Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority

Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority


CHAPTER 10 NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMMES FOR THE INVESTIGATION OF SEAFLOOR HYDROTHERMAL ACTIVITY: THE CURRENT INTERNATIONAL STATE-OF-THE ART Dr. Chris German, Southampton Oceanography Centre Southampton, United Kingdom This paper summarises the work currently undertaken by national and international programmes to continue the search for new fields of hydrothermal activity along mid-ocean ridges throughout the world’s deepoceans; to understand the geological processes which control the distribution of these vent-sites through the world’s ocean basins; and to determine their role in maintaining the global vent ecosystem. First, I provide a brief overview of the nature of hydrothermal venting. Next, I discuss the likely geologic processes which can determine where hydrothermal massive sulphide deposits are formed, their likely contribution to the formation of large versus small deposits, and the principal international expeditions which are to be conducted in the coming years, informed by these considerations. In the following sections I described the theory and currently adopted “bestpractice” methods of prospecting for new sites of hydrothermal activity, followed by a discussion of some novel low-cost approaches that one could follow to achieve some simple but fairly reliable first-order value-judgements concerning the likely resource potential of any new hydrothermal fields. Finally, I close with a brief warning of the limitations of the (academicallydriven) best-practices described throughout this paper which should not be of significant concern to those interested in the search for polymetallic massive sulphide deposits along mid-ocean ridges throughout much of the Area, but which are likely of greater relevance to those interested in searching for similar deposits not only within individual member states’ exclusive economic zones (EEZ) but also within certain extensions to legal continental shelves (ELCS). INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 376

1. Introduction Hydrothermal Activity at Mid-Ocean Ridges represents one of the fundamental processes that control the exchange of thermal energy and materials from the Earth's interior to the oceans. Thus, hydrothermal interactions profoundly influence the composition of the ocean crust and seawater. In addition, hydrothermal vent areas support diverse and unique biological populations by means of microbiological communities which link the transfer of thermal and chemical energy from the Earth to the production of organic carbon. It was during an expedition in 1977 to the Galapagos Spreading Centre that low-temperature (10-30°C) hydrothermal activity was first discovered (Corliss et al., 1979). That was followed by a further French- American expedition in 1981 that discovered high-temperature (350°C) hydrothermal activity for the first time, on the East Pacific Rise (Spiess et al. 1980). Since then, more than 100 different new sites of active hightemperature hydrothermal venting have been found, around the world’s oceans - yet more than 50% of the total 60,000km of globe-encircling ridge crest remains unexplored for hydrothermal activity. This paper summarises the work currently undertaken by national and international programmes to continue this exploratory work, to understand the geological processes which control the distribution of hydrothermal venting throughout the world’s ocean basins and to determine their role in maintaining the global vent ecosystem. 2. Background: Hydrothermal Vents, What are they? How do they work? The pattern of hydrothermal circulation is one in which seawater percolates downward through the fractured seafloor towards the base of the oceanic crust and, in some cases, close to molten magma. In these hot rocks, the seawater is progressively heated and undergoes chemical reaction with the surrounding host basalt. As it is heated, the water expands and its viscosity reduces. If these processes occurred on land, at atmospheric pressure, catastrophic explosions would occur as temperatures would rise above 100°C and the water would turn to steam. However, because midocean ridges typically lie under 2000-4000m of seawater, at pressures 200-400 INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 377

CHAPTER 10<br />




Dr. Chris German, Southampton Oceanography Centre<br />

Southampton, United Kingdom<br />

This paper summarises the work currently undertaken by national and<br />

international programmes to continue the search for new fields of<br />

hydrothermal activity along mid-ocean ridges throughout the world’s deepoceans;<br />

to understand the geological processes which control the distribution<br />

of these vent-sites through the world’s ocean basins; and to determine their<br />

role in maintaining the global vent ecosystem. First, I provide a brief<br />

overview of the nature of hydrothermal venting. Next, I discuss the likely<br />

geologic processes which can determine where hydrothermal massive<br />

sulphide deposits are formed, their likely contribution to the formation of<br />

large versus small deposits, and the principal international expeditions which<br />

are to be conducted in the coming years, informed by these considerations. In<br />

the following sections I described the theory and currently adopted “bestpractice”<br />

methods of prospecting for new sites of hydrothermal activity,<br />

followed by a discussion of some novel low-cost approaches that one could<br />

follow to achieve some simple but fairly reliable first-order value-judgements<br />

concerning the likely resource potential of any new hydrothermal fields.<br />

Finally, I close with a brief warning of the limitations of the (academicallydriven)<br />

best-practices described throughout this paper which should not be of<br />

significant concern to those interested in the search for polymetallic massive<br />

sulphide deposits along mid-ocean ridges throughout much of the Area, but<br />

which are likely of greater relevance to those interested in searching for<br />

similar deposits not only within individual member states’ exclusive<br />

economic zones (EEZ) but also within certain extensions to legal continental<br />

shelves (ELCS).<br />


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