br />

hybridizn. for 11W detect, after DNA<br />

amplifn.(A), 654<br />

oligonucleotide arrays and sequence anal, by<br />

hybnidizn.(S), 653<br />

DNA polymerase<br />

cycle sequencing using mutant AmpliTaq<br />

DNA polymerase, CS(A), 2339<br />

DNA probe. See Gene probes<br />

DNA, recombinant<br />

enzymes in diagnostics: possibilities of<br />

recombinant DNA technoL(R), 688<br />

Dope<br />

improved HPLC detn. of 5-S-cysteinyldopa in<br />

serum(L), 495<br />

Drug assay. See aLso specific drugs<br />

felbamate measd. by HPLC and capillary<br />

electnophoreeis, 1904<br />

HPLC and drug anal.(L), 953<br />

solid-phase extn. combined with RIA for<br />

mess, of zalcitabine(2’,3’- deoxycytidine),<br />

211<br />

Drug metabolism<br />

aspirin-induced interference in EMIT II d.a.u.<br />

assay, 1512<br />

cocaine, cocaethylene and metabolites, and<br />

“crack” by GC-MS, 1299<br />

decreased signal in EMIT assays of drugs of<br />

abuse in urine after ingestion of aspirin:<br />

potential for false.neg results, 608<br />

detect, benzodiazepines: lAs compared with<br />

nag. chem. ionization GC-MS, 373<br />

drug metabolites and IAs(E), 1863<br />

interference with chin, lab. anal.(R), 1996<br />

Drug monitoring<br />

automated HPLC assay for fluoxetine and<br />

norfluoxetine, 1312<br />

cocaine, cocaethylene and metabolites, and<br />

“crack” by GC-MS, 1299<br />

i5-desmethyl FK-506 and 15,31-desmethyl<br />

FK-506 from liver microsomes: isolation,<br />

identn., and evaln, of in vitro<br />

immunosuppressive acty., 740<br />

effect of sports drug tests of ingesting meat<br />

from steroid (methenolone)- treated<br />

livestock, 2084<br />

measg. swainsonine in serum of cancer<br />

patients: phase I cm. trial, 426<br />

microwave-induced prepn. of amphetamines<br />

for GC-MS assays, 1703<br />

stopped-flow FPIA of abused drugs and<br />

metabolites in urine, 1489<br />

Drug screening. See Screening, abused drugs<br />

Drugs, anticonvuleant<br />

felbamate measd. by HPLC and capillary<br />

electrophoresis, 1904<br />

lidocaine and HPLC assay for<br />

anticenvulsants(TB), 833<br />

2362 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 40, No. 12, 1994<br />

