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7*?. N'n- 3 Sun Krancinco. California. An HI 12. IiMO Founded January.<br />

'Ellen Shank chosen [<strong>The</strong> "Aldrich Family" will arrive here '<strong>Lowell</strong> faces Balboa<br />

V Valedictorian; Art May 14 with Henry, the problem child in baseball b game<br />

Aronsen, Historian<br />

*'\Vh« „"£.'] today at Funston<br />

for the graduation rxrrrioes to be<br />

held in <strong>The</strong> Opern House. June IlJ<br />

„ „ , „ j<strong>The</strong> 101 mrmlHTN of the Hffljor j<br />

Durhii* tin' past three wccl-S our 'April 3. i<br />

24 Ha{{ rcnoriers have canvimed > Seven Compete for Offiiem<br />

every I«owell rt'ctatry rcKitn on the<br />

subject tif students nnd their aututu<br />

hoist'les.* vs K<br />

ily ll iittf iif of the Air.eriraipp<br />

favorite imstimc i nctiiitie*.<br />

<strong>The</strong> r«'ru!t! i of tiur survey proved<br />

Many in Accidents<br />

Of r..tir«». th"rc ii. a lm"i side to<br />

every i«t*iry and ;t dangerous >ido<br />

to every hiilihy. Over 2S0 I^twi-11<br />

students l:avi- IK'OII in accident. 1 ", ;!•"><br />

while ilrivinir.<br />

Our in'i't.-ni<br />

su]iili»-«i with fat.-I Over ;>b stu- ,.„.<br />

dent!' have their own cars and over tl.r',<br />

l'. ( 0 drive family can", or at Icasi. „<br />

have Ut-cn*e«.<br />

IInt<br />

Running ai*ain>* K'len, who is<br />

from reiti.itiv :!ui. wore Kntherinr 1<br />

Gkifkides and Fr.;nk Kast. Iwth of!<br />

•Hi:;. Arniiseii, 211, WHS victorious •<br />

01 er Dorothy MoKenzK 21.'!; I(udolph<br />

Kuhn, II'.'1; and Princes!<br />

Ifuhlinn!, ["I*. Kllen U tho third<br />

irirl ever to lie a valedictorian nt;<br />

r^iM-ell. <strong>The</strong> last on*<br />

I ki't*"--Th«' I/iwell in<br />

:he thin) OIK*.<br />

Il-irdi'r tu write, thin ntylt<br />

is ('.'iiiyinj; coiisuiiiption of<br />

va*t •luautitie.f of aspirin by<br />

tvimrtiTr 1 . \s 11 Wf.rth thr<br />

fffurt? P11 ymi lik«' it? Ij-t<br />

tht! li'tter-l»ox voiii 1 for premlrr of<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> IJltlc Tr<br />

hide. Tt-e rddlo family, with its at 3:70. I la 1 boa, the<br />

olfrtprinjr, Henry, who [*<br />

kwn locally nn Joe<br />

' Hoth are .i(M) hitter?.<br />

"<br />

your<br />

eomnit'nt^< i>ru and con!!!<br />

alcd Er champx, were expected (o be wesk><br />

belter known locally a* Joe Culler f 'h«n lost neonon becatwc they<br />

will at t >f f MU<br />

Clifford Ooldsmith'it spirlled come-j'c^cj1''nn aif'Viiy*imtn. *<br />

dy. Openlne on the morn'ng r.f j Gcnc HJI^ ,he Buc mentor, nat-<br />

Tui'ttday, .May 11, Director Col*; utally counts on improvement<br />

land* latent extravn(fun/j| it* MIIMI • f^-m holdovers. Walt Jordan,<br />

to run Ihrouch Wrdnesda, nnd ;f«*her; and IMc Davis, first lose<br />

Thursday morning, climaxint* with<br />

n M<br />

a final P.*T. A. benefit perform-<br />

*<br />

ance Friday evening. May 17. le/'u'c'^favoreif .VlSio'n^tho 10 *ro<br />

New Sound E'fectH rated even-money apainst the Card<br />

i <strong>The</strong> entire three-net play has as "'WTKers.<br />

I its Net tint; the uffk'e of the school ; I>iWvI!V tmtterv. cnnilM>sed of<br />

[principal. Sink-e Mur.a»er Bill | JJ U ' P'. r ' na PV'J'""^"^<br />

' Majors has plannrd :iome nen £;/ |*r^jj *Il.'L'Vt 'acnirisi f<br />

suund effects which promise to be • Hfari. fannet) it; latter.*.<br />

dynamic. <strong>The</strong> orij-innl play con- • simrt of the leairuo ri-cnnl.<br />

lerninj- hiirh school life mn on;<br />

Street's rival. Uruadway, :<br />

Two<br />

?aul-<br />

'ion h* just roundintr into form and<br />

hitting at •VX) JUT cent. Dall-<br />

, • „. . • )r , •• mar. llrown. llus.ii'll. and Cherry<br />

rjim«' a Mtciesl the. over one hundred dollar*.<br />

," ,T in KnTnTi ib<br />

u-ell-kmm-n «nd exceptionally por>-! vvonls rant: lhV»uKh room 101.' A ira«t onrairV "what\ your erm will open<br />

