Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority

Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority


4. The mineral resource management cycle Based on experience gained during 10 years of large-scale deepwater mining operations, De Beers Marine continuously reviews and develops its approach to holistic mineral resource management, which spans the spectrum of requirements from conceptual exploration to postmining depletion and reconciliation (Figure 7). Exploration Model Ore Dressing Model Mineral isation Model Mineability Model Environmental Management System Conceptual Exploration Model GEOLOGICAL OREBODY MODEL Estimation Model Risk Model Mine Planning Model DEPLETION & RECONCILIATION Figure 7. The Mineral Resource Management Cycle. In terms of the mineral resource management cycle, estimation of west coast placer deposits has proved to be complex due to the size and continuity displayed by the discrete trap sites. The importance placed upon accurate mineral resource evaluation has driven geostatistical research since the early 1970’s, and it continues to receive significant INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 582

attention. In-house specialists in collaboration with Fonteinbleu School of Mines have developed many new techniques. The application of linear programming to mine planning, which also becomes complex due to the multiplicity of variables is also an area of active research. Both optimisation of depletion strategy and mine planning are fundamental to ensuring profitability, and their effectiveness depend heavily upon the accuracy of estimation. 5. The significance of the geological model and research and development aimed at improving model resolution The power of the geological model in mitigating technical and financial risk was identified early in the development of the offshore diamond mining industry. Consequently, seafloor mapping has been a focus of activity from the outset both in terms of developing technology and interpretative expertise of people to specifically support the development of the offshore diamond minerals industry. In 1964, De Beers contracted Ocean Science and Engineering to undertake a comprehensive evaluation of the shallow-water prospective ness between the Olifants River and Meob Bay. This was the first seismic and sampling programme of its kind to be undertaken and based on the results; De Beers exercised its option to become a majority shareholder in Marine Diamond Corporation (MDC) in 1965. Anglo American’s Oceanographic Research Unit (ORU) founded in 1965 immediately began a programme of applied diver-based research to map the nearshore marine deposits in detail. This programme did much to develop the expertise of the team involved through direct observation. Subsequently however, the need to map areas more rapidly to support mining operations lead to visual observation being superseded by the application of sidescan sonar (the first applied marine geophysics to support offshore diamond exploration and mining) and later seismic. There has been a continuous improvement in technologies employed in seafloor mapping since the mid-1960s when the third sidescan sonar unit produced by Klein was introduced to map shallowwater deposits. De Beers Marine and the Institute of Maritime Technology in Simonstown developed the first Chirp seismic acquisition system in 1990 for use in high-resolution seafloor mapping to support offshore diamond mining to replace the previous use of Sparker technology. This system consistently delivers 10 to 15 cm vertical resolution and is INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 583

4. The mineral resource management cycle<br />

Based on experience gained during 10 years of large-scale deepwater<br />

mining operations, De Beers Marine continuously reviews and<br />

develops its approach to holistic mineral resource management, which<br />

spans the spectrum of requirements from conceptual exploration to postmining<br />

depletion and reconciliation (Figure 7).<br />

Exploration Model<br />

Ore Dressing Model Mineral isation Model Mineability Model<br />

Environmental<br />

Management<br />

System<br />

Conceptual Exploration<br />

Model<br />


Estimation Model<br />

Risk Model<br />

Mine Planning Model<br />


Figure 7. The Mineral Resource Management Cycle.<br />

In terms of the mineral resource management cycle, estimation of<br />

west coast placer deposits has proved to be complex due to the size and<br />

continuity displayed by the discrete trap sites. The importance placed<br />

upon accurate mineral resource evaluation has driven geostatistical<br />

research since the early 1970’s, and it continues to receive significant<br />


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