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Ambitions • College is <strong>The</strong>ir Goal<br />

•n officer In the Marine Corps,, '"'"". Mnnte Tomlimon. \utlha<br />

and even <strong>Lowell</strong> clrls want to help | Mckln. Deny Nelson, and Jlolly<br />

Uncle Sam—Emmy Lou Krlckson Shi-nanl, while Bonnie McPhemsn<br />

nt Income a nurnc in Ite I wiH not lie satisfied with anything<br />

dent Ira Tliomp«on nnd Allen Coop-1 future imnte secretaries ore<br />

cr, who Intend to Iwome Naval of- * Jranetle Hanill, Harriet Bown, and<br />

fleet*, while Bruce Williams hopes | Loi, |Iotvcndahl. Elsie Laudry<br />

Perfect High<br />

Senior Boy<br />

aiRh fchool Kratw.tci always producer, whito Warren Nagata in- Matle Jean Gould want, p<br />

have Mffh ambitions and this tends to tie a veterinarian. ' •I'ice Ice muitieal muitia comedies medies while Gerald ^n0 ^ vour j,jcn of a perfect According to a recent poll con-<br />

v<br />

year's dan has more than Its To c^iln success in the field of Cohn would like to play In a sym-1 senior girl? ?<br />

ducted by <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>, the perfect<br />

•hart. <strong>The</strong>ir Ideas cover practi- medicine is the umbitioti of many! Phony orchestra. Wllnui Burn; <strong>The</strong> senior boys voted lit it the te an a senior boy should have the ail*<br />

cally everything—from becoming a of the class of January. 1942. As- hopes to become a child specialist,<br />

nual poll taken by by <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> tha that nround ability of our tttudent k.',d*<br />

iihe must have the all around abili-<br />

member of Uncle Sam's armed pirinc doctors arc Dick Samuels, \ »nd Robert Poon wants to become ty of blond ntudent body vice-presi- prcxy and all-city man, Ira<br />

forces to being a museum curator Rick Cupples. Sam Chan, and Luis an auto mechanic.<br />

dent, Jane Blair, anil the person- Thompson. Tom Tully, better<br />

o auto mechanic to veterinar- Zabala. Barbara Thompson. Ma- Garry Wcinhold, Mary Emerson, ality of little<br />

-<br />

Mai<br />

"—'- Tomlinson, Tomlinson known k an the th "La "L Contra Cn King," Ki" U<br />

ian.<br />

gako Kawagnchi. and Mitzc Russ<br />

" the jfirf'K favorite as to dtuidng<br />

and Bill Rojas nspirc to be Illus-<br />

With present world conditions In j hope to become nurses. Emilcc<br />

^ t _ I technique.<br />

trators.<br />

to beminds,<br />

the ambition of a great i Broullct wants to be a surgeon,<br />

senio"r"ciass. Betty Giles, has the Th »ItfcperB» of Gary<br />

como a certified public account dancln" ability for the perfect Rirt'- •• »'...... *..<br />

many high seniors Is to net Into j and Margaret Lclbaeh intends to nt.<br />

samo branch of the military ser- be a medical librarian.<br />

Prohnbly the highest ambition of<br />

vice. Future army officers are' More or. the domestic side arc<br />

Judge McUURhlin and Henry MIcl- j Jane Blair. Mary Alice Scott, ami<br />

ke. Jack Truby wants to i^-ad* I Jean Hudgklnsoit. who nil have the<br />

uate from West Point as a Second' same ambition—to "get a man."<br />

tion IK to »* be able to du nothing. [ the winnah! A happy countenance J **£" fiarry C iJ5Jk*ni e<br />

L i i nWl pearly wh.tc teethgave h g h ^<br />

Army pilots. Bob Fye will bo nat- retary. Garet Markarian hopes to and Eleanor Mensch hopes to be- chosen iind we can only *uy we're thought to have the best tar.<br />

isfied with nothing less than a enter the field of Journalism. ' tome a famous tire's desiRner, I ."orrv that more of you couldn't Congratulations, boys!<br />

Second Ucutcmnt's ratine in the Some with ambitions more on while Ruth Be Lnno want. .Imply I<br />

