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Last Will f<br />

and Testament<br />

Looking over the Lo*t Will and TciUmei t °f<br />

(ho graduating dara of January Ml, we find (hat<br />

Mr. Darnm la the recipient of everything from<br />

phyilca ability from SlI^Kc Drrkman, to alx inchw<br />

of height from Norman Keller. Sam Sher will*<br />

his musical ability: rtttr Kepon W* conBIdcrnlion<br />

for other*; nnd Ed. l(o*e wills hl« haircut to Mr.<br />

Barnes. In turn. Mil Graves leaves Mr. Ilsrn-** his text hooks to t(l °<br />

next poor ntudcnti that tree them, nnd Jeanctto<br />

Sukoloff wills her chemistry books to Evelyn<br />

Scott. BUt O'Brlpn generously leaves hl« mark*<br />

to a C. 3. F. members, Helen Mnrle Marx will*<br />

her physic to whoever want* them. Barbara<br />

Walter wills her hemework. which she hasn't<br />

done, to nnyonc in Mr. Barnes* class next term.<br />

Emmrlino Tong leaves lier ehemfotry notebook to<br />

Ella Won*; Don Kahlmann wills his excellent<br />

knowledjrcd or the "military" to, next t*rm'i«<br />

"rookies'*: and Ginda Benstrup will* her ability<br />

nee to do physic* to whoever rare* to flunk in it.<br />

A geometry student. Wyona Lincler. will* her<br />

belated ccomctry knowledj^ to the nen iiophoinore<br />

clasa; and Frank Kahn leaves his report<br />

card to Ralph McKcnnn* Two students, who irenerously<br />

bequeathed tt.de bmlns, were Martha<br />

Mflvin. who left liers to her sinter, nnd Botly<br />

Rosenblatt, who will* her brnin U> the mi.thflmattcs<br />

department<br />

Mnch «/ni fdfpment wM left by thin jrraduatlng<br />

class. F*r example. Marilyn Adams leave*<br />

her gym ftfrekf. la Jean Vernon; Olffa Ekvlof wliM<br />

her grm rtl* to Wllmn Sehulx; and Audrey Cameron<br />

Ui*ef her old. dKrepit nj-m socks to 'he<br />

ffym.<br />

Stars Lcnve Equipment<br />

Soir* of our ntMetic stars willed their equipment.<br />

Ray Ratto willed nla tennis racjueU to the<br />

un n*id coming tennis stars -.; <strong>Lowell</strong>, and Angclo<br />

Ml?.n« leaves his football clean nnd the dfrt on<br />

th'.m to Connie Glofkldcs. It's not technically<br />

equipment, but Barbara Krasfi will* her backhand<br />

'.o Betty Mae Cofc«n if we'll promise nnt to give<br />

Memories; Remember<br />

When You Were L-ls?<br />

Do you remember?<br />

Four years ago it seemed as » graduation<br />

would never come, and now we wish we could prolong<br />

that n January so as to reltvo some of<br />

those duv. J thut we shall always remember.<br />

Ho you remember?<br />

It wasn't to long ago and yet—each day, each<br />

period h«M in store for us some memory—<br />

Do vou remember?<br />

SPRING '37:<br />

Tho basketball championship? Don Bumcts?<br />

Cnrol rhanning'* winning of the all-city Crusad.'rs*<br />

Contest nnd a trip to Hawaii?<br />

"Kemny"?<br />

2PAI.L '37:<br />

<strong>The</strong> up«' l t of the year— <strong>Lowell</strong>'s football team<br />

defeated poly'c?<br />

"Capt-iln Applejack"?<br />

Charlotte Newell wins C. S. F. oratorical contPAtt<br />

<strong>The</strong> chnninlonnhin In basketball?<br />

"Varieties"?<br />

ThatCharloUo Xewcll won tho D. A. R. trip<br />

Thnt Kitnwiwn and GllJto took fir.«t and second<br />

nlacc in the State Oratorical Contest?<br />

FALL MSr<br />

"GemH of the Generation"?<br />

"riton Thief'? Cordon Kennv?<br />

<strong>The</strong> loiifl-awaitwj boys' (rym?<br />

SPRING 'M:<br />

When wo were iipperclasjnu'n—our first officers;<br />

our first dance. "Ptfeet Shop Shuffle"?<br />

Tho baFketha'l. track, ffolf, swimming, and tennis<br />

championships ?<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Fortune Hunter"? Bill Carry?<br />

