Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority

Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority


INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 194 Table 2: Classification of marine ferromanganese oxide deposits by form, processes of formation, and environment of formation; most common types in bold, from Hein et al. (1) Hydrogenetic Nodules Abyssal plains, oceanic plateaus, Seamounts 1 Crusts Sediment-hosted strata bound layers and lenses Cements Mounds and Chimneys Midplate volcanic edifices 2 --- Midplate volcanic edifices 4 --- Hydrothermal Submerged calderas and fracture zones Active spreading axes, volcanic arcs, fracture zones, midplate edifices Active volcanic arcs, large midplate volcanic edifices, sediment-covered spreading axes Active volcanic arcs, large midplate volcanic edifices 5 Back-arc basins, spreading centers, volcanic arcs Diagenetic Abyssal plains, oceanic plateaus --- Continental margins 3 Midplate volcanic edifices 4 --- Hydrogenetic and Hydrothermal Submerged calderas Active volcanic arcs, spreading axes, off axis seamounts, fracture zones --- --- --- Hydrogenetic and Diagenetic Abyssal plains, Oceanic plateaus1 Abyssal hills --- Midplate volcanic edifices 4 --- Replacement All areas (nodule nuclei) Midplate edifices (crust substrate rock) Continental margins, volcanic arcs, midplate edifices Volcanic arcs, midplate edifices 1Less common on ridges, continental slope and shelf; 2Includes seamounts, guyots, ridges, plateaus; 3Fe and Mn carbonate lenses and concretions; 4Mostly fracture and vein fill, cement for volcanic breccia; 5Mostly cement for breccia, sandstone and siltstone ---

2.2. Distribution of Fe-Mn Crusts Fe-Mn crusts have been recovered from seamounts and ridges as far north as the Aleutian Trench in the Pacific and Iceland in the Atlantic and as far south as the Circum-Antarctic Ridge in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans. However, the most detailed studies have concerned seamounts in the equatorial Pacific, mostly from the EEZ (200 nautical miles) of island nations including the Federated States of Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Kiribati, as well as in the EEZ of the USA (Hawaii, Johnston Island), but also from international waters in the Mid-Pacific Mountains. Compared to the estimated 50,000 or so seamounts that occur in the Pacific, the Atlantic and Indian oceans contain fewer seamounts and most Fe-Mn crusts are associated with the spreading ridges. Crusts associated with those spreading ridges usually have a hydrothermal component that may be large near active venting, but which is regionally generally a small (

2.2. Distribution of Fe-Mn Crusts<br />

Fe-Mn crusts have been recovered from seamounts and ridges as far<br />

north as the Aleutian Trench in the Pacific and Iceland in the Atlantic and as<br />

far south as the Circum-Antarctic Ridge in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian<br />

Oceans. However, the most detailed studies have concerned seamounts in the<br />

equatorial Pacific, mostly from the EEZ (200 nautical miles) of island nations<br />

including the Federated States of Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Kiribati, as<br />

well as in the EEZ of the USA (Hawaii, Johnston Island), but also from<br />

international waters in the Mid-Pacific Mountains. Compared to the<br />

estimated 50,000 or so seamounts that occur in the Pacific, the Atlantic and<br />

Indian oceans contain fewer seamounts and most Fe-Mn crusts are associated<br />

with the spreading ridges. Crusts associated with those spreading ridges<br />

usually have a hydrothermal component that may be large near active<br />

venting, but which is regionally generally a small (

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