Markus Dirk Dubber - Wings

Markus Dirk Dubber - Wings

Markus Dirk Dubber - Wings


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<strong>Markus</strong> <strong>Dirk</strong> <strong>Dubber</strong><br />

Professor of Law, Roger and Karen Jones Faculty Scholar, &<br />

Director, Buffalo Criminal Law Center<br />

State University of New York at Buffalo School of Law<br />

712 O’Brian Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260<br />

716-645-6213; 716-645-2064 (fax); dubber@buffalo.edu<br />

Harvard University, A.B. (Philosophy), 1988.<br />

Stanford University, J.D., 1991; Note Editor, Stanford Law Review.<br />


1991-1992 Judicial Clerk, Chambers of Gerald B. Tjoflat, Chief Judge, United States Court<br />

of Appeals for the Eleventh Judicial Circuit.<br />

1992-1993 Harry A. Bigelow Teaching Fellow & Lecturer in Law, University of Chicago<br />

Law School.<br />

1993-1999 Associate Professor of Law, State University of New York at Buffalo School of<br />

Law.<br />

1996-present Founding Director, Buffalo Criminal Law Center.<br />

1996-2006 Founding Editor, Buffalo Criminal Law Review.<br />

1999-present Professor of Law, State University of New York at Buffalo School of Law.<br />

2000-2001 Humboldt Research Fellow, Institut für Rechtsphilosophie, Ludwig-Maximilians-<br />

Universität München, Germany.<br />

Fall 2001 Visiting Professor of Law, University of Michigan Law School.<br />

2004-present Roger and Karen Jones Faculty Scholar, State University of New York at Buffalo<br />

School of Law.<br />

2005-present Series Editor, Critical Perspectives on Crime and Law (Stanford University<br />

Press).<br />

2006-present Founding Editor-in-Chief, New Criminal Law Review (University of California<br />

Press).<br />


Books<br />

1. Die Stellung des Opfers im Strafrechtssystem: Neue Entwicklungen im deutschen und<br />

amerikanischen Recht (Cologne: Carl Heymanns 2000) (co-edited with Bernd<br />

Schünemann).<br />

2. Criminal Law: Model Penal Code (New York: Foundation Press 2002).<br />

3. Victims in the War on Crime: The Use and Abuse of Victims’ Rights (New York: New<br />

York University Press 2002; paperback 2006), reviewed in Buff. Crim. L. Rev., Buff. L.<br />

Rev., Choice, Contemp. Sociology, Crim. L. Forum, Howard J. Crim. Just., L. & Pol. Bk<br />

Rev., L. & Soc. Inquiry, Punishment & Soc’y, Times Lit. Supp., excerpted in Douglas<br />

Beloof et al., Victims in Criminal Procedure (2d ed. 2005).

4. An Introduction to the Model Penal Code (in Chinese) (Law Press China 2005) (with<br />

Paul Robinson).<br />

5. The Police Power: Patriarchy and the Foundations of American Government (New York:<br />

Columbia University Press 2005; paperback 2006)), reviewed in Am. Hist. Rev., Buff. L.<br />

Rev., Choice, Fed. Lawyer, J. Amer. Hist., L. & Pol. Bk Rev.<br />

6. Einführung in das US-amerikanische Strafrecht (Munich: C.H. Beck 2005), reviewed in<br />

Buff. L. Rev., DAJV Newsletter, Defo Info, Deutsche Richterzeitung, Hochschulzeitung<br />

“ad rem,” HRR-Strafrecht, JURA, Juralit.de/Duessellaw.de, Jurasmus, Referendare.Net,<br />

StudJur-Online.<br />

7. American Criminal Law: Cases, Statutes, and Comments (with Mark G. Kelman) (New<br />

York: Foundation Press 2005), cited in United States v. Hawkins, 380 F. Supp. 2d 143<br />

(E.D.N.Y. 2005).<br />

8. Teacher’s Manual for American Criminal Law: Cases, Statutes, and Comments (with<br />

Mark G. Kelman) (New York: Foundation Press 2005).<br />

9. The Sense of Justice: Empathy in Law and Punishment (NYU Press 2006).<br />

10. The New Police Science: The Police Power in Domestic and International Governance<br />

(Stanford University Press 2006) (co-edited with Mariana Valverde).<br />

11. Modern Histories of Crime and Punishment (co-edited with Lindsay Farmer) (Stanford<br />

University Press, forthcoming 2007).<br />

Articles & Essays<br />

1. “The Unprincipled Punishment of Repeat Offenders: A Critique of California’s Habitual<br />