mess. of felbamate by wide-bore capillary GC<br />

and flame ionization, 745<br />

Drugs, immunosuppressive<br />

CsG and its metebolites in renal transplant<br />

recipients, 613<br />

15-desmethyl FK-506 and 15,31-desmethyl<br />

FK-506 from liver microsomes: isolation,<br />

identn,, and evaln. of in vitro<br />

immunosuppressive ecty., 740<br />

factors influencing changes in chin. immunoL<br />

lab.(S), 2193<br />

advances in diagnosis, prevention, and<br />

management of hepatic allograft<br />

rejection(S), 2174<br />

FK 506 therapeutic drug monitoring(E), 2207<br />

lab, support for transplantation(S), 2166<br />

Drugs, neuroactive<br />

monitoring tricyclic antidepressant cones, in<br />

serum by FPIA vs GC and HPLC, 929<br />

Editorials<br />

Bock, Jay L.; NMR, 1215<br />

Bruns, David E.; Journal’s 40th year, 7<br />

Demers, Laurence M.; biochem. markers of<br />

bone turnover, 1994<br />

Echfeldt, John H.; Fe, anal, improvement,<br />

505<br />

Faulkner, Willard R.; age-dependent ref.<br />

values, the elderly, 855<br />

Fraser, Callum G.; biol, variation, 1671<br />

Frattali, Anne L.; anhydroglucitol marker for<br />

diabetes, 1991<br />

Gault, M. H.; drug metebolites and lAs, 1863<br />

Lawson, George M.; abused drugs, quantn.<br />

and detect., 1218<br />

Malinow, M. R.; homocysteine in arterial<br />

occlusive dis.; 857<br />

Petersen, Per Hyltoft; quality control, 1865<br />

Rej, Robert; proficiency testing and method<br />

eveln,, 345<br />

Savory, John; Al poisoning, iatnogenic, 1477<br />

Solbeng, Helge Enik hospitalized population<br />

to establish reference intervals, 2205<br />

Thibodeau, Stephen N,; PCR epplns., 681<br />

Toffaletti, John; heparin prepe. to eliminate<br />

interference in ionized Ca mess., 508<br />

Vahter, Marie; arsenic in urine, 679<br />

Wu, Tai-Wing; bilirubin: risk factor for<br />

coronary artery dis.?, 9<br />

Ektachem. See Multilayer film analysis<br />

Electrochemlcal detection<br />

catecholamines and catecholamine<br />

metabolites in pheochromocytoma, 250<br />

urinary I’ deed. by paired-ion reversed-phase<br />

HPLC with electrochem. detect., 908<br />

Electrolmmunoassay<br />

structural and functional assessment of HDL<br />

heterogeneity, 1554<br />

Electroimmunodiffusion<br />

quanta. of ape A-W in plasma by<br />

immunonephelometry, 1717<br />

Electrolytes<br />

appln. of clearance concept to hype-,<br />

hypennatremic disorders(R), 1220<br />

bias of ionized Ca results from blood gas<br />

syringes(L), 669<br />

enzymatic detns. of Na, K, and Cl in serum<br />

compared with deths. by flame photometry,<br />

coulometry, and ion-selective electrodes(L),<br />

846<br />

enzymatic detn, of Na, K, and Cl in abnormal<br />

serum compared with detn, with<br />

ion-selective electrodes, 1528<br />

erythrocyte Na,K ATPase arty. does not<br />

predict therapeutic response to Ce<br />

antagonists in hypotension, 1532<br />

Electrophoresis<br />

CK isoenzyme BB increased in serum and<br />

tumor tissue of patients with giant cell<br />

tumor of bone, 2064<br />

CK isoenzymes: relevance to lab. and chin.<br />

data, 1278<br />

electrophoretic fractionation of<br />

5’-nucleotidase, 190<br />

fast-type electrophoretic variant of LDH M(A)<br />

and comparison with ether missense<br />

mutations in LDH M(A) and H(B)<br />

genes(CR), 665<br />

is detn. of CK-2 after electrophoretic sepn.<br />

accurate?, 177<br />

Electrophoresis, capillary<br />

capillary electrophoresis compared with Ag<br />

staining of polyacrylamide gels for quanta.<br />

of PCR pnoducts(L), 493<br />

felbemate measd. by HPLC and capillary<br />

electrophoresis, 1904<br />

mutation SF508 in CF: capillary<br />

electrophoresis(L), 1603<br />

Electrophoresis, gradient-gel<br />

structural and functional assessment of HDL<br />

heterogeneity, 1554<br />

Electrophoresis, immunofixation<br />

Bence Jones proteins identified by<br />

immunofixation electrophoresis(L), 945<br />

Endotoxin<br />

cross-reactivity between a human-mouse<br />

anti-endotoxin antibody (HA-IA, Centoxin)<br />

and anti-mouse IgG antiserum(L), 852<br />

endotoxin binding topl in patients<br />

with sepsis syndrome, 1575<br />

platelet-poor plasma not suitable for chin.<br />

endotoxin testing(L), 1346<br />

Enolase<br />

mapping of antigenic sites in neuron-specific<br />

enolase by subcloning, 790<br />

neuron-specific enolase concns. in serum in<br />

nonneoplastic patients with<br />

pneumonia(TB), 266<br />

Environmental hazards<br />

biomarkers for detect, carcinogenic risk from<br />

fungicides(A), 1460<br />

biomonitoring benzene exposures by measg.<br />

trans-trans muconic acid(A), 1468<br />

carcinogen adducts: diagnosis and risk<br />

assessment(S), 1438<br />

carcinogenesis and susceptibffity to cancer(S),<br />

1421<br />

chlorinated dioxins and -funans: biomarker<br />

anal.(S), 1405<br />

complex exposures: potentials for assessing<br />

integrated exposures(S), 1444<br />

diesel exhaust-related DNA adducts in garage<br />

workers(A), 1456<br />

evaln. of current concepts in exposure<br />

assessment(S), 1368<br />

exhalation air anal, in long-term<br />

postexposure to acetonitrile and<br />

trichloroethylene(A), 1462<br />

exposure to mixtures and congeners of<br />

PCBs(S), 1409<br />

hepatic effects of chronic exposure to mixed<br />

solvents(S), 1464<br />

markers to cyclohexenone, cyclohexane, and<br />

cyclohexanol(S), 1466<br />

method to study metabolic interactions after<br />

exposure to solvents(A), 1458<br />

methyl H intrauterine and postnatal<br />

exposure(S), 1395<br />

molec, epidemiol. studies in workers exposed<br />

to CrIA), 1454<br />

monitoring for chem. exposure and dis,:<br />

ethics(S), 1426<br />

monitoring exposure to industrial chem. by<br />

detg. Hb adducts(A), 1472<br />

role of biomarkers in environmentally<br />

induced disease(S), 1363<br />

serum radical-trapping antioxidant parameter<br />

in coal workers(A), 1470<br />

tech, and sd. develop, in exposure marker<br />

methodol.(S), 1376<br />

Enzymatic methods<br />

ALP isoforms after liver ellograft surgery,<br />

1272<br />

assay for Na pump inhibition(TB), 1595<br />

assay of plasma oxalate with oxalate oxidase,<br />

2030<br />

detergent extn. and enzymatic anal, for fecal<br />

long’chain fatty acids, triglycerides, and<br />

cholesterol, 2230<br />

enzymatic anal, for inulin with kinetic<br />

assay(L), 1788<br />

enzymatic detn, of Na, K, and Cl in abnormal<br />

serum compared with data, with<br />

ion-selective electrodes, 1528<br />

enzymatic method for assaying Ca with<br />

porcine pancreatic a-amylase, 781<br />

enzymatic method for detg.<br />

i,5-anhydro-D-glucitol, 2013<br />

enzymes in diagnostics: possibilities of<br />

recombinant DNA technol.(R), 688

false poe. ethanol by enzymatic assay:<br />

interference elimination(TB), 1594<br />

flow-injection system for quant.<br />

1,5-anhydro-D-glucitol, 2006<br />

in vivo effects of neutrophil enzymes on<br />

cardiac enzymes(L), 163<br />

new enzymatic assay of Fe in serum, 763<br />

validity of Pb exposure markers in diagnosis<br />

and surveillance(S), 1387<br />

Enzyme activity<br />

biol variation in peptidase arty. in healthy<br />

subjects, 1686<br />

Enzyme immunoassay<br />

aspirin-induced interference in EMIT II d.a,u.<br />

assay, 1512<br />

automated EIA of serum amytoid A, 1284<br />

comm. automated immunoenzymometric<br />

assays for serum estradiol evald. (TB), 147<br />

decreased signal in EMIT assays of drugs of<br />

abuse in urine after ingestion of aspirin:<br />

potential for false-nag. results, 608<br />

EIA of CD4 and CD8 molecules on surface of<br />

T lymphocytes from healthy subjects and<br />

HIV-1-infected patients, 30<br />

EIA of cholesteryl ester transfer protein with<br />

mAb and oligoclonal Aba, 593<br />

EIA for erythrocyte aldose neductase, 889<br />

enzymes in diagnostics: possibilities of<br />

recombinant DNA technol.(R), 688<br />

ernoneus results with diluted Emit<br />

reagents(L), 1597<br />

IA for quant. type I collagen degradation<br />

products in urine, 2022<br />

IA with recombinant T. cruzi antigens:<br />

Chagas dis. diagnosis, 1893<br />

IL-6 in plasma measd. by IA, 116<br />

improved procedures for EIA of tacrolimus<br />

(FK506) in whole blood(L), 159<br />

is data, of CK-2 after electrophoretic sepn.<br />

accurate?, 177<br />

plasma vs whole blood for therapeutic drug<br />

monitoring of patients receiving FK 506 for<br />

immunosuppression, 2247<br />

random and continuous-access lAs with<br />

chemilum. detect, by Acuess automated<br />

analyzer, 2042<br />

specificity of antigen assays of plasminogen<br />

activator inhibitor in plasma Innotest<br />

PAL-i LAevalcL, 110<br />

validation of mAb EIA for mess, progesterone<br />

in saliva, 454<br />

Enzyme Inhibitors<br />

EIA for erythrocyte aldose neductase, 889<br />

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay<br />

detect, of autoAbs to emylase by ELISA<br />

comparison of macroamylase and free Ab,<br />

2254<br />

EIA of CD4 and CD8 molecules on surface of<br />

T lymphocytes from healthy subjects and<br />

HW-1-infected patients, 30<br />

EIA of cholesteryl ester transfer protein with<br />

niAb and oligoclonal Abe, 593<br />

colorunetric procedure to determine smoking<br />

status in diabetics, i296<br />

ELISA of IgG Ab to oxidized LDL, 882<br />

ELISA for neoptenin detect, compared with<br />

Rift and HPLC(TB), 265<br />

ELISA of pentosidine in bioL specimens, 1766<br />

ELISA titentray assay of 1gM anti-GM1<br />

autoantibodies, 1327<br />

latex agglutination IA of serum ferritin with<br />

centrifugal analyzer, 625<br />

osteocalcin ELISA, 1258<br />

quant. data, of CD4/CD8 molecules by cell<br />

marker ELISA, 38<br />

Epidemiology<br />

apo A-I and B measd. during Nat. Health and<br />

Nutrition Survey, 1915<br />

epo E detn. by isoelectnic focusing, 11<br />

detg. acceptable risks: experimental and<br />

epidemioL issues(S), 1448<br />

molec. epidemioL studies in workers exposed<br />

to Cr(A), 1454<br />

Epidermal growth factor<br />

anal. epidermal growth factor receptor gene<br />

expression by reverse transcription intron<br />

differential PCR(A), 661<br />

Epinephrlne<br />

catecholamines and catecholamine<br />

metabolites in pheochromocytome, 250<br />

Epstein-Barr virus<br />

prevalence of 1gM Abs to Epstein-Barr virus<br />

and panvovirus B19 in blood donations with<br />

above-normal neopterin conc.(TB), 2104<br />

Erythrocytea<br />

EtA for erythrocyte aldose reductase, 889<br />

enriching nucleated fetal erythrocytes from<br />

maternal blood(A), 2339<br />

erythrocyte Na,K ATPase acty. does not<br />

predict therapeutic response to Ca<br />

antagonists in hypotension, 1532<br />

fatty acids in erythrocytes measd. by isocratic<br />

HPLC, 1707<br />

field-flow fractionation system for anal, of<br />

blood cells(S), 1810<br />

reference intervals developed from date for<br />

hospitalized patients: computerized method,<br />

2209<br />

simult. separation and quanta. of<br />

protoporphynins by 3-D HPLC, 1239<br />

Erythropoietin<br />

polycythemia and high serum erythropoietin<br />

in 62-year-old man(CC), 2093<br />

Estradlol<br />

automated immunoenzymometric assays for<br />

serum estradiol evald, (TB), 147 Estrogens<br />

RIA of 2-hydroxyestrone in urine, 80<br />

Ethanol<br />

false poe. ethanol by enzymatic assay:<br />

interference elimination(TB), 1594<br />

Ethics<br />

cercinogenesis and susceptibility to cancer(S),<br />

1421<br />

monitoring for chem. exposure and dis.:<br />

ethics(S), 1426<br />

Ethylene glycol<br />

improved specificity for ethylene glycol detd.<br />

as phenylboronate by capillary column<br />

GC(L), 850<br />

Fatty acids<br />

detergent exta. and enzymatic anal, for fecal<br />

long-chain fatty acids, triglycerides, and<br />

cholesterol, 2230<br />

fatty acids in erythrocytes measd. by isocratic<br />

HPLC, 1707<br />

fluorometric data, of triglyceride by measg.<br />

lipase-liberated fatty acids, 14<br />

pancreatic lipase assays with triglycerides as<br />

substrate, 2053<br />

Felbamate<br />

felbamate measd, by HPLC and capillary<br />

electrophoresis, 1904<br />

mess, of felbamete by wide-bore capillary GC<br />

and flame ionization, 745<br />

Ferritln<br />

cost-benefit of screening programs: hereditary<br />

hemochromatosis(S), 1631<br />

increased serum fenritin in insulin-dependent<br />

diabetes mellitus(L), 947<br />

latex agglutination IA of serum fernitin with<br />

centrifugal analyzer, 625<br />

role of Zn protoporphyrin in staging Fe<br />

deficiency, 768<br />

Fetal status<br />

enzymatic mesa, of phosphatidylglycerol in<br />

amniotic fluid, 518<br />

fetal cells in maternal circulation during first<br />

trimester in pregnancy and after<br />

delivery(A), 661<br />

mess, of blood voL with enriched stable<br />

isotope of Cr(ssCr) and isotope dilution by<br />

combined GC-MS, 71<br />

metabolic profiling of amniotic fluid by proton<br />

NMR spectroecopy: correlation with fetal<br />

maturation and other chin, variables, 56<br />

Fetoprotem<br />

SRi a-fetoprotein, CEA, and PSA compared<br />

with comm. assays, 895<br />

Fibninogen<br />

fibrinogen and factor VU variation in Hong<br />

Kong Chinese(A), 656<br />

Fibrinolysis<br />

specificity of antigen assays of plasminogen<br />

activator inhibitor in plasma: Innotest<br />

PAL-i IA evald., 110<br />

Fibroblast growth factor<br />

fibroblast growth factor in breast cancer(L),<br />

1980<br />

polycythemia and high serum erythropoietin<br />

in 62-year-old man(CC), 2093<br />

Fibroblasts<br />

anal. of fatty acid oxidn. intermediates in<br />

cultured fibroblasts, 2267<br />

Flow cytometry<br />

minimi,.sition of serum interference in flow<br />

cytometric 2-site lAs, 420<br />

quant. detn. of CD4/CD8 molecules by cell<br />

marker ELISA, 38<br />

Flow imaging<br />

White IRIS leukocyte differential analyzer for<br />

rapid high-precision differentials based on<br />

images of cytoprobe-reacted cells(S), 1850<br />

Fluconazole<br />

drug interferences caused by coelution of<br />

substances in GC-MS confirmation of<br />

targeted drugs in full-scan and selected-ion<br />

monitoring modes, 216<br />

Fluorescence<br />

anal, of mobility shifts obtained from<br />

multi-color fluorescent SSCP using<br />

automated DNA fragment anal.<br />

software(A), 2341<br />

electronically enhanced fluorescent detect, of<br />

DNA(A), 658<br />

fluorescence in situ hybnidizn. technology(S),<br />

653<br />

nucleic acid assay based on fluorescent molec.<br />

membrane(A), 662<br />

simult. immunochem, multianalyte drug<br />

assay by capillary electrophoresis with<br />

laser-induced fluorescence(S), 1819<br />

simult, separation and quanta. of<br />

protoponphyrins by 3-D HPLC, 1239<br />

validity of Pb exposure markers in diagnosis<br />

and surveillance(S), 1387<br />

whole chromosome paint(WCP) probes for<br />

detection of translocations and other<br />

chromosomal abnormalities in metaphase<br />

anal.(A), 663<br />

Fluorescence polarization<br />

data, of biotin in biotin-conjugated protein by<br />

measg. fluorescence polenizetion(L), 2112<br />

CsG and its metabolites in renal transplant<br />

recipients, 613<br />

enzymatic mess, of phosphatidylglycerol in<br />

amniotic fluid, 518<br />

Fluorescence polarization immunoassay<br />

monitoring tnicyclic antidepressant ooncs. in<br />

serum by FPIA vs GC and HPLC, 929<br />

stopped-flow FPIA of abused drugs and<br />

metabolites in urine, 1489<br />

Fluorescence spectrometry<br />

simult. deta. of Hg speciation in biol.<br />

materials by GC/CVAFS after ethyletion<br />

and room-temp. precollection, 602<br />

Fluoride<br />

external qual. assessment in primary<br />

healthcare using fresh whole blood, 2223<br />

Fluoroimmunoassay<br />

improving sensitivity and reliability of<br />

IAs(R), 847<br />

mess, of urinary prolactin as noninvasive<br />

study tool, 2017<br />

time-resolved fluoroimmunoassey of salmon<br />

calcitonin, 1774<br />

Fluorometry<br />

fatty acids in eiythrocytes measd. by isocretic<br />

HPLC, 1707<br />

fluonometric deft, of triglyceride by meesg.<br />

lipase-libenated fatty acids, 14<br />

hemetofluorometric detn. of erythrocyte Zn<br />

protoponphyrin: oxygenation and<br />

derivatization of Hb compared, 369<br />

HPLC detn. of homocysteine and other thiols<br />

in serum and plasma: sex differences and<br />

correlation with cobalemin and folate<br />

concs., 873<br />

identa. of UninAid-adulterated urine by<br />

fluorometric enal,(L), 845<br />

indoxyl-B-D-glucuronide in plasma of<br />

hemodialysis patients, 1580<br />

interference of ofloxacin with data, of urinary<br />

porphynins, 417<br />

plasma amino acids deal, by liq. chromatog.<br />

within 17 min,, 245<br />

Fluoxetine<br />

automated HPLC assay for fluoxetine and<br />

nonfluoxetine, 1312<br />

CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 40, No. 12, 1994 2363

Folate<br />

HPLC data, of homocysteine and other thiols<br />

in serum end plasma: sex differences and<br />

correlation with cobalamin and folate<br />

conca,, 873<br />

Follicle-stimulating hormone<br />

mess. of gonadotropins in dried blood spots,<br />

448<br />

time-resolved immunofluorometric assay and<br />

specimen storage conditions for mess.<br />

urinary gonadotropins, 749<br />

Follitropin. See Follicle-stimulating hormone<br />

Forensic medicine<br />

forensic DNA anal, in wildlife law<br />

enforcement(S), 652<br />

limit of detect./limit of quantn.: GC-MS<br />

assays of abused drugs, 1233<br />

lowering cannabinoid IA cutoff increases<br />

true-poe. results, 729<br />

Fragile X syndrome<br />

brain mechanisms in manic depression(S),<br />

303<br />

Free radicals<br />

pentane and isoprene in expired air from<br />

humans: CC anal., 1485<br />

serum radical-trapping antioxidant parameter<br />

in coal wonkers(A), 1470<br />

total free radical-trapping capacity of serum<br />

from diabetics(L), 2116<br />

Fructosamine<br />

chem, of fructosamine assay Amadori compd.<br />

oxidation, 1950<br />

glycated protein update: diabetes control and<br />

complications trial(O), 683<br /><br />

HPLC anal, of oligosaccherides from<br />

oligoeaccharidosis patients, 914<br />

Furans<br />

chlorinated dioxins and -furans: biomarker<br />

anal.(S), 1405<br />

Gammopathies<br />

field-flow fractionation system for anal, of<br />

blood cells(S), 1810<br />

free light chains of Igs(R), 1869<br />

monoclonal gammopathies(S), 2154<br />

monoclonal gammopathies in Alzheimer<br />

dis.(L), 165<br />

Gangliosidee<br />

ELISA titertray assay of 1gM anti-GM1<br />

autoantibodies, 1327<br />

Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry<br />

blood conce, of organic compds. in exposed<br />

population(S), 1401<br />

candidate ref. method for detg. theophylline<br />

applied to target-setting in external quality<br />

assessment and routine evaln, method,<br />

1503<br />

cocaine, cocaethylene and metabolites and<br />

“crack” by GC-MS, 1299<br />

detect. benzodiazepines: lAs compared with<br />

nag. chem. ionization GC-MS, 373<br />

dialysis contribution to oxidase prodn. in<br />

chronic renal failure, 1544<br />

drug interferences caused by coelution of<br />

substances in GC-M8 confirmation of<br />

targeted drugs in full-scan and selected-ion<br />

monitoring modes, 216<br />

CC-MS identn, of amphetamine and<br />

methemphetamine in urine(TB), 145<br />

limit of detect./limit of quanta.: CC-MS<br />

assays of abused drugs, 1233<br />

lowering cannabinoid IA cutoff increases<br />

true-poe. results, 729<br />

mess. of blood voL with enriched stable<br />

isotope of Cn(ssCr) and isotope dilution by<br />

combined CC-MB, 71<br />

measg. swainsonine in serum of cancer<br />

patients: phase! cm, trial, 426<br />

microwave-induced pnepn. of amphetamines<br />

for CC-MS assays, 1703<br />

Pb data, in urine and blood by stable isotope<br />

diln. CC-MB, 1494<br />

tiglyglycine in urine disorders measd. by<br />

isotope diln, CC-MS. 1879<br />

Gene therapy<br />

din. applns. of gene therapy for cancer(OV),<br />

510<br />

efficacy of AvlCf2-mediated CFI’R gene<br />

transfer to nonhuman primate lung with<br />

HS-PCR(A), 2340<br />

2364 CUNICAL CHEMISTRY,Vol.40, No. 12, 1994<br />

PolyGum (Tfx), a novel cationic liposome<br />

compd. for polynucleotide delivery(A), 2341<br />

punifn. of nucleic acid-based drugs with<br />

PolyFlo resin(A), 2335<br />

Gene probes<br />

chromosomal FISH anal, of bovine satellite<br />

1(A), 2336<br />

cm. relevant DNA mutations detected with<br />

microtiter plate assey(A), 2340<br />

comparison of luminescence methods for<br />

nucleic acid blotting(A), 2342<br />

cycling probe technoL using RNaseH<br />

oligonucleotide hybnid(A), 2340<br />

dendrimer signal enhancement for detect, of<br />

HIV sequence(A), 2340<br />

detect, of M. tuberculosis from cm. specimens<br />

using Can-Probe transcription-mediated<br />

amplifn. system(S), 650<br />

expression of Quaking in mouse embryo and<br />

brain(A), 2342<br />

factors influencing change in cm. immunol,<br />

lab.(S), 2193<br />

foreign epitope inserted inS. typhimuriunz<br />

OMPF gene is expressed on bacterial<br />

surface of attenuated S. yphi(A), 2342<br />

interaction of cDNA with chromosome-specific<br />

cosmid library(S), 637<br />

means for hybnidzn. in dried agarose gals and<br />

sepn. of microsateffite amplifn. products(A),<br />

2338<br />

screening for C. trachomatis and N.<br />

gonorrhoeae using PACE 2C(A), 2338<br />

synthesis and Ab-mediated detect, of<br />

2,4-dinitrophenyl-labeled<br />

oligonucleotides(A), 2335<br />

synthetic enzyme-linked ALU and p53<br />

specific reagents: tumor cell tracking and<br />

assessment of metastetic potential in a<br />

SCID mouse model(A), 663<br />

virus detect, using DNA hybnidzn. on<br />

microplates(A), 2342<br />

Genes<br />

anal. epidermal growth factor receptor gene<br />

expression by reverse transcription intron<br />

differential PCR(A), 661<br />

B and T cell gene rearrangement testing by<br />

molec, methods in diag. of lymphoblastic<br />

leukemias and lymphomas(A), 658<br />

biorobotics in HLA typing field: automation of<br />

HLA class II genotyping by PCR amplifa.<br />

