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Seniors Leave<br />

Plenty; Dyed<br />

Hair Included<br />

A» ta tlic fate* of nil students,<br />

who enter <strong>Lowell</strong>, sooner or Inter<br />

thev must leave ocr laughter-fiHcd 1<br />

*MIU and Iicad fur new lands. Be-1<br />

fore they leave this hapny life they :<br />

rake their last v.iU a-d testament;<br />

which is no* pawed on to you. j<br />

BOB VAYaSIE k-aves all his<br />

"DOA fortur.i which he hnd at Low- •<br />

Sto hia brrtlw7 GENE. JACK-!<br />

SOS' SCOTT leaves his sergeant;<br />

stripe* to some new non-com.<br />

RAVE WELSH 1-jflves n worn!<br />

book covet to nny frosM KEN.<br />

McCATTV leaves the red ink on,<br />

hli"rcpoit card to the whool board.'<br />

PEGGY SMALLWOOD leaves her;<br />

tcUscf KO future students can<br />

tut and set away with it. JACK ;<br />

UEES bequt-aths Mrs. Henderson<br />

to future <strong>Lowell</strong> rttudcni*. DILL'<br />

VTALJJY anil JIM DUNCAN will<br />

jotm* curls tu .dr. I'c! la ml, while<br />

I'lKKHK SrtLlNGKIt wills his<br />

Spaniel knowledge (?) to Miss<br />

(>«una. GIL.MAN HAYN'ES. HILL<br />


WHERE'S THAT FACULTY? Knowledge<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Gallop<br />

Poll Reveals<br />

!H-4 Gains<br />

in a rit-euL poll eonducteil by<br />

'• <strong>The</strong>* <strong>Lowell</strong> cuncernini; "what our<br />

; jieriiitr* cot out of hi«h rchool,"<br />

. MIIHL* wry startling replies were<br />

1 received,<br />

**o r inntancc, EuRenc David<br />

clnims hff j;«it trainiOK for W. P. A.<br />

IirojpctK. John Larr.on not R<br />

nickled rnt from Mht KettogK.<br />

1 J»?jin Grunucci learned how to<br />

; ju^'e chnnictcr. We wonder<br />

, where Judy Job tot the cuilty con-<br />

, wicncu? Milt Kvancclasfl ;rot a<br />

ITIMMI lookinir blond from Paly.<br />

! Those who Just hid a pUin oldrafiluoned<br />

-RIM-J time" Cvhich InclL-ii-H<br />

a lot) Here Jack Item,<br />

f.il Hnynr-. lU'ttv Ilnbiniion. Itob<br />

Iriinil. Urh-n Chrbttk', Marty Nlnill.<br />

.•MarciliT Chri Coynr. ant! Mereedcx<br />

l.OfH'T..<br />

Jack (iiljiin (li.)n't leant to pol-<br />

his luture TC W<br />

THKY'I'K -SMILING NOW, the senior claim trim, but will they be doing so after they've met the<br />

y woflkillr'* here Thursday in the hie event of tin- annual Senior Day program? <strong>The</strong> lwy» claim<br />

MAN will Mr. Cass<br />

""* * » from all Ihe I^iwcll «port field*, the senior squad include: (I., lo K., front) Yoyrnic.<br />

itudenls.<br />

md Koltn: (-nd ruw) l!imr»:»*t Willharh and Silva; (rear) Calender, Tioppmnnn, Arnod<br />

Krilnd *<br />

itOlIEUT WALKER will* a car<br />

—Photograph by Hill F/ir.l<br />

with lo Mr. Haul, CHARLES<br />

UllENNAN a copy of "How io pa C of Ihe It. 0. T. C. to<br />

Win Friend* and Influence Pen*<br />

Yrhudi' cnu*in. JACK O'IMIEN<br />

leave* i I i Swan Song Sung Glamour ?<br />

S<br />

-13 TO LEAVE- Is This Your Idea<br />

Jlr. I<br />

la 11011 llOI'K<br />

Of Perfect Senior?<br />

! By <strong>Lowell</strong> Staff<br />

i: th i<br />

LwwHl .-taff* high i.«*n<br />

'" nf<br />

ItCIt<br />

I PltOSlI ALL WET<br />


I'.OSEMARIE COL»MAN wills the freshmen who are all wet.<br />

a juctcssful four year* to next RUIH SHKIT It-:i\«-.i his :,wim-•<br />

term's frmhtnun. GEORGE .SIM- niitij- nbilitv to DALLAS lEAUKK.' . • ;nlii(li'il liv Tin* L.iwell, the per<br />

fret ^ini.ir bijy wnuld have tin-:<br />

I! tit •/ i:.,j, Y;.y,.- .if IJi-n Silva.<br />

'"' -"tiuviito lii<br />

ll:;iiii ,.f Ti-ddy My.T-.<br />

li'-> (f-iiir) vi.u-kiiik' y i . i'ii-m-ility ,,f It..l. Arnold.<br />

ln- I^.w.-ll -tuff, [hi; l'Hl «-|>iiinit Troppall<br />

ttiat i.. ilfVi.T. and Lnlliarit,<br />

' lJi a ar.d ir!, l<br />

wurl'i l<br />

Ambiti.<br />

tiulny,<br />

f .1,-rry Kilty.<br />

i*«>iir In work<br />

ili•.- '.•Tin [•> li<br />

Tin- i»-i .,,.i:ii.r irirl wnutd be<br />

;it)il Vuii, ti>*'<br />

h<br />

tt..rM. Thi- I*i'<br />

Allv >: " r \<br />

MON'S wills his beautiful flout of MOB PETERSON bequeath--.- his I" 1 '' always W<br />

car* C 7 ) to HENRY FORR IJILL mush* ability to any.uie wiio «-I«i-kitiK t/yv<br />