Criminal Statute,” 43 Stanford Law Review 193 (1990), reprinted in Daily Journal<br />

Report, No. 91-4, at 23 (Apr. 26, 1991).<br />

2. “Homosexual Privacy Rights Before the United States Supreme Court and the European<br />

Court of Human Rights: A Comparison of Methodologies,” 27 Stanford Journal of<br />

International Law 189 (1991).<br />

3. “Prudence and Substance: How the Supreme Court’s New Habeas Retroactivity Doctrine<br />

Mirrors and Affects Substantive Constitutional Law,” 30 American Criminal Law<br />

Review 1 (1992), cited in United States v. Tayman, 885 F. Supp. 832 (E.D. Va. 1995).<br />

4. “Regulating the Tender Heart When the Axe Is Ready to Strike,” 41 Buffalo Law Review<br />

85 (1993), reprinted in The Death Penalty (Austin Sarat ed., Ashgate/Dartmouth<br />

forthcoming 2005), cited in State v. Muhammad, 145 N.J. 23, 678 A.2d 164 (1996).<br />

5. “Judicial Positivism and Hitler’s Injustice,” 93 Columbia Law Review 1807 (1993).<br />

6. “Rediscovering Hegel’s Theory of Crime and Punishment,” 92 Michigan Law Review<br />

1577 (1994), reprinted in Hegel and Law (Michael Salter ed., Ashgate/Dartmouth 2003).<br />

7. “The German Jury and the Metaphysical Volk: From Romantic Idealism to Nazi<br />

Ideology,” 43 American Journal of Comparative Law 227 (1995).<br />

8. “Recidivist Statutes as Arational Punishment,” 43 Buffalo Law Review 689 (1995),<br />

excerpted in John Kaplan et al., Criminal Law: Cases and Materials (5th ed. 2004), cited<br />

in United States v. Angelos, 345 F. Supp. 2d 1227 (D. Utah).<br />

9. “The Pain of Punishment,” 44 Buffalo Law Review 545 (1996).<br />

10. “American Plea Bargains, German Lay Judges, and the Crisis of Criminal Procedure,” 49<br />

Stanford Law Review 547 (1997), cited in Prosecutor v. Nicolic, Case No. IT-02-60/1-S,<br />

Int’l Crim. Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (Dec. 2, 2003).<br />


11. “The Right to Be Punished: Autonomy and Its Demise in Modern Penal Thought,” 16<br />

Law & History Review 113 (1998), cited in United States v. Blake, 89 F. Supp. 2d 328<br />

(E.D.N.Y. 2000), United States v. K., 160 F. Supp. 2d 421 (E.D.N.Y. 2001).<br />

12. “Historical Analysis of Law,” 16 Law & History Review 159 (1998).<br />

13. “On the Draft of a General Part for the Canadian Criminal Code,” in Making Criminal<br />

Law Clear and Just: A Criminal Reports Forum 156 (Don Stuart et al. eds., 1999).<br />

14. “From the Editors,” 3 Buffalo Criminal Law Review 1 (1999) (with Bernd Schünemann).<br />

15. “The Victim in American Penal Law: A Systematic Overview,” 3 Buffalo Criminal Law<br />

Review 3 (1999).<br />

16. “Reforming American Penal Law,” 90 Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology 49<br />

(1999).<br />

17. “Das Opfer im amerikanischen Strafrecht,” in Die Stellung des Opfers im<br />

Strafrechtssystem: Neue Entwicklungen im deutschen und amerikanischen Recht 15<br />

(2000) (translation of 15.).<br />

18. “The Historical Analysis of Criminal Codes,” 18 Law & History Review 433 (2000).<br />

19. “Penal Panopticon: The Idea of a Modern Model Penal Code,” 4 Buffalo Criminal Law<br />

Review 53 (2000), cited in Commonwealth v. Samuels, 566 Pa. 109, 778 A.2d 638<br />

