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LOWE1.L;<br />

iS otncw iio«i KHOOL sr.\v\iv\pi<br />

I*ub]t«h»d by lh» AnoclatMl ntitj#jl»<br />

of <strong>Lowell</strong> HlRh School<br />

1100 llnj-w Strcvl. Han Frnnciaco. Cnt!fo:nl*<br />

U II. S. S. A. Memtttrt I-Yw<br />

STAFF<br />

KniTOlI ___ FP. CK.Xy<br />



STOUTS Bmrons ffifKH&Sffi;?<br />

aiitur sponvs.——____-LomutSE OLOS<br />

FKATUItK KniTOlI „.._., i;t> NOIUIOVI.K<br />



Avonna Annult<br />

Durban Dtnn<br />

Ann Bowman<br />

Dtll a raves<br />

Doujr Juhmton<br />

Dill Moliter<br />

Itay Meni*l<br />

JUM Xftkaynma<br />

Jim Welle r<br />

iPacultr AilvUer<br />


John f r-t»vitloa<br />

Fri.k Qulnn<br />

UnvXa Feltteim.ii<br />

PJerr* Saline*.-<br />

N'aoml Rfuii.<br />

John Pntnaru-t<br />

J#ai. f»nn«<br />

Marjorlt Weiss<br />

i,(irri»lii« He 1 man<br />

Christmas: UnitedStatesandEurope<br />

By Doug, Johnston<br />

Christmas Eve In the United States, llMO.<br />

<strong>The</strong> hustle is over. Children heve wormed<br />

through grownups to press their noses ngainst<br />

department store windows exhibititip mechanical<br />

toys. Good naturtd shopping crowds have jostled<br />

into street curs. <strong>The</strong> last toy soldier has left<br />

the shelves. <strong>The</strong> lust baby doll in on itn way to a<br />

prospectiwe "mother."<br />

Radios aw murmuring carols. Sweetly, sin*<br />

ccrely, "Peace on Earth," Uood Will to Men."<br />

Twelve o'clock. He Is born.<br />

Christmas Eve In London, 1940.<br />

<strong>The</strong> last pedestrian has left the streets, for<br />

safety in the air raid shelter*. Street* are dark,<br />

lonely, deserted, except for an unlit cab creeping<br />

slowly past the taped, unllghted w>...'*»ws. Maybe<br />

there 11 be carols echoing hollcwl^ u. the tomblike<br />

bomb shelters. Ironically, wistfully, "Peace<br />

on Earth, Good Will to Men."<br />

Twelve o'clock. A weary A. R. p. Warden<br />

gaxes at the huddled sleeping figures on tne floor<br />

of the shelter.<br />

"He is born," he r.iurmurs.<br />

Christmas Eve in Berlin. 1940.<br />

Streets are murky, unlighted. A lone cyclist<br />

steers can-fully 'round a crater in the road. w ill<br />

thnre be carols? No. Carols arc an expression<br />

of weakness. Carols ore "vcrboter."<br />

Twelve o'clock. "Heil Hitler."<br />

Politics Good Life Work,<br />

But Won't Make You Rich<br />

By Mrs, Jordan, Head Counselor<br />

Politic* Is the way democratic government<br />

works. It get* pretty raw sometimes; hut right<br />

now everybody in the United Stales can sec It in<br />

better to hare bad poHtiot than no politics at all<br />

In a country. We are young at it: Great Britain,<br />

after centuries of trials and failures, fights<br />

mgaiiut dishonexty and for honesty. And the<br />

United States is learning fmt these days.<br />

Politics Is great business; but do not go into<br />

it to set rich. A great many graduates of this<br />

Ochool have gone into politics; three have been<br />

Cabinet Members; one a longtime Congressman;<br />

one a Governor; one was Mayor of Oakland for<br />

over tuvnly yean; one was Mayor of San Franfhco.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y have served In the State Legislature<br />

