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Volume "8. No. 6<br />

Over the<br />

Desk<br />

LOWELL<br />


Baacbali<br />

Senior Hobos<br />

Play Faculty<br />

Nine Thursday<br />


JUNE E<br />

Snn Francisco, California, Tuesday, June 3, 1041 Founded January, JB88<br />

Stu McPherson vs. Ira Thompson in<br />

Finals Thursday--To Be Close Race<br />

Friendly Rivals!<br />

Barbara Pinger,<br />

Jane Blair Vie<br />

For Vice-Prexy<br />

Office _<br />

Hy Editor Charlca Darin<br />

All is nut KoinR to be quiet in .<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Uttle lied School House"<br />

Thursday.<br />

Its crowded corridor*, through ,<br />

many mv famotiK men have<br />

will not In* solemnly'<br />

trainitfl.<br />

lt.i court yard.<br />

t h v center of<br />

1/iu'eir.H fun nnd<br />

fn)lic, will Ix» vacated<br />

durinjr the'<br />

linon time.<br />

<strong>The</strong> three I.'."<br />

will l|y h;iV4- evpcririi.' i thi-ir "Cinid iniiriiini;, Mr. 'I hump-mi.' fid<br />

Nire day. i-n't it. .Mr. Mri'hei- lii'i • tiriik jilacj- l>r.'i;ht .ind early I hi*<br />

['nlirician and<br />

c.,.if|ini: Mi-jit.<br />

Tht Htarli ; linr-up for the J*1Uintirniaj;<br />

a*, ;ire-idfn|ial canili-<br />

A.lii'ii: ti. Low.-ir^ pc-rnt -tat- dint, will ti<br />

"lonely. .Mr. I'liomii-.<br />

-. Ir.i '1 lin'i'p-on and Smart<br />

(lhe>e .ire suhject to<br />

i.i hyMt-na .m- tin* fin;il .•In-liim.-* chnnue): 1<br />

"Nertoit-. .Mr. Mrl'lier<br />

AIi I'd. r^.n, In-Ill hand* nut ('lny(<br />

11* *iu*ali. Von ari* Hot voting fur<br />

Calender.<br />

ju-t a namr on a hullnt. Itut ymi<br />

are \otintr for VOtlt leadi-n.. So -Manatr'T H'-n Nrff antmunf d<br />

duxce ihi-m with (lie ureate.st uf tl.*<br />


1 Red and White Appears<br />

Thursday; Bring Money<br />

.-tartinr faculty line-up as fidl<br />

_ _ " _ _ _ N.-ff. ,„ inat;er; Hani--, catcher;<br />

('d'U "n Knd.- or ' iintinuv I mi I'ac'-<br />

Thr-e 'n Thu-e Ilepl.<br />

Plujr I'.v r*'t[Ui's:: Fran* Huff.<br />

Hlvtl". nimiestiy infoniis this offu-<br />

that ht- has ix'cn a -ttnuchl A<br />

Mud'-nt during hi* two and a ''alf<br />

vi'ar- at Ixiwell . . . you .'.ml<br />

It.ivi», chum.<br />

Graduates An Cohen. Ifmiir<br />

-luhnston. and Frank Quinn. of hint<br />

.***ni('«terV staff, have ntanifn-s.i on the S. F. J. ('. paper.<br />

. . . Art will 1M: the new neyv!»<br />

iditur: Pinijf take.'' «ver a spei-ial<br />

•"•j'umn; KraiiJi has hown ii:inieti ad-<br />

1 I. (""Ilium fl)<br />

Hi.u'iui-t- to .Mis- I^irosti- nnd<br />

Mrs. Kuhnle ami r«. f..r Lmw.!.'*<br />

Flac Pay fete.<br />

. \iid whatever Uvanie of the<br />

i^iivid aid L i'L>rniiiilU'f that wa><br />

tii ;rriiic anotlu-r ^tutut' *>t' .f:tnu\«<br />

Rusnell L»A-CM7 W« liop,- that<br />

in the not too t 1 Freshmen Pull 'Wrong<br />

Way Corrigan* Stunt<br />

Kv.-n the pv.s.sitni.-ts .said it<br />

i-nnldti't happen here!<br />

Hut it did, :rs ;L*VIT:I! !IUIIdi<br />

Tie I1MI-K wiio.il .-al.'iidar for ''"' *<br />

were forced<br />

to pick tin th.-ir hek.npin^s<br />

:iiid iiiiivf to the I'oly High<br />

l.tiilditic and Iw-K'n th*.-ir tour<br />

r.r iii.xpirtinn anew.<br />

vttnK " : "" m:i1 -<br />

day .-i-li'M.I.. a- re liotind. Ittti e-nl" o:uh<br />

Students and faculty riike agiee th<br />

that it i 1 - oiii 1 rviiusm\«».<br />

of the he^tt jourm- Not even after the firia! vnt'.<br />

ever i-diled at <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

j 11'. VJV2. <strong>The</strong> calendar us adopted ] <strong>The</strong> art staff i> t.i lie eurnpli- el.rtmii i*. *ti s.<br />

