Technical Design Report Super Fragment Separator

Technical Design Report Super Fragment Separator

Technical Design Report Super Fragment Separator


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DRAFT<br />

Figure 2.4.167: Deposited energy per primary uranium ion at the entrance of the first (left) and second<br />

(right) quadrupole magnet behind the 4 g/cm2 carbon target.<br />

The maximal energy density deposited by one spill in a part of the coil of the first quadrupole<br />

magnet is 0.0256 MeV/cm 3 per incident ion or 0.46 mJ/g for 10 12 ions. The calculation was performed<br />

for the case of a 1500 MeV/u uranium beam impinging on a 4 g/cm 2 target. This value is<br />

below the quench limit but the total power deposited exceeds the practical limit for a cryo system.<br />

Hexapole behind the beam catcher at PF1:<br />

At the beam catcher positions at BC1, BC2 and PF1 the full primary beam can be dumped. Much<br />

thicker shielding is therefore required than in the target area. The simulation using PHITS showed<br />

that 80 cm of iron is suited to suppress the neutron flux sufficiently. The geometry investigated is<br />

shown in Figure 2.4.168. Here, the graphite part had an inclined surface to increase the range<br />

straggling and thus the energy-loss density in the bulk material is substantially reduced. Critical for<br />

the exposure are the coils of the following hexapole magnet.<br />

Figure 2.4.168: Geometry of the beam catcher in front of the hexapole magnet at PF1 used in the PHITS<br />

calculation [41].<br />


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