Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority

Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority


Reasons for this do not appear to be strictly related to the geographic separation of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, since tubeworms are abundant at cold seeps in the Gulf of Mexico. Endosymbioses Only mussel endosymbioses are known from vents on the Mid- Atlantic Ridge. The mussels are similar to the EPR species although some have been found to harbour methane-oxidizing bacteria in their gills 14 . Other vent mussels from the MAR host a dual symbiosis, containing both sulphide oxidising and methane oxidising bacteria in their gills 15 . This is a highly unusual condition in multicellular animals. Ectosymbioses Swarms of shrimp bearing ectosymbiotic bacteria on their legs and in specialised branchial (gill) cavities occur on hydrothermally active sulphide deposits on the MAR. Different shrimp species occupy different habitats and there are at least two distinctive forms of ectosymbionts. The ectosymbiosis is most prominent in Rimicaris exoculata, which has an enlarged gill chamber housing a dense flora of bacterial filaments 16 . Two other common MAR shrimp species, Alvinocaris markensis and Chorocaris chacei, also carry some bacterial filaments on their carapace and appendages but these associations are much less developed compared to Rimicaris exoculata 16 . As in the case of the EPR alvinellid worms, the nutritional or detoxifying roles of these ectosymbioses remain uncertain. All shrimp can be observed to actively feed on chimney surfaces, and guts of collected specimens usually contain abundant mineral particles 16 . In addition, the two larger shrimp species (Alvinocaris markensis and Chorocaris chacei) are listed among the predators of the smaller Rimicaris exoculata 17 . Free-Living Microbial Growth As on the EPR, microorganisms grow abundantly on mineral surfaces that are exposed to hydrothermal fluids 18 . Filamentous bacteria often produce dense aggregations that are visible to the naked eye as fluffy tufts and mats. INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 284

These bacteria are a potential food source for grazing and deposit-feeding animals. 4. Gene Flow Along the Global Ridge System From the time of the first discovery of hydrothermal vent communities biologists have been asking how vent animals manage to persist in this ephemeral and spatially discontinuous habitat. How are new vents colonized? Why do we find the same species at vents hundreds and thousands of km apart? Why do other species have very restricted distributions? These questions lead to a fundamental point about how genetic information is transmitted along the global ridge system. Most hydrothermal vent species colonize new sites by producing larvae that have some swimming ability but, as for most marine larvae, are primarily transported by ocean currents. If there are barriers to the movement of larvae between different areas of the ridge crest, their species compositions will eventually begin to differentiate as a result of natural mutations or local extinctions. If gene flow is maintained through the exchange of larvae, then the populations and assemblages of species will continue to resemble each other. Part of the answer to questions about gene flow along ridges has come from sampling of vents around the world and comparing species inventories between geographic locations 19 . New techniques in molecular biology are also being applied to this problem, both to confirm differences between morphological species and to compare populations of the same species in order to quantify the rate of genetic exchange along the ridge axis. While published data are few and sampling of the global ridge system is still very incomplete, several interesting observations and hypotheses have emerged regarding the relationship between ridge crest processes and gene flow within the global vent fauna. First is a finding that species distribution along present day ridges is related to tectonic plate history. One model suggests that the global distribution of vent species and groups of species can be explained on the basis of a radiation away from an ancestral source on the mid-Tertiary ridges in the eastern Pacific. The entire global ridge fauna has ancestral ties to the eastern Pacific vent fauna, through shared species, genera and families, and can be seen as a subset of it since the greatest number of vent species is found on the northern EPR. When comparing the vent faunas of different INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 285

These bacteria are a potential food source for grazing and deposit-feeding<br />

animals.<br />

4. Gene Flow Along the Global Ridge System<br />

From the time of the first discovery of hydrothermal vent communities<br />

biologists have been asking how vent animals manage to persist in this<br />

ephemeral and spatially discontinuous habitat. How are new vents<br />

colonized? Why do we find the same species at vents hundreds and<br />

thousands of km apart? Why do other species have very restricted<br />

distributions? These questions lead to a fundamental point about how genetic<br />

information is transmitted along the global ridge system. Most hydrothermal<br />

vent species colonize new sites by producing larvae that have some<br />

swimming ability but, as for most marine larvae, are primarily transported by<br />

ocean currents. If there are barriers to the movement of larvae between<br />

different areas of the ridge crest, their species compositions will eventually<br />

begin to differentiate as a result of natural mutations or local extinctions. If<br />

gene flow is maintained through the exchange of larvae, then the populations<br />

and assemblages of species will continue to resemble each other.<br />

Part of the answer to questions about gene flow along ridges has come<br />

from sampling of vents around the world and comparing species inventories<br />

between geographic locations 19 . New techniques in molecular biology are also<br />

being applied to this problem, both to confirm differences between<br />

morphological species and to compare populations of the same species in<br />

order to quantify the rate of genetic exchange along the ridge axis. While<br />

published data are few and sampling of the global ridge system is still very<br />

incomplete, several interesting observations and hypotheses have emerged<br />

regarding the relationship between ridge crest processes and gene flow within<br />

the global vent fauna. First is a finding that species distribution along present<br />

day ridges is related to tectonic plate history. One model suggests that the<br />

global distribution of vent species and groups of species can be explained on<br />

the basis of a radiation away from an ancestral source on the mid-Tertiary<br />

ridges in the eastern Pacific. The entire global ridge fauna has ancestral ties to<br />

the eastern Pacific vent fauna, through shared species, genera and families,<br />

and can be seen as a subset of it since the greatest number of vent species is<br />

found on the northern EPR. When comparing the vent faunas of different<br />


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