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TWO<br />

Publlahed hjr t*M A»«v!«t«d StuiI«nU<br />

of Lowtil Hi«h School<br />

1100 Hajrca 3trt«t. 8M Francisco. California<br />

I. Ii; S. S. A. X.irt'^n Frw<br />

STAFF<br />


AKScIntc Editor. Glortii Spn>"»<br />

Now* Editor. - „ „.-Pierre Salinger<br />

Sport* Editor. ~John Prcovolo*<br />

Feature Editor.- _ .-..AnnJQowman<br />

<strong>NEW</strong>S STAFF<br />

Mnry Klen-i.-r Juan Poritliie<br />

llfirtuir-i Oiila 1U>|(>- Hulliv^n<br />

li-nn Mn.!?dllum M.irjnri* Tnrtwr<br />

IMtil McKwy llamitrri \\'»>-<br />


llnnnlrick school building<br />

with its wonderful tmditir.ns, its spirit, it* fun.<br />

Are you disappointed in it? Love of it will grow<br />

in you junt as it haj< on most of us why came<br />

-here before you.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is Homcthing, intangible though it [5.<br />

"that will mnk'! you proud of our old alma mater<br />

Perr-np* it*« the traditions . . . the arc . . .<br />

the U»wc!l Hymn. Perhaps U'« our fighting ri>iril,<br />

our tendency to stand behind our team and support<br />

it. even though it may tic losing.<br />

Welcume future seniors! Our hope and faith<br />

is in you to "carry on" where we leave off. W«<br />

aec ymi. not us lowly freshmen, but as future<br />

-clam officer*, future deHtcrjt, future block men.<br />

future lenders of <strong>Lowell</strong>-<br />

Get into <strong>Lowell</strong>'s ; fe by participating in our<br />

nctiviiics. You won't regret it! Enjoy <strong>Lowell</strong> for<br />

.all the grand opportunities it can offer you.<br />

Safety Measure: driving should<br />

Be taught in public schools<br />

Why is It that teen age boys and irirls have<br />

znorc automobile accidents than any other ape<br />

? ft fs not chance that Ottrs these ac*;iin<br />

this one age croup.<br />

No, there must be a good reason. Fibres for<br />

1940, gathered by the Public Itoads Acimiutstra*<br />

tJon tJn of Federal Fedeal Works Agency Agcy show sh the te age a iip<br />

op to t twenty t yenm of f age have h twicr i Oi many<br />

accident* as any other. Why in it? Pirhaps It i;<br />

that young people nrc not prepared tr» drive a car.<br />

It's true, maybe four out of every t?n pom<br />

through thfc atfc group without on accident, but<br />

on the whole, a young p»nmn. In the glory »if<br />

finding himself behind the whee> cf a car, forgets<br />

2]is responsibility of "Live and L~t Jive."<br />

But still the question prevails—what should ho<br />

•done? <strong>The</strong>se young people rr.jst be taught to<br />

drive carefully and be ready fr.r a:>y and oil crr.ereenclcii.<br />

And what better way •« there than tefich-<br />

'Jnjc them In public schonto along with tlrawire;,<br />

jrymnustiea, ami the three "RV?<br />

- Bewildered Freshman Struggles<br />

Through First Day at <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Ily Fr«nclitca Mlddlclon<br />

