Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority

Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority


INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 736 Table 10: Summary of offshore resources in extended legal continental shelf (ECLS) areas and their commodity values at current (June 2000) prices. Prices are quoted from: (LME) London Metal Exchange, (USGS) United States Geological Survey and the (OGJ) Oil and Gas Journal. Prices for gas hydrates are based on conventional oil and gas prices at a barrel equivilence.

The value of the non-living resources in the ELCS regions depends on the technological developments that will allow their extraction and production. Because of this, with perhaps the exception of conventional gas and oil, and possibly gas hydrates, many resources on the ELCS will remain uncompetitive with onshore resources. REFERENCES AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Agterberg, F.P. and Franklin, J.M., Estimation of the probability of occurrence of polymetallic massive sulfide deposits on the ocean floor. 467-483 in: P. Telki et al (ed.) Marine Minerals, 1987 Anon, Ocean Management, a regionl perspective: the prospects for commonwealth maritime co-operation in Asia and the Pacific. Commonwealth Secretariat (pubs.) 155pp, 1984 Anon., NOAA & MMS Marine Minerals CD-ROM Data Set, World Data Center for Marine Geology & Geophysics, Boulder, 1991 Baturin, G.N. and Savenko, V.S., Mechanism of formation of phosphorite nodules, Oceanology, 25(6), 747-750, 1985 Baturin, G.N. et al., Mineralogy and mineral resources of the ocean floor. in, A.S.Marfunin (ed.) Advanced mineralogy, Vol 3: Mineral matter in space, mantle, ocean floor, biosphere, environmental management and jewellery, pp.204-244, Berlin: Springer-Verlag. 437pp, 1998 Bentor, Y.K. (ed.), Marine phosphorites - geochemistry occurrence, genesis, (A symposium held at Xth International Congress on Sedimentology in Jerusalem, Israel, 9-14 July, 1978). Tulsa, Okla: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, 249pp.1980 Binns, R.A., Scott, S.D., Bogdanov, Y.A., Lisitzin, A.P., Gordeev, V.V., Gurvich, E.G., Finlayson, E.J., Boyd, T., Dotter, L.E., Wheller, G.E. and Moravyev, V.G Hydrothermal oxide and gold-rich sulfate deposits of INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 737


Table 10: Summary of offshore resources in extended legal continental shelf (ECLS) areas and their commodity values at current (June 2000)<br />

prices. Prices are quoted from: (LME) London Metal Exchange, (USGS) United States Geological Survey and the (OGJ) Oil and Gas Journal.<br />

Prices for gas hydrates are based on conventional oil and gas prices at a barrel equivilence.

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