Armv Air Coriw.<br />

the practical aide nrc Marlon<br />

Five fellows—Hal Holman, Jim<br />

'Cocks, Bill ChriH'.ian^'n, and<br />

Livingston. P«ul Sclehau, Don<br />

' James Lafitte. whose urcatcnt<br />

Snarrowe. anil Warren Swannon—<br />

hoiH-.i are to graduate from <strong>Lowell</strong>,<br />

all want to help win the war.<br />

while the umiritinn of Jean Vemon<br />

Some who have rather unusual<br />

and Guge St-heuvr is to P.ifs the<br />

ambitions arc Harry A'lams who<br />

KnglUh "A" te« at California.<br />

wants to become n museum cura-<br />

Charles Coheit*« ijrrntest ambition<br />

tor, and Ben Gollobcr who hepes<br />

nt present is to be able t present<br />

some day to t*e a moving picture<br />

a good valedictory.<br />

h " vi> """''••"•., , Athletic .......-...-•- ability: Howie Hill.<br />

Kyes: Gary Weinho.d.<br />

to ride in an airplane. I ^SST'tiA*. I Hair: Harry Hook.<br />

Boris Mpranoff Moranoff has hopes hopes oo.<br />

be- | Hair: l/irniine Christ. ; Smile: 111 nine Gardner.<br />

enmintr n law.vcr. and Hence Cohn Style; Boni.ie McPherson. J Dancing: Tom Tul'y.<br />

want* to becotm: a laboraturj* tech- I'iimre: Nadlnc Lapkin. ! Personality: Stu McPhcrson.<br />

il I j Smlie: Joan Dcnniss, : Style: Kick Cupples.<br />

So there you have it—n ntd the amhitions anil fu-l Tlnneinir: Betty Giles.<br />

.Money: John I). Itockcfcller.<br />

ttin-.s of <strong>Lowell</strong>V elncs "f January.!<br />

All-around ability: Jro Thomp-<br />

1U4-J. ' All-around I'. S. Height: ability; to ruit Jane your taste. Blair.: * ."on.<br />

THREE<br />

in the ambition of John Summers, chosen as the ideal hair for the Richard Cupplv* was chosen ay the'<br />

Envin Goldsmith. George Lmvne. m'rff.-t irlrl. <strong>The</strong> dapper Bonnie , most Myli.-h boy. We attribute his<br />

Denman Honda. ,ndBert 0>vy»n«. > K ~ o n top honor, -I-.;.*.. «. *, fce, ttayj, K W<br />

114 I>r«»>; Tom Tally want, lob. congratulation, to nil the Blrls I john D. Kockefeller', money<br />

a Mutoon clcanc; in n bnrDer «hop, ,nnl were \mky ,.n,,ui:h to lie was tops, while Charlie Cohen Wai<br />

Last Will and Testament -"Soup to Nuts '|! Grads Plan Great Futures<br />

This term's last will and testa- Petty drawings to a freshman just Alltn Cooper wills to new freshment<br />

tiy the hitch senior clous to start him off on the right foot. men his broken pencil.<br />

proved to be very interesting, even John Ureenburg leaves hw corny<br />

though the reo plants of these wills pun* to .Mr. G. W. Mass. Boh Ifaihouldr.'t<br />

