Information leaflet (approx. 180.9 kByte) - IHI Zittau

Information leaflet (approx. 180.9 kByte) - IHI Zittau

Information leaflet (approx. 180.9 kByte) - IHI Zittau


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Companies are increasingly finding it necessary to<br />

take on social responsibility (Corporate Social Responsibility)<br />

and practice successful ethical management<br />

in order to achieve economic success. This is<br />

especially true when assuming social responsibility<br />

offers chances for innovative services and products.<br />

At the same time, the development and implementation<br />

of CSR standards and ethical measures presents<br />

companies with great challenges which demand<br />

well-developed management competence and<br />

substantiated know-how.<br />

These challenging prerequisites are communicated<br />

to you as students in this program of studies by<br />

lecturers proven through years of experience both in<br />

theory and in practice.<br />

tArGEt GrouPS<br />

This course of study is interdisciplinary, reflecting<br />

the practical reality in the area of CSR management.<br />

This can be seen in the selection of courses offered<br />

as well as in the academic backgrounds of faculty<br />

and students alike. Although the program is based<br />

mainly on a foundation of business management,<br />

well-suited graduates in other areas, for example<br />

Law or Social Sciences, are eligible to study in it.<br />

lENGtH of Study<br />

4 semesters<br />

Upon proof of appropriate previous study (ECTS), it<br />

is possible to shorten one’s studies by one semester.<br />

lANGuAGE of INStruCtIoN<br />

German<br />

StruCturE ANd CoNtENt<br />

The Master’s program consists of one fundamental module<br />

in management theory (24 semester hours/SWS) and six<br />

specialized modules having 8 SWS each. Coursework is concentrated<br />

in the first three semesters. The fourth semester<br />

is dedicated to master’s thesis preparation.<br />

ModulES ANd SElECtEd SEMINArS<br />

fuNdAMENtAlS of MANAGEMENt tHEory<br />

– Human Resource Management<br />

– International Management<br />

PHIloSoPHy ANd ECoNoMy<br />

– Philosophical Foundations of Economics<br />

– Practical Philosophy<br />


– Concepts in Corporate Ethics<br />

– International Business Ethics<br />


– International Corporate Governance<br />

– Values Management and Compliance<br />

CorPorAtE SoCIAl rESPoNSIBIlIty<br />

– CSR as Philosophy of Management<br />

– Stakeholder Management<br />

SoCIAl tHEory<br />

– Sociology of Modernity<br />

– Sociology of Poverty<br />

INStItutIoN tHEory<br />

– Organization, Structures, Processes<br />

– Post-National Institutional Organization and<br />

Transcultural Organization<br />

MAStEr’S tHESIS<br />

– Research Seminar: A & B Journals<br />

– Master’s Thesis, written<br />

rEquIrEMENtS for AdMISSIoN:<br />

· Bachelor’s degree or Diplom (or equivalent degree),<br />

as a rule with a minimum grade of »gut« (»good« = 2<br />

in the German system, »B« in the A-B-C-D system).<br />

· proof of basic knowledge in economics for graduates<br />

of non-economic courses of study<br />

· Graduates of Bachelor’s or Diplom programs encompassing<br />

seven semesters may, given proof of sufficient<br />

economic knowledge, be accepted to begin<br />

studies in the second semester of this program.<br />

· Applicants will go through a selection process to<br />

determine personal motivation, previous knowledge<br />

and experience<br />

· The number of spaces in the program is limited to<br />

30 per academic year.<br />

<strong>IHI</strong> ZIttAu<br />

· is part of the university system of the German Federal<br />

State of Saxony.<br />

· guarantees, as Saxony’s smallest university, intensive<br />

mentoring and supervision.<br />

· is imbued with cultural diversity, in particular due<br />

to German, Polish and Czech students.<br />

INforMAtIoN for forEIGN StudENtS:<br />

· Before beginning a course of study at <strong>IHI</strong> <strong>Zittau</strong> you<br />

must demonstrate adequate knowledge of the German<br />

language (generally: DSH, German language<br />

examination).<br />

· An intensive German language course and the DSH<br />

examination may both be taken at <strong>IHI</strong> <strong>Zittau</strong>!<br />

· You may be eligible for a scholarship to finance your<br />

studies at <strong>IHI</strong> <strong>Zittau</strong>.<br />

www.ihi-zittau.de www.ihi-zittau.de

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