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rubliahed by ttie Anoclated StudV'its<br />

o: r^w.ll Hlsh School<br />

y tr**U V*n franco***. Cnlir-irnJa<br />

/* It 8..R. A. M*mNr« Free<br />

STAFF<br />

ED. c<br />

.-INO Kntron ai;v:ioru MKISTKII<br />

NKW8 KD1TOIL_ .-.O I/) HI A SPROUt*<br />


si;r. w* novFXAS<br />

OIIILS' srorrre UII-HAINU 01-0=<br />


STAKK rnOTVatUI > i;B1t-...-_!llM. Mtftir/I-V.'K<br />

STARK AltTKT.. , ItlM- KA SWING<br />

Avnnne Arnamt<br />

Faculty Ailvl -Mr. J. W. Pattvmtn<br />

Ali's Secretary<br />

Ali'a secretary, (vceivinjj more<br />

than fifucn letters ench isaut, can<br />

pot UKC them all an Ihc space ii*<br />

limited; however, nil are rend, and<br />

th(*o of most Kenoral interest arc<br />

printed.<br />

~—L—<br />

Dear Ali'P Secrctarj*:<br />

Couldn't itomcthint; be done about<br />

the dear little things who insist on<br />

throwing oranges into the nir KO<br />

they'll land with a nice hie squirt?<br />

—"Certie."<br />

Dear Gertie:<br />

You have one of two choices: (1)<br />

d(4l(rc the liquid sunshine or (-)<br />

carry ar. umbrella.<br />

—AH's SwMtarj*.<br />

Dear Ali's Secretary:<br />

Why dcn'l the member* or the<br />

scphomore tootUH team reccire<br />

blockh? <strong>The</strong>y earn one if they win<br />

all their ir* mM - Tliey really work<br />

during practice. <strong>The</strong>y would hare<br />

more apirii if they had something<br />

to play for.<br />

—A Ujjt Student Uody Member.<br />

Dear Student:<br />

<strong>The</strong> member* of the sophomore<br />

tiara, no I have been informed, net<br />

three point* toward their Block L.<br />

Twelve points and they receive a<br />

block. —Alt'. StereUry.<br />

Tltar Ail's Secretary:<br />

In checking up on how many<br />

days are in the year I have discov*<br />

treJ the alarming fact that there<br />

am 36E.2M. To tafto care of the<br />

SS day every four years one day Is<br />

•tided to Feoruary, but what of the<br />

.006 day? Throuch hiither mntheruottcs<br />

1 have flfrured ouL that sU<br />

doya must be added to February<br />

every thousand yenrs. If those<br />

six days every thousand yearc ore<br />

not token care of. In 30,000 yearn,<br />

or in the year 31J40 A. D., winter<br />

will ttnrt June 21 Instead of December<br />

21. Whom shall J couult<br />

about the extra six days?<br />

—-A Lartncd.<br />

Dear A. Larmed;<br />

You really have something there.<br />

I suirKCst that you refer tre matter<br />

to President Roosevelt. He<br />

fixed up Thanksgiving, perhaps he<br />

will toko care of the extra six days.<br />

—All's Secretary.<br />

Bcav Ali'e S«cretary:<br />

Why can't trlrbi tco out for lunch<br />

n\ the boys do?<br />

—Three Hopeful*.<br />

Dear Hopefuls:<br />

Those who live within a few<br />

blocks of the school a/o permitted<br />

tn (to home. This ruling was mode<br />

to safeguard thu Iiealth of the<br />

XowcJl glrlf. —All's Secretary.<br />

—L—<br />

"Dear All'* Secretary:<br />

Since the Bonrd of Director*<br />

Toted for bi-weekly meetings why<br />

don't they have them?<br />

—Inquisitive.<br />

Dear Inquisitive:<br />

It U Vp to the student body pr*Jldent<br />

to cnll board meetings. Jmt<br />

be oatlect. —Ait's Secretary.<br />

Buckle Down, Freshmen<br />

What did you *ay? Vwi «7 thitt in junior<br />

high you irot all A'I and B's, nnd that hare nc<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> you rpfi-iveil a report cart) below your<br />

usual standard?<br />

We watched some of yw. Newcomers r^n the<br />

I'irxt report rnrd day. We HUW Homo of you fllow-<br />

\y trudRc up the street to get tha street car. Yon<br />

aeemed unhap|iy an you rode home thinking, probably,<br />

of the fateful moment when you would hand<br />

your curds to your parent*.<br />

A» WI» unncr division students rcm:uiber our<br />

first cimls, well— for a few day*, lift at homo was<br />

not what it n*ed to be. Whnt did wo uo'i<br />

We flit down nml unl'i to a mirror, "Comes<br />

the revolution, lad, new for Komo real work."<br />

Consoler the fact that L«well in an academic<br />

school and in hound to IH> harder thitn Jtir.ior high,<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> prepares murfentn for rollcjte and univcr*<br />