be too overjoyed.<br />

1*T leaver his b*\t.it. *-il tone on the<br />

i>ox to Bruce JUIICH. Edwin Gold-<br />

Marion Brill mi'rvly leaves the<br />

k*y to her locker, with nobody in<br />

smith crop* all the fun he had<br />

mind. . . . Alice Wcathcrly working on the Radio Society, No-<br />

leaves Mr. Pobson'K class room to gnko Dawaguehl wills to Masa Ki-<br />

an unsuspecting freshman. • . . tagawa a hortv shoe in math. Ma-<br />

Molly Mao Shepard leaves to N'arian GMzmnn in leaving her<br />

talic Ueniilfotf her tennis ability suit rin'i socks behind her.<br />

(My, isn't NMabe lucky!)... . .<br />

Violet Johns »s ju»t fortfett">K her Marjorie Haas leaves the mir-<br />

lovely blue gym suit. . . • Paul<br />

ror that tthouM be in her locker to<br />

Sclchau vacates a front row seat<br />

you ntiil you and you. KsU'He Spie-<br />

In Mr. Otis*' cluss. Ira Thompson<br />

rrrlinim leaves her power of ajjcech<br />

tcrgcant uniform to some fresh- Warren Nagata fives all that Lowman.<br />

. . . Betty Nelson wills oil offer* t.. a newcomer. Vtra<br />

the pretty men in her locker and Krcckin gives Mr. Dunne's jokes<br />

her bottle of paste to the next oc- to a suffering ehemixtry class.<br />

cupant of her heavenly cubby hale. Shirley Burke leaves Mr. Dob«on<br />

. . . Jeun Barton* leaves her a headache, like the one he gave<br />

headaches to a struggling fresh- her.<br />

man.<br />

Bloml Barbara Thompson leaves<br />

Ella Gross wilts her "fool proof her locker mirror to all those who<br />

locker to a member of the frosh use it anyway. Jack Truby leaves<br />

class. . . . Don Sparrow leaven hi* swimming ability to Frank<br />

his white suspender* to "Pepc" Grannis. flattie Jean Gould wills<br />

Cardelli, but we doubt if they will<br />

nil hrr good times to the "young."<br />

fit. . . . Gene Miyaharn will<br />

Tom Tully was generous enough<br />

his brain to Hank Hidckawa: he<br />

to .rave one match box to "Camel"<br />

Coffnun. Judge .McLaughlin leaves<br />

got a new one for Christmas. \\ il- his inspiration of very pood times<br />

ma Burn leave* locker number zaz Itehind—hugh? Jerry Marrc leaves<br />

to Pat Dolan. and also a flood wish Mr. Ban* till un and coming econ.<br />

to every <strong>Lowell</strong> student now nnd xtudenw. Wntren Swanson leaves<br />

in future. . • • Harriet Brown his wi Inkles from u-orryI"K— bctleaves<br />

her books to a new freshsuit<br />

to that very lucky<br />

1 College i* indtnifil in the plans of most of our graduates. Here are<br />

-, leaky come of them:<br />

fountain [H'ns and tHiokf. Boris<br />

Mornnoff nays. "All the Ion- acn- Caret Marfcarian pplane<br />

after six months" of work; Gtrda<br />

inrs tan have the hiKli Keniors'<br />

N<br />

IilaceK next term!" (Boy. what fl<br />

Meyer M-M .Mnunt Zion Nurstnir l-ch(K.I a- her next step.<br />

It's<br />

hunch ut xnlmnn*!) Hob Draun San Prant'isco College for Women i«r Louise Austin.<br />

Lou Za-<br />

all of."<br />

bain will 'Ion the Green and Gold of U, S. V. as his next school.<br />

VITIM. ami split'nifinltivvs to soniu-' Loi|1 Hufvi-ndahl desfrvs to tnter Munxon's scliool of private secre<br />

one who understands them. Itencc! • • • Mariai. Cockf is heading away down Texatt way to Tcxam AiM,<br />

j Cohn hopes that t-vcryone has nsj yes suh! . . . No school for Shirley Burke, fhe j'ui't wants to sing.<br />

i to Noel l (*hristian nnd all the! Jilv ^ Truby will prepare for action at West Point. . . . Barbara<br />

; bumpx .n lieginncni riding to any-1 Benn will attend the Collojrc of Pacific In Stockton. . . . Among ih*<br />

* ojie.who like? to stand .up. Carol- many going to the "Berkeley Factory.'* known as (.'«!.. arc Margaret<br />

' to^ff'poo^r'iophs on'Kro.Sis O Ja J nc! HoIlmcI< * Charles Cohen. John Somcr«. Mini Ku.-i'. Matthew Fonff, Mary<br />

I Blair wilU her Ian Ixittle of I'crox-' ^ icv S( -'« tt « Bob Kinslow. Bert Owyang, Betty Giles, James La Fitte,<br />

. ii!c to Gloria Nich.,!s, Betty Lib- Erwin Goldsmith, Inge Shonr. Dick Hipton, I'atti Finn. Turn Tully,<br />