with sequence-specific primers(A), 659<br />

butylcholinesterase K-variant: frequency and<br />

enzyme ecty.(L), 1606<br />

C-TRAK t(9’,22): detect, of BCR-ABL<br />

translocation in leukemias(A), 658<br />

designing cross-species, family-common<br />

probes for jun oncogene family using<br />

computer program OligoProbe Design<br />

Station(A), 659<br />

detect, of 1078 delT mutation by<br />

PCR-mediated site-directed<br />

mutagenesis(TB), 2318<br />

detect, of a-thalassemias by multiplex PCR,<br />

2260<br />

detect, of cholesteryl ester transfer protein<br />

deficiency by nonrediolsotopic single-strand<br />

conformation polymorphism anal., 2227<br />

detect, of single-base mutations and appin. to<br />

RLA-DPB1 typing(A), 660<br />

DNA sequencing to anal. p53 gene in breast<br />

cancer patients(A), 2337<br />

double allele gene targeting in a human cell<br />

line(A), 2339<br />

expression of Quaking in mouse embryo and<br />

brain(A), 2342<br />

fast-type electrophoretic variant of LDH M(A)<br />

and comparison with other missense<br />

mutations in LDH M(A) and H(B)<br />

genes(CR), 665<br />

foreign epitope inserted in S. typhimurium<br />

OMPF gene is expressed on bacterial<br />

surface of attenuated S. typhi (A), 2342<br />

gene and genome anal, in 2 dimensions:<br />

applns. in gene identa. and diag.(A), 663<br />

automated genomic coupled amplifn. and<br />

sequencing (CAS)(A), 2339<br />

genotypes of human ape E deal, by specific<br />

restriction proffles of PCR amplified DNA,<br />

24<br />

interaction of CDNA with chromosome-specific<br />

cosmid library(S), 637<br />

membrane-bound polymeric oligonucleotide<br />

probes used for reverse dot blot detect. of<br />

HLA-DRB1 alleles(A), 661<br />

molec. diag. of porphyria by DNA anal. of<br />

hair roots, 1744<br />

moseicism of blood cell populations in females<br />

heterozygous for G6PD alleles assocd. with<br />

chronic nonspherocytic hemolytic<br />

anemia(A), 2342<br />

mutator gene effect in colorectal cancer(S),<br />

638<br />

nonisotopic psonalen-based labeling system<br />

for detect, genes in cyanobacteria(A), 662<br />

oligonucleotide analogs for regulation of gene<br />

expression(S), 645<br />

patentability of genes: utility(S), 640<br />

probe chips for anal, of gene sequences(A),<br />

662<br />

relation between pancreatic cholesterol<br />

esterase gene structure and lipid<br />

phenotypes(A), 654<br />

reporter gene asseys-chemilum. detect.<br />

system(A), 655<br />

T/G polymorphism at nucleotide 3206 of epo<br />

C Ill gene by amplification refractory<br />

mutation system, 2235<br />

whole chromosome paint(WCP) probes for<br />

detection of translocations and other<br />

chromosomal abnormalities in metephase<br />

anal.(A), 663<br />

Genetic disorders<br />

alternative splicing in uroporphyrinogen<br />

decarboxylase gene, 1884<br />

anal, of fatty acid oxidn. intermediates in<br />

cultured fibroblasts, 2267<br />

assay of dihydroxyacetone phosphate<br />

acyltrensferase with 32P-labeled<br />

substrate(L), 946<br />

assocn. of pancreatic cancer, lung dis., and<br />

AF508 mutation in CF(CR), 1972<br />

automated sequence-based diag. of class I<br />

genetic dis.(A), 661<br />

benefits and risks of genetic technois.: need<br />

for regulation(S), 1652<br />

brain mechanisms in manic depression(S),<br />

303<br />

carcinogenesis and susceptibility to cancer(S),<br />

1421<br />

comm. IA differences for FT4 and FT3 in qual.<br />

assessment program, 1956<br />

congenital adrenal hypoplasia, Duchenne<br />

muscular dystrophy, and glycerol kinase<br />

deficiency: delineating gene deletion<br />

syndrome(CR), 2099<br />

cost-benefit of screening programs: hereditary<br />

hemochromatosis(S), 1631<br />

detect, of a.thalassemias by multiplex PCR,<br />

2260<br />

detect. of CFFR gene disorder using<br />

“PCR-PHFA”(A), 2337<br />

detect, of cholesteryl ester transfer protein<br />

deficiency by nonradioisotopic single-strand<br />

conformation polymorphism anal., 2227<br />

detect, of metabolic abnormalities in preterm<br />

infants impaired by disorders of blood<br />

glucose concs., 526<br />

enzymatic diag. of aspartylglycosaminuria by<br />

fluorometric essay of glycosylasparaginase<br />

in serum, plasma, or lymphocytes, 385<br />

familial breast cancer(S), 639<br />

familial high concs. of carboxy-terminal<br />

propeptide of type I pnocollagen(CR), 1591<br />

high-resolution H-NMR spectroscopy of blood<br />

plasma, 1245<br />

homocysteine in arterial occlusive dis.(E), 857<br />

HPLC detn. of homocysteine and other thiols<br />

in serum and plasma: sex differences and<br />

correlation with cobalamin and folate<br />

concs., 873<br />

Huntington disease: starting all oven(S), 640<br />

Libyan family with hypercholesterolemia and<br />

HDL cholestenol(CR), 2313<br />

lipoprotein profiles of normo- and<br />

hypercholesterolemic homozygotes for ape<br />

E2 compared, 1559<br />

mass screening for CF heterozygotes, 197<br />

modified immunoselection technique for dieg.<br />

of heavy-chain dis.(TB), 664<br />

molec. basis of familial ALS(S), 638<br />

molec. dieg. of porphyria by DNA anal, of<br />

hair roots, 1744

mosaicism of blood cell populations in females<br />

heterozygous for G6PD alleles assocd. with<br />

chronic nonspherocytic hemolytic<br />

anemia(A), 2342<br />

mutation causing type VIA Ehlers-Denlos<br />

syndrome detect. by PCR(A), 657<br />

plasma homocysteine as risk factor for<br />

familial coronary heart dis., 552<br />

ref. values for urinary organic acids in<br />

Turkish pediatric population, 882<br />

screening for ape B-100 with U937 monocyte<br />

proliferation assay, 395<br />

termination mutations in patients with<br />

deficiency of LDH 14(B) subunit, 1567<br />

tiglyglycine in urine disorders measd. by<br />

isotope diln, GC-MS, 1879<br />

Genetics<br />

alielic D variants of transferrin in evaln, of<br />

alcohol abuse: differential diagnosis by<br />

isoelectric focusing-immunoblotting-laser<br />

densitometry, 2078<br />

carcinogen edducts: diagnosis and risk<br />

assessment(S), 1438<br />

carcinogenesis and susceptibility to cancer(S),<br />

1421<br />

congenital adrenal hypoplasia, Duchenne<br />

muscular dystrophy, and glycerol kinase<br />

deficiency: delineating gene deletion<br />

syndrome(CR), 2099<br />

monitoring for chem. exposure and die.:<br />

ethics(S), 1426<br />

ontogeny and activn. of T cells(S), 2128<br />

Genetic screening<br />

integration and quality assurance of molec.<br />

genetic technology (8), 647<br />

mass screening for CF heterozygotes, 197<br />

screening for p53 mutations with<br />

heteroduplex detect. technique(TB), 485<br />

Genetic variation<br />

din, relevant DNA mutations detected with<br />

microtitar plate assay(A), 2340<br />

double allele gene targeting in a human cell<br />

line(A), 2339<br />

1 pm paraffin sections for displaying<br />

dimorphism; phylogenetic origin traced to<br />

yeast(A), 2338<br />

Geriatric chemistry<br />

importance of age-dependent ref. values in<br />

biochem, testing(E), 855<br />

Glucagonoma<br />

increased LDH isoenzyme-1 in a case of<br />

glucagonoma(L), 158<br />

Glucose<br />

assay of glucose in urine by near-infrared<br />

spectrophotometzy(L), 1788<br />

detn. of glucose by candidate definitive<br />

method(L), 1978<br />

external qual. assessment in primary<br />

healthcare using fresh whole blood, 2223<br />

GHb measd. by automated affinity HPLC:<br />

glycemia correlation, 1317<br />

glucose interference in Jaffe creatinine<br />

method: effect of Ca(L), 2326<br />

glycated protein update: diabetes control and<br />

complications trial(O), 683<br />

Kromoscopic anal.: alternative to<br />

spectroscopic anal, for noninvasive mess. of<br />

analytes in vivo(A), 1838<br />

Glucose.6-phosphatase<br />

detect. of metabolic abnormalities in preterm<br />

infants impaired by disorders of blood<br />

glucose concs., 526<br />

Glucuronide metabolites<br />

detect. self-administration of testosterone and<br />

epitestoeterone, 106<br />

Glutathione<br />

ultrasensitive time-resolved<br />

inimunofluorometric assay of glutathione<br />

transferase a in serum, 184<br />

Glycerol kinase<br />

congenital adrenal hypoplasia, Duchenne<br />

muscular dystrophy, and glycerol kinase<br />

deficiency: delineating gene deletion<br />

syndrome(CR), 2099<br />

Glycogen storage disease<br />

HPLC anal, of oligoseocharides from<br />

oligosaccharidosis patients, 914<br />

Glycohemoglobin<br />

effect of calibration on dispersion of GHb<br />

values deal, by 111 labs, using 21 methods,<br />

138<br />

Glib measd, by automated affinity HPLC:<br />

glycemia correlation, 1317<br />

glycated protein update: Diabetes Control and<br />

Complications Trial(O), 683<br />

is Glib testing useful in diebetes?(S), 1637<br />

quantn. 1,5-anhydro-D.glucitol: evaln. and<br />

din. appln., 1322<br />

Glycolysis<br />

stability in presence of antiglycolytic agents,<br />

1327<br />

Glycoproteins<br />

Con,-A-bound selenoprotein analyzed by<br />

graphite furnace AAS, 62<br />

glycated protein update: Diabetes Control and<br />

Complications Trial(O), 683<br />

Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein: role in Ca<br />

oxalate stone formation, 1739<br />

Glycosides<br />

HPLC detns. of urinary hydroxylysine<br />

glycosides to study turnover rate of bone in<br />

humans and rats(L), 2113<br />

noncompetitive immunometnic anti-immune<br />

complex assay for digoxin, 2035<br />

Gonadotropins. See also Chonionic gonadotropin<br />

detect. B-core in normal and cancer patient<br />

urines(TB), 2317<br />

time-resolved immunofluorometric assay and<br />

specimen storage conditions for mess.<br />

urinary gonadotropins, 749<br />

Graves disease. See Thyroid disease<br />

Guanosine<br />

cha. significance of urinary cGMP in dieg. of<br />

heart failure, 96<br />

Guillain-Barr#{233}Syndrome<br />

ELISA titentray assay of 1gM anti-GM1<br />

autoantibodies, 1327<br />

Hair<br />

relation between age and hair Sr in<br />

population from Chine(L), 2324<br />

Hashimoto disease. See Thyroid disease<br />

Healthcare system<br />

external quaL assessment in primary<br />

healthcare using fresh whole blood, 2223<br />

factors influencing changes in cm. immunoL<br />

lab.(S), 2193<br />

Japanese healthcare: diagnostic tests and<br />

reimbursements(S), 1663<br />

lab, diagnostics and changes in health<br />

policies(S), 1658<br />

optimal use of the lab. in changing healthcare<br />

environment(S), 1615<br />

Heart disease<br />

cardiac troponin in serum in chronic renal<br />

failure(L), 1790<br />

CK MB isoforms: markers of myocardial<br />

damage, 1265<br />

cha. significance of urinary cGMP in diag. of<br />

heart failure, 96<br />

EDTA-plasma vs serum differences in<br />

cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and<br />

triglycerides as measd, by several methods,<br />

2088<br />

effect of time between mess, on within-subject<br />

variability for total cholesterol and HDL<br />

cholesterol in women, 710<br />

eight compact anal, systems evald, for meas.<br />

total cholesterol, 579<br />

Na pump and relevance to dis.(R), 1674<br />

polycythemia and high serum enythropoietin<br />

in 62-year-old man(CC), 2093<br />

quantn. of Lp(a) by detg. cholesterol in<br />

lectin-bound plasma fraction, 400<br />

stabilization of brain natriuretic peptide in<br />

blood sample(L), 672<br />

Heart function<br />

Na pump and relevance to dis.(R), 1674<br />

Heme<br />

role of Zn protoporphynin in staging Fe<br />

deficiency, 768<br />

simult. separation and quanta. of<br />

protoporphyrins by 3-D HPLC, 1239<br />

Hemodialysis<br />

external qual. assessment for detg. Al in<br />

dialysis fluids, 1517<br />

iatrogenic poisoning(E), 1477<br />

indoxyl-B-D-glucuronide in plasma of<br />

hemodielysis patients, 1580<br />

quanta. 1,5-anhydno-D-glucitol by liq.<br />

chromatog.IMS, 260<br />

time-resolved immunofluorometric assay of<br />

tzypsin-2 complexed with a1-antitrypein in<br />

serum, 1761<br />

Hemoglobin. See also Glycohemoglobin;<br />

Hemoglobin variants, e.g., sickle cell,<br />

thalassemie<br />

carboxyhemoglobin deal, in neonates with<br />

CO-oximeter, 1522<br />

carcinogen adducts: diagnosis and risk<br />

assessment(S), 1438<br />

detect. of a-thalassemias by multiplex PCR,<br />

2260<br />

effect of Hb F on mess, of Hb A1c with<br />

physicians’ office analyzers(L), 342<br />

external qual. assessment in primary<br />

heelthcare using fresh whole blood, 2223<br />

field-flow fractionation system for anal, of<br />

blood cells(S), 1810<br />

hematofluonometric detn, of erythrocyte Zn<br />

pnotoporphyrin: oxygenation and<br />

derivetization of Hb compared, 369<br />

interference with din, lab. anal.(R), 1996<br />

meas.of 02 by multiwavelength analyzer<br />

interspecies differences(TB), 1971<br />

monitoring exposure to industrial chem. by<br />

detg. Hb adducts(A), 1472<br />

quantn. of Hb variants by capillary isoelectric<br />

focusing, 2282<br />

reference intervals developed from data for<br />

hospitalized patients: computerized method,<br />

2209<br />

role of Zn protoponphyrin in staging Fe<br />

deficiency, 768<br />

Hemosiderosis<br />

cost-benefit of screening programs: hereditary<br />

hemochromatosis(S), 1631<br />

Hepatitis<br />

diagnostic utility of lab. tests in alcoholic<br />

liven dis.(S), 1641<br />

Hepatitis B virus<br />

detect, of hepatitis B virus DNA by<br />

transcription mediated amplifn.(A), 2338<br />

Hepatitis C virus<br />

detect. of 11W and HCV by asymmetric gap<br />

ligase chain reaction(A), 659<br />

immunization of mice with plasmids<br />

containing hepatitis C virus core<br />

protein-encoding DNA(A), 2340<br />

quant. assay HCV-RNA by PCR in presence<br />

of fluorescent intercalater(A), 660<br />

Herpes simplex virus<br />

inhibition of HSV by hairpin antisense<br />

oligonucleotides(A), 655<br />

Hirsutism<br />

hirsutism and acne in women: BIAs for 8<br />

plasma steroids, 2296<br />

Hirudin<br />

IA of recombinant hirudin based on 2 mAbs,<br />

734<br />

Histamine<br />

serotonin, catecholaminee, histamine, and<br />

their metabolites in urine, platelets, and<br />

tumor tissue of patients with carcinoid<br />

tumors, 86<br />

History<br />

King, J. Stanton; cim. chem: fragmentary<br />

history (1969-1977), 2106<br />

Lee, Norman D., History of Bio-Science Labs.,<br />

149<br />

Meites, Samuel; about F. William<br />

Sunderman, Sr., 841<br />

Sunderman, F. William, Sn., cm. diem, in<br />

U.S., 835<br />

lilY. See Human immunodeficiency virus<br />

Hodgkin disease<br />

in vitro anal, of cell-mediated immunity(S),<br />

2162<br />

Homocysteine<br />

homocysteine in arterial occlusive dis.(E), 867<br />

HPLC deth, of homocysteine and other thiols<br />

in serum and plasma: sex differences and<br />

correlation with cobalamin and folate<br />

concs., 873<br />

plasma homocysteine as risk factor for<br />

familial coronary heart dis., 552<br />

Homovanillic acid<br />

homovanillic acid in plasma deal, by HPLC<br />

with direct injection of plasma filtrates(L),<br />

2119<br />

CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 40, No. 12, 1994 2365

Hormones. See also specific hormones<br />

evaln. of Ciba Corning ACS: 180 automated<br />

lAsystem, 407<br />

neuropsychopharmacoL challenge in biol.<br />

psychiatry(S), 319<br />

HPLC. See Chromatography, liquid<br />

HSY. See Herpes simplex virus<br />

Human Immunodeficiency virus. See also<br />

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome<br />

changes in plasma amino acid conce. in<br />

response to 11W-i infect., 785<br />

cytological anal. of location of 11W gene<br />

sequences by PCR and electron microscopy<br />

in situ hybridizn.(A), 655<br />

dendrimer signal enhancement for detect, of<br />

HIV sequence(A), 2340<br />

dendritic DNA. covalent hyperbnanched<br />

superstructures(A), 2340<br />

detect. HIV and HCV by asymmetric gap<br />

ligase chain reaction(A), 659<br />

detect, of 11W-i proviral DNA using temp.<br />

amplifn. system(A), 2338<br />

diag. HW-1 using automated<br />

electrochemilum. detect, system for<br />

one-step oligonucleotide probe assays(A),<br />

660<br />

ELA of CD4 and CD8 molecules on surface of<br />

T lymphocytes from healthy subjects and<br />

HIV-i-infected patients, 30<br />

in vitro anal, of cell-mediated immunity(S),<br />

2162<br />

microtiter-based DNA hybridizn. for detect.<br />

11W-i sequences(A), 657<br />

nonisotopic magnetic bead-based sandwich<br />

hybridizn. for HIV detect, after DNA<br />

amplifn.(A), 654<br />

quant. deth. of CD4/CD8 molecules by cell<br />

marker ELISA, 38<br />

stability and properties of “sel5etabilized”<br />

antisense oligonucleotide<br />

phosphorothioate(A), 2337<br />

Human papillomavirus<br />

semiautomated detect. of HPV DNA in<br />

cervical smears, 1890<br />

Huntington disease<br />

Huntington disease: starting all oven(S), 640<br />

Hyaluronic acid<br />

liq.-chromatog. anal, of effusions for<br />

hyaluronate content, 777<br />

Hydration status<br />

develop, of indices for detg. extracellular fluid<br />

Na and water status in acute diabetic<br />

ketoacidosis, 758<br />

Hydroxyproline<br />

IA for quant. type I collagen degradation<br />

products in urine, 2022<br />

improved deth. of free hydroxyproline in bioL<br />

fluids, 1735<br />

Hyperandrogenism<br />

IRMA of intact proinsulin appld. to patients<br />

with type 2 diabetes, impaired glucose<br />

tolerance, and hypenandrogenism, 754<br />

Hyperbilirubinemia<br />

bilirubin pnodn. in newborn meaad, by CO in<br />

breath, 1934<br />

electrochem. instrument for detg. CO in<br />

breath, 1927<br />

Hypercholesterolemia<br />

Libyan family with hypencholesterolemia and<br />

increased HDL cholesterol(CR), 2313<br />

screening for apo B-i#{174}with U937 monocyte<br />

proliferation assay, 395<br />

Hyperlipidemia<br />

EIA of cholesteryl ester transfer protein with<br />

mAb and oligoclonel Abe, 593<br />

Hyperilpoproteinemia<br />

screening apo B-i#{174}with improved U937<br />

monocyte proliferation essay, 395<br />

Hyperoxaluria<br />

assay of plasma oxalate with oxalate oxidase,<br />

2030<br />

Hypertension<br />

assocn. between hypertension and “silent<br />

carrier” state for alpha thalassemia(A),<br />

2336<br />

catecholamines and catecholamine<br />

metabolites in pheochromocytome, 250<br />

digitoxin Ab cross-reactivity(L), 1977<br />

is carbohydrate-deficient transfernin useful<br />

for detect, excessive alcohol consumption in<br />

hypertensive patients?, 2057<br />

2366 CUNICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 40, No. 12, 1994<br />

structural and functional assessment of HDL<br />

heterogeneity, 1554<br />

Hyperthyroidism<br />

iatrogenic hypenthyroidism of long duration<br />

in individual with T4-binding globulin<br />

deficiency(L), 2323<br />

Hyperthyroxinemia<br />

Comm. IA differences for FF4 and FF3 in qual.<br />

assessment program, 1956<br />

Hypertriglycenidemia<br />

distribution of CII and CII peptides in<br />

lipoprotein classes, 240<br />

Friedeweld formula for estg. LDL cholesterol<br />

in alcoholic liver disease, 404<br />

T/G polymorphism at nucleotide 3206 of ape<br />

C III gene by amplification refractory<br />

mutation system, 2235<br />

Hypotension<br />

erythrocyte Na,K ATPase acty. does not<br />

predict therapeutic response to Ce<br />

antagonists in hypotension, 1532<br />

Immune response<br />

immunization of mice with plasmids<br />

containing hepatitis C virus core<br />

protein-encoding DNA(A), 2340<br />

Immune system<br />

in vitro anal, of cell-mediated immunity(S),<br />

2162<br />

Immunoassay<br />

Ab interference with thyroid hormone uptake<br />

assay, 1940<br />

abused drug detect, by 1A glutaraldehyde<br />

effect(L), 1605<br />

acnidinium-labeling to latex microparticles<br />

and appln. in chemilum,-based<br />

instrumentation(A), 1824<br />

eutoimmune endocrinopathies: pathogenesis<br />

and role of immune assays(S), 2132<br />

carcinogen adducts: diagnosis and risk<br />

assessment(S), 1438<br />

cm. immunology lab, of future(S), 2186<br />

comm. IA differences for Fr4 and VF3 in qual.<br />

assessment program, 1956<br />

detect. B-core in normal and cancer patient<br />

urines(TB), 2317<br />

detect. benzodiazepines: lAs compared with<br />

neg. diem, ionization GC-MS, 373<br />

digoxin IA with cross-reactivity of digoxin<br />

metabolites proportional to biol. acty., 1898<br />

drug metaholites and IAs(E), 1863<br />

evaln, of Ciba Conning ACS: 180 automated<br />

IA system, 407<br />

IA of recombinant hirudin based on 2 mAbs,<br />

734<br />

LAs for serum and urine myoglobin:<br />

myoglobin clearance assessed as a risk<br />

factor for acute renal failure, 796<br />

IFCC standardization project for mess, of ape<br />

A-I and B. N. Comparability of ape B<br />

values using Internatl. Ref. Material, 586<br />

immunoassay speciflcity(L), 1348<br />

immunoL recognition and chin. signif, of<br />

nicked hCG in testicular cancer, 2306<br />

improvements to lAs by use of covalent<br />

binding assay plates(S), 1833<br />

improving sensitivity and reliability of<br />

IAs(R), 347<br />

in vitro anal, of cell-mediated immunity(S),<br />

2162<br />

lab, support for transplantation(S), 2166<br />

mapping of antigenic sites in neuron-specific<br />

enolase by subcloning, 790<br />

microparticle-enhanced nephelometric IA of<br />

anti-thyroid peroxidase eutoAbs in thyroid<br />

disorders, 442<br />

more strategies for improving sensitivity and<br />

reliability of IA(L), 1986<br />

phospholipase A2, CRP, and WBC count in<br />

diag. of appendicitis, 1757<br />

standard curve data in automated IA<br />

systems, as in Serono SRi analyzer, 513<br />

starbunst dendrimers: enhanced performance<br />

and flexibility for lAs(S), 1845<br />

Immunoassay, enzyme. See Enzyme<br />

immunoassay<br />

Immunoassay, latex agglutination<br />

latex agglutination IA of serum fernitin with<br />

centrifugal analyzer, 625<br />

Immunoblotting<br />

methods for measg. carbohydrate-deficient<br />

transferrin in inpatient alcoholics and<br />

healthy controls compared, 364<br />

Immunochemiluminometric assay<br />

ability of 2 new TSH assays to separate<br />

