Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority

Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority


et al., 1998) - one of the two very slowest spreading ridge crests on Earth. Thanks to a combination of French and US research programmes already scheduled for the coming 2000/2001 Austral summer, a preliminary evaluation of this entire ridge will be completed by Spring 2001. In parallel, new international research promises to investigate and evaluate the importance of hydrothermal activity on the slowest and most remote of all ridge sections, the Arctic ridges, over the same time frame. Autumn 2000 will see the first expedition to the Knipovich Ridge, north of Iceland and immediately south of Spitsbergen, to search for hydrothermal activity. The expedition is a joint Japanese-Russian research programme with additional participation from US, UK and other European researchers. In Autumn 2001 and even more ambitious 2-icebreaker expedition is proposed, using the new US Icebreaker “Healy” and Germany’s R/V “Polarstern” to investigate the presence and abundance of hydrothermal venting along the Gakkel Ridge which extends north of Spitsbergen, directly across the floor of the ice-covered Arctic Ocean basin. 4. Searching for hydrothermal vents. 4.1 Background - hydrothermal plumes When “black-smoker” type hydrothermal fluids erupt from the seafloor they mix turbulently with the surrounding ocean to generate a buoyant mineral-laden plume. This plume continues to ascend, becoming progressively diluted with ambient seawater as it rises, until a stage is reached at which the plume is no longer buoyant and can rise no further but, instead, is disperse laterally by the prevailing deep-ocean currents at that depth (Speer & Rona, 1989). A simple and commonplace analogy is the effect seen by the smoke rising above a factory chimney on a windy day. Initially the smoke rises near-vertically but, increasingly, it is seen to be bent-over by the prevailing wind direction as it rises. Typically, in the deep-ocean, the height-of-rise achieved by a black smoker hydrothermal plume is of the order of 100-300m, the time taken to rise this far is short (approx. 1 hour) and the dilution factor of vent-fluid: ambient seawater is typically ca. 10,000:1. While such pronounced dilution is sufficient to obliterate (or at least confuse) and primary physical (e.g. temperature, heat) INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 388

anomalies from the original vent-fluid, a range of chemicals are typically at least one million-fold enriched over seawater in vent-fluids meaning that, even at the top of the rising hydrothermal plume, they are still 100 times more concentrated than normal seawater. Prime examples of this are: iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), methane (CH4) and a particular isotope of helium (He-3). Strong potential exists to prospect for enrichments of any or all of these tracers in the deep water column above ridge crests, therefore, to detect evidence for new sites of hydrothermal activity. 4.2. Chemical Prospecting From a “purist” point of view, the ideal tracer is helium (He3) because it is geochemically inert once it has erupted from a vent-field and therefore its trace in the water column can persist over very long distances - for example one plume from the South Pacific could be detected at constant latitude over 2000km West, away from the ridge-crest (Lupton & Craig, 1981). In practice, however, dissolved helium (He3) measurements in seawater require a systematic water-sampling programme at sea followed by laborious analysis in a specialist noble gas mass spectrometry laboratory on shore - which means, typically, that any evidence for a new hydrothermal site could not be found until 6-12 months after the survey was completed! This is far from ideal. Dissolved Manganese (Mn) and methane (CH4), by contrast, offer much greater promise. Although one can sample for these tracers, as for helium (He3), for subsequent shore based analysis it is also possible to routinely take the necessary laboratory instrumentation for dissolved Mn and (CH4) analyses to sea. Thus, sampling equipment can be lowered to the seafloor beneath a survey vessel, a series of samples from different (near-bottom) water depths can be collected in the order of an hour or two, and a complete analysis of those samples can be expected within a matter of hours, rather than months, of the samples arriving on deck, greatly accelerating the survey potential of a research cruise (see e.g. Klinkhammer et al., 1986; Charlou et al., 1988; Gamo et al., 1996). Perhaps the simplest and most elegant tracer that can be exploited, however, is Iron (Fe). The dissolved Fe erupted from a hydrothermal vent does not remain in solution. Instead, it is quantitatively precipitated out before it reaches the top of a buoyant hydrothermal plume as a combination of sulphide and oxide mineral particles. Because they are so very fine-grained, however, these particles do not immediately sink to the INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 389

anomalies from the original vent-fluid, a range of chemicals are typically at<br />

least one million-fold enriched over seawater in vent-fluids meaning that,<br />

even at the top of the rising hydrothermal plume, they are still 100 times more<br />

concentrated than normal seawater. Prime examples of this are: iron (Fe),<br />

manganese (Mn), methane (CH4) and a particular isotope of helium (He-3).<br />

Strong potential exists to prospect for enrichments of any or all of these tracers<br />

in the deep water column above ridge crests, therefore, to detect evidence for<br />

new sites of hydrothermal activity.<br />

4.2. Chemical Prospecting<br />

From a “purist” point of view, the ideal tracer is helium (He3) because<br />

it is geochemically inert once it has erupted from a vent-field and therefore its<br />

trace in the water column can persist over very long distances - for example<br />

one plume from the South Pacific could be detected at constant latitude over<br />

2000km West, away from the ridge-crest (Lupton & Craig, 1981). In practice,<br />

however, dissolved helium (He3) measurements in seawater require a<br />

systematic water-sampling programme at sea followed by laborious analysis<br />

in a specialist noble gas mass spectrometry laboratory on shore - which<br />

means, typically, that any evidence for a new hydrothermal site could not be<br />

found until 6-12 months after the survey was completed! This is far from<br />

ideal. Dissolved Manganese (Mn) and methane (CH4), by contrast, offer much<br />

greater promise. Although one can sample for these tracers, as for helium<br />

(He3), for subsequent shore based analysis it is also possible to routinely take<br />

the necessary laboratory instrumentation for dissolved Mn and (CH4) analyses<br />

to sea. Thus, sampling equipment can be lowered to the seafloor beneath a<br />

survey vessel, a series of samples from different (near-bottom) water depths<br />

can be collected in the order of an hour or two, and a complete analysis of<br />

those samples can be expected within a matter of hours, rather than months,<br />

of the samples arriving on deck, greatly accelerating the survey potential of a<br />

research cruise (see e.g. Klinkhammer et al., 1986; Charlou et al., 1988; Gamo<br />

et al., 1996). Perhaps the simplest and most elegant tracer that can be<br />

exploited, however, is Iron (Fe). The dissolved Fe erupted from a<br />

hydrothermal vent does not remain in solution. Instead, it is quantitatively<br />

precipitated out before it reaches the top of a buoyant hydrothermal plume as<br />

a combination of sulphide and oxide mineral particles. Because they are so<br />

very fine-grained, however, these particles do not immediately sink to the<br />


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