Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority

Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority Minerals Report - International Seabed Authority


CHAPTER 5 COBALT-RICH FERROMANGANESE CRUSTS: GLOBAL DISTRIBUTION, COMPOSITION, ORIGIN AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 1. Abstract James Hein, Senior Geologist United States Geological Survey, California, United States of America Cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts occur throughout the global ocean on seamounts, ridges, and plateaus where currents have kept the rocks swept clean of sediments for millions of years. Crusts precipitate out of cold ambient seawater onto hard-rock substrates forming pavements up to 250 mm thick. Crusts are important as a potential resource for primarily cobalt, but also for titanium, cerium, nickel, platinum, manganese, thallium, tellurium, and others. Crusts form at water depths of about 400-4000 m, with the thickest and most cobalt-rich crusts occurring at depths of about 800-2500 m, which may vary on a regional scale. Gravity processes, sediment cover, submerged and emergent reefs, and currents control the distribution and thickness of crusts. Crusts occur on a wide-variety of substrate rocks, which makes it difficult to distinguish the crusts from the substrate using remotely sensed data, such as geophysical measurements. However, crusts can be distinguished from the substrates by their much higher gamma radiation levels. The mean dry bulk density of crusts is 1.3 g/cm3 , the mean porosity is 60%, and the mean surface area is extremely high, 300 m2 /g. Crusts generally grow at rates of 1-6 millimetres per million years. Crust surfaces are botryoidal, which may be modified to a variety of forms by current erosion. In cross-section, crusts are generally layered, with individual layers displaying massive, botryoidal, laminated, columnar, or mottled textures; characteristic layering is persistent regionally. Crusts are composed of ferruginous vernadite (δ-MnO2) and X-ray amorphous iron oxyhydroxide, with moderate amounts of carbonate fluorapatite (CFA) in thick crusts and minor amounts of quartz and feldspar in most crusts. Elements most commonly associated with the vernadite phase include manganese, cobalt, INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 188

nickel, cadmium, and molybdenum, and with the iron oxyhydroxide, iron and arsenic. Detrital phases are represented by silicon, aluminium, potassium, titanium, chromium, magnesium, iron, and sodium; the CFA phase by calcium, phosphorus, strontium, yttrium, and carbon dioxide; and a residual biogenic phase by barium, strontium, cerium, copper, vanadium, calcium, and magnesium. Bulk crusts contain cobalt contents up to 1.7%, nickel to 1.1%, and platinum to 1.3 parts per million (ppm), with mean iron/manganese ratios of 0.4 to 1.2. Cobalt, nickel, titanium, and platinum decrease, whereas iron/manganese, silicon, and aluminium increase in continental margin crusts and in crusts with proximity to west Pacific volcanic arcs. Vernadite- and CFA-related elements decrease, whereas iron, copper, and detrital-related elements increase with increasing water depth of crust occurrence. Cobalt, cerium, thallium, and maybe also titanium, lead, tellurium, and platinum are strongly concentrated in crusts over other metals because they are incorporated by oxidation reactions. Total rare-earth elements (REEs) commonly vary between 0.1% and 0.3% and are derived from seawater along with other hydrogenetic elements, cobalt, manganese, nickel, etc. Platinumgroup elements are also derived from seawater, except palladium, which is derived from detrital minerals. The older parts of thick crusts were phosphatized during at least two global phosphogenic events during the Tertiary, which mobilized and redistributed elements in those parts of the crusts. Silicon, iron, aluminium, thorium, titanium, cobalt, manganese, lead, and uranium are commonly depleted, whereas nickel, copper, zinc, yttrium, REEs, strontium, and platinum are commonly enriched in phosphatized layers compared to younger non-phosphatized layers. The dominant controls on the concentration of elements in crusts include the concentration of metals in seawater and their ratios, colloid surface charge, types of complexing agents, surface area, and growth rates. Seamounts obstruct the flow of oceanic water masses, thereby creating a wide array of seamount-generated currents of generally enhanced energy relative to flow away from the seamounts. The effects of these currents are strongest at the outer rim of the summit region of seamounts, the area where the thickest crusts are found. Those seamount-specific currents also enhance turbulent mixing and produce up welling, which increases primary productivity. These physical processes also affect seamount biological communities, which vary from seamount to seamount. Seamount communities are characterized by relatively low density and low diversity where the Fe-Mn crusts are thickest and cobalt-rich. INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY 189

nickel, cadmium, and molybdenum, and with the iron oxyhydroxide, iron and<br />

arsenic. Detrital phases are represented by silicon, aluminium, potassium,<br />

titanium, chromium, magnesium, iron, and sodium; the CFA phase by<br />

calcium, phosphorus, strontium, yttrium, and carbon dioxide; and a residual<br />

biogenic phase by barium, strontium, cerium, copper, vanadium, calcium, and<br />

magnesium. Bulk crusts contain cobalt contents up to 1.7%, nickel to 1.1%,<br />

and platinum to 1.3 parts per million (ppm), with mean iron/manganese ratios<br />

of 0.4 to 1.2. Cobalt, nickel, titanium, and platinum decrease, whereas<br />

iron/manganese, silicon, and aluminium increase in continental margin crusts<br />

and in crusts with proximity to west Pacific volcanic arcs. Vernadite- and<br />

CFA-related elements decrease, whereas iron, copper, and detrital-related<br />

elements increase with increasing water depth of crust occurrence. Cobalt,<br />

cerium, thallium, and maybe also titanium, lead, tellurium, and platinum are<br />

strongly concentrated in crusts over other metals because they are<br />

incorporated by oxidation reactions. Total rare-earth elements (REEs)<br />

commonly vary between 0.1% and 0.3% and are derived from seawater along<br />

with other hydrogenetic elements, cobalt, manganese, nickel, etc. Platinumgroup<br />

elements are also derived from seawater, except palladium, which is<br />

derived from detrital minerals. The older parts of thick crusts were<br />

phosphatized during at least two global phosphogenic events during the<br />

Tertiary, which mobilized and redistributed elements in those parts of the<br />

crusts. Silicon, iron, aluminium, thorium, titanium, cobalt, manganese, lead,<br />

and uranium are commonly depleted, whereas nickel, copper, zinc, yttrium,<br />

REEs, strontium, and platinum are commonly enriched in phosphatized<br />

layers compared to younger non-phosphatized layers. The dominant controls<br />

on the concentration of elements in crusts include the concentration of metals<br />

in seawater and their ratios, colloid surface charge, types of complexing<br />

agents, surface area, and growth rates. Seamounts obstruct the flow of<br />

oceanic water masses, thereby creating a wide array of seamount-generated<br />

currents of generally enhanced energy relative to flow away from the<br />

seamounts. The effects of these currents are strongest at the outer rim of the<br />

summit region of seamounts, the area where the thickest crusts are found.<br />

Those seamount-specific currents also enhance turbulent mixing and produce<br />

up welling, which increases primary productivity. These physical processes<br />

also affect seamount biological communities, which vary from seamount to<br />

seamount. Seamount communities are characterized by relatively low density<br />

and low diversity where the Fe-Mn crusts are thickest and cobalt-rich.<br />



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