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22<br />

Symposium 1: Structural Geology, Tectonics and Geodynamics<br />

1.8<br />

3-D numerical modelling of oceanic spreading initiation<br />

Gerya Taras 1<br />

1 Institut of Geophysics, ETH-Zurich, Sonneggstrasse 5, CH-8057 Zurich (taras.gerya@erdw.ethz.ch)<br />

Mid-ocean ridges sectioned by transform faults represent prominent surface expressions of plate tectonics. A fundamental<br />

problem of plate tectonics is how this orthogonal pattern has formed and why it is maintained. Gross-scale geometry of<br />

mid-ocean ridges are often inherited from respective rifted margins. Indeed, transform faults seem to nucleate after the<br />

beginning of the oceanic spreading and can spontaneously form at a single straight ridge.<br />

Due to the limited availability of data, detailed interpretations of nucleation and evolution of the orthogonal spreading<br />

pattern are difficult and controversial. Analogue and numerical modeling have to be additionally employed. Two main<br />

groups of analogue models were implemented (Gerya, 2011 and references therein): (i) themomechanical freezing wax<br />

models with accreting and cooling plates and (ii) mechanical models with viscous mantle and brittle lithosphere. The<br />

freezing wax models reproduced characteristic orthogonal ridge - transform fault patterns but often produced open spreading<br />

centers with exposed liquid wax, which is dissimilar to nature. On the other hand, in the mechanical models, new<br />

lithosphere is not accreted in spreading centers, which is conflicting with oceanic spreading. Numerical models of transform<br />

fault nucleation (Gerya, 2011 and references therein) mostly focused on short-term plate fragmentation patterns and<br />

strain reached in these numerical experiments was too small to test the long-term evolution of transform faults. Recent<br />

large-strain numerical experiments (Gerya, 2010) studied spontaneous nucleation of transform faults at a pre-existing<br />

single straight ridge but the initiation and maturation of the orthogonal pattern after continental plate breakup remained<br />

unaddressed.<br />

I present new 3-D numerical thermomechanical model of oceanic spreading initiation suggesting that orientation and<br />

geometry of transform faults and spreading centers changes with time as the result of accommodation of new oceanic<br />

crust growth. The resulting orthogonal ridge-transform system is established on a timescale of millions of years from an<br />

arbitrary plate breakup pattern. By its fundamental physical origin, this system is a crustal growth pattern and not a<br />

plate fragmentation pattern. In particular, the characteristic extension-parallel orientation of oceanic transform faults is<br />

a steady state orientation of a weak strike-slip fault embedded in between simultaneously growing offset crustal segments.<br />


Gerya, T., 2010. Dynamical instability produces transform faults at mid-ocean ridges. Science, 329, 1047-1050.<br />

Gerya, T. (2011) Origin and models of oceanic transform faults. Tectonophysics, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2011.07.006<br />

1.9<br />

Linking titanium-in-quartz thermometry and quartz microstructures:<br />

strong evidence of continued vein formation during strain localization<br />

Härtel Mike 1 , Herwegh Marco 1<br />

1 Institute of Geological Sciences, University of Bern, Baltzerstrasse 1+3, 3012 Bern<br />

Detailed microstructural examinations on mylonites from the Simplon Fault Zone (SFZ) in southern Switzerland revealed<br />

the transition of different recrystallization processes in quartz veins of the footwall, ranging from Grain Boundary<br />

Migration Recrystallization (GBM) over Subgrain Rotation Recrystallization (SGR) to Bulging Nucleation (BLG), from the<br />

rim towards the centre of the shear zone. GBM-microstructures can be recognized at distances of more than 4400 m from<br />

the centre and at around 1200 m distance they start to be progressively overprinted by SGR (in the northern part), producing<br />

a kilometer-wide mylonite zone comprising ribbon textures in the quartz veins. Near the centre of the SFZ, coremantle-structures<br />

develop and bands of bulging grains transect older quartz ribbons. This microstructural sequence displays<br />

the cooling-related localization of strain from initial temperatures over 600 °C down to temperatures lower than 350<br />

°C with respect to their dynamically recrystallized grain sizes. However, the age relations between all the quartz veins<br />

remained unknown and some microstructures do not fit into this pattern. The application of Ti-in-quartz geothermometry<br />

revealed highest temperatures of 535 ± 17 °C as formation temperatures of GBM-samples, which is lower than the ex-<br />

Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2011<br />

Platform Geosciences, Swiss Academy of Science, SCNAT

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