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I Sport Shorts<br />

fly John I'rcovolm I<br />

Here*" c HttJa *tory junt 1«*'<br />

tnecn >'ou and me. Yesterday a I<br />

tfhost came into my office am) In-1<br />

Induced himself an the ffhtJt ofi<br />

Abner Dc'Jblcday, creator of basebull-<br />

He told me<br />

i It a t student*<br />

were not sup*<br />

porting the<br />

their t o a m R<br />

played nit mui git iimn* high<br />

whool student.* inliTt'^UMi in ]mfebail,<br />

i*o Iierc goe.t,<br />

Il.i-rh.ill lira** Itfg Shot*<br />

Let m introduce ,«ouu> of t.-ie<br />

memWn- nf tlic tvum. <strong>The</strong>re'* Koh<br />

Cherry nnd Jerry Coletuaii, :>a«ketball<br />

5titrs; George Simmon*. Paul<br />

i)rti, J«ck Irvine. "Hooh' 1 Thompfon,<br />

and I!al Ilolman, gridirrn<br />

"eenu": alone with "K*-d" £hi«rp*'.<br />

Walt Cristoforo, and Your* Tnily.<br />

Go u>U and ftuppoct your foam.<br />

<strong>The</strong> tram han (lie fichl, but it<br />

needs /our ttp'rft. Incidentally,<br />

fhejtamw ar- FRBE.<br />

'•12 Vanity 0. K.<br />

V.*hi-n <strong>Lowell</strong> meets Lincoln this (<br />

afternoon. I'onch Neff will un- '•<br />

dtiribtedly ».\'t a chance to play i<br />

nest yi-.-r's varnity. By pinyt.if- i><br />

Rood portion of tho gam.?, the subx \<br />

will get the cxp'-'Keiu-c they necl.;<br />

Watch tiis soconil team nn \<br />

throuirh tl.e :Jncolr. Mustang* lik.><br />

^alrr runs through it sieve.<br />

Mure "Coachen" f«r <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

It •icemx that I>owcll hann'*.<br />

enouph coai'he.o. Four in o r e<br />

coache. 1 * liave been ad many sensational shuts<br />

THE LOWEIX. FEIinUAUY 18. 1941 THREE<br />

Cards vs. Mustangs Today<br />

1<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Favored<br />

To Beat Lincoln<br />

A hard flchtinjr Ivowoll bankettall<br />

team trots on tu thv floor of<br />

Keznr Pavilion thin afternoon,<br />

httvy favoHU'n to defeat the new-<br />

[vcincr to tht league, Lincoln.<br />

While thn Mufltnn^s from th«<br />

Twenty-fourth avenue sand dunci<br />

have been losing with rcsularity,<br />

fiich depcndableii at Cherry, Arnold,<br />

Troppmann, Porter, Kotta><br />

nnd Lew hive j^iined the Indians a<br />

top runf> on thi league ladder.<br />

I'layinjr atpiinFt hii former<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> tirr.mmatei will be LouU<br />

