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THE.<br />


MERP.V XHAS;<br />

IlAPPY •:••<br />

<strong>NEW</strong> VEAR<br />

Volume 77, No. 4 Son FranciKo, California, Occcmlxr 12, 1040 Founded January. ISM<br />

Social Events Postponed;<br />

Influenza is the Cause<br />

cifli event* plnnncd for about this VJITIS in LtGSLQ<br />

time have been called off at the<br />

rnggestion of the Board of Education.<br />

Activities Hit<br />

"Senior Day," that frolMmome<br />

fut>fest. originally not for tomorrow,<br />

will not corn*.- off unt'l after<br />

Christmas vncntio.; ».t? C. 3. I',<br />

1940 CIIIMST.MAS<br />

Our voleea tnll with sonir and<br />

cheer,<br />

A' VuMlde-»ca»on ]oy» draw near.<br />

Our homra ar..1 htorls reflect the<br />

sway.<br />

And thrill lo tiie uplrit of Chrlnt.<br />

mas Day.<br />

215 Seniors Slated<br />

To Receive Diplomas<br />

"<strong>The</strong>re Ain't No Justice." Fun's Off,<br />

But Work Goes On and On<br />

By Mildred Pickering<br />

"Kcrchoo . . ."<br />

"You're fretting the Flu!"<br />

And so the absentee list hns (frown from an nvernRc of<br />

175 to 200 a day to over 400. All because of the subversive<br />

activities of a "fifth columnist," I • • ,<br />

taown to the medical profession as _—- *. - , •» „<br />

TSTEi 11 -*. -fore,, 891 Graduation And Senior Bell<br />

Our fireside* slow with radiance<br />

nrlshl,<br />

Will Be Held on January 22<br />

An loved ones gather within il«<br />

H«ht.<br />

And trees besprinkled with tinsel- Graduation is sneaking up. It won't lie long until 2 p. ran<br />

slow<br />

January 22, rolls around, and then 215 senior will marsh<br />

Spread brooding arm* o'er the gift* down the aisles of the War Memorial Opera >'ouse to bid<br />

below.<br />

farewell to <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

ilut hark lo the voice lhat vails In<br />

One hu.iiired and iWrtcen boyt<br />

the wind,<br />

md one hundred and ono jdrln will<br />

That thin Christmas for Borne is ol r i Journal To Be rcrcivo their sheepskins in <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />

different kind.<br />

123rd ccmmcnccment exercise*, tbe<br />

Make Roll; For candle* have swelled into Sold Jan. 14 fa_£ being held when <strong>Lowell</strong> was<br />

searchlight* bold<br />

the Union Grammar School, way<br />

ncenC all the long-anticipatcd so- llit»lo m I A~*1 To light the demons that airplanes<br />

"Come early! to it* to be su.t to<br />

hold.<br />

!>:ick in 18K.<br />

get yours. \'en, I mean vour fall<br />

!'4O Ked.tr.d Whhe, that'll lo on<br />

Present Colon<br />

dincc, scheduled for December li,<br />

v»» postponed Itj-finlioiy: the ' G. V!«2tt f-oints. the hfelioit honor! "<br />

A. A. tea UL.- IH-.T. tiir.vcil un to<br />

Jummry 13: "M tlic Ci. A. A. c<br />

diJates' rally will •r-cur Jnnui<br />

14<br />

<strong>The</strong><br />

ur<br />

iinVv '•'"""*• l " IH> nc' lt cra;;it total of S!>' honor student*.. Tdat war on earth may quickly ; c«mp'ieled""and" a't^th"'Venters' j Arthur Schumacher, clans prcsi-<br />

Frnncca Mizuno. H2-!o5, and: cease. I ruuiy to be made into 1475 an-1 dent, will itlve the introduclcry<br />

rvnsld O'Conneil. L-l-20'. received' n . 1 r .mtrt." r>CMiiL.'<br />

«vml. Sixty point*.! ,<br />

Mnr><br />

.- tin' next hicliPst number of point*, i Aim*<br />

Iwns received by Kisie Wagner,'That<br />

n Preceding an address by<br />

0514 toims. iho hiclim: honor I O«r umeful nation now mustf Mr,. Kuhnle. faculty iklnser fo. ! ^"'V „„ JuZ frkTrf<br />