That vro won the nwenatakes* trophy in the<br />

stnti iournamert?<br />

Thnt the R- 0. T. C. wnj nvrorJc' two first<br />

mncw fn tho nnnual compeiitlon?<br />

FAU. '.19:<br />

fi"r ftwithall chnmnfonahfp *<br />

''Thp Boompranir' 1 ?<br />

"<strong>Lowell</strong> by Night"?<br />

SPRING '40:<br />

Our chnmpInmhlD In swimmlnir. cnlf. traA.<br />

nnii the .in', crew?<br />

Gono Clark nmnlnr the mfle In 4:40. nix tecmi*<br />

alt the cltv iword ?<br />

Our winning elpht of tne n'ntf cup-i In tho Suit?<br />

a Llfe?-<br />

Oil** Senior Dav?<br />

Graduation at tho OMM Rons- and tho Senior<br />

Pntl lit tho St. Fran;!! Hotel will brine to a<br />

clone the.« rememlirance, of towelL<br />

THE LOWELL. JANUARY 17. 1841<br />

Even Dirty Gym<br />

Sox Willed<br />

it buck. Jjiniscl") Casey leaves her golf balls to<br />

nil prospective Kjlf playem and Bert Hartford<br />

leave* his old coif clubs io Bob Kcmcnnnerger.<br />

We have some MUpcr.rgoK tfraduallnir from<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>, a* witness Ed. Conn leaTlng his super<br />

