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JAN.'*! THE-<br />


Volume "?. No. fl<br />

Seniors Claim Diplomas<br />

At Opera House, Jan 22<br />



Snn Francisco, Catilornlc, January *"t 10-11 Founded January, 1898<br />

Block L Rally<br />

Set for Today<br />

To Announce Office.-*.<br />

Scroll. Shield Members<br />

Election Results Will<br />

Be Made Known Today<br />

Robins ia Valedictorian; Nakayama,<br />

Conn to Speak; Glee Clubs Sing<br />

Seniors, two hundred and fifteen of them, slowly walking<br />

down wn the aisles of the War Memorial Opera Oper HHouse<br />

on<br />

January 22.<br />

It's the start of the I2?r& jrrad-<br />

OMion uf <strong>Lowell</strong> student*, snd those<br />

two hundred and fifteen seniors of Thanks, to All of You<br />

t>.6 class of loll '40 arc wulkin? For Your Co-operation<br />

timy frvm <strong>Lowell</strong> forever. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

acjemble on tl:c stanc and at a mo- To you. the sludento of<br />

tion from .Mr. Stciinens. neat them- <strong>Lowell</strong> Hleh, for the co.oper><br />

wlves as one. I<br />

ntion and Interest you're<br />

shown, thank* a lot. You've<br />

<strong>The</strong> program for the exercises ] made <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> an impor-<br />

Ion been carefully planned. As j tant part of itchool life.<br />

uu&l. the Lov/cll orchestra will I To you. the member* or my<br />

play the proccwlonul: then Lieu*! *taff for your excellent work<br />

UMnt-ColoncI William Biuh of the '•<br />

thl* term— IhankH a tot. Your<br />

work van hard and you com-<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> R. O. T. C. will lead all' pitted it succcsKfutly.<br />

thece prcHcnt in & salute to the' Tn you. Mr. Stephen*, for<br />

Flap. <strong>The</strong> class president, Arthur < jnjr helpful criticUm And<br />

Schumacher, will irive the introduc- . timely **ti(M<br />

torv message. !<br />

Speeches :<br />

Instead of nn outside spvakfr, i<br />

Euwin Conn, iditor of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>.'<br />

•will speak on "Our Generation—,<br />

fcnii Vottts." I<br />

<strong>The</strong> claim history will be told by ,<br />

Jcne Nakayama. well-known de-;<br />

baler and orator at <strong>Lowell</strong>, and the •<br />

%alrdietory addrenw will be given ><br />

bv Date Jliibinn. another of Low* \<br />

fill* prominent (VhaU-rs.<br />

Thfc Girls' Git--.* Club, under Misa<br />

Alexander'* direction, will sine<br />

Litzt's "Lnreloy" anil Saint-Sauna; Q_-__-._,,_ T_<br />

-.My limn at Thy Sweet Com- UllSpeilSe IS<br />

manil." Th»* Boy** Dout>Ic Qunrtet' v^**ii*<br />

' " .V Glee Club..directed • «/•-••<br />

tuit'it. will Hint* (lor- <<br />

iymn" and '•<br />

H Candidates ncrrou-.lv wonder<br />

"Old I or didn't I win?" Amid*<br />

pation (trip* all an the boom or the<br />

**EraIi<br />

—thankN a lot.<br />

lou've hern very in»trumen*<br />

Ul in the KUCCCKM of our<br />

pit per.<br />

T«i you, Mr. I'alter on, for<br />

your MJpcrvlftlon and ;i'!vin—<br />

thankn a lo'.<br />

Mar next trrm*n editor,<br />

wkiever he nay br. have a*<br />

cnlovahlc a time HM I have<br />

Imd.<br />


Edilor or Thp UweM.<br />

ftom th<br />

by Mt5» ...<br />

lainsky's "Cherubic Myi<br />

Frimle's "Ciar.ninu Mia." ; Attention. Lowrllilca! Don't he |<br />

Itobln Hood Select Ions : u!arnnil If yem nnt.'ci* certain intli* '<br />

Instead of Oic A Canpella Choir. v.iJu»U »linkinB through the halls I<br />

:• i«<br />

M Offices of Pr.*ident and Yell Leader<br />

Filled by Unoppoasd Candidates<br />

<strong>The</strong> elections arc a thing of the past. But until the rally<br />

opens the Block L rally,<br />

fourth period, today In the court, today<br />

weether pertnittinf.<br />

y tho mystery vill not be unraveled—the victors will not<br />

Margrct Schaeffer will lift the be known.<br />

' Mountinjr from the primary elec-<br />

v**ii of mystery aui-roundim* the<br />

\Wnnlnjr candidates when she intion<br />

last Thursday and x-jomlnj<br />

troduce* the new cafeteria mnnn- "Graduates, Join with the finals yesterday, tho KOI-<br />

