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<strong>NEW</strong>COMERS'<br />





Volume 78, No. 1 San Francisco, California, February J8, 1841 Founded January, 18S3<br />

Over the<br />

Desk<br />

Eight Former<br />

Presidents at<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Now<br />

i ill trt*L lour us in — ^^— — » ^ •, c* 1 " «•**••.•».<br />

Eta nmlo <strong>Lowell</strong>, ho 1 * ffolnj- to | to «P*nWnj: of their activities in<br />

make<br />

<strong>The</strong>se<br />

nU .Vs.)<br />

comments<br />

He can't<br />

arc<br />

miss!<br />

always<br />

former schrols.<br />

Thoxa><br />

Freshman Reception Thursday<br />

Arnold, Krill Lead <strong>Lowell</strong> j<br />

IN MEM0R1AM<br />

<strong>The</strong> many frlcndJ of Howart!<br />

Lnko were shocked and<br />

naddnncd at his uiuxptttcd<br />

passing on February third.<br />

Howard Lake was a high<br />

junior, sixteen yean old. In<br />

hi* character wan an enthusiasm<br />

to help others, shown<br />

by hi» ajulntuncc in Mr.<br />

Monroe 1 * office nnd in Mr.<br />

Ornyhicl'n laboratory, Uofh<br />

fellow stutlc-niB nn'l teachers<br />

wi>re attracted hy hid npprecihtive<br />

Fen; 1 * 1 of humor, i>.ee!,<br />

hhy, Mpecchlc^H child, who j<br />

, p<br />

"'"" hi hit- li l tll [<br />

c aruund - _ [n ... a ti.*nk<br />

purple perambulator, will nit<br />

LI I Money ) Crabber (open-mouthed at the wMum of new<br />

I)arl;-h»ir*men" bv Rntai't Knox. <strong>The</strong><br />

will conclude the prol«i<br />

trio tic selection*,<br />

program was given<br />

12 to commemorate<br />

Odds and HndH Department Dudley Stone w rcnromntvil by'V" ^Y 1 '." 1 "^' ',- t<br />

j Editor of the Kcd nnd White,<br />

I Lorraine Granlchcr, says the<br />

| "this term's Journal will hi> utterly<br />

[tlifforcttt." She hopes, if possible,<br />

l<br />

If you want a good ' laugh l h watchj , - ,. Peter .„. U Vole, . student body , pros- ,— •'-""'"'" * birthday.<br />

Monsieur Troppman do the nulu- • itk-iu nnd basketball player; vict- L<br />

hula in an Island scene during thu 1 president, Noel McKunnn; and Don-,<br />

Froih Reception. No fooling, the nU Sil»a, another potential <strong>Lowell</strong>;<br />

reception I* a corker. . . . "So casnba pasucr.<br />

far so Bood," that's French for Thn,fi other formcr stud,-nt body |<br />

t ^ e ll Lead in<br />

the best ever published<br />

Honor Points, In aiMltion to wv,ral imiova.<br />

;tioiu>, Lorraine ho|»es to have the<br />

itoBsting a grand total of 771 ircw fabritoid cover*. <strong>The</strong> themo<br />

students, with cirl.i outnumber-1 hut not as ynt been decided upon,<br />

irif, boyn -J.11 to WO, the final Iloncr I Editora<br />

Mr. Edminster Is Rull for fall 1940 listed npproxi- [ rAilVjr Granieher will be assist-<br />

Now a Proud Poppa mttely one-tmrJ of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s en-.^i by Financial Manager Jim LJvrcllment.<br />

jingston, and Senior Editors Waldo<br />

super, meaning the rallies this presidents who Intend to tafce part<br />

Flapping its vinK" a stork Wolfgang Schwabacher. 102, jl'ustel and Anita Amen,<br />

tfcrc*. . . . Ambition plus equals in vxtra'curricular activities at<br />

hovered over the smokey San topped the list with 0,'i honor After ten yearn' connection with<br />

Hill O'Nuil and his Music Ideal. I Iflwcl , are Dcllicrt Weaver from<br />

Kmndsec chimneys last. Sat- [.oints. Followers-up with G2& I the Hcd nnd White an faculty nd-<br />

heir they are a little bit of I'aul Iaul ICcvvrJ. Norma N'orma Jean Howeli<br />

urday, February 8. In his po'nts wre Donr.li! O'Connell. SOJt Ivjsor, Mrs. Kuhnle will b» replaced<br />

