Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority

Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority


In Southeast Asia, Dr. Vysotsky spoke about the Kalimantan basin on the delta of the river Mahatang. He said that this basin spreads into the Sea of Celebes where the ocean depth is about 5,000m. He said that a company has bought about 12 wells at a depth of 900-1,400 m. In five of them, reserves of oil were opened. He said that exploration is taking place in this area. Dr. Vysotsky pointed out that in Australia, about 5 big offshore oil fields have been opened. With regard to Russia, Dr Vysotsky said that while it has the longest northern sea area, this area is not a deep-water area. He said that thirteen petroleum fields have been opened in the Barents Sea, not far from Norway. He said that the largest gas area has been discovered here with reserves of 2.7 trillion m 3 , and that it is to be in operation in 2006 producing about 20 billion tonnes per year. He said that this field is situated at a depth of 350 m. Dr. Vysotsky said that another interesting area for Russia is in the Sea of Okhotsk. He noted that while there are some sedimentary basins that are in deep water the resources are not big, not more than 2 billion tonnes of oil. Finally through a diagram published 2 months earlier, Dr. Vysotsky informed participants that it is estimated that during 1999-2004, US$76 billion will be spent on petroleum and gas exploration of deep-sea areas. He said that a large portion of this amount would be spent in North America, in the Gulf of Mexico, and in Latin America in the Campos Basin. Dr. Vysotsky concluded his presentation by pointing out that all over the world, the exploration of the deep-sea areas is being actively conducted, and that for the last 10 years, large fields have been opened only in deep waters. SUMMARY OF DISCUSSIONS The discussions that followed Dr. Vysotsky’s presentation focused on the oil and gas potential of the Caspian Sea, the relationship of the price of oil and gas with exploration activity, and the potential for oil and gas production from the Area. INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 514

One participant made the observation that during Dr. Vysotsky presentation of the offshore oil and gas resources of Russia, he had not presented any estimates of oil and gas in the Caspian Sea. This participant wanted to know if Dr. Vysotsky had any information on new discoveries in this geographic area. While acknowledging this oversight on his part, Dr. Vysotsky said that he knew the area very well and had maps concerning the potential of the area. Dr. Vysotsky said that a few months ago in the north part of the Caspian Sea, large oil fields were discovered in the area between Kazakhstan and Russian sectors. He said that the biggest Russian oil company discovered the fields. The recoverable reserves are 250 million tonnes. In the Kazakhstan section, Dr. Vysotsky noted that a consortium of companies is drilling wells. He described this area of Kazakhstan as containing very good prospects, whilst the Azerbaijan area contains fewer prospects. He said that the Iranian area showed good prospects for gas. Another participant noting that Dr. Vysotsky had said that the financial parameter is very important for deep-water oil exploration reminded the workshop that in December 1998, when the price of oil was about US$8.50, many small companies disappeared in mergers with bigger companies. This participant asked whether it is to be concluded that only big oil companies can undertake deep-water oil and gas exploration. This participant also wanted to know the basis upon which the big oil and gas companies could sustain this activity. Dr. Vysotsky said that exploration activity is dependent on the price of oil. He said that based on present knowledge it could be said that if the price of oil falls below $20 per barrel, exploration and development work in the deep sea would practically stop. He noted the wide range in operating costs in different producing areas, stating for example, that these varied from $1.50 per barrel in the Middle East, $4.00 per barrel in Libya, between $5.50 and $10.00 in west Siberia, and $12.50 per barrel in Canada. In this regard, he said that operating cost in the deep-sea area is about $5.60 per barrel. In response to a question by the Secretary-General on the likelihood of discovering oil in the international area, outside the continental shelf, Dr. Vysotsky said that considered thought would be required to respond to this. He suggested possible areas as including offshore Nigeria, in an offshore zone between Vietnam, China and the INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 515

In Southeast Asia, Dr. Vysotsky spoke about the Kalimantan basin<br />

on the delta of the river Mahatang. He said that this basin spreads into the<br />

Sea of Celebes where the ocean depth is about 5,000m. He said that a<br />

company has bought about 12 wells at a depth of 900-1,400 m. In five of<br />

them, reserves of oil were opened. He said that exploration is taking place<br />

in this area.<br />

Dr. Vysotsky pointed out that in Australia, about 5 big offshore oil<br />

fields have been opened. With regard to Russia, Dr Vysotsky said that<br />

while it has the longest northern sea area, this area is not a deep-water<br />

area. He said that thirteen petroleum fields have been opened in the<br />

Barents Sea, not far from Norway.<br />

He said that the largest gas area has been discovered here with<br />

reserves of 2.7 trillion m 3 , and that it is to be in operation in 2006<br />

producing about 20 billion tonnes per year. He said that this field is<br />

situated at a depth of 350 m. Dr. Vysotsky said that another interesting<br />

area for Russia is in the Sea of Okhotsk. He noted that while there are<br />

some sedimentary basins that are in deep water the resources are not big,<br />

not more than 2 billion tonnes of oil.<br />

Finally through a diagram published 2 months earlier, Dr.<br />

Vysotsky informed participants that it is estimated that during 1999-2004,<br />

US$76 billion will be spent on petroleum and gas exploration of deep-sea<br />

areas. He said that a large portion of this amount would be spent in North<br />

America, in the Gulf of Mexico, and in Latin America in the Campos Basin.<br />

Dr. Vysotsky concluded his presentation by pointing out that all over the<br />

world, the exploration of the deep-sea areas is being actively conducted,<br />

and that for the last 10 years, large fields have been opened only in deep<br />

waters.<br />


The discussions that followed Dr. Vysotsky’s presentation focused<br />

on the oil and gas potential of the Caspian Sea, the relationship of the price<br />

of oil and gas with exploration activity, and the potential for oil and gas<br />

production from the Area.<br />


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