Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority

Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority


Emery K. O. and Noakes L. C., Economic placer deposits of the continental shelf, Committee for the coordination of joint prospects for mineral resources in Asian Areas, Techn. Bull., 1, 95, 1968 Frazer J. Z. and Fisk M. B., Geologic factors related to characterisation of seafloor manganese nodules deposits, Report for the U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, Scripps Institute of Oceanography Reference 79-19, 41pp, 1980 Frazer, J. Z. and Wilson L.L., Manganese nodulre resources in the Indain Ocean, Marine Mining, 2,/3, 257-292, 1977 Frazer, J. Z., Mangenese nodule reserves; an updated estimate, Marine Mining, 1/1&2, 103-123, 1977 Glasby, Marine manganese deposits, Elsevier Oceanography Series, 15, 1-11, Elsevier (pubs.) Amsterdam, 1977 Gornitz, V. and Fung, I., Potential distribution of methane hydrates in the world's oceans: Global Biogeochemical Cycles, v. 8, no. 3, 335-347, 1994 Greenslate J., Frazer J. Z. and Arrhenius G., Origin and deposition of selected transition elements in the seabed, in: Morgenstein M. (ed.) Papers on the Origin and Distribution of Manganese Nodules in the Pacific and Preospects for Exploration, Hawaii Institute of Geophysics, 45-70, 1973 Gross G. A. and McLeod C. R., Metallic Mineral on the Deep Seabed, Geological Survey of Canada, 86/21, 65pp, 1987. Halbach P. and Manheim F. T., Potential of cobalt and other metals in ferromanganese crusts on seamounts of the Central Pacific Basin, Marine Mining, 4, 319-336, 1984 Halbach P., Sattler C. D., Teichmasnn F. and Wahsner M., Cobalt-rich and platinum bearing manganese deposits on seamounts: nature, formation and metal potential, Marine Mining, 8, 23-36, 1989 INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 740

Halbach, The polymetallic deposits of the deep-sea bottom within the Pacific Ocean, Monograph Series on Mineral Deposits, 22, Gebruder Borntraeger (pubs.) Berlin-Stuttgart, 109-123, 1983 Hannington, M.D. and Scott, S.D., Gold and silver potential of polymetallic sulfide deposits on the sea floor, Marine Mining, 7(3), 271-285, 1988 Harben P. W. and Bates R. L., Industrial Minerals – Geology and world deposits, Industrial Minerals Div., Metal Bull., London, 1990 Hayes B. W., Law S. L., Barron D. C., Kramer G. W., Maeda R. and Magyar M. J., Pacific manganese deposits: characterisation and processing, U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, Bulletin 697, 44pp, 1985 Hayes, D.E., and LaBrecque J.L., Sediment Isopachs: Circum-Antarctic to 30S, in Marine Geological and Geophysical Atlas of the Circum-Antarctic to 30S, edited by D.E. Hayes, 29-33, American Geophys. Union, Washington, D.C., 1991. Hein J. R. and Morgan C. L., Influence of substrate rocks on Fe-Mn crust compositions, Deep-Sea Research I, 46, 855-875, 1999 Hein J. R., Koschinsky A., Halbach P., Manheim F. T., Bau M., Kang J-K. and Lubick N., Iron and manganese oxide mineralisation in the Pacific, in: Hein et al., (eds.) Manganese Mineralisation: Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Terrestrial and Marine Deposits, Geol. Soc. Special Publication 119, 123-138, 1997 Herzig P. M. and Hannington M. D., Polymetallic massive sulphides and gold mineralisation at mid-ocean ridges and in subduction-related environments, in: Cronan D. S. (ed) Handbook of Marine Mineral Depoits , CRC press, (pub.), 347-368, 2000. INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 741

Halbach, The polymetallic deposits of the deep-sea bottom within the Pacific<br />

Ocean, Monograph Series on Mineral Deposits, 22, Gebruder<br />

Borntraeger (pubs.) Berlin-Stuttgart, 109-123, 1983<br />

Hannington, M.D. and Scott, S.D., Gold and silver potential of polymetallic<br />

sulfide deposits on the sea floor, Marine Mining, 7(3), 271-285, 1988<br />

Harben P. W. and Bates R. L., Industrial <strong>Minerals</strong> – Geology and world<br />

deposits, Industrial <strong>Minerals</strong> Div., Metal Bull., London, 1990<br />

Hayes B. W., Law S. L., Barron D. C., Kramer G. W., Maeda R. and Magyar M.<br />

J., Pacific manganese deposits: characterisation and processing, U.S.<br />

Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, Bulletin 697, 44pp, 1985<br />

Hayes, D.E., and LaBrecque J.L., Sediment Isopachs: Circum-Antarctic to 30S,<br />

in Marine Geological and Geophysical Atlas of the Circum-Antarctic to<br />

30S, edited by D.E. Hayes, 29-33, American Geophys. Union,<br />

Washington, D.C., 1991.<br />

Hein J. R. and Morgan C. L., Influence of substrate rocks on Fe-Mn crust<br />

compositions, Deep-Sea Research I, 46, 855-875, 1999<br />

Hein J. R., Koschinsky A., Halbach P., Manheim F. T., Bau M., Kang J-K. and<br />

Lubick N., Iron and manganese oxide mineralisation in the Pacific, in:<br />

Hein et al., (eds.) Manganese Mineralisation: Geochemistry and<br />

Mineralogy of Terrestrial and Marine Deposits, Geol. Soc. Special<br />

Publication 119, 123-138, 1997<br />

Herzig P. M. and Hannington M. D., Polymetallic massive sulphides and gold<br />

mineralisation at mid-ocean ridges and in subduction-related<br />

environments, in: Cronan D. S. (ed) Handbook of Marine Mineral<br />

Depoits , CRC press, (pub.), 347-368, 2000.<br />


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