Btr. Next. Don Bejnston and Ed<br />

; ptnse hnn been ulmosL overwbelia-<br />

Conn will reveal the names to their New Alumni Ass'n" Ir.jr for all of the c^ndMnt'is buL<br />

ITfdpccAsor. for thu editorsl.ii> of<br />

Hie lUfii ami White and <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>,<br />

two. Bvh Arnold, 201, and Bob<br />

followed by the introduction of the A new <strong>Lowell</strong> High School Friend. 207a, already know.<br />

new secretary r.nd treasurer. <strong>The</strong> Alumni Association haa been • Amuld U sure he'u president—<br />

announcements will lie topped off orfianixed and Incorporated.<br />

v.-ith the disclosure .if tlw name of Members of December,<br />

{ he had no opponent. Friend, too, Ii<br />

oui new vice-president.<br />

1910, dess arc tinted to join. already practicing pep talks—no-<br />

You will realize the need of body bothered to run a«i|n»t him<br />

Shield and Scroll<br />

an organization to fight for<br />

Sixteen pirln nnd twelve bovs<br />

for head yell trader.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>, when you consider<br />

will learn of their election it, the the fact that <strong>Lowell</strong>, the old'<br />

Close [{arc<br />

Shield and L and the Scroll cr.d L est school. haM the least fa- But for Geary Kriil, 'JOI. an*<br />

j for service rendered the school in cilitlm of any tuner or senior<br />

ili* various departments. <strong>The</strong> scr*<br />

Ai.tta Faltln. 1*01, the week be-<br />

high school in San Francisco.<br />

| vice soriffties' new officers also will<br />

tween the pr!marica ami th-* finals<br />

1I* announced.<br />

We intend to work hard , has seemed endless, far their race<br />

j Service Mock* will be awarded fur what is needed at <strong>Lowell</strong>, {fcr the vicc-pTvsidcncy promised<br />

I to five ntudenl* and other?* will re* and, if tradition, prrotfge,<br />

ceivi* hnnorahle mention for un- and oreapJzallon mean* any- l«> t>* ctohe.<br />

' rewarded service lo the school. thing, we will Hucceol In our This alxo .vnt true uf the candi-<br />

legitimate claintK.<br />

date* for (h« editor of thv Red and<br />

• ins will lie awarded to<br />

Only <strong>Lowell</strong> it«« enn havi* Wl.it.-. U'lth Wnldo rostel. L»07a,<br />

, iVurteen t"*-H. Knrty'even other*<br />

the privilege of fellownhip ami i^rruinc Grar.icher. 207b. wore<br />

• will ri-ceivi" -ni' Mocks fur their atwith,<br />

and fighting for, the experienced and ea«er fur the Jor.<br />

craniW t.ld HC'.-.WA in (he<br />

' tivitv in irirb* hiKirt*. Anproxi-<br />

For the task of writinc up min-<br />

1<br />

mtitrlv twenty 'my* will roceivv',<br />

Went. ttU-B ami kiwptnir corrunpunilcnco in<br />

: ihi-ir block* fur ».. '•(.er. basketball,' WILLIAM I). McIUE. •itdt-r lion llrush. 201. nnd Frank<br />

