Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority

Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority


depths. Up welling increases primary productivity, which in turn increases the size and magnitude of the Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ), making seamounts ideal fishing grounds. Returning to the distribution of the crusts in the oceans, Dr. Hein repeated that crusts are to be found essentially everywhere in the ocean basins from the farthest northern parts of the pacific and the Atlantic down to the Antarctic ridge. Dr Hein said that crusts occur in water depths of about 400 to 4000 m, but more commonly at 1000 to 3000 m. He also said that the most cobalt-rich crusts occur between about 800 and 2200 m water depth largely due to a phenomenon in the ocean called the Oxygen Minimum Zone. Dr. Hein said that the Oxygen Minimum Zone is very important in the formation of cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts. He described the Oxygen Minimum Zone as a layer of seawater where the oxygen content of the seawater is low relative to the seawater above and below it. He pointed out that an oxygen minimum zone is created because of primary productivity in the surface waters of the oceans. He said that plankton created in the surface waters drift through seawater when they die, and that their protoplasm is oxidized through a reaction with seawater. This process, he also said results in the removal of oxygen from seawater and affects the chemistry of what is going on in seawater. Low oxygen seawater he pointed out acts as a reservoir for a lot of the metals of interest, particularly manganese. Dr. Hein used a slide showing a profile of manganese in the water column, that reveals a dramatic increase in manganese in the oxygen minimum zone. He pointed out that in anoxic conditions, where seawater has no oxygen, crusts would never form. Dr. Hein said that in the central Pacific Ocean all the crusts are composed of a mineral that is the most oxidized form of manganese (Vernadite). He also said that the oxygen minimum zone varies from place to place depending on the intensity of productivity in the area, currents and a number of other factors. Dr. Hein recalled that he had said that the metals in crusts precipitated under cold, ambient seawater. He described two of the most important factors concerned in this process. He said that the metals in crusts are not floating around in seawater as pure metal but are dissolved in seawater as a complex material combined either as a chloride or a hydroxide. He noted that INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 262

the iron and the manganese complexes have different surface charges, in other words the surface of the manganese oxy hydroxide in seawater has a negative (-) charge and so attracts positive (+) charged complexes. He pointed out it is his belief that through an oxidation reaction, metals are immobilized from seawater, taken out of it and incorporated in crusts in a manner whereby the metals that are now in crusts cannot be returned to seawater. Seamount height, summit size, types of ambient currents, and energy of the tidal currents determine which seamount- specific currents will be generated and their longevity. Dr. Hein noted that these physical processes also affect seamount biology. He said that seamount communities vary from seamount to seamount, even communities from the same water depth on adjacent seamounts. Dr. Hein said that most studies of seamount biology have concentrated on seamounts with a sediment cap and on biological communities living on (epifauna) and in (in fauna) that sediment. Fewer studies, he also said have addressed communities dwelling on the rock outcrops, which consist mostly of attached (sessile) organisms. Even fewer studies have looked at the types of organisms that live on the surface of crusts, which consist mostly of agglutinated foraminifera. Dr. Hein noted that seamount biological communities are characterized by relatively low density and low diversity where crusts are thickest and cobalt-rich. According to Dr. Hein, on the seafloor, ferromanganese crusts exhibit a variety of types of coverage on the summit flanks of seamounts. With photographs, Dr. Hein showed an area of the seafloor entirely covered by ferromanganese crusts and another area where crusts are buried under a very thin layer of sediment. He stated that for the purposes of ore genesis, it is important to know how deeply a crust may be buried under a layer of sediment and still continue to grow. He pointed out that crusts from seamounts have been recovered from under 2 m of sediment with no alteration of the crusts. He said however that he would not recommend such deposits for mining. With another slide, Dr. Hein showed an area of seafloor entirely covered by ferromanganese crusts. He pointed out how the crusts form pavements on the seamounts, and how extensive they can be, covering square kilometres of the seafloor. Dr. Hein said that the thickest crust that has ever INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 263

depths. Up welling increases primary productivity, which in turn increases<br />

the size and magnitude of the Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ), making<br />

seamounts ideal fishing grounds.<br />

Returning to the distribution of the crusts in the oceans, Dr. Hein<br />

repeated that crusts are to be found essentially everywhere in the ocean basins<br />

from the farthest northern parts of the pacific and the Atlantic down to the<br />

Antarctic ridge. Dr Hein said that crusts occur in water depths of about 400 to<br />

4000 m, but more commonly at 1000 to 3000 m. He also said that the most<br />

cobalt-rich crusts occur between about 800 and 2200 m water depth largely<br />

due to a phenomenon in the ocean called the Oxygen Minimum Zone.<br />

Dr. Hein said that the Oxygen Minimum Zone is very important in the<br />

formation of cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts. He described the Oxygen<br />

Minimum Zone as a layer of seawater where the oxygen content of the<br />

seawater is low relative to the seawater above and below it. He pointed out<br />

that an oxygen minimum zone is created because of primary productivity in<br />

the surface waters of the oceans. He said that plankton created in the surface<br />

waters drift through seawater when they die, and that their protoplasm is<br />

oxidized through a reaction with seawater. This process, he also said results<br />

in the removal of oxygen from seawater and affects the chemistry of what is<br />

going on in seawater. Low oxygen seawater he pointed out acts as a reservoir<br />

for a lot of the metals of interest, particularly manganese. Dr. Hein used a<br />

slide showing a profile of manganese in the water column, that reveals a<br />

dramatic increase in manganese in the oxygen minimum zone. He pointed<br />

out that in anoxic conditions, where seawater has no oxygen, crusts would<br />

never form. Dr. Hein said that in the central Pacific Ocean all the crusts are<br />

composed of a mineral that is the most oxidized form of manganese<br />

(Vernadite). He also said that the oxygen minimum zone varies from place to<br />

place depending on the intensity of productivity in the area, currents and a<br />

number of other factors.<br />

Dr. Hein recalled that he had said that the metals in crusts precipitated<br />

under cold, ambient seawater. He described two of the most important<br />

factors concerned in this process. He said that the metals in crusts are not<br />

floating around in seawater as pure metal but are dissolved in seawater as a<br />

complex material combined either as a chloride or a hydroxide. He noted that<br />


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