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o^ ouevrt«&ii KHOOC.<br />

Pubtlshnl br lh« AvocUttd Students<br />

or Lmr«u Hijh School<br />

1100 Hayw Stwt. 8M Krancuwo,<br />

California.<br />

U II- S. 8, A. Heaiben Free<br />

STAFF<br />


Feature Edltor^.mw_.wm...-^ww Jim Wcller<br />

News Editor* Paul McEvoy, Barbara Gala<br />

d<br />

<strong>NEW</strong>S STAFF<br />

H'chnn! Mam<br />

LouUc llai li- m<br />

Louis I^rllholil1<br />

Helen John"'"'!**<br />

ftohrft KturtcVunt<br />


Jnctt h'eder<br />

ItoWrt IIU*S^<br />

'lull ]'rl(-i><br />

|J*ll>* HintlKn<br />


Jrnn Simon<br />

Pr^iikk Pl'iitil**'<br />

KO MeArilitir<br />

H'>t ^tlvrnnati<br />

Faculty Adviser. „ Mr. A. R. McKecver<br />

Don't Cheat,<br />

Just Study<br />

Can you earnestly .*ay tiiiit you have<br />

never cheated in an exam'.'<br />

Think a moment!<br />

It is :i rare person indeed who has not<br />

•at one time in his student career fallen<br />

prey to temptation.<br />

When it quick sideward glance of the<br />

eye. a flash signal from your fourldy may<br />

decide the shape of your grade, can you<br />

put strength of character before deception?<br />

This is the real test, far more vital<br />

than the one on paper.<br />

We arc not so callous as to reveal the<br />

"clever" systems of the minority group of<br />

cheaters at <strong>Lowell</strong>. <strong>The</strong> teachers are already<br />

"wise" and uninformed students<br />

will not he at a lo-ss for this neglected<br />

phase of their education.<br />

If you can cheat successfully—congratulations!<br />

You ARE a clever cad.<br />

And if you're caught expect to pay the<br />

penalty, for you deserve it.<br />

But of all the methods employed in<br />

passing a test there is only one flawless<br />

one.<br />

<strong>The</strong> fool-proof system consists of the<br />

three basic essentials—a textbook, a little<br />

determination, and a lot of good harmless<br />

mental exertion.<br />

. This svstem has never been known to<br />

fail!<br />

I Driving Test J<br />

With great pleasure and pride we offer this<br />

aptitude tent for all prospective mr.torlsts. Plea??<br />

\vriti f answers in one ityllable—prefVmbly less—<br />

tear it up—nnlrecl. yon jtioold (a) hit It, (b) lrf»e It to »<br />

friend, CO late II. it might look nice in roar<br />

* room. ':<br />

See the next edition for a list of good books<br />

io raid while recuperating in the hospital.<br />

Teepee Tattle Tales I Stuff and Things<br />

Seen: Connie Wllion and Char<br />

He Cooke nt Larkspur a ft era recent<br />

game. . . . Che«r Leader Paul<br />

Hoii|>er teaching Barbara Oliver<br />

nnJ Virginia Jnckson, the yell*, of<br />

counfo. . . . On tho court atepj,<br />

Helen Crawford and Don Motzcr,<br />

must any day. . . . So Tom<br />

Tully in that way nlx>ut Jnan Dennis.<br />

. . . What fair Lowolllte<br />

(trippingly climbed out of a Mcn'o<br />

Park crock? . . . Was it tho<br />

horse of the heat, floealie?<br />

113 Vtny Ilert Ilunw* classic<br />

faux |NUt thanking Mcrv Klpnlw in.<br />

Mtrad of Hub Duii: «n tin- trail<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Songs<br />

ON, CAItlMNAI.<br />

On—mi—Canlinal!<br />

Fight for vietoiv tinlay, tvam.<br />

r«|,,M Kfd ami White<br />

Pmudlv wavf fur you fiom up on<br />

hfch.<br />

Courage—<strong>Lowell</strong> Hearts—<br />

Down th fite-mt'it in the fray,<br />

team.<br />

And wh'*n the l>att!e !••* won.<br />

We'll cheer for Unveil High.<br />

I.i.*:vn to our cheers*;<br />

Hear oiil" vWls ring out anew, team.<br />

We have faith in you—<br />

Daunt It*.* fijrht will win for<br />

IEtx] nnd White.<br />

On—on—Indian, thousands strong<br />

Will direr you throueh, team.<br />

Vammish your enemy!<br />

For Uiwell Fight. Fitrht, Fight.<br />

THE LOWF-I.l. HYMN<br />

I<br />

With heads bnrcl we stand<br />

In tribute to thee—<br />

Our nimu mater, <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

Oh. true to thee. well in?.<br />

Unfurled—Red and White.<br />

None shall thee decry.<br />

Thy nii.ne uv guard—<br />

. Oh—<strong>Lowell</strong> Hich!<br />

II<br />

<strong>The</strong> battle is o'er<br />

And <strong>Lowell</strong> heart.* true.<br />

In victory or defeat will<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir faith in thee renew.<br />

With hearts full we *ing.<br />

Thy i»on« ne'er wili fail.<br />

Thy name we love.<br />

Hail. <strong>Lowell</strong>. Hail.<br />


Cltorux:<br />

Fi(»ht. men, for I^oweil High!<br />

Raise your banner* ui> to the xky.<br />

Onward, you Cardinal*!<br />

Let our victory b« your cry.<br />

We're ttoing to cheer you men on.<br />

And Kpur you men on for Lou-cf.<br />

We're Koing to force you men on.<br />

And drive you men. and W house.<br />

H-4 Seil.: Yos. yen.<br />

I-rit'Tt'sting: ''Saiiily'* Johnston.<br />

.f-ilter: Uotty Larson.<br />

K-k'ver: Ira Tiiomjtson's littlo<br />

bonk.<br />

I^u^eiuii-: ("arniella. What Fay,<br />

Sieve?<br />

M*I*H>1: Bob Arn»Ic!'n smile,<br />

N'-tcriaining: "Daddy" sunp by<br />

tin* football team, starring Pnt<br />

"Oh-oh-oh" Simmoiw.<br />

O-rilea!: Itoport Card Day.<br />

P-iisizle: How Coninn rci* beat <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

