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'' LOWELL VS.<br />

•'•' ' EAGLES<br />



It. O. T. C<br />

DANCE<br />


Volume '8. No- 2_ San FrandMu, California, March 0. 1041 Founded January. UQ8<br />

Over the<br />

Desk<br />

By Editor Charles Davis<br />

Uncle Sam may he tiblo U» take<br />

>Ir. Patterson out of <strong>Lowell</strong> journalism,<br />

but he can't tttko Journalism<br />

out of Patterson!<br />

For during his year's arm"<br />

PTA Program<br />

In Auditorium<br />

Tonite,8P.M.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> vs. Washington in<br />

<strong>The</strong> Season's Finale Today<br />

True <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Porter, Kotta, O'Neil,<br />

Troppmann, Arnold, Lew,<br />

Welcome to fathom:<br />

Tnls is the theme of Uio pprent-<br />

Teacher Association mecUnj,- 10 be<br />

leave too p*nial <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> nd-<br />

hclil in IawcU'b auditorium on,<br />

vlwr will continue with his first-<br />

Thursday. March 6, at 8 p. m.<br />

love—newspaper work—as staff<br />

AmonjE tho evening speakers will<br />

correjppndfnt for the San Fran*<br />

be Mr. Howard Carver, the Kmpo-<br />

cisco Chronicle.<br />

rium's riums director of o personnel, pnnel, on on<br />

Yes. the National Guards at San Youth." y " '<strong>The</strong> °I°K"f"jI'<br />

Importance of Mcm<br />

Lul* Obiipo will bo 'covered" by ,wn,hip {ur FaZrs" will |« Sis-<br />

? oa S°*"t S BB •'" *' Po ' Ul » on Spirit Praised<br />

My Hob Arnold<br />

"I/ist week, at a mcetinc of the<br />

ituilent body officers we were dis- And Wigmore play their<br />

cusslnjr <strong>Lowell</strong> spir.t—(t* tradttion<br />

ami true mean inc.<br />

by-line and all.<br />

' «w«3> I? Mr. Hilary Crawford, Wo believe that everyone at Last Game for <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Mr. _L- II. Stephens nnd other* of<br />

Red andi Whit<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> knows our tradition and<br />

welcome to<br />

what it mean?<br />

to each one of<br />

lly Dal Kader<br />

Here come the Indians!<br />

"<strong>The</strong> impor- Y.*s sir, you cuewrd it. It's <strong>Lowell</strong> • Washington in what nron*t<br />

ant thin p i»ca to be one of tho "huttcst" irames oi the current B«ac nlaying the Kiinlua for the fourth tinui and.<br />

must realize<br />

Utter of the Week<br />

this year, as in the past, it will have much to do with the final league-<br />

will consist of ;<br />

and keep<br />

Dear Mr Charlie:<br />

ep con fUandirj:*. <strong>Lowell</strong> leads in the auric* by a ninrjrin of ^ tn 1.<br />

Charlie: the A Cnpellu Choir, which in under<br />

y :n mind<br />

Althouy;. TJoyit f'ith's charccs.<br />

lUve riu ever really looked *t lhc .lir^tlnn<br />

that<br />

nf .Air. A. II. Kar-!<br />

rll<br />

M<br />

in<br />

statue<br />

the entrance<br />

of Jimw<br />

to<br />

Ku-well<br />

the school;<br />

Low- ,,,.n!,toi,.. Scl.-ctions »untr will ho<br />

tin? trUO<br />

will l»c xlichtly f.tvoroti. the bow<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Hikers' Snnir." "Venetian I<br />

JJR.O.T.C. Dance frym tin linnet BtrcL-t brick pile<br />

that h horrible, ilt t »»n*e-cnlored, l d ta<br />

showed K«:»| improvement in their<br />

I S " !iy~EtheH*rt' b hlta Xi "Nhvn" ; »«b Arnold nnd how<br />

ter anparition? d'eorue Wiwnw<br />

came '(jcinjt tho ^*. lirnatltv.<br />

'"Innil "Tlic Master*." Touch" whirh j<br />

can apply"<br />

it "It i Tomorrow; Has<br />

ton niRh cot a new building,<br />

{"Wildcat*" nnd ui.Jcr<br />

:. »: will be sum- in u caMln fiirtfm'. | "turicnt activity. _. .<br />

uur captstadium.<br />

mural*, and ntalue*<br />

! I'lc mnt-strj, Bet: Xef', may upcat<br />

'°|I'iann accompanist will bo Grace: "No one can criticize our slu- IN&tlOnal<br />

dfcoralr their schoot, from lh l l t t U U U ( U<br />

| ihi' dojK'.<br />

* Hani.on. /I'-nt 1-ody. It is by f.,r the best<br />

government. J. C. cot a new<br />

j rartwrll (lame<br />

After the itici-tinir, rpfroshmeiitJi ! - cnunlry for any nren<br />

-~" I Winding up their career* as;<br />

H<br />

- prt mi m LIIV iinvki'iiif. i True Sprit<br />

ltci'iius« of thesu patriuta 1 1J>WC11 batikvtixrit in Kuzur i*avtlbufldtne<br />

(yet) but we could uxe u<br />

Th irocn.m. iirocn'.m. whch which I1.5 I1.15 l>pon on r "Rut, Rut, nn menilKrp. menilK-rp. ;il| (ifu.skniiw (<br />

: our dance will bo on a pa-<br />

Good Ktatuv of Jnmra ltu«ell<br />

under t'ii> direction of Mrs. Mrs Mer- Mer ;{hnt {hnt we w omiot rt-.^t upon «ur Ian-<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> by some prominent San<br />

cor. ha* licrn planned for tho fath-' n-l». Wibk> improvement- in the next<br />

.•.•dition.<br />

I Uniform pictured<br />

• A remtHlv has Itcen prescribf-d<br />

• for blotchy-appearing Rroun pley<br />

rally for the title-jturcs: Kirl» wearing white blotaws<br />

"•"-i»—-*-—-* - " >-»- Hwcators nnil b**yn in sweaters or<br />

replace<br />

ncck-<br />

y<br />

Harvey; "Mary Stuart" by Helen<br />

Horn oTalent Slmtx<br />

Troppmnn Cap tain<br />

Herring; and "WinRlos* Victory"<br />

Tho sen-Ices of Mr. Doncrty,<br />

Troppman. captain for the Low-<br />

atd dubiously. Where?<br />

by Bonn [a Ellsworth.<br />

Fisher Co.. photographer, haro<br />

cll-WashinRton<br />

France, in the year 1022."<br />

Thc adtniwlon price for thU nRt came, will intro- been srctircd. He also takes tho<br />

Drum mine his fingers against "What other places have J'ou suprr nhoir is only 25 ernl*. <strong>The</strong>duce<br />

Lll' <strong>Lowell</strong>'s rasabnpui b l pictures f,*r the Stanford yo»r -<br />

the table, he stated he'd studied visited?"<br />

proceed* will ill financially fnac aid d«Some<br />

of the more prominent Ba- book. Due to the success of "hormv<br />

in Europe for quite a while. And "Well, we went into the interior baters in the future.<br />

de battkctcerK will irive their talent" shots in the fall MO edi-<br />

|>." •*- • *" *• *• * ^- *- ••' --»•• ^«-*- lllimit -illWkfl III til" *«••.<br />

for three years he and his "com- of China as far an Tsin»r Tan. Of alt the schooln in the slate views i on the th eamu. However, " " all "" • tion. nil candid shots will besuppanion<br />

i:i crime," Chris Chriitten- <strong>The</strong>n we w

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