! Th» completecalendar f.illim^: . Ill(.m,.,i „„ i,., ^kill in interptetiiii; Hlocli L rally.<br />

DAY SfllOOL CALENDAIt j ,}„• them". I<br />

1 ha«<br />

U-t-n iiiutited, ho'l'evcr. wili th with 'Hit- t-Ieftinns when Ihr Shield<br />

Seniors Graduate June 11 in<br />

Opera House; 4 Student Speakers A n*'w iwperin<br />

.»eni..rs will hid their hi(.*h M-hmd days ''"'"<br />

P. S. .\1I1.inml in th... Gtli at Ilull-<br />

""•nt, SatdnJay.<br />

All's 'i-ell thai ends well. It's<br />

my last column and your last<br />

<strong>The</strong> Loll Th'<br />

ttTll ! n|r n niied lelerimr nut llie finixhinif •"•"'•!'•* I'hylli<br />

* . ,,<br />

duate from the W.ir Memorial Opera '» «•«'»•' |iictuivft hhnulti meet with<br />

k f ! l l l i !al approval.<br />

1 * AnderMin, president;<br />

ratM.l iiurink put In« tmixhinj, M -, c|irisman. vice-president:<br />

liiiirhn. »n Ihe j>>well alumni.<br />

Tlu* strains of ^larch '.'el^bre by [^.'ii-hiier jilayed fiy the <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Ktni tiniN-r under th» ilir«'ft direcf>n of Mr.!<br />

- •nt of having as nnd the Scroll chute Itolt Troppf'ivor<br />

>ti of Mr.! w ., -,, . ,.<br />

nn Divlii:. will h lisbvr in lij I'hilli- Andrmun. star drbnler. Margllee Chrismnn Wins "<br />

t colu d y<br />

th dl li ftl i t Lll<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>. That's ":(0.<br />

Mr. Graybiel Wished<br />

A Speedy Recovery<br />

TW absjnre .if Jlr. J. V. Gray<br />

P"fl tram room lot) chcral^lrj- 'nl'<br />

if Icnimn to all Ucvrall, but fell<br />

'"f'st keenly by his uverlovinj: Htud»r.u.<br />

who havo j;rent renptct for<br />

"'* profound knuwlcdirc of chemistry,<br />

in addition to hid nrofcunor'ii<br />

vtrijtrnjlity. He i, Judcc/| by his<br />

cuplll it "KOOII head," and efficient<br />

ttacker.<br />

Bwatuo „( UIIIM». Mr. Grnybiel<br />

£»» beer, absent from <strong>Lowell</strong> since<br />

EMter vacation, und fa beinj- «ub-<br />

•tituted for by Mm. Wcdcman.<br />

mann ' prifident. and Hill Major*,<br />

necritary.<br />

Tin* Freshman Tlei-eption that<br />

IJrotjirht from dim corni-fit the taletitK<br />

of "Bonnet" Bob Arnold.<br />

"Sweet Loilani" Viiynsie. arti<br />

Madame I-n Itonca" Krill.<br />

t ir | . i well c_._ MI n«»«.. »•- A ....I <strong>The</strong> Welcoming of fall freshmen<br />

down the IIMI« , dranalUI. .ill al»o addrc»» the clarm on the hnlteiit day of the year<br />

nnd the hubsrqucnl tour from the<br />

a P r - 41 Dramatic Award<br />

to the »t.-i£t>. aN.-'emblaee. ' qe tu from<br />

Kollowinir thio' Musical wlt'ctiunrt will include, Tj , ..(.v,.,,.,! nwarii that arl roomi. lo the DOB HOU«.<br />

ivill he I he «i-. violin «O;o» hy Doris Crane and, "" '"".} „, ,J " J ° ' And, fina'ly. the day that the Wlule<br />

to the iUK 1*> Manu»i and a piano Jolo by «' V I-">wllite, who believes him- ..„„,„„ mrm|i.r» (oU,,d their tmme«<br />

nml the r.int,'im:i Harl-ara Hcnll. <strong>The</strong> Girls' Glee,-"elf or hurnelf to iwMhc next Bar- ,,n the list of graduates: rliyllis<br />

of (ji ti:e i.iiT "Star- *^t4ii~ j |i,,n*j, Club, under U,,..^A the bin- direction -..I ..*-*...',1 of v* Miss -', «.T-, ( rymoru j j iiwrv or Cornell, v ii r** vii. is it* to receive Anderson, Ann Howman, Mnrgilcc<br />

SPanKlc" 1 ! Krill, Liirr-iire* Sfarijian. Bnrbara<br />

JO'Sl'.a. Mnrj^iret Schacffer, Gloria<br />

nnt - L-olontl of I i'irst movement nf Schubcrt'M "Un-J Marjiilcc received rccotfnittun _ Sprnul, Betty Sullivan, and Lor*<br />

_ _<br />

the R. 0. T. C.<br />

finished r».«if-ViAil C**^*tlitfifii'** Svmphony" »i"i willhe. 11 Ikdk played til

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