(2001).<br />

20. “Cruel and Unusual Punishment,” in Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice 494 (2d ed.,<br />

Joshua Dressler et al. eds., New York: Macmillan 2001).<br />

21. “Criminal Law Reform: Current Issues in the United States,” in Encyclopedia of Crime<br />

and Justice 426 (2d ed., Joshua Dressler et al. eds., New York: Macmillan 2001).<br />

22. “Morals Offenses,” in The Oxford Companion to American Law 567 (Kermit Hall et al.<br />

eds., 2002).<br />

23. “Model Penal Code,” in The Oxford Companion to American Law 566 (Kermit Hall et<br />

al. eds., 2002).<br />

24. “Criminal Law,” in The Oxford Companion to American Law 185 (Kermit Hall et al.<br />

eds., 2002).<br />

25. “Polizei-Recht-Strafrecht,” in Festschrift für Klaus Lüderssen zum 70. Geburtstag 179<br />

(Klaus Günther et al., eds., Baden-Baden: Nomos 2002).<br />

26. “Policing Possession: The War on Crime and the End of Criminal Law,” 91 Journal of<br />

Criminal Law & Criminology 829 (2002), excerpted in Cynthia Lee & Angela Harris,<br />

Criminal Law: Cases and Materials (2005); John Kaplan et al., Criminal Law: Cases and<br />

Materials (5th ed. 2004); cited in State v. Hirsch, 338 Ore. 622 (2005).<br />

27. “La víctima en el Derecho penal estadounidense: Una sinópsis introductoria,” in<br />

Victimología y Victimodogmática: Una aproximación al estudio de la víctima en el<br />

Derecho penal 13 (Luis Miguel Reyna Alfaro ed. Ara Editores, Lima, Peru 2003)<br />

(translation of 15.).<br />

28. “Criminal Justice Process and the War on Crime,” in Blackwell’s Companion to<br />

Criminology 49 (Colin Sumner ed., 2003).<br />

29. “Toward a Constitutional Law of Crime and Punishment,” 55 Hastings Law Journal 509<br />

(2004).<br />

30. “The Criminal Trial and the Legitimation of Punishment,” in The Trial on Trial 85 (R.A.<br />

Duff et al. eds., 2004).<br />

31. “‘The Power to Govern Men and Things’: Patriarchal Origins of the Police Power in<br />

American Law,” 52 Buffalo Law Review 1277 (2005).<br />


32. “The Promise of German Criminal Law: A Science of Crime and Punishment,” 6 German<br />

Law Journal 1049 (2005), http://www.germanlawjournal.com/article.php?id=613.<br />

33. “The Possession Paradigm: The Special Part and the Police Power Model of the Criminal<br />

Process,” in Defining Crimes: Essays on the Criminal Law’s Special Part 91 (R.A. Duff<br />

& Stuart Green eds., 2005).<br />

34. “Positive Generalprävention und Rechtsgutstheorie: Zwei zentrale Errungenschaften der<br />

deutschen Strafrechtswissenschaft aus amerikanischer Sicht,” 117 Zeitschrift für die<br />

gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft 485 (2005) (Chinese translation in Global Law Review,<br />

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, forthcoming 2007).<br />

35. “Making Sense of the Sense of Justice,” 53 Buffalo Law Review 815 (2005).<br />

36. “Strafrechtsdogmatik als Botanik,” in Empirische und dogmatische Fundamente,<br />

kriminalpolitischer Impetus 245 (Roland Hefendehl ed., 2005).<br />

37. “Theories of Crime and Punishment in German Criminal Law,” 53 American Journal of<br />

Comparative Law 679 (2006).<br />

38. “Perspectives on the Power and Science of Police,” in The New Police Science: The<br />

Police Power in Domestic and International Governance 1 (<strong>Markus</strong> D. <strong>Dubber</strong> &<br />

Mariana Valverde, eds., Stanford University Press, 2006) (co-authored with Mariana<br />

Valverde).<br />

39. “The New Police Science and the Police Power Model of the Criminal Process,” in The<br />

New Police Science: The Police Power in Domestic and International Governance 107<br />

(<strong>Markus</strong> D. <strong>Dubber</strong> & Mariana Valverde eds., Stanford University Press, 2006).<br />