I crty giveji all the movie vtars pic-, Marion Git-inian, Bob H:iK-r, Mnttic Jvan Gould, Molly Mae Shcpard,<br />

j tutrs in her locker tu the next oc-; Milltcent Glmpcrts, Genpi .Miayhara, Ruth N'onlfclt, Marion Brill.<br />

1 cijfiam. Kmilie Broullict giv^s Mr. Boh Brown, Kiithcryn Hitchcock. Lois Ann Dillon, and, o host of uthers.<br />

Monrc someone in the C. S. F.<br />

Helen Herring gives her small<br />

5.F.J.C. will clnim many of <strong>Lowell</strong>'.<br />

knowledge of physics to Mr. Pe-<br />

; tcrson. Jocn Ireland teavca her<br />

baby talk and messy locker to Xoel<br />

Christian, who already has both.<br />

, Lois Ann Dillon will* her gym<br />

; clais to Pat Brazil. Howie Hill<br />

wills his old cast to George Bull,<br />

next year's center. Bob Fyc wills<br />

to Bud .Martin h!« private's chevrons<br />

and his extraordinary ability<br />

[n leadership.<br />

Do You<br />

Remember?<br />

who wants to snivel. „_<br />

Jfcn Gollober. feeling In a gen-<br />

col a cold yhruldur. Barlara Benn<br />

erous mood, wills his locker and all<br />

leave* dirty gym n>c)m to Frances<br />

It contains to Max "Himey" Dia-<br />

Lou Mandich. 'ohn Samcrs says,<br />

mond. . . 1 Harmon ShrctgKc<br />

"I w; ' rnv old phyjijcs 11 papers<br />

leaves his gym socks and shoes to<br />

to S:t»-v Dotur— so lie may we<br />

Mr. Diamond • • - Frank Lin-<br />

what he i-.i-.jtcu".'' . . Unquote.<br />

decker leaves his alt to Mr. Dob-<br />

BUI Chiistinrji" ii.m his reg.<br />

neat to n n->or -cittlefld freshman<br />

(there*n pro'nablv a tack on it).<br />

I cut fli|i» to anyone who will take<br />

Tom Hood leaves his gym shoes 1<br />

to John Moriarty. Florence Hous-<br />

them.<br />

ton leaves her comer in the court Anntolc Dm toff btqtieaths to the<br />

to those who Hue the little spot. persons finding them his six lost<br />

. . • Herbert Wacchtler wills to text books. Max Singer's final wilt<br />

Roy McMItler a box of dog bis- reads. -A toothbrush »*'Sueur.<br />

West point. . . . Warren Hoff-<br />

li-udcr. Miiot Adams,<br />

man wants to go on living when<br />

cot, Mr. M»orc.<br />

I he graduate?. . . . Fran Gimlin<br />

j will hunt and peek on a typewriter.<br />

. . . Filicc Hwl-hirc would like<br />

to work in a store, while Jcanctte<br />

Memories Unmill is Keninr chuN and we<br />

-•'1 you the most?<br />

ope thnt they rcaliie<br />

vet to class I'<br />

information that didn't<br />

then.<br />

V scon-d.<br />

Bill Jonlyn wus L, IL S. pa-sident.<br />

Spring, il:<br />

rill ? s<br />

When we again were robbwl of S ,, >»ney? Fitment Where*to<br />

the casaha crown. Bob Arnold ted — 1 How to net! Or which »M»<br />

the students.<br />

P? •$}' will remcniber trylne to<br />

Fall. 41:<br />

look beautiful? Uok itlamorou.?<br />

Victory over Polv for th? football<br />

championship—and Im Thompson SfcAS; -""• '<br />

as prrxy. 1<br />

wonilcr hmlI mlinc; in Rapp's old jalotiy and<br />

roofs we useil to raise on KrJar<br />

nlphtji at the eirls<br />

"•"'<br />

Some will remember their M.<br />

tient leuchcrs. who irave them a lot<br />

1 houses and<br />

how the ulrls secretly loved it.<br />

iou'11 find some will remember<br />

graduation or their senior bill, but<br />

whatever you remember you ran<br />

never form <strong>Lowell</strong>. Yen. you're<br />

leaving a swell nlace and we'll mitt<br />

you. . . . Goodbye. ClaM ef '

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