KOTTA k-avi-A-SLATS" O'MAKA «i"»sn't want t.. In- a musician. >"•. ni:t t fiier.d-; and his bad<br />

CIIONIN. HOB ROGERS leaves li-aehfrs m his nit-am's. m«.> \w>r |M-rs.»ti. DOKlS Uuvi^ that diwvynl Ca-sanova or<br />

tn the remaining sti»U*nt.« JEAN CltANK wills her ability n net 3t:iV fourth .>UU-. ban snuntcred<br />

IIKS'DKttSON leaves h«>r physics thincs dune at the l;ist nioiiu-.'U t*i iinclaunl«-(l min the riMim, rouran.tle<br />

J«»k an.! «1I headaches thus- FLORENCE RI7.ANU. lIAIEKA- er»u*ly -hallrrin^ ih^ IMIIIIP nrck.^.<br />

ly ttwurrrd to VIHGlNlA CAR-; HA YEW wills her class** i to AN- that sl«>» up newspaper pn«Iuc-<br />

PEXTEIl. NATAMK KC^A.N" NIE CHU. !'»"• ,,.. AmUitmn of Phyllis An'Jvrxon.<br />

]«:iv.« her loni; hair t«» .louuone To hi.s tast iivintr hoir, HILL "l#t* (*f»* your dummy. Nproul. — - —<br />

with a German haircut. ALLEN MePUFFY. DOKMAN 1*OTTKK hv command-, and (iloria, the vivn- linjr m y u n v wjn,in reach on the<br />

CLAPP leav(» all hi.i school book* wills «ome pencil shiivitiKs. [{ILL «•'"'"* ''Innil a^ocirte editor, Ircm- head with puns uf the munk-r-intoan<br />

unnamed person. HEItHEItT . COKMAN wills bis rt-iristry to th.- »k-* »n h»r So. I caddk- kheett and •<br />

ELOESSKh wills all of his test fn'shmen. DALE S.MATIM-K.S; «tan.N in rn«prctful m.mce while<br />

r-nu-i. to whoever wants them.' wilU his latent antitii"n tn nny-; the editor mercsk-snly «ans he.- -ij] and even mole precariously<br />

(<strong>The</strong>y don't help—the Ed.) CLO- 'body. CI«il(ENCE G1NTIIEK »«rk. . (ad—'; in .> - . uates c.n <strong>The</strong> Ixiwi-ll staff.<br />

anc,, to some iir-nnd-comlne" Jar. nil m fun. ^mU-men. i.ll in .,<br />

fiOOI) \\ ILL I freshni.-ii. Some very thrown-' »m.<br />

V II.LIAM SUSUKI will* \m KUM! ( aniund nhjccts were nym suits and !<br />

t^h aiipleK (which is vitali. John<br />

Citttcrmole will linger wi:h his<br />

nu-mtirie.t. I'aul HvnndH'rry and<br />

ilill Harris say they did a lui of<br />

stmtyinc ( ?>.<br />

FricniU;<br />

Th»KP who think they have made<br />

loads of iwHl nnd scn-wy frit-nd.i<br />

Ji-e Muirh Miu'Kenzie. Vickie Arbaton,<br />

June Turner. Marion de<br />

Herry. Mnrtrnrul V.Vlib, Lcnoro<br />

Stcvvnn, UnuK Chan, Doris Wise,<br />

Marjone Cot'fey. and Josephine<br />

ilfimero.<br />

' " " " Ivlucition ran rampant ax Slilt<br />

Sippli',(Irant ll.ikc^cll.lfusscll Hu*«<br />

»•• the wnim* poll. tici.Stu Smith. . Mill Hill Majoni. Majom. "* CIoHd '<br />

hiln. l.eii Talkov, Pat Macncill,<br />

Carolyn Ellin, Hti-rmarir OOrtnan,<br />

l>nn I'.-ir'xiii^, and Hob Ki>aj*u,<br />

"I.ucky" Jack il'^arj- cot flat feet<br />

(mi (trail for him), while I'n-Kton<br />

.Mayinin ua« cutsed with .ithlrten<br />

fcHit. Cuv U'atNon claim?* h? liaa<br />

mtiHc!r>*!!!!<br />

Itarli.'tra I^trutn and J..ck Uartfniin<br />

--», pr'" n ! : - "'-nder* to VASKIN 1 ASHIN.»* tIlf C Iiro "" lnr "' l " t ""ft<br />

,.»AT.SON wills hi.t dramatic ItAIEUARA N0IEY1I LI-* mint ha*v' fancn-w. hharpe nm, l'<br />

FSP i° ART M°"'K- F«ASsC;« hard t(m« in French b""',.!,;.' « r '''"« ^'"* «»>• *•>»••*'*<br />

** lc h Mk ! W l<br />

wing of Hound and disporting NORDFELT. fl^Htkn lilie another f'»

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