Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority

Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority


4. Technical Requirements For research and resource assessment of polymetallic massive sulphides deposits, technological advances are a critical factor. In the present state of research and commercialisation, information on the depth extent and therefore the size of the deposit, and the type of mineralisation and alteration are extremely important. Drilling by the Ocean Drilling Program Leg 158 at the active TAG hydrothermal mound at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge 4 has indicated a total tonnage of 2.7 million tonnes of sulphides above, and 1.2 million tonnes below the seafloor 5 . It was also found that high concentrations of base and precious metals are confined to the upper few meters of the mound. The mound itself consists of breccias with varying proportions of pyrites, silica, and anhydrites that would not be economically recoverable. Initially, it was thought that the entire mound consists of polymetallic massive sulphides. Except for the TAG mound, the Middle Valley site at the Juan de Fuca Ridge, and the Atlantis II Deep in the Red Sea, depth information is not available for any of the known seafloor sulphides deposits. Research and resource assessments of these deposits rely on surface samples only. As drilling of hydrothermal systems by the Ocean Drilling Program will be the exception rather than the rule, reliable portable drilling and coring devices are required for research and industry. It has to be demonstrated that these systems are actually capable of supporting drilling and coring several tens of meters of massive sulphides and rock at the seafloor. The available technology is an encouraging start but needs to be further developed in order for drilling at the seafloor to depths of 50-100 m a routine operation by any research vessel, and to reveal reliable information on the depth extent of mound and chimney complexes (Table 4). INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 310

Table 4: Technical Requirements for Resource Assessment and Mining of Seafloor Sulphides - Portable seafloor drilling and coring systems with depth capability of 50-100m and core recovery of >50% to be used from ships-of-opportunity - Continuous mining techniques with flexible drill string and airlift/hydraulic pumping of ore slurry to mining vessel After the resource potential of a massive sulphides deposit has been adequately established by grid drilling similar to land-based operations, exploitation and recovery will be the next challenges. Selective mining using large TV-controlled grabs similar to those used for exploration are an option, however, continuous mining appears to be the only economic alternative. It appears that the continuous mining systems used by De Beers Marine, offshore Namibia, for the recovery of diamonds from water depths of about 100-150 m could be converted for massive sulphides mining. These systems consist of large (7 m diameter) rotating cutter heads that are attached to a flexible drill string through which the diamond-bearing sediment is airlifted onto the ship for further processing. The redesign of such a system for massive sulphides and/or altered gold-bearing rocks seems possible. A weight on head of several tens of tonnes controlled by the ships drill rig in combination with a heave compensator would allow crushing sulphides and altered rock in situ and converting them to a slurry. The slurry could then be airlifted to the mining vessel from which the ore slurry would be transferred to a cargo freighter for transport to a processing plant. There is no question that the design and construction of suitable seafloor mining systems for polymetallic massive sulphides and gold-rich rocks are major tasks for research institutions and the offshore industry. These needs ought to be met within the next few years. INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 311

4. Technical Requirements<br />

For research and resource assessment of polymetallic massive<br />

sulphides deposits, technological advances are a critical factor. In the present<br />

state of research and commercialisation, information on the depth extent and<br />

therefore the size of the deposit, and the type of mineralisation and alteration<br />

are extremely important. Drilling by the Ocean Drilling Program Leg 158 at<br />

the active TAG hydrothermal mound at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge 4 has indicated<br />

a total tonnage of 2.7 million tonnes of sulphides above, and 1.2 million tonnes<br />

below the seafloor 5 . It was also found that high concentrations of base and<br />

precious metals are confined to the upper few meters of the mound. The<br />

mound itself consists of breccias with varying proportions of pyrites, silica,<br />

and anhydrites that would not be economically recoverable. Initially, it was<br />

thought that the entire mound consists of polymetallic massive sulphides.<br />

Except for the TAG mound, the Middle Valley site at the Juan de Fuca<br />

Ridge, and the Atlantis II Deep in the Red Sea, depth information is not<br />

available for any of the known seafloor sulphides deposits. Research and<br />

resource assessments of these deposits rely on surface samples only. As<br />

drilling of hydrothermal systems by the Ocean Drilling Program will be the<br />

exception rather than the rule, reliable portable drilling and coring devices are<br />

required for research and industry. It has to be demonstrated that these<br />

systems are actually capable of supporting drilling and coring several tens of<br />

meters of massive sulphides and rock at the seafloor. The available<br />

technology is an encouraging start but needs to be further developed in order<br />

for drilling at the seafloor to depths of 50-100 m a routine operation by any<br />

research vessel, and to reveal reliable information on the depth extent of<br />

mound and chimney complexes (Table 4).<br />


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