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Gridiron Gossip<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> Staff<br />

Makes a Challenge<br />

"Inexperience, Lack of Speed were Chief<br />

Factors in <strong>Lowell</strong>'s DowrtfalT-Voyne<br />

To blot out their nine losses and, i,veryone stayed close to the house. In football the traditional<br />

die tie, <strong>Lowell</strong> has two sweet vie- Kvason: Cvorgc shot at anything game is the <strong>Lowell</strong>-l'aly<br />

lories to recall. One with San Jta- ihut moved with tho exception of < busic. In baseball lt> Thu Coach Feiling Works<br />

X»el* a 7 to 0 win. and the other the leaves. (<strong>The</strong> caretakers dor in l»wcll staff vs. the Red nnd Out with Injun Cagers<br />

with the State Rest-rvcs, 35 to 6 Lflll mli'ilng.)<br />

White ..staff. .. Though -this<br />

win. Against San Ka/aci, Chand- Krolly though, getting down to fii*me has been omitted these<br />

Itr drove over tackle for tho senre seriousness. seriouness, Captain Ciptal Russell, speak-<br />

Newsflash! <strong>Lowell</strong>'s thirties has*<br />

late two terms, we of Tho<br />

and Willbnck converted. Agnlnut •— Inft fir '— all ••" *—-**— fouren — —i«— m ,<br />

I:ctball team nlmx for high honors!,<br />

the Stnte Reserves It was field day v/.r.hes to express n simple but well<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> staff would l.'Je tc re- -Tlie 130 |H>und eager* who hang<br />

and all took their turn in ik-n-mg. meant "thanks'* to Mr. Horn and new thin rivalry and chal- | «,ut at the "red brick r.hool no»jse"<br />

Willback in full stride converted Uert for Innujruratini- the trip. lenge the Red nnd White Inn.<br />

after nit five touchdowns.<br />

To wind up their football *ca*on, staff to a nine-Inning gnme<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s other two practice the team's Kcniors defeated next of !tofll*l|.<br />

gitm^J, Hoth losses, were with tfim'fi vanity by n score of 0 to 2. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> -Uiff boa*'.* of<br />

PUtsburg an'! Kichmond. Though <strong>The</strong> first fcore '**ns late (n the such "slugger/," a* "Killer"<br />

they outplayed the latter team they first hulf when Willback kicked n Conn, "Trottri'" Johnston,<br />

cam* out. per usual, at :he bottom field goal from About the .10 yard "Babe" SnIIngtr. "Sure Foot"<br />

of the score board.<br />

line. It was Russell's pass to<br />

Graves, "Three Bagger" Pro-<br />

A Wockn« with fiotbaP. [tactical front, while n!ottna>t i<br />

rrr:ient*H with very good 1-ajikot- (uuRh burden for any tram (o oi<br />

Horn and Larrv Horn. Fpent a.cicusi* to call the play back.<br />

week-end at the Horn's summer; Gridiron Shorts<br />

home, nt CIcarlaKc. I Many thunk* to Jim Ilnnncrt.<br />

Thrw whole night* and dnyff of j Hill Jcfllyn. Howard Council, Elrino hasn't n chance.<br />

endless toil, strife, and t urtiire.' N't her. J!ni Stophi'iiiion, and Hay Is there an ncceptaiwe of<br />

Toil In getting u;» In th" w«e -old! Milton for their iniipirlng pep talk*<br />

hrun> of morning and trylnfT .''before the Poly game.<br />

the clmlletiire?<br />

find your clothes aft»*r «ome vtacl It'* ri-ally n «hnme Ixm-clt'* en- .<br />

iniy has tosucd them up on the roof.! tire line can't make all-city »ft?r [Prospects for 41<br />