40. “Guerra y Paz: Derecho penal del enemigo el modelo de Potestad Policial del Derecho<br />

penal estadounidense,” in Derecho penal del enemigo: El discurso penal de la exclusion<br />

(vol. I) 685 (Cancio Meliá & Gómez-Jara Díez, eds., Buenos Aires/Madrid:<br />

BdF/Edisofer, 2006).<br />

41. “Comparative Criminal Law,” in Oxford Handbook of Comparative Law 1287 (Mathias<br />

Reimann & Reinhard Zimmermann eds., Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2006).<br />

42. “Victims’ Rights,” in Encyclopedia of Law & Society __ (David S. Clark ed., Sage,<br />

forthcoming 2006).<br />

43. “Jerome Hall,” in Yale Biographical Dictionary of American Law __ (Roger K. Newman<br />

ed., Yale University Press, forthcoming 2006).<br />

44. “Regarding Criminal Law Historically,” in Modern Histories of Crime and Punishment<br />

(<strong>Markus</strong> D. <strong>Dubber</strong> & Lindsay Farmer eds., Stanford University Press, forthcoming<br />

2007) (co-authored with Lindsay Farmer).<br />

45. “‘An Extraordinarily Beautiful Document’: Jefferson’s Bill for Proportioning Crimes and<br />

Punishments and the Challenge of Republican Punishment,” in Modern Histories of<br />

Crime and Punishment (<strong>Markus</strong> D. <strong>Dubber</strong> & Lindsay Farmer eds., Stanford University<br />

Press, forthcoming 2007).<br />

Electronic Publications<br />

(a) Websites<br />

1. Penal Law: A Web, , 1997-present.<br />

2. New York Criminal Law: A Web,<br />

, 1997-present.<br />

3. Companion Website for American Criminal Law: Cases, Statutes, and Comments (with<br />

M. Kelman) (Foundation Press, 2005) (http://www.dubberkelman.com)<br />


(b) Interactive Web Lessons (Criminal Law), <br />

1. “Actus Reus,” 2000<br />

2. “Causation,” 2000<br />

3. “Eighth Amendment,” 2000<br />

4. “Excuses I: Duress, Entrapment, Mistake,” 2000<br />

5. “Excuses II: Insanity & Infancy,” 2000<br />

6. “Legality,” 2000<br />

7. “Punishment Theories,” 2000<br />

8. “Presumption of Innocence (Burden of Proof),” 2000<br />

9. “Sources of Criminal Law,” 2000<br />

10. “Consent,” 2001<br />

(c) CDs<br />

1. Student eSupplement for American Criminal Law: Cases, Statutes, and Comments (with<br />

M. Kelman) (Foundation Press, 2005) (CD)<br />

2. Teacher eSupplement for American Criminal Law: Cases, Statutes, and Comments (with<br />

M. Kelman) (Foundation Press, 2005) (CD)<br />

(d) Miscellaneous<br />

1. “Webbing the Law,” JURIST: The Legal Education Network,<br />

, May 2000.<br />

Book Reviews<br />

1. 40 American Journal of Legal History 107 (1996) (reviewing David P. Currie, The<br />

Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany (1995)).<br />

2. 31 Eighteenth-Century Studies 370 (1998) (reviewing Karl H.L. Welker,<br />

Rechtsgeschichte als Rechtspolitik: Justus Möser als Jurist und Staatsmann (1996)).<br />

3. 18 Law & History Review 226 (2000) (reviewing Michael Stolleis, The Law Under the<br />

Swastika: Studies on Legal History in Nazi Germany (1998)).<br />

4. 19 Law & History Review 449 (2001) (reviewing Richard J. Evans, Rituals of<br />

Retribution: Capital Punishment in Germany, 1600-1987 (1996)).<br />

5. 88 Journal of American History 740 (2001) (reviewing Martin Stoevesandt, Aktivismus<br />

und Zurückhaltung im United States Supreme Court (1999)).<br />

6. 65 Modern Law Review 309 (2002) (reviewing Alan Norrie, Punishment, Responsibility,<br />

and Justice: A Relational Critique (2000)).<br />

7. 90 Journal of American History 333 (2003) (reviewing Jürgen Martschukat, Geschichte<br />

der Todesstrafe in Nordamerika: Von der Kolonialzeit bis zur Gegenwart (2002)).<br />