:.n.l footbiill. NVw < Ticors for linlh [<br />

I'rrttiilcnt. \Vii:miirv, 220. WBIC both hopeful<br />

' i::rlft' nnd \\nyt' UU, k L Ditru-tit'it<br />

a^iiirunu and zeclouM votu-seekers.<br />

: v.ill In* announced.<br />

; As the winning cai. 1 Mates anil.<br />

wliilf Hal OluroAO, 207b. and Ira<br />

I tl.i'sc who irct'ived nwi ill" are he-Senior<br />

Ball to be Thonipmm. 221. were Uitli reach*<br />

11iii, i-nni:nitulnted. tlu* tnulttional<br />

''•!;* covutuus finders toward tho<br />

tf f d ;"Ax»- V«U" will CIOM- i'ii- IHiN-k L[<br />

t rj;lly f.ir tl'Ii ttrni.<br />

:!dat<br />

IiW<br />

Tell Why<br />

<strong>The</strong>y'll Come Back<br />

from ICnin'n Hood, under tho < <strong>The</strong>re ix nothing to fear. Thcite! In aniiwer lo the query. "Wl.y j<br />

i MuneiiU, eljchteen wtrotiK. art? xim- ire you KOtn^ to take a putt Brad*, itlenty of it ill l>t><br />

Un of Mr. Devlin.<br />

Mr. Stephen* will confer the di- |-l* wondcrine • whether they will uate course at Jewell next |WM?" 'Carvel Ctaig. dr<br />

tlcma* upon the 11-1 boy* and 101 cain life membemhip in the C. S. K. I In hich seniorit un.e the follow In c ASCAI" feud.<br />

ririi. assUteU bv senior n.i:Irtry!<br />

un»werK:<br />

Tlll, «imini** who wiH 1M! lifL.<br />

Uachers, Mws Alexander, Mi*. Bar- ,<br />

I'lttny AU-x.'.litIiT—"<strong>The</strong> xhptk of<br />

llu,, - -- •<br />

fional. Hn Morris, Alice Oloom, Uurluira ndes to t: tu Stanford.<br />

Conrad. Kdwji Conn, Uiclutnl H-irahnr Cor.rrd—"IIecau Komethintr t" do hc-<br />

New Frosh Inspect Calendar of I>intn ! f^re j-cinir to college ir. AUKIWI."<br />

This term hint been a busy one] I)on I>on Ilaliltnnn—"I Itahln can't tirur inyfor<br />

C. S. F'ers with .iwonutil • id? awny."<br />

Campus. Students includinir a C. S. " ' *'*""• - •<br />

Sci.lion nt Treasure Hand. Scp-; m'H» I want to take while wallmen<br />

Ntxt were tcnnV introduced lwwihlnwl to <strong>Lowell</strong> fresh-; ar-' i';<br />

" ^ K"'^ S ' III% kui^iubv 4ifj^;i;in *UWiirtl IHO<br />

Fi*ani»ie!<br />

:L^? I Clarke Aaronsen and Frank<br />

• thr deadline for<br />

Bob Crosby Prefers To Play<br />

In Large Room and 'Let Go'<br />

My Itelty Sullivan<br />

"IIr. Crosby, meet the ladies awl 1 I'm on the Htc«e. I wte'j I was In<br />

Kcntlcincn of the Prena!" tlic movies; when I'm in the<br />

At IPIIIT last. <strong>Lowell</strong> h.-/ its own i "Mr. Hob Crosby (a nrwir. slen- J niovies, I wish I was on the radio,<br />

Our Own P. A. System<br />

nublic addretH system to l-oiuit j tkror Cro-wliy). tan of face nnd Mid when I'm on the radio. I wish<br />

i January. 1941. -craduatew to cct<br />

bl»c*k of hair, had put In hU up- I was in n bdllroom."<br />

Band Members to Be I their appuc^uun application .n in IO to ...-«. .MJw. ..«...-. Harri- , Thhiirfi thei uiKeubff effort! of r< urnnco in a small windowWs "We teally like to olay the lai'Re<br />

foKUniven.ilr of California Art Echumacher and Jack Zcilc.<br />

Drafted in R.O. Shakeup -• Eive.. by .-.lumni of | !»rk^ bj'^ boarti^^jirectors mom backntnirc of San Francisco's billroomN better,<br />

U. C.<br />

<strong>The</strong>ater, Janunry<br />

LOWCII'M It. O T. C band nan Scholainthipss<br />

for frcfthmen ...<br />

nlxh hope* thf* year of belnic Californii California [a yield yteli eld l*etwren 3100 and<br />

ranked the best hitch school rnusl* $2C0 a year. Th <strong>The</strong> university ii ddocs<br />

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