F'trtro. f.^nrd. Fortrn tmnaferred<br />

Irr.n; U>w'Al to Unroln at the hcnir.nirm<br />

of the fall '-lit term.<br />

Neod Er'eriencr<br />

TlioLRh Lincoln hni- some clever<br />

Mit'-er* i» Roy Gmvpit, forward,<br />

RTH! Ix.well Trautman, center, the<br />

re«t of the Kfjuad'n inexperience In<br />

fart A. A. A. piny offsets their<br />

Lhility.<br />

Even rf the [,i»rn!n team haim't<br />

:• chnp.:*« of winnti-K the title, it will<br />

I co into tho trnme to "Hlimit the<br />

i works," fijruriim it hr« prentice to<br />

win nnd nuthin^ to lo»e.<br />

Startent<br />

TI;e fivj raon nlartiiiK today will<br />

1 c; Bob Chi-rry. ore of the lentrue'ii<br />

ni&Rt connlr.te.it per/ormprn, nt fory/nitl:<br />

Tom L*w (need more be<br />

id?). »t t're other forward: Rob<br />

ld, oni .tf the bcttrr centers in<br />

thf lejjnie. at center: Courtney<br />

Porte*, versatile tniaril; Rob Troppmann.<br />

|»vveu'» foremost athlete,<br />

•il the other cuard.<br />

Likas and Meyers<br />

j Lead Tennis Team<br />

i.it'll rwrii•<br />

II I><br />

i-iii<br />

.: n<br />

^ H I'.tn Ilii'iri-<br />

I<br />

Dn i-..tv i.. lit.;.'<br />

1 ;<br />

^n n.iii<br />

2<br />

••Vii-ttnmt<br />

HI z 3<br />

lu.'.iiin<br />

91 •''•<br />

z<br />

rll<br />

i I<br />

S3 '•'"*<br />

9 1 •-•—'.•I<br />

H. •in . ; 1<br />

ilMlr 1.iiii-f (hi* rw>.iba. Cen. i-i,,-,:- tt .*.,,(_ K<br />

lir: Itig Hoi, Arnold (9) tl|»- in; »u«m(r-jff their h<br />

a follow t»hi.t I»H [talbHaV In in j - trin I "A powerhouse team!"<br />

! In these three words that'n the<br />

' bright future predicted by Captrin<br />

IHi.rry L,ik.is, I^oivetl'K king of tha<br />

: c-curts, when interviewed last<br />

'Tliuixliiy.<br />

I G'eat I'romiHe<br />

: Fron ull that wan said and from<br />

• i'»« performance* we, too. iiave<br />

linized into a cry.-ttal bnll and, with-<br />

1'iut ninchinj;, we'll iny that thin<br />

: y< ar's team should be one of the<br />

jrreatest In I»wcH'« his;orj*. »f>J<br />

that's nayinp something<br />

I <strong>The</strong> boys have been practicing<br />

|di.ily at the California Tennis Club<br />

(f ui* treir legs, _ __ — u(, (1V.._,„„.„ „„„.„<br />

ill) Irint uni-urcp-M fully to »li>p i t:ack»tcrs are preparing to (iefi-nd nrcbably be ojtf.tandinc on r.ny<br />

.Sim. Hill Hutu (7) luokn un. | (i-uoceisfully, they hope) the \. jothcr team in ihc circuit.<br />

((V.iter p'ciur.—S. K. I'hrrii.-, A, A- cr Jwn they won iast vcnr. Manr Sum<br />

cU<br />

'-> I .,.». ,. .L ,._,.„ ,.t. .„ AnwnK the Iw**t in H1.17.Liku.<br />

AlthoJKh the majority of the In-in KeanonM! vcloron. who will un-<br />

,•11111. team are mexjierienced Idouhlnlly be a lop heavy farorlta<br />

haw helped mjkv <strong>Lowell</strong> a front<br />

riim.*Iy each day at Yacht Harbor<br />

runner all reason. Lanky Kuriel-<br />

l(>ts of promise;<br />

runner all n-uon. Uni:y Kudcl- „, to condition themselves for the .uVSini! men M Co-••..,•>££ Ber- SormTchlcheiter, «ho did .ell In<br />

ka, a sure .hot crater, ha.< urn-learning Wnshmcton Day races on,,,,,,,, Silva^ a ,aa[ yeBt', voteran: I-J>t year's doubles matcVa; Warslstelltly<br />

le.l the loop in the ncor-I K«liruiiry £1 Tim race -vlll include :j_>:_ Ure«sler from the 30 1 ,; and • re" LoKan nnd GeorKO Licbo<br />

ing cilumli. |both nhtweiBht ^n.| vamtv boa.~ Rrnest Gieenbuuir'. dashman. I <strong>The</strong> neuters will be seeking their<br />

school t-hamil<br />

iwieicir Jcrrj- Colrtnnn. _ ine, ",'^\ post Hi* is uHy uWed l»y 'tin* varMty who lonk exceptionally •^• u " «»*••. ; Uvhby riumb, 112 of 103. took a<br />

irnpue a licst shortstop; and Pitch- i „«',.,•» \ioi>hcn>nrt wl." has keen I cco'l. Anmnir them are tmwrrful Although a bit 'in the green f'i'inii yluce in the Vc:wm:te Invjm<br />

i'nul Orsi and George Simmon*, ],„,,, ,'i i... ., i,,",,;.. ,nniin»il an- A"* O'Brien of fontluill fume. Ihiiie. the lithtweigbts have a stronff tntionp.l Clu.is .1 Ski M.*t. Februrho<br />

have g-catly Improved *"•">, i||t, ' jjm ••Tool" OVoniiell Uts "Tank" Hill, and Connie Glnfkides. ni-doiH to work ..ilh from fnlljaryl.<br />

Inat year ann are looking foward j,]'] b5lj, ti,t. i:uiini nnd >r- UKhlweight Velerann I'ractiee. promising mun crnnpet* j <strong>The</strong> run consulted of skiing in<br />

to a successful season. I wort 1 *pois well. ! A host of experienced men re- IR K [°r ttw iiirntweiBhw are 3Inr- nnj oUl rj K-enty-five flags pn a<br />

' Although <strong>Lowell</strong> hits dropped turning fn»m ».he '-10 champs un. tili-i. MirnhfieU, and Dean. Jaig-zag course. Hobby's time was<br />


^Smiley" Coerrr "Curler 11 Porter "Bappr" Arnoli) -SIMPT" KOIU" Torky" Tnppmu<br />


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