Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority

Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority


14. J. -P. Lenoble (1992), Future deep-sea bed mining of polymetallic nodules ore deposits. XV° World Mining Congress, 25-29 may 1992, Madrid), 1301-1310. 15. J.R. Hein, F.T. Manheim and W.C. Schwab (1986), Cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts from the Central Pacific, 18e Annual Offshore Technology Conference, (5-8 May 1986, Houston, TX (USA)), 119-126. 16. P. Halbach and D. Puteanus (1988), Distribution of ferromanganese deposits, In P. Halbach et al. (Ed.), The manganese nodule belt of the Pacific ocean, (Stuttgart, Enke), 10-16. 17. A. Usui and K. Iizasa (1995), Deep-sea mineral resources in the Northwest Pacific ocean: geology, geochemistry origin and exploration, Tsukuba (Japan), (21-22 Nov 1995, 1st International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers Ocean Mining Symposium), 131-138. 18. S. Andreev and I. Gramberg (1996), Metallogeny of the world ocean, 30th Int. Geological Congress, (Beijing (China)), vol 2. 19. R. Kotlinski (1999), Metallogenesis of the world's ocean against the background of oceanic crust evolution, Special Papers n° 4, (Warszawa, Poland, Polish Geological Institute). 20. P.E. Halbach, S.D. Sattler, F. Teichmann et al. (1989), Cobalt rich and platinum-bearing manganese crust deposits on seamounts: nature, formation and metal potential, Marine Mining, 8, 1, 23-39. 21. O.V. Chudaev, L.B. Kharshberg, E.L. Schkolnik et al. (1996), The complex deposits of platinum-bearing cobalt-manganese crusts and phosphorites of the western Pacific, 30th Int. Geological Congress, (Beijing (China)), vol 1. 22. R.A. Hodkinson and D.S. Cronan (1991), Regional and depth variability in the composition of cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts from the SOPAC area and adjacent parts of the central equatorial INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 450

Pacific, 4th Int. Workshop on Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Resources of the South Pacific, (5 Aug 1989, Canberra (Australia)), 437-447. 23. L. Leclaire (1976), Lacunes de sédimentation, séries condensées et nodules de manganèse dans les dépots néogènes et quaternaires des bassins de l'océan indien austral, Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, 18, 3, 725-746. 24. J.S. Chung (1996), Deep-ocean mining: technologies for manganese nodules and crusts, International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 6, 4 Dec. 1996, 244-254. 25. R. Le Suavé, C. Pichocki, G. Pautot et al. (1989), Geological and mineralogical study of Co-rich ferromanganese crusts from a submerged atoll in the Tuamotu archipelago (French Polynesia), Marine Geology, 87, 2/4, 227-247. 26. R. Le Suavé (1990), Campagne Nodco 2: Reconnaissance de plusieurs sites d'encroutements cobaltifères dans les Tuamotou (Polynésie francaise), Oceanologica Acta, VS 10, 301-307. 27. T. Yamazaki and R. Sharma (1998), Distribution characteristics of Corich manganese deposits on a seamount in the Central Pacific Ocean, Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 16, 4, 283-305. 28. J.R. Toth and C.A. Amerigian (1987), A percussion coring system for ferromanganese crusts and other consolidated seafloor deposits, OCEANS'87, (1986), 1-7. 29. T. Yamazaki (1993), A re-evaluation of cobalt-rich crust abundance on the Pacific seamounts, International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 3, 4, 258-263. 30. R.F. Commeau, A. Clark, C. Johnson et al. (1984), Ferromanganese crust resources in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, Marine Technology Society Journal, 1/2, 421-430. INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 451

14. J. -P. Lenoble (1992), Future deep-sea bed mining of polymetallic<br />

nodules ore deposits. XV° World Mining Congress, 25-29 may 1992,<br />

Madrid), 1301-1310.<br />

15. J.R. Hein, F.T. Manheim and W.C. Schwab (1986), Cobalt-rich<br />

ferromanganese crusts from the Central Pacific, 18e Annual Offshore<br />

Technology Conference, (5-8 May 1986, Houston, TX (USA)), 119-126.<br />

16. P. Halbach and D. Puteanus (1988), Distribution of ferromanganese<br />

deposits, In P. Halbach et al. (Ed.), The manganese nodule belt of the Pacific<br />

ocean, (Stuttgart, Enke), 10-16.<br />

17. A. Usui and K. Iizasa (1995), Deep-sea mineral resources in the<br />

Northwest Pacific ocean: geology, geochemistry origin and<br />

exploration, Tsukuba (Japan), (21-22 Nov 1995, 1st <strong>International</strong> Society<br />

of Offshore and Polar Engineers Ocean Mining Symposium), 131-138.<br />

18. S. Andreev and I. Gramberg (1996), Metallogeny of the world ocean, 30th<br />

Int. Geological Congress, (Beijing (China)), vol 2.<br />

19. R. Kotlinski (1999), Metallogenesis of the world's ocean against the<br />

background of oceanic crust evolution, Special Papers n° 4, (Warszawa,<br />

Poland, Polish Geological Institute).<br />

20. P.E. Halbach, S.D. Sattler, F. Teichmann et al. (1989), Cobalt rich and<br />

platinum-bearing manganese crust deposits on seamounts: nature,<br />

formation and metal potential, Marine Mining, 8, 1, 23-39.<br />

21. O.V. Chudaev, L.B. Kharshberg, E.L. Schkolnik et al. (1996), The<br />

complex deposits of platinum-bearing cobalt-manganese crusts and<br />

phosphorites of the western Pacific, 30th Int. Geological Congress, (Beijing<br />

(China)), vol 1.<br />

22. R.A. Hodkinson and D.S. Cronan (1991), Regional and depth<br />

variability in the composition of cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts<br />

from the SOPAC area and adjacent parts of the central equatorial<br />


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