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<strong>Lowell</strong>ites in National Defense. Boys Join Forces, Girls Knit<br />

Few '.uwellHeN will ever fnrC-M down l«i recular dutiv* but not n-gv j become a FirM Aid Slnlion.<br />

filrlr* In DrfenAc Ship, Ida Frfedburr, and Dorecn<br />

that day. DecemlHT 7 i* a red let- uUr thoughts ltoyM "Pitch In**<br />

<strong>The</strong> xirt* did Ihrir part, loo. At<br />

ter day In United Stale* hiniory Once iiRitin the clatter of nolneit j :*l(emember IWI Harbor"<br />

Tonken. <strong>The</strong>w airU «re «. wilting<br />

•he American Women* Volunteer<br />

dul the folltrwine day wlU mil IH- from l-owrtt'-i hulU could he heard, rxlirred more than a few hear It* te Srrvice. of frrinti I heir •.wicr*,<br />

their It. A. K. blue uniform*.<br />

for cot Ir n Iti thr Indian drfender-* but now lhene fo'imla tteemrd In!action. Hill Houston received courl wvre Jrnrl Kifo. M-c^rrl Shep- Ked Crntm llelpeni<br />

her*-.<br />

Mump unl, "We did it hrforr nnd | permi*rion tu join the Navy. ard, Ida Frledhur--. .Mary Fletcher, Itaritara Ilenn and Mary Fla»<br />

<strong>The</strong>re KKK little work heinic we'll do It neafn!" j Dal .Mihone became a mechanic Nancy lifter. <strong>The</strong>rr*e nnd ItiMwlie- worked at the lied Crona during<br />

done, everyone wan talking in IdUer on plan* for orcnni/allnn ,in the Naval Air Corp*; Tom Ta- :ZiccltT, Diane Kolh. Joan L«vy, vacation. Lorce Welcon and Mar*<br />

hurnrd voice*. "We're Kiiin*-; In in aid our "dnii-R fl ncain" were I makar, n member, of ..the Stale 'Jnnne Film and other*. A future fftirtl Haynrn are ft I 111 there and<br />

hear ill" I'reKidrnt *penk at 9:30." laid. Guard, ind Itoherl (.'onion llnley 'ambulance driver wan Jean Klinr- too numerou* to mention are the<br />

"GonK ttilrty-two are nlMenl in Studvnt* immedialvly j*oi in the look the Army. Other* en I in ted he- er. who \n tak'njf em-reft now. <strong>Lowell</strong> jjirN rolling bandajcr*.<br />

my rce.** *i)W you hrai that we'rt* "KriMivr** for victory.<br />

thai memorabfe Decrmbt'r 7 At thr present thr member* of At I^iwell, many arc knilllnr for<br />

colnc lo have a blackout tonight* Defenne acltrUir-4 b+jfun tu form.<br />

lame group joined in the Motor Corp* carrying mc-ma-cm the Ked CroM. Hetty Water boaxt-i<br />

After the Hn*l fe-r da)*' reali- Itrd Crotm cnumc* were organized civUian defrnne and really "pitched lo and ftom newrtpaper office* and thr record of (hr« *wra(cr*i comzation<br />

