Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority

Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority


egions, one study pointed out that taxonomic similarities reflect distance along the ridge system rather than shortest oceanic distance, implying a primarily along-ridge flow of genetic information 10 . These authors also showed that some present day relationships between vent faunas separated by major discontinuities in the global ridge system can be explained on the basis of past connections between ridges such as the northern EPR and the northeast Pacific ridges, and between the northeast Pacific ridges and the back-arc basins of the western Pacific 10 . At the scale of individual ridge systems, studies of the influence of distance and discontinuities on gene flow are indicating that high levels of long distance gene flow may be a pre-requisite for success of vent species. However, molecular work is also showing that the ability of species to move along and between segments can vary considerably. Eastern Pacific tubeworms are very good at dispersing their genes along ridge axes although neighbouring populations are more similar than more distant ones, producing a quantifiable effect of along-axis geographic distance on gene flow 20, 21 . Discontinuities between ridge axes can also have a measurable effect on gene flow, as has been shown by comparison of populations of the same species on either side of transform faults of different length. For the northeast Pacific tubeworm, Ridgeia piscesae, no detectable genetic differentiation was found across the 160km offset between the Juan de Fuca and Explorer Ridges, while populations on either side of the 360km offset between the Juan de Fuca and Gorda Ridges had significant genetic differences 21 . Depth discontinuities may also act as a barrier to gene dispersal and confound interpretation of genetic differences between sites. Vertical mixing is limited in the deep sea so that water mass and larval transport tend to be horizontal. Mussel populations at the Snake Pit and Lucky Strike sites on the MAR show distinct genetic differences that may reflect their separation by transform faults but may also be influenced by depth differences between the two sites (3489m vs. 1650m) 22 . A clearer example of a likely depth effect is that of the amphipod crustacean Ventiella sulfuris in the eastern Pacific. The species shows low divergence along the EPR, even across the 240km Rivera Fracture Zone, while the 5000m deep, 50km wide Hess Deep between the Galapagos spreading center and the EPR separates populations with major genetic differences 23 . INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 286

5. Response to Perturbations Recent observations of the biological consequences of seafloor volcanic eruptions and the growth of hydrothermal sulphide chimneys and larger multi-chimney edifices provide new insight into the ability of vent communities to colonise newly-created habitat, to recover from major perturbations and to adapt to local-scale changes in habitat conditions. 5.1 Seafloor eruptions Information on the effects of eruptions on vent fauna comes from time series observations at 9° 45' - 9° 52' N on the East Pacific Rise that followed the serendipitous discovery of a very new lava flow, and from similar studies on the Juan de Fuca and Gorda Ridges in the northeast Pacific. While the characteristics of the eruptions and the suites of observations made vary between sites, the post-eruptive periods have a number of consistent features that reveal the interconnection of magmatic, hydrothermal and biological processes. Seafloor eruptions provoke rapid and significant changes in the location and style of venting. Widespread diffuse venting is usually observed soon after the event, with new vents being created in areas where there was no previous venting24 . The biological consequences of this perturbation of the hydrothermal system are considerable. Existing vent communities can be destroyed by lava flows or as a result of the re-organization of hydrothermal venting. Both the 9° N and CoAxial eruptions initiated intense bursts of biological activity as organisms colonized new vents. Most immediate were blooms of free-living microorganisms. The ubiquity of microorganisms of most metabolic types in seawater and their ability to grow rapidly under favourable conditions result in their being the first life forms to exploit the new energy source. In the first few weeks after the eruptions, observers24, 25 reported the outpouring of particulate microbial material from the subsurface through "snow blower" vents and the massive accumulation of filamentous bacterial mats and flocculent microbial waste on the seafloor in areas of diffuse flow. The discharge of biogenic particulates from snow blower vents can be sustained for several months24, 25 , suggesting continuous microbial production in the subsurface. Post-eruptive diffuse venting can initially be INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 287

5. Response to Perturbations<br />

Recent observations of the biological consequences of seafloor volcanic<br />

eruptions and the growth of hydrothermal sulphide chimneys and larger<br />

multi-chimney edifices provide new insight into the ability of vent<br />

communities to colonise newly-created habitat, to recover from major<br />

perturbations and to adapt to local-scale changes in habitat conditions.<br />

5.1 Seafloor eruptions<br />

Information on the effects of eruptions on vent fauna comes from time<br />

series observations at 9° 45' - 9° 52' N on the East Pacific Rise that followed the<br />

serendipitous discovery of a very new lava flow, and from similar studies on<br />

the Juan de Fuca and Gorda Ridges in the northeast Pacific. While the<br />

characteristics of the eruptions and the suites of observations made vary<br />

between sites, the post-eruptive periods have a number of consistent features<br />

that reveal the interconnection of magmatic, hydrothermal and biological<br />

processes.<br />

Seafloor eruptions provoke rapid and significant changes in the<br />

location and style of venting. Widespread diffuse venting is usually observed<br />

soon after the event, with new vents being created in areas where there was<br />

no previous venting24 . The biological consequences of this perturbation of the<br />

hydrothermal system are considerable. Existing vent communities can be<br />

destroyed by lava flows or as a result of the re-organization of hydrothermal<br />

venting. Both the 9° N and CoAxial eruptions initiated intense bursts of<br />

biological activity as organisms colonized new vents. Most immediate were<br />

blooms of free-living microorganisms. The ubiquity of microorganisms of<br />

most metabolic types in seawater and their ability to grow rapidly under<br />

favourable conditions result in their being the first life forms to exploit the<br />

new energy source. In the first few weeks after the eruptions, observers24, 25<br />

reported the outpouring of particulate microbial material from the subsurface<br />

through "snow blower" vents and the massive accumulation of filamentous<br />

bacterial mats and flocculent microbial waste on the seafloor in areas of<br />

diffuse flow. The discharge of biogenic particulates from snow blower vents<br />

can be sustained for several months24, 25 , suggesting continuous microbial<br />

production in the subsurface. Post-eruptive diffuse venting can initially be<br />


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