Strife in trying to get a place nti tla-ir valiant stand in the I'oly< _ . . _,<br />

the breakfast table and to e:it ymriiwme. ' D u '* v -*food<br />

without someone swiping 't ! tiioll material lr the form cf boy* 1 co:n*r.'<br />

who liave played under Ben Xtff I n you'll wall. <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

on tho lightweight*, M-. Filling I u:t teusun with only UUQ m<br />

<strong>The</strong> average Lowcl! foottuili<br />

or without some plavful lad hprink-! niuycr gets n "C" .-.va.-ain.<br />

1'ng pepper in it. Torture in hear- '-.-mi. however there &re *<br />

ing Russell'* com'e corncob con- ;ip'ion* nnd Bert Hoi<br />

coctlonjt (Jokes to youl nr gettinr; v the favo-tj Complon of Sim-, p_l|v Fon^ball<br />

ford fronh. Th- (w mile ci-ur»o:<br />

under the Red and White during<br />

pun of o the co coif campaign pt in 1940.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se seasoned veterans, plus ca-<br />

r0i| y, i , < ; 0tDal ;<br />

was covered in t!i? suiprtslr,g I<br />

time of 10 minutea nivi 4'J seconds<br />

(10.4."). Fir.ishing bch;ntl Com]<br />

end football champions<br />

Trif, you can't win all of the vme, Urlght Outlook for '41 iu&* to clumxy, he'u hungle ndtv.<br />

Lut still every student at ti.ia According tu Ccach llcrrtii, "full [longingly, the i-uach KIIIUCCJ into<br />

Ha;»w street school wishes that the track ck has done dne a lot of gobd in the tht: stumln where h<br />

Cardinal would remain tops in the training and ksei<br />

athletic field.<br />

oi f next term's t ' team." Those re-<br />

So come on divot dinners, keep turning from the '40 championship<br />

that ffolf trophy up In our library team em are r Silvn. ilvn, Fonaas, Fonaas Dotur.<br />

foi a; least another year. Douglas, Tiuiiln, Brueh, B<br />

Houch. ohepard, and Do Martini.<br />

Goof Football Season To ascl»-t these veterans and put<br />

tteli- rturd in the championship<br />

Over; Won One Game tight of '41 will be Garbing, Oresler,<br />

Nichols, Wyrvch, and Grcvn- uoitwl to the uiiMUsncaint;<br />

LOTJOII'B lightweight footbflil bi.um. all newcomers to the Lowel! !"* Brown,<br />

team finished up Its ccason N'ovcmtrack<br />

team. ' , A prayer<br />

Ur 18 by losing to Poly 20*0, /ivinc<br />

thCTT. a season's total of \ win, Cardinal Ticket<br />

1 tie, b h.im.<br />

In all (fames except the Balboa,<br />

junior* and seniors were tltowed to Sales Top League<br />

pJti- if they were within the sixc<br />

Mmit, ffivine the opposition a decided<br />

ad\*anuge.<br />

In BeTltiw B<br />

Exwkinir at the summary of the<br />

season wa find; Tarnalnals 25-<strong>Lowell</strong><br />

12: Mores by McLennan ana<br />

Hofmsnn: WaVuinKton 20-LowcH<br />

0:, no! so bod—third string varsity<br />

ttmUnst freshmen nnd sophomores;<br />

St. Ignatius O-Lowi'l) 7; Indian*<br />

tatt« sweet victory, score on prss<br />

Buchanan to Moore, conversion by<br />

Iforn: Commerce 6-<strong>Lowell</strong> 0; tie<br />

hissed H' 1 ya*d due to mUup of<br />

r-oiUon rf Rotlposu: Mission 13-<br />

Lo»c l l 0; rfcore on pass Suchanan<br />

to G*te»: Balboa 0*Lowcll 0; In<br />

d* l d bt m « v.-.<br />

.Maybe we know where Yehudi Is.<br />

It he isn't thurc it's u miracle, be*<br />

lEiMt. cverj'thiiiff clue is there.<br />

| H»r*i Shaw Drcember U \ where? In the <strong>Lowell</strong> lost and<br />

I Tht* Kvmi-annual horse show i found.<br />

! wi!! tx held next Saturday. Dccem* j One ot the oddest bit of findings<br />

. , *-. ,! l.cr ! 1.1.» ilcturminc the best riders | ia a tooth retainer. <strong>The</strong>y've been<br />