hyperthyroid patients from euthynoid<br />

patients with low TSH, 101<br />

Immulite assay performance for TSH(L), 1598<br />

improved sensitivity and precision of TSH<br />

mess, by standardizing signal reagent<br />

addition in the Amerlite TSR 30 assay(L),<br />

164<br />

semi’quentitetive<br />

Immunoelectrophoresis<br />

assay of PSA(A), 1831<br />

AST macroenzyme<br />

1340<br />

complex identifled(CR),<br />

free light chains of Igs(R), 1869<br />

monoclonal gammopatbies(S), 2154<br />

Immunoenzymometric assay<br />

IA of recombinant<br />

734<br />

Immunofixation<br />

hirudin based on 2 mAbs,<br />

monoclonal gaxnmopathies(S), 2154<br />

Immunofluorometric assay<br />

ability of 2 new TSH assays to separate<br />

hyperthyroid patients from euthyroid<br />

patients with low TSH, 101<br />

immunofluorometnic assay and specimen<br />

storage<br />

749<br />

conditions for mess. gonadotropins,<br />

immunofluorometric assay of total renin in<br />

plasma and follicular fluid, 74<br />

Lp(a) in CSF measd, by<br />

immunofluorometry(L), 1975<br />

mess,<br />

448<br />

of gonadotnopins in dried blood spots,<br />

minimization of serum interference in flow<br />

cytometric 2-site LAs, 420<br />

time-resolved immunofluorometric assay of<br />

trypsin-2 complexed with a1-antitrypein in<br />

serum, 1761<br />

ultrasensitive time-resolved<br />

immunofluonometnic assay of glutathione<br />

transfenase<br />

unexplained<br />

a in serum, 184<br />

increase in serum digoxin: a case<br />

report(TB), 487<br />

Immunoglobulins. See also Antibodies<br />

cross-reactivity between a human-mouse<br />

anti-endotoxin antibody (HA-1A Centoxin)<br />

and anti-mouse IgG antiserum(L), 852<br />

free light chains of Igs(R), 1869<br />

monoclonsi gammopathies(S), 2154<br />

prevalence of 1gM Abs to Epstein-Barr virus<br />

and parvovirus B19 in blood donations with<br />

above-normal<br />

Immunohistochemistry<br />

neoptenin conc.(TB), 2104<br />

localized<br />

381<br />

in situ emplifn.(LISA): in situ PCR,<br />

Immunoinhibition assay<br />

is detn. of CK-2 after electrophoretic sepn.<br />

accurate?,<br />

Immunology<br />

177<br />

advances in diagnosis, prevention, and<br />

management of hepatic allognaft<br />

rection(S), 2174<br />

autoimmune endocrinopathies: pathogenesis<br />

and role of immune assays(S), 2132<br />

chin, immunology lab, of future(S), 2186<br />

factors influencing changes in cha.<br />

immunology lab.(S), 2193<br />

lab, diagnosis and monitoring in chronic<br />

systemic<br />

monoclonal<br />

autoimmune dis.(S), 2146<br />

gammopathies(S), 2154<br />

ontogeny and activn. of T cells(S), 2128<br />

Immunonephelometry<br />

ape A-I and B measd. during Nat. Health and<br />

Nutrition Survey, 1915<br />

automated immunoturbidimetric assays for<br />

meas. of ape A-I and B, 1722<br />

trimethobenzemide cross-reactivity in<br />

quantn. of ape A-N in plasma<br />

immunonephelometry, 1717<br />

by<br />

amphetemine/methamphetamine<br />

TA(1\ 948 Immunoradiometric assay<br />

variations in stability of ape B in liq. ref.<br />

characteristics of 2-site IRMA for skeletal<br />

material, 716<br />

ALP in serum, 822

IRMA of intact proinsulin appld. to patients<br />

with type 2 diabetes, impaired glucose<br />

tolerance,<br />

minimizetion<br />

and hyperandrogenism,<br />

of serum interference<br />

754<br />

in flow<br />

cytometric 2-site lAs, 420<br />

neg. interference with a TSR IRMA from<br />

serum(L), 1793<br />

quality control material for detect. hCG<br />

misuse in sports, 1306<br />

quanta. of skeletal ALP in osteoporotic serum<br />

by agglutinin pptn., heat inactivation, and<br />

immunoradiometric assay, 1749<br />

six osteocalcin assays compared, 2071<br />

Inimunoselection technique<br />

modified immunoselection technique for diag.<br />

of heavy-chain dis.(TB), 664<br />

Immunosuppressants.<br />

immunosuppressive<br />

Inununosuppression<br />

See Drugs,<br />

autoimmune endocrinopethies: pathogenesis<br />

and role of immune assays(S), 2132<br />

plasma vs whole blood for therapeutic drug<br />

monitoring of patients receiving FK 506 for<br />

immunosuppreesion,<br />

hnmunotherapy<br />

2247<br />

lab. diagnosis and monitoring in chronic<br />

systemic autoimmune dis.(S), 2146<br />

Immunoturbidimetry<br />

automated immunoturbidimetnic assays for<br />

mess, of apo A-I and B, 1722<br />

bromcresol purple dye-binding and<br />

iinmunoturbidimetry for albumin mess, in<br />

plasma or serum of patients with renal<br />

failure(L), 844<br />

triglyceride interference with<br />

immunoturbidimetric<br />

1601<br />

Indoles<br />

quantn. of Lp(a)(L),<br />

serotonin, catecholamines, histamine,<br />

their metabolites in urine, platelets,<br />

and<br />

and<br />

tumor tissue of patients with carcinoid<br />

tumors, 86<br />

Infection<br />

endotoxin binding to platelets in patients<br />

with sepsis syndrome, 1575<br />

phospholipase A2, CRP, and WBC count in<br />

diag. of appendicitis, 1757<br />

Inflammation<br />

lab, diagnosis and monitoring in chronic<br />

systemic autoimmune dis.(S), 2146<br />

Infrared spectroscopy<br />

Tamm-Honsfall glycoprotein: role in Ce<br />

oxalate stone formation, 1739<br />

urinary calculus compositions analyzed with<br />

infrared spectroscopy, 1692<br />

Infrared spectrophotometry<br />

assay of glucose in urine by near-infrared<br />

spectrophotometry(L),<br />

Inositol<br />

1788<br />

quanta. 1,5-anhydroglucitol by liq.<br />

chromatog./MS,<br />

Interference<br />

260<br />

Ab interference with thyroid hormone uptake<br />

assay, 1940<br />

anal, interference caused by incompletely<br />

clotted serum specimens(L), 2325<br />

ascorbate interference in common chin.<br />

assays(L), 950<br />

aspirin-induced interference in EMIT H d.a.u.<br />

assay,<br />

bilirubin<br />

1512<br />

interference in Cobas MIRA assay of<br />

creatinine(L), 1600<br />

drug interferences caused by coelution of<br />

substances in CC-MS confirmation of<br />

targeted drugs in full-scan and selected-ion<br />

monitoring modes, 216<br />

enzymatic method for detg.<br />

1,5-anhydro-D-glucitol, 2013<br />

failure of polychromatic correction in mess, of<br />

total protein(L),<br />

false poe. ethanol<br />

2111<br />

by enzymatic assay:<br />

interference elimination(TB), 1594<br />

flow-injection system for quant.<br />

1,5-anhydro-D-glucitol, 2006<br />

glucose interference in Jaff#{233} creatinine<br />

method: effect of Ce(L), 2326<br />

hepanin props. to eliminate interference in<br />

ionized Ca meas.(E), 508<br />

Hitachi 717/747 and Ektachem assay of Pi<br />

without bilirubin interference(L), 1349<br />

human antiidiotypic Abs against 0C125<br />

strongly interfere with one-step assays of<br />

CA 125 employing 0C125 and Mu Abs(L),<br />

951<br />

hydroxycobalamin and Na thiosulfate<br />

interfere negatively with meas. of CK(L),<br />

2120<br />

improved detn. of free hydroxyproline in biol.<br />

fluids, 1735<br />

interference from bicarbonate reagent in Mg<br />

mess, on BM/Hitachi 747(L), 851<br />

interference with cha. lab. anah.(R), 1996<br />

interference in ionized Ca mess, by heparin<br />

salts, 565<br />

interference of Zn heparin anticoagulant in<br />

detn. of plasma Mg(L), 848<br />

nag. interference with a TSH IRMA from<br />

serum(L), 1793<br />

sulfasalazine may interfere with HPLC assay<br />

of urinary pyridinium crosslinks(L), 167<br />

triglyceride interference with<br />

immunoturbidimetric quanta. of Lp(a)(L),<br />

1601<br />

trimethobenzamide cross-reactivity in lAs of<br />

amphetamine/ methamphetemine(L), 948<br />

Interlaboratory performance<br />

effect of cah’bration on dispersion of GHb<br />

values detd. by 111 labs. using 21 methods,<br />

138<br />

external quality assessment for detg. Al in<br />

dialysis fluids, 1517<br />

process capability and stability of anal.<br />

systems assessed from proficiency testing<br />

date, 723<br />

proficiency testing, matrix effects, and method<br />

evehuation(E), 345<br />

Interleukins, See Cytokines<br />

Intermethod comparison<br />

AAS mess. of blood Pb in matrix-matched<br />

stds., 1730<br />

anal, for ALP isoenzyme data, by multiple<br />

linear regression, 803<br />

assay of plasma oxalate with oxalate oxidase,<br />

2030<br />

automated immunoturbidimetric assays for<br />

meas, of apo A-I and B, 1722<br />

candidate ref. method for detg. theophylline<br />

applied to target-setting in external qual.<br />

assessment and routine evaln. method,<br />

1503<br />

characteristics of 2-site IRMA for skeletal<br />

ALP in serum, 822<br />

chemilum. receptor assay for mess. vit, B12 in<br />

serum, 537<br />

comm. assays for serum osteocalcin give cim.<br />

discordant results, 358<br />

comm. IA differences for Fr4 and FF3 in<br />

quality assessment program, 1956<br />

cystatin C detd. by turbidimetry for<br />

glomerular filtration rate, 1921<br />

detect. benzodiazepines: hAs compared with<br />

neg. chem. ionization GC-MS, 373<br />

detg. specific binding capacity of vit.<br />

D-binding protein and its use to calculate<br />

conc. of ‘free” i,25-dihydroxyvit. D, 435<br />

digoxin IA with cross-reactivity of digoxin<br />

metabolites proportional to biol. acty., 1898<br />

drug concs, required for comparing IAs(L),<br />

1782<br />

EDTA-plasma vs serum differences in<br />

cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and<br />

triglycerides as measd, by several methods,<br />

2088<br />

effect of calibration on dispersion of Glib<br />

values detd, by 111 labs, using 21 methods,<br />

138<br />

effect of Rb F on mess, of Rb A1c with<br />

physicians’ office anahyzers(L), 342<br />

eight compact anal, systems evald, for mess.<br />

total cholesterol, 579<br />

electrochem, instrument for detg. CO in<br />

breath, 1927<br />

enhancement of peroxidase-catalyzed<br />

chemilum. oxidation of cyclic diacyl<br />

hydrazides by arylboronic acids(A), 1828<br />

enzymatic detn. of Na, K, and Cl in abnormal<br />

serum compared with detn, with<br />

ion-selective electrodes, 1528<br />

estg. intestinal absorption of Ca by using<br />

stable Sr as a marker, 257<br />

evalg. test methods by estg. total error, 464<br />

felbamete measd, by HPLC and capillary<br />

electrophoresis, 1904<br />

fresh vs frozen substrate for transketolase<br />

assay(L), 1786<br />

HDL subfractions measd, in stored serum,<br />

1713<br />

LAs for serum and urine myoglobin:<br />

myoglobin clearance assessed as a risk<br />

factor for acute renal failure, 796<br />

latex agglutination IA of serum fennitin with<br />

centrifugal analyzer, 625<br />

Li detns. evald, inS analyzers, 869<br />

lowering cannabinoid IA cutoff increases<br />

true-pus. results, 729<br />

mass screening for CF heterozygotes, 197<br />

methods for measg. carbohydrate-deficient<br />

transferrin in inpatient alcoholics and<br />

healthy controls compared, 364<br />

microwave-induced prepn. of amphetamines<br />

for GC-MS assays, 1703<br />

monitoring tricyclic antidepressant concs, in<br />

serum by FPIA vs GC and HPLC, 929<br />

new enzymatic assay of Fe in serum, 763<br />

nonlinearity of HDL cholesterol detns. is<br />

matrix dependent, 389<br />

quanta. of skeletal ALP in osteoporotic serum<br />

by agglutinin pptn., heat inactivation, and<br />

immunoradiometric assay, 1749<br />

random and continuous-access lAs with<br />

chemilum, detect. by Access automated<br />

analyzer, 2042<br />

RIA of 2-hydroxyestrone in urine, 80<br />

serum-urine assays for hCG: comparison and<br />

assessment, 1944<br />

simult, detn. of Hg speciation in bioL<br />

materials by GC/CVAFS after ethylation<br />

and room-temp. precoliection, 602<br />

six osteocalcin assays compared, 2071<br />

SRi a-fetoprotein, CEA, and PSA compared<br />

with comm. assays, 895<br />

step forward in enzymatic mess, of creatinine,<br />

130<br />

validation of mAb EIA for mess, progesterone<br />

in saliva, 454<br />

variance function as basis for assessment of<br />

test performance: methodological studies<br />

with 2 assays of PSA, 2046<br />

variations in stability of ape B in liq. ref.<br />

material, 716<br />

when is serum Fe really serum Fe? Fe meas.<br />

status, 546<br />

White IRIS leukocyte differential analyzer for<br />

rapid high-precision differentials based on<br />

images of cytoprobe-reacted cells(S), 1850<br />

Inulin<br />

enzymatic anal, for inulin with kinetic<br />

assay(L), 1788<br />

Iodide<br />

urinary I’ detd. by paired-ion reversed-phase<br />

HPLC with ehectrochem. detect., 908<br />

lodoacetate<br />

external qual. assessment in primary<br />

healthcere using fresh whole blood, 2223<br />

Ion-selective electrodes<br />

anal. evaln. of Kone Microlyte detn. of ionized<br />

Mg, 52<br />

enzymatic detn. of Na, K, and Cl in abnormal<br />

serum compared with detn. with<br />

ion-selective electrodes, 1528<br />

enzymatic detns, of Na, K, and Chin serum<br />

compared with detns. by flame photometry,<br />

coulometry, and ion-selective electrodes(L),<br />

846<br />

Li detns. evald. in 8 analyzers, 869<br />

Iron<br />

colorimetric quanta. of urinary Fe during<br />

deferoxamine therapy(L), 497<br />

Fe assays and standardization(L), 1988<br />

Fe-deficiency anemia assocd, with transfennin<br />

receptor, 774<br />

Fe mess. improvement(L), 1347<br />

Fe status indicators in nonanemic<br />

elderhy(TB), 1779<br />

influence of blood donation and Fe<br />

supplementation on Fe status(L), 1345<br />

new enzymatic assay of Fe in serum, 763<br />

polycythemia and high serum erythropoietin<br />

in 62-year-old man(CC), 2093<br />

serum Fe, would anal, improvement enhance<br />

patient outcome?(E), 505<br />

CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 40, No. 12, 1994 2367

when is serum Fe really serum Fe? Fe mess.<br />

status, 546<br />

Irradiation, microwave<br />

microwave-induced prepn. of amphetamines<br />

for GC-MS assays, 1703<br />

Isodlalysis<br />

detg. specific binding capacity of vit,<br />

D-binding protein and its use to calculate<br />

conc, of “free” 1,25-dihydroxyvit. 1), 435<br />

Iaoelectric focusing<br />

ALP isofonms after liven allognaft surgery,<br />

1272<br />

apo E phenotype detn., ii<br />

genotypes of human ape B detd. by specific<br />

restriction profiles of PCR- amplified DNA,<br />

24<br />

methods for measg. carbohydrate-deficient<br />

transfernin in inpatient alcoholics and<br />

healthy controls compared, 364<br />

quanta. of Rb variants by capillary isoelectric<br />

focusing, 2282<br />

Isoenzymes<br />

anal, for ALP isoenzyme data, by multiple<br />

linear regression, 803<br />

AST macnoenzyme complex identifled(CR),<br />

1340<br />

biliaiy and liver ALP isoform changes after<br />

liver transplantation(CR), 1335<br />

cardiac troponin I to diagnose penioperative<br />

myocardial infarction in coronary artery<br />

bypass grafting, 2066<br />

cardiac troponin-T IA for diag. of acute<br />

myocandial infarction, 900<br />

characteristics of 2-site IRMA for skeletal<br />

ALP in serum, 822.<br />

CK isoenzyme BB increased in serum and<br />

tumor tissue of patients with giant cell<br />

tumor of bone, 2064<br />

CK isoenzymes: relevance to lab. and cm,<br />

data, 1278<br />

CK MB isoforms: markers of myocardial<br />

damage, 1265<br />

detect, of myocardial infarction by CK MB<br />

and cardiac troponin I, 1291<br />

ehectrophoretic fractionation of<br />

5’-nucleotidaae, 190<br />

fast-type electrophoretic variant of LDH M(A)<br />

and comparison with other missense<br />

mutations in LDH M(A) and H(B)<br />

genee(CR), 665<br />

is detn. of CK-2 after ehectrophoretic sepn.<br />

accurate?, 177<br />

neuron-specific enohase concns, in serum in<br />

nonneophastic patients with<br />

pneumonia(TB), 266<br />

quanta. of skeletal ALP in osteoporotic serum<br />

by aggiutinin pptn., heat inactivation, and<br />

immunoradiometric assay, 1749<br />

termination mutations in patients with<br />

deficiency of LDH H(B) subunit, 1567<br />

ultrasensitive time-resolved<br />

immunofluorometric assay of glutathione<br />

transferase a in serum, 184<br />

Isoprene<br />

pentane and isoprene in expired air from<br />

humans: (IC anal., 1485<br />

Kidney function and disease. See Renal<br />

function, disease<br />

Kinetic enzyme analysis<br />

step forward in enzymatic mess. of creatinine,<br />

130<br />

“Kromoscoplc” analysis<br />

Knomoscopic anal.: alternative to<br />

spectroecopic anal, for noninvasive mess, of<br />

analytes in vivo(A), 1838<br />

Laboratory management<br />

allowable imprecision based on din, and<br />

analy. criteria, 1909<br />

benefits and risks of genetic technols.: need<br />

for regulation(S), 1652<br />

data utilization, not data acquisition, is the<br />

main problem(S), 1616<br />

diagnostic utility of lab, tests in alcoholic<br />

liver dis.(S), 1641<br />

European specifications for imprecision and<br />

inaccuracy compared with operating<br />

specifications that assure quality required<br />

by US CLIA proficiency-testing criteria,<br />

1228<br />

evaig. test methods by estg. total error, 464<br />

2368 CUNICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 40, No. 12, 1994<br />

factors influencing changes in chin.<br />

immunology lab.(S), 2193<br />

fiscal consequences of central vs distributed<br />

glucose testing(S), 1628<br />

framework for evaluating lab, tests in<br />

ambulatory patients(S), 1621<br />

is Glib testing useful in diabetes?(S), 1637<br />

Japanese healthcare: diagnostic tests and<br />

reimbursements(S), 1663<br />

lAb diagnostics and changes in health<br />

policies(S), 1658<br />

operational requirements of mohec. pathol.<br />

hab.(A), 658<br />

quality assurance, accreditation, and<br />

certification(S), 1416<br />

realistic modeling of chin, lab, operation by<br />

computer simulation, 922<br />

Laboratory safety<br />

variability of lab, coat resistance to blood<br />

strikethrough, 459<br />

Lactate<br />

high-resolution H-NMR spectroscopy of blood<br />

plasma, 1245<br />

lactate stability in presence of antiglycolytic<br />

agents, 1327<br />

urea and lactate deal, in 1-p.L whole blood<br />

samples with a miniaturized thermal<br />

bioeenson, 2282<br />

Lactate dehydrogenase<br />

discnim. of penitoneal malignant ascites from<br />

cirrhosis and hepatocancinoma-assocd,<br />

ascites by assays of ascitic cholesterol and<br />

LDH, 478<br />

erroneus results with diluted Emit<br />

reagents(L), 1597<br />

false poe. ethanol by enzymatic assay.<br />

interference elimination(TB), 1594<br />

fast-type electrophoretic variant of LDH M(A)<br />

and comparison with other missense<br />

mutations in LDH M(A) and H(B)<br />

genes(CR), 665<br />

increased LDH isoenzyme-1 in a case of<br />

glucagonoma(L), 158<br />

termination mutations in patients with<br />

deficiency of LDH H(B) subunit, 1567<br />

Laser densitometry<br />

methods for measg. carbohydrate-deficient<br />

transferrin in inpatient alcoholics and<br />

healthy controls compared, 364<br />

Lead<br />

AAS mess, of blood Pb in matrix-matched<br />

stds.(1730)<br />

barrier method reduces Pb contamin. of blood<br />

specimens(L), 341<br />

Pb data, in urine and blood by stable isotope<br />

diln, GC-MS, 1494<br />

tech, and sci. develop, in exposure marker<br />

methodoL(S), 1376<br />

validity of Pb exposure markers in diagnosis<br />

and surveillance(S), 1387<br />

Lecithin<br />

enzymatic mess, of phosphatidylglycerol in<br />

amniotic fluid, 518<br />

lipoprotein profiles of normo- and<br />

hypercholesterolemic homozygotes for ape<br />

E2 compared, 1559<br />

Lectins<br />

Con-A-bound sehenoprotein analyzed by<br />

graphite furnace AAS, 62<br />

quanta. of skeletal ALP in osteoporotic serum<br />

by agglutinin pptn., heat inactivation, and<br />

immunonadiometric assay, 1749<br />

Leukemia<br />

amplifn. and quant. of BCR-ABL mRNA of<br />

Ph(+) chronic myeloid leukemia in<br />

NASBA(A), 662<br />

assay for diagnosis and monitoring of<br />

CML(A), 2338<br />

B and T cell gene rearrangement testing by<br />

mohec. methods in diag. of hymphoblastic<br />

leukemias and lymphomas(A), 658<br />

C-TRAK t(9;22): detect, of BCR-ABL<br />

translocation in heukemias(A), 658<br />

White IRIS heukocyte differential analyzer for<br />

rapid high-precision differentials based on<br />

images of cytoprobe-neacted cells(S), 1850<br />

Leukocytes<br />

in vivo effects of neutrophil enzymes on<br />

cardiac enzymes(L), 163<br />

phoepholipase A2, CRP, and WBC count in<br />

ding, of appendicitis, 1757<br />

White IRIS heukocyte differential analyzer for<br />

rapid high-precision differentials based on<br />

images of cytoprobe-reacted cells(S), 1850<br />

Lidocaine<br />

lidocaine and HPLC assay for<br />

anticonvulsants(TB), 833<br />

Li-Fraumeni syndrome<br />

screening for p53 mutations with<br />

heteroduplex detect, technique(TB), 485<br />

Ligase chain reaction<br />

detect. of base changes with GAP-LCRA),<br />

654<br />

LCx system: from research to chin. labs.(S),<br />

650<br />

Lipase<br />

pancreatic lipase assays with triglycerides as<br />

substrate, 2053<br />

pancreatic lipase in V79 cells: recombinant<br />

enzyme purifn. and characterization, 1251<br />

Lipemia<br />

interference with chin, lab. anal.(R), 1996<br />

Lipid peroxidation<br />

pentane and isoprene in expired air from<br />

humans: GC anal., 1485<br />

Lipids<br />

circadian rhythmic variations in serum of<br />

clinically important lipids, 1549<br />

detergent extn, and enzymatic anal, for fecal<br />

long-chain fatty acids, triglycerides, and<br />

cholesterol, 2230<br />

effect of smoking on lipids, apes, and<br />

lipoprotein(a) (L), 1350<br />

pancreatic lipase assays with triglycerides as<br />

substrate, 2053<br />

Lipopolysaccharides<br />

endotoxin binding to platelets in patients<br />

with sepsis syndrome, 1575<br />

Lipoproteinemia<br />

Libyan family with hyperchohesterolemia and<br />

HDL cholesterol(CR), 2313<br />

Lipoproteins<br />

ape E detn, by isoehectric focusing, 11<br />

assocn, of how serum conc. of bilirubin with<br />

coronary artery dis,, 18<br />

automated EIA of serum amyloid A, 1284<br />

biol. variability of cholesterol, triglyceride,<br />

LDL and HDL lipoprotein cholesterol,<br />

