Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority

Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority


Angeles, CA, International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, Golden, CO, 21-32. 45. M.F. Stashchuk et al. (43) 46. Bolton et al. (14); I.M. Varentsov et al. (1991), Mn-Fe oxyhydroxide crusts from Krylov Seamount (eastern Atlantic): Mineralogy, geochemistry and genesis, Marine Geology, 96, 53-70. A. Koschinsky and P. Halbach (1995), Sequential leaching of ferromanganese precipitates: Genetic implications, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 59, 5113-5132. 47. Varentsov et al. (46) 48. R.G. Burns and V.M. Burns (1977), Mineralogy, in Marine Manganese Deposits, In Marine Manganese Deposits, G.P. Glasby (ed.). Elsevier, Amsterdam, 185-248. 49. J.R. Hein et al. (1993), Two major Cenozoic episodes of phosphogenesis recorded in equatorial Pacific seamount deposits, Paleoceanography, 8, 293-311. 50. J.R. Hein et al. (1) 51. M. Frank, B.C. Reynolds and R.K. O’Nions (1999), Nd and Pb isotopes in Atlantic and Pacific water masses before and after closure of the Panama gateway, Geology, 27, 1147-1150; B.C. Reynolds, M. Frank and R.K. O’Nions (1999), Nd- and Pb-isotope time series from Atlantic ferromanganese crusts: implications for changes in provenance and paleocirculation over the last 8 Myr, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 173, 381-396; M. Frank, personal communications, 2000. 52. B. Peucker-Ehrenbrink, G. Ravizza and A.W. Hofmann (1995), The marine 187Os/ 186Os record of the past 80 million years, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 130, 155-167. 53. M.C. Janin (1985), Biostratigraphie de concrétions polymétalliques de l'Archipel des Tuamotu, fondée sur les nannofossiles calcaires, Bull. Soc. INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 242

Géol. France, 8, 79-87; J.P. Cowen, E.H. De Carlo and D.L. McGee (1993), Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphic dating of a ferromanganese crust from Schumann Seamount, Marine Geology, 115, 289-306. 54. F.T. Manheim and C.M. Lane-Bostwick (1988), Cobalt in ferromanganese crusts as a monitor of hydrothermal discharge on the Pacific sea floor, Nature, 335, 59-62; D. Puteanus and P. Halbach (1988), Correlation of Co concentration and growth rate: A method for age determination of ferromanganese crusts, Chemical Geology, 69, 73-85; M. Frank et al. (1999), 60 Myr records of major elements and Pb-Nd isotopes from hydrogenous ferromanganese crusts: Reconstruction of seawater paleochemistry, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 63, 1689-1708. 55. F.T. Manheim and C.M. Lane-Bostwick (54) 56. J.R. Hein et al. (1) 57. A. Koschinsky and P. Halbach (46); A. Koschinsky et al. (1997), Effects of phosphatization on the geochemical and mineralogical composition of marine ferromanganese crusts, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 61, 4079- 4094. 58. J.N. Christensen et al. (1997), Climate and ocean dynamics and the lead isotopic records in Pacific ferromanganese crusts, Science, 277, 913-918. 59. A. Usui and M. Someya (6) 60. D.J. Frank et al. (9); J.D. Craig, J.E. Andrews and M.A. Meylan (23); J.R. Hein et al. (26); E.H. De Carlo. and G.M. McMurtry (1992), Rare-earth element geochemistry of ferromanganese crusts from the Hawaiian Archipelago, central Pacific, Chemical Geology, 95, 235-250; K.E. Chave, C.L. Morgan and W.J. Green (1986), A geochemical comparison of manganese oxide deposits of the Hawaiian Archipelago and the deep sea, Applied Geochemistry, 1, 233-240. 61. M. Lyle, J. Dymond and G.R. Heath (22); E.H. De Carlo, P.A. Pennywell and C.M. Fraley (26); A.C. Aplin (1984), Rare earth element INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 243

Géol. France, 8, 79-87; J.P. Cowen, E.H. De Carlo and D.L. McGee (1993),<br />

Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphic dating of a ferromanganese<br />

crust from Schumann Seamount, Marine Geology, 115, 289-306.<br />

54. F.T. Manheim and C.M. Lane-Bostwick (1988), Cobalt in ferromanganese<br />

crusts as a monitor of hydrothermal discharge on the Pacific sea floor,<br />

Nature, 335, 59-62; D. Puteanus and P. Halbach (1988), Correlation of Co<br />

concentration and growth rate: A method for age determination of<br />

ferromanganese crusts, Chemical Geology, 69, 73-85; M. Frank et al. (1999),<br />

60 Myr records of major elements and Pb-Nd isotopes from<br />

hydrogenous ferromanganese crusts: Reconstruction of seawater<br />

paleochemistry, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 63, 1689-1708.<br />

55. F.T. Manheim and C.M. Lane-Bostwick (54)<br />

56. J.R. Hein et al. (1)<br />

57. A. Koschinsky and P. Halbach (46); A. Koschinsky et al. (1997), Effects of<br />

phosphatization on the geochemical and mineralogical composition of<br />

marine ferromanganese crusts, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 61, 4079-<br />

4094.<br />

58. J.N. Christensen et al. (1997), Climate and ocean dynamics and the lead<br />

isotopic records in Pacific ferromanganese crusts, Science, 277, 913-918.<br />

59. A. Usui and M. Someya (6)<br />

60. D.J. Frank et al. (9); J.D. Craig, J.E. Andrews and M.A. Meylan (23); J.R.<br />

Hein et al. (26); E.H. De Carlo. and G.M. McMurtry (1992), Rare-earth<br />

element geochemistry of ferromanganese crusts from the Hawaiian<br />

Archipelago, central Pacific, Chemical Geology, 95, 235-250; K.E. Chave,<br />

C.L. Morgan and W.J. Green (1986), A geochemical comparison of<br />

manganese oxide deposits of the Hawaiian Archipelago and the deep<br />

sea, Applied Geochemistry, 1, 233-240.<br />

61. M. Lyle, J. Dymond and G.R. Heath (22); E.H. De Carlo, P.A. Pennywell<br />

and C.M. Fraley (26); A.C. Aplin (1984), Rare earth element<br />


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