8. 21 Law & History Review 644 (2003) (reviewing Richard F. Wetzell, Inventing the<br />

Criminal: A History of German Criminology, 1880-1945 (2000)).<br />

9. 111 American Historical Review 831 (2006) (reviewing Mark E. Kann, Punishment,<br />

Prisons, and Patriarchy: Liberty and Power in the Early American Republic (2005)).<br />

10. 93 Journal of American History 560 (2006) (reviewing Marilynn S. Johnson, Street<br />

Justice: A History of Police Violence in New York City (2003)).<br />

Work in Progress<br />

Books<br />

1. American Criminal Law: A Treatise (for Foundation Press)<br />


2. Comparative Perspectives on Criminal Law (with James Q. Whitman) (for Oxford<br />

University Press)<br />

3. German Criminal Law: A Critical Introduction<br />

4. Handbook of Comparative Criminal Law (with Kevin Heller) (for Stanford<br />

University Press)<br />

5. New York Criminal Law: Cases and Materials (for Aspen Publishers)<br />

6. New York Penal Law and Related Statutes (for Aspen Publishers)<br />

7. A Theory of Penal Law: Autonomy and the Legitimacy of State Punishment (for<br />

Stanford University Press)<br />

Articles & Essays<br />

1. “A Political Theory of Criminal Law: Autonomy and the Legitimacy of State<br />

Punishment”<br />

2. “Criminalizing Complicity: A Comparative Analysis” (for Journal of International<br />

Criminal Justice)<br />

3. “The Integration of Substantive Criminal Law in the United States”<br />

4. “Criminal Law in Comparative Context” (for Journal of Legal Education)<br />

Presentations<br />

1. “The Sense of Justice in German Jurisprudence,” American Society for Legal History,<br />

24th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., Oct. 22, 1994.<br />

2. “Irrational and Arational Punishment,” Baldy Center Program on Human Rights Law &<br />

Policy, State University of New York at Buffalo School of Law, Nov. 7, 1994.<br />

3. “Dilemmas, Delay, and Death,” Law and Society Association, 1995 Annual Meeting,<br />

Toronto, Canada, June 1, 1995.<br />

4. “The Right to Be Punished,” American Society for Legal History, 25th Annual Meeting,<br />

Houston, Oct. 19, 1995.<br />

5. “Autonomy, Empathy, and Punishment,” Colloquium Series, Department of Philosophy,<br />

State University of New York at Buffalo, May 1, 1997.<br />

6. “Der Allgemeine Teil des Strafrechts aus amerikanischer Sicht,” Ludwig-Maximilians-<br />

Universität München, May 20, 1997 (guest lecture).<br />

7. “Intentionality and Child Abuse-Related Fatalities,” Baldy Center Program on Children,<br />

Families, & the Law, State University of New York at Buffalo School of Law, Nov. 14,<br />

1997 (with Murray Levine, Guyora Binder, and Leonardo Zaibert).<br />

8. “The Purposes of Punishment,” Toward a Model Penal Code for Democratic Societies,<br />

Columbia University School of Law, Mar. 3, 1998.<br />

9. “The Legality Principle,” Toward a Model Penal Code for Democratic Societies,<br />

Columbia University School of Law, Mar. 4, 1998.<br />

10. “Police and Law,” 1998 Sociolegal Studies Conference, Baldy Center for Law & Social<br />

Policy, State University of New York at Buffalo School of Law, May 9, 1998.<br />

11. “Don Stuart’s Draft of a General Part for the Canadian Criminal Code: An Analysis,”<br />

Making Criminal Law Clear and Just: A Criminal Reports Forum, Queen’s University,<br />

Kingston, Ontario, Nov. 6-8, 1998.<br />

12. “Reforming American Penal Law,” Foundations of Criminal Law, Cornell Law School,<br />

Sept. 30, 1999.<br />


13. “The Making of a CALI Lessonette,” 2000 Conference for Law School Computing,<br />

Chicago-Kent Law School, Chicago, June 23, 2000 (with Rosanna Cavallaro, Norman<br />