Lp(a), and apo A-I and B, 574<br />

circadian rhythmic variations in serum of<br />

clinically important lipids, 1549<br />

detect, of chohesteryl ester transfer protein<br />

deficiency by nonradioisotopic single-strand<br />

conformation polymorphism anal., 2227<br />

dextnan-Mg2+ MDL cholesterol pptn. method<br />

for use with frozen plasma, 233<br />

EDTA-plasma vs serum differences in<br />

cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and<br />

triglycerides as measd, by several methods,<br />

2088<br />

effect of smoking on lipids, apes, and<br />

lipoprotein(a) (L), 1350<br />

effect of time between mess, on within-subject<br />

variability for total cholesterol and MDL<br />

cholesterol in women, 710<br />

effects of sucrose on Lp(a) recovery from<br />

hyophilized prepns.(L), 502<br />

ELISA of IgG Ab to oxidized LDL, 882<br />

estg. and minimizing effects of biol. source of<br />

variation by relative range when mess.<br />

mean of serum lipids and lipoproteins, 227<br />

fractionation of lipoproteins in<br />

ultracentrifugation tubes(TB), 145<br />

Friedewald formula for estg. LDL cholesterol<br />

in alcoholic liven disease, 404<br />

MDL subfractions measd. in stored serum,<br />

1713<br />

IFCC standardization project for mess. of ape<br />

A-I and B. W. Comparability of ape B<br />

values using InternatL Ref. Material, 586<br />

hipoprotein profiles of normo- and<br />

hypercholesterolemic homozygotes for ape<br />

E2 compared, 1559<br />

Lp(a) in CSF measd. by<br />

immunofluorometny(L), 1975<br />

Lp(a) further invalidates Friedewald<br />

formula(L), 2115<br />

Lp(a) is included in LDL by NCEP<br />

deflnition(L), 2115<br />

metabolic determinants of the course of<br />

coronary artery disease, 2240

nonlinearity of MDL cholesterol detns. is<br />

matrix dependent, 389<br />

plasma homocysteine as risk factor for<br />

fmniluil coronary heart dis., 552<br />

quantn. of apo A-W in plasma by<br />

immunonephelometry, 1717<br />

serum Lp(a) effect on estn. of LDL cholesterol<br />

by Friedewald formula, 571<br />

structural and functional assessment of MDL<br />

heterogeneity, 1554<br />

thyroid function and lipoprotein(a)(L), 1606<br />

triglyceride interference with<br />

immunoturbidimetric quantn. of Lp(a)(L),<br />

1601<br />

Liposomes<br />

PolyGum(Tfx), a novel cationic lipoeome<br />

compd. for polynucheotide delivery(A), 2341<br />

Tfx reagent for polynucheotide<br />

transfection(A), 2341<br />

Llthlasis<br />

urinary calculus compositions analyzed with<br />

infrared spectroscopy, 1692<br />

Lithium<br />

interference in ionized Ca mess, by heparin<br />

salts, 565<br />

Li and brain: psychopharmacoL strategy to<br />

molec, basis for manic depressive illness(S),<br />

309<br />

Li detns. evald. in 8 analyzers, 869<br />

Liver function, disease<br />

assocn. of low serum conc, of bilirubin with<br />

coronary artery dis., 18<br />

din, significance of urinary cGMP in diag. of<br />

heart failure, 96<br />

detg. specific binding capacity of vit.<br />

fl-binding protein and its use to calculate<br />

conc, of “free” 1,25-dihydroxyvit. D,435<br />

diagnostic utility of lab, tests in alcoholic<br />

liver dis.(S), 1641<br />

discnim, of peritoneal malignant ascitee from<br />

cirrhosis-and hepatocarcinoma-assocd.<br />

ascites by detg. ascitic cholesterol and<br />

LDH, 478<br />

electrophonetic fractionation of<br />

5’-nucleotidase, 190<br />

familial high concs, of carboxy-terminal<br />

propeptide of type I procollagen(CR), 1591<br />

Friedewald formula for estg. LDL cholesterol<br />

in alcoholic liver disease, 404<br />

hepatic effects of chronic exposure to mixed<br />

solvents(S), 1464<br />

method to study metabolic interactions after<br />

exposure to solvents(A), 1458<br />

Liver transplant<br />

advances in diagnosis, prevention, and<br />

management of hepatic allograft<br />

rejection(S), 2174<br />

ALP isofonins after liven allograft surgery,<br />

1272<br />

biliany and liver ALP isoform changes after<br />

liver tnansplantation(CR), 1335<br />

Lung disease. See Pulmonary function,<br />

Luteinizing hormone<br />

hutropin measd. by Abbott IMx(L), 1976<br />

mess, of gonadotnopins in dried blood spots,<br />

448<br />

time-resolved immunofluorometric assay and<br />

specimen storage conditions for mess.<br />

urinary gonsdotropins, 749<br />

Lutropin. See Luteinizing hormone<br />

Lymphocytes<br />

Band T cell gene rearrangement testing by<br />

molec. methods in diag. of hymphoblastic<br />

heukemias and hymphomas(A), 658<br />

EIA of CD4 and CD8 molecules on surface of<br />

T lymphocytes from healthy subjects and<br />

HIV-1-infected patients, 30<br />

enzymatic diag. of aspartylglycosaminuria by<br />

fluorometric assay of glycosylasparaginase<br />

in serum, plasma, or lymphocytes, 385<br />

factors influencing changes in chin. immunol,<br />

lab.(S), 2193<br />

in vitro anal, of cell-mediated immunity(S),<br />

2162<br />

quant. data, of CD4/CD8 molecules by cell<br />

marker ELISA, 38<br />

molec. anal, in patient with Waldenstrom’s<br />

macroglobulinemia(A), 2335<br />

ontogeny and activn. of T cells(S), 2128<br />

Lysine<br />

chem. of fructosamine assay: Amadoni compd.<br />

oxidation, 1950<br />

Lysoeomal storage disease<br />

HPLC anal, of oligoeaccharides from<br />

oligoeacchanidosis patients, 914<br />

Lysosomes<br />

enzymatic diag. of aspaitylglycoeaminuria by<br />

fluorometric assay of glycosylasparaginase<br />

in serum, plasma, or lymphocytes, 385<br />

Macroamylasemia<br />

simult. macroamylasemia and<br />

macrolipasemia(SR), 939<br />

Macrolipasemia<br />

simult. macroamylasemia and<br />

macrolipasemia(SR), 939<br />

Magnesium<br />

anal. evaln. of Kone Microlyte deft. of ionized<br />

Mg, 52<br />

interference from bicarbonate reagent in Mg<br />

mess, on BM/Hitachi 747(L), 851<br />

interference of Zn heparin anticoagulant in<br />

data, of plasma Mg(L), 848<br />

Magnetic resonance spectroecopy See Nuclear<br />

magnetic resonance<br />

Manganese<br />

changes in Mn content of mononuclear blood<br />

cells in patients receiving total parenteral<br />

nutrition, 829<br />

Mannose<br />

familial high concs. of carboxy-terminal<br />

propeptide of type I procollagen(CR), 1591<br />

Mannosidosis<br />

HPLC anal, of oligosaccharides from<br />

oligosaccharidosis patients, 914<br />

Marijuana. See Abused drugs<br />

Markers, biological. See also Tumor markers<br />

advances in biochem. markers of bone<br />

turnoven(E), 1994<br />

biomankers of chem. exposure(S), 1360<br />

biomankers for detect. carcinogenic risk from<br />

fungicides(A), 1460<br />

cardiac tropenin-T IA for diag. of acute<br />

myocardial infarction, 900<br />

chlorinated dioxins and -furans: biomarker<br />

anal.(S), 1405<br />

CK MB isoforms: markers of myocardial<br />

damage, 1265<br />

detg. acceptable risks: experimental and<br />

epidemioL issues(S), 1448<br />

evaln, of current concepts in exposure<br />

assessment(S), 1368<br />

exposure to mixtures and congeners of<br />

PCBB(S), 1409<br />

is carbohydrate-deficient transfenrin useful<br />

for detect, excessive alcohol consumption in<br />

hypertensive patients?, 2057<br />

lab, Buppont for transplantation(S), 2166<br />

markers to cyclohexanone, cyclohexane, and<br />

cychohexanol(S), 1466<br />

mess, of salivary cotinine with Abbott<br />

TDx(L), 843<br />

role of biomarkers in environmentally<br />

induced disease(S), 1363<br />

tech, and sd. develop, in exposure marker<br />

methodoh.(S), 1376<br />

validity of Pb exposure markers in diagnosis<br />

and surveillance(S), 1387<br />

Mass spectrometry<br />

l5-desmethyl FK-506 and 15,31-desmethyl<br />

FK-506 from liver microsomes: dialysis<br />

contribution to oxidase prodn. in chronic<br />

renal failure, 1544<br />

isolation, identn., and evaln, of in vitro<br />

immunosuppressive acty., 740<br />

lowering cannabinoid IA cutoff increases<br />

true-poe. results, 729<br />

MS techniques for mess. metab. of apo B in<br />

vivo(A), 1825<br />

quanta. 1,5-anhydroglucitol by liq.<br />

chromatog./MS, 260<br />

ref. values for urinary organic acids in<br />

Turkish pediatric population, 862<br />

Menopause<br />

IA for quant. type I collagen degradation<br />

products in urine, 2022<br />

osteocalcin ELISA, 1258<br />

purifn. of procohiagen type I<br />

carboxyl-tenminal propeptide cleaved as in<br />

vivo from procollagen and used to calibrate<br />

RIA of propeptide, 811<br />

RIA of 2-hydroxyestrone in urine, 80<br />

Menstrual cycle<br />

effect of time between mess, on within-subject<br />

variability for total cholesterol and HDL<br />

cholesterol in women, 710<br />

validation of mAb EIA for meas. progesterone<br />

in saliva, 454<br />

Mercury<br />

mess. Hg in specimens by cold vapor atomic<br />

fluorescence spectrometry, 206<br />

methyl H intrauterine and postnatal<br />

exposure(S), 1395<br />

simult. data, of Hg speciation in biol.<br />

materials by GC/CVAFS after ethyhation<br />

and room-temp. precollection, 602<br />

Mesothelioma<br />

liq.-chromatog. anal, of effusions for<br />

hyahuronate content, 777<br />

Metabolism<br />

anal. of fatty acid oxidn, intermediates in<br />

cultured fibroblasts, 2267<br />

As excretion after one-time ingestion of<br />

seaweed, crab and shrimp, 617<br />

carcinogenesis and susceptibility to cancer(S),<br />

1421<br />

Cd: exposure markers as predictors of<br />

nephrotoxic effects(S), 1391<br />

changes in Mn content of mononuclear blood<br />

cells in patients receiving total parenteral<br />

nutrition, 829<br />

changes in plasma amino acid concs, in<br />

response to HIV-1 infect., 785<br />

15-desmethyl FK-506 and 15,31-desmethyl<br />

FK-506 from liven microsomes: isolation,<br />

identn,, and evaln. of in vitro<br />

immunosuppressive acty., 740<br />

exposure to mixtures and congeners of<br />

PCBs(S), 1409<br />

familial high concs. of carboxy-terminal<br />

propeptide of type I procohlagen(CR), 1591<br />

Libyan family with hypenchoheeterolemia and<br />

HDL cholesterol(CR), 2313<br />

metabolic profiling of amniotic fluid by proton<br />

NMR spectroscopy: correlation with fetal<br />

maturation and other chin, variables, 56<br />

methanol ingestion: excess serum<br />

osmolality(CR), 1587<br />

method to study metabolic interactions after<br />

GI exposure to sohvents(A), 1458<br />

Metformin<br />

IRMA of intact proinsuhin appld. to patients<br />

with type 2 diabetes, impaired glucose<br />

tolerance, and hyperandrogenism, 754<br />

Methamphetamine<br />

GC-MS identn, of amphetamine and<br />

methamphetamine in urine(Th), 145<br />

microwave-induced prepn. of amphetamines<br />

for GC-MS assays, 1703<br />

trimethobenzamide cross-reactivity in LAs of<br />

amphetamine/ methamphetamine(L), 948<br />

Methanol<br />

methanol ingestion: excess serum<br />

osmolality(CR), 1587<br />

Methylmercury<br />

methyl Hg intrauterine and postnatal<br />

exposure(S), 1395<br />

Microbiology<br />

combined PCR-hybridizn. microplate assay<br />

used to detect bovine leukemia virus and<br />

Salmonella, 200<br />

Microchannels<br />

field-flow fractionation system for anal, of<br />

blood cells(S), 1810<br />

flow of bioL fluids in straight channels<br />

micromachined in Si, 43<br />

microfabnication in silicon<br />

microphysiometiy(S), 1800<br />

micromachined analyzers on a Si chip(S),<br />

1805<br />

sperm testing with microfabnicated<br />

glass-capped Si microchannels(A), 1823<br />

Microphysiometry<br />

field-flow fractionation system for anal, of<br />

blood cells(S), 1810<br />

microfabrication in silicon<br />

microphysiometry(S), 1800<br />

micromachined analyzers on a Si chip(S),<br />

1805<br />

Microscopy, atomic force<br />

atomic force microscopy in basic and applied<br />

nucleic acid research(S), 653<br />

CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 40, No. 12, 1994 2369

Microscopy, electron<br />

cytological anal, of location of HIV gene<br />

sequences by PCR and electron microscopy<br />

in situ by hybridizn.(A), 655<br />

Milk<br />

exposure to mixtures and congeners of<br />

PCBs(S), 1409<br />

mess. Hg in specimens by cold vapor atomic<br />

fluorescence spectrometry, 206<br />

Mitochondria<br />

anal, of fatty acid oxidn, intermediates in<br />

cultured fibroblasts, 2267<br />

automated genomic coupled amplifn. and<br />

sequencing (CAS)(A), 2339<br />

Monitoring therapy<br />

biol. variation in urine samples used for<br />

analyte mess., 472<br />

CsG and its metabolites in renal transplant<br />

recipients, 613<br />

develop, of indices for detg. extracellulan fluid<br />

Na and water status in acute diabetic<br />

ketoacidosis, 758<br />

enzymatic method for detg.<br />

1,5-anhydro-D-glucitol, 2013<br />

felbamate measd. by HPLC and capillary<br />

elsctrophoresis, 1904<br />

FK 506 therapeutic drug monitoring(E), 2207<br />

Glib measd. by automated affinity HPLC:<br />

glycemia correlation, 1317<br />

is GHb testing useful in diabetes?(S), 1637<br />

lab, diagnosis and monitoring in chronic<br />

systemic autoimmune dia.(S), 2146<br />

lab, support for transplantation(S), 2166<br />

mess, of felbamate by wide-bore capillary GC<br />

and flame ionization, 745<br />

monitoring tricyclic antidepressant cones, in<br />

serum by FPIA vs GC and HPLC, 929<br />

plasma vs whole blood for therapeutic drug<br />

monitoring of patients receiving FK 506 for<br />

immunosuppreesion, 2247<br />

solid-phase extn. combined with RIA for<br />

mess. of zalcitabine(2’,3’- deoxycytidine),<br />

211<br />

therapeutic monitoring of sertraline(L), 498<br />

unexplained increase in serum digoxin: case<br />

report(TB), 487<br />

Monochonal antibodies. See Antibodies,<br />

monochonal<br />

Mononuclear blood cells<br />

changes in Mn content of mononuclear blood<br />

cells in patients receiving total parenteral<br />

nutrition, 829<br />

Mood disorders<br />

brain mechanisms in manic depression(S),<br />

303<br />

develop, in neurochem. of depression, mania,<br />

and other disorders(S), 271<br />

GABA and mood disorders: a blood test for<br />

manic depressive dis.?(S), 296<br />

Li and brain: psychopharmacoL strategy to<br />

mohec. basis for manic depressive illness(S),<br />

309<br />

mood disorders: diagnosis, classification, and<br />

management(S), 273<br />

neuropeptides and anxiety: focus on<br />

cholecystokinin(S), 315<br />

neuropsychophanmacol, challenge in biol.<br />

psychiatry(S), 319<br />

serotonin in pathophysioL of depression:<br />

serotonin transporter(S), 288<br />

Morphine<br />

cross-reactivity of morphine-6-glucuronide<br />

with Emit d.a.u. screening tests for<br />

opiates(L), 953<br />

simult. immunochem, multianalyte drug<br />

assay by capillary electrophoresis with<br />

laser-induced fluorescence(S), 1819<br />

Multianalyte testing<br />

improving sensitivity and reliability of<br />

IAs(R), 347<br />

simult, immunochem. multianalyte drug<br />

assay by capillary electrophoresis with<br />

laser-induced fluorescence(S), 1819<br />

Muhtilayer ifim analysis<br />

Hitachi 717/747 and Ektachem assay of Pi<br />

without bilirubin interference(L), 1349<br />

kinetic error on Kodak Ektachem: clue in<br />

diag. of myehoma(L), 166<br />

low recoveries of urea in control sera by<br />

Kodak Ektachem(L), 494<br />

2370 CUNICALCHEMISTRY,Vol.40, No.12, 1994<br />

Multiple sclerosis<br />

ELISA titertray assay of 1gM anti-GM1<br />

autoantibodies, 1327<br />

Multivariate analysis<br />

discrim, of peritoneal malignant ascites from<br />

cirrhosis and hepatocancinoma-assocd.<br />

ascites by detg. ascitic cholesterol and<br />

LDH, 478<br />

plasma homocysteine as risk factor for<br />

familial coronary heart dis., 552<br />

Muscle<br />

cardiac troponin-T IA for diag. of acute<br />

myocardial infarction, 900<br />

Muscular dystrophy<br />

congenital adrenal hypoplasia, Duchenne<br />

muscular dystrophy,and glycerol kinase<br />

deficiency: delineating gene deletion<br />

syndrome(CR), 2099<br />

Mycobactenia<br />

detect, of 2 DNA target sequences from<br />

Mycobacteria using strand displacement<br />

amphifn.(A), 662<br />

detect, of M. tuberculosis from chin, specimens<br />

using Gen-Probe transcription-mediated<br />

amplifn. system(S), 650<br />

Myeloma<br />

free light chains of Igs(R), 1869<br />

kinetic error on Kodak Ektachem: clue in<br />

diag. of myeloma(L), 166<br />

monoclonal gammopathies(S), 2154<br />

Myocardlal infarction<br />

cardiac troponin I to diagnose periopenative<br />

myocardial infarction in coronary artery<br />

bypass grafting, 2066<br />

cardiac troponin-T IA for diag. of acute<br />

myocardial infarction, 900<br />

detect, of myocardial infarction by CK MB<br />

and cardiac troponin I, 1291<br />

diagnostic value of single mess. of troponin T<br />

in serum for acute myocardial infarction(L),<br />

673<br />

increased urinary neoptenin in acute<br />

myocardial infarction(L), 338<br />

plasma homocysteine as risk factor for<br />

familial coronary heart dis., 552<br />

serum CK MB after acute myocardial<br />

infarction in a patient with IgA.-CK-BB<br />

complex(L), 160<br />

Myoglobin<br />

lAs for serum and urine myoglobin:<br />

myoglobin clearance assessed as a risk<br />

factor for acute renal failure, 796<br />

starburst dendnimers: enhanced performance<br />

and flexibility for lAs(S), 1845<br />

Nanotechnology<br />

nanotechnology concepts and definitions(S),<br />

1797<br />

National Academy of <strong>Clinical</strong> Biochemistry<br />

proceedings of 17th annual symposium, 271<br />

Natriuretic peptide<br />

stabilization of brain natriuretic peptide in<br />

blood sample(L), 672<br />

Near-patient testing. See Point-of-care testing<br />

Neisseria gonorrhoeae<br />

screening for C. tnzchomais and N.<br />

gonorrhoeae using PACE 2C(A), 2338<br />

Neoptenin<br />

comm. ELISA for neopterin detect. compared<br />

with RIA and HPLC(TB), 265<br />

increased urinary neoptenin in acute<br />

myocardial infarction(L), 338<br />

prevalence of 1gM Abs to Epstein-Barn virus<br />

and parvovirus B19 in blood donations with<br />

above-normal neopterin conc.(TB), 2104<br />

Nephelometry, See also Immunonephelometry<br />

microparticle-enhanced nephelometric IA of<br />

anti-thyroid peroxidase autoAbs in thyroid<br />

disorders, 442<br />

rheumatoid factor measd. with QM300<br />

nephehometer(TB), 943<br />

Neural networks<br />

urinary calculus compositions analyzed with<br />

infrared spectroscopy, 1692<br />

Neuroactive drugs<br />

serotonin in pathophysioL of depression:<br />

serotonin transporter(S), 288<br />

therapeutic monitoring of sertraline(L), 498<br />

Neuroblastoma<br />

genetic vs epigenetic causes of proto-oncogene<br />

alterations in neuroblastoma(A), 2341<br />

Neurochemistry<br />

develop, in neurochem, of depression, mania,<br />

and other disorders(S), 271<br />

Neuropeptides, See Peptides<br />

Neurotransmitters<br />

neuropeptides and anxiety: focus on<br />

chohecystokinin(S), 315<br />

neuropsychopharmacoh. challenge in bioL<br />

psychiatry(S), 319<br />

Newborns<br />

bilirubin prodn. in newborn measd, by CO in<br />

breath, 1934<br />

detg. specific binding capacity of vit,<br />

D-binding protein and its use to calculate<br />

conc, of ‘free” 1,25-dthydroxyvit. D, 435<br />

electrochem, instrument for detg. CO in<br />

breath, 1927<br />

methyl Hg’ intrauterine and postnatal<br />

exposure(S), 1395<br />

Nitrendipine<br />

erythrocyte Na,K ATPase acty. does not<br />

predict therapeutic response to Ca<br />

antagonists in hypotension, 1532<br />

Norepinephnine<br />

catecholamines and catecholamine<br />

metabolites in pheochromocytoma, 250<br />

catecholamines in depression: an update(S),<br />

279<br />

Norfluoxetine<br />

automated HPLC assay for fluoxetine and<br />

norfluoxetine, 1312<br />

Noninetanephrine<br />

catecholamines and catecholamine<br />

metabolites in pheochromocytoma, 250<br />

Nuclear magnetic resonance<br />

15-desmethyl FK-506 and 15,31-desmethyl<br />

FK-506 from liver microsomea: isolation,<br />

identn., and evaln. of in vitro<br />

immunosuppressive acty., 740<br />

high-resolution H-NMR spectroscopy of blood<br />

plasma, 1245<br />

indoxyh-t3-D-glucuronide in plasma of<br />

hemodialysis patients, 1580<br />

metabolic profiling of amniotic fluid by proton<br />

NMR spectroscopy: correlation with fetal<br />

maturation and other chin, variables, 56<br />

NMR in chin. chem.(E), 1215<br />

NMR and chin. chem.(L), 2320<br />

Nucleic acids<br />

ainplifn. assay of nucleic acid by single<br />

unpaired electrochemilum. primer(A), 658<br />

atomic force microscopy in basic and applied<br />

nucleic acid research(S), 653<br />

LCx system-from research to cm. labs(S),<br />

650<br />

nucleic acid assay based on fluorescent molec,<br />

membnane(A), 662<br />

nucleic acid dendrimers(A), 660<br />

simple, sensitive nucleic acid amplifn.<br />

system(A), 656<br />

Nucleosides<br />

solid-phase extn. combined with RIA for<br />

meas. of zahcitabine(2’,3’- deoxycytidine),<br />

211<br />

Nucleotidase<br />

ehectrophoretic fractionation of<br />

5’-nucleotidase, 190<br />

Nutrition<br />

changes in Mn content of mononuclear blood<br />

cells in patients receiving total parenteral<br />

nutrition, 829<br />

changes in plasma amino acid cones, in<br />

response to H1V-1 infect., 785<br />

chemilum, receptor assay for meas. vit. B12 in<br />

serum, 537<br />

Con,-A-bound sehenoprotein analyzed by<br />

graphite furnace AAS, 62<br />

lab, utilization for nutrition support: current<br />

practice, requirements, and expectations.<br />

The Ross Conference, 268<br />

ref. values for urinary organic acids in<br />

Turkish pediatric population, 862<br />

Oak Ridge Conference-1994, 1797<br />

Ofloxacin<br />

interference of ofloxacin with data, of urinary<br />

ponphynins, 417<br />

Ohgonucleotides<br />

anal, of oligonucleotide arrays by<br />

nonradiolabeled method(A), 2337<br />

automated high-throughput chem, DNA<br />

synthesis: 32-place prototype(A), 659

automated sequence-based diag. of class I<br />

genetic dis.(A), 661<br />

automated synthesis of RNA oligonucheotides<br />

on polystyrene (A), 659<br />

binding affinity study of antisense<br />

oligonucleotide.-peptide conjugates and<br />

