Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority

Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority


Table 2: Research Submersibles and Remotely Operated Vehicles Name Organization Country Depth Capability ALVIN WHOI USA 4,500m NAUTILE IFREMER France 6,000m CYANA IFREMER France 3,000m MIR 1 & 2 Shirshov Institute Russia 6,000m SHINKAI 6500 JAMSTEC Japan 6,500m SHINKAI 2000 JAMSTEC Japan 2,000m PISCES IV & V SOEST USA 2,000m PISCES - Russia 2,000m JAGO MPI Seewiesen Germany 400 m ROPOS (ROV) CSSF Canada 6,000m JASON (ROV) WHOI USA 6,000m VICTOR (ROV) IFREMER France 6,000m ROBIN (ROV) IFREMER France 3,000m DOLPHIN 3K (ROV) JAMSTEC Japan 3,300m KAIKO (ROV) JAMSTEC Japan 11,000 m Seafloor Drilling and Coring Devices Drilling of seafloor polymetallic sulphides deposits is essential to obtain samples and information from the interior of hydrothermal mounds and chimney complexes. The drilling vessel JOIDES RESOLUTION which is operated by the Ocean Drilling Program at Texas A&M University, USA, has carried out scientific drilling at the Middle Valley sulphides deposit on the Juan de Fuca Ridge off-shore Canada during Legs 139 and 169, and at the active TAG hydrothermal mound at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge 26°N (Leg 158). A further drilling leg is planned for 2000/2001 (Leg 193) in the eastern Manus Basin offshore Papua New Guinea to explore the third dimension of the Pacmanus hydrothermal field. INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 308

In addition to drilling vessels such as the JOIDES RESOLUTION, a first generation of portable seafloor drilling and coring systems (Table 3) is available including the PROD (Portable Remotely Operated Drill), which was jointly developed and constructed by the US/Australian group of Benthic GeoTech Pty. Ltd., Williamson and Associates. Inc., and the University of Sydney. Performance specifications for PROD include a maximum penetration of 100 m at an operating depth of up to 2,000 m, and a rock core diameter of 40 mm with individual core lengths of 2.2 m. So far, however, the drill has not yet been fully tested and longer cores have not been retrieved. A second drill, the BMS (Benthic Multicoring System) was built by Williamson and Ass. Inc. for the Metal Mining Agency of Japan (MMAJ) in 1996 and is presently installed on the research vessel Hakurei Maru No. 2. The BMS uses conventional diamond rotary-rock and soil sampling tools and can be operated from ships-of-opportunity at water depths of up to 6,000 m. Individual cores have a diameter of 44 mm at a maximum coring depth of 20 m. The system has been successfully used by the MMAJ to drill in the submarine caldera of Suiyo Seamount at the Izu-Bonin Arc at a depth of 9.8 m achieving a core recovery of 26% 3 . Table 3: Available Seafloor Drilling and Coring Devices System PROD 1 Depth 2,000 m Coring Depth 100 m 1. Portable Remotely Operated Drill, Australia/USA Core Diameter 40 mm BMS 2 6,000 m 20 m 44 mm 2. Benthic Multicoring System, Japan/USA INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 309

Table 2: Research Submersibles and Remotely Operated Vehicles<br />

Name Organization Country Depth Capability<br />

ALVIN WHOI USA 4,500m<br />

NAUTILE IFREMER France 6,000m<br />

CYANA IFREMER France 3,000m<br />

MIR 1 & 2 Shirshov Institute Russia 6,000m<br />

SHINKAI 6500 JAMSTEC Japan 6,500m<br />

SHINKAI 2000 JAMSTEC Japan 2,000m<br />

PISCES IV & V SOEST USA 2,000m<br />

PISCES - Russia 2,000m<br />

JAGO MPI Seewiesen Germany 400 m<br />

ROPOS (ROV) CSSF Canada 6,000m<br />

JASON (ROV) WHOI USA 6,000m<br />

VICTOR (ROV) IFREMER France 6,000m<br />

ROBIN (ROV) IFREMER France 3,000m<br />

DOLPHIN 3K (ROV) JAMSTEC Japan 3,300m<br />

KAIKO (ROV) JAMSTEC Japan 11,000 m<br />

Seafloor Drilling and Coring Devices<br />

Drilling of seafloor polymetallic sulphides deposits is essential to<br />

obtain samples and information from the interior of hydrothermal mounds<br />

and chimney complexes. The drilling vessel JOIDES RESOLUTION which is<br />

operated by the Ocean Drilling Program at Texas A&M University, USA, has<br />

carried out scientific drilling at the Middle Valley sulphides deposit on the<br />

Juan de Fuca Ridge off-shore Canada during Legs 139 and 169, and at the<br />

active TAG hydrothermal mound at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge 26°N (Leg 158).<br />

A further drilling leg is planned for 2000/2001 (Leg 193) in the eastern Manus<br />

Basin offshore Papua New Guinea to explore the third dimension of the<br />

Pacmanus hydrothermal field.<br />


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