' P«y .(hit Journal, laid. "ItOBirdlcss of EiUnn Conn, editor of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>,<br />

ive all clue on CliridtmnK !>ay. i tlic fact that this issue may lie a I *'.I1 lie a piano solo hy Sonin Hay-<br />

• HiHin ai:ain, this KCaxon m.y mean I hit small in *izc(!;-i 1,1 a small j uitrd. vice-prcsiilcnt of the senior<br />

type. , , i <strong>The</strong> regitttry with ihe highest In D.A.R. Contest "'"Si"<br />

,. " Ca " nrr{im ' Cnn T' I? ' claw nviTmuH wan M-201. with a,<br />

Although numerous IAWCII sin-jonunt of a 1.4. <strong>The</strong> next hi chest'<br />

dent* have been hopm* thnt lh" fctnsse* Were Hl-SSfi wiin 2R.fi. Hi- pi,,.n.n *. i .. I printed, 2.1 less than lust<br />

city school* might bo close*., nl-, r,0f,a with 2fl. lA-MT, with 2. r i.B. nnd 1. ' il> ' Iin AntlL ' min * w - W!l * unatt ! senior class, it will be more color-1 chss<br />

June Nakay. -na. prominent Low*<br />

eil debater and orator, will recount<br />

Ihe claim history, and David Rollins,<br />

nlno a well-known debater, will act<br />

an valedictorian.<br />

.„ Muxical selection* fur the pro-<br />

He sure to (ret >-mir« early, n*j Ki>m Includt; Liszt's "Loreley" and<br />

re are only to be I47fl jciurnnls ; "'"V "«»« "t Th.- Sweet Voice ht-<br />

• —<br />

-: when there wns a complete nel<br />

loving them n longer Christmas • H2-rn° with ".* 4 « unously .•mlnm-d !-•,• the fatuity<br />

vacation, their hopes have done lit-1 <strong>The</strong> complete honor r»ll will lw ' r\umhci> as the eaimlilato from Al I 1 m n; 1 MJ-I.B<br />

tk m influencing the power- th»t, fllUnd „„ mRC fi. I Uw(.n ilt n Ktme.w;lk. y(;]irIv coM; Alumni Leaders<br />

But thoro is one cheerful note.<br />

f •»-•-- • • > Sr.int Snims. ruiifc* by the Giuj 1<br />

year.<br />

ll-s*<br />

j test, sponsored by the D.»uBhter?« of<br />

minor though it may 1H>: the man-1 <strong>The</strong> ReX, ITOSt<br />

I the A mem-tin Hi-volution, to rcpre- \<br />

uftctrers of Kleenex mtt»t he mtik- TftR O nffirAr«i<br />

iiik a fortune.<br />

K r. Cnt . C ^° rrill L. nt lhc D * A ' n llfll m* fc T ' Lj.|i'cubic Quartet of the Buys* Glee<br />

Will Meet Tonight iclvb. under the direction of Miss<br />

__„. Nrppcrt. will sinjr the "Cherubic<br />

• IT-" inn" by »,,. Borlnlnnky nn«1«tn.t,u and «H.I Frimle's P^mU'a<br />

1O I\. \J» VjrnCerSI Goo* of the National above all others for the position—<br />

Christmas.<br />

Guard.<br />

a position with the Buckbcc Thome<br />

Heal Csfntc Co.<br />

Earl, in a letter to Mrs. Jordan,<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Students Lf*ve School Early<br />

head counselor, said he felt sure<br />

t.ia C. S. K pin brought him hip job.<br />

To Work in Stores; Tramp the Mail Routes Orchestra to Entertain<br />

If you went shopping during the Ecr hnnl at work carryinR pack- At FairmontDecemberl7<br />

Cliristtoas rush wher« would you uees. At Licbcs' we found Bob<br />

find some of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s Ktudcnts hant Hater and Georce Llebei. while nt<br />

*t work? Let's seel<br />

. <strong>Lowell</strong>'* concert orchestra will<br />

the Emporium was Boh Arnold.<br />

We rush Into Kress' to buy somo<br />

Jcntortafn the American Vocational<br />

Katioaery for nn aunt In New<br />

At the Show<br />

Association on the cerund day of<br />

xoric. and thcie Rwecpinjr the floors That night, after a hard day, we their conference, December 17, at<br />

wo find Don Welcome and Dave decided to KO to n show and the Fairmont Hotel.<br />