RNaseH induced cleavage of mRNA(A), 662<br />

bio-revensible analogs of oligonucleoside<br />

phosphonothioates(A), 2335<br />

chemical synthesis of active RNA using<br />

2’-O-Fpmp(A), 2335<br />

chromosomal FISH anal, of bovine satellite<br />

I), 2336<br />

cleavage and deprotection of<br />

oligonucleotides(A), 661<br />

cycling probe technoL using RNaseH<br />

oligonucleotide(A), 2340<br />

develop, of 2- and 3-strand-forming<br />

oligonudeotides as therapeutics(S), 645<br />

designing cross-species, family-common<br />

probes forjun onoogene family using<br />

computer program OligoProbe Design<br />

Station(A), 659<br />

diag. H1V-1 using automated<br />

electrochemiluin, detect, system for<br />

one-step ohigonudeotide probe assays(A),<br />

660<br />

effect of 2’-substitution of oligonucleotides on<br />

antisense inhibition of gene expression(A),<br />

2337<br />

formulation of oligonucleotides with<br />

cyclodextrin(A), 2339<br />

high density multiplex mutation anal, using<br />

oligonucleotide ligation assay and<br />

sequence-coded separation(A), 657<br />

inhibition of CAM expression with antisense<br />

oligonucleotides(S), 644<br />

inhibition of HSV by hairpin antisense<br />

oligonudeotides(A), 655<br />

membrane-bound polymeric ohigonucleotide<br />

probes used for reverse dot blot detect. of<br />

HLA-DRB1 alleles(A), 661<br />

millimole scale synthesis of oligonucleotides<br />

via phosphonamidite nucheosides and<br />

polystyrene support on model 390Z<br />

synthesizer(A), 654<br />

nonisotopic psonalen-based labeling system<br />

for detect, genes in cyanobacteria(A), 662<br />

ohigonudeotide arrays and sequence anal, by<br />

hybnidizn.(S), 653<br />

oligenucleotides analogs for regulation of<br />

gene expression(S), 645<br />

optimal sequence detn, for antisense<br />

phosphorothioate ohigonucleotide drugs(A),<br />

2339<br />

opihninng design of antisense therapeutics<br />

using oligonucleotide arrays(A), 2335<br />

phoephorothioate oligonucleotides inhibit<br />

nitrite prodn. in cultured smooth muscle<br />

cells(A), 2336<br />

PolyGum(Tfx), a novel cationic liposome<br />

compd. for pohynucleotide deliveny(A), 2341<br />

portable system for oligunucleotide labeling<br />

and quant. detect.(A), 655<br />

preincubation superior to strict competition<br />

with mismatched oligunucleotides for<br />

detect. a1-antitrypsin deficiency(L), 1793<br />

probe chips for anal, of gene sequencea(A),<br />

662<br />

purifn. of nucleic acid-based drugs with<br />

PolyFlo resin(A), 2335<br />

RNA oligonucheotide solid-phase synthesis via<br />

Fl ion cleavage and deprotection<br />

strategy(A), 662<br />

second-generation antisense molecules(A),<br />

2337<br />

stability and properties of “self-stabilized”<br />

antisense ohigunucleotide<br />

phosphorothioate(A), 2337<br />

synthesis column design for efficient<br />

oligonucheotide synthesis(A), 2336<br />

synthesis and detect. of 2,4-dinitrophenyl<br />

labeled oligunucleotides(A), 2335<br />

synthesis of oligonucheotides in organic<br />

polymer suppont(A), 655<br />

synthetic surrogates of P04 backbone:<br />

synthesis and incorporation of amine-linked<br />

TT dimers into antisense<br />

oligonucleotides(A), 661<br />

Tfx reagent for pohynucleotide<br />

transfection(A), 2341<br />

Ohigosaccharides<br />

HPLC anal, of oligosaccharides from<br />

oligosaccharidosis patients, 914<br />

measg. swainsonine in serum of cancer<br />

patients: phase I chin. trial,426<br />

Oncogenes<br />

designing cross-species, family-common<br />

probes for jun oncogene family using<br />

computer program OhigoProbe Design<br />

Station(A), 659<br />

effect of 2’-substitution of oligonucheotides on<br />

antisense inhibition of gene expnession(A),<br />

2337<br />

genetic vs epigenetic causes of proto-oncogene<br />

alterations in neuroblastoma(A), 2341<br />

nadiolabehed PCR assay for detect, of ras<br />

oncogene point mutations, 705<br />

second-generation antisense molecules(A),<br />

2337<br />

Opiates<br />

cross-reactivity of morphine-6-glucuronide<br />

with Emit d.a.u. screening tests for<br />

opiates(L), 953<br />

Opinion<br />

Benjamin, Richard J.; glycated protein<br />

update: Diabetes Control and<br />

Complications Trial, 683<br />

Tietz, Nonbent W.; accuracy in chin.chem,does<br />

anybody care?, 859<br />

Osmolality<br />

apphn. of clearance concept to hypo-,<br />

hypernatremic disorders(R), 1220<br />

Osteocalcin<br />

comm. assays for serum osteocalcin give chin.<br />

discordant results, 358<br />

in vitro stability of osteocalcin(TB), 833<br />

osteocahcin ELISA, 1258<br />

six osteocalcin assays compared, 2071<br />

Osteoporosis<br />

comm. assays for serum osteocalcin give chin.<br />

discordant results, 358<br />

quanta. of skeletal ALP in osteoponotic serum<br />

by agglutinin ppta., heat inactivation, and<br />

immunoradiometric assay, 1749<br />

time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay of salmon<br />

calcitonin, 1774<br />

Ouahain<br />

digoxin IA with cross-reactivity of digoxin<br />

metabolites proportional to biol. arty., 1898<br />

Na pump and relevance to dis.(R), 1674<br />

Overview, See also Reviews<br />

Culver, Kenneth W.; cancer, gene therapy,<br />

510<br />

Grandjean, Philippe; biomarkers of chem,<br />

exposure(S), 1360<br />

Oxalate<br />

assay of plasma oxalate with oxalate oxidase,<br />

2030<br />

Osidase<br />

dialysis contribution to oxidase prodn. in<br />

chronic renal failure, 1544<br />

Oxoprolinuria<br />

high-resolution H-NMR spectroscopy of blood<br />

plasma, 1245<br />

Oxygen<br />

mess, of 02 by multiwavelength analyzer:<br />

interspecies difl’erences(TB), 1971<br />

Paget disease<br />

characteristics of 2-site IRMA for skeletal<br />

ALP in serum, 822<br />

Pancreatic disease and function<br />

detergent extn. and enzymatic anal. for fecal<br />

hong-chain fatty acids, triglycerides, and<br />

cholesterol, 2230<br />

pancreatic lipase assays with triglycerides ss<br />

substrate, 2053<br />

pancreatic lipase in V79 cells: recombinant<br />

enzyme purifn. and characterization, 1251<br />

time-resolved immunofluorometric assay of<br />

trypsin-2 comphexed with a1-antitrypsin in<br />

serum, 1761<br />

Panic disorder<br />

neuropeptides and anxiety focus on<br />

chohecystokinin(S), 315<br />

Papillomavirus. See Human papillomavirus<br />

Paraproteinemia<br />

interference with din, lab. anal.(R), 1996<br />

Psrvovlrus B19<br />

prevalence of 1gM Abe to Epstein-Barr virus<br />

and parvovirus B19 in blood donations with<br />

above-normal neopterin conc.(TB), 2104<br />

Pearson syndrome<br />

tighyglycine in urine disorders measd.<br />

isotope diln. GC-MS, 1879<br />

Pediatric chemistry<br />

congenital adrenal hypoplasia, Duchenne<br />

muscular dystrophy, and glycerol kinase<br />

deficiency: delineating gene deletion<br />

syndrome(CR), 2099<br />

detect. of metabolic abnormalities in preterm<br />

infants impaired by disorders of blood<br />

glucose cones., 526<br />

mess, of blood voL with enriched stable<br />

isotope of Cr(ssCr) and isotope dilution by<br />

combined GC-MS, 71<br />

mess, of felbamate by wide-bore capillary GC<br />

and flame ionization, 745<br />

methyl Hg intrauterine and postnatal<br />

exposure(S), 1395<br />

ref. values for urinary organic acids in<br />

Turkish pediatric population, 862<br />

replacing creatinine mess, with specific<br />

gravity values to adjust urine cotinine<br />

cones., 562<br />

Pentane<br />

pentane and isoprene in expired air from<br />

humans: GC anaL, 1485<br />

Pentosidine<br />

ELISA of pentosidine in biol. specimens, 1766<br />

Peptidases<br />

biol. variation in peptidase arty. in healthy<br />

subjects, 1686<br />

Peptides<br />

distribution of CII and CII peptides in<br />

lipoprotein classes, 240<br />

evaln. of preanal. variables for mess, of<br />

pnothrombin fragment 1.2, 1962<br />

IA for quant. type I collagen degradation<br />

products in urine, 2022<br />

mess, of urinary prolactin as noninvasive<br />

study tool, 2017<br />

neuropeptides and anxiety focus on<br />

cholecystokinin(S), 315<br />

stabilization of brain natriuretic peptide in<br />

blood sample(L), 672<br />

Peroxidase<br />

Lumigen PS: chemilum. substrate for detect.<br />

peroxidase conjugates (A), 654<br />

micropartiche-enhanced nephehometric IA of<br />

anti-thyroid peroxidase autoAbs in thyroid<br />

disorders, 442<br />

PH<br />

StatPal II pH and blood gas anal, system<br />

evald,, 124<br />

Pharmacokinetics<br />

detg. acceptable risks: experimental and<br />

epidemioL issues(S), 1448<br />

Phencyclidine<br />

simult. immunochem. multianalyte drug<br />

assay by capillary ehectrophoresis with<br />

laser-induced fluorescence(S), 1819<br />

Phenotyping<br />

genotypes of human apo E deed, by specific<br />

restriction profiles of PCR amplified DNA,<br />

24<br />

Pheochromocytoma<br />

catecholamines and catecholamine<br />

metabolites in pheochromocytoma, 250<br />

Phlebotomy<br />

lactate stability in presence of antighycolytic<br />

agents, 1327<br />

Phosphate<br />

artifacts in mess, of creatinine, Na, and P04<br />

from contamination with hydrocortisone Na<br />

suocinate(L), 2321<br />

citrate as main molecule binding Ah3+ in<br />

serum, 598<br />

Phosphatidylglycerol<br />

enzymatic mess, of phosphatidylglycerol in<br />

amniotic fluid, 518<br />

Phospholipase<br />

phospholipase A2, CEP, and WBC count in<br />

diag. of appendicitis, 1757<br />

Phospholipids<br />

Li and brain: psychophanmacol. strategy to<br />

molec, basis for manic depressive illness(S),<br />

309<br />

Phosphoproteins<br />

Li and brain: psychopharmacoL strategy to<br />

mohec. basis for manic depressive illness(S),<br />

309<br />

CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 40, No. 12, 1994 2371

Phosphorus<br />

Hitachi 717/747 and Ektachem assay of Pi<br />

without bilirubin interference(L), 1349<br />

Pituitary hormones. See also specific hormones<br />

neuropsychopharmacoL challenge in biol,<br />

psychiatry(S), 319<br />

Plasma cell dyscrasia<br />

free light chains of Igs(R), 1869<br />

Plasminogen<br />

specificity of antigen assays of plasminogen<br />

activator inhibitor in plasma: Innotest<br />

PAI-lIAevald., 110<br />

Platelets<br />

catscholamines in depression: an update(S),<br />

270<br />

endotoxin binding topl in patients<br />

with sepsis syndrome, 1575<br />

evaln. of platelet function by PFA-100(A),<br />

1827<br />

senotonin, catecholamines, histamine, and<br />

their metabolites in urine, platelets, and<br />

tumor tissue of patients with carcinoid<br />

tumors, 86<br />

serotonin in pathophysiol. of depression:<br />

serotonin transporter(S), 288<br />

Platinum<br />

breast implants and urinary Pt(L), 1787<br />

Pfleumocystla cerinli<br />

localized in situ amplifn.(LISA): in situ PCR,<br />

381<br />

Pneumonia<br />

neuron-specific enolase concns. in serum of<br />

nonneoplastic patients with<br />

pneumonia(TB), 266<br />

Point-of-care testing<br />

fiscal consequences of central vs distributed<br />

glucose testing(S), 1628<br />

StatPal II pH and blood gas anal, system<br />

evald., 124<br />

Polychlorinated biphenyls<br />

chlorinated dioxins and -furans: biomarker<br />

anah.(S), 1405<br />

exposure to mixtures and congeners of<br />

PCBs(S), 144)9<br />

Polycythemia<br />

polycythemia and high serum erythropoietin<br />

in 62-year-old man(CC), 2093<br />

Polyethylene glycol<br />

HPLC detn, of polyethylene glycol 400 in<br />

cehac dis. and in health, 1571<br />

Polymerase chain reaction<br />

allele-specific multiplex PCR detect.<br />

Tay-Sachs dis. mutation in Ashkenazi<br />

Jews(A), 656<br />

alternative splicing in uroporphyninogen<br />

decarboxylase gene, 1884<br />

applns. of PCR in chin, lab. medicine(E), 681<br />

assocn. of pancreatic cancer, hung dis., and<br />

F508 mutation in CF(CR), 1972<br />

biorobotics in LILA typing field: automation of<br />

LILA class II genotyping by PCR amplifn.<br />

with sequence-specific pnimers(A), 659<br />

capillary electrophonesis compared with Ag<br />

staining of polyacrylamide gels for quanta.<br />

of PCR products(L), 493<br />

combined PCR-hybnidizn. microplate assay<br />

used to detect bovine leukemia virus and<br />

Salmonella, 200<br />

competitive deletion mutant quant. PCR for<br />

angiotensin converting enzyme mRNA in<br />

smooth muscle cells(A), 658<br />

cycle sequencing using mutant AinpliTaq<br />

DNA polymersse, CS(A), 2339<br />

detect, of 1078 delT mutation by<br />

PCR-mediated site-directed<br />

mutagenesis(TB), 2318<br />

detect, of a-thalassemias by multiplex PCR,<br />

2260<br />

detect, of CFFR gene disorder using<br />

“PCR-PHFA”(A), 2337<br />

detect, of cholesteryh ester transfer protein<br />

deficiency by nonradioisotopic single-strand<br />

conformation polymorphism anal., 2227<br />

detect. of CMV in plasma by colonimetric<br />

microwell PCR assay(A), 659<br />

detect, of single-base mutations and appln. to<br />

HLA-DPB1 typing(A), 660<br />

direct sequencing of PCR products with<br />

DM80 and 2-temp. cycle sequencing(A),<br />

663<br />

2372 CUNICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 40, No. 12, 1994<br />

fetal cells in maternal circulation during first<br />

trimester in pregnancy and after<br />

delivei’y(A), 661<br />

genotypes of human apo E deed. by specific<br />

restriction profiles of PCR amplified DNA,<br />

24<br />

improving sensitivity and reliability of<br />

lAs(R), 347<br />

inhibition of PCR by mucohytic agents(L), 171<br />

in situ PCR to amplify DNA and RNA targets<br />

in cells and tissues attached to slides(A),<br />

2341<br />

internal stds. to quant. target nucleic add<br />

sequences by PCR1A), 2336<br />

kinetics of quant. PCR(A), 656<br />

localized in situ amplifn.(LISA): in situ PCR,<br />

381<br />

means for hybnidzn. in dried agarose gels and<br />

sepn. of microsatellite repeat amplifn.<br />

products(A), 2338<br />

mess. c’erbB-2 oncogene amplifn. by<br />

competitive PCR, 630<br />

mutation causing type VIA Ehlers-Danlos<br />

syndrome detect, by PCR(A), 657<br />

mutation SF508 in CF: capillary<br />

electrophoresis(L), 1603<br />

PCR choning cloning of blunt-ended<br />

PCR-generated DNA fragments(A), 663<br />

PCR: powerful and malleable tool(S), 651<br />

PCR in silicon microetructure(S), 1815<br />

quant. assay HCV-RNA by PCR in presence<br />

of fluorescent intercalater(A), 660<br />

quant. PCR with electrochemihum. detect.(A),<br />

657<br />

radiohabehed PCR assay for detect. of pus<br />

oncogene point mutations, 705<br />

RNA fingerprinting by arbitrarily primed<br />

PCR1A), 2337<br />

screening of Dm1 SF12 by PCR in familial<br />

retinobhastoma(A), 654<br />

semiautomated detect. of HPV DNA in<br />

cervical smears, 1890<br />

T/G polymorphism at nucleotide 3206 of apo<br />

C Ill gene by amplification refractory<br />

mutation system, 2235<br />

Porphobilinogen deazninase<br />

detect. of polymorphisms in porphobilinogen<br />

deaminase gene(L), 1982<br />

Porphyria<br />

alternative splicing in uroporphyrinogen<br />

decarboxylase gene, 1884<br />

detect. of polymorphisms in porphobilinogen<br />

deaminase gene(L), 1982<br />

HPLC of free porphynins for diagnosis of<br />

porphyria, 2026<br />

interference of ofloxacin with detn. of urinary<br />

porphynins, 417<br />

mohec, diag. of porphyria by DNA anal, of<br />

hair roots, 1744<br />

Potassium<br />

selectivity of enzymatic assays of Na and<br />

K(L), 671<br />

serum K values in normal men in Shanghai<br />

vs those in men from Shanghai hiving<br />

abnoad(L), 340<br />

Potentiometry<br />

microfabnication in silicon<br />

microphysiometry(S), 1800<br />

Pregnancy<br />

detg. specific binding capacity of vit.<br />

D-binding protein and its use to calculate<br />

conc. of “free” 1,25-dihydroxyvit. D, 435<br />

false-neg. urinary pregnancy test in woman<br />

with combined pancreas-kidney<br />

transphant(TB), 943<br />

fetal cells in maternal circulation during first<br />

trimester in pregnancy and after<br />

delivery(A), 661<br />

mess, of urinary prolactin as nomnvasive<br />

study tool, 2017<br />

metabolic profiling of amniotic fluid by proton<br />

NMR spectroscopy: correlation with fetal<br />

maturation and other cm. variables, 56<br />

methyl Hg intrauterine and postnatal<br />

exposure(S), 1395<br />

serum-urine assays for hCG: comparison and<br />

assessment, 1944<br />

Procollagen<br />

familial high cones, of carboxy-terminal<br />

propeptide of type I procollsgen(CR), 1591<br />

purifn. of procollagen type I<br />

carboxyl-terminal propeptide cleaved as in<br />

vivo from procollagen and used to calibrate<br />

RIA of propeptide, 811<br />

Proficiency testing<br />

AAS mess, of blood Pb in matrix-matched<br />

stds.(1730)<br />

allowable imprecision based on chin, and anal.<br />

criteria, 1909<br />

is detn. of CK-2 after ehectrophoretic sepn.<br />

accurate?, 177<br />

process capability and stability of anal.<br />

systems assessed from proficiency testing<br />

data, 723<br />

proficiency testing, matrix effects, and method<br />

evaluation(E), 345<br />

quality assurance, accreditation, and<br />

certification(S), 1416<br />

setting quality stds. in chin. chem.: competing<br />

models(E), 1865<br />

Progesterone<br />

validation of mAb EIA for mess, progesterone<br />

in saliva, 454<br />

Proinsulin<br />

IRMA of intact proinsulin appld. to patients<br />

with type 2 diabetes, impaired glucose<br />

tolerance, and hyperandrogenism, 754<br />

Prolactin<br />

mess, of urinary prolactin as noninvasive<br />

study tool, 2017<br />

neuropsychopharmacoL challenge in bioL<br />

psychiatry(S), 319<br />

Prostate-specific antigen<br />

chemilum, EIA of PSA(TB), 1970<br />

semi-quantitative assay of PSA(A), 1831<br />

SRi a-fetoprotein, CEA, and PSA compared<br />

with comm. assays, 895<br />

variance function as basis for assessment of<br />

test performance: methodological studies<br />

with 2 assays of PSA, 2046<br />

Protein kinase C<br />

Li and brain: psychopharmacoL strategy to<br />

mohec. basis for manic depressive illness(S),<br />

309<br />

Proteins<br />

carcinogen adducts: diagnosis and risk<br />

assessment(S), 1438<br />

chem. of fructosamine assay: Amadori compd.<br />

oxidation, 1950<br />

comm. assays for serum osteocalcin give cliii.<br />

discordant results, 358<br />

failure of polychromatic correction in mess, of<br />

total protein(L), 2111<br />

GLIb measd. by automated affinity HPLC:<br />

glycemia correlation, 1317<br />

internatl. ref. prepn. for proteins in sera(SR),<br />

934<br />

latex agglutination IA of serum fernitin with<br />

centrifugal analyzer, 625<br />

monoclonal gammopathies(S), 2154<br />

punifn. of procollagen type I<br />

carboxyl-terminsl propeptide cleaved as in<br />

vivo from procollagen and used to calibrate<br />

RIA of propeptide, 811<br />

six osteocalcin assays compared, 2071<br />

Proteins, recombinant<br />

IA with recombinant T. cruzi antigens:<br />

Chagas dis. diagnosis, 1893<br />

mapping of antigenic sites in neuron-specific<br />

enolase by subcloning, 790<br />

pancreatic lipase in V79 cells: recombinant<br />

enzyme purifn. and characterization, 1251<br />

Proteinuria<br />

biol. variation in urine samples used for<br />

analyte mess., 472<br />

Prothrombin<br />

evaln. of pneanal. variables for mess, of<br />

prothrombin fragment 1.2, 1962<br />

Protoporphyrin<br />

hematofluorometric detn. of erythrocyte Zn<br />

protoporphynin: oxygenation and<br />

denivatization of Hb compared, 369<br />

simult. separation and quanta. of<br />

protoporphynins by 3-D HPLC, 1239<br />

Pulmonary function and disease. See also<br />

Asthma<br />

replacing creatinine meas, with specific<br />

gravity values to adjust urine cotinine<br />

cones., 562<br />

serum radical-trapping antioxidant parameter<br />

in coal wonkers(A), 1470

Pyridhilum<br />

diurnal rhythm in urinary excretion of<br />

pyridinium crosslinks(L), 952<br />

sulfasalazine may interfere with HPLC assay<br />

of urinary pynidinium crosslinks(L), 167<br />

Pyidinohne<br />

IA for quant. type I collagen degradation<br />

products in urine, 2022<br />

internal std. to mess. pyridinoline and<br />

deoxypyridinoline in urine(L), 336<br />

precautions in using an internal std, to mess.<br />

pynidunoline and deoxypynidinoline in<br />

urine(L), 2322<br />

Quality control<br />

allowable imprecision based on cliii, and anal,<br />

criteria, 1909<br />

apo A-I and B measd. during Nat. Health and<br />

Nutrition Survey, 1915<br />

benefits and risks of genetic technologies:<br />

need for regulation(S), 1652<br />

bioL variation in urine samples used for<br />

analyte mess., 472<br />

candidate ref. method for detg. theophylline<br />

applied to target-setting in external quality<br />

assessment and routine evaln. method,<br />

1503<br />

European specifications for imprecision and<br />

inaccuracy compared with operating<br />

specifications that assure quality required<br />

by US CLIA proficiency-testing criteria,<br />

1228<br />

Fe mess. improvement(L), 1347<br />

improving sensitivity and reliability of IA(L),<br />

1986<br />

integration and quality assurance of molec,<br />

genetic technology(S), 647<br />

is detn. of CK-2 after electrophoretic sepn.<br />

accurate?, 177<br />

lab, diagnostics and changes in health<br />

policies(S), 1658<br />

monitoring of temp. inside thermal cyclen<br />

blocks for quality control(L), 2117<br />

parameter values for Cusum schemesiL),<br />

1610<br />

process capability and stability of anal.<br />

systems assessed from proficiency testing<br />

data, 723<br />

quality assurance, accreditation, and<br />

certification(S), 1416<br />

selecting appropriate quality-control rules(L),<br />

499<br />

setting quality stds. in chin. chem.: competing<br />

models(E), 1865<br />

specificity problems with Hitachi chloride<br />

electrodes(L), 1985<br />

Quinoisnes<br />

interference of ofloxacin with detn. of urinary<br />

ponphyrins, 417<br />

Radial Immunodiffusion<br />

apo A-I and B measd. during Nat. Health and<br />

Nutrition Survey, 1915<br />

Radicals, free. See Free radicals<br />

Radloassay<br />

detg. specific binding capacity of vit.<br />

