Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority

Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority


NOTES AND REFERENCES 1. E.D. Sloan (1990), Clathrate Hydrates of Natural Gas, (Marcel Dekker, New York), 641 pp. 2. K.A. Kvenvolden (1993), Gas hydrates: Geological perspective and global change, Reviews of Geophysics, 31, 173-187. 3. A. Lowrie and M.D. Max (1999), The extraordinary promise and challenge of gas hydrate, World Oil Magazine, 220(9), 1-7 (Internet edition). 4. W.P. Dillon et al. (1993), Gas Hydrates on the Atlantic continental margin of the United States -controls on concentration, In: The Future of Energy Gases: U.S. Geological Survey; Professional Paper; D.G. Howell (Editor), 1570, 313- 330. 5. K.A. Kvenvolden (1987), Gas hydrates offshore Alaska and Western continental United States. In: Geology and Resource Potential of the Continental Margin of Western North America and Adjacent Ocean Basins-Beaufort Sea to Baja California. D.W Scholl, A. Grantz and J.G. Vedder (Editors), Circum Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources, Earth Science Series, 6, 581-593. 6. J.P. Henriet and J. Mienert (1998), Gas Hydrates: the Gent debates. Outlook on research horizons and strategies. In: J. -P Henriet, and J. Mienert, (Editors), Gas Hydrates: Relevance of World Margins Stability and Climatic Change, Geological Society; London, Special Publications, 137, 1-8. 7. J. Nixdorf and L.R. Oellrich (1998), Natural gas hydrates -from bane to boon? Natural Resources and Development (Tubingen, Germany), 47,83-98. 8. K.A. Kvenvolden (1995), A review of the geochemistry of methane in natural gas hydrate, Organic Geochemistry, 23(11-12), 997-1008. 9. M.J. Cruickshank and S.M. Masutani (1999), Methane hydrates research and development, Sea Technology, 40:8, 69-74. INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 552

10. E. Suess et al. (1999), Flammable Ice, Scientific American, 281:5, 53-59. 11. G.D. Ginsburg and V.A. Soloviev (1998), Submarine Gas Hydrates, ~ L. Ivanov (Editor), VNIIOkeangeologia, (St. Petersburg, Russia), 1- 216. 12. K.A. Kvenvolden, 1988. Methane hydrate -A major reservoir of carbon in the shallow Geosphere? Chemical Geology; 71, 41 -51. 13. M. Veerayya et al. (1998), Detection of gas charged sediments and gas hydrate horizons along the western contineF1tal margins of India, In: J-P Henriet and J. Mienert (Editors), Gas Hydrates: Relevance of World Margins Stability and Climatic Change, Geological Society; London, Special Publications, 137, 239- 253. 14. Directorate General of Hydrocarbons (2000), Gas hydrates potential in deep-water areas of Andaman Sea, Abstract volume, Indo-Russian ILTP Workshop on Gas Hydrates, 13-15 March 2000, New Delhi, 1-2. 15. B.K. Verma, A. V. Sathe and R.P. Singh (2000), Gas hydrate studies in India- ONGC approach, Abstract volume, Indo-Russian ILTP Workshop on Gas Hydrates, 13-15 March 2000, New Delhi, 3-4. 16. Gas Authority of India Limited (2000), Broad perspective of gas hydrates in offshore Goa, Abstract volume, Indo-Russian ILTP Workshop on Gas Hydrates, 13-15 March 2000, New Delhi, p.4. 17. R.D. McIver (1981), Gas hydrates, in: R.F: Meyer and J.C. Olson (Editors), Long Term Energy Resources, 1. Pitman, Boston, Mass., 713- 726. 18. A.A. Trofimuk, N.V. Cherskiy and V.P. Tsaryov (1977), The role of continental glaciation and hydrate formation on petroleum occurrence, In: R.F: Meyer (Editor), The Future Supply of Naturemade Petroleum and Gas, Pergamon, New York, 919-926: 19. V.M. Dobrynin, Y.P. Korotajev and D.V. Plyuschev (1981), Gas hydrates: a possible energy resource. In: R.G. Meyer and J.C. Olson (Editors), Long Term Energy Resources, 1. Pitman, Boston, Mass., 727- 729. INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 553


1. E.D. Sloan (1990), Clathrate Hydrates of Natural Gas, (Marcel Dekker,<br />

New York), 641 pp.<br />

2. K.A. Kvenvolden (1993), Gas hydrates: Geological perspective and<br />

global change, Reviews of Geophysics, 31, 173-187.<br />

3. A. Lowrie and M.D. Max (1999), The extraordinary promise and<br />

challenge of gas hydrate, World Oil Magazine, 220(9), 1-7 (Internet<br />

edition).<br />

4. W.P. Dillon et al. (1993), Gas Hydrates on the Atlantic continental<br />

margin of the United States -controls on concentration, In: The Future<br />

of Energy Gases: U.S. Geological Survey; Professional Paper; D.G.<br />

Howell (Editor), 1570, 313- 330.<br />

5. K.A. Kvenvolden (1987), Gas hydrates offshore Alaska and Western<br />

continental United States. In: Geology and Resource Potential of the<br />

Continental Margin of Western North America and Adjacent Ocean<br />

Basins-Beaufort Sea to Baja California. D.W Scholl, A. Grantz and J.G.<br />

Vedder (Editors), Circum Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral<br />

Resources, Earth Science Series, 6, 581-593.<br />

6. J.P. Henriet and J. Mienert (1998), Gas Hydrates: the Gent debates.<br />

Outlook on research horizons and strategies. In: J. -P Henriet, and J.<br />

Mienert, (Editors), Gas Hydrates: Relevance of World Margins<br />

Stability and Climatic Change, Geological Society; London, Special<br />

Publications, 137, 1-8.<br />

7. J. Nixdorf and L.R. Oellrich (1998), Natural gas hydrates -from bane to<br />

boon? Natural Resources and Development (Tubingen, Germany),<br />

47,83-98.<br />

8. K.A. Kvenvolden (1995), A review of the geochemistry of methane in<br />

natural gas hydrate, Organic Geochemistry, 23(11-12), 997-1008.<br />

9. M.J. Cruickshank and S.M. Masutani (1999), Methane hydrates<br />

research and development, Sea Technology, 40:8, 69-74.<br />


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