Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority

Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority


of the Namibian government would be to bring together the data sets on this environment because it is an extremely valuable data set. He informed participants that there is currently a programme between the South African, the Namibian and the Angolan marine scientific communities, funded by the World Bank or the UN, on the marine ecosystem. INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 666

CHAPTER 17 EVALUATION OF THE NON-LIVING RESOURCES OF THE CONTINENTAL SHELF BEYOND THE 200-MILE LIMIT OF THE WORLD’S MARGINS* Summary Bramley J. Murton, Lindsay M. Parson, Peter J. Hunter & Peter R. Miles Challenger Division for Seafloor Processes, Southampton Oceanography Centre, European Way, Southampton, UK. This report examines the non-living resource potential within the extended “legal “ continental shelf (ELCS). These areas lie beyond the 200 nautical mile jurisdiction of nation states’ exclusive economic zones, and their outer limits are defined by the criteria established by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, Article 76, 1982. The offshore non-living resource potentials described in this report are based on a statistical evaluation of known occurrences and reserves, the geologic environments favourable for their formation, models for sediment type and thickness, and basement composition. The result is an assessment of the potential for non-living resources to occur. These estimates are based on the current state of, largely, publicly available information. In many instances these data are incomplete. Hence these resource estimates are to be considered as a guide to the relative potential for occurrence only, and not a definitive statement of the resources or reserves present. Placer deposits comprising heavy minerals, gold and diamonds are limited to near-shore areas and have negligible resource potential in the ELCS regions. Similarly, phosphorites occur in the equatorial oceans, mainly between 400 m and 1,500 m depth, but have limited resource potential in ELCS areas. Evaporite deposits occur on many continental margins. However, they only overlap with ELCS regions off eastern North America and western central Africa, where their resource potential is low. Polymetalic sulphides (PMS) are formed at active plate boundaries. ______________________ * This paper has been published under separate cover as ISA Technical Study No:1, ISBN# 976-610-375-5. INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 667

of the Namibian government would be to bring together the data sets on<br />

this environment because it is an extremely valuable data set. He<br />

informed participants that there is currently a programme between the<br />

South African, the Namibian and the Angolan marine scientific<br />

communities, funded by the World Bank or the UN, on the marine<br />

ecosystem.<br />


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