Berwick. We then run to the post couldn't decide whether to KO to the Thih. the thirty-fourth annual<br />

office to mkil aald stationery, and Hardlnp; <strong>The</strong>ater where Art Cehcn convention, will be the first one<br />

Jarjco Into John Preovolos. Bill works, to the Empiro <strong>The</strong>ater held tn San Francisco in twenty-<br />

Chandler and Dean Marcucci, who where Bob Troppmati is on duty, five years. Over 3500 delegates<br />

are iGOJnjr out with mail sacks or the Athambra where Court Por- from nil parts of the United States<br />

over their shoulders.<br />

ter hold: forth.<br />

will meet here from December 16<br />

At O'Connor Moffatts, whim we We haven't got the time to tell tti 18. at the Fairmont headquar-<br />

want to buy some handkercrj'cfs, vou of all the other smiling faces ters.<br />

we find Marjorie Votaw, and at of <strong>Lowell</strong> students we saw at work, <strong>The</strong> onhestra selection* will In-<br />

PodMta and Baldocchi, the florists, but go around yourself during the clcde "Orpheus in the Underworld"<br />

*• "^tcb Dunne Tweedale monpinir Christmas holiday. <strong>The</strong>re is a ly Offenbach, and "<strong>The</strong> March of<br />

up wilting roses from the floor. At <strong>Lowell</strong> student in every store In tne Toys*<br />

Ijvlnirton?s we noU Pierre Salln- town—well, almost every.<br />

1 Is there n-ally a student government<br />

in San Francisco** public high<br />

schools?<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> got curloue recently.<br />

So out they trottwl to make a aurvty.<br />

By interviewing n number o.*<br />

study body presidents, they go; nJ<br />

by Vl.-tor Herbert, all<br />

under the direction of Mr. Devlin.<br />

l<br />

er, the auditor and the principal<br />

draw It uu. lhc student council<br />

can r'mnge the nmounts liy a majority<br />

vote.<br />

BALBOA nnd MISSION—A bud-<br />

JM committee ail .*iscu Ly the facthe.<br />

answers—here they nre. liul COMMERCK—<strong>The</strong> principnl and<br />

they're mill confused. You figure u faculty treasurer keep a ciieck<br />

it out.<br />

rn all money spent!<br />

<strong>The</strong> student body officers went POLY—A Hdgel committe* of<br />

nbout the camo in all cases—but student body otTicera, a 'utility<br />

from there on the schools went sponsor, the faculty treatsmr and<br />

tlioir own sweet ways.<br />

1<br />

How many Board meetings are WASHI??GTON—<strong>The</strong> school<br />

there?<br />

treasurer and a faculty adviser.<br />

GALILEO—Every two weeks. <strong>The</strong> students O. K. it ami spend the<br />

BALBOA—Every week. money.<br />

MISSION—Every week.<br />

LOWELL—Thr faculty draws It<br />

COMMERCE— Every week, up. It Is then approved by the<br />

i'OLY— Every week.<br />

Board of Directors.<br />

WASHINGTON—Every week. Ifc> the ntudentft know where the<br />

LOWELL—About four n term. money goes?<br />

Can students out-vote Ihe facul- , In every cote the faculty or stuty?dent<br />

body treasurer reports, usual-<br />

GALILEO—<strong>The</strong> .irincfpnl has a ly to the student council, which re-<br />

final vote. Thr, rest of the faculty lays It to the students. Poly also<br />

has practically r.., voice in student prints the budget tn Its paper.<br />

government.<br />

A.c Ihe student* MUSHM?<br />

BAI.BOA —What the faculty <strong>The</strong> overwhelming answer was<br />

-Yes. but . . ." Moat schools<br />

'''MISSION—Same here. flit that their officers could bo<br />

POLY—Here. too.<br />

tiiwtid with more responsibility,<br />

COMMERCE —"We cin't re- altnough they were grateful for<br />

icmher even tiying to outvote anJ relied on good faculty advice.<br />

them."<br />

Severn! schools declared that they<br />

WASHINGTON —<strong>The</strong> principaT woulJ V.ave better government if<br />

has a final vctt. but ho seldom lhc students knew what It was all<br />

utcs Et.<br />

about.'<br />

LOWELL—We agree with Bal- Now then—UJ '. San Francisco<br />

bcn. high srhools have student fc

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