Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority

Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority


identification of gas hydrate in marine sediments has been the presence of anomalous signature on marine seismic records known as Bottom Simulating Reflections (BSR). The Carolina Rise along the eastern United States margin, particularly over the Blake Ridge, was the area where marine gas hydrate was first identified 32 on the basis of a BSR. It has been suggested 33 that reflection polarity reversal, a large reflection coefficient and increasing sub-bottom depth with increasing water depth are the different criteria that characterize a BSR. However, at the same time it was felt 33 that none of these criteria are unique to hydrates. Subsequent studies 33-35 have highlighted three manifestations of hydrates in sea-floor sediments, which have been used to recognize gas hydrates in seismic profiles on the U.S. Atlantic continental margin. These are: i) Bottom Simulating Reflections (BSR), ii) amplitude blanking, and iii) velocity inversion. 4.1.1. Bottom Simulating Reflections (BSR) Sloan 1 observed that hydrate has a very strong effect on acoustic reflections because it has a high acoustic velocity (approximately 3.3 km/sec, about twice that of sea floor sediments), and thus cementation of grains by hydrates produces a high velocity section. Sediments below the hydrate-cemented zone, if water saturated, have lower velocities (water velocity is about 1.5 km/sec), and if gas is trapped in the sediments below the hydrate, the velocity is much lower (even with just a few percent of gas). Because reflection strength at an interface is proportional to the change of acoustic impedance, which is the product of velocity and density, the base of the hydrate-cemented zone produces a very strong reflection. As the phase boundary is a distinct limit to hydrate occurrence, this reflection is sharply defined. The base of the gas hydrate stability occurs at approximately uniform sub-bottom depths throughout a small area, therefore, the reflection from its base roughly parallels the sea floor. This reflection has therefore come to known as 'Bottom Simulating Reflection' or BSR. In literature the term BSR has been used to represent either 'Bottom Simulating Reflector' or 'Bottom Simulating Reflection', causing a degree of ambiguity. According to Huene and Pecher 36 the bottom simulating reflection is the anomalous reflection seen on marine seismic records indicating the position in the sediment column of the base of the INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 528

zone of gas hydrate stability. On the other hand, the bottom-simulating reflector is the region of impedance contrast in the sediment column at the base of the zone of gas hydrate stability that gives rise to the anomalous reflection on seismic records. Several different criteria have been used to characterize the anomalous reflections inferred to be a BSR and to help differentiate these reflections from other unusual ones. These criteria 37 are i) Reversed polarity of the seismic wavelet relative to the reflection from the sea floor (equivalent to a negative reflection coefficient) at the BSR. ii) Frequent crosscutting of the seismic reflections from bedding planes by the BSR, indicating that it is not a bedding plane reflection. iii) Close mimicking of the sea-floor topography by the BSR. A BSR-like reflection may not necessarily arise from gas hydrate formations. In some areas, these acoustic features may also result from temperature-controlled diagenetic effects. During the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Leg 19, seismic reflections akin to BSR in some Bering Sea sediments draped on the Umnak Plateau were observed (Kvenvolden 5 and references therein). The drilling at one of these sites (site 185) however indicated the presence of only methane in the sediment with no evidence of the existence of gas hydrates. In view of this, some researchers (cf. Kvenvolden 5 ) attributed those BSR-like seismic reflections to a lithologic transition from hemipelagic diatom ooze to indurated claystone. Thus, there are two types of BSRs, one indicating the base of the gas hydrate zone and the other signalling a diagenetic boundary (cf. Kvenvolden 5 ). Since the BSRs represent an acoustic velocity contrast in the sediment, it is not necessary that all BSRs reflect the existence of hydrates; similarly a BSR may not always be discernible when a hydrate is present 38 . Nevertheless the coincidence in depth of the BSR with the theoretical, extrapolated pressure and temperature conditions that define the hydrate phase boundary and sampling of hydrate above BSRs give confidence that this seismic indication of hydrates is dependable 4 . Therefore, gas hydrate areas are generally inferred when the so-called INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 529

identification of gas hydrate in marine sediments has been the presence of<br />

anomalous signature on marine seismic records known as Bottom<br />

Simulating Reflections (BSR). The Carolina Rise along the eastern United<br />

States margin, particularly over the Blake Ridge, was the area where<br />

marine gas hydrate was first identified 32 on the basis of a BSR. It has been<br />

suggested 33 that reflection polarity reversal, a large reflection coefficient<br />

and increasing sub-bottom depth with increasing water depth are the<br />

different criteria that characterize a BSR. However, at the same time it was<br />

felt 33 that none of these criteria are unique to hydrates. Subsequent<br />

studies 33-35 have highlighted three manifestations of hydrates in sea-floor<br />

sediments, which have been used to recognize gas hydrates in seismic<br />

profiles on the U.S. Atlantic continental margin. These are: i) Bottom<br />

Simulating Reflections (BSR), ii) amplitude blanking, and iii) velocity<br />

inversion.<br />

4.1.1. Bottom Simulating Reflections (BSR)<br />

Sloan 1 observed that hydrate has a very strong effect on acoustic<br />

reflections because it has a high acoustic velocity (approximately 3.3<br />

km/sec, about twice that of sea floor sediments), and thus cementation of<br />

grains by hydrates produces a high velocity section. Sediments below the<br />

hydrate-cemented zone, if water saturated, have lower velocities (water<br />

velocity is about 1.5 km/sec), and if gas is trapped in the sediments below<br />

the hydrate, the velocity is much lower (even with just a few percent of<br />

gas). Because reflection strength at an interface is proportional to the<br />

change of acoustic impedance, which is the product of velocity and<br />

density, the base of the hydrate-cemented zone produces a very strong<br />

reflection. As the phase boundary is a distinct limit to hydrate occurrence,<br />

this reflection is sharply defined. The base of the gas hydrate stability<br />

occurs at approximately uniform sub-bottom depths throughout a small<br />

area, therefore, the reflection from its base roughly parallels the sea floor.<br />

This reflection has therefore come to known as 'Bottom Simulating<br />

Reflection' or BSR.<br />

In literature the term BSR has been used to represent either<br />

'Bottom Simulating Reflector' or 'Bottom Simulating Reflection', causing<br />

a degree of ambiguity. According to Huene and Pecher 36 the bottom<br />

simulating reflection is the anomalous reflection seen on marine seismic<br />

records indicating the position in the sediment column of the base of the<br />


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