CKery C.XpO3eu":- each icroup. <strong>The</strong>re will be n , trying to find out how it could have<br />

_^ |(Iin;;L*r at i );. m. preccdintr thu i been lost, if a piece of gum wa*<br />

"^<br />

f £Obd in tbc<br />

in condition<br />

" Th<br />

ll 0; In<br />

d*ans dans plnycd best K» of of f season,<br />

should hl !«>vi won: Poly 20-<strong>Lowell</strong> Lll 0:<br />

FurroU ou*char»^i Indian line.<br />

Tliere you have It, the 1040 season<br />

la review.<br />

Coach UfftU* said that due to<br />

tl Inure number of vnrslty men<br />

leturnlnK. l only l twenty-four ttyfu iopho- h<br />

mores ?t-xt >ear'n fashions.<br />

<strong>The</strong> final bzulminton tournament | If yo't uulo mechanic fans ever<br />

in the K'rltt' trytn and the final ten: huve any xjiurc time, drop around<br />

*ki.tt! lit Wintvrlaiu] were hclj tiv I • ion, and found. <strong>The</strong>y have a<br />

ccmbiv 10. 1 uico book on that subject. If you<br />

A*, the i. \V. C. A. tho final [need Rlaajt-s to read it and have<br />

nwimminj; ewnti* wen* held De-i fo/gottcn yours, they hnve a varied<br />

..___• his star back sat timber 'J, atul the first hockey final I fi.nply of those,<br />

disconsolate. If only Smith hadn't at Golden Gate Park wax December! <strong>The</strong> Lost and Found is quite be*<br />

flunked—but he had. and to was<br />

, wildcred. <strong>The</strong>re linve been many<br />

ineligible.<br />

Ittock L | rcnuc*t? for R. O. T. C. manuals,<br />

Suddenly the coach'* i')'M Betty Bom*. .Mary LJbby, and, und no one nvin= to know what<br />

Klramrd. Hy golly, he'd risk it. Gloria Fricdricks were voted on! they arc.<br />

IJrown uml Smith changed for president of Block L: Hetty I Of course, there are the<br />

clothes there in the lokor room at<br />

of Block L: Hetty I Of course, there arc the regular<br />

Thompson, Mnrtha Howdl, and; run of p*»ns, pencils, jcwelo*. books,<br />

Ircakncvk Kiwed. <strong>The</strong>n Smith, a Mil.i Starston for secretary of: and binder*.<br />

ttofti-guard marking his ;-:ce. re-<br />

Htnclc L at a meeting December 9.! If only someone would claim<br />

Winner* will be announced at the (them!<br />

• today.<br />

.. r r.... -a long run—nnd<br />

Smith hud won for I'oly!<br />

<strong>The</strong> I'olyitcx swarrnvd duwti in ubly go to Sigmund Stem Grove.<br />

Kite. <strong>The</strong> hero, riding Us friends'<br />

in triumph, forgot<br />

„..„ ... -_ hfj precious mmc'gui Violin, Who'll<br />

At just the wrong moment<br />

ilipped—he ppedtood stood revealed. r e d .<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> spirit triumphs over all!<<br />

Buy My Violin?<br />

In spite of a rather slow football<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>':* howl nhiwk the stadium.<br />

eason, our ticket sales have ex-<br />

Poly officials agreed that it was Hy Leo Mnnus<br />

ceeded those of our opponenta in terrible, terrible. And th* unmc "CQIHA I want, to tell you," snys<br />

fail Kant* but twu, provinu that wan played over, minus Smith. Abe, pulling me into his pawnshop,<br />

Lowvll rooters never let a teem It didn't he<br />

finds the work hard, but that she<br />

likes our school very much.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> ownor con.e* back, and I'm<br />

lvlnie him 5M for it. Ychoodi no<br />

ci.nic back. Today my friend<br />

IESROI am saying it a cn*»an vf»-<br />

.:n. $2 mlt der case. Tonight old<br />

c!othcs am going up 10 per cent<br />

"Kicking me, I'm telling you,"<br />

he says, bending over.<br />

s<br />


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