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six<br />

Mr. Kast Hints<br />

At Grim Past<br />

Mr. Kast, the Violet—<br />

A Tiger Lilly?<br />

"I'm a food my! Aw. tell 'em<br />

I'm a cnotl gu} I**<br />

Dewey eyed. Mr. Kast ptciiled.<br />

when cornered ret en I ly In rwm<br />

133, fur a non*libelou* write-up. BM<br />

wilh penknife in hand he sharpened<br />

your reporter)*' pencil*.<br />

AH AW:*<br />

"Whenever there'* dirty wow,<br />

ho moaned. "I'm ths ono they coniu<br />

to." He waved the unknife thrt--.it*<br />

crJnt;ly. "But when it'o Fonethipjr<br />

free and jteod— >- /' < * 1 J'f'""w | *r. „[ tne f,)rn1t.r assiniation and presi-<br />

I 1 . B...oin. I). Itusvnhtal. u. to- ,it.,lt ()f the Uwell student body in<br />

>ni-n. and J. Nnka- yjlG, enthusia.mt.illy exclaimed: M I<br />

al me so much I had to throw 'em<br />

tut. <strong>The</strong>y mndo me blush!"<br />

Mistaken Identity<br />

Mr. Knst. ft irood Hcpubliiran. won<br />

dhockcil rcccntl*' u-h-r. n totnl<br />

Ktrnnin-'r informed him thnt he wns<br />

tl:e "jpittin* imnire" of Serretaoof<br />

the Interior Ickett. Any Rood<br />

photojrraphs of the Bccrt-tan- will<br />

U> npprecintcd—Mr. Kast doesn't<br />

kr.mv whether hc*« flattered or<br />

tutored.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> to Have<br />

New R* O. Armory?<br />

For Io thtstf many years the B.<br />

0. has stru^eled with its makeshift<br />

nrmory. With tears in their<br />

cnllectlve eyes thsy have read the<br />

accounts of thfc fancy armory at<br />

Georcc Washincton Ilich School.<br />

With more and laltlcr tears they<br />

rtod the news ncvountx of the super<br />

ffomethinir nrmorv at the new Abe<br />

Lincoln Ulirh.<br />

Just Humor? Maybe<br />

Now the tide (of tears"? . . .<br />

•c. thut's rorny) has turned . . .<br />

or so it is rumored. Before fans;<br />

(It i* rumored, remember) <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />

men of military mein will have a<br />

new />r nt h'USt. a renovated nr*<br />

mrr>*. \V1iother it in n nart of the<br />

"al! out lor the Army" mania or<br />

{list because the authorities have<br />

dcttded t.> tdvc Lowt-ll u break we<br />

don't knew . . but it's a rvmcr.<br />

frliown. and that's irore Rood ncwn<br />

than w«Vvonc<br />

point (a forfeit). Yen,<br />

"Ilahy-fnce" Heannion and his<br />

ttad Mimhrcro mob just plain<br />

"chickened* out. <strong>The</strong> speed<br />

and deception, of Conn, the<br />

hard hitting of "Stinkey"<br />

John*ton, the superb sliding<br />

"f (iravitt ,and thl titliulz on the panide •<br />

f:c|ii. Cauciitis Barton MerLiiith,<br />

Frank McClu:c, ttmi Julius Itnitin I nuvy y formt.<br />

•will lend thrt. Bv now he i.s prob,-ibly in San<br />

jSl.anke aru the ntjw band officers. i !ianl at work. He wants to<br />

1 It ir. »iti, Uiese officer., that Ser- »:'-'* >otidfi;re shouM be addrc-ued<br />

t.t the Executive Secretary, <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Alumni Association, c/o Kric Fa!culler.<br />

Merchants Exchange Build*<br />

ir\il. San Francisco.<br />

fis. k .<br />

he office of the; Lwl of Official*<br />

i tried to net into <strong>The</strong> li--. of officers, directors, and<br />

i but they: rlass si-L-retarics will bc^ completed<br />

i ? "d will be printed in the first<br />

lust re- i6l - U(; °f <strong>The</strong> UwoK next term.<br />

It may Iv I nuled ld that h all ll HIM H hu<br />

uUd from the «litori-l camrivl<br />

by thin nerr--»&3«r<br />

and November.<br />

! ' u m m l v t "<br />

fe hm to|28 ScrolJ and Shield Members Leave;<br />

Succesors will be Made Known Today<br />

ml biCt l<br />

jNcw Ping Pong Champs<br />

introducing the cham^.> itf that Those filliiij* the IIIJ-.-*-'* of the | Uetty Kitzja-rald. Jane Griffin,<br />

• wry a<br />

Jean I<br />

'. Anderson Star<br />

Tho fi<br />

diUeU S 1 . „ jr.ime.nmj: poni*-- twenty-eij-ht Kniduntinc members • -Sei.ja Ilaj^vard, Airm-J Jones, Anne<br />

;an Hvlovich and Marjorie Weii;il U'f <strong>Lowell</strong>'s twit; service societie.-t' i»ilcourne. Klizabeth Kitchen, Nor*<br />

<strong>The</strong> arrival of two new tables' v;i!l find it difficult f> outdo tlm ma Kothe, Barliam Krasc. Patricia<br />

_ started the urge for Ihin "razid '• rctord set l»y their nredei-esfors. ; -'<br />

i for<br />

u lV--.hlnn.on u. u.un,,^J.J'A,K»\,!l. ^^^''•^^it"^'^!<br />

l "," 1 " "*' "."• \o°%^JTS&$?&%!%,£££*%£!** Helen<br />

_. _ . „ licltl' ti-r. nnpjaidcm, Marilyn \lm iM» „,„!„ ,rc. i^n i|»an.<br />

C* in th- balance! _ Maria'*; jrirls were the victiinr.<br />

PhylHr And

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