uf war. everyone calmed here. Kven the IC 0. T. C. armory In.*<br />

hroadrt*unj -dationn include ~"<br />


PLANS<br />


LOWELL<br />


228 SENIORS<br />

TO<br />


Volume "!'. N". undent state cr, seek luiii<br />

..f hyst.-ria »••••• the priniiirv -.'!•••" |r sur >'' .<br />

tn«ri* lii^t rnil.iy wliK-h ^nttrlnl •<br />

ilnwn to ;i niaxiiiinin of in<br />

. will<br />

l:i<br />

Of<br />

l..,.lyih.-<br />

?<br />

i-i-iif.- an tu tin- ii'tit-r i.i]\':<br />

.Inin- Siitti'ii. Hiii.'l'! nii'inhcr ;unl<br />

1*. and W. fin.itu i.il ni:i:i;iL'''r, ;nid<br />

'*""• "'"•«•" |»,ri* Th..ir.)i.inj. lit.rar.v --.iit.ir.<br />

In .n.ll.w iani,- •nit i.n t»|i<br />

ln.-fi.n-<br />

;itl. ,.,i,,;it).,t«- f,.r i:.-,t and Wlut.vm-|!iv--iileiilial<br />

tilt. .latn'l ,-,ij[i.r.<br />

\h» ryi-* of huiKln-ils 'if i-rntiil pji- lti"<br />

._ ._ ..ilver iihittiT—Imt it w<br />

'.•;; ii..i.i-<br />

iu«t what vuii i*.\in-ft''t|.<br />

' h.ih<br />

1 «an: ! 'itammjir Srht-t<br />

i'ur"iiiit"h°!i—/|V''li'i'l «»f'f. 'iVi'it ' :l "' ""'"'" "' "'" :i " " :lv '"<br />

»•- think you mi -lamialy J^ 1 .<br />

COOP I.UCK. (iU.MH.'ATKS UK p;,., ,iN l.k. l.mv, ami kn'<br />

JANUARY. l!l«: , ,<br />

V.,ic.-» Will T-ll<br />

IV1 All dp'-i-fd U|i in it l>i\vt> .fulinfcu:.i<br />

niviT, :;u.i i-.idy l>> adurn (he •<br />

,;'•;.;U •>!' (..nv.-H -nuli-nt- is the fall |<br />

Ml ••.|iti->n ofh- I.V.latKl Whit.-.<br />

.lat.nary L'1 i.- th. and ami f ri;:- • -Z .-<br />

By-word for friend ami .it PI tiger .•<br />

___ more pi,-lL- ?. than rv.r JK-fot- fi'ii* lire<br />

S&'£-?*'iJH<br />

will be "^iitn my journal." T«> hack to thf days of th.- "ihnv ]rtll ., j-,.;v ,,f th.- MIL in store<br />

Kditqr Jim Uvinirston the ni'i.'t It's."<br />

for ihf linky Imyers.<br />

ftpokch Wiird that day will )> day for<br />

Stftiforr*. prevailed upon hy Hi. all thu ^imluntc.-.<br />

Boys Glee Dropped<br />

Pr«ty Tom Tully will AtU\ h«w Tomiiiitf the ali imiiortaiit vwnt<br />

ti«-« and rufflc« to their usual - trrai.'iiiiiioii, tne Senior I'rom Next term will find two in.-w >ulixuirrl<br />

(Li'vi jean* and dirty<br />

S=) ^ J ?|KrT«S5 ir «Th: .vi.« i*** Place K-.ruary :: in t,,- ^ « ; ^ &£»**»-«*'<br />

^W&VlW^Krr FT T ? T T 'Txv U( i1 "' ll ^^"Ur£TAV wil<br />

.W.tridifi^.il/ "" lt ''' WIth Uarri "" I!lI| K l< »- or - If m-ttially a term of V^nrunu-<br />

,..1^ ^,, .- ,,.. '-liMtra. ! .-.horth.ind. Thi.- will EH.- foIIovv.-.-J<br />

in tnakini: the j" the fall hy an advanced emiix-<br />

I" ilnir I' ttv : *" l ^'* *' JI1111 Animation will viirv the usually . .,,,,,,<br />

