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noNT suss<br />


LJOWEI_L<br />



COMINR<br />

Volume 78, No. 4 Ran Frnnciuro, California. Friday, May 0, 1041 Founded Jonuanr, ISM<br />

Over the<br />

Desk<br />

Hy Ed I lor Chirlea Davis<br />

angovern<br />

r notes from a jruy who<br />

did not pick Wliirlnwuy, the winner—instead<br />

Put it Haricot, that'll<br />

Fr***rh for Little (learnt, wlw finfch-J<br />

fifll:. Naturally, I didn't win.<br />

But 1 came oat of the melee with a<br />

shiit uolicy w to tie I<br />

truthful nnd accurate new* and<br />

print tlie Hiimc. That ha- liven ou>* <strong>Lowell</strong> in Term<br />

polic* in the paM and it will cmilinue<br />

that way. • Play Thriller<br />

Iti'member that you make the'<br />

C'ouM ii !»•• that tlie tr'un hurl-? t Hcallv an illu-trimis piiiiWtim;<br />

is "ThnniL'h the Xiclit." th.- ul.-a.--<br />

Killy, Mriflcr in<br />

antly LT<br />

flliif (Iras* Country<br />

Lowi-ll'.- iMialir.f* fame is In iim<br />

fprral far mid wide hy 's t>oodwilt<br />

nrnlja.-.^Klnr.-i. Jerry Kilty and<br />

Sfyni'irt: Mi-i"t-r, who an- u*im<br />

their vocals to I^xin^ton, Ken<br />

iuvky. Our t.-'pionnue system re<br />

(>M:S they are up to par, which<br />

ir.r;n* they'll probably i-uine horn<br />

1<br />

mystery ti- I..- pn--<br />

W*. and End.- or<br />

<strong>The</strong>sr *n Thowe Depi.<br />

Thikt vducatcr'n p«e. you read<br />

to "'uca about in tho NKWS is<br />

noDi* other tliaii our oi*.*i Charles<br />

Waldh. It woi.'t be loriK now until<br />

they cor.'.meme work on the new<br />

bujil (JI J. II. <strong>Lowell</strong>—we hope.<br />

Ht-nry Fujita i«t nmonir the best<br />

fly-caster." in this neck of the<br />

'Awods. June Button's -lamp col-<br />

" ''"' u<br />

Tom Toms Beat! McPherson To<br />

Lead L4 Injun Dance Today<br />

In-ware, •aviiKo are headt-il ymir way! Th.-y will ;;rr:ve<br />

1 1<br />

iliiti.t ^iii.-.-iri**!' jilfc^L'IV II" IM |ll<<br />

; M-nti-il iii I^iwell's littb- theater i<br />

j the ni^ht.- uf M'iv L'l, Ii-, and 111!.<br />

It i-i rcfri-shiiiL'l.v new hecatife<br />

only a ye,ir ;i(;n it,* premier \v:is<br />

In-id iti Kind's <strong>The</strong>uter, l.citnlnn.<br />

H> slur." v.'il] be Dim Hni^h, Ala-<br />

.; ri.m Cuks, and .lean Duff.<br />

Itru^h ha.H an excellent iiart as<br />

Itunny, .» ynuiitr vagabond fiy-tt<br />

mi!'.. Marion ami ,)>-mi alternate<br />

_ «•* Sayre, moiety's lau-st lM?trothed.<br />

i <strong>The</strong> h.'ird-workilif. drama crew i><br />

1<br />

pluiii>ed in the midht of rehear>:d!; A. A.<br />

A. triicK war.n<br />

tin<br />

;iniliti,riu:ti ah.mt tin- -iuhth IUTIIKI today tu (>PM-II: tin- 1,1 I mi i ait Dance:<br />

