Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority

Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority


Depth (km) 0 100 200 0 1 2 3 4 5 O 2 µmol/kg OMZ nmol/kg for (Mn) µmol/kg for (PO ) 4 0 1 2 3 4 Figure 2. Profiles of dissolved manganese and phosphate compared to oxygen content of seawater over a seamount; low-oxygen seawater (the oxygen minimum zone, OMZ) is a reservoir for high manganese contents. Crusts become thinner with increasing water depth because of mass movements and reworking of the deposits on the seamount flanks. Most Fe- Mn crusts on the middle and lower seamount flanks consist of encrusted talus rather than encrusted rock outcrop, the latter however typically having thicker crusts (8). Many seamounts and ridges are capped by pelagic sediments and therefore do not support the growth of crusts on the summit. Other volcanic edifices are capped by limestone (drowned reefs), which commonly supports thinner crusts than underlying volcanic and Mn PO 4 INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 196

volcaniclastic rocks (9) because of the younger age of the limestones and therefore shorter time for crust growth coupled with the instability and mass wasting of the limestone. Fe-Mn crusts are usually thin down to as much as 3000 m water depth on the submarine flanks of islands and atolls because of the large amounts of debris that are shed down the flanks by gravity processes (10). Reworked crust fragments occur as clasts in breccia, which is one of the most common rock types on seamount flanks (11). Regional mean crust thicknesses mostly fall between 5 and 40 mm. Only rarely are very thick crusts (>80 mm) found, most being from the central Pacific, for which initial growth may approach within 10-30 Ma the age of the Cretaceous substrate rock. Clearly, while most Pacific seamounts are 65-95 Ma old, most crusts collected on those seamounts represent less than 25 Ma of growth because of reworking and episodic sediment cover. Thick crusts are rarely found in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, with the thickest (up to 125 mm) being recovered from the New England seamount chain (NW Atlantic), and a 72 mm-thick crust being recovered from a seamount in the Central Indian Basin (12). The distribution of crusts on individual seamounts and ridges is poorly known. Seamounts generally have either a rugged summit with moderately thick to no sediment cover (0-150 m) or a flat summit (guyot) with thick to no sediment cover (0-500 m) (Appendix 2). The outer summit margin and the flanks may be terraced with shallowly dipping terraces headed by steep slopes meters to tens of meters high. Talus piles commonly accumulate at the base of the steep slopes and at the foot of the seamounts; thin sediment layers may blanket the terraces alternately covering and exhuming Fe-Mn crusts. Other seamount flanks may be uniformly steep up to 20˚, but most seamount flanks average about 14˚ (13). The thickest crusts occur on summit outer-rim terraces and on broad saddles on the summits. Estimates of sediment cover on various seamounts range from 15% to 75%, and likely averages about 50%. Crusts are commonly covered by a thin blanket of sediments in the summit region and on flank terraces. It is not known how much sediment can accumulate before crusts stop growing. Crusts have been recovered from under as much as 2 m of sediment without apparent dissolution (14). Based on coring results, Yamazaki (15) estimated that there are 2-5 times more Fe-Mn crust deposits on seamounts than estimates based on exposed crust outcrops because of their coverage by a thin blanket of INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 197

volcaniclastic rocks (9) because of the younger age of the limestones and<br />

therefore shorter time for crust growth coupled with the instability and mass<br />

wasting of the limestone. Fe-Mn crusts are usually thin down to as much as<br />

3000 m water depth on the submarine flanks of islands and atolls because of<br />

the large amounts of debris that are shed down the flanks by gravity<br />

processes (10). Reworked crust fragments occur as clasts in breccia, which is<br />

one of the most common rock types on seamount flanks (11). Regional mean<br />

crust thicknesses mostly fall between 5 and 40 mm. Only rarely are very thick<br />

crusts (>80 mm) found, most being from the central Pacific, for which initial<br />

growth may approach within 10-30 Ma the age of the Cretaceous substrate<br />

rock. Clearly, while most Pacific seamounts are 65-95 Ma old, most crusts<br />

collected on those seamounts represent less than 25 Ma of growth because of<br />

reworking and episodic sediment cover. Thick crusts are rarely found in the<br />

Atlantic and Indian Oceans, with the thickest (up to 125 mm) being recovered<br />

from the New England seamount chain (NW Atlantic), and a 72 mm-thick<br />

crust being recovered from a seamount in the Central Indian Basin (12).<br />

The distribution of crusts on individual seamounts and ridges is<br />

poorly known. Seamounts generally have either a rugged summit with<br />

moderately thick to no sediment cover (0-150 m) or a flat summit (guyot) with<br />

thick to no sediment cover (0-500 m) (Appendix 2). The outer summit margin<br />

and the flanks may be terraced with shallowly dipping terraces headed by<br />

steep slopes meters to tens of meters high. Talus piles commonly accumulate<br />

at the base of the steep slopes and at the foot of the seamounts; thin sediment<br />

layers may blanket the terraces alternately covering and exhuming Fe-Mn<br />

crusts. Other seamount flanks may be uniformly steep up to 20˚, but most<br />

seamount flanks average about 14˚ (13). The thickest crusts occur on summit<br />

outer-rim terraces and on broad saddles on the summits. Estimates of<br />

sediment cover on various seamounts range from 15% to 75%, and likely<br />

averages about 50%. Crusts are commonly covered by a thin blanket of<br />

sediments in the summit region and on flank terraces. It is not known how<br />

much sediment can accumulate before crusts stop growing. Crusts have been<br />

recovered from under as much as 2 m of sediment without apparent<br />

dissolution (14). Based on coring results, Yamazaki (15) estimated that there<br />

are 2-5 times more Fe-Mn crust deposits on seamounts than estimates based<br />

on exposed crust outcrops because of their coverage by a thin blanket of<br />


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