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f oan<br />

"Orchid Parade"j<br />

Name Given Prom!<br />

Colorful! 1'ii turennue! Itcaut!-1<br />

full Cay! I<br />

All of these terms describe the i<br />

Kiting of Wo <strong>Lowell</strong> acmur dance, I<br />

January IS * Thin K»y affair hud'<br />

a colorful background, fur it won'<br />

held itk tile beautiful Terrace Room {<br />

uf the Fairmont llolfl. <strong>The</strong> "Or- I<br />

chid I'arade." an it wa< called, 1<br />

*aw many I.4Wellite?» graduates •<br />

nlunvae, and others enjoying •<br />

themselves irvmendouMy. <strong>The</strong> j<br />

graduates were bubbling over with<br />

excitement, fur it wan their blp<br />

day—what with their graduation,<br />

am] the wonderful senior prom on<br />

lht* fi;ime cJr.y and but a ftw iiourt<br />

opart.<br />

Hut the graduate* were not the<br />

tr ly otic* uf <strong>Lowell</strong> tu enjoy the*<br />

dunce, for every clan*, including<br />

fre»hmen. was represent ml. <strong>The</strong><br />

mUfic was supplied '•>' Carvel<br />

Craig ntnl his nrchrstru. A'so<br />

dancing tit hie tune;- were member*<br />

of thf faculty.<br />

Are You an Engineer?<br />

University Grades<br />

Made Clear<br />

Till: I.OWKI.I., FBlmCAKV 1:1. IU4U<br />


Kngim-vr.- mal..- natural f.,n.-.<br />

work for rn.inKrtidV UM 1 . TO be an!<br />

eiuriiieer Vitu mu'l learn niat)>"<br />

matics, pliysii.-, and cl»'mi*t«-ry. If<br />

you like the.-e hard subjects and (<br />

undi-istnnd ll:\ in thfm in high "f »••'"'•""•' l£ ' " "<br />

M-hiH»I. it may be wise for you t«» + J;' " '"<br />

to a 'iiiivi-ri'itv mid train for!' 1<br />

. Mr*. Hjn.'<br />

have Thurm. anil -Mr. Mm.roe. I (»l=* r right: '"".'r HiMlm: ary (ail, s vrriilan ,<br />

.l Vox" IVnlrf I'orl Itaaka und J»«»nrllc llnmill rr.lhile with Mr. and Mrs. Itt-n .Neff.<br />

||!,h Tnlppinaan and IM M Haft at admire am ppiam.t<br />

W.UI.T n»t..li..*. l.»».-r r:uhl: CJ^rse J«^-n.<br />

Sil . and d Ji Jimmy » »onn.-rt t nil il «-ti|»>ing |i ^ llnrj I Bit IT.<br />

Thai • '""<br />

S;'£ni'&^£Si CVr/ Featured on New Student Body CardE. Clark and Williams<br />

Head Council Groups<br />

If you like engineer.** wurk ur.l bur the .'ir.-i time since<br />

are handy with tools, and want to Jewell began, there will be<br />

be an engineer all rigi.l but can't J the. picture of a girl t'li the<br />

iiiuke A's und U's in matlii!i.ia.ics. I utoilent body c.tnis<br />

und physioi and the in t> I fry, g»i tu jMble<br />

for this feat ii- i'arl<br />

a technical college after you grad- liaaka, tin- new treasurer. <strong>The</strong><br />

uate from here. Don't waste your cards \.--nt o» salr February<br />

time ,-ind your parents' money trj- 7, at the u.iua! price of .«><br />

in;; tw get intu a university. A cents. UP to February y the<br />

good technical M.JIOOI '.* the place following classes were 100 per<br />

for you, and if you learn what it cent itt'Tttitle it body: loo. an.<br />

can teach you, and you get along and ;;;»;;,<br />

Marge Clo.-e ha.' the distiiuioii<br />

,;{ being the first girl to<br />

riut-hanic after abuut five k-sign a student body card for<br />

,, . , , , I I.uwel\ Along with being tin-<br />

1! re are thV special cn.ens. :,nd. perhaps f> , l: \' m ' 1:1 Vtiiwnt intfiids to enter<br />

uports etlitor. Alv.n Heyinau. and visit M.mf of the other schools!<br />

J - !• '" tht- fall. She wants to<br />

girls i«port.« editor. Anita Ames. Mr. Airth. a new member of the ] *' J1 " f " r «»•»'-• new Lt.ild ! nBH atj<br />

. <strong>The</strong> June MO Red and White will,'Uwell music staff, is a graduate ^'"^i 1'ark.<br />

M Ul \<br />

ne one of the inggc,. of all edi-! of the University of California. Hay Milton said he could L-ive<br />

5UX a n^! Wl nlt beC . ttU // "W 10 un 5? I ! ^' ^ming to Well hewa!^ or three rt-iwuni for rettrn-1<br />

Kually large art «taff, <strong>The</strong> staff, mt-sic innnictor at Aptos. Kverett. |'"«. "I know one goo, on.- " J.!<br />

With Wo Scroll and l» meet ing* i <strong>The</strong> University of California<br />

already havini; Iwcn held, the Jtcholnrships for freshmen yield<br />

Scroll has decided on the theme; between $100 and *2fl<br />

ttrtat a success as the lout one. [dent activities<br />

1 ?*<br />

nhyj<br />

]n\ j.•<br />

Rare Flowers<br />

Cultivated By<br />

Mohr, Hetzgher<br />

Orchid irmwjnu i* unually left<br />

to botanists- and horticulturists,<br />

!mt \Varr«n Mohr and Ed Hellk'her,<br />

hotti I/jwelHttK, grow orchids<br />

iijt n hobby.<br />

Werrcn Itceamc interested In orchid.i<br />

as a hobby after collcctlnjc<br />

pictures of the rnrv flower. He<br />

Kent to different countries for cat*<br />

alog* of the various typcx. War*<br />

ren sal'J the books are very inter*<br />

estinir because of the foreign Ionimages<br />

und tK price ranges.<br />

Friend* of his gave him the<br />

plants, Wnen interviewed. War-<br />

J ren suid that otchi'l plants arc to<br />

, delicate thnt the slightest change<br />

< in temperature or humidity will<br />

• Mop the flowers from blooming.<br />

<strong>The</strong> temiK'niture must 1M; kept bej<br />

tween •">(' ami T.'i degrees, und a<br />

' very humid climate mtwi picvail.<br />

This cIlaracteristic is what makes<br />

| the fluwi-r *o expensive.<br />

' Tlii* plants bloom once* a year,<br />

!and Miirt'time.-f us many an 1U<br />

• flower.* blouin im MM- plant. War*<br />

I ren has had red orchid* besides<br />

''ho usual color btit has never had<br />

] thi! most expensive variety, the<br />

whit orchid.<br />

I According to Mohr, qiiito a ftw<br />

•tion of nrchit 1 grower:, he ..aid.<br />

At nre.-fiii. Warren \* busy with<br />

plan* for hi.t green house, which<br />

v.i)! fee completed in about a<br />

trioi'tb. If

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