Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority

Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority


times greater than atmospheric pressure, the reacting seawater reaches temperatures up to 350-400°C without boiling. At these temperatures the altered fluids do become extremely buoyant, however, with densities only ~2/3 that of the down welling seawater, so that they rise rapidly back to the ocean/seafloor interface as hydrothermal fluids. The movement of the fluid through the rock is such that, whilst the original downward flow proceeded by gradual percolation over a wide area, the consequent upflow is often much more rapid and tends to be focussed into natural channels emerging at "vents" on the seafloor. Beneath the seafloor, the reactions between seawater and fresh basalt remove the dissolved Mg2+ and SO4 2- ions that are typically abundant in seawater and lead to precipitation of a number of sulphate and clay minerals. As the water seeps lower into the crust and the temperature rises, metals, silica and sulphide are all leached from the rock to replace the original Mg2+ and SO4 2- ions. The hot and by now metal-rich and sulphide-bearing fluids then ascend rapidly through the ocean crust to the seafloor. When they begin to mix with the ambient cold, alkaline, well-oxygenated deep ocean waters; the result is instantaneous precipitation of a cloud of tiny metal-rich sulphide and oxide mineral grains. These rise within the ascending columns of hot water giving the impression of smoke. Precipitation around the mouths of the vents over time builds chimneys through which the smoke pours giving rise to the term "black smokers"; hot water gushes out of these tall chimney-like sulphide spires at temperatures of ~350°C and at velocities of 1-5 m/sec. Upon eruption, this hydrothermal fluid continues to rise several hundred metres above the seabed, mixing with ordinary seawater all the time, in a buoyant turbulent plume (Figure 1). INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 378

Figure 1: A high-temperature “black smoker” hydrothermal vent emitting super-heated vent fluid at approximately 350°C from the floor of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Individual high temperature vents at mid-ocean ridges may only be ~10cm in diameter at their mouth, yet over time, growing like stalagmites from the sea floor, they can form chimneys anywhere from 1m to 30m tall. A typical vent-field might comprise several such chimney structures spread out over an area ~100m across. Throughout this area, there may also be a number of lower temperature vents emitting hot shimmering water from the seabed. Even these vents are as hot as 10-30°C that is notably warmer than typical deep ocean water (2-3°C). It is near these warm and more diffuse emissions that the majority of vent-specific biota is most abundant. 3. The Global Distribution of Seafloor Hydrothermal Venting 3.1 The influence of spreading rate for seafloor hydrothermal venting Although the global mid-ocean ridge extends as a near-continuous 60,000km volcanic chain that girdles the entire planet (Fig.2), it does not exhibit the same activity everywhere. INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 379

times greater than atmospheric pressure, the reacting seawater reaches<br />

temperatures up to 350-400°C without boiling. At these temperatures the<br />

altered fluids do become extremely buoyant, however, with densities only ~2/3<br />

that of the down welling seawater, so that they rise rapidly back to the<br />

ocean/seafloor interface as hydrothermal fluids. The movement of the fluid<br />

through the rock is such that, whilst the original downward flow proceeded<br />

by gradual percolation over a wide area, the consequent upflow is often much<br />

more rapid and tends to be focussed into natural channels emerging at "vents"<br />

on the seafloor.<br />

Beneath the seafloor, the reactions between seawater and fresh basalt<br />

remove the dissolved Mg2+ and SO4 2- ions that are typically abundant in<br />

seawater and lead to precipitation of a number of sulphate and clay minerals.<br />

As the water seeps lower into the crust and the temperature rises, metals,<br />

silica and sulphide are all leached from the rock to replace the original Mg2+ and SO4 2- ions. The hot and by now metal-rich and sulphide-bearing fluids<br />

then ascend rapidly through the ocean crust to the seafloor. When they begin<br />

to mix with the ambient cold, alkaline, well-oxygenated deep ocean waters;<br />

the result is instantaneous precipitation of a cloud of tiny metal-rich sulphide<br />

and oxide mineral grains. These rise within the ascending columns of hot<br />

water giving the impression of smoke. Precipitation around the mouths of the<br />

vents over time builds chimneys through which the smoke pours giving rise<br />

to the term "black smokers"; hot water gushes out of these tall chimney-like<br />

sulphide spires at temperatures of ~350°C and at velocities of 1-5 m/sec. Upon<br />

eruption, this hydrothermal fluid continues to rise several hundred metres<br />

above the seabed, mixing with ordinary seawater all the time, in a buoyant<br />

turbulent plume (Figure 1).<br />


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