Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority

Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority


He said that the environment has to be protected at all times during the tenure of the concession. As part of his concluding remarks, Dr. Viera de Macedo pointed out that offshore mining in Brazil is very recent phenomenon. He noted that the regulations for offshore prospecting, exploration and exploitation of petroleum and natural gas have only recently come into force. He said that environmental regulations for offshore mining in Brazil are considered very stringent and among the most advanced in the world. He noted however that the concerned institutions are not that well prepared to deal with them. He said that Petrobras works within this legal framework like any other authorised company with no privileges that result from it being state owned. He said that Petrobras sees itself as having an educational role in the development and establishment of the new legal framework. In conclusion, Dr. Viera de Macedo presented the International Seabed Authority with the offshore regulations of Brazil. SUMMARY OF THE DISCUSSIONS The discussions that followed Dr. Viera de Macedo’s presentation focussed on the environmental impact of fixed versus floating platforms, the length of time required to deploy the pipeline from the vessel to the Christmas tree, and the competitiveness of its offshore policy for petroleum and natural gas. A participant asked about the nature of environmental impacts of fixed and floating platforms on the seabed. Dr. Viera de Macedo explained that fixed platforms were utilized in shallower waters near the coast while floating platforms were used in deeper waters. He said that not much impact has been observed in either case. He said that fish appear to be attracted to the platforms. He said that in general along with the frequent gas flares, the surrounding waters are heated slightly. This does not appear to impact the INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 846

fish around the platforms. He said that the major problem has been fishermen in their vessels that come after the fish. He said that these vessels sometimes get in the way of operations. In response to another question about the impact of the platforms on the seabed in deeper waters, Dr. Viera pointed out that since the platforms are floating, the only equipment in contact with the seabed are the Christmas trees. One participant wanted to know the length of time required to deploy the pipeline from the vessel to the Christmas tree. Dr. Viera de Macedo said that he was not sure what the answer is. He suggested that it could be two or three days. In view of the number of ordinances relevant to the petroleum industry that Dr. Viera de Macedo had referred to, another participant wanted to know if they came under the jurisdiction of a single agency. If not, this participant wanted to know how investors were facilitated through the process. It was also pointed out that because of provisions in the regulations on the Government’s take, that included items such as special participation, deductions and fees, the overall take of companies would be relatively small for the operator and investor. In this light, it was suggested that perhaps the framework is not as competitive and attractive as one might want, in particular since Petrobras still appeared to be a state monopoly. Dr. Viera de Macedo was asked what incentives were provided to investors other than Petrobras, and what the Government of Brazil actually obtained from operators. With regard to the ordinances relevant to the petroleum industry, Dr. Viera de Macedo said that two agencies were involved in the process. These were ANP and the environmental agency. He said that ANP falls under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Mines and Energy, and that the environmental agency was under the Ministry of the Environment. He said that ANP was responsible for concessionaires. Dr. Viera de Macedo reiterated that Petrobras is no longer a monopoly. He said that there had been two rounds of bidding since the new law entered into force. He pointed out that several companies entered bids in both rounds. In 2000, for example, Dr. Viera de Macedo said that 44 companies submitted INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 847

fish around the platforms. He said that the major problem has been fishermen<br />

in their vessels that come after the fish. He said that these vessels sometimes<br />

get in the way of operations. In response to another question about the<br />

impact of the platforms on the seabed in deeper waters, Dr. Viera pointed out<br />

that since the platforms are floating, the only equipment in contact with the<br />

seabed are the Christmas trees.<br />

One participant wanted to know the length of time required to deploy<br />

the pipeline from the vessel to the Christmas tree. Dr. Viera de Macedo said<br />

that he was not sure what the answer is. He suggested that it could be two or<br />

three days.<br />

In view of the number of ordinances relevant to the petroleum<br />

industry that Dr. Viera de Macedo had referred to, another participant wanted<br />

to know if they came under the jurisdiction of a single agency. If not, this<br />

participant wanted to know how investors were facilitated through the<br />

process. It was also pointed out that because of provisions in the regulations<br />

on the Government’s take, that included items such as special participation,<br />

deductions and fees, the overall take of companies would be relatively small<br />

for the operator and investor. In this light, it was suggested that perhaps the<br />

framework is not as competitive and attractive as one might want, in<br />

particular since Petrobras still appeared to be a state monopoly. Dr. Viera de<br />

Macedo was asked what incentives were provided to investors other than<br />

Petrobras, and what the Government of Brazil actually obtained from<br />

operators.<br />

With regard to the ordinances relevant to the petroleum industry, Dr.<br />

Viera de Macedo said that two agencies were involved in the process. These<br />

were ANP and the environmental agency. He said that ANP falls under the<br />

jurisdiction of the Minister of Mines and Energy, and that the environmental<br />

agency was under the Ministry of the Environment. He said that ANP was<br />

responsible for concessionaires.<br />

Dr. Viera de Macedo reiterated that Petrobras is no longer a monopoly. He<br />

said that there had been two rounds of bidding since the new law entered into<br />

force. He pointed out that several companies entered bids in both rounds. In<br />

2000, for example, Dr. Viera de Macedo said that 44 companies submitted<br />


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