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by th* Associated Stud'nts<br />

of <strong>Lowell</strong> IllJth School<br />

ISM llAjrvt Street. Sun Franclaco.<br />

California,<br />

L. H. fl. 8. A. Member* Fr*#<br />

STAFF<br />


News Editors Paul McEvoy, Barbara Gale<br />

Feature Editor „..„....-. Jim Wetter<br />

Sports Editor. „„_... -.. ^a\ Radi<br />

<strong>NEW</strong>S STAFF<br />

Saucy IJni-r Itcib^rtn Mat)i*tvn<br />

llrtrll J >lm»llll<br />

l^ltliold<br />


crowd. , . . Ilabcttc Mchman wafting for her<br />

"cradle unatchlng" Bear from Ciil. across from school. . . . He patient!!<br />

<strong>The</strong> -Habit" wan recently ehe «e«n of a ntiffhly war—apple*, bottle*,<br />

etc. flew In every direction and over in * corner Tom Inme* I^ifitte taking up IUty 1-nrnon'n time<br />

now that I'iivV Invc hat dicil. , . . Sin* sure curt pick them! A rive<br />

kitMiitg?? 7 . . . Old news—Sultan Ileforde hajt «lmpitrd bi.-*<br />

liarem fur Mi*!* Phyllis C'armll. , . . Com! [)cal!! . . . Bettv C'ih*<br />

wearing jlowie Mill's m«-h" Thompnmi it K"k SMHev U'lttirke lug picnic Sunday.<br />

. . . At the "Mark Hopkins" !£.tt itac.* ui-tc Krtnn I'ike. Jnne<br />

Sacks and Marjnrie llatcs. . . . IW-ie tr.i-si 1 guys the ln-st ilateha|ielv Hetty Heeler. . . .<br />

How diM* she holij pjnilV interest so? 7 ".'<br />

Phil l.ce of Ine Holly«o*«| hairJo firtJill) cot a buirrut.<br />

Wallace Cotitielly it iTiakilit; trouble ill reiristry \v»> hear. . . .<br />

jOie's not the worst!!!<br />

<strong>The</strong> huge Ce.iri',- !!.».*•< an.t Kllie Mensvli Lining it (jf( in gre.-n fashion.<br />

Viee-Prexy N'ai.nii Hi*«litt eertainly wuit;t>i| husily >u\ tli»" day i.f tin. 1<br />

low.;; tiarue. l".)i it weni off v.'iy well ami \w woulil like to congnitulate<br />

the low-:;'.-* .in their first ilatu-i 1 . . . . It «':i, a nifty!!! . . .<br />

(jit'.le Je;iin' l!mvi-, oin- df 1/nvt-H's vniiiijfr -i*t. always looking very<br />

iiltnu-tivv. . . . Via tin- .Municipal ("our:. Have Si-huHz ha« beennie<br />

Pave Shel.tuii.<br />

All the Miplmnier girl* lire juv. *ki-eraiy" ;ib«ut ICte,i Fusion, Inn<br />

it's seni«n< "r nothing f"f well Ui>.-t>-s."<br />

LiwellV traffie Imys wen- nuvkin^ plenty of tioi-i- as tliey ruanln-il<br />

arouml l!u> srhniil in inrjuinitimi for tht-ir "May at ill*- Presidio." . . .<br />

<strong>The</strong> It. O. T. ('. Wits cotnparativrly «ilt'iit. . . . Pat SiimtMns shyly<br />

nuking hi* 'latest" to th.- fyotliall pienii 1 . . . . <strong>The</strong>.-e l«iys ;ite<br />

p'ally gettinc bravf!<br />

<strong>The</strong> latent free ticket Iniyr.,it the Kntpire <strong>The</strong>ali-r thw year are<br />