(<strong>The</strong> fut'owing essay won the low Freithman<br />

Eam*y Coldest, which ended February 4. <strong>The</strong><br />

- wiener received a bid to the Low-3 Dance.—<strong>The</strong><br />

Editor.)<br />

My firtt day at <strong>Lowell</strong> was one of the happiest<br />

and most eventful dny* of my life. Bric^r<br />

and early (fcr me), at 6:110, I jumped out cf bed<br />

"Yc* jumped!! I wonder how long that will last?<br />

When I arrived ot <strong>Lowell</strong> I wu creeled by<br />

many "Shield ana V girls, ready to help me find<br />

my room. I wus iligntly afruid I would end in<br />

the battctnent or the pvinnndln of >hvur Cal.<br />

aup'iomoru?<br />

tloli Arnold—About bijr re^pon*<br />

fiibiiitles as proxy?<br />

N'cw tenthera—If Lowcll'5 n.cb<br />

tilsyit you?<br />

N'nricy— Owi **:io Kiden" rule in<br />

Vi.ywlt-'a tintype?<br />

Ini Thompfcon—Over a noiioa<br />

thst you haven't go", what %vu<br />

tl-em? tS; A.)<br />

Yua iwo—If Don Welcom» for-<br />

Kttit to bring hi« luncii for you to<br />

«-t'.'<br />

Geary Krill—About your smooth<br />

"platform appearances?"<br />

Diive Berwick—flow Jong forever<br />

will last?<br />

Readers--If you don't get above<br />

references?<br />

Rila Wiolaod—If you ever ean.<br />

less than liisty *io'iur DoinU?<br />

Low 1 giiia—If t hey call you<br />

"Rosebud" |jrcsc—If you'll never<br />

gel wise?<br />

Fellow."—Because Barbara PJnpcr<br />

has »-T# welcome mat?<br />

Bab ' ••••• -S — ^out getting<br />

"Wise*'<br />

Jear ' , '|«y circle?<br />

Cur— 1 • .-• rfn Barb<br />

Letter Box<br />

Tho girls' g>m 11 reality? All's<br />

h(cretar>- wondfringly incaked a<br />

>ly glance Into the depths of the<br />

mystcry-fhrau'I'.rd cn*stul bull. Ans—ers<br />

to m.iny nuericF vvera there,<br />

l-ut AH** Secretary, Hhc everyone<br />

•-lee, can only wnlt and hope. Word«<br />

It'ck, and we thought we could<br />

score n Kcoop!<br />

Dear Ali's Secretary*:<br />

I wish these yang '.varit In thu<br />

court, 'jtli i*eriod. would stop. Us<br />

dcfennclens civilians haven't .1<br />

rl.aiice. We get hit in the head<br />

with squishing oranges and rotten<br />

apple cores.<br />

What do wdo?<br />

—An Ornnge-Juicc Ha tor.<br />

Dear CranirdJuit., Hater;<br />

You have two alternative*, either<br />

tlr,dge the flyinrr missileH of liquid<br />

punshlm- or carry nn umbrella.<br />

Ituth arc proven methodn,<br />

—All's Secretary.<br />

—L—<br />

Pear AII'J* Socretarj";<br />

Why r:in't we have a little soap<br />

in the cK'tnii'try rooms? T':e other<br />

iiinrninir I had an experiment which<br />

invulved lampblai'k nrd the rest o:'<br />

the day I W.M cjked. "Are you cold, Beven^e?**<br />

Someone replied, "PII nay sho In." . . . It's<br />

easily seen Ihnt the xki xraiton IN Id full nwiu«—<br />

Jerry Apptegarlh*^ icft leg In only onr nf (tie<br />

ir.any ncridenN. . . . Pat Farrell—a very cite<br />

;ngh-:i. . . .<br />

Seen around . . . Snonn TrYjMch hitch hikinv—my<br />

niy, . . . "Boob" Thompson nnd<br />

"Cnnu'l" L'offman seen whooping it up at one of<br />

thv local jigs, . . . Court porter nonchalantly<br />

oyruig a new soph—her name is Barbara Jean<br />

Cuiilnttt. . . . 'Tool" U'Connetl really enjoyed<br />

hi.* "blind date" with a certain Hamlin clr'—we<br />

hear nho hud the same feeling. . . . Every girl<br />

looking wild-eyed at the fight of mammoth Bill<br />

Ctnvden. . . . "Corky" Kettler just can't stem<br />

t» be able to :nake -p Ms mind. . . . Norm<br />

Keller doing very \. • on S. F. S'-ote'n basketiral!<br />

team—he never played at L«w-ll. . . . Dot<br />

Richnnlnon nern grabbing a "Quickie" breakfast<br />

at the King Cnle. . . .<br />

Our Lo'vell composers, Bob Rotfprs and Patsy<br />

Alexander, are really scaling the heights—Lto<br />

lii'ismni] ha/» nccepted tneir sont», "Evening to ILjintnt^r,"<br />

C'lnKratulatitnn:!! . . .<br />

Fred N«'L'atadter WHS th" only fnor and M.icein WilMam» t. \»z hit oft<br />

HuddliaV Amateur I'our. , . . .Mac^'o hef.t out<br />

MH version of Boiurr Vi'oogy" on the ivork'jc -Ue<br />

cnvt. a \nca\ renditfem of "JeanEe With tlir Light<br />

Mrifwn Hair." . . .<br />

Vinl"t Johns wan seen a.i one of t!>o many<br />

"1'aiiely model. 1 * at the Si»b-Den Fashion show.<br />

. . . Gtenna Martin *een in n Girl Sc-'Jt uniform.<br />

. . . What are you ncoutlnir iir. t'lrnna?<br />

,r . . Val V,'i|.*o» getting inti of golTing prac*<br />

tice. She ca-i rea'ly swing those elubi!' , . .<br />

lion McKee trying to take iiliysioljc/ U when he<br />

liasn' 1 an yet pac>c you prefer Stan "Peanut" Rwler,<br />

or Elmer "Thick-knee" i'icr?on?<br />

How about Steve "Turk" Dotur, Clayton "Lefty"<br />

Calender, or Gloria "Sutwlster" Sproul?<br />

HereV "Charlie"!<br />

Do you know- Shirley "Charlie" BurKc Lor<br />

ralne "Tommy" Thoinns. Howard 'Tank" Hjllt<br />

and Jim "Tool" O'Connell? Perhaps you'd IU;V<br />

Louise "DuckiV Iloran or Doris "Dody" McCuIr*<br />

Have you been introduced to Betty "Cynthla*|<br />

Bohln. Louise "Pussy" Austin, and Janet "Ricoco<br />

P.ico? Over here you might like to meet Ed<br />

"Easy" Eas*a, Bernico "Bee" Bowman, or Ophel»<br />

"Dopey" Marrorjuln.<br />

Of course, Johan "Joey" Files, Jean "Beannte"<br />

Rowe, ond Ira "E-Sah" Thompson are quite nice,<br />

too. And may WR suggest Barbara "Ping" Pinjfff<br />

and Jim "Mltcaue* Montrosc, who have nicknames<br />

of the first water?

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