Tln\v will IH' I.-.i by -Hie briny<br />

!thi'ir druniK nnd horns. <strong>The</strong> couple<br />

'.hat does the ln*st war danre<br />

will receive "heap fine" journal*<br />

as n reward.<br />

1<br />

Thit yi"»r ihrrt t'iiii1-,»Uion'<br />

utaiiil head and shouldcri* aoovitin-<br />

rt'-t cf tlie fi(M—Mii'mth htridiin,'<br />

Ti.ny l'iaiz;i, \i\ii- di-'tanctman:<br />

iiin. Ue" Silva and John Koiiaa)*,<br />

Luwell'tt sprinter ar.d wciKht<br />

man, ii'it|ioetively.<br />

Silvn in 100 and 220<br />

t'o-caplain Hen Silva, thr Cnrd'rt<br />

dvmnn (!iirih man. wan nut at hu*t<br />

year's ci'.y meet wiih a ludlr<br />

)C«>:itinui'.l nn Pace II. Odiimr. iji<br />

Will Attend Meet<br />

Tomorrow<br />

<strong>The</strong> liuwell Ili'tuititii; Sucifty has<br />

lii;il it is out for the sweepntakcrf<br />

in tho OiUr.il Clifornia uratorieal<br />

conteU which will IK- held at<br />

]AH\I tomorrow. This event will<br />

i-Iimax thi.' society's hpeiikiiijr nctivities<br />

for this term.<br />

Amoni; those reprt-M-nlini; I-owell<br />

will Sr ^uch oiit*tnnd!nKhtna.4<br />

Harry (IreenhtTc and John Cooper<br />

—nl* experienced delialerx and nraj'jtiiu'<br />

Mad," popular junior liiuh<br />

! school play, was nl.«o written by eomposecl of adult reprcscntatiyt-s<br />

I tlie authorr. of "Throujrh the froni each of the participating'<br />

PoD'.kiaiu end<br />

• Nicht," Kyorsnn and Clements.<br />

1 whiKiR Any person cuitty of •<br />

Gr«riinR Dcpt.<br />

(.iiwell Alumnus Stan* !>ltil*:nrism will In- automntirally<br />

It won't be ione »»«• until you'll Thin team hue produced many diftqiintifii'd. A trophy is In be<br />

be hfirintr the chant* nf th« l^tw- | iiucces-sful playx. one nf them, awarded (he winninjr school and inell<br />

polltictimi. Kemembor, fifteen . "Glamour Preferred," in now nhowdividual awards will be granted'<br />

honor pointH in last term'n final:* injr for a vn»ti some chords she liketl and<br />

wrote them down. Sounds mure<br />

like pure uniidullemUtl *uknt.<br />

HoKcr* then had Pat play the<br />

liiew several timei> until words<br />

"came to him."<br />

Visit* Rei.imfcn<br />

Knowini* the popular lender *a*<br />

in idvtn. Kojft-nt \i*iled Vr. lleiitm.irti,<br />

orchr^tn, reheamaln. After<br />

afxiut the mxlh vixit, kicordinic to<br />

1 flier li«> wan allnwrd to upt'ak lo<br />

Mr. ltfi«t»jn, only to l**arn that<br />

the pii"-v would Imve to IH* orch^*<br />

(ruled liefure It could (K* considered.<br />

Sllurtly afterwant, tlie |*orsi«teat<br />

tlnt'Ts rvt'irned to Mr. Rcisinan<br />

with the orcliestrated ntect\<br />

It wa* v/all wurth the trouble,<br />

however, as thwell imimetH totJr.y<br />

in n-spcv-tful Htlencc to the<br />

memory of one of her own—<br />

happy, cheerful, youni; Did:<br />

Hoffman, who m^t a most<br />

unfortunate end Sunday Inst<br />

ut (jucmcvill?.<br />

FiflMn-yeur">!d Iloffmnn,<br />

only a sophomore but already<br />

a regular and n ktar<br />

hitti-r on ihe <strong>Lowell</strong> baseball<br />

team, fell off a Rysslan<br />

River cliff and wnshed below.<br />

Condolence* arc extende

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