D-binding protein and its use to calculate<br />

conc, of “free” 1,25-dihydroxyvit. D, 435<br />

estg. intestinal absorption of Ca by using<br />

stable Sr as a marker, 257<br />

structural and functional assessment of HDL<br />

heterogeneity, 1554<br />

Radloimmunoassay<br />

comm. ELISA for neopterin detect. compared<br />

with RIA and HPLCITB), 265<br />

CsG and its metabolites in renal transplant<br />

recipients, 613<br />

falsely low serum T4 conc. mesad. with<br />

Abbott TDx(L), 337<br />

hirsutism and acne in women: RlAs for 8<br />

plasma steroids, 2296<br />

HPLC-RIA for quantifying angiotensun II in<br />

plasma, 1537<br />

purifn. of procollagen type I<br />

carboxyl-terminal propeptide cleaved as in<br />

vivo from procollagen and used to calibrate<br />

RIA of propeptide, 811<br />

RIA of 2-hydroxyestnone in urine, 80<br />

six osteocalcin assays compared, 2071<br />

solid-phase extn, combined with RIA for<br />

meas. of zalcitabine(2’,3’- deoxycytidine),<br />

211<br />

Random-access analysis<br />

evaln. of Ciba Corning ACS:180 automated<br />

IA system, 407<br />

Receiver-operating characteristic curve<br />

cardiac troponun-T IA for diag. of acute<br />

myocardial infarction, 900<br />

colonimetric procedure to determine smoking<br />

status in diabetics, 1296<br />

cystatin C detd. by turbidimetry for<br />

glomerular filtration rate, 1921<br />

discnim. of penitoneal malignant ascites from<br />

cirrhosis and hepatocarcinoma-sssocd.<br />

ascites by detg. ascitic cholesterol and<br />

LDH, 478<br />

methods for measg. carbohydrate-deficient<br />

transferrin in inpatient alcoholics and<br />

healthy controls compared, 364<br />

Receptor agonists<br />

neuropeychopharmacol. challenge in biol.<br />

psychiatry(S),319<br />

Receptor binding<br />

serotonin in pathophysioL of depression:<br />

serotonin transporter(S), 288<br />

Reference material<br />

automated EIA of serum amyloid A, 1284<br />

external qua!. assessment for detg. Al in<br />

dialysis fluids, 1517<br />

IFCC standardization project for mess. of apo<br />

A-I and B. W. Comparability of apo B<br />

values using Intennatl. Ref. Material, 586<br />

pancreatic lipsse in V79 cells: recombinant<br />

enzyme purifli. and characterization, 1251<br />

variations in stability of apo B in liq. ref.<br />

material, 716<br />

Reference method<br />

candidate ref. method for detg. theophylline<br />

applied to target-setting in external qua!.<br />

assessment and routine evain. method,<br />

1503<br />

internatl. ref. prepn. for proteins in sera(SR),<br />

934<br />

serum Fe: would anal. improvement enhance<br />

patient outcome?(E), 505<br />

Reference range<br />

blood cones, of organic compds. in exposed<br />

population(S), 1401<br />

reference limits in occupational toxicology(S),<br />

1385<br />

reference ranges using a Monte Carlo<br />

sampling technique, 2216<br />

tiglyglycine in urine disorders measd. by<br />

isotope diln, GC-MS, 1879<br />

Reference values<br />

anal. evaln. of Kone Microhyte detn. of ionized<br />

Mg, 52<br />

assay of plasma oxalate with oxalate oxidase,<br />

2030<br />

bioL variation in urine samples used for<br />

analyte mess., 472<br />

circadian rhythmic variations in serum of<br />

chin, important lipids, 1549<br />

establishment of creatunine clearance ref.<br />

values for older women, 2276<br />

immunofluorometnic assay of total renun in<br />

plasma and follicular fluid, 74<br />

importance of age-dependent ref. values in<br />

biochem. testing(E), 855<br />

purifn. of procollagen type I<br />

canboxyh-terminal propeptide cleaved as in<br />

vivo from procollagen and used to calibrate<br />

RIA of propeptide, 811<br />

ref. intervals developed from data for<br />

hcpitalized patients: computerized method,<br />

2209<br />

ref. ranges using a Monte Carlo sampling<br />

technique, 2216<br />

ref. values for androstanediol glucuronide(L),<br />

162<br />

ref. values for urinary organic acids in<br />

Turkish pediatric population, 862<br />

small-sample-based ref. limits on group basis,<br />

1698<br />

using a hospitalized population to establish<br />

ref. intenvals(E), 2205<br />

Renal function, disease<br />

apo E phenotype and hyperlipoproteinemia in<br />

nephrotic syndrome(L), 849<br />

appln. of clearance concept to hypo-,<br />

hypernatremic disorders(R), 1220<br />

bioL variation in urine samples used for<br />

analyte mess., 472<br />

bromcresol purple dye-binding and<br />

immunoturbidimetry for albumin mess, in<br />

plasma or serum of patients with renal<br />

failure(L), 844<br />

cardiac troponin in serum in chronic renal<br />

failure(L), 1790<br />

Cd: exposure markers as predictors of<br />

nephrotoxic effects(S), 1391<br />

chin, significance of urinary cGMP in diag. of<br />

heart failure, 96<br />

comm. assays for serum osteocalcin give chin.<br />

discordant results, 358<br />

CsG and its metabohtes in renal transplant<br />

recipients, 613<br />

cystatin C dead, by turbidimetiy for<br />

ghomerular filtration rate, 1921<br />

dialysis contribution to oxidase prodn. in<br />

chronic renal failure, 1544<br />

establishment of creatinine clearance ref.<br />

values for older women, 2276<br />

free light chains of Igs(R), 1869<br />

LAs for serum and urine myoglobin:<br />

myoglobin clearance assessed as a risk<br />

factor for acute renal failure, 796<br />

Tamm-}lonsfall glycoprotein: role in Ca<br />

oxalate stone formation, 1739<br />

urinary calculus compositions analyzed with<br />

infrared spectroscopy, 1692<br />

Remn<br />

HPLC-RIA for quantifying angiotensin II in<br />

plasma, 1537<br />

immunoftuorometric assay of total renin in<br />

plasma and follicular fluid, 74<br />

Respiratory distress syndrome<br />

detect, of metabolic abnormalities in preterm<br />

infants impaired by disorders of blood<br />

glucose conca., 526<br />

Retinoblastoma<br />

screening of DraI RFLP by PCR in familial<br />

retinoblastoma(A), 654<br />

Retunol<br />

simult, detn, of endogenous retunoic acid<br />

isomers and retunol in human plasma by<br />

isocratic normal-phase HPLC with UV<br />

detect., 48<br />

Reviewers<br />

invited reviewens-1994, 2329<br />

Reviews See also Overviews<br />

Kopetzki, Erhard; recombinant DNA technol.,<br />

688<br />

Knicks, Larry J.; immunoassay improvement,<br />

347<br />

Kroll, Martin H.; interference with cliii. lab.<br />

anal, 1996<br />

Levunson, Stanley S.; Ig light chains, 1869<br />

Milne, David B.; Cu nutritional status, 1479<br />

Rose, Andrea M.; sodium pump and dis.(R),<br />

1674<br />

Shoker, Ahmed Said; hyponatremic and<br />

hypennatremic disorders, 1220<br />

Rhabdontyolysis<br />

LAs for serum and urine myoglobin:<br />

myoglobin clearance as a risk factor for<br />

acute renal failure, 796<br />

Rheumatoid factor<br />

rheumatoid factor measd. with QM300<br />

nephelometer(TB), 943<br />

Rheumatoid arthritis<br />

lab, diagnosis and monitoring in chronic<br />

systemic autoimmune dis.(S), 2146<br />

Risk factors<br />

assocn. of how serum conc, of bilirubin with<br />

coronary artery dis,, 18<br />

biol. variability of cholesterol, triglyceride,<br />

LDL and RDL lipoprotein cholesterol,<br />

Lp(a), and ape A-I and B, 574<br />

biomsrkers for detect, carcinogenic risk from<br />

fungicides(A), 1460<br />

CK MB isoforms: markers of myocardial<br />

damage, 1265<br />

complex exposures: potentials for assessing<br />

integrated exposures(S), 1444<br />

detg. acceptable risks: experimental and<br />

epidemiological issues(S), 1448<br />

EDTA-plasma vs serum differences in<br />

cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and<br />

triglycerides as measd. by several methods,<br />

2088<br />

lAs for serum and urine myoglobin:<br />

myoglobin clearance as a risk factor for<br />

acute renal failure, 796<br />

CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 40, No. 12, 1994 2373

quanta. of Lp(a) by detg. cholesterol in<br />

lectun-bound plasma fraction, 400<br />

RNA<br />

amplifa. and quant. of BCR-ABL mRNA of<br />

Ph(+) chronic myeloid leukemia in<br />

NASBMA), 662<br />

automated synthesis of RNA oligonucleotides<br />

on polystyrene suppont(A), 659<br />

binding affinity study of antisense<br />

oligonucleotide-peptide conjugates and<br />

RNaseH induced cleavage of mRNA(A), 662<br />

chem. synthesis of active RNA using<br />

2’-O-Fpmp(A), 2335<br />

in situ PCR to amplify DNA and RNA<br />

targets in cells and tissues attached to<br />

slides(A), 2341<br />

non-Watson-Crick base pairs and RNA<br />

structure(S), 646<br />

RNA fingerprinting by arbitrarily primed<br />

PCR(A), 2337<br />

RNA isolation procedures for normal and<br />

tumor tissue by FastRNA(A), 2340<br />

Robotics<br />

biorobotics in HLA typing flel& automation of<br />

LILA class U genotyping by PCR amplifn.<br />

with sequence-specific pnimers(A), 659<br />

Ross Conference<br />

lab, utilization for nutrition support: current<br />

practice, requirements, and expectations.<br />

The Ross Conference, 268<br />

Sala<br />

mess, of salivary cotinine with Abbott<br />

TDx(L), 843<br />

validation of mAb ELA for mess, progesterone<br />

in saliva, 454<br />

Salmonella<br />

combined PCR-hybnidizn. microplate assay<br />

used to detect bovine leukemia virus and<br />

Salmonella, 200<br />

foreign epitope inserted in the S.<br />

lyphimurium OMPF gene expressed on<br />

bacterial surface of attenuated S. typhi(A),<br />

2342<br />

Sample handling<br />

anal, interference caused by incompletely<br />

clotted serum specimens(L), 2325s1<br />

dextran-Mg’ IIDL cholesterol pptn. method<br />

for use with frozen plasma, 233<br />

EDTA-plasma vs serum differences in<br />

cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and<br />

triglycerides as measd, by several methods,<br />

2088<br />

evaun. of preanal. variables for mess, of<br />

prothrombin fragment 1.2, 1962<br />

external quaL assessment in primary<br />

healthcare using fresh whole blood, 2223<br />

flow of bioL fluids in straight channels<br />

micromachined in 81,43<br />

HDL subfractions measd. in stored serum,<br />

1713<br />

LL-6 collected with indwelling cannula and<br />

conc, reflection(TB), 1778<br />

in vitro stability of osteocalcin(TB), 833<br />

lactate stability in presence of antiglycolytic<br />

agents, 1327<br />

liq..chromatog. anal, of effusions for<br />

hyaluronate content, 777<br />

mess, of gonadotropins in dried blood spots,<br />

448<br />

nonlinearity of HDL cholesterol detns, is<br />

matrix dependent, 389<br />

plasma vs whole blood for therapeutic drug<br />

monitoring of patients receiving FK 506 for<br />

immunosuppression, 2247<br />

quanta. of apo A-W in plasma by<br />

immunonephelometry, 1717<br />

reference ranges using a Monte Carlo<br />

sampling technique, 2216<br />

time-resolved immunofluonometric assay and<br />

specimen storage conditions for mess.<br />

urinary gonadotropins, 749<br />

variations in stability of ape B in liq. ref.<br />

material, 716<br />

Sample preparation<br />

enriching nucleated fetal erythrocytes from<br />

maternal blood(A), 2339<br />

San Diego Conference, 1993,637<br />

San Diego Conference, 1994,2335<br />

Screening<br />

barrier method reduces Pb contamin. of blood<br />

specimens(L), 341<br />

2374 CUNICAL CHEMISTRY,Vol. 40, No. 12, 1994<br />

biol, variation in urine samples used for<br />

analyte mess., 472<br />

detect. benzodiazepines: hAs compared with<br />

neg. chem. ionization GC-MS, 373<br />

enzymatic mess, of phosphatidyhglycerol in<br />

amniotic fluid, 518<br />

erythrocyte Na,K ATPase acty. does not<br />

predict therapeutic response to Ca<br />

antagonists in hypotension, 1532<br />

framework for evaluating lab. tests in<br />

ambulatory patients(S), 1621<br />

high-resolution H-NMR spectroscopy of blood<br />

plasma, 1245<br />

HPLC anal, of oligosaccharides from<br />

oligosaceharidosis patients, 914<br />

IA with recombinant T. cruzi antigens:<br />

Chagas dis. diagnosis, 1893<br />

monitoring for chem. exposure and dis.:<br />

ethics(S), 1426<br />

selectivity of enzymatic assays of Na and<br />

K(L), 71<br />

Screening, abused drugs<br />

aspirin-induced interference in EMIT II d,a.u.<br />

assay, 1512<br />

cross-reactivity of monphine-6-glucuronide<br />

with Emit d.a.u. screening tests for<br />

opiates(L), 953<br />

detect, of marijuana use with a 5OMg/L urine<br />

screening cutofl(L), 2114<br />

drug interferences caused by coehution of<br />

substances in GC-MS confirmation of<br />

targeted drugs in full-scan and selected-ion<br />

monitoring modes, 216<br />

lowering cannabinoid IA cutoff increases<br />

true-poe. results, 729<br />

quality control material for detect. hCG<br />

misuse in sports, 1306<br />

simult. immunochem, multianslyte drug<br />

assay by capillary ehectrophoresis with<br />

laser-induced fluorescence(S), 1819<br />

Screening, genetic<br />

anal, of mobility shifts obtained from<br />

multi-color fluorescent SSCP using<br />

automated DNA fragment anal.<br />

software(A), 2341<br />

benefits and risks of genetic technologies:<br />

need for regulation(S), 1652<br />

cost-benefit of screening programs: hereditary<br />

hemochromatosis(S), 1631<br />

detect, of polymorphisms in porphobilinogen<br />

desminase gene(L), 1982<br />

mass screening for CF heterozygotes, 197<br />

mohec, diag. of porphyria by DNA anal, of<br />

hair roots, 1744<br />

preincubation superior to strict competition<br />

with mismatched oligonucheotides for<br />

detect. a1-antitrypsin deflciency(L), 1793<br />

quantn. of Ub variants by capillary isoehectnic<br />

focusing, 2282<br />

screening for ape B-100 with U937 monocyte<br />

proliferation assay, 395<br />

screening for p53 mutations with<br />

heteroduplex detect, technique(TB), 485<br />

semiautomated detect, of HPV DNA in<br />

cervical smears, 1890<br />

Selenium<br />

Con.-A-bound selenoprotein analyzed by<br />

graphite furnace AAS, 62<br />

Serotonun<br />

neuropeychopharmacoL challenge in bioL<br />

psychiatry(S), 319<br />

senotonin, catecholamines, histamine, and<br />

their metabolites in urine, platelets, and<br />

tumor tissue of patients with csrcinoid<br />

tumors, 86<br />

serotonin in pathophysioL of depression:<br />

serotonin transporter(S), 288<br />

Sertralzne<br />

therapeutic monitoring of sentrahne(L), 498<br />

Sex- and age-related differences<br />

EIA for erythrocyte aldose reductase, 889<br />

establishment of creatunine clearance ref.<br />

values for older women, 2276<br />

Fe status indicators in nonsnemic<br />

elderhy(TB), 1779<br />

HPLC detn, of homocysteine and other thiols<br />

in serum and plasma: sex differences and<br />

correlation with cobalamin and folate<br />

concs., 873<br />

imniunofluorometric assay of total ream in<br />

plasma and follicular fluid, 74<br />

Sezary syndrome<br />

White IRIS leukocyte differential analyzer for<br />

rapid high-precision differentials based on<br />

images of cytoprobe-neacted cells(S), 1850<br />

Sialic acid<br />

allelic D variants of transferrin in evaln. of<br />

alcohol abuse: differential diagnosis by<br />

isoelectric focusung-immunobhotting-laser<br />

densitometry, 2078<br />

methods for measg. carbohydrate-deficient<br />

transferrin in inpatient alcoholics and<br />

healthy controls compared, 364<br />

Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein: role in Ca<br />

oxalate stone formation, 1739<br />

Sickle cell anemia<br />

field-flow fractionation system for anal. of<br />

blood cells(S), 1810<br />

quanta. of Hb variants by capillary isoehectric<br />

focusing, 2282<br />

Smoking<br />

blood conca. of organic compds. in exposed<br />

population(S), 1401<br />

colonimetric procedure to determine smoking<br />

status in diabetics, 1296<br />

effect of smoking on lipids, apes, and<br />

lipoprotein(a)(L), 1350<br />

replacing creatunine mess. with specific<br />

gravity values to adjust urine cotunune<br />

concs., 562<br />

Sodium<br />

artifacts in mess, of creatinine, Na, and P04<br />

from contamination with hydrocortisone Na<br />

succinate(L), 2321<br />

assay for Na pump inhibition(TB), 1595<br />

bioL variation in urine samples used for<br />

analyte mess., 472<br />

develop, of indices for detg. extracellulan fluid<br />

Na and water status in acute diabetic<br />

ketoacidosis, 758<br />

Na pump and relevance to dis.(R), 1674<br />

selectivity of enzymatic assays of Na and<br />

K(L), 671<br />

Software reviews. See Book reviews<br />

Special report<br />

Whichen, John T.; internath. ref. prepn. for<br />

proteins in sera, 934<br />

Wolf, Paul L., if cliii. chem. had existed then,<br />

328<br />

Spectrometry<br />

validity of Pb exposure markers in diagnosis<br />

and surveillance(S), 1387<br />

Spectrophotometry<br />

carboxyhemoglobin dead, in neonates with<br />

CO-oximeter, 1522<br />

enzymatic detn. of Na, K, and Cl in abnormal<br />

serum compared with detn. with<br />

ion-selective electrodes, 1528<br />

Sperm<br />

sperm testing with microfabnicated<br />

glass-capped Si microchannels(A), 1823<br />

Sphingomyelin<br />

enzymatic mess, of phosphatidylglycerol in<br />

amniotic fluid, 518<br />

Sports medicine<br />

detect, self-administration of testosterone and<br />

epitestosterone, 106<br />

effect of sports drug tests of ingesting meat<br />

from steroid (methenolone)- treated<br />

livestock, 2084<br />

qual. control material for detect. hCG misuse<br />

in sports, 1306<br />

Stability constants<br />

citrate as main molecule binding A13+ in<br />

serum, 598<br />

Standardization<br />

apo A-I and B measd. during Nat. Health and<br />

Nutrition Survey, 1915<br />

comm. assays for serum osteocahcin give chin.<br />

discordant results, 358<br />

essential procedures for introducing new<br />

procedures(E), 1671<br />

Fe assays and standardization(L), 1988<br />

IFCC standardization project for mess, of ape<br />

A-I and B. N. Comparabifity of ape B<br />

values using InternatL Ref. Material, 586<br />

intennath. ref. prepn. for proteins in sera(SR),<br />

934<br />

precautions in using an internal sad. to mess.<br />

pynidunohne and deoxypyridinoline in<br />

urine(L), 2322

quanta. of Lp(a) by detg. cholesterol in<br />

lectin-bound plasma fraction, 400<br />

restandardized lMx CA 125 assay does ref.<br />

interval need readjustment?(L), 2320<br />

SRi a-fetoproteun, CEA, and PSA compared<br />

with comm. assays, 895<br />

standard curve data in automated IA<br />

systems, as in Serono SRi analyzer, 513<br />

tech, and ad. develop, in exposure marker<br />

methodoL(S), 1376<br />

when is serum Fe really serum Fe? Fe mess.<br />

status, 546<br />

Statistics<br />

allowable imprecision based on chin, and anal,<br />

criteria, 1909<br />

anal, for ALP isoenzyme detn. by multiple<br />

linear regression, 803<br />

anal. quaL specifications in cliii. chem.(L),<br />

570<br />

complex exposures: potentials for assessing<br />

integrated exposures(S), 1444<br />

effect of time between mess, on within-subject<br />

variability for total cholesterol and HDL<br />

cholesterol in women, 710<br />

evalg. test methods by estg. total error, 464<br />

limit of detect./Iimit of quanta.: CC-MS<br />

assays of abused drugs, 1233<br />

metabolic determinants of the course of<br />

coronary artery disease, 2240<br />

methods to quantify deviations from assay<br />

lineanity(L), 1783<br />

process capability and stability of anal.<br />

systems assessed from proficiency testing<br />

data, 723<br />

reference intervals developed from data for<br />

hospitalized patients: computerized method,<br />

2209<br />

reference ranges using a Monte Carlo<br />

sampling technique, 2216<br />

small-sample-based ref. limits on group basis,<br />

1698<br />

variance function as basis for assessment of<br />

test performance: methodoL studies with 2<br />

assays of PSA, 2046<br />

Steroids<br />

detect. selfadministration of testosterone and<br />

epitestosterone, 106<br />

effect of sports drug tests of ingesting meat<br />

from steroid (methenolone)- treated<br />

livestock, 2084<br />

hirsutism and acne in women: RIAs for 8<br />

plasma steroids, 2296<br />

quality control material for detect. hCG<br />

misuse in sports, 1306<br />

Strontium<br />

estg. intestinal absorption of Ca by using<br />

stable Sn as a marker, 257<br />

peon reproducibility of Sn absorption test(L),<br />

1789<br />

relation between age and hair Sr in<br />

population from China(L), 2325<br />

Sucrose<br />

effects of sucrose on Lp(a) recovery from<br />

hyophuized prepns.(L), 502<br />

Sulfasalazune<br />

failure of polychromatic correction in mess, of<br />

total protein(L), 2111<br />

sulfasalazine may interfere with HPLC assay<br />

of urinary pyridiniwn crosalinks(L), 167<br />

Sulfonylureas<br />

IRMA of intact proinsulin appld. to patients<br />

with type 2 diabetes, impaired glucose<br />

tolerance, and hyperandrogenism, 754<br />

Sunderman, F. William, Sr.<br />

about F. William Sunderman, Sr., 841<br />

Superoxide dismutase<br />

Cu nutritional status(R), 1479<br />

CuZn superoxide dismutsse and coronary<br />

atherosclerosis(L), 1597<br />

Swainsonune<br />

messg. swainsonine in serum of cancer<br />

patients: phase I chin, trial, 426<br />

Systemic hupus erythematosus<br />

ELISA of IgG Ab to oxidized LDL, 882<br />

in vitro anal, of cell-mediated immunity(S),<br />

2162<br />

lab, diagnosis and monitoring in chronic<br />

systemic autoimmune dis.(S), 2146<br />

Tacrollmus<br />

FK 506 therapeutic drug monitoning(E), 2207<br />

improved procedures for EIA of tacrolimus<br />

(FK506) in whole blood(L), 159<br />

plasma vs whole blood for therapeutic drug<br />

monitoring of patients receiving FK 506 for<br />

immunosuppression, 2247<br />

Taurune<br />

changes in plasma amino acid concs. in<br />

response to IIIV-1 infect., 785<br />

Tay-Sachs disease<br />

allele specific multiplex PCR detect.<br />

Tay-Sachs dis. mutation in Ashkenazi<br />

Jews(A), 656<br />

Testosterone<br />

detect, self’administration of testosterone and<br />

epitestosterone, 106<br />

Thalassemia<br />

assocn. between hypertension and “silent<br />

carrier” state for alpha thalassemia(A),<br />

2336<br />

detect, of a-thalassemias by multiplex PCR,<br />

2260<br />

quanta. of Hb variants by capillary isoelectric<br />