Garland, and Ellen Suni).<br />

14. “Strafrechtsdogmatik im War on Crime?,” Institut für Kriminalwissenschaften und<br />

Rechtsphilosophie, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main, Jan. 23,<br />

2001.<br />

15. “’War on Crime’ und Kampf gegen das Böse,” Institut für Rechtsphilosophie und<br />

Rechtsinformatik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, May 3, 2001.<br />

16. “Police, Law, and Punishment,” Faculty Workshop, State University of New York at<br />

Buffalo School of Law, Oct. 19, 2001.<br />

17. “Police, Law, and Punishment,” Legal Theory Workshop, University of Michigan Law<br />

School, Nov. 8, 2001.<br />

18. “Codification and Legitimation,” Codifying Criminal Law, University of Glasgow, May<br />

11, 2002.<br />

19. “Due Process,” The Trial on Trial, University of Edinburgh, Feb. 22, 2003.<br />

20. “The Power to Police and the Power to Punish,” Faculty Speakers Program, University of<br />

Iowa College of Law, Feb. 28, 2003.<br />

21. “The Police Power and the Foundations of Criminal Law,” Institute for Legal Studies,<br />

University of Wisconsin School of Law, Mar. 27, 2003.<br />

22. “Rationales of Punishment,” University of Wisconsin, Madison, History Dep’t, Mar. 28,<br />

2003 (guest lecture).<br />

23. “The Criminal Trial and the Legitimation of Punishment,” University of Stirling,<br />

Scotland, June 21, 2003.<br />

24. “Police Power as a Modern Technology of Governance,” 2003 Sociolegal Studies<br />

Conference, Baldy Center for Law & Social Policy, State University of New York at<br />

Buffalo School of Law, Sept. 19, 2003.<br />

25. “The Police Power of the State and the Foundations of U.S. Criminal Law,” Centre of<br />

Criminology, University of Toronto, Oct. 20, 2003.<br />

26. “The Possession Paradigm: The Special Part and the Police Model of the Criminal<br />

Process,” Conference on the Theory of the Criminal Law’s Special Part, LSU Law<br />

Center, March 5-6, 2004.<br />

27. “The Police Model of the Criminal Process,” Workshop on The New Police Science,<br />

Police Powers in Comparative Perspective, Baldy Center for Law & Social Policy, June<br />

11-13, 2004.<br />

28. “The Integration of Substantive Criminal Law in the United States,” Penal Reform in<br />

Mexico: Sovereign Criminal Law Systems and Integration from a Comparative Law<br />

Perspective, INACIPE & Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal<br />

Law, Mexico City, Sept. 29, 2004.<br />

29. “Das deutsche Strafrecht aus US-amerikanischer Sicht,” Symposion für Bernd<br />

Schünemann, Kloster Andechs, Oct. 31, 2004.<br />

30. “‘An Extraordinarily Beautiful Document’: Jefferson’s Bill for Proportioning Crimes and<br />

Punishments and the Challenge of Republican Punishment,” Workshop on Modern<br />

Histories of Crime and Punishment, Baldy Center for Law & Social Policy, June 10-12,<br />

2005.<br />

31. “The Challenge of Punishment in a Free Society,” The Dr. J.A. Corry Lecture, Queen’s<br />

University, Kingston, Ontario, Sept. 23, 2005.<br />


32. “Comparative Criminal Law: The What and the What For,” Workshop on Integrating<br />

Transnational Legal Perspectives Into the First Year Curriculum, AALS Annual Meeting,<br />

Jan. 4, 2006.<br />

33. “Comparative Criminal Law in the First-Year Curriculum: The How,” Workshop on<br />

Integrating Transnational Legal Perspectives Into the First Year Curriculum, AALS<br />

Annual Meeting, Jan. 4, 2006.<br />

34. “Punishment Without Police?,” The Police Power Reconsidered, State University of New<br />

York at Buffalo School of Law, June 9-11, 2006.<br />

Awards & Fellowships<br />

1. Criminal Law Fellowship, Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI),<br />

Chicago, June 1999-May 2000 (non-residential).<br />

2. Humboldt Research Fellowship, Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation, Bonn, Germany,<br />

June 2000-May 2001 (residential; Institut für Rechtsphilosophie, Ludwig-Maximilians-<br />

