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FOUR<br />

Term Plays at <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Financial Successes;<br />

Polknd Explains Why<br />

Studied and Acted at<br />

Columbia and U. C. j<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> ytudemp *«ould ntio with j<br />

jjrfda that for the pait fifteen'<br />

yennt nil term t>l.i}-* have been n* ;<br />

nandal ntu-cuues.<br />

Thin i» lurKcly due to the fact'<br />

that l,oweir* dramatic roach, Sam-.<br />

ucl Kay PoNand, iwlievoa so tar-!<br />

ncbtly in absolute fcinccrity and'<br />

*il;)pllcity a* «andjml» ot iictinic'<br />

icr nil twrticiiHtiintf. llu stated I<br />

jut; week, thai unlesi u pUy ii» ca- i<br />

phbie vf bctiic within the mental :<br />

at.:! emoliutint icnuu of the nviora, I<br />

it U nut wt rlh presenting, and h<br />

net fuir to 'he audience* who pay :<br />

u* &«u u. Hi- lias found that urti* <<br />

j>i.ihty in acting carries ww •<br />

jntu in-Jinc'-Tily in rrsl Inc.<br />

U^lue moil aspirant* to tha!<br />

theater, Sir. i'ollatiij was n>Jt in-<br />

;t tested i*» tire u':ting :ii mui-r. UH<br />

ic was m the urcdurviuu of plays.<br />

Active Training<br />

"for two yeura J studied and<br />

JI-'.CU at tfcu 'Jnivemity of Cuiifctuiii,<br />

,ind appeared there in both<br />

juvenii- ai-u cliuracUr par;a," suya<br />

THE liOWCM, OCTOHEIt 10<br />

S. F. Girls Ride at Fair 4800 Inches of j<br />

Hot Dogs Sold I<br />

In Cafe Each Day r<br />

Largest of School Caj« -•;..<br />

! fly yt-yni'tiir Mrinfcr r<br />

' inthc* uf not d*itf* and h^mbunjer; ?<br />

) has ctini'- 1 to mrau just another diy *<br />

: ia thi- life of L«»we'i> cufetoria. '<br />

; Feeding w-u thotunnd hunfn .<br />

.fltonwehs i* a fur try, liowevcr, I<br />

J from Irs mnni'le Lctrinnifis of ye*. |<br />

; ter yt's**, iviwn 'i hc«I of soup acd ;<br />

a litllv dtMen was the .--<br />

. lunch.<br />

! r Ik « }<br />

It w^.« uat-k In 1915 that lit<br />

Iiniall tMk ^n lyowcll circles wu "<br />

luhaut the "little cafe" they wen -<br />

buildinj; in the basement. Thli '<br />

"little cafe" in the basement be* '<br />

c.'.niv the realized dream of one «f :<br />

LOWOH'H HM muthema'.iTa tenchtn, i<br />

For yvait the tttudenu or. 3Ia«nie<br />

(ihnt's us) had needed a room h<br />

| the school building whore good hot<br />

fooil cfiuld be ol'tainod, and now,b<br />

! 1515, it was thcirt.<br />

j At first the cafeteria was not'<br />

' riven much attention, but word<br />

I traveled ground that "pretty cod'<br />

! food was beinjr iter\;ea. So LowtQ<br />

Here vitu Hre ftume of the KIHH whu appenred in the rittinj* cvhibitian at the Fair. <strong>The</strong>y are. left to rifht: , tried it. liked it, and kept on LOT-<br />

[>lly Ann Crane. Cilihu: Edith .N(ck?UbVaRhhcl«-T. Itelly HohsSNvr. <strong>Lowell</strong>; Jran IJithardH. Mnj*. With a quarter fentury «f<br />

I^twfll; Tht-rew /.ieijlrr. I^iwcil; Ihm* Ayer. I'oly; Ituhalfe ZirnliT, Lowrll; Barbara Thyhe.l'oly; Betty semce to it* credit, the cafterii<br />

Fitzgerald. I.r.*i>ll.<br />

—S. P. Chronicle Photo.<br />

j-i dramatic coach.<br />

/S^S. 1 '<strong>Lowell</strong>'s Riding Girls \ Grant BakewM<br />

ime u member of several dru- pi • f ••• ' *~ -<br />

has crown until today it is ti*<br />

I jt t amnnir the city's hiji<br />

schools.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Debaters Under *ell's Favorite Food<br />

h L<br />

niuti'*<br />

.nemrk When- ' Way jn TwQ Weeks<br />

an<br />

an, -!„».. and ,„ an auburn SllOW at EXDOSltlOn Grunt Hakewcll. l.l-"16, WHB ilo-<br />

"Wheu the war came, I Kot out<br />

c hi» hmni-work Tu««tliiy niirht,<br />

Sfpti'inttiir -I. when hv w;m rudely<br />

"j.wikei;t\l" by a U<br />

:ond liuuleniuit a<br />

' ^ W &<br />

1 li])hoiiL i j one, One term it's hot dogs, ti#<br />

Comjjotitimi with Poly and Mis-, n«xt beans, and the next it mieti<br />

fiioti on tlie jtubji-ct, "It.;.-t'ved, that j bo iVe cream.** "But," ?hc aoi.<br />

call. cumpulsory military t*aii.ini: exists ] "they always kt*p oii a balanced<br />

k Tiri>vut] to be a ti-lecram from in public hitfh .-chuuls," oiK'ny. Low- ditt, and that'n what we want."<br />

l Jnhnsjii. L'. S. Scn«ti.r from til's debating program the muldlo j<br />

L'ulifor.iir., tclliii)* Gnirt to be<br />

Invent Otilrilurr ."> at the O}v Hall Twu iinjiortaiit tournutiieiits will <strong>Lowell</strong> Boy (the sucker)<br />

ti: tnkt* a test for entrance iiito the bf at rf. F. State College o»<br />

.\uval Ai-ii'lfmy at Annarw.!i». 'lhanki, at .Mo- **Dnpper'* Harvis. gema' trvl<br />

tkttu, " :oui'h, ji t a, new car-—om*e. „.. It *a<br />

Hick Warnn, Frank ilanrahan,!<br />

New Reading Matter<br />

— _ _. — «.icnler rode with ir ... .<br />

m Lxteimiun Divwiun, here m rnirton, IV.Iv. un.l Galileo,<br />

iun 1-rancwco, and directed many i.(.Wcll-/hi«h.^hi-bomnre volley- Up<br />

a \*-* Hupmobile.<br />

Frank Ualaran, June Gusxcr, Jack<br />

u I >fl1 ' • U-Mb.. Imurht tie<br />

C«ii;wr. Juiiiwi Martin,and Hleunoru CbI 1:i3: ww * ani1 "• hur

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