focusing, 2282<br />

Theophylline<br />

candidate ref. method for detg. theophylline<br />

applied to target-setting in external qual.<br />

assessment and routine evaln, method,<br />

1503<br />

Thiols<br />

HPLC detn, of homocysteine and other thiols<br />

in serum and plasma: sex differences and<br />

correlation with cobalamin and folate<br />

concs,, 873<br />

Thrombin<br />

evaln, of preanal. variables for mess, of<br />

prothrombin fragment 1.2, 1962<br />

IA of recombinant hirudin based on 2 mAbs,<br />

734<br />

Thyroid disease, function<br />

ability of 2 new TSH assays to separate<br />

hyperthyroid patients from euthynoid<br />

patients with low TSH, 101<br />

Ab interference with thyroid hormone uptake<br />

assay, 1940<br />

autoimmune endocninopathies: pathogenesis<br />

and role of immune assays(S), 2132<br />

Fr3 in hypothyroidism and in nonthyroidal<br />

illness(L), 496<br />

iatrogenic hyperthyroidism of long duration<br />

in individual with T4-binding globulin<br />

deficiencylL), 2323<br />

microparticle-enhanced nephelometric IA of<br />

anti-thyroid peroxidase autoAbs in thyroid<br />

disorders, 442<br />

thyroid function and lipoprotein(a)(L), 1606<br />

Thyroid hormones<br />

Ab interference with thyroid hormone uptake<br />

assay, 1940<br />

Thyroid-stimulating hormone (thyrotropin)<br />

ability of 2 new TSH assays to separate<br />

hyperthyroid patients from euthyroid<br />

patients with low TSH, 101<br />

Immulite assay performance for TSH(L), 1598<br />

improved sensitivity and precision of TSII<br />

mess, by standardizing signal reagent<br />

addition in the Amerlite TSH 30 assay(L),<br />

164<br />

neg. interference with a TSH IRMA from<br />

serum(L), 1793<br />

starburst dendnimers: enhanced performance<br />

and flexibility for lAs(S), 1845<br />

Thyroxine<br />

comm. IA differences for FF4 and Fr3 in<br />

quality assessment program, 1956<br />

falsely low serum T4 conc. measd. with<br />

Abbott TDx(L), 337<br />

iatrogemc hypenthynoidism of long duration<br />

in individual with T4-binding globulin<br />

deflciency(L), 2323<br />

lutropin measd. by Abbott IMx(L), 1976<br />

Tiglyglycine<br />

tiglyglycine in urine disorders measd. by<br />

isotope diln. GC-MS, 1879<br />

Tissue polypeptide antigen<br />

use of historical data for tissue polypeptide<br />

antigen(L), 1607<br />

Tourette syndrome<br />

brain mechanisms in manic depression(S),<br />

303<br />

Toxicology<br />

AAS mess, of blood Pb in matrix-matched<br />

stds.(1730)<br />

Al dead, by AAS with transversely heated<br />

graphite atomizer furnace, 431<br />

As excretion after one-time ingestion of<br />

seaweed, crab, and shrimp, 617<br />

biomarkens of chem. exposure(S), 1360<br />

biomankers for detect, carcinogenic risk from<br />

fungicides(A), 1460<br />

biomonitoring benzene by measg. trans-tran8<br />

muconic acid(A), 1468<br />

blood concs, of organic compds. in exposed<br />

population(S), 1401<br />

Cd: exposure markers as predictors of<br />

nephrotoxic effects(S), 1391<br />

chlorinated dioxins and -furans: biomarker<br />

anah.(S), 1405<br />

complex exposures: potentials for assessing<br />

integrated exposures(S), 1444<br />

detect. benzodiazepines: lAs compared with<br />

nag. chem, ionization GC-MS, 373<br />

detg. acceptable risks: experimental and<br />

epidemiol. issues(S), 1448<br />

diesel exhaust-related DNA adducts in garage<br />

workers(A), 1456<br />

evain. of current concepts in exposure<br />

assessment(S), 1368<br />

exhalation air anal, in long-term<br />

postexposure to acetonitrile and<br />

tnichloroethyhene(A), 1462<br />

exposure to mixtures and congeners of<br />

PCBs(S), 1409<br />

hepatic effects of chronic exposure to mixed<br />

solvents(S), 1464<br />

iatrogenic poisoning(E), 1477<br />

markers for cyclohexanone, cydohexane, and<br />

cychohexanol(S), 1466<br />

mess. Hg in specimens by cold vapor atomic<br />

fluorescence spectrometry, 206<br />

methanol ingestion: excess serum<br />

osmolality(CR), 1587<br />

method to study metabolic interactions after<br />

GI exposure to sohvents(A), 1458<br />

methyl Hg intrauterine and postnatal<br />

exposure(S), 1395<br />

mohec, epidemioL studies in workers exposed<br />

to Cr(A), 1454<br />

monitoring exposure to industrial chem. by<br />

detg. Hb adducts(A), 1472<br />

monitoring tricycic antidepressant concs, in<br />

serum by FPIA vs GC and HPLC, 929<br />

Pb detn. in urine and blood by stable isotope<br />

diln. GC-MS, 1494<br />

reference limits in occupational toxicoL(S),<br />

1385<br />

role of biomarkers in environmentally<br />

induced disease(S), 1363<br />

serum radical-trapping antioxidant parameter<br />

in coal workers(A), 1470<br />

simult. detn, of Hg speciation in bioL<br />

materials by GC/CVAFS after ethyhation<br />

and room-temp. precollection, 602<br />

tech, and ad. develop, in exposure marker<br />

methodol.(S), 1376<br />

ultrasensitive time-resolved<br />

immunofluorometnic assay of glutathione<br />

transferase a in serum, 184<br />

unexplained increase in serum digoxin: a case<br />

repont(TB), 487<br />

validity of Pb exposure markers in diagnosis<br />

and surveillance(S), 1387<br />

Trace elements<br />

Al dead, by AAS with transversely heated<br />

graphite atomizer furnace, 431<br />

changes in Mn content of mononuclear blood<br />

cells in patients receiving total parenteral<br />

nutrition, 829<br />

Transferrin<br />

allelic D variants of transfennin in evaln, of<br />

alcohol abuse: differential diagnosis by<br />

isoelectric focusing-immunoblotting-laser<br />

densitometry, 2078<br />

citrate as main molecule binding A13+ in<br />

serum, 598<br />

cost-benefit of screening programs: hereditary<br />

hemochromatosis(S), 1631<br />

diagnostic utility of lab, tests in alcoholic<br />

liver dis.(S), 1641<br />

Fe-deficiency anemia assood. with transfenrin<br />

receptor, 774<br />

is carbohydrate-deficient transfernin useful<br />

for detect, excessive alcohol consumption in<br />

hypertensive patients?, 2057<br />

CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 40, No. 12, 1994 2375

methods for measg. carbohydrate-deficient<br />

transferrin in inpatient alcoholics and<br />

healthy controls compared, 364<br />

new enzymatic assay of Fe in serum, 763<br />

Transketolase<br />

fresh vs frozen substrate for transketolase<br />

assay(L), 1786<br />

Transplantation<br />

advances in diagnosis, prevention, and<br />

management of hepatic allograft<br />

rejection(S), 2174<br />

CsG and its metabolites in renal transplant<br />

recipients, 613<br />

false-neg. urinary pregnancy test in woman<br />

with combined pancreas-kidney<br />

transphant(TB), 943<br />

lab, support for transplantation(S), 2166<br />

plasma vs whole blood for therapeutic drug<br />

monitoring of patients receiving FK 506 for<br />

immunosuppression, 2247<br />

Trichloroethylene<br />

exhalation air anal, in long-term<br />

postexposure to acetonitrile and<br />

trichloroethyhene(A), 1462<br />

Triglycerides<br />

bioLvariability of cholesterol, triglyceride,<br />

LDL and HDL lipoprotein cholesterol,<br />

Lp(a), and apo A-I and B, 574<br />

circadian rhythmic variations in serum of<br />

clinically important lipids, 1549<br />

“critical difference” and bioL variation of<br />

serum triglycerides(L), 501<br />

detect, of cholesteryl ester transfer protein<br />

deficiency by nonradioisotopic single-strand<br />

conformation polymorphism anal., 2227<br />

detergent extn. and enzymatic anal, for fecal<br />

hong-chain fatty acids, triglycerides, and<br />

cholesterol, 2230<br />

dextran-Mg2+ HDL cholesteroh pptn. method<br />

for use with frozen plasma, 233<br />

distribution of CII and CII peptides in<br />

lipoprotein classes, 240<br />

EDTA-plasma vs serum differences in<br />

cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and<br />

triglycerides as measd. by several methods,<br />

2088<br />

estg. and minimizing effects of biol, source of<br />

variation by relative range when meas.<br />

mean of serum lipids and lipoproteins, 227<br />

fluorometnic detn. of triglyceride by measg.<br />

fatty acids, 14<br />

pancreatic lipase assays with triglycerides as<br />

substrate, 2053<br />

quantn. of apo A-W in plasma by<br />

immunonephelometry, 1717<br />

serum Lp(a) effect on estn. of LDL cholesterol<br />

by Friedewald formula, 571<br />

T/G polymorphism at nucleotide 3206 of apo<br />

C UI gene by amplification refractory<br />

mutation system, 2235<br />

triglyceride interference with<br />

immunoturbidimetric quanta. of Lp(a)(L),<br />

1601<br />

Trhiodothyronine<br />

comm. IA differences for FF4 and FT3 in<br />

quality assessment program, 1956<br />

FF3 in hypothyroidism and in nonthyroidal<br />

illness(L), 496<br />

FT3 in nonthyroidal illness(L), 162<br />

Trlmethobenzamide<br />

tnimethobenzamide cross-reactivity in<br />

amphetamine/methamphetamine IA(L), 948<br />

Troponin<br />

cardiac troponin in serum in chronic renal<br />

failure(L), 1790<br />

cardiac troponin I to diagnose perioperative<br />

myocardial infarction in coronary artery<br />

bypass grafting, 2066<br />

cardiac troponin-T IA for diag. of acute<br />

myocardial infarction, 900<br />

detect. of myocardial infarction by CK MB<br />

and cardiac troponin I, 1291<br />

diagnostic value of single mess, of troponin T<br />

in serum for acute myocardial infarction(L),<br />

673<br />

Trypanosoma cruzi<br />

IA with recombinant T. cruzi antigens:<br />

Chagas dis. diagnosis, 1893<br />

2376 CLINICALCHEMISTRY,Vol.40, No. 12, 1994<br />

Trypsinogen<br />

time-resolved immunofluorometric assay of<br />

trypsin-2 complexed with a1-antitrypsin in<br />

serwn, 1761<br />

Tryptophan<br />

changes in plasma amino acid conca. in<br />

response to HIV-1 infect., 785<br />

Tumor markers<br />

CK isoenzyme BB increased in serum and<br />

tumor tissue of patients with giant cell<br />

tumor of bone, 2064<br />

evaln. of Ciba Corning ACS: 180 automated<br />

IA system, 407<br />

human antiidiotypic Abs against 0C125<br />

strongly interfere with one-step assays of<br />

CA 125 employing 0C125 and Mu Abs(L),<br />

951<br />

immunoL recognition and cm. signif. of<br />

nicked hCG in testicular cancer, 2306<br />

liq.-chromatog. anal, of effusions for<br />

hyaluronate content, 777<br />

mapping of antigenic sites in neuron-specific<br />

enolase by subcloning, 790<br />

polycythemia and high serum erythropoietin<br />

in 62-year-old man(CC), 2093<br />

restandandized IMx CA 125 asaay(L), 2320<br />

serotonin, catecholamines, histamine, and<br />

their metabolites in urine, platelets, and<br />

tumor tissue of patients with carcinoid<br />

tumors, 86<br />

SRi a’fetoprotein, CEA, and PSA compared<br />

with comm. assays, 895<br />

use of historical data for tissue pohypeptide<br />

antigen(L), 1607<br />

Tumors. See Cancer<br />

Tumor suppressor genes<br />

detect, of p53 mutations using multiplex<br />

heteroduphex anal.(A), 660 Turbidimetry.<br />

See aLso Immunoturbidimetry<br />

cystatin C detd. by turbidimetry for<br />

glomerular filtration nate, 1921<br />

Ultracentrifugation<br />

fractionation of lipoproteins in<br />

ultracentrifugation tubes(TB), 145<br />

Friedewald formula for estg. LDL cholesterol<br />

in alcoholic liver disease, 404<br />

Ultrafiltration<br />

detg. specific binding capacity of vit,<br />

D-binding protein and its use to calculate<br />

conc, of “free” 1,25-dihydroxyvit. D, 435<br />

Urea<br />

low recoveries of urea in control sera by the<br />

Kodak Ektachem(L), 494<br />

urea and lactate dead, in 1-L whole blood<br />

samples with a miniaturized thermal<br />

biosensor, 2282<br />

Uremia<br />

ELISA of pentosidine in bioL specimens, 1766<br />

iatrogenic poisoning(E), 1477<br />

quantn. 1,5-anhydnoglucitol by liq.<br />

chromatog./MS, 260<br />

Uric acid<br />

plasma homocysteine as risk factor for<br />

familial coronary heart dis,, 552<br />

Urine<br />

Al dead, by AAS, 431<br />

albumin, N-acetylglucosaminidase, and<br />

creatinine stability(L), 339<br />

amphetamine and methamphetamine detn.<br />

by GC-MS(TB), 145<br />

analytes: bioL variation, 472<br />

As, chemical forms(E), 679<br />

As excretion after ingestion of seaweed, crab,<br />

and shrimp, 617<br />

aspirin-induced interference in EMiT II d,au.<br />

assay, 1512<br />

assay of glucose in urine by near-infrared<br />

spectnophotometry(L), 1788<br />

Bence Jones proteins identified by<br />

immunofixation electrophoresis (L), 945<br />

benzene biomonitoring by measg. trans-trans<br />

munic acid(A), 1468<br />

benzodiazepines: lAs compared with nag.<br />

chem. ionization GC-MS, 373<br />

breast implants and urinary Pt(L), 1787<br />

Ca enzyme assay with porcine pancreatic<br />

a-amylase, 781<br />

cannabinoid IA cutoff, federally mandated,<br />

729<br />

catecholamines in depression: an update(S),<br />

270<br />

Cd exposure markers and kidney dis.(S), 1391<br />

cGMP in diag. of heart failure, 96<br />

creatinine, enzymatic mess, of, 130<br />

detect. 8-core in normal and cancer patient<br />

urines(TB), 2317<br />

detect. of Chiamydia tnzchomatis in male<br />

urine and urethral swabs using<br />

transcription-mediated amplifn.(A), 2338<br />

detect. of marijuana use with a 5OMg/L urine<br />

screening cutomL), 2114<br />

diurnal rhythm in urinary excretion of<br />

pynidinium crosshinks(L), 952<br />

drug assay by capillary electrophoresis with<br />

laser-induced fluorescence(S), 1819<br />

EMIT assays of drugs of abuse after ingestion<br />

of aspirin, 608<br />

FPIA of abused drugs and metabolites in<br />

urine, 1489<br />

free light chains of Igs(R), 1869<br />

gonadotropins, time-resolved<br />

immunofluorometric assay and storage, 749<br />

hCG 8 subunit core fragment: gynecoL<br />

neoplasm(TB), 484<br />

HPLC detn. of polyethylene glycol 400 in<br />

celiac dis. and in health, 1571<br />

HPLC detns. of urinary hydroxylysine<br />

glycosides to study turnover rate of bone in<br />

humans and rats(L), 2113<br />

HPLC of free porphyrins for diagnosis of<br />

porphyria, 2026<br />

2.hydroxyestrone RIA, 80<br />

I: paired-ion reversed-phase HPLC with<br />

electrochem. detect., 908<br />

IA of recombinant hirudin based on 2 mAbs,<br />

734<br />

interferences caused by substances in GC-MS<br />

confirmation, 216<br />

mess. Hg in specimens by cold vapor atomic<br />

fluorescence spectrometry, 206<br />

mess, of urinary prolactin as noninvasive<br />

study tool, 2017<br />

microwave-induced prepn. of amphetamines<br />

for CC-MS assays, 1703<br />

myoglobin lAs: myoglobin clearance as factor<br />

for acute renal failure, 796<br />

ofloxacin interference with detn, of urinary<br />

porphynins, 417<br />

oligosaccharides, HPLC anal., 914<br />

organic acids, ref. values, 862<br />

Pb data, in urine and blood by stable isotope<br />

dun, GC-MS, 1494<br />

precautions in using an internal std. to mess.<br />

pyridinoline and deoxypyridinoline in<br />

urine(L), 2322<br />

pregnancy test: false nag. after combined<br />

pancreas-kidney transplant(TB), 943<br />

pyridinoline and deoxypynidinoline, internal<br />

std. (L), 336<br />

serotonin, catecholamines, histamine, in<br />

patients with carcinoid tumors, 86<br />

serum-urine assays for hCG: comparison and<br />

assessment, 1944<br />

smoking status in diabetics: cohonimetric<br />

procedure to determine, 1296<br />

Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein: role in Ca<br />

oxalate stone formation, 1739<br />

tiglyglycine in urine disorders measd, by<br />

isotope diln. GC-MS, 1879<br />

UrinAid-adulterated urine identn. by<br />

fluorometnic anal.(L), 845<br />

Urokinase<br />

specificity of antigen assays of plasminogen<br />

activator inhibitor in plasma: Innotest<br />

PAl-i IA evald., 110<br />

Uronic acid<br />

liq.-chromatog. anal, of effusions for<br />

hyaluronate content, 777<br />

Uroporphyrinogen decarhoxylase<br />

alternative splicing in uroporphyrinogen<br />

decarboxyhase gene, 1884<br />

Variation, source of<br />

accuracy in cha. chem.- does anybody<br />

care?(O), 859<br />

allelic D variants of transferrin in evaln. of<br />

alcohol abuse: differential diagnosis by<br />

isoehectric focusing-immunoblotting-laser<br />

densitometry, 2078<br />

automated HPLC assay for fluoxetine and<br />

norfluoxetine, 1312

ioL variability of cholesterol, triglyceride,<br />

LDL and HDL lipoprotein cholesterol,<br />

Lp(a), and apo A-I and B, 574<br />

bioL variation in urine samples used for<br />

analyte meas., 472<br />

cholesterol and HDL cholesterol in women,<br />

710<br />

comm. assays for serum osteocalcin give cha.<br />

discordant results, 358<br />

comm. IA differences for FF4 and FF3 in qual.<br />

assessment program, 1956<br />

“critical difference” and bioL variation of<br />

serum tniglycenides(L), 501<br />

CsG and its metabolites in renal transplant<br />

recipients, 613<br />

digoxin IA with cross-reactivity of digoxin<br />

metabohites proportional to bioL acty., 1898<br />

dispersion of GHb values detd. by 111 labs.<br />

using 21 methods, 138<br />

EDTA-plasma vs serum differences in<br />

cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and<br />

triglycerides as measd. by several methods,<br />

2088<br />

eight compact anal, systems evald. for mess.<br />

total cholesterol, 579<br />

ELISA of IgG Ab to oxidized LDL, 882<br />

EMIT assays of drugs of abuse in urine after<br />

ingestion of aspirin, 608<br />

essential prerequisites for introducing new<br />

proceduree(E), 1671<br />

estg. and minimising effects of bioL source of<br />

variation by relative range when mess.<br />

mean of serum lipids and lipoproteins, 227<br />

evalg. test methods by estg. total error, 464<br />

evain. of preanal. variables for mess, of<br />

pnothrombin fragment 1.2, i962<br />

improvements to hAs by use of covalent<br />

binding assay plates(S), 1833<br />

interference with cha. lab. anaL(R), 1996<br />

is data, of CK-2 after electrophonetic sepn.<br />

accurate?, 177<br />

Li detns. evald. in 8 analyzers, 869<br />

mess, mean of serum lipids and lipoproteins,<br />

227<br />

methods to quantify deviations from assay<br />

linearity(L), 1783<br />

nonlinearity of HDL cholesterol detns. is<br />

matrix dependent, 389<br />

serum-urine assays for hCG: comparison and<br />

assessment, 1944<br />

unexplained increase in serum digoxin: a case<br />

report(TB), 487<br />

variations in stability of apo B in liq. ref.<br />

material, 716<br />

Virus See also specific viruses<br />

virus detect. using DNA hybnidizn. on<br />

microplates(A), 2342<br />

Viscosity<br />

flow of bioL fluids in straight channels<br />

micromachined in Si, 43<br />

Vitamin B12<br />

chemilum. receptor assay for mess. vit, B12 in<br />

serum, 537<br />

Vitamin D<br />

detg. specific binding capacity of vit,<br />

D-binding protein and its use to calculate<br />

conc, of ‘free” i,25-dihydroxyvit. D, 435<br />

Vitamin A<br />

simult. detn. of endogenous retinoic acid<br />

isomers and retinoh in human plasma by<br />

isocratic normal-phase HPLC with UV<br />

detect., 48<br />

Waldenstr#{246}mmacroglobulinemia<br />

molec. anal. in patient with Waldenstrflm’s<br />

macroglobulinemia(A), 2335<br />

monoclonal gammopathies(S), 2154<br />

Western blotting<br />

ultrasensitive time-resolved<br />

immunofluorometric assay of glutathione<br />

transferase a in serum, 184<br />

Zalcitabine<br />

solid-phase extn. combined with RIA for<br />

mess. of zalcitabine(2’,3’- deoxycytidine),<br />

211<br />

Zinc<br />

interference in ionized Ca mess, by heparin<br />

salts, 565<br />

role of Zn protoporphyrin in staging Fe<br />

deficiency, 768<br />

CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 40, No. 12, 1994 2377

January: pages 1-176<br />

February: pages 177-344<br />

March: pages 345-504<br />

April: pages 505-678<br />

May: pages 679-854<br />

June: pages 855-1214<br />

July: pages 1215-1358<br />

Beckman/IFCC Conference:<br />

pages 1359-1476<br />

August: pages 1477-1670<br />

September: pages 1671-1862<br />

October: pages 1863-1990<br />

November: pages 1991-2126<br />

A. 0. Beckman Special Issue:<br />

pages 2127-2204<br />

December: pages 2205-2377

January: pages 1-176<br />

February: pages 177-344<br />

March: pages 345-504<br />

April: pages 505-678<br />

May: pages 679-854<br />

June: pages 855-1214<br />

July: pages 1215-1 358<br />

Beckman/I FCC Conference:<br />

pages 1359-1 476<br />

August: pages 1477-1 670<br />

September: pages 1671-1862<br />

October: pages 1863-1990<br />

November: pages 1991-2126<br />

A. 0. Beckman Special Issue:<br />

pages 2127-2204<br />

December: pages 2205-2377



10th November 1994, Seville, Spain<br />


An International Conference Sponsored by Syva Europe.<br />

Drugs of Abuse - A Multifaceted<br />

Problem<br />

Dr M Stoppard.<br />

<strong>Clinical</strong> Assessmentof the Drug<br />

Abuser<br />

DrJ Henry.<br />

The Social Impact of Drug Abuse<br />

Dr D Turner.<br />

Scientific Programme<br />

Organisation and Management of<br />

a Toxicology Laboratory - The<br />

Portuguese Experience<br />

Dr J Barbosa.<br />

Telematic Proficiency Testing<br />

Program on Psychoactive<br />

Substances<br />

Prof S D Ferrara.<br />

Strategies for Surveys on Drugs of<br />

Abuse Test Reliability: The<br />

European Approach<br />

Prof J Segura/Prof R de Ia Torre.<br />

Analytical Overview of Drug<br />

Testing - Past. Present and Future<br />

Dr L Kadehjian.<br />

If you would like a free copy of the<br />

abstracts of the meeting please contact your local<br />

Syva representative or Syva Europe.<br />

Tel: + 44-1628 777808. Fax: + 44-1628 75321.<br />

Circle No. 240 on Reader ServIce Card<br />

Emerging Issuesfor European<br />

Drug Testing - The Requirement<br />

for Guidelines and<br />

Standardisation<br />

Dr R Willette.<br />

The Increasing Regulatory<br />

Environment - A Global<br />

Perspective<br />

R Fogerson.<br />

Industrial Workplace Drug Testing<br />

Dr R Trarieux.<br />

European Initiatives in Abused<br />

Drug Testing - The Need for<br />

Coordinated National Strategies<br />

Round Table Discussionwith<br />

Representation from Major<br />

European Countries<br />

a Syntax company

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