Universität München, Germany).<br />

3. Humboldt Short Research Visit Grant, Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation, Bonn,<br />

Germany, July 2003 (residential; Institut für Rechtsphilosophie, Ludwig-Maximilians-<br />

Universität München, Germany).<br />

4. Humboldt Research Fellowship, Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation, Bonn, Germany,<br />

July & Aug. 2004 (residential; Institut für Rechtsphilosophie, Ludwig-Maximilians-<br />

Universität München, Germany).<br />

5. Exceptional Scholar Program, Sustained Achievement Award, State University of New<br />

York at Buffalo, 2004.<br />

6. Humboldt Research Fellowship, Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation, Bonn, Germany,<br />

July & Aug. 2006 (residential; Institut für Rechtsphilosophie, Ludwig-Maximilians-<br />

Universität München, Germany).<br />

Grants<br />

1. State University of New York at Buffalo School of Law, Mitchell Lecture Fund 1995.<br />

2. State University of New York at Buffalo School of Law, Mitchell Lecture Fund 1996<br />

(with Guyora Binder & Charles Ewing, State University of New York at Buffalo).<br />

3. Canada-U.S. Legal Studies Center 1996.<br />

4. State University of New York at Buffalo, Conferences in the Disciplines Program 1996.<br />

5. Baldy Center for Law & Social Policy 1996 (with Guyora Binder & Charles Ewing, State<br />

University of New York at Buffalo).<br />

6. State University of New York, Conversations in the Disciplines Program 1997 (with<br />

Guyora Binder & James Wooten, State University of New York at Buffalo).<br />

7. State University of New York at Buffalo, Conferences in the Disciplines Program 1997<br />

(with Guyora Binder & James Wooten, State University of New York at Buffalo).<br />

8. German-American Academic Council Foundation, TransCoop Program 1997-1999 (with<br />

Bernd Schünemann, Munich).<br />

9. State University of New York at Buffalo, Center for Educational Resources and<br />

Technologies, TLT Roundtable, 1998.<br />

10. State University of New York at Buffalo, Conferences in the Disciplines Program 1998.<br />

11. German-American Academic Council Foundation, Distinguished Lectureship Program<br />

1998 (with Klaus Lüderssen, Frankfurt).<br />


12. State University of New York at Buffalo, Conferences in the Disciplines Program 1999.<br />

13. Baldy Center for Law & Social Policy, Workshop Grant (“The New Police Science:<br />

Police Powers in Comparative Perspective”), 2003 (with Mariana Valverde, University of<br />

Toronto).<br />

14. Baldy Center for Law & Social Policy, Small Research Grant (“The New Police Science:<br />

Police Powers in Comparative Perspective”), 2004 (with Mariana Valverde, University of<br />

Toronto).<br />

15. Baldy Center for Law & Social Policy, Small Research Grant (“The New Police Science:<br />

Police Powers in Comparative Perspective”), 2005 (with Mariana Valverde, University of<br />

Toronto).<br />

16. Baldy Center for Law & Social Policy, Workshop Grant (“Modern Histories of Crime<br />

and Punishment”), 2005 (with Lindsay Farmer, University of Glasgow).<br />

17. Baldy Center for Law & Social Policy, Small Research Grant (“Modern Histories of<br />

Crime and Punishment”), 2005 (with Lindsay Farmer, University of Glasgow).<br />

18. Baldy Center for Law & Social Policy, Workshop Grant (“The Police Power<br />

Reconsidered: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Modern Governance”), 2005 (with<br />

Mariana Valverde, University of Toronto).<br />

19. Baldy Center for Law & Social Policy, Small Research Grant (“The Sense of Justice:<br />

Empathy in Law and Punishment”), 2006.<br />

20. Baldy Center for Law & Social Policy, Workshop Grant (“Criminal Law, Terrorism, and<br />

the State of Emergency”), 2006 (with Lindsay Farmer, University of Glasgow).<br />

Conferences Organized<br />

1. The New York Death Penalty in Context, Mar. 2, 1996. Proceedings published in “The<br />

New York Death Penalty in Context: A Symposium,” 44 Buffalo Law Review 283-611<br />