Q-uest: For n "perfect girl."<br />

It-iblions: On Paul Or«i and "Red"<br />

IrwinV lielmets*.<br />

S-crcwy: This co'umn,<br />

T-formation; Starring B * a i n e<br />

Gardner and Bill Khert'lati.<br />

IM.wantiil: <strong>The</strong> bangit the K\T\»<br />

nre wearing.<br />

V-tvaciou. 1 *: Mar\* Altec Scott. Kit.<br />

Ed?<br />

W-insnme: ltol>erta Miithew.i,<br />

X-tr:i gootl: <strong>The</strong> Fro!*h Iteception,<br />

Y-..]| k-a.ler: Pnul "Hit It'" Hopper.<br />

Z*carce: Double lunch jwriod*.<br />

I Mother Goose j<br />

Old Mother Hubbard went to the<br />

cujMHiard,<br />

To fetch her poor dog a lione;<br />

But when «ln« got there.<br />

Tile cupboard wax bare—<br />

Ant 1 5o the poor dog went on W.<br />

P. A.<br />

Humpty-dumpty nat on n wall.<br />

Humpty-dumpty had a Krent fall.<br />

All the king** horse* nnd nil the<br />

kinca men-<br />

Had EgRnog.<br />

Mary had a little cut;<br />

She fed It on tin cans.<br />

And when the little kittens came,<br />

<strong>The</strong>y came in Ford sedan*.<br />

Joe took hut aunt out riding, tho icy was the<br />

breeze.<br />

He put her In the rumble pc.it, to see his antifreeze.<br />

—L—<br />

Fimt Mosquito: "Why nre you making lurij<br />

11 fUM? 1 *<br />

Second Mosquito: "Wheel I just passed the<br />

screen tc i."<br />

—L—<br />

Om.i' I was a froshie, by seniors I was Miscd,<br />

I wundercd through the ftpacioun halls bewildered,<br />

worried. W.<br />

Now I am a senior, and my preunco Is BO dear,<br />

That my teachers have invited me to stay anoth«r<br />

.7cur.<br />

Ho wasn't very funny until Iio i-nme to <strong>Lowell</strong>,<br />

but now lit-'* a Cnrd.<br />

—L—<br />


"Next."<br />

"Who me?"<br />

"When* burn?"<br />

"KuMia."<br />

"What piiri?"<br />

"All of me."<br />

'"Why did voU li-aw Itu.s^ia?"<br />

"I couldn't bring it with me."<br />

"Your business?"<br />

"Itottfll."<br />

*'Wh>i.-'s Washington?"<br />

"Ut>'n dead."<br />

"I mean the cripitol of the U. S."<br />

"<strong>The</strong>y I'-aiicd it all to Europe."<br />

"Now, du vuu promise lo su|i|iurt the Conattttitioii<br />

of tin 1 L'liiti-i! Stntv.o of Amerk^?"<br />

"Mr ? How can I ? I already have a v ifo ami<br />

rlK killrt!"<br />

—L—<br />

Politician: "Coiigratulatr me, dear. 1 won<br />

the elittion."<br />

His \Vifv: ••HnlK-.stly?-<br />

Politiiiari: "V.'hy bring that up?"<br />

'•Knock! Kiif>ck!"<br />

"Who's there?"<br />

".••!-."<br />

«fi\* whn?"<br />

"Si.- is thf fiin't tlie "clean-up" committee do<br />

."onirthim: with the school banner? It looks as if<br />

it had I'fen used as a rug,<br />

—Cleanlines* It,s» Virtue.<br />

Dear Virtue;<br />

Yrn'd be dirty, too. if *-ou were on display at<br />

(•••fry game and rally all term. Any donations .<br />

\v!ll l».* accepted. —All** Secretary.<br />

— L—<br />

Dear AliV Secretary:<br />

I've hern a popular kid over since kindeijcJrten;<br />

I v.;ii the "belle of the Iiall" in junior h^h.<br />

hut nl last week's dance I "hugged the wall." i*»n<br />

you help me in my nrcxent dilemma 1<br />

—Forsaken and Forlorn.<br />

Dear F. nnd F.:<br />

Your case is indeed nad but not lu.itcleiw- ^ flU<br />

can never know whnt n little fixing will do, Dont<br />

get too drastic, of course, A little peroxide, mascara,<br />

nun-tan jKiwder. nnd dark tClasK-s will do<br />

wonders. If these fail, you mifrht trv pluctic *ur*<br />

KVTy. — All's Secretary.<br />

Dear AII'K Secretary:<br />

I iim In room 12D nnd am very dingustcd with<br />

the I. 2, .1, 4-1. 2. y. 4 of the R. 0. T. C. when I<br />

nm trying to nt'.idy. Is there anything you ca0<br />

iio?? I, j[. Disgusted.<br />

Dear Diflgusted:<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is little I can do. but you mifrht fret In<br />

the mvlng of it. If you feel like grunting. y>J><br />

could form a Contra lino. This would furnish<br />

no end of fun and confusion.<br />

—AH's Secretary.<br />

• fie** 1 !<br />

pWSC ' • -<br />

tf« have ;<br />

jj^ b&t t

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