1 Check-list of Cladosporium names Frank M. DUGAN, Konstanze ...

1 Check-list of Cladosporium names Frank M. DUGAN, Konstanze ...

1 Check-list of Cladosporium names Frank M. DUGAN, Konstanze ...


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Ill.: BRAUN (2000: 33, Fig. 2).<br />

Host(s)/substrate(s) & distribution: on Alopecurus geniculatus; North America (USA).<br />

Notes: In FARR et al. (1989) Malus sylvestris (USA, MT) is given as a further host <strong>of</strong> the<br />

species, which is very doubtful.<br />

alpiniae T. Zhang & Z.Y. Zhang, Plant Diseases and Their Control: 108 (1998)!.<br />

T: on living leaves <strong>of</strong> Alpinia galanga (Zingiberaceae), China, Hubei, Wuchang, 22 Sept.<br />

1980, J.Y. Li & T.Y. Zhang, No. 4074 (MHYAU 03947: holotype).<br />

Ill.: ZHANG & ZHANG (1998b: 109, Fig. 1), ZHANG et al. (2003: 38, Fig. 12).<br />

Notes: ZHANG & ZHANG (1998b) cited Alpinia zerumbet as an additional host species and<br />

compared C. alpiniae with C. cladosporioides, the only other species occurring on a host<br />

belonging to the Zingiberaceae (on Zingiber <strong>of</strong>ficinale), stating that the latter species possesses<br />

longer, limoniform or ellipsoid conidia. Since type material was not available the status <strong>of</strong> this<br />

taxon remains unclear.<br />

alternicoloratum R.F. Castañeda & W.B. Kendr., Univ. Waterloo Biol. Ser. 35: 20 (1991)!.<br />

T: on leaves and stems <strong>of</strong> Cyperus alternifolium (Cyperaceae), Cuba, Pinar del Río, Cuchillas<br />

de San Simón, 24 Mar. 1990, R.F. Castañeda (INIFAT C90/129: holotype).<br />

Ill.: CASTAÑEDA & KENDRICK (1991: 21, Fig. 10).<br />

Notes: Excluded, generic affinity unclear.<br />

amaranticola Opiz, Lotos 5: 41 (1855)!, nom. nud.<br />

T: on Amaranthus retr<strong>of</strong>lexus (Amaranthaceae), Czech Republic, Prag, park Stromovka, 5 Jan.<br />

1853, Opiz (PRM 657400).<br />

= <strong>Cladosporium</strong> herbarum (Pers.: Fr.) Link s. lat.<br />

Lit.: LINDAU (1907: 832).<br />

ambrosiae House, in herb.<br />

On dead stems <strong>of</strong> Ambrosia trifida (Asteraceae),USA, New York, Albany Co. Selkirk, 10 Apr.<br />

1925, H.D. House (NYS).<br />

americanum H.C. Greene, Amer. Midl. Natura<strong>list</strong> 41(3): 723 (1949)!.<br />

T: on living leaves <strong>of</strong> Prunus americana (Rosaceae), USA, Wisconsin, Dane Co., Madison,<br />

University <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin Arboretum, 18 Sept. 1944, H.C. Greene (BPI 426105; WIS:<br />

syntypes).<br />

= Fusicladium carpophilum (Thüm.) Oudem., Verh. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch., Afd.<br />

Natuurk. 1900: 388 (1900)!.<br />

Lit.: BRAUN (2001: 53), SCHUBERT (2005: 56–57).<br />

Ill.: SCHUBERT (2005: 57, Fig. 1).<br />

amoenum R.F. Castañeda, in Untereiner et al., BCCM MUCL Agro-industrial fungi-yeasts<br />

(1998), nom. nud.<br />

T: on fallen leaves <strong>of</strong> Eucalyptus sp. (Myrtaceae), Cuba, Santiago de Cuba, La Gran Piedra, 2<br />

Nov. 1994, R.F. Castañeda (HO et al. 1999: 117, Figs 2–3: iconotype; ATCC 200947: epitype;<br />

INIFAT C94/155, CBS 254.95, MUCL 39143, IMI 367525: isoepitypes).<br />

≡ Anungitopsis amoena R.F. Castañeda & F.M. Dugan, in Ho, Castañeda & Dugan, Mycotaxon<br />

72: 118 (1999)!.<br />

amorphae Thüm., Rev. Mycol. (Toulouse) 1: 59 (1879)!.<br />

T: on dead stems <strong>of</strong> Amorpha herbacea (Fabaceae), USA, South Carolina, Aiken, H.W.<br />

Ravenel, Thüm., Mycoth. univ. 1572 (e.g., BPI 426106; BR-MYC 81368,82; HAL; M; NY).<br />

Lit.: SACCARDO (1886: 362).<br />

ampelinum Pass., Erb. Critt. Ital., Ser. 2, No. 595 (1872)!.<br />

T: on leaves <strong>of</strong> Vitis sp. (Vitaceae), Italy, Erb. Critt. Ital. 595 (E; IMI 112146).<br />

= Pseudocercospora vitis (Lév.) Speg., Anales Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires 20: 438 (1910)!.<br />

Lit.: SACCARDO (1886: 458), LINDAU (1910: 116), OUDEMANS (1921), SIVANESAN (1984:<br />

210), CROUS & BRAUN (2003: 427).<br />

Notes: see C. vitis (Lév.) Sacc.<br />


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