(till l.andnrth and Jack Wooiloidf. . . . l>y l'ie May, him* about a<br />

rally at the fame theater for the Turkey Day Context? . . . t.aM<br />

year** was very HUcce:>*ful. . . . Set* *I>at you can dn, Ira!!!<br />

Hetty Pluml> of VoM-miti* i* a coinmiiter. . . . She must really<br />

enjoy I»nvll to dash down every week,<br />

Margie Smith ami her Intent, a wtv little bit of Hmce Williams.<br />

. . . His ex has ^radiiatril.<br />

Hub >Jol.auKWin mid Itoli S'm.H, despite the former's larKe sUr, -till<br />

look like the elephant and the flea!<br />

That's ail fur now but >ee you on our next trip thrombi this Kurg.<br />

. . . A pretty swvll hurg!!!<br />

By Barbara Gate<br />

'•<strong>The</strong> chances for today's boy< and gir)a to<br />

tNter the buHincss world arc very good."<br />

So did Mr*. Jordan, bead of <strong>Lowell</strong>'* counseliig<br />

department, repeatedly point out when ques-<br />

'ioned about vocational openings for high school<br />

Insurance «nd ffaliklnr<br />

Insurance and banking arc especially recommended<br />

to the inexperienced seeking work. Both<br />

profi-sslon* have Jirmn which provide their own<br />

u-hools for the training of their employees. One<br />

of the many ex-1;'well it en who found cmploynient<br />

i'i the hattkimr husincM Maid of a Bank of<br />

America clans, "It looked like <strong>Lowell</strong> registry<br />

1119." Men nccreta rit-j now have a definite place in<br />

Snn Francisco business.<br />

Typing i.» a very helpful accomplishment, not<br />

only iwTause of its usefulness, but because a<br />

typist easily learn* to work calculating machtntJ.<br />

Mrs. Joninn recomnu-mU >al,~imanship as on<br />

excellent course to thoir interested in retail yelling.<br />

Vocational preparation for a variety of_ profe.^'iun*<br />

are provi'!e:l by different schools<br />

throughout trie citv Some of them are free;<br />

other.-' ehiirge n ( :i.«»»n:ibl(! fee*: and many offer<br />

rvholar>hi).s. Mrs. .lordan will gladly iu^nly<br />

inf'irmniion m tlur.* 1 wh" are interested in specialized<br />

training.<br />

SCIIIKII Itccords Important<br />

Kmpliiyers VO look up school records of pros*<br />

iit-ctive employee,*, ntii«lyittg iiMil to be belter trained.<br />

On*' proiiiin\ Nm*. I". l:-ll-f >- IMUy.<br />

lni-*iliiy, Nnv. !;•, i'. —Tlx'iilpr<br />

At the Mark, Bnrlmm Ptxleyi ILill)- i«t the Ktni.'n-. ,.ll.l.i>-.<br />

and Ed Conn. Have a good time,'<br />

Barb? .<br />

A cute couple Nell O'Donncll<br />

and v>arren Siuim<br />

Tiifnilay, I*.,-. 5. mi—Term Km.rtiiinrtirnr.<br />

Mario Lo Blanco turning down Tliurwlay, Dee. *. 1.+II—T*rm Knicr*<br />

nn Invite to n dance. Why, Murie?<br />

inliini^nt.<br />

Barbara Mclntyn? Icttlnjr "Bob"<br />

dream, the rest while she goes out<br />

Friday. tW. 2. I9M—Trrni Ktitpriuin-<br />

with "Red."<br />

nwnl.<br />

Frlilajr. D«-. ir. I?ll—O. s, K. Dunw.<br />

l full.<br />

—Art** 5*crtftary.<br />

—L—<br />

Dear Ali'ii Secrt'tary:<br />

Where nrc we supposed to eat our lunch when<br />

if* raining outside and the basement i* full of<br />

people? —All Wet.<br />

Dear All Wet:<br />

We havi* two suggestions for you. Either<br />

don't eat lunch on rainy day*, or get a raft and<br />

be «*xctu*ivL> in the ecurt.<br />

—AH'* Secretary.<br />

—IJ—<br />

Dear AltV Siwrt'tary:<br />

1.1 ih-re a direct route to <strong>Lowell</strong> from St.<br />

I'mncis WVHIK? —Alwttys Last and Late.<br />

Dear L and [.: ,<br />

Hive yoti ever tried the air wivice? H J<br />

|.r.K,t : ral n« wt-ll a* economical, nntj Gabriel niffl-<br />

.«f!f collects the fares.<br />

—AH'* Secretary.<br />

Why Worry?<br />

Either you are successful or you ar n»t succe.xsful.<br />

If you are successful, there is nothing W<br />

worry about. If you arc not aucccwful. there are<br />

only two things to worry about.<br />

Vour health in either giod, or you are lick. If<br />

your health i.+ good, there i* nothing to worry<br />

alM»ut. If you are Hick, them are only^two thin^<br />

to worry about.<br />

You nn; ei'her going to get well or you are<br />

going to die. If you arc going to got well. the«<br />

i» nothing to worry about. If you are going W<br />

die. there are only two things to worry about.<br />

You nre either going to heaifen or you are not.<br />

• f you are going to heaven, there's nothing to<br />

wory about. If you arc going to the other plMft<br />

you will be no husy *hakin-r handa with oW<br />

friends, you won't have time to worry.<br />

So, why worry?<br />

i<br />

••Bunt<br />

f«k o. _<br />

'"San K|<br />


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