*ity work—ti bljarci percentage (86 per cent last<br />

year) of the j-raduaU-s from <strong>Lowell</strong> K., «>n tn c»lleiic<br />

than (»o from any oth*r hlirfi school «• t!ie<br />

rity. University requirements must be n»t.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> meets them. Hence, you work Imnioi hi-rv<br />

if yrtti want A'* an.) l\'n.<br />

If ymi want better (mules, try wor!;'i'c t tiltla<br />

harder. You'll be proud pf the result*. We were.<br />

(KdltorV imtr: This article fs a sumr.iaiy of<br />

the idea* «f two low fnur» mid a low threv.i<br />

Ali, Himself, says:<br />

You don't have '.o !ivp in n troo tn lie a Rap.<br />

After all, puppy lnv« is only the beKinuini;<br />

of a doc's lifi-.<br />

!lr who hesitate* in huntcml.<br />

iVupk- wlitj lie easiest don't always sleep the<br />

i:i-U. Ye*, it'* a great life if you don't week-1 1 nil.<br />

Can some obstacle halt this<br />

onrush? We'll soon know!<br />

Hadme Allronga<br />

Had me Allrnn-a*: secret aurntn<br />

report that picnics arc ajj.iin becoming<br />

the rule among the'-VuunKer<br />

Set." This IF VI rj- refrcsIitJis<br />

new*, and, UH Ilnilme U always up<br />

to the minute, yorr third Lfaon<br />

ftcm Hadme Allron^a deals with<br />

Uinc the life of the picnic.<br />

Location Important<br />

<strong>The</strong> indiridual who sutTKcstx **i;olr.tr<br />

a KUie farther," when the<br />

party Is dylnt- of hur.rfer, wil 1 n 1 -<br />

\rays be dearly loved. Finally,<br />

when overy°ne is too we*U to care,<br />

you -top with n jolt on the side of<br />

a huge cliff In close pioximity to a<br />

billbcard edv«rtti.inff Com Ter.rr<br />

Bun'on pads "for the athletic type<br />

c! foot."<br />

To the west is tiic Odorous Corn.-r<br />

Tanneries, which need nj advmisIt.K,<br />

nj thirc '* r. pr^vailinc<br />

wcrlcrly wind.<br />

N'ow it l s t'me for food. You<br />

brcal: out your v-mviskas vhlch<br />

conjUt of Toe-Mane sardineb,<br />

canned potato salad, canned<br />

!XUchejiM and cannwl tumnles.<br />

After Kttini; these in appetizing<br />

array amid the poison ivy end nettits,<br />

you disco"er you have everytt.inir<br />

but a can opener.<br />

Sparkling Conven*«tlon<br />

Usually, at this point, your<br />

fniesu etan KOIDK- a bit mnd. Bat<br />

this situation can be smocihed over<br />

b> pointlnir out the aurroundins<br />

U-auty of the country jide.<br />

"Why. Mrs. Tworthintrtnn, h~w<br />

dclnrhtful you look in that fresh<br />

flump oi Poison Cak! Is that a<br />

««unk you're pcttlnff?"<br />

At thU time the males will display<br />

a playful inclination to toss<br />

you over the cliff to see 'f you will<br />

bounce. <strong>The</strong> women will wistfully<br />

conjecture on the possibility of separating<br />

you from your breath with<br />

a cleaver.<br />

Bet you, you lucky devil, what<br />

do you care? You're taking six<br />

lessons from Hadme AJlronea!<br />

Next tout. Hadme AllronBa,<br />

the -Social lepper." will (rive you<br />

tho low down en belnjr tho life of<br />

the football (Tome. Re*d our next<br />

column far your social develop*<br />

Once This<br />

Was News<br />

Hot off the press—lit the January<br />

'JS, 102-1 LowcJI, one headline<br />

rend* tike this:<br />

"IMAVV, TV * fi\ir>"thinc i*;^"<br />

thvy had 'c brinjr themselves. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

alir tell uc a -kit wiw bcine re-<br />

!;fur?t>it tvo \ivtks ulicul of thi*<br />

rccoptinn hM probably will ft HI be<br />

... lite time of presentation.<br />

—I*—<br />

Wi> notice that sixteen yoars 111:0<br />

\/ wcl! wa^ tarrying on (he fame<br />

u.mpaiscn IIK today. Sitfus were<br />

ix^tud ji!»oiit tlic school by a .4jmltary<br />

yt|iiai| i» the Iw-lief that ndvrrli^inir<br />

pays.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y rwid: "Take lime to keep<br />

the builtiinjr clear. We renlize ;hat<br />

ynu hnve n lot on your hands, but<br />

vi are confident that a little «onp<br />

aril water will soon t;;rcu it off."<br />

'*If you t!irow tiujier on floor nt<br />

lK'titf—ji- homel"<br />

Tin- Great War was ('ought ovt-r<br />

,-. wrap nf paper. If w» are to<br />

tr.kp that n« monninir anything<br />

ti.i-ri* rthn;i](l have been more wars<br />

i.i ttii- l.uililirip than in the Ilalk<br />

"<br />

N.-.v. 1—Kmilbjll. t^iw-H! vjt. >li»-<br />

»i'»*-. !•—Stanford !'w< C»nvi>n><br />

Nov. :,"»—I-ow-1 Dancr.<br />

Ncv. 21— Iks Came, Lnwrll vn.<br />

f'ulytfchnie.<br />

Nt.v. 2fi. 27, and 2£-"\'nrieli«»."<br />

We submit for tfii> l>nja(ioninir of yo;ir knuwl*<br />

cdK*; octij** 1 Lhif> chuniiini* iiit!e uilty.<br />

*;irl» %vhcfl thty x-cnl {ur 4 A*\XR.<br />

Onrt* drn*^vtJ iihr .Mother Jlttblmrd.<br />

Now ihvj h.ivp a diffi-rtnt w(tlm<br />

And drw-j* mure lil.c h?r cupboard.<br />

Time Morrh^s Oti! (Hope we're dti'l arounu<br />

In twenty yearn.)<br />

For IhtMe of you who wrote tn us *U£g?«{i:i|t<br />

Ihtt our raluinn contain more nam«t w« recommend<br />

(lie Honor Icull on poc* Tour. One «f our<br />

aim* U to keep the "Talei*" from rntemblinic a<br />

pane from the telephone book. Thanks for the<br />

iniereNt, nnyvay.<br />

• • • • •<br />

A Unit Lo

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