penwnslity to lUlph Spiegel and Ralph Spiegel,<br />

in turn, leaving his esc in Al Hcyraan. Al Heyman<br />

then wills his red complexion Io Harry Hook.<br />

A cencrous l»oy. Tom Mauer, will* his automobile<br />

to some deKcrving freshman. In wo same<br />

field, Jackie Blum wills her knowledge of driving<br />

a car to Bonnie McPnerson.<br />

Some Strange Ilequests<br />

Paul Bruch wills his nullity to take the darkroom<br />

door off its hinges to Ilonry Albert: and<br />

Ralph Roleson leaves hi* duck-fhooting ability to<br />

Curt Coffman. Arils* noono wills her many wor<br />

rles to the open window; and Jennie Seven! In wills<br />

her galoshes to Jcanettc. Mnrgrct Sal* wllu<br />

hor memory to the Lost and round, nnd Alyco<br />

Groth wills her forgctfulness to Mary Files.<br />

BUI Manning generously lenves all his earthly<br />

belongings, left at Loncll High School, to "Wilrl<br />

Bill" Henderson. A icverse proceduro Is followed<br />

by Gordon Bird. f!t freshman. Typing nbilltv h<br />

left by Barbara t'onnui to Mr. *'Ionrr,o.<br />

Romance enter* our I,a»t Ufll and Testa,<br />

ment through the following bequfxt: Itill Chandler<br />

will* hit* belonging* and sincrrrai devotion Io<br />

Sonia Hayr/anl. Sonfa. In turn, will* her earthly<br />

possesslop^, money and properly to her huttband<br />

(If she has one). Frank Sherman, romantically,<br />

leaves his everylhtnn to Sue. ..Joan Stuart, similarly,<br />

wills her -all" to Olmn.<br />

P. (•. Bequenlhrd<br />

TVan Mnrcucci wilU hi« oM telephone hook.<br />

botUo of bromo-scitzer, nm> piickncc of sen*Ren to<br />

nl 1 next year's P. G.'s. Ellis WinnI ovidently hud<br />

n good time hen 1 , for he wilN all hi* high school<br />

fun to tho freshmen. Frank Quinn generously<br />

leaves his little black book to anyone with tho<br />

right amount nf dough.<br />

As he won*: need to watch th« clock when he<br />

gmduaten. Bob Murphy loaves his Micltcy Mouse<br />

to Tom Mauer.<br />

Som!anil.<br />

Maryjcan Erlekson wills her extvri.«e In.it ovquonts we CIOM' thi* Last<br />

V7il! an i Testament of the graduating das* of<br />

Jnnunr/ '•)!.<br />

Perfect Girl<br />

Gue.i Who?<br />

<strong>The</strong> perfect senior girl should<br />

htve, according to the senior poll:<br />

Hair of Betty Fltigcrald.<br />

Eyes of Sonja Hayward.<br />

Smile of Agnes Jone*.<br />

Brains of Elsie Wagner.<br />

Athletic ability of Barbara<br />

Krone.<br />

Dancing ability of Helen Schultx.<br />

Ambition of Midge Dcckman.<br />

"Personalties"<br />

We'll Miss in'41<br />

Life is a lot of fun and persbnalttie.r.<br />

You can irivc your all in the "bic irame,"<br />

Dm it takes a *;nr to iinpreit.-i a dam*!.<br />

T.i Olthiin An Office:<br />

I'nz* out oiirar/. to th.« folloiM.<br />

Vilinitp thy mike w'tn yuur bvllews.<br />

Don't forget your palni<br />

fi«t in irood with ;ht> i;als.<br />

If l'»»u don't pot more than jour own vote.<br />

Tiii'ii. brut her. you've misled the boat.<br />

I>aiicinc I^iwell Style:<br />

l^ul; rlvtaiit nnd aunteiv,<br />

U< ifr .md not tm» near.<br />

1 nt<br />

around d the th campus of f Oieuun O Uni- Ui isursimr, II. D Dove. V. V GGntttarola,<br />

A.<br />

vi-rr.ty. way Lack «t tin- Univ*!»itv Cttker. I* Koltlcr. and II. Kusut.f<br />

Nuw Hampshire, Han'itri], or.«I min . dentistry, D- Mai^ucci and E.<br />

Vest roint, in the iwrsous of Ar-,i:vwe: Mivuialixed pli>*sician. 1*.<br />

I:K» noune, P;iiil Ilruch. Edward , l>iurh. II. Wcirk and \. McKcnziu<br />

Sl.cmian. and V lliam rtexst'iibar, • ti't.'iVr'diftetk-.-*; and b;ictuy<br />

respectively. j ^I,HI.MIS tu li. Morse.<br />

What Is Your Hobby? ! B. Tout,-. I. Cohen, D. Graves. 11. Mk your step* loni; and iiroBrc33ive,<br />

Tliose who hi'cm to ititlulc*? In ' I^strvtu. and Y. Kutas*-. would ltkt> Hammer lock li«r are ami look nosseMive<br />

itnuitual. ji-t inlerestinc hob'ji'.if, j m |K- chcmfiti, while U. Oetteticoun IJoni. fortret to sti>p on her feet,<br />

hie I)»uc JohnHton, who Hkt'.* lolalnu to be a lab. technician. L. loull lie one of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s dancing i-Iittf.<br />

heckle Mr. I'&ttcrMin. Art Schu-. Frii-d. M. Ducowe. B. Taylor, B.<br />

maeher. Him Ijkes '.» wreck e.tr«; | Siahnicr, F. Sherman, an«I II. Crow-<br />

s a Oaiv:<br />

Dean Mareucci likr* to hunl Cy«u \-V , -vfer encineeriiiK.<br />

know wlial). Hen*. Andcrxon re-1 ['ru->pectivo Singem<br />

Send ner a fortune in flawera.<br />

Tell her she's wsiitlcrfui.<br />

ci'ivo* her exercise by chaitlns Itoyx.: Stnetnir attracts K. Collins, II.<br />

while Irwln Cohen. IWt Hartfiinl. i Mnrk. ami J. Ca«ey. and :<br />

Siav up till the "wet! jtmaU* hours,<br />

Ralph bpirRi, nnd Funk Quinn en- '<br />

Tell her i«he's wundcrful.<br />

p trots tu Kcun Sher. ^.'.<br />

jo> I he com pan v ol women dur-<br />


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