H l<br />

ncht.<br />

f;om Jeffcrhon. and d Franciscu'i: F i '<br />

beak hi> hold a bundle nnd Francrt Mizuno, 108. Sixty | this term by J. M. I'stterson and<br />

And whatever ttecamc of the<br />

mniked "Special Delivery" points wt-ur earned by nine other | A. B. McKcevcr,<br />

Ilirhard K<br />

Jnuble lunch periods ? . . .<br />

to Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Kd-<br />

Sports scoon—Ted Myers versus minstcr.<br />

i— „ -»!• t<br />

Jarry lik fr number en- spot<br />

It's n tittle ;rirl ar.*l a red<br />

Jarry i prep likai. t»,i/iw for sup: number „. en- - spot Enrollment High: and howling bit of feminini-<br />

in grudce prep -na*ch t»,i/iw and supremacy. will ukc It pmce<br />

ty she ia.<br />

a a! " '<br />

in a few wceVs.<br />

p#<br />

Fiithcr Edminstcr blushes<br />

prnudty whrn nsketi altout<br />

d h ill k l pj p Q Cl her. ''We haven't even triven<br />

On Jnnuarj* 29. the bejpnning of<br />

Dreams Do Come True,<br />

her u name yet," ho declares.<br />

thi- spring term, <strong>Lowell</strong> High<br />

Girls, Maybe Ours Can School welcomed to its foldx Oi-er<br />

*)C8 new students, both freshmen From Panama Hattie,<br />

and sophuinurr.*. <strong>The</strong> total etiroll-<br />

It's been a rumor for years. irent was tabulated at 22H0. which Thanks to Mr. Fast<br />

Ont-tfme ficshmcn, now seniors, !>houA a decided increase over the<br />

have dreamed about it.<br />

rfcvjous winter term.<br />

Have you notfred Mr. Fast<br />

We've seen the plans—wide open Tne new iuom'ing stutlont irroup | walking around with th.it fur-<br />

spaces, rolling doors, showers— was more numerous in that of the < away Itxik in his ?yr> lately?<br />

yes, honest, raws anil rows of H>|ihomorf irroup when 21G an-1 Reason: a recent letter from<br />

them. And then we've gonu tu tiwvred the first roll cnll of the new Paniinm Huttic" .<br />

j. .rely<br />

Bym—In the basement.<br />

teim. However, the frvshmen make it. of course.<br />

Well, that drram of a rcnl toT'i a KMxl showing with n total of 107. Mr. Fast, ns you know, posed<br />

for <strong>Lowell</strong> idrl.i has popped up <strong>The</strong> upper diviniou clnsn group for II picture fur the "-' —<br />

again. In fact, it MAY ccme true j nrcdomimiteil in the total student<br />

between 19-11 nnd 1042 IP tno ap[Irody<br />

with a count of 1-111. while<br />

propriation of ? 150.000 mnda by'<br />

the tower division clanKcy showed a<br />

the Board of Education, Janunry tt tal of 9G4,<br />

2S, h not deleted. Throueh the<br />

untirinR efforts of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s P.-T. Sixteen I'owl Gradualr«<br />

A., provision for the jnin was Iyiwell also welcomed back six-<br />

mvdc in the tHmnl's budget last teen crnduntcs i'rom last term who<br />

mouth.<br />

plan to take pottt-craduatc courier<br />

for the mr-tlndcr of the new term.<br />

<strong>The</strong> hIgh-4 class had the highest<br />

CALENDAR iiulividunl total when the roll call<br />

I shnve.I a count of 332. <strong>The</strong> hJgh-.1<br />

group was juet four vtudcntu be-<br />

Tuesday, February 18—<strong>Lowell</strong>-Linhind thom with n total cf .!&*. <strong>The</strong><br />

coln Game.<br />

hirh-» claw IM just two students<br />

Thursday, February 20—Frvshraan behind the high-:! class with a total<br />

Reception.<br />

cuunt of .180.<br />

Friday, February 21—Phyllis An- <strong>The</strong> enrollment has steadily inderson<br />

Go*« to D. A. R. Tea. creased In the pant, i>n

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