€Jull tone use,! l>v .h.- chemi.stry /^r^ ' •'Uitjtvl, all.) will eotl*<br />

r, in"} ljlu|l, .(> ., two.|,.rm ^udjVct.<br />

'-. hiinnie .Me-, <strong>The</strong> oth.-r n.w Mil-j'ct will I- a<br />

u "K Ws<br />

tfa.'h«r In cla^^cy. He. ".<br />

•oraUv and without crwHt ilo nil<br />

Jh* little taskn that ket-n thinj:«<br />

"fjtini:<br />

Where it In not dm?:<br />

l<br />

^ "> those miid«nt.i who rpfufctl to'<br />

is*' .T !t wcre ft rcni » ir ">M<br />

* mi mmi «l« not flnil youiyvlf a* im-<br />

* to notnhti and machlne-i-un<br />

'* an vnu aiwumwl ymtmrlvrs'<br />

\V«dnc*lay. ;<br />

niy laKt column nnd y*."«*'<br />

« <strong>Lowell</strong>. That'n 30.<br />

WHS th.- Utrrfimt in<br />

a: <strong>Lowell</strong>?<br />

At I'our 11. in.. Inst w.-ek.<br />

Mr. rhurio WaMi. lw\\<br />

t. jn-lier wh't lives mi .MtiM.njc<br />

ami Hayes, iK-cpd »iut nf hi:=<br />

i^l ti.vuij; to t;i'l itit illm<br />

f< r a ](«-m T hN<br />

ealleit the nolicc.<br />

Thiee radio prowl earn arrived<br />

nt ill.- r of ncttnn.<br />

<strong>The</strong> I>OIH-'- wiiitt-d: «a*v i«<br />

man, wcarintr overall-* nnd n<br />

cup. appear at A thinl ytory<br />

window; heard him shout.<br />

"Here it *-ome.«." Uown va'iie<br />

th«* 'Stolen 1-nfnl-"—;i sack<br />

of irarlijii**'<br />

228 to Receive Diplomas<br />

At the Opera House, Feb. 3<br />

KIM TI I.I.Y<br />

III IV.•>• Itkhard llant<br />

ftru'liialioti is nwiftly npprnnehin^.<br />

In an almost unl>di(>vr;ihly<br />

••hitrt thin-. : t will 1M-*j [i. m., Fni»rji will I).*<br />

~-— writini: the final rhapli-r in tli-ir<br />

-fli.Hil careers, n* th««v march<br />

n ;hi i iiislex of the War .Memorial<br />

opfrii ll.,u-e. tf b'.| ;i fond<br />

far.-wt-ll to Iyjwpll.<br />

At thi>. 1^.well's V2:>lh coinir.iiitm.-nt<br />

,-\.-n-i-.'s. 11^ firN and<br />

ll'l ln.y.-i wilt j»-e<br />

iiaii, nnd Charl«> Cohen, a well-<br />

,r |;p"H-n dehuter and orator, will pre-<br />

•\ sciii the valedictory. A r'eadlnj:<br />

" j will IK; civt-n by'Jnnn DcnniM.<br />

^ ^ , . i<br />

j .Mi^icul ncW'tinnn, furni.shed by<br />

;: the (JitlV ttlee Cluh. under the di-<br />

1<br />

• rectiun nijvr- ny Mulnttc. <strong>The</strong><br />

' ovprtur** to "Phi'drc" l»y Mx-*sonct<br />

i ;•. . • will IH- |)I:i>-ed hy iho IjnW^U orvhi-«i-<br />

•* •*;.'•'•*'•j---; ; tra. dirert^d hy .Mr. .Mmlison Dov-<br />

Diploma* Conferred<br />

Mr. Stephcn?i, nrtncj-ial. will confer<br />

the dfplomiiK, ns.siMeiJ \,\- the<br />

; Ffttior registry teachers. Mr^, Oli-<br />

... .-. ..... • . - j l i r jjj.Mi,.. ( apiiiiii.-* .-••lent** i_nni|i-, •<br />

I lmy> K|IT. lt..yn in- (l(.i| ;ih(i Kyi-, iin.l l.ieiitH. IViieeli-./i-iiiimi.ni Hotel.<br />

tir.st.-d in MI:.:IIIC will tu- nrt'.-il t.i i,.r_ (;R(v. CnIi-. :111c! S-U-l. A test —•<br />

join :\n- A Cai»-lla Cliuir. winch is vvj[j |^. ;;v,.n t,, determine the nro- T . „ _ . _ .<br />

fa-t («.,..mil:-- an-ni-.r .lUtMandii^- .....u,,,,^ <strong>Lowell</strong>s Sale* Students<br />

.'-..tjic .1* I>iw<br />

knr.w that l^.ucll hao .Ian. 1— V. (". ••ntraniv Kra*l*t " | i'|,rUtimw lioHdiiy nwh.<br />

.nkrTi, the L

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