Ular Pnmanan. who pa-scl awny in April 3. .Mr. Tucker's blnhM\tJf]nS^'w^^u!dSSu<br />

that city *evi;ral vcvkn n<br />

stitute. August 2.'t: I.abor Day.<br />

Pulu Alto. April ti. Comim. September L<br />

44 include a Pan-American Day pro-<br />

Plans are completed for the<br />

urain held here in (tchool, April 15;<br />

April 1*7, at St. Marys, a C. F. F.<br />

new girl's gym"said architect<br />

i-oiivuniion; and, to close the season's<br />

foical activities, the C. S. F.<br />

of the city. Mr. DodlCe Kudy. in built on the front of the buildim:., dance, June 7._ <strong>The</strong>se events^have<br />

an interview at the Cily Ball. Speakers will be able to address been planned by President Gloria<br />

April 3.<br />

Meyer. Vice-I*resident Bobby Har-<br />

Even thouch the plans ore fin- {W»<br />

the «tiB special mmiui student<br />

balcony. u...i.u..,. body at rallies from<br />

n A c..^.^., shelter. 18 ... • ter. Secretary Virginia Thompson,<br />

{shed, the date when work will be- by 53, at the west entrance rf the [ under the faculty sponsorship<br />

gin Is unknown. That is up to the Kym. will be provided with the of Mr. R. W. Moore.<br />

<strong>The</strong> H3 dance will Hoard of Education.<br />

benches lining the wall. Girls will) v'niuntM»r r<br />

<strong>The</strong> farm will be located to theu<br />

».t_ • 7 i i. :_ .».- .v..t... i \oiumerr L.<br />

be a super-colossal west and joininR the boys' eym.<br />

Doom joininc the two syms will be<br />

Affair when the dance IIMCM blare made HO they can be opened. n»*k-<br />

oot next Friday.<br />

ini- the boys' and R{rfo* cym one.<br />

<strong>The</strong>me of the dance IK being <strong>The</strong> buildinc Itself will bo 70 by<br />

withheld from everyone, including 87. the floor will be M by M. and<br />

the press, bub when questioned the locker room will also b" 84 by<br />

about It, 113 President Jerry Arn O»<br />

pleparth's twinkling eye* Indicated <strong>The</strong>re will be fiftyfivc showers<br />

It would be Ion* remembered. <strong>The</strong> and sixteen lockers will open Into<br />

dance committee Includes Jerry each shower. Additional lockers<br />

Applemrth, Ccrrv Krill, June Rob- line the wall.<br />

em. Bob Vnyssfe, Annes Tru- <strong>The</strong> general finish of the sym<br />

mure, June Lrffit, Don SIcKee, will be the same as that of the<br />

and Harold Blmrose.<br />

boys'. However, A balcony will be<br />

1 : Admission Day, SeptemlKT<br />

!*: Armistice Day, November<br />

II; Teachers' Institute, Novctnl»er<br />

ai; Thanksfrivintr. N'ovembcr<br />

^1 and 22; Chrititniai* Vacation, Docember<br />

'i'( to January 3. Tbi*<br />

spring tenn wilt open January 27r<br />

ll'll.<br />

be able to cat lunch in the shelter<br />

ilunler Cotchcfl<br />

In rainy y weather. A special »p«lal in- In- 0!»"» >'"• •r. , Kotaro Mural,<br />

K °'?'° k. ><br />

n mom ri hv if. an an. Hnrr>' Biittimer, Jeannctte uian-<br />

S 11 by b 14 andd<br />

j^r Gcrdn Meyer Hnrold Davis,<br />

l 'ill<br />

part of the new gym-to-be.<br />

<strong>The</strong> estimated cost lit $130,000.<br />

Miss Flynn and Mr. Stephens<br />

have something to say about the<br />

mm. too:<br />

ME«s Flynn: "It's certainly going<br />

to be wonderful and Isn't coining<br />

*, minute too soon for our needs."<br />

Mr. Stephens: M <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> paper<br />

received a third<br />

place rating ratng in i it* CI In n th the six<br />

rr> Biittimer, Jeanctte i<br />

th teenth annual l Columbia, Scholastic h l i<br />

y 14 and aj^r. . Gcrdn Mey<br />

Press Association's contest. <strong>The</strong><br />

Meyer. Hnrold Davis,<br />

also 'will hi Gwendolyn dl Miller.<br />

contest was held n month fciro andT<br />

Mil E M ^<br />

tb ncr, ner nnd and Vern Vera Kr Krick In are the C.<br />

h A^onxorerf by Columbia Univer-<br />

S. F. volunteer coaches for this<br />

sity.<br />

term.<br />

Senior pins row on «ue<br />

Mr. Monroe Toent East for £1.00 at 12G Post street

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