Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority

Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority


Ms. Zaamwani was asked about regulations under the Minerals Act related to decommissioning. It was mentioned that the Law of the Sea Convention contains a number of requirements in this regard. It was mentioned that under the Laws of Papua New Guinea this requirement is addressed through references to the Law of the Sea Convention. Ms. Zaamwani said that in offshore diamond mining, no infrastructure is installed on the seafloor and that all equipment used is on board the mining vessel. She said that when mining operations are discontinued, the departure of the vessel is the removal of all equipment. Ms. Zaamwani’s statement was supported by Mr. Corbett who said that the only equipment used by De Beers Marine for which some seafloor infrastructure is required have been acoustic compacts for positioning. He said that the compacts are deployed on a concrete weight at the seafloor. Mr. Corbett said that because the compacts are expensive pieces of equipment, they are recovered, leaving small blocks of concrete. He said that the only types of equipment that are periodically lost from the De Beers Marine fleet are anchors, anchor chains or anchor wires. Another participant commented on the process for enacting offshore mining legislation. This participant pointed out that the private sector adapts to new situations, obtaining the required expertise, technology and methods to achieve the desired results. This participant said that on the other hand it would appear that when it comes to enacting legislation, Governments are fixed in time and space. With regard to the marine environment, the participant said that while this new environment is not strictly for minerals exploitation but includes fisheries, recreation and tourism, when it comes to drafting legislation for mining for example, the experts involved are still from the Department of Mines and Geology. He said that there is a need for a new approach, a more integrated approach whereby an integrated ocean policy is decided upon and put in place, before sectoral matters are considered. This way, the participant suggested that the regulations governing individual sectors would be more consistent. INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 788

Ms Zaamwani offered two comments to this observation. She said that in Namibia when the Minerals Act, as it relates to offshore minerals was enacted the country did not have an integrated oceans policy. She said that two weeks ago, a symposium was convened in Namibia on the core management of coastal resources. She said that the symposium turned out to be the fishing industry against the mining industry. She said that most of the papers that were presented focussed on the impact of mining on one activity or the other. She said that when a question was asked about the impact of the bottom trolley on the seafloor, most of the fisheries personnel were shocked because such impacts had never been addressed within the fisheries sector. INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 789

Ms Zaamwani offered two comments to this observation. She said<br />

that in Namibia when the <strong>Minerals</strong> Act, as it relates to offshore minerals was<br />

enacted the country did not have an integrated oceans policy. She said that<br />

two weeks ago, a symposium was convened in Namibia on the core<br />

management of coastal resources. She said that the symposium turned out to<br />

be the fishing industry against the mining industry. She said that most of the<br />

papers that were presented focussed on the impact of mining on one activity<br />

or the other. She said that when a question was asked about the impact of the<br />

bottom trolley on the seafloor, most of the fisheries personnel were shocked<br />

because such impacts had never been addressed within the fisheries sector.<br />


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