and on the Board of Supervisors; muny are hi<br />

such service now. Some arc great, some not<br />

M»t am honest<br />

Huv did they get Into politics? Most of them<br />

began as lawyers. Mayor Pardee of Oakland<br />

•was a dentist; Mayor Schmltz of San Francisco<br />

was a musician; Assessor Washlpsrton Dodge<br />

was n doctor. To Ret into politics, ihoose your<br />

party early; volunteer for election wort in your<br />

precinct; get to know your precinct executive.<br />

Belong to the church you believe in; as ycu como<br />

of age, Join fraternal order* of your kind; thus<br />

people know whet you arc.<br />

But think alvrays of what is good for the<br />

country, not just what's good for your crowd.<br />

If the country got* down, where will your<br />

crowd br, or your union, or ai'r of us? Do not<br />

get rich but nlwayn earn more than you are paid<br />

for. Study the live* or great politicians. U«rah<br />

left enough for hlv widow to H»e on; Etthieman<br />

did not. Lincoln, greatest politician, said, "We<br />

can't outstrip the *orld—we must try to purify<br />

(be world, but we must not hold our wires pure<br />

tbore the world.<br />

•:-. Political rows are good shows; they hold pcopie's<br />

fptenn. Every citizen must be a politician<br />

.to miVe Uda government work. Always vote at<br />

the p/.mar-w, and understand public questions<br />

as well m you can.<br />

jr-->:w-— ,.th<br />

Pastimes While Waiting For Santa Claus!<br />

i<br />

About Grads<br />

Cards Gain Fame And<br />

Name on Local. Campi<br />

Your<br />

Foreign<br />

Correspondent<br />

i<br />

Greetings friends {?). This is<br />

you our Foreign Correspondent all<br />

dccl ueckvcl fit in a new straight jacket,<br />

bunging you thn latest news from<br />

the southwest corner of u padded<br />

cell.<br />

A Piedmont High student hasn't<br />

minted a day of school from kindergarten<br />

to I • high junfor year.<br />

K must be the fudge sundaes they<br />

pass around in every clasrf.<br />

1 AIN'T DRUNK (Hie)<br />

Judge: "Because a man is en His<br />

knees in the middle ft the<br />

rond, it does not nccerwarily<br />

follow that he is drunk,<br />

does it?"<br />

Policeman: "No sir, it docs not.<br />

But this one was trying to<br />

roll up the white line.<br />

—<strong>The</strong> Tattler.<br />

—h—<br />

<strong>The</strong> little nngels in a physics<br />

class at Huyward Union High decided<br />

to have Komc fun not long<br />

ago and locked their worthy pedagogue<br />

out of the room. Teacher<br />

hud his revenge by keeping *he<br />

class after school ?nd making it<br />

listen to a lecture on "Safety in<br />

Locking Doors in Public Buitdinijs,"<br />

—L—<br />


Fremont High in Oakland<br />

awards candy barn to students<br />

who cheer the loudest and show the<br />

n:oJt school spirit at footbnlt<br />

games. In other words:<br />

If you go to Fremont High<br />

And a candy bar you'd like to try<br />

Tlie loudrr you yell<br />

And the more you raise<br />

—your voice in »ong the mo.c<br />

chance you have of winning one-<br />

Soe?<br />

And now. with our Great Aunt<br />

Mat'lan having another attack rt'<br />

i\\f D. T.'s, rre must leave you. To,<br />

ta, you lucky people.<br />

What <strong>The</strong>y Want<br />

For Christinas<br />

Xow that the holiday* arc clov<br />

ing in nnd the spirit of Christmas<br />

has invaded l»wcll, n-c dcciditl to<br />

ask a pertinent question: "What<br />

do you want for Christmas?" Th-?y<br />

hnvc ancHxml ..s folloM:<br />

"MldKv" Decknun—Gynl>plar.e.<br />

ACRIO .Mi»to» — Georcc Potty's<br />

datiuhtiT.<br />

Janet Rim—Aviation IcMons.<br />

-Kal lUmrox— Orance lipstick<br />

fo; Shirley Goicoviti-h.<br />

J C %<br />

*. K 'lera—Ten in'nuIcK with<br />

"Hal" Uimrow.<br />

l.oul»e firecr- Private telephone<br />

and telephone numlwr.<br />

Jlax Sinerr—Mr«. Oliver's hox oC<br />

Kleenex.<br />

Shirley Il.rl—St. I,rnatiu«.<br />

Al Herman—A natuml voice noiln.<br />

AmonB other thinirs thounht up<br />

liy our "clever" students as Clirlstfi»<br />

re S ! , a Letter Box<br />

Bing! Crajihl itang! Is<br />

'.tming down the chimney? And<br />

we thought thnt Santa was comint<br />

tarly thin year? But it was<br />

i'»ly the mailman, who had gotten<br />

tii«- Christmas spirit a 1'ttle early<br />

this year, unburdening himself of<br />

hi.s pack of letteri Tor Ali'.i secretary<br />

ty answer.<br />

—L—<br />

Uear Alt'* Secretary*<br />

I hare a burning quMtioti in my<br />

simple mind. Can a president uf<br />

the Mtudent body be impeached?<br />

Don't mUuPderitland. Car I Itaaka<br />

In a nice fellow- and all of that. It<br />

just happen* that I am curinu*<br />

about being able to corrupt tlie<br />

guv-rnment. Thnnlot.<br />

—Subversive Activity Element,<br />

Number 183812!!<br />

Dt-ar Subversive Element:<br />

"<strong>The</strong>re is no machinery in <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

lot the impenchiwnt of an officer,<br />

UA we triut lliey arc alt upstanding<br />

young students." Thiu siwke principal<br />

Stephens. He remembers<br />

only one such case when the inut.a-<br />

K«i of the IUd and WW'e wai re*<br />

moved from office t'or lack of activity<br />

in ihf vxcvutloii of the duties<br />

cf his office. —Ali's Secretary.<br />

Dear AiE's Secretary:<br />

How about giving u* the low-<br />

(jown or\ Ihnt cute new usinlant<br />

fuotball ccuch?<br />

—Curious CutEes.<br />

l>e.\r All** Secretary:<br />

Would you please Inform us cu*<br />

noibi KirU if the new assistant<br />

football roach has a woman.<br />

—"Just Wondering,"<br />

Dear Ju»t Wondvring and<br />

Curiiou.1 Cuties:<br />

Sorry that we must be the<br />

bearer of Hitch «ad tidings, but<br />

Coach Felling ban been In a Male<br />

uf matrimonial blian far Io these<br />

many years. Too, too bad, girb.<br />

>»c itympathExr.<br />

—AH'* Srcrclarj.<br />

—L—<br />

i^car AH'K Secretary:<br />

,tl»u we have any janitor* at Low-<br />

»<br />

Grant. Santa<br />

were<br />

0 ." 1 ife aIhl?lM that ««" those<br />

feet? What ripened to oo- footuall<br />

w-m? . :>ut that's UeiUlo t;.o<br />

Oym \U-vk"? ? Th Thin^ ar« nal!y<br />

l>ad l>ad. j'l hi heir . ur r<br />

ft.et. ft.<br />

A A<br />

—An Athlftu.<br />

Deft, athlete:<br />

LoA-cli will at (om^ futisr* date<br />

have a chiropodist here twice a<br />

wtck to look after «ur athletes' aill"K<br />

feeu In the meantime, we aug-<br />

« cal Ilf Fra.ik Quinn<br />


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