(1996).<br />

2. Rethinking Federal Criminal Law, Nov. 23, 1996. Proceedings published in<br />

“Symposium, Rethinking Federal Criminal Law,” 1 Buffalo Criminal Law Review 1-272<br />

(1996).<br />

3. Toward a New Federal Criminal Code, Nov. 8, 1997. Proceedings published in<br />

“Symposium, Toward a New Federal Criminal Code,” 2 Buffalo Criminal Law Review<br />

1-366 (1998).<br />

4. Victims and the Criminal Law, Sept. 12-13, 1998. Proceedings published in<br />

“Symposium, Victims and the Criminal Law: American and German Perspectives,” 3<br />

Buffalo Criminal Law Review 1-316 (1999).<br />

5. The Model Penal Code Revisited, Oct. 29-31, 1999. Proceedings published in<br />

“Symposium, The Model Penal Code Revisited,” 4 Buffalo Criminal Law Review 1-708<br />

(2000).<br />

6. Model Penal Code: Sentencing, Buffalo Criminal Law Center, Apr. 25-27, 2003.<br />

Proceedings to be published in “Symposium, Model Penal Code: Sentencing,” 7 Buffalo<br />

Criminal Law Review 1 (2003).<br />

7. White Collar Criminal Law in Comparative Perspective: The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of<br />

2002. Proceedings to be published in “Symposium, White Collar Criminal Law in<br />

Comparative Perspective: The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002,” 8 Buffalo Criminal Law<br />

Review 1 (2004).<br />


8. The New Police Science: Police Powers in Comparative Perspective, State University of<br />

New York at Buffalo School of Law, June 11-13, 2004. Proceedings to be published in<br />

The New Police Science: The Police Power in Domestic and International Governance<br />

(Stanford University Press, forthcoming 2006) (co-edited with Mariana Valverde).<br />

9. Modern Histories of Crime and Punishment, State University of New York at Buffalo<br />

School of Law, June 10-12, 2005 (with Lindsay Farmer).<br />

10. The Police Power Reconsidered, State University of New York at Buffalo School of Law,<br />

June 9-11, 2006 (with Mariana Valverde).<br />

Conference Panels Organized<br />

1. The History of Crime and Punishment, American Society for Legal History, 25th Annual<br />

Meeting, Houston, Oct. 19, 1995.<br />

2. Comparing Criminal Procedures, Comparative Law Section, Association of American<br />

Law Schools, Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Jan. 5, 2002.<br />


Courses<br />

Criminal Law<br />

Criminal Procedure<br />

New York Criminal Law<br />

The Law of Punishment<br />

Seminars<br />

Advanced Criminal Law<br />

Constitutional Criminal Law<br />

Corporate & White Collar Crime<br />

Criminal Law Colloquium I & II<br />

Criminal Law Theory<br />

Current Topics in Criminal Law and Procedure<br />

History of American Criminal Law<br />

New York Criminal Law<br />

Sentencing<br />

The Sense of Justice<br />

Topics in Criminal Justice: Capital Punishment<br />


Member, American Law Institute, 2002-present<br />

Chair, Comparative Law Section, Association of American Law Schools, 2001-2002<br />

Member, Editorial Board, Law & History Review, 2001-present<br />

Consultant, American Law Institute Working Group on Federal Criminal Code Reform, 1999<br />

Member, American Society for Legal History, 1995-present<br />

University<br />

Provost’s Junior Faculty Advisory Committee, 1993-1998<br />


Executive Board, Center for Law and Ontology, State University of New York at Buffalo,<br />

1998-2000<br />

Various dissertation committees (Philosophy)<br />

Various masters’ thesis committees (Philosophy & Sociology)<br />

Various LL.M. thesis committees (Law)<br />

Law School<br />

Director, Master of Laws Program in Criminal Law, 1998-present<br />

Faculty Coordinator, Herbert Wechsler National Criminal Law Moot Court Competition,<br />

1998-present<br />

Coordinator, Criminal Law Concentration, 1996-present<br />

Faculty Advisor, Buffalo Criminal Law Society, 1996-present<br />

Member, Advisory Committee, Baldy Center for Law & Social Policy, 2003-2005<br />

Webmaster, Buffalo Criminal Law Center